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How to Fix QuickBooks Error Code PS060

QuickBooks Error Code
PS060: Effective
Solutions Are Explained
QuickBooks payroll has proved to be quite useful for small business owners, and it is one of
the major attractive features incorporated within the QB Desktop application. However, many
error codes can disturb QB payroll users, and one of these error codes is QuickBooks Error
Code PS060.
This payroll error code is generally noted to arise while downloading fresh payroll service
updates, and it can also appear on the computer’s screen while calculating payroll taxes &
creating paychecks.
In the present blog, you will study various step-by-step solutions to swiftly overcome this
technical error code.
If you want valid assistance regarding ‘QuickBooks Error PS060’, you should dial
1.855.856.0042 to contact our QB Professionals Team.
PS060 Error Message in QuickBooks: Major
Technical Causes
The appropriate technical causes behind the occurrence of the ‘PS060 Error Message in
QuickBooks’ are mentioned here:
• The continued interference due to the faulty antivirus settings will surely trigger this error
• Having incorrect credit card details inside the payroll configuration will also evoke this
technical issue.
Valid Solutions for ‘PS060 Payroll Update Error Code in
QB Application
You can fully eliminate the ‘PS060 Payroll Update Error Code in QB Application’ through the
following solutions:
Solution 1: Simply disable the relevant virus & threat protection settings
on the system
In this solution, just utilize the ‘Start’ icon on the desktop screen to select the ‘Windows
Security’ tab, after which you can effectively hit the ‘Manage Settings’ icon.
Next, you must choose the ‘Virus & Threat Protection’ option & you should set the ‘Off’
option through the ‘Real-time Protection’ button on the window.
• Thereafter, go back to the QB application window & access all the payroll updates
Solution 2: Review & update the credit card details inside the QB payroll
payment section
• After opening the QuickBooks window, you must approach the ‘Products & Services’ tab
highlighted on the same window so that you can choose the payroll service icon.
• Thereafter, strike the ‘Billing Information’ tab and instantly tap the ‘Payment Method’ option
on the screen.
• Now, you should utilize the ‘Edit for Payment Method’ option to modify the relevant credit
card details, following which you can tap the ‘Save and Close’ button.
• Finally, you will succeed in getting various payroll service updates through the QB
application window.
Solution 3: Instantly ensure that you have a fully updated QB Desktop
application on the system
• In this solution, once you have obtained the QB window on the screen, you need to
precisely strike the ‘Update QuickBooks Desktop’ option shown within the ‘Help’ icon.
• Next, move ahead to carefully choose the ‘Update Now’ tab highlighted on the ‘Update
QuickBooks’ window & immediately download all the QB updates by hitting the ‘Get
Updates’ button.
• Just after that, the QB window must be reopened & you can install the new updates by
striking the ‘Yes’ option, and you will be able to acquire all the payroll updates very easily.
Through the correct utilization of these solutions, you will be able to tackle QuickBooks
Error PS060. If you want further help, dial 1.855.856.0042 to connect with our QB Specialists