Translated from Chinese (Simplified) to English - ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) ATT7022E/ 26E/28E User Manual Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Tel: Fax: Email: Web: 021-51035886 021-50277833 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page1 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Version modification instructions 0B version number V1.0 V1.1 Modify records 2011/03/30: Create a first draft 2011/04/08:1,Revise clerical errors:A, checksum register accumulation calibration register0x01~0x39 B, effective valueoffsetRegister correction is performed before RMS correction V1.2 2, Modify the recommended value of the calibration register.0x01=0xB9FF;0x03=0xF804, 0x31=0x3427;0x16=0x0 2011/05/24:1, modify the full-scale coefficientG=1.163 2, add algorithm flow chart 3.Add description and recommendations for calibration register control bits V1.3 V1.4 2011/06/09:1, the chip is made ofATT7122ARename toATT7022E 2011/07/15:1, Revise the voltage angle data format description: the voltage angle parameter is an unsigned number. 2, Calibration parameter register0x03, when calculating the checksum, the highest4bitThe order is reversed, so it is recommended0x03 Register high4bitWrite in full1Right now0xFxxx V1.5 2011/08/25:1,IncreaseSPIInterface: whenSCLKfrequency higher than500kHzneed to wait2uSto read data 2, Correct the clerical error in the checksum initial value 3, Improve the buffering and synchronization function process description 4, the synchronization buffer function is protected by the write protect command, that is, to0xC9write non0x005AThen enable the write-protect command, The synchronous sampling function cannot be started at this time. 5, Add synchronized sampling function gain description V1.6 V1.7 V1.8 V1.9 V2.0 V2.1 V3.0 2012/02/01:according toDCCDocument format requirements, modify the format. 2012/02/24: Add version modification instructions 2012/03/15: Modify the footer toRev1.8, modify the50PageGThe value is1.163.,ReviseADCThe data bits are19bit, Add the first41Page "PoweroffsetCorrection" data processing instructions. 2012/06/08:Modify channel0annotate, modifyADCThe data bits are16bit, modify the power factor calculation formula 2013/2/1: Dynamic range after revision5000:1; Calibration register0x31The default value is modified, and the checksum is modified at the same time. 2013/4/25:ReviseNValue definition description, rightIstart(1DH)The coefficient 0.8 in the calculation formula is explained. 2013/6/20:Increase7026E/7028EThe corresponding description of3kindICIntegrate the data manual and modify the manual name. Feature upgrade dynamic range5000:1, the phase is explained in three sections,SAGFunction Description V3.1 2013/08/09: Modify the recommended value of the register:0x01ofbit7The recommended value is0,Right now0x01=0xB97E,Increase0x31register Description, the recommended value remains unchanged; add voltage sag and overcurrent interrupt instructions; modify the "Reactive Power Phase Correction Register (0x16)" is the "fundamental reactive power phase correction register (0x16)" V3.2 V3.3 V3.4 2013/09/02:IncreaseSleepFunction Description:SleepCalibration parameters below:0x01~0x1Fsave 2013/10/23:IncreaseNDescription, correct the typographical error in the dynamic range in the performance indicators. 2014/01/06:1,IncreaseSleepMode description 2, Modify the description of the fast pulse register: the fast pulse is in complement form 3, modify the power effective value update rate to1.76Hz~14.4Hzand3.52Hz~28.8Hz 4. Modify the clerical error in the calculation formula of the pressure loss threshold:FailVoltage=Un*2 5̂*D 5, add: chipIDregister0x5D, new calibration parameter checksum register0x5E, the current vector sumoffset registerItRmsoffset, three-phase three-wire value/three-phase four-wire register control mode (calibration parameter0x70 bit0)ModSel, add fundamental wave reactive power register (measurement parameter0x57~5A), 6,powerOffsetThe correction bits are expanded to24bit; 7. Add automatic temperature compensation function; 8, the current vector sum algorithm takes into account the three-phase four-wire system using a neutral current transformer and not using a neutral current transformer. Case 9, Voltage angle/phase angle algorithm adds optional new algorithm; 10, Modify the fundamental harmonic function description; 11, Calibration parameters0x70Add control bitsFcntmodOptional absolute value mode; 12, Modify the overcurrent detection function definition; 13, modify the register list and calibration parameter list; Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page2 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Table of contents Version modification instructions................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .........2 1 2 Chip Overview................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .......6 1.1 Chip Introduction................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................6 1.2 Chip Characteristics................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................6 1.3 Chip Comparison List................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................7 1.4 Overall block diagram................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................7 1.5 Pin definition................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................8 1.6 Application diagram................................................ ................................................................. ........................................11 Function description................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .....12 2.1 Power management................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................12 2.2 SLEEPmodel................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................12 2.3 Resetting the system................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................12 2.4 A/DConversion................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................13 2.5 Power quality measurement................................................ ................................................................. ........................................14 2.5.1 SAGFunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.5.2 Overcurrent detection function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.5.3Flicker function implementation solution...................................... ................................................................. ............................14 2.5.4Voltage phase sequence detection...................................... ................................................................. ..................................................14 2.5.5Current phase sequence detection........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................15 2.5.6Voltage angle measurement........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................15 2.5.7Measurement of voltage and current phase angle........................................ ................................................................. .............................15 2.5.8Power factor measurement................................................ ................................................................. .....................................15 2.5.9Voltage frequency measurement................................................ ................................................................. .....................................15 2.5.10 2.6 Pressure loss detection........................................ ................................................................. ........................................15 Effective value measurement................................................ ................................................................. ....................................................16 2.6.1Current RMS measurement........................................ ................................................................. .............................16 2.6.2Voltage rms measurement........................................ ................................................................. .............................16 2.7 Active power measurement........................................ ................................................................. .................................................................16 2.7.1Active power calculation................................................ ................................................................. .....................................16 2.7.2Active energy calculation................................................ ................................................................. ..................................................17 2.8 Reactive power measurement................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................17 2.8.1Reactive power calculation................................................ ................................................................. ..................................................18 2.8.2Reactive energy calculation........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................18 2.9 Apparent calculation................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................18 2.9.1Apparent power calculation........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................18 2.9.2Apparent Energy Calculation........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................19 2.10 Fundamental harmonic function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.11 Power direction judgment................................................ ................................................................. ........................................20 2.12 Starting/creep........................................ ................................................................. .................................................................twenty one 2.13 Hardware port detection................................................ ................................................................. ........................................twenty one Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page3 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2.14 On-chip temperature detection........................................ ................................................................. ........................................twenty one 2.15 Fundamental wave measurement function...................................... ................................................................. ....................................................twenty one 2.16 Three-phase three-wire/four-wire applications........................................ ................................................................. ....................................twenty two 2.17 Energy pulse output................................................ ................................................................. ........................................twenty two 2.18 ADCSampling data buffer function........................................ ................................................................. .............................twenty three 3 2.19 Synchronous sampling data buffering function...................................... ................................................................. ............................twenty four 2.20 VREFDigital automatic compensation function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . twenty four Communication Interface................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .....26 3.1 SPIIntroduction to communication interface................................................ ................................................................. ....................................26 3.2 SPIRead operation........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................27 3.3 SPIWrite operation........................................ ................................................................. ..................................................28 3.4 SPIWriting special command word operations........................................ ................................................................. .............................29 4 register................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ........31 4.1 Measurement parameter register................................................ ................................................................. .....................................31 4.1.1 r_YIc................................................ ................................................................. .................................................................31 4.1.2 Phase angle between Ic and reference vector........................ ................................................................. .............................31 4.1.3 YUa................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .32 4.1.4 Phase angle between Ua and reference vector........................................ ................................................................. .............................32 4.1.5 YUb................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .32 4.1.6 Phase angle between Ub and reference vector........................ ................................................................. .............................32 4.1.7 YUc................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .32 4.1.8 Phase angle between Uc and reference vector........................................ ................................................................. .............................32 4.2 Measurement parameter register description................................................ ................................................................. .............................34 4.2.1Power register (address:0x01~0x0C,0x40~0x43,0x57~0x5A) .................................................. ...34 4.2.2Valid value register (address:0x0D~0x013,0x29,0x2B,0x48~0x4D)........................................35 4.2.3Power factor register (address:0x14~0x017)........................................................ ....................................................36 4.2.4Power angle and voltage angle register (address:0x18~0x1A,0x26~0x28)........................................................ .....37 4.2.5Line frequency register (address:0x1C)........................................................ ................................................................. ...38 4.2.6Temperature sensor data register (address:0x2A) .................................................. ........................................38 4.2.7Energy register (address:0x1E~0x25,0x35~0x38,0x44~0x47)........................................................ .......38 4.2.8Fast Pulse Count Register (Address:0x39~0x3C)........................................................ .....................................39 4.2.9Flag status register (address:0x2C)........................................................ ................................................................. ..40 4.2.10 Electric energy register working status register (address:0x1D,0x4E)........................................................ .....................41 4.2.11 Power direction register (address:0x3D)........................................................ .................................................................42 4.2.12 Interrupt flag register (address:0x1B)........................................................ .................................................................42 4.2.13 ADCSampling data register (address:0x2F~0x34,0x3F)........................................................ ..................43 4.2.14 Calibration data checksum register (address:0x3E/5E)........................................................ .............................43 4.2.15 Communication data backup register (address:0x2D)........................................................ ........................................44 4.2.16 Communication checksum register (address:0x2E)........................................................ ....................................................44 4.2.17 SAGflag register (0x4F)................................................ ................................................................. ........................ 44 4.2.18 Peak Voltage Register (0x50~0x52)................................................ ................................................................. ......... 45 4.2.19 chipID(address:0x5D) .................................................. ................................................................. .............45 4.3 Calibration parameter register................................................ ................................................................. ..................................................45 4.4 Calibration parameter register description...................................... ................................................................. ............................47 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page 4 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 4.4.1Mode configuration register (address:0x01)........................................................ ................................................................. ...47 4.4.2 ADCGain configuration register (address:0x02)........................................................ ..................................................48 4.4.3 EMUUnit configuration (address:0x03)........................................................ ................................................................. ...48 4.4.4Power gain compensation register (address:0x04~0x0C) .................................. ........................................49 4.4.5Phase correction register (address:0x00D~0x12,0x61~0x63)................................................ .............................50 4.4.6poweroffsetCorrection (address:0x13~0x15,0x21~0x23,0x64~0x69) ........................................ .........50 4.4.7Fundamental wave reactive power phase correction register (address:0x16)........................................ ............................................ 51 4.4.8Voltage gain correction register (address:0x17~0x19) ........................................ ............................................ 51 4.4.9Current gain correction register (address:0x1A~0x1C,0x20)........................................ .............................52 4.4.10 Starting current setting register (address:0x1D) ........................................ ............................................ 52 4.4.11 High frequency pulse constant setting (address:0x1E)................................................ ................................................................. 53 4.4.12 Voltage loss threshold setting register (address:0x1F)................................................ ................................................. 53 4.4.13 Valid valuesoffsetCorrection (address:0x24~0x29,0x6A)................................................ .............................54 4.4.14 ADC offsetCorrection (address:0x2A~0x2F) .................................. ................................................. 54 4.4.15 Interrupt enable register (address:0x30)................................................ ................................................................. ... 55 4.4.16 Analog module enable register (address:0x31)................................................ ..................................................55 4.4.17 All-channel gain register (address:0x32)................................................ ................................................. 56 4.4.18 Pulse doubling register (address:0x33)................................................ ................................................................. ... 56 4.4.19 Fundamental gain register (address:0x34)................................................ ................................................................. ... 57 4.4.20 IOStatus configuration register (address:0x35)................................................ ................................................. 57 4.4.21 Starting power register (address:0x36)................................................ ................................................................. ... 57 4.4.22 Phase compensation area setting register (address:0x37/0x60) ........................................ .............................58 4.4.23 SAGData length setting register (0x38)........................................ ................................................................. . 58 4.4.24 SAGDetection threshold setting register (0x39)................................................ ................................................................. . 58 5 4.4.25 Overcurrent detection threshold setting register (0x71)................................................ ................................................................. . 59 4.4.26 Automatic temperature compensation related registers (0x6B~0x6F)(New) ........................................ .....................59 4.4.27 Algorithm Control Register (0x70)................................................ ................................................................. .............60 Electrical Specifications................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .....62 5.1 6 Electrical Parameters........................................ ................................................................. .................................................................62 Calibration process................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. ...63 School Timetable and Recommendations........................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. ...64 7 Chip packaging................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .....66 8 typical application................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. .....67 8.1 Obtained from sampled dataFFTRecommendation process................................................ ................................................................. ...........67 8.2 Recommended process for sub-harmonic analysis of synchronized buffered data........................................ ................................................................. ........67 8.3 Typical application circuit schematic................................................ ................................................................. ............................67 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page 5 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 1 Chip overview 1B 1.1 Chip Introduction ATT7022E/26E/28EA series of multi-functional and high-precision three-phase electric energy special metering chips, suitable for three-phase three-wire and three-phase four-wire applications. ATT7022E/26E/28EIntegrated multi-channel second-ordersigma-delta ADC, reference voltage circuits and digital signal processing circuits for all power, energy, effective value, power factor and frequency measurements, capable of measuring active power, reactive power, apparent power, active energy and reactive power of each phase and the combined phase At the same time, it can also measure the current, voltage effective value, power factor, phase angle, frequency and other parameters of each phase, fully meeting the needs of three-phase multi-rate multi-functional energy meters. Please refer to the parameter register section for detailed data definitions. ATT7022E/26E/28ESupports full digital domain gain and phase correction, that is, pure software calibration. Active and reactive energy pulse outputCF1, CF2Provides instantaneous active and reactive power information, which can be directly connected to the standard meter for error correction. For detailed calibration methods, please refer to the Calibration Methods section. ATT7022E/26ETwo types of apparent power and energy measurement methods are provided:RMSapparent way andPQSapparent way, throughCF3The output apparent energy pulse can be connected to a standard meter for apparent energy error correction. ATT7022EProvide fundamental wave parameter measurement: fundamental wave active power, fundamental wave active electric energy, fundamental wave current, voltage effective value, through pulse outputCF4 Provides instantaneous fundamental wave active power information, which can be directly used for correction of the fundamental wave. ATT7022E/26E/28Eprovide aSPIinterface for easy communication with externalMCUMeasurement and calibration parameters are transferred betweenSPIFor specific specifications of the interface, seeSPIIn the detailed description section, all measurement parameters and calibration parameters can be passedSPIInterface readout. ATT7022E/26E/28EThe built-in voltage monitoring circuit can ensure normal operation when powered on and off. 1.2 Chip characteristics - High accuracy over the input dynamic operating range (5000:1), the nonlinear measurement error is less than0.1% Active power measurement satisfies0.2S,0.5S,supportIEC62053-22:2003,GB/T17215.322-2008 Reactive power measurement meets1class,2level, supportIEC62053-23:2003,GB/T17215.323-2008 Provide fundamental active power/electric energy/ voltage/current rms value andCFPulse output providesRMS,PQSTwo types of apparent power and energy measurement (optional) provide active power, reactive power, apparent power/electric energy andCFThe pulse output provides power factor, phase angle, line frequency, and voltage angle parameters. Provide voltage effective value, current effective value, in500:1dynamic range, rms accuracy better than0.1% Provides effective value output of three-phase voltage vector sum and current vector sum Provides phase failure indication and voltage/current phase sequence detection functions Interrupt support: zero-crossing interrupt, sampling interrupt, energy pulse interrupt, calibration interrupt provides active and reactive power reverse indication function The absolute value addition and algebraic addition of conjunction energy are optional. Adjustable meter constant Starting current is adjustable Can accurately measure up to41Sub-harmonic active, reactive and apparent power, electric energy support gain and phase compensation, small current nonlinear compensation haveSPICommunication interface, speed up to10Mbps Built-in temperature measurement sensor Applicable to three-phase three-wire and three-phase four-wire modes On-chip reference voltage, external reference voltage can also be connected Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page6 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) - Provide power quality testingSAGfunction and can be used for flicker analysis (ATT7022E) Provides synchronous sampling data to facilitate sub-harmonic analysis without preprocessing (ATT7022E). supply 1k*16bit ADCData cachebuffer Provide pulse doubling function to facilitate small signal calibration supportROSICoil useLQFP44encapsulation 3.3Vpowered by crystal5.5296MHz 1.3 Chip comparison list ADCsampling Chip model Active power metering ATT7022E Y ATT7026E ATT7028E Reactive power metering No.7roadADC SAGDetection Y Y Y N N N N N N N N apparent measurement Fundamental harmonics Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Data cache Note: No.7Channel and power quality detectionSAGfunction, fundamental harmonic function and data buffering function areATT7022EProprietary. 