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National Highway Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
A Learning module in
In this module you will learn how to …
Articulate definition of politics.
HUMMS_PG12 – Ia – 1
Differentiate the various views on politics.
Explore the connection between the phenomenon (politics) and the
method of inquiry (Political Science)
Recognize the value of politics.
Differentiate government from governance.
The meaning of politics
Politics (from Greek: Polis definition "affairs of the cities") is the process of making
decisions that apply to members of a group, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of
governance — organized control over a human community, particularly a state.
Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within
a given community (this is usually a hierarchically organized population) as well as the
interrelationship(s) between communities.
How politics can be studied
Political science is the study a range of political ideas, events, actions, and institutions.
It includes both understanding and explaining the world of politics that is all around us. We all
participate in politics, though most of the time we do so unknowingly. Politics is much more
than simply voting in an election or working in government. Reading or listening to news,
making donations to aid groups, or talking with friends and family about social issues and
values are a few of the many examples of political activity in our everyday lives.
The meaning of governance
Governance is all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a
government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization
or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized
society. It relates to "the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors
involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of
social norms and institutions." In lay terms, it could be described as the political processes
that exist in between formal institutions.
Articulate definitions of politics
They are represented by the articulation between social movements, electoral
institutions and political parties. Political articulation can be defined as the degree to which
citizens and citizen groups can influence policy through democratic institutions.
Differentiate the various views on politics
Political parties base their political action on a certain ideology believed in by their
members. We could divide political ideologies under the following headers with many
variations under each header:
Anarchism, Communism, Conservatism, Environmentalism, Genderism,
Liberalism, Nationalism, Religious, Socialism etc.
Explore the connection between the phenomenon (politics) and the method of inquiry
(Political Science)
Politics as a Cultural Phenomenon. Culture is the symbolic process through which
human beings cognitively order reality and transmit their ways of life. Culture is the symbolic
process through which human beings cognitively order reality and transmit their ways of life.
Examines the study of politics as a social science and explores the assumptions underlying
various methodologies used in the field.
Reviews methods of measurement, comparison, and the construction of empirical and
theoretical models of political phenomena.
the actual process of how humans interact in groups
constitute man’s activities in the real world
the practices of elective and non-elective political systems
the process by which people try to influence the government
the process by which the government decides which policies will be enacted
the practice of state and government
issues, problems, and activities taking place in society
day-to-day actual activities of the government
relative (varying)
everyone is involved
the scientific study of politics
study of politics, political systems, and governments
focuses on the theory and practice of government
theory of state and government
seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the state, government and its all
universal studied by few
Recognize the value of politics
This means they vary across individuals and cultures and are in many ways aligned
with belief and belief systems. Types of values include ethical/moral values,
doctrinal/ideological (religious, political) values, social values, and aesthetic values.
Differentiate governance from government
Governance is the act of governing or ruling. It is the set of rules and laws framed by
the government that are to be implemented through the representatives of the state. ... The
difference between “government” and “governance” may be clarified using an example of
a business which is run by a group of people. Government is merely an instrument for the
purpose of governance while, Governance is the exercise of political, economic, and
administrative authority to manage a nation’s affairs. Governance embraces all of the
methods--- good and bad ----- the societies use to distribute power and manage public
resources and problems.
QUIZ (True of False)
__________ 1. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.
__________ 2. Political Science is the process by which people try to influence their
__________ 3. Political science seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the State,
Government and its all organs.
__________ 4. Politics is universal and is always the same.
__________ 5. Politics involve issues, problems, and activities taking place in the society.
______________ 1. It is merely an instrument for the purpose of governance.
______________ 2. It is the actual process of how humans interact in groups
______________ 3. “affairs of the cities”
______________ 4. It is all of the processes of governing
______________ 5. They base their political action on a certain ideology believed in by their
______________ 6. It seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the state, government
and its all organs.
______________ 7. It is the degree to which citizens and citizen groups can influence policy
through democratic institutions.
______________ 8. It is much more than simply voting in an election or working in government.
______________ 9. It is study of politics, political systems, and governments.
______________ 10. It could be described as the political processes that exist in between
formal institutions.
1. Differentiate Government from Governance. In your own thoughts and understanding.
2. How important our politics in our country.
3. Why do you think we need to study politics?
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