1.4 Overall block diagram CLKIN CLKOUT DEC filter 2levelADC PGA 2levelADC DEC filter PGA V1P V1N PGA V0P V0N 2levelADC DEC filter Clock Generator AVCC AGND LVREF Power Monitor Unit VDD1P8 DVCC DGND TEST V2P V2N CF1 CF2 CF3 CF4 Pulse output 2levelADC PGA V4P V4N PGA V3P V3N 2levelADC DEC filter SDO SDI EMU SCLK CS DEC filter Reset V6P V6N Vref 2levelADC DEC filter PGA V5N PGA V5P 2levelADC DEC filter Voltage Reference Temperature sensor Register General Interface SEL IRQ ADC REVP picture1-4-1 ATT7022E/26E/28EOverall chip block diagram Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page7 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 1.5 Pin definition NC TEST GND CF2 CF1 SEL CF4 CF3 NC GND SLEEP ATT7022E/26E/28EThe series adoptsLQFP44Package form:44Pin LQFP(10x10) ATT7022E 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 VCC CS SCLK DIN DOUT VDD REVP VCC OSCI OSCO GND V0N V0P V6N V6P AVCC V4N V4P AGND V2N V2P AVCC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 NC NC V6N V6P AVCC V4N V4P AGND V2N V2P AVCC NC TEST GND V3P V3N AGND V5P V5N AGND CF2 CF1 SEL REFCAP V1P V1N NC CF3 NC IRQ GND SLEEP RESET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 CS SCLK DIN DOUT VDD REVP VCC OSCI OSCO 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 VCC ATT7026E GND V3P V3N AGND V5P V5N AGND REFCAP V1P V1N IRQ RESET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page8 of 67 NC TEST GND NC CF1 SEL NC NC NC GND SLEEP ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) CS SCLK DIN DOUT VDD REVP VCC OSCI OSCO 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 VCC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 ATT7028E GND NC NC V6N V6P AVCC V4N V4P AGND V2N V2P AVCC picture1-5-1 V3P V3N AGND V5P V5N AGND REFCAP V1P V1N IRQ RESET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ATT7022E/26E/28EPin configuration sheet1-1 Pin number PIN name 1 Reset enter 2 IRQ output Pin function characteristic Function description External reset, active low level, Schmitt Trigger type; internal 47K pull-up resistor. After power-on reset, the IRQ signal becomes low, and becomes high after writing the calibration parameters; after the internal IRQ function is enabled, when this event occurs, the IRQ signal outputs a low level, and after reading the interrupt flag register, the pin becomes high. . Channel 1 (Current Channel) Positive and Negative Analog Input Pins. Fully differential 3,4 V1P/V1N enter input mode, the maximum signal level in normal operation is ±0.7Vp. Channel 1 has a PGA. For its gain selection, please refer to the register section. Both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. 5 REFCAP output The reference is 1.2V and can be connected externally; this pin should be decoupled using a 10μF capacitor in parallel with a 0.1uF ceramic dielectric capacitor. Channel 3 (Current Channel) Positive and Negative Analog Input Pins. Fully differential 6,7 V3P/V3N enter input mode, the maximum signal level in normal operation is ±0.7Vp. Channel 3 has a PGA. For its gain selection, please refer to the register section. Both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. 8,11,15 AGND The ground reference point for the analog circuitry (i.e. ADC and reference source), this pin should be reference place connected to the analog ground of the PCB. Channel 5 (current channel) positive and negative analog input pins. Fully differential input 9,10 V5P/V5N enter mode, the maximum signal level in normal operation is ±0.7Vp. Channel 5 has a PGA. For its gain selection, please refer to the register section. Both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. This pin provides the power supply for the analog circuit. The normal operating power supply voltage should 12,18 AVCC power supply be maintained at 3.3V±10%. In order to reduce the ripple and noise of the power supply to a minimum, this pin should be connected with a 10μF capacitor in parallel with a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor. Decoupling. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page9 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Positive and negative analog input pins for channel 2 (voltage channel). Fully differential 13,14 V2P/V2N enter input mode, the maximum input voltage in normal operation is ±0.7Vp, and both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. Positive and negative analog input pins for channel 4 (voltage channel). Fully differential 16,17 V4P/V4N enter input mode, the maximum input voltage in normal operation is ±0.7Vp, and both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. Positive and negative analog input pins for channel 6 (voltage channel). Fully differential 19,20 V6P/V6N enter input mode, the maximum input voltage in normal operation is ±0.7Vp, and both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. Positive and negative analog input pins for channel 0 (voltage channel). Fully differential 21,22 V0P/V0N 23,33,44 GND TEST enter input mode, the maximum input voltage in normal operation is ±0.7Vp, and both pins have ESD protection circuits inside. Note: ATT7026E/ATT7028E does not have this pin, it is NC twenty four reference place enter 32 SLEEP enter 25,29 NC —— 26 SEL enter 27 CF1 output 28 CF2 output Digital ground pin The test pin must be connected to ground during application. Sleep mode control pin, high effective, that is, pull it high to enter sleep mode, power consumption is 1uA, pull it low and the chip works normally. Not connected. Three-phase three-wire low level, three-phase four-wire high level selection, Schmitt Trigger type; internally programmable as 300k pull-up resistor or floating. Frequency calibration output (high-level pulse) is used for active power calibration; it can also be used for active energy measurement. Frequency verification output (high-level pulse) is used for reactive power verification; it can also be used for reactive energy measurement. Note: ATT7028E does not have this pin, it is NC Frequency calibration output (high-level pulse) is used for apparent power calibration; it can also be used for 30 CF3 output apparent electric energy measurement. Note: ATT7028E does not have this pin, it is NC Frequency verification output (high-level pulse) is used for verification of fundamental wave active power; it can 31 CF4 output also be used for fundamental wave active energy measurement. Note: ATT7026E/ATT7028E does not have this pin, it is NC Digital power supply pin; the normal operating power supply voltage should be maintained at 3.3V±5%. This 34,41 VCC power supply 35 CS enter pin should be decoupled with a 10μF capacitor in parallel with a 100nF ceramic capacitor. Select signal, which is part of the SPI interface; generated by the Host MCU, active low, if CS is high, DOUT is in a high-impedance state, Schmitt Trigger type. Internally programmable as 300k pull-up resistor or floating. The serial clock configured for the synchronous serial interface is generated by the Host 36 SCLK enter MCU. This pin is of Schmitt Trigger type, which can easily receive the signal transmitted by the optocoupler. Internally programmable as 300k pull-up resistor or floating. Data input of the serial interface; from Host MCU; SCLK falling edge is 37 DIN enter valid data, Schmitt Trigger type. Internally programmable as 300k pullup resistor or floating. 38 DOUT output 39 VDD power supply 40 REVP The data output of the serial interface; the rising edge of SCLK emits data; the falling edge is valid data. Digital power supply 1.8V output. Connect an external 10μF tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 100nF ceramic dielectric capacitor for decoupling. output 42 OSCI enter 43 OSCO output Logic output, when any phase power is negative, the output is high; when all three phases are detected to be positive power again, the output of this pin is low. The input terminal of the system crystal oscillator, or the input of the external system clock. (5.5296MHz recommended), the 10M resistor of the oscillator circuit has been integrated inside. The output terminal of the crystal oscillator. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page10 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 1.6 Application diagram /RST UA IA 1.2K IRQ 33nf Reset 1.2K 33nf 1.2K 5R1 33nf SPI E/26E/28 5R1 1.2K ATT7022 MCU 33nf EHigh precision LCDshow module Multifunctional three UB andAconnect UC Phase electric energy Communication module Lines are the same Measuring core piece IB IC EEPROM andAconnect Lines are the same OSCO OSCI 5.5296MHz picture1-6-1Application diagram Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page11 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2 Function description 2B 2.1 Power management ATT7022E/26E/28EThe chip contains a set of power monitoring circuits to continuously monitor the analog power supply. (AVCC)Monitor. When the supply voltage is lower than2.5V±5%, the chip will be reset. This is conducive to the correct startup and normal operation of the chip when the circuit is powered on and off. The power supply monitoring circuit is arranged in the delay and filtering links, which prevents errors caused by power supply noise to the greatest extent, as shown in the figure2-1shown. In order to ensure the normal operation of the chip, the power supply should be decoupled, so thatAVCCThe fluctuation does not exceed3.3V±5%. 3.3V 2.5V reset 2.2 SLEEP mode run reset picture2-1-1On-chip power monitoring features WillSleeppin(pin 32)pull up,ATT7022E/ATT7026E/ATT7028EEnter sleepmode, in picture2-1-1Power monitoring sleepIn mode, calibration parameters0x01~0x1Fsave whenSleepAfter pulling down,ATT7022E/ATT7026E/ATT7028ERe-enter normal work. 2.3 Reset system ATT7022E/26E/28ETwo reset directions are provided: hardware reset and software reset. hardware reset: via external pinRESETFinish,RRSETThere are internal pins47KPull-up resistor, so it is high level during normal operation. WhenRESETappears greater than20usof low level,ATT7022E/26E/28EEnter the reset state whenRESETgoes high whenATT7022E/26E/28EIt will enter the normal working state from the reset state. software reset: passSPIThe interface is completed, when going toSPIoral write0xD3After the command is issued, the system will be reset once. After the resetATT7022E/26E/28E Start running from the initial state. ATT7022E/26E/28Ein reset stateIRQThe signal is high level whenATT7022E/26E/28EAfter power-on reset to working state, approximately25msabout,IRQ It will change from high level to low level. At this time, the chip begins to enter the normal working state, and then the calibration data can be written. Once the calibration data is written,IRQIt will immediately become high level again. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page12 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) picture2-3-1System reset timing diagram 2.4 A/D conversion ATT7022E/26E/28EThe chip integrates multiple19bitADC, adopts double-ended differential signal input, and inputs the maximum sinusoidal signal (full scale). The effective value is0.5V, it is recommended that the voltage channelUncorresponding toADCThe input is selected as a valid value0.22Vleft and right, while the current channel IbtimelyADC Enter a valid value0.05Vabout. Reference voltageRefcapTypical values are1.2V. ATT7022E/26E/28EinternalADCSystem Block Diagram: picture2-4-1 ADCInternal block diagram Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page13 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2.5 Power quality measurement 2.5.1 SAGFunction 7022EThe detection method is: taking half cycle as unit (2between zero crossing points), findADCThe maximum absolute value of the sampled value. The criterion for voltage sag of a certain phase is: the height of the peak value of the absolute value of the sampled value of the voltage waveform of the phase16bit less thanSAGThreshold setting register SAGLVL(Calibration parameters0x39)The setting value ofSAGLength setting registerCyclength(Calibration parameters0x38) set If the half-cycle wave number is equal to the half-cycle wave number, it is determined that the voltage of the phase drops suddenly. whenCyclength=0x0000when, closeSAGFunction. When a phase voltage sag occurs, at the same timeSAGThe flag is set, that isSAGFlag(Metering parameters0x4F)The phase in the registerSAGUx(x=A, B,C) register location1, and the interrupt flagINTFlagRegister (metering parameter0x1B)middleSAGIFThe register bit is also set at the same time1. Arakan turned onSAGinterrupt i.e.EMUInterrupt configuration registerEMUIE(Calibration parameters0x30)middleSAGIE=1,SAGIFset1will lead toIRQInterrupt. clearSAGIFAt the same time, the interrupt will be cleared.SAGFlagin registerSAGUxThe logo was also cleared at the same time. Regardless of whether a voltage sag occurs,7022Ewill each phaseCyclength(Calibration parameters0x39) The maximum value among the half-cycle wave numbers is stored in CorrespondingPEAKRegister (metering parameter0x50~0x52). PEAKThe value read by the register is in peak complement form (a negative number indicates that the maximum value of the absolute peak value appears in the negative half cycle), which is the same as the effective value register. The relationship is2times. 2.5.2 Overcurrent detection function The criterion for overcurrent of a certain phase current is: the height of the peak value of the absolute value of the sampled value of the phase current waveform.16bit greater than current threshold setting register OILVL(Calibration parameters0x71)If the set value is , then the phase current is judged to be overcurrent; the detection time isCyclengthThe set number of half cycles, andSAG Set shared registerCyclength(Calibration parameters0x38).OILVL=0, turn off this function. When overcurrent occurs in a certain phase, the overcurrent flag is set at the same time, that is,SAGFlag(Metering parameters0x4F)The corresponding phase in the registerOVIx(x=A, B,C) register location1, while interrupt flagINTFlagRegister (metering parameter0x1B)middleOVIIFregister location1. If it has been turned on The flow is interrupted, i.e.EMUInterrupt configuration registerEMUIE(Calibration parameters0x30)middleOVIIE=1,OVIIFset1will lead toIRQInterrupt. clearOVIIF At the same time, the interrupt will be cleared.SAGFlagin registerOVIxThe logo was also cleared at the same time. 2.5.3 Flicker function implementation plan by settingCyclength=1,Every10mSread oncePeakvalue, all half-wave effective values can be obtained for flicker voltage calculation. continuous reading Pick60000half-wave peak value, you can calculate10minutes of short-term flicker; based on the short-term flicker results, long-term flicker can also be calculated. See the "Flicker Algorithm" document for details. 2.5.4 Voltage phase sequence detection ATT7022E/26E/28EProvide voltage phase sequence detection function, the voltage phase sequence detection basis for three-phase four-wire and three-phase three-wire modes is incomplete. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page14 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) All the same. In three-phase four-wire mode: Voltage phase sequence detection is based onA/B/CThe zero-crossing sequence of the three-phase voltage is judged. The basis for the correct voltage phase sequence is: whenAAfter the phase voltage crosses zero,BThe phase voltage crosses zero, and thenCThe phase voltages cross zero, otherwise the voltages are out of sequence. In addition, as long asA/B/CThree phases When there is no voltage input to any phase of the voltage,ATT7022E/26E/28EIt is also thought to be voltage mis-sequence. In three-phase three-wire mode: Voltage phase sequence detection is based onAPhase voltage andCJudgment based on the angle between phase voltages: whenAphase andCphase voltage angle exist300The voltage phase sequence is considered to be normal only when the voltage is about 100 degrees. Otherwise, the voltage phase sequence is judged to be out of order. 2.5.5 Current phase sequence detection ATT7022E/26E/28EProvides current phase sequence detection function. In three-phase four-wire mode: Current phase sequence detection is based onA/B/CThe zero-crossing sequence of the three-phase current is judged. The basis for the correct current phase sequence is: whenAAfter the phase current crosses zero,BThe phase current crosses zero, and thenCThe phase currents cross zero, otherwise the currents are out of sequence. In addition, as long asA/B/CThree phases Any phase current in the current is lost,ATT7022E/26E/28EIt is also thought to be a mis-sequence of currents. In three-phase three-wire mode: Current phase sequence detection is based onAPhase current andCJudgment based on the angle between the phase currents: whenAphase andCphase current angle exist120The current phase sequence is considered to be normal only when the current phase sequence is about 100 degrees. 2.5.6 Voltage angle measurement ATT7022E/26E/28EThe voltage angle measurement accuracy is0.1degree and provides three registersY U,Y U,ikBDistinguishing table ShowAB/AC/BCThe angle between voltages, the range is0~360Spend. The data update time is3Hz. 2.5.7 Measurement of voltage and current phase angle ATT7022E/26E/28EProvide phase angleϕdetection function,ϕExpressed as±180°. 2.5.8 Power factor measurement f= Power factor calculation formula: 2.5.9 abs(P) abs(S) Voltage frequency measurement ATT7022E/26E/28ECan directly output voltage and frequency parameters,ATT7022E/26E/28ECan be automatically selectedA/B/Cof the three phases Any phase voltage is the reference for voltage frequency measurement, and a low-pass filter with stable zero-crossing point is added, which can effectively reduce noise and harmonic interference. interference influence, the voltage line frequency can be measured more accurately and reliably, with an accuracy of0.01Hz. 2.5.10Loss of pressure detection ATT7022E/26E/28Ecan be adjusted according to the set threshold voltageA/B/CDetermine whether the three-phase voltage loses voltage. The threshold voltage can be passed Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page15 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Overvoltage threshold setting registerFailVoltageMake settings.ATT7022E/26E/28EAfter power-on reset, the voltage loss threshold setting will be based on the current The selected operating mode (three-phase three-wire/three-phase four-wire) is set to different parameters by default. When the voltage effective value is not corrected, the three-phase The voltage loss threshold of the four-wire mode corresponds to the voltage channel input50mVleft and right, and the voltage loss threshold of the three-phase three-wire mode corresponds to the voltage channel input 150mVabout. If the voltage effective value is corrected, the voltage loss threshold setting register must be resetFailVoltage,set up For methods, refer to the pressure loss threshold setting section. 2.6 Effective value measurement 2.6.1 Current RMS measurement It is obtained by performing a series of operations such as square, square root and digital filtering on the current sampling value. Current channel input effective value500mVarrive 1mVThe error of the current effective value when the signal is less than0.2%. picture2-6-1-1Current RMS measurement 2.6.2 Voltage rms measurement It is obtained by performing a series of operations such as square, square root and digital filtering on the voltage sample value. Voltage channel input effective value500mVarrive 1mVsignal, the error of the effective value of the voltage is less than0.2%. picture2-6-2-1Voltage rms measurement 2.7 Active power measurement 2.7.1 Active power calculation The active power of each phase is calculated by multiplying, adding, and digitally filtering the current and voltage signals after removing the DC component. Obtained after word signal processing. Voltage and current sampling data include up to41harmonic information, so according to the formula Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page16 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) P= 1 ∑N(U(n)×I(n))The calculated active power also contains at least41Subharmonic information. The measurement principle diagram of active power is as follows: Nn=0 As shown in the figure, the combined active powerPt=Pa+Pb+PC. picture2-7-1-1Active power measurement picture2-7-1-2Active power and energy measurement 2.7.2 Active energy calculation Active energy is obtained by integrating instantaneous active power over time. The calculation formula of single-phase active energy is: Ep=∫p(t)dt . The combined active energy can be accumulated in algebraic or absolute value mode depending on the settings. Algebra and Patterns Ept=Epa+Epb+Epc, while the absolute value plus mode Ept=Epa+Epb+Epc . as the picture shows. picture2-7-2-1Active energy measurement 2.8 Reactive power measurement Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page17 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2.8.1 Reactive power calculation ∞ ∑(Un×In×sin(ϕ)), reactive power meter According to the definition formula of true reactive power (sinusoidal reactive power), reactive powerQ= k=1 The quantity algorithm is similar to the active power, except that the voltage signal uses phase shifting90degree, the phase shift method adoptsHilbertfilter. Measurement bandwidth is mainly Limited by the bandwidth of the digital phase-shifting filter,ATT7022E/26EThe measurement bandwidth of reactive power can also be up to41subharmonic. picture2-8-1-1Reactive power measurement 2.8.2 Reactive energy calculation Reactive energy is obtained by integrating instantaneous reactive power over time. The calculation formula of single-phase reactive energy is: Eq.= ∫q(t)dt . combine The phase reactive energy can be accumulated in algebraic or absolute value mode depending on the settings. Algebra and PatternsEqt=Eqa+Eqb+Eqc, And the absolute value plus mode Eqt=Eqa+Eqb+Eqc ,as the picture shows. picture2-8-2-1Reactive energy measurement 2.9 Apparent calculation 2.9.1 Apparent power calculation There are two types of calculation formulas for apparent power: PQSApparent power (formula 1):S= P2+Q2 RMSApparent power (formula 2):S=Urms*Irms ATT7022E/26ETwo types of calculation methods are provided, and users can choose to use any calculation formula through register configuration. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page18 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) usePQSApparent power (Formula 1) The apparent power value achieved. As shown below. picture2-9-1-1Apparent power measurement Regarding the combined apparent power,ATT7022E/26EAccording to Formula 1, it is calculated based on the combined active power and combined reactive power, As shown below. picture2-9-1-2Combined apparent power measurement according toRMSThe apparent power value achieved by the apparent power formula 2 is shown in the figure below. picture2-9-1-3Apparent power measurement 2.9.2 Apparent energy calculation Apparent energy defines the integral of apparent power over time. Since there are two types of calculation formulas for apparent power,ATT7022E/26Esupply The apparent energy of these two types is selected through the register control bits. According to the formulaS=P2+Q2calculatePQSApparent energy, as shown in the figure below. T T T Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page19 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) picture2-9-2-1Conjunction apparent energy measurement According to the formulaST=Ura*Ira+Urb*Irb+Urc*IrccalculateRMSApparent energy, as shown in the figure below. picture2-9-2-2Apparent energy measurement 2.10 Fundamental harmonic function ATT7022EOriginally, it only had the fundamental wave function, providing fundamental wave voltage/current effective value, fundamental wave active power, and fundamental wave electric energy. new versionATT7022EIt is necessary to provide fundamental wave/harmonic effective value, fundamental wave/harmonic active power, and active electric energy. Among them, fundamental wave/harmonic enable control Or through register bitsHAREn (Calibration parameters0x03.bit10)Enable, and pass the register (calibration parameter0x70 bit5)EnHarmoniccarry out base To switch between wave measurement and harmonic measurement, the specific command is:EnHarmonic=1When is the harmonic measurement, =0For fundamental wave measurement. 2.11 Judgment of power direction ATT7022E/26E/28EProvides real-time power direction indication to facilitate four-quadrant power measurement. negative power indicationREVP: When detected The active power of any one of the three phases is negative, thenREVPOutput high level until the next time all active power is detected to be positive,REVP before returning to low level. Note that when a certain phase power is in latent motion, the direction of the phase power value does not affectREVPstatus;REVPThe status needs to be sent out by the chip The normal indication is only after the first pulse, otherwiseREVPAlways at a low level. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page20 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2.12 Starting/Creep ATT7022E/26E/28ETwo methods are provided to realize the starting and creeping of energy measurement: Current threshold judgment method: That is to judge whether the current is less than the starting threshold to realize the judgment of starting and creeping. whenATT7022E/26E/28E When it is detected that the current of a certain phase is greater than the starting threshold, the energy of this phase starts to be measured, that is, starting can be started, and when it is detected that the current of a certain phase is less than the starting threshold At the threshold, the energy of this phase stops measuring, that is, it is in a latent state. Power threshold judgment method: That is, it is judged whether the active power and reactive power are both less than the starting power threshold to achieve creeping. when ATT7022E/26E/28EWhen it is detected that the active power or reactive power of a certain phase is greater than the starting power threshold, the energy of this phase starts to be measured, that is, starting. When the active power and reactive power of a certain phase are less than the starting power threshold at the same time, the energy of this phase stops measuring, that is, creeping. Note: It is recommended to use the power threshold judgment method to set the value more accurately. 2.13 Hardware port detection ATT7022E/26E/28EIt can automatically detect the hardware port. When the hardware port changes, the system will automatically reset and restart. ATT7022E/26E/28EThe external port inputs mainly includeSEL, used to select whether the chip works in three-phase three-wire or three-phase four-wire mode. 2.14 On-chip temperature detection ATT7022E/26E/28EBuilt-in temperature sensor and provides a8bitADCSampling and outputting the ambient temperature with a resolution of0.726℃ /LSB. 2.15 Fundamental wave measurement function ATT7022E/26E/28ESpecially provides fundamental wave active energy measurement function to separate the fundamental wave components in voltage and current signals. Directly provide accurate fundamental wave active power and fundamental wave active energy measurement. Among them, the fundamental wave voltage/current effective value, the fundamental wave active power Do not put them in different registers, so that users can obtain fundamental wave and full wave data at the same time to calculate the distortion rate. The fundamental wave active energy pulse passes throughCF4lose out. The fundamental wave extraction filter is used to complete the fundamental wave measurement function.3Second-rate(150Hz)The above harmonic signals are attenuated, leaving only the fundamental Wave component, harmonic attenuation rate is -30dBabove. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page21 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 2.16 Three-phase three-wire/four-wire application Three-phase four-wire mode:ATT7022E/26E/28EUsing the three-element measurement method, the combined phase power calculation formula is: Three-phase three-wire mode:ATT7022E/26E/28EUsing the two-element measurement method, the combined phase power calculation formula is: In three-phase three-wire modeATT7022E/26E/28EofBThe phase channel does not participate in power measurement, onlyAHarmonyCphase channel participates in three phase three Line measurement. butATT7022E/26E/28EcanBThe parameters of the channel are released separately, as long as theBOn the voltage and current channels of the phase channel Add corresponding signals, which can still be read in three-phase three-wire mode.Pb/Qb/Sb/Urmsb/Irmsb/Pfb/Pgbparameters, butBChannel voltage and power The signal added to the flow channel will not have any adverse effects on the normal measurement of three-phase three-wire. In addition, in three-phase three-wire mode.UrmsbRegister selectableBChannel input signal, you can also choose to calculate it directly through the internal vector method uacValid values. 2.17 Energy pulse output 4high frequency pulse outputCF1/CF2/CF3/CF4,The corresponding relationship is as follows: pulse pin Output energy CF1 Full wave active energyPF CF2 Full wave reactive energyQF CF3 Full wave apparent powerSF CF4 Fundamental active energyPoF Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page22 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) picture2-17-1Energy pulse output After the voltage and current signals are transformed, they are multiplied in the power measurement signal processing circuit until the instantaneous power is obtained, and then integrated over time to become electrical energy. signal, depending on the settingsA/B/CThe three-phase power can do absolute value addition or algebraic value addition, and convert the result into a frequency signal, and then press Divide the frequency according to the frequency division coefficient set by the user to obtain the electric energy pulse output signal that can be used for meter calibration. The figure below shows the high frequency output constant as64Frequency division diagram at , the pulse width of the electric energy pulse output is90milliseconds, when the pulse period is less than180millimeter seconds, the electric energy pulse has a duty cycle of1:1equal-width pulse output. picture2-17-2CFPulse output timing 2.18 ADC sampling data buffer function ATT7022EThere is a built-in length of1024*16bitcache storage area for real-time savingADCOriginal sampling data for users to Further analysis. The user sends a command (task start + scheduledchanneldata),ATT7022EIn each sampling period the corresponding Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page23 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) ADCData is saved to the cache until the cache is full. As long as no new command is sent, the cached data will retain the last data. Users can read cached content at any time. passC1command changegWaveAddress, the user can arbitrarily specify the cache to be read. Starting address; each time the cache is read, the address will increase by one. When it is greater than the cache length, it will become0. How to read valid data: The user can wait for more than the corresponding sampling interval before reading the cached content, for example: single pass Daoshi1024sampling interval, dual channel512sampling interval, and the buffered data sampling rate can be configured through registers. Or, read Take the address less thanptrWaveFormRdContent. (ptrWaveFormRdforATT7022EThe pointer when storing data internally, corresponding to7E Content. ) SPIRead data format:high8bitfor0,Low2bytefor16bitofADCdata. The data in multi-channel mode is the actual storage order. order, withUA UB UCFor example, the data in the cache isUA0 UB0 UC0 UA1 UB1 UC1 …UA340 UB340 UC340 UA341. 2.19 Synchronous sampling data buffer function In order to facilitate users to realize the sub-harmonic function,ATT7022EAdditional synchronous sampling data buffering function is provided, while7roadADCSame as Step samples are stored in1024*16bitin the buffer memory.ATT7022EAdjust the sampling rate according to the frequency of the external input signal to achieveEMU The clock is921.6kHzdown, fixed per cycle64point data. User sends command (0xC5+0x0002) Start the automatic synchronized sampling function, ATT7022EAfter automatically adjusting the sampling rate according to the frequency information of internal measurement, the synchronous sampling data will be saved into the cache until the cache is full. As long as a new buffer storage command is not resent, the cached data will remain the last data. The same user can also use the manual method (0xC5+0x03), according to your ownATT7022EFrequency value calculation synchronization data for metering coefficients are written to0xC4, adjust the buffered data sampling rate, and then start the synchronous sampling buffering function. After the synchronous sampling data is stored in the buffer, the user can read the cached content at any time. passC1command changegWaveAddress, The user can arbitrarily specify the starting address of the cache to be read; each time the cache is read, the address will increase by one. If it is greater than the cache length, it will become0. How to read valid data: Users can wait for more than the corresponding sampling interval before reading the cached content. Or, read address less thanptrWaveFormRdContent. (ptrWaveFormRdforATT7022EThe pointer when storing data internally, corresponding to7EWithin Allow. ) SPIRead data format:high8bitfor0,Low2bytefor16bitofADCData (complement form).7roadADCData per channel146 data, the storage order is as followsUa,Ub,Uc,Ia,Ib,Ic,In. 2.20 Vref digital automatic compensation function new versionATT7022E/26EAdd automatic temperature compensation function whenVrefAotu_en=1(Calibration parameters0x70 bit1)time to turn on. At the same time, this function Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page24 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) only inTPSValid only when enabled, that isTPS_En=1(Calibration parameters0x31 bit4)andVrefAotu_en=1(Calibration parameters0x70 bit1)valid. The working mechanism is as follows: 1,TPSInitial offset correction: New additionToffsetCalibration register (calibration parameter0x6B) conductTPSconsistency correction such thatTPSData(Measurement parameters0x2A) value at room temperature (25degree) the output is0x00. Correction method: direct readingTPSData(Measurement parameters0x2A) at room temperature (25degree) output value, written directlyToffsetCalibration register (calibration register Table parameters0x6B)That’s it. The calculation formula of the corrected temperature isTP=25-0.726*TMM. TMMis the temperature output register (measurement parameter0x2A) is read in two's complement. 2,New additionTgainCorrection register for compensationTPScoefficient, making the new versionATT7022EofTPSResolution compatible with originalATT7022Eof-0.726/LSB. Chip direct adjustmentOK, no correction is required. 3, newVrefgainThe compensation curve coefficient ofTCoffA,TCoffB,TCoffC 1)compensateVrefand external resistors (optional20 ppmRecommended coefficients for positive temperature coefficient resistors):0x6D=0xFF11;0x6E=0x2B53; 0x6F=0xD483 2) only compensatesATT7022EselfVrefRecommended coefficients for temperature characteristics:0x6D=0xFF00;0x6E=0x0DB8;0x6F=0xD1DA Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page25 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 3 Communication Interface 3B 3.1 Introduction to SPI communication interface ATT7022E/26E/28EIntegrate an internalSPISerial communication interface, working in slave mode, using2control lines and two numbers According to line:CS/SCLK/DIN/DOUT. CS:Chip Select(INPUT),Allow access to control lines,CSIndicates when a falling edge transition occursSPIThe operation begins,CSA rising edge transition occurs time meansSPIThe operation ends. DIN: Serial data input (INPUT), used to transfer data toATT7022E/26E/28Emiddle. DOUT: Serial data output (OUTPUT), used fromATT7022E/26E/28ERead data from the register. SCLK:Serial clock (INPUT), controls the transfer rate of data moving out or into the serial port. Data is put on the rising edge and data is taken on the falling edge. SCLKThe rising edge willATT7022E/26E/28EThe data in the register is placed inDOUTon the output,SCLKThe falling edge willDINUp Data sampled toATT7022E/26E/28Emiddle,MSBin front,LSBis behind. ATT7022E/26E/28E SPIThe communication interface uses fixed-length data transmission (a total of4bytes), that is to say each time the data Communication is1byte command and3bytes of data. ATT7022E/26E/28Ewith externalMCUofSPIThe typical wiring of the communication interface is as shown in the figure: picture3-1-1SPITypical wiring diagram considerSPIThe transmission signal line may be interfered or jittered. You canSPIA small resistor is connected in series with the signal line. This electricity blockICParasitic capacitance at inputCcombined to create a low-pass filter that eliminatesSPIAny oscillation on the interface signal, a Generally recommended to use10~100Ωresistance. If the internal capacitance of the digital input terminal is not large enough, an external capacitor can be added to this input terminal. Optional10pFleft and right capacitors. For the selection of these two resistor and capacitor parameters, it should be based onSPIcommunication speed and externalMCUsignal into Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page26 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Analysis is required and some related experiments are required to determine whether the resistance and capacitance values are suitable. 3.2 SPI read operation ATT7022E/26E/28EThe measurement parameters and calibration parameter registers are passedSPIprovided to externalMCUof. SPIRead timing diagram: CS SCLK DIN 76543210 DOUT 2019181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 twentytwenty threetwenty two one picture3-2-1Read operation timing ATT7022E/26E/28EofSPIThe communication format is the same,8bit command,twenty fourbit data,MSBin front,LSBAfter, send8 After bit command, readtwenty fourbit data. in8The bit command bit format is explained as follows: Bit7:0Indicates read command, used for externalMCUreadATT7022E/26E/28ERegister data Bit6…0: Indicates the register address, refer to the register definition part Notice: passSPIwrite a8 bitsAfter the command word, there may be a waiting time before passingSPIread24bitsThe data. when SCLKFrequency lower than 500kHzWhen , no waiting time is required, that is, the waiting time is0uS;whenSCLKfrequency higher than500kHz, you need to wait 2uS,ATT7022E/ 26E/28ESPI_SCLKThe rate is up to10MHz,See w_ModuleCFG( for details0x31)Configuration description. SPIRead operation example: Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page27 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 3.3 SPI write operation Data Command CS SCLK DIN 76543210 2019181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 twenty three twentytwenty two one picture3-3-1Write operation timing ATT7022E/26E/28EofSPIThe communication format is the same,8bit command,twenty fourbit data,MSBin front,LSBAfter, send8 bit command, followed by writingtwenty fourbit data. in8The bit command bit format is explained as follows: Bit7:1Indicates write command, used for externalMCUWriteATT7022E/26E/28ERegister parameters Bit6…0: Indicates the register address, refer to the register definition part SPIWrite operation example: Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page28 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 3.4 SPI write special command word operation ATT7022E/26E/28EProvide some special command words to cooperate with software calibration.SPIThe operation process of writing special command words is the same as SPIThe timing of write operations is consistent. SPITiming diagram for writing special command words: Data Command CS SCLK DIN 76543210 2019181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 twenty three twentytwenty two one picture3-4-1Writing special command word operation timing ATT7022E/26E/28EofSPIThe communication format is the same,8bit command,twenty fourbit data,MSBin front,LSBAfter, send8 bit command, followed by writingtwenty fourbit data. in8The bit command bit format is explained as follows: Bit7/6:1 1Indicates writing special command words Bit7/6:1 0Indicates write command, used for externalMCUrenewATT7022E/26E/28ECalibration data Bit7/6:0XIndicates read command, used for externalMCUreadATT7022E/26E/28EParameters Bit5…0: Indicates the type of special command words Instructions for using special commands: ATT7022E/26E/28EThe special commands provided mainly include:0xC0,0xC1,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,xC9and0xD3. special command Order Character Sampling data buffer 0xC0 24 bit Command description data 0x00CCCX Write 0x00CCCx to start waveform data buffering, other data is invalid. Here x represents the channel number that needs to save data, 0 to B are valid, rush start command corresponding in order: Ua/Ia/Ub/Ib/Uc/Ic/In/Ua+Ia/Ub+Ib/Uc+Ic/Ua + Ub+Uc/Ia+Ib+Ic Buffered data read 0xC1 0x000000 0xC3 0x000000 Pointer settings Clear calibration data Used to specify the position of reading data. The value is valid in the range of 0 to 1023. If it exceeds the boundary, it will automatically return to zero. Send the command word 0xC3, the data bit is 0x000000, you can restore the contents of the calibration data register to the initial power-on value, and then calibrate the calibration again. Synchronous data system 0xC4 0x000120 0xC5 0x000002 Calculation; in manual mode, calculation and writing based on signal frequency. Number settings Sync data enabled move command In the automatic mode, the synchronization data coefficient is automatically calculated according to the signal frequency. Synchronize data function start command, write 0x000002 to enable the automatic data synchronization function; write 0x000003 to enable the manual data synchronization function; write 0x000000 to stop the data synchronization function. Sync data function Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page29 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) It is valid for a single time and must be stopped and then started before each start. B232 3…4 N ame - 1 it GA1 P GA0 P Sy nc_En 0 Syn c_sel Sync_En: =1 starts synchronization data buffering; =0 stops synchronization data buffering Sync_sel: =1 selects manual mode; =0 selects automatic mode Mode PGA1,0 : Synchronous sampling data gain coefficient, 0x00/01/10/11 respectively represent gain 1/2/4/8 times (to improve subharmonic accuracy in small signals) Note: The synchronization buffer function is protected by the write protect command, that is, to 0xC9writing does not equal0x005AWhen the write-protect command is enabled, the synchronous sampling function cannot be started at this time. Calibration data reading out 0xC6 0x00005A After power-on reset, the parameters of the metering data register are read out by default. hair Send command 0xC6, the data is not equal to 0x000005A, choose to read the parameters of the metering data register from 00 to 7FH through SPI. Send command 0xC6, the data is equal to 0x00005A and select SPI to read the parameters of the calibration data register. At this time, the value of the measurement parameter register cannot be read. When choosing to read the parameters of the calibration data register, the value read from the 0x00 address is fixed to 0x00AAAA, otherwise the measurement parameter 0x00 address is 0x705200. Calibration data writing 0xC9 0x00005A SPI calibration data register write operation is enabled by default after power-on reset. Enable do. Send command 0xC9 and data 0x00005A to enable the SPI calibration write operation. At this time, the parameters of the calibration data register can be modified through the SPI port. Send command 0xC9, the data is not equal to 0x00005A, you can turn off the writing operation of the SPI calibration register to prevent the calibration data from being mistakenly written by SPI. software reset 0xD3 0x000000 Send command 0xD3 and data 0x000000 to reset ATT7022E/26E/28E. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page30 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 4 register 4B 4.1 Measurement parameter register surface4-1-1Metering parameter register list (Read Only) address 00H name r_DeviceID Character long 3 reset value Function description 0x7122A0 7022E0 Device ID 7026E0 Device ID 7028E0 Device ID 0x7126A0 0x7128A0 01H r_Pa 3 0x000000 Phase A active power 02H r_Pb 3 0x000000 B phase active power 03H r_Pc 3 0x000000 C phase active power 04H r_Pt 3 0x000000 Combined active power 05H r_Qa 3 0x000000 Phase A reactive power 06H r_Qb 3 0x000000 Phase B reactive power 07H r_Qc 3 0x000000 C phase reactive power 08H r_Qt 3 0x000000 Combined reactive power 09H r_Sa 3 0x000000 Phase A apparent power 0AH r_Sb 3 0x000000 B phase apparent power 0BH r_Sc 3 0x000000 C phase apparent power 0CH r_St 3 0x000000 combined apparent power 0DH r_UaRms 3 0x000000 A phase voltage effective value 0EH r_UbRms 3 0x000000 B phase voltage effective value 0FH r_UcRms 3 0x000000 C phase voltage effective value 10H r_IaRms 3 0x000000 A phase current effective value 11H r_IbRms 3 0x000000 B phase current effective value 12H r_IcRms 3 0x000000 C phase current effective value 13H r_ItRms 3 0x000000 The effective value of the three-phase current vector sum 14H r_Pfa 3 0x000000 A phase power factor 15H r_Pfb 3 0x000000 B phase power factor 16H r_Pfc 3 0x000000 C phase power factor 17H r_Pft 3 0x000000 Combined power factor 18H r_Pga 3 0x000000 A phase current and voltage phase angle /r_YIa 19H r_Pgb /Phase angle between Ia and reference vector 3 0x000000 /r_YIb 1AH r_Pgc B phase current and voltage phase angle /Phase angle between Ib and reference vector 3 0x000000 C phase current and voltage phase angle 4.1.1 /r_YIc 4.1.2 Between /Ic and reference vector phase angle Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page31 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 1BH r_INTFlag 3 0x000000 interrupt flag,Clear after reading 1CH r_Freq 3 0x000000 Line frequency 1DH r_EFlag 3 0x000000 The working status of the energy register, cleared after reading 1EH r_Epa 3 0x000000 Phase A active energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 1FH r_Epb 3 0x000000 Phase B active energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 20H r_Epc 3 0x000000 Phase C active energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 21H r_Ept 3 0x000000 Combined active energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 22H r_Eqa 3 0x000000 Phase A reactive energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 23H r_Eqb 3 0x000000 B phase reactive energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 24H r_Eqc 3 0x000000 C phase reactive energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 25H r_Eqt 3 0x000000 combined reactive energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 26H r_YUaUb 3 0x000000 The voltage angle between Ua and Ub 4.1.3 /YUa 4.1.4 Between /Ua and the reference vector phase angle 27H r_YUaUc 3 0x000000 The voltage angle between Ua and Uc 4.1.5/YUb 4.1.6 Between /Ub and reference vector phase angle 28H r_YUbUc 3 0x000000 The voltage angle between Ub and Uc 4.1.7 /YUc 4.1.8 Between /Uc and reference vector phase angle 29H r_RmsADC7 3 0x000000 The effective value of the seventh ADC input signal 2AH r_TPSD 3 0x000000 Temperature sensor output 2BH r_UtRms 3 0x000000 The effective value of the three-phase voltage vector sum 2CH r_Sflag 3 0x000000 Store phase failure, phase sequence, SIG and other flag status 2DH r_BckReg 3 0x0000000 Communication data backup register 2EH r_ComChksum 3 0x000000 Communication checksum register 2FH r_Sample_IA 3 0x000000 Phase A current channel ADC sampling data 30H r_Sample_IB 3 0x000000 B-phase current channel ADC sampling data 31H r_Sample_IC 3 0x000000 C-phase current channel ADC sampling data 32H r_Sample_UA 3 0x000000 Phase A voltage channel ADC sampling data 33H r_Sample_UB 3 0x000000 B-phase voltage channel ADC sampling data 34H r_Sample_UC 3 0x000000 C-phase voltage channel ADC sampling data 35H r_Esa 3 0x000000 Phase A apparent electric energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 36H r_Esb 3 0x000000 Phase B apparent electric energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 37H r_Esc 3 0x000000 C phase apparent electric energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 38H r_Est 3 0x000000 Conjunction apparent electric energy(Can be configured to clear after reading) 39H r_FstCntA 3 0x000000 Phase A fast pulse counting 3AH r_FstCntB 3 0x000000 B phase fast pulse counting 3BH r_FstCntC 3 0x000000 C phase fast pulse counting Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page32 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 3CH r_FstCntT 3 0x000000 Combined fast pulse counting 3DH r_PFlag 3 0x000000 Active/reactive power direction, positive direction is 0, negative direction is 1 3EH r_ChkSum 3 0x01D4CD Calibration data checksum (in three-phase four-wire mode) 3 0x01E0CD Calibration data checksum (in three-phase three-wire mode) 3FH r_InstADC7 3 0x000000 The seventh ADC sampling data output 5CH r_Vrefgain 3 0x000000 Vref automatic compensation coefficient 5DH r_ChipID 3 0x000000 Chip version indication register 5EH r_ChkSum1 3 0x01F2F5 Added calibration register checksum (0x60~0x70) The following registers are exclusive registers for ATT7022E and are not available for ATT7026E/28E 40H r_LinePa 3 0x000000 Phase A fundamental wave active power 41H r_LinePb 3 0x000000 B phase fundamental wave active power 42H r_LinePc 3 0x000000 C phase fundamental wave active power 43H r_LinePt 3 0x000000 Combined fundamental wave active power 44H r_LineEpa 3 0x000000 Phase A fundamental wave active energy (can be configured to be cleared after reading ) 45H r_LineEpb 3 0x000000 Phase B fundamental wave active energy (can be configured to be cleared after reading ) 46H r_LineEpc 3 0x000000 Phase C fundamental wave active energy (can be configured to be cleared after reading ) 47H r_LineEpt 3 0x000000 Combined fundamental wave active energy (can be configured to be cleared after reading ) 48H r_LineUaRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental phase A voltage effective value 49H r_LineUbRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental B phase voltage effective value 4AH r_LineUcRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental C phase voltage effective value 4BH r_LineIaRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental A phase current effective value 4CH r_LineIbRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental B phase current effective value 4DH r_LineIcRrms 3 0x000000 Fundamental C phase current effective value 4EH r_LEFlag 3 0x000000 The working status of the fundamental wave energy register, cleared after reading 4FH r_SAGFlag 3 0x000000 SAG flag register 50H r_PeakUa 3 0x000000 Maximum value of phase A voltage 51H r_PeakUb 3 0x000000 Maximum value of B phase voltage 52H r_PeakUc 3 0x000000 Maximum value of phase C voltage 53~56H Reserved 3 0c000000 reserved 57H r_LineQa 3 0x000000 Phase A fundamental wave reactive power 58H r_LineQb 3 0x000000 Phase B fundamental wave reactive power 59H r_LineQc 3 0x000000 C phase fundamental wave reactive power 5AH r_LineQt 3 0x000000 Combined fundamental wave reactive power 5BH Reserved 3 0x000000 reserved 5CH r_Vrefgain 3 0x000000 VrefAutomatic compensation coefficient 5DH r_ChipID 3 0x000000 Chip version indication register 5EH r_ChkSum1 3 0x01F2F5 Added calibration register checksum (0x60~0x70) 7EH r_PtrWavebuff 3 0x000000 Buffer data pointer, indicating that the internal buffer buffer has Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page33 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) There is data length 7FH 3 r_WaveBuff 0x000000 Buffered data register, internal self-gain, repeated reading Get until the buffer data length is read 4.2 Measurement parameter register description 4.2.1 Power register (address:0x01~0x0C,0x40~0x43,0x57~0x5A) The power register includes: active power, reactive power, apparent power, and fundamental active power. Addr Reg Addr Reg 0x01 Pa 0x0B Sc 0x02 Pb 0x0C St 0x03 PC 0x40 LinePa Active Power Register (Pa~Pt) Bit23 Read: Write: Reset: P23 X 0 0x04 Pt 0x41 LB 0x05 Qa 0x42 0x06 Qb 0x43 0x07 Qc 0x57 0x08 Qt 0x58 0x09 Sa 0x59 0x0A sb 0x5A LinePc LinePt LineQa LineQb LineQc LineQt Address: twenty two twenty one P22 X 0 P21 X 0 Rective Power Register 01H~04H 20…3 P20…P3 X 0 Address: 2 P2 X 0 1 P1 X 0 Bit0 P0 X 0 2 Q2 X 0 1 Q1 X 0 Bit0 Q0 X 0 2 S2 X 0 1 S1 X 0 Bit0 S0 X 0 05H~08H (Qa~Qt) Read: Write: Reset: Bit23 twenty two twenty one Q23 X 0 Q22 X 0 Q21 X 0 Apparent Power Register (Sa~St) Bit23 Read: Write: Reset: S23 X 0 Read: Write: Reset: LP23 X 0 Q20…Q3 X 0 Address: twenty two twenty one S22 X 0 S21 X 0 Line active Power Register (Pa~Pt) Bit23 20…3 09H~0CH 20…3 S20…S3 X 0 Address: twenty two twenty one LP22 X 0 LP21 X 0 40H~43H 20…3 LP20…LP3 X 0 2 LP2 X 0 1 LP1 X 0 Bit0 LP0 X 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EThe power register is given in complement form, and the highest bit is the sign bit, so according toATT7022E/26E/28E The direction of active and reactive power given by the power register can directly obtain the current quadrant. Apparent power is always greater than or equal to At0, so the sign bit of the apparent power is always0. Power register format definition: Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page34 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) A/B/CSplit phase power parameters:X X:twenty fourBit data, complement form ifX>2 2̂3,butXX=X-2 2̂4 otherwiseXX=X actualA/B/CThe split-phase power parameters are:XXX=XX*K(inKis the power parameter coefficient, common to all power parameters). A/B/CCombined power parameters:T T:twenty fourBit data, complement form ifT>2 2̂3,butTT=T-2 2̂4 otherwiseTT=T The actual combined phase power parameters are:TTT=TT*2*K(inKis the power parameter coefficient, common to all power parameters). Unit: The power unit is watt (W),Power coefficientK=2.592*10 1̂0/(HFconst*EC*2 2̂3) inHFconstfor registerHFconstwrite value,ECis the meter constant. 4.2.2 Valid value register (address:0x0D~0x013,0x29,0x2B,0x48~0x4D) Addr Reg Addr Reg 0x0D wxya 0x29 0x0E ikB 0x48 0x0F ikB 0x49 0x10 IaRm 0x4A InRms LUaRms LUbRms LUcRms 0x11 ikB 0x4B LMs 0x12 ikB 0x4C ikB 0x13 0x2B ikB ItRms 0x4D LcRms Voltage Rms Register (Urms) Bit23 twenty two twenty one 20…3 2 1 Bit0 Read: Urms23 Urms22 Urms21 Urms20…Urms3 Urms2 Urms1 Urms0 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 Address: 0DH~0FH, 2BH Current Rms Register (Irms) Bit23 twenty two twenty one 20…3 2 1 Bit0 Read: Irms23 Irms22 Irms21 Irms20…Irms3 Irms2 Irms1 Irms0 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 2 1 Bit0 Address: Line Rms Register (Lrms) Bit23 twenty two 10H~13H, 29H Address: 48H~4DH 20…3 twenty one Read: Lrms23 Lrms22 Lrms21 Lrms20…Lrms3 Lrms2 Lrms1 Lrms0 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EThe valid value register is given in complement form. The highest bit is the sign bit. The valid value is always greater than or equal to 0, so the sign bit of a valid value is always0. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page35 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) PhaseVrms:twenty fourBit data, complement form The actual effective value of the split-phase voltage is:Urms = Vrms/2 1̂3 The actual effective value of the split-phase current is:Irms = (Vrms/2 1̂3)/N (Proportional coefficientNDefinition: rated currentIbThe sampling voltage input to the chip is50mVWhen , the corresponding current effective value register value is Vrms,Vrms/2 1̂3approximately equal to60,at this timeN=60/Ib,Ib=1.5A,N=60/1.5=40,Ib=6A,N=60/6=10 In the same way, when the sampling voltage input to the chip is25mVhour,Vrms/2^13approximately equal to30,Ib=1.5A,N=30/1.5=20,Ib=6A, N=30/6=5. can be based on the currentIbActual value of current, calculatedNvalue. ) conjunctionVrms:twenty fourBit data, complement form The actual effective value of the combined phase voltage is:Urms=Vrms/2 1̂2 The actual effective value of the combined phase current is:Irms = (Vrms/2 1̂2)/N (Nis the proportional coefficient, the calculation method is the same as above) The unit is: Volt (V)or Ampere (A). Regarding the calculation method of the current vector sum, this article takes into account the three-phase four-wire system using a neutral current transformer and not using a neutral current transformer. Case: Which algorithm is used is controlled by the register bitISUMSel(Calibration parameters0x70 bit2)Decide: whenISUMSel=0, using the algorithm1; whenISUMSel=1, using the algorithm2. 4.2.3 Power factor register (address:0x14~0x017) Addr Reg 0x14 f 0x15 f Power Factor Register (PF) Bit23 Read: Write: Reset: PF23 X 0 0x16 fc 0x17 Pft Address: twenty two twenty one PF22 X 0 PF21 X 0 10H~13H 20…3 PF20…PF3 X 0 2 PF2 X 0 1 PF1 X 0 Bit0 PF0 X 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page36 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) ATT7022E/26E/28EThe power factor register is given in complement form. The highest bit is the sign bit. The sign bit of the power factor is the same as the sign bit. The signs of the power are consistent. PF:twenty fourBit data, complement form ifPF>2 2̂3,butPFF=PF-2 2̂4 otherwisePFF=PF The actual power factor is:pf=PFF/2 2̂3 4.2.4 Power angle and voltage angle register (address:0x18~0x1A,0x26~0x28) Addr Reg 0x18 Pga /YIa 0x19 ikB /YIb 0x1A pgc ikB Power Angle Register (Pg/YIx) Bit23 Read: Write: Reset: Pg23 X 0 0x26 YU /YUa Address: twenty two twenty one Pg22 X 0 Pg21 X 0 0x27 YU /YUb 0x28 ikB /YUc 2 Pg2 X 0 1 Pg1 X 0 18H~1AH 20…3 Pg20…Pg3 X 0 Bit0 Pg0 X 0 The phase angle register is given in complement form, and the high bit is the sign bit, which means -180°~+180angle between °. θ:twenty oneBit valid data, complement form, high3bits are extended sign bits If θ>=2 2̂0, then α=θ-2 2̂4 Otherwise α=θ The actual phase angle is:Pg=(α/2 2̂0)*180Spend orPg=(α/2 2̂0)*piradian Voltage to voltage Angle Register (Ug/YUx) Bit23 twenty two twenty one Ug23 X 0 Ug22 X 0 Ug21 X 0 Read: Write: Reset: Address: 26H~28H 20…3 Ug20…Ug3 X 0 2 Ug2 X 0 1 Ug1 X 0 Bit0 Ug0 X 0 Voltage angle register:twenty onebits of valid data, high3bits are extended sign bits, indicating0°~360angle between °. voltage clamp The angle measurement accuracy is0.1degree, three voltage angle registersYUaUb/ YUaUc/ YUbUcRespectivelyAB/AC/BCvoltage angle. θ:twenty onebit data The voltage angle formula is:YUaUb=(YUaUb/2 2̂0)*180Spend orYUaUb=(YUaUb/2 2̂0)*piradian Note: The above is Algorithm 1 (old algorithm); Algorithm 2 (new algorithm): According to the sampled signalUa/Ub/UcA certain signal in theUAThe channel is the phase angle reference, thenikBexpressIbandUa Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page37 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) phase angle between. Users can know the phase angle between any two vectors through simple operations, such asIaandIbphase angleYIaIb=YIa-YIb. Register multiplexing relationship: YUa multiplexes YikBRegister, YUb multiplexed YikBRegister, YUc multiplexing YikBRegister, YIa multiplexing YikB Register, YIb multiplexing YikBRegister, YIc multiplexing YikBregister. Which algorithm is used to pass the registerYmodsel(Calibration parameters0x70 bit3)control. 4.2.5 Line frequency register (address:0x1C) Voltage Frequency Register (Freq) Bit23 twenty two twenty one 20…3 Read: Freq23 Freq22 Freq21 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 1CH Address: 2 1 Bit0 Freq20…Freq3 Freq2 Freq1 Freq0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 2 1 Bit0 The voltage line frequency register usestwenty fourGiven in bit's complement form, the highest bit is the sign bit, and the sign bit is always0. Freq:twenty fourBit data, complement form The actual frequency is:f=Freq/2 1̂3, unit: Hertz (Hz). 4.2.6 Temperature sensor data register (address:0x2A) temperature data register (TPSD) Bit23 Address: twenty two twenty one 20…3 2AH Read: TPSD 23 TPSD 22 TPSD 21 TPSD 20…Freq3 TPSD 2 TPSD 1 TPSD 0 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 Temperature sensor requires configuration register0x31,TPS_En=1Turn on,TPS_Sel=0choosePNTemperature Sensor. The data format isTM:twenty fourbit data low8Bit valid ifTMmore than the128,butTMM=TM-256 otherwiseTMM=TM externalMCURead the value of this register and convert it according to the above, and then obtain the real temperature value according to the following formula: true temperatureTP=TC - 0.726*TMM inTCis the correction value, when the room temperature is25temperature, perform temperature correction to obtainTC. 4.2.7 Energy register (address:0x1E~0x25,0x35~0x38,0x44~0x47) Addr Reg Addr Reg 0x1E Epa 0x35 Esa 0x1F Epb 0x36 Esb 0x20 Epc 0x37 Esc 0x21 Ept 0x38 Est 0x22 Eqa 0x44 0x23 Eqb 0x45 0x24 Eqc 0x46 0x25 Eqt 0x47 LineEpa LineEpb LineEpc LineEpt Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page38 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Active Energy Register (EP) Bit23 EP23 X 0 Read: Write: Reset: Reactive Energy (EQ) Bit23 Write: Reset: Apparent Energy (ES) Bit23 Write: Reset: twenty one EP22 X 0 EP21 X 0 twenty two twenty one EQ22 X 0 EQ21 X 0 X 0 twenty two twenty one ES22 X 0 ES21 X 0 20…3 EP20…EP3 X 0 20…3 EQ20…EQ3 Address: ES23 X 0 Read: 20…3 twenty two Address: EQ23 X 0 Read: Address: Line Active Energy Register (LineEP) Bit23 twenty two Read: LEP23 LEP22 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 ES20…ES3 X 0 1E~21H 2 EP2 X 0 1 EP1 X 0 Bit0 EP0 X 0 1 EQ1 X 0 Bit0 EQ0 X 0 1 ES1 X 0 Bit0 ES0 X 0 1 LEP1 X 0 Bit0 LEP0 X 0 22~25H 2 EQ2 X 0 35~38H 2 ES2 X 0 Address: 44~47H twenty one 20…3 LEP21 LEP20…LEP3 X 0 X 0 2 LEP2 X 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EThe energy register provided can be configured as: accumulating energy register and clearing energy register. Accumulating type The energy register can be obtained from0x000000arrive0xFFFFFF, continue to accumulate, and return to0x000000Start accumulating, at0xFFFFFFoverflow to 0x00000When, an overflow flag will be generated, please refer to the description of the working status register of the power register. Energy register:twenty fourBit register, unsigned number This parameter is related to the set pulse constant, and the minimum unit is (1/EC)kWh. For example, the set pulse constant is3200imp/kWh, then the units of these energy registers are1/3200kwh. Fundamental wave reactive energy and full wave reactive energy are multiplexed using control bitsQEnergySelControl (calibration parameters0x70 bit4); whenQEnergySel=0, reactive energy selects full-wave reactive power; whenQEnergySel=1, reactive energy selects fundamental wave reactive power; 4.2.8 Fast Pulse Count Register (Address:0x39~0x3C) Addr 0x39 Reg AHr Fast Pulse Counter (FPC) Bit23 twenty two 0x3A 0x3B FstCnt FstCntB 0x3C FstCnt Address: twenty one 39H~3CH 20…3 2 1 Bit0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page39 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Read: FPC23 FPC22 FPC21 FPC20…FPC3 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 FPC2 X 0 FPC1 X 0 FPC0 X 0 In order to prevent the loss of power when powering on and off,ATT7022E/26E/28EProvides fast pulse counting register. When the fast pulse count is registered deviceFstCntA/FstCntB/FstCntC/FstCntTThe count value is greater than or equal toHFconstWhen, the corresponding energy registerEpa / Epb / Epc/ EptWill be added accordingly1. Fast Pulse Count Register:twenty fourBit register, complement format, the high bit is the sign bit This parameter is consistent with the set high-frequency pulse constant.HFconstand pulse constantECRelated, the minimum unit is (1/EC/HFconst)kWh. Such as the set high frequency pulse constantHFconst=0x100=256, pulse constantEC=3200imp/kwh, then the fast pulse count register The unit is:1/256/3200kwh 4.2.9 Flag status register (address:0x2C) EMU State Register (EMUState) Address: Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 2CH Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Read: Bit 16 - - - - Line Cstart Line Bstart Line Start Write: Reset: X 0 Bit 15 X 0 Bit 14 X 0 Bit 13 X 0 Bit 12 X 0 Bit 11 X 0 Bit 10 X 0 Bit 9 X 0 Bit 8 Read: Sync_er Sync_rea Negp Cstart Start - X 0 Bit 7 IRQ X 0 X 0 Bit 6 Revq X 0 X 0 Bit 4 Order X 0 X 0 Bit 3 X 0 Bit 1 PB X 0 X 0 Bit 0 PA X 0 r Write: Reset: Read: Write: Reset: dy Negq X 0 Bit 5 Revp X 0 Uorder X 0 t Bstar X 0 Bit 2 PC X 0 Bit name describe Bit00 Bit02 PA PB PC Bit03 Uorder=1, indicating that the voltage phase sequence is wrong; =0, the voltage is not in wrong phase sequence. Bit04 Iorder=1, indicating that the current phase sequence is wrong; =0, the current has no wrong phase sequence. Bit05 Revp=1, indicating that at least one phase active power is negative; =0, the active power of all phases is positive. Bit06 Revq=1, indicating that at least one phase reactive power is negative; =0, the reactive power of all phases is positive. Bit01 Bit07 =1,expressAPhase loss of pressure; =0,AThe phase has not lost pressure. =1,expressBPhase loss of pressure; =0,BThe phase has not lost pressure. =1,expressCPhase loss of pressure; =0,CThe phase has not lost pressure. After power-on reset,IRQ pinThe signal automatically goes low, and at the same timeSFlag.7set high; whenSPIAfter writing data, IRQThe signal automatically becomes high at the same timeSFlag.7automatically goes low, i.e.SFlagofbit07 IRQFlags and hardware IRQThe signals are completely synchronized. Bit09 =1,expressAThe phase is in a latent state; =0,AThe phase is in the starting state. Bit10 =1,expressBThe phase is in a latent state; =0,BThe phase is in the starting state. Bit11 =1,expressCThe phase is in a latent state; =0,CThe phase is in the starting state. Bit12 =1, indicating that the combined active power is negative; =0, the combined active power is positive. Bit13 =1, indicating that the combined reactive power is negative; =0, the combined reactive power is positive. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page40 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit14 =1, indicating that synchronization data caching is completed,Sync_EnWrite0Clear. Bit15 =1, indicating that the synchronization data function coefficient is out of range,ync_EnWrite0Clear. Bit17 =1,expressAThe phase fundamental wave is in a latent state; =0,AThe phase fundamental wave is not latent. Bit18 =1,expressBThe phase fundamental wave is in a latent state; =0,BThe phase fundamental wave is not latent. Bit19 =1,expressCThe phase fundamental wave is in a latent state; =0,CThe phase fundamental wave is not latent. Note: Current reverse order judgment condition, originalATT7022EUse the latent sign (optional current anti-submarine or power anti-submarine) as the shielding condition, and use power to prevent latent movement. There is a latent state in which only current is applied but no voltage is applied, causing the current to be set in reverse sequence (misjudgment); new version (5000:1)The shielding condition for correcting the current reverse sequence is the starting current, which has nothing to do with the creeping flag. Therefore, when configuring the starting threshold, it is necessary to When writing the starting current threshold (calibration parameter0x1D)and starting power threshold (calibration parameter0x36). 4.2.10Electric energy register working status register (address:0x1D,0x4E) Energy Overflow Register (Eov) Address: Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Read: Write: Reset: Read: Write: Reset: - - X 0 Bit 7 QtO X 0 X 0 Bit 6 QUR X 0 X 0 Bit 5 QUR X 0 1DH Bit 11 - StOV X 0 Bit 4 QUR X 0 X 0 Bit 3 PtO X 0 Bit 10 ScOV X 0 Bit 2 PPOV X 0 Bit 9 Bit 8 ikB SOV X 0 Bit 1 ikB X 0 X 0 Bit 0 OV X 0 This register is automatically cleared after reading. When the energy register adopts the non-clearing mode after reading, these flags are used to indicate that the energy register is Has an overflow occurred? Bit name describe Bit00 =1,expressAPhase active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit01 =1,expressBPhase active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit02 =1,expressCPhase active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit03 =1, indicating the combined active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit04 =1,expressAPhase reactive energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit05 =1,expressBPhase reactive energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit06 =1,expressCPhase reactive energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit07 =1, indicating combined reactive energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit08 =1,expressALooking at each other at the overflow of electric energy; =0, not overflowed. Bit09 =1,expressBLooking at each other at the overflow of electric energy; =0, not overflowed. Bit10 =1,expressCLooking at each other at the overflow of electric energy; =0, not overflowed. Bit11 =1, indicating the apparent electric energy overflow in conjunction; =0, not overflowed. Fundamental Energy Overflow Register (FEov) Bit 15 Bit 14 Read: Write: Reset: - - X 0 X 0 Address: Bit 13 X 0 Bit 12 4EH Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page41 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Read: Write: Reset: Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 tO V X 0 LinePCO ikB V X 0 LinePaO V X 0 V X 0 This register is automatically cleared after reading. When the energy register adopts the non-clearing mode after reading, these flags are used to indicate that the energy register is Has an overflow occurred? Bit name describe Bit00 =1,expressAPhase fundamental wave active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit01 =1,expressBPhase fundamental wave active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit02 =1,expressCPhase fundamental wave active energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. Bit03 =1, indicating the combined fundamental wave active electric energy overflow; =0, not overflowed. 4.2.11Power direction register (address:0x3D) Power Sign Register (Psign) Bit 15 Bit 14 Read: Write: Reset: X 0 Bit 7 X 0 Bit 6 Address: Bit 13 Bit 12 X 0 Bit 5 X 0 Bit 4 Read: QtSign QcSign QbSign QaSign Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 3DH Bit 11 X 0 Bit 3 PtSign X 0 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 X 0 Bit 2 X 0 Bit 1 PPSI X 0 X 0 Bit 0 Bit 9 Bit 8 - - X 0 Bit 1 X 0 Bit 0 IRQ X 0 PCSign X 0 PaSign X 0 Power direction indication register, used to indicateA/B/C/The direction of combined active and reactive power. Bit name describe Bit00 =1,expressAPhase active power is reversed; =0, forward. Bit01 =1,expressBPhase active power is reversed; =0, forward. Bit02 =1,expressCPhase active power is reversed; =0, forward. Bit03 =1, indicating that the combined active power is reversed; =0, forward. Bit04 =1,expressAPhase reactive power reverse direction; =0, forward. Bit05 =1,expressBPhase reactive power reverse direction; =0, forward. Bit06 =1,expressCPhase reactive power reverse direction; =0, forward. Bit07 =1, indicating the reverse direction of the combined reactive power; =0, forward. 4.2.12Interrupt flag register (address:0x1B) Interrupt Flag Register (Iflag) Bit 15 Bit 14 Read: - TPS_Ok Write: Reset: X 0 Bit 7 X 0 Bit 6 Bit 12 1BH Bit 11 - - X 0 Bit 4 wxya X 0 X 0 Bit 3 ikB X 0 Address: Bit 13 Buffer Full X 0 Bit 5 Read: OVIIF SAGIF WaveIE Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 Bit 10 X 0 Bit 2 wxya X 0 Updata X 0 When the interrupt enable is turned on, if it is set to indicate that a corresponding event occurs, the flag bit is cleared after reading (IRQexcept). Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page42 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit name describe Bit00 chipIRQsignal, =1, indicating prompting the user to calibrate the table and clear the calibration table after writing. Bit01 =1, indicating that the measurement parameter update is interrupted; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit02 =1, indicating the occurrence ofAPhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit03 =1, indicating the occurrence ofBPhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit04 =1, indicating the occurrence ofCPhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit05 =1, indicating the occurrence ofADCSampling data register data update interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit06 =1, indicating the occurrence ofSAGevent; =0, indicating that it did not occurSAGevent Bit07 =1, indicating that an overcurrent event occurs; =0, indicating that no overcurrent event occurred Bit13 =1, indicating that buffering occursbufferFull interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. Bit14 =1, indicating the occurrence ofTPSConversion end interrupt; =0, this interrupt did not occur. 4.2.13 ADCSampling data register (address:0x2F~0x34,0x3F) Addr Reg 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x3F Sample_IA Sample_IB Sample_IC Sample_UA Sample_UB Sample_UC InstADC7 ADC Sampledata Register (SampleData) Read: Write: Reset: Address: 0x2F~0x34, 0x3F Bit23 twenty two twenty one 20…3 2 1 Bit0 Sample2 Sample22 Sample21 Sample20…Sampl Sample2 Sample1 Sample0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 3 X 0 e3 X 0 ADCThe sampling data is19Bits complement data, high6The bit is the sign bit, that isbit18~23is the sign bit, stored in real timeADCSampling data can be Cooperate with interruptionWaveIEgetADCSample data in real time. 4.2.14Calibration data checksum register (address:0x3E/5E) Cali-Checksum Register (Scheck) Bit23 Address: twenty two twenty one 20…3 2 1 Bit0 Read: Chksum22 Chksum2 Chksum20….. Chksum2 Chksum1 Chksum0 X 0 X 0 X 0 Write: Reset: Chksum2 3 X 0 X 0 1 X 0 3EH/5EH Chksum3 X 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EProvide checksum registerChkSum, used to storeATT7022E/26E/28ECalibration of all internal calibration data checksum, externalMCUThe value of this register can be detected to monitorATT7022E/26E/28ECheck whether the calibration data is incorrect. Note, check and is the slave address0x01arrive0x39The sum of all calibration data is accumulated in unsigned mode, and only the lowertwenty fourBit. The newly added calibration register checksum (0x5E) stores the sum of all calibration data from calibration parameter addresses 0x60 to 0x71, using unsigned Numbers are accumulated, and only the lower 24 bits are retained.. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page43 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 4.2.15Communication data backup register (address:0x2D) BackupData Register 2DH Address: (BCKREG) Read: Bit23 twenty two twenty one 20…3 2 1 Bit0 BCKData BCKData2 BCKData BCKData20…..BCK BCKData BCKData BCKData0 twenty one Data3 X 0 X 0 twenty three Write: Reset: X 0 2 X 0 2 X 0 1 X 0 X 0 BCKREGThe register is saved lastSPIThe data transmitted by communication, a total of3bytes, stored separatelySPICommunication reads data or writes the high, middle and low bytes of the last data. 4.2.16Communication checksum register (address:0x2E) ComChecksum Register Bit23 twenty two 2EH Address: (Check) 20…3 twenty one 2 1 Bit0 Read: Ccheck23 Check 22 Check 21 Ccheck20…..Ccheck 3 Check 2 Check 1 Check 0 Write: Reset: X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 Communication checksum register: every timeSPICommunication commands and data are accumulated and put intor_ComChkSumThe lower two bytes of the register. ComChecksumheight of8Bitbit16….bit23will saveSPICommunication of the last command. SPIThe data in communication is the addition of single-byte length. 4.2.17 SAGflag register (0x4F) SAG Flag(SAGFlag) Bit 15 Read: Write: Reset: X 0 Bit 7 Bit 14 X 0 Bit 6 Bit 13 X 0 X 0 X 0 Bit 5 OVIc X 0 Read: Write: Reset: Address: - Bit 12 X 0 Bit 4 OVib X 0 4FH Bit 11 X 0 Bit 3 OVIa X 0 Bit 10 X 0 Bit 2 SAGU X 0 Bit 9 - X 0 Bit 1 SAGUb X 0 Bit 8 X 0 Bit 0 SAGU X 0 Power direction indication register, used to indicateA/B/C/The direction of combined active and reactive power. Bit name describe Bit00 =1,expressAPhase voltage occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Bit01 =1,expressBPhase voltage occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Bit02 =1,expressCPhase voltage occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Bit03 =1,expressAPhase current occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Bit04 =1,expressBPhase current occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Bit05 =1,expressCPhase current occursSAGevent; =0,normal. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page44 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 4.2.18Peak Voltage Register (0x50~0x52) Addr Reg 0x50 0x51 0x52 PeakUa PeakUb PeakU The peak voltage register is20bits complement data,bit19is the sign bit,bit20~23Invalid, withSAGFunction matching, recordSAGlong degree setting registerCyclengthSet the maximum voltage value within the set time period. and voltage effective valueUrmsCalculation formula: PeakU = Urms*2 9̂*1.414 and voltage rms register valueVrmsRelationship: PeakU = Vrms/16*1.414 4.2.19chipID(address:0x5D) Keep originalATT7022E/26EofdeviceRegister (metering parameter0x01)= 7122A0/7126A0Do not move. IncreaseIDRegister (metering parameter 0x5D), as version difference: Corresponding chip model DeviceID ID 7022 0x7122A0 0x7022E0 7026 0x7126A0 0x7026E0 4.3 Calibration parameter register surface4-3-1Calibration parameter register list: (Read/Write) address name 00 word length reset value Function description Reserved 2 0xAAAA Calibration parameter register start flag 01 w_ModeCfg 2 0x89AA Mode dependent controls 02 w_PGACtrl 2 0x0000 ADC gain selection 03 w_EMUCfg 2 0x0804 EMU module configuration register 04 w_PgainA 2 0x0000 Phase A active power gain 05 w_PgainB 2 0x0000 B phase active power gain 06 w_PgainC 2 0x0000 C phase active power gain 07 w_QgainA 2 0x0000 Phase A reactive power gain 08 w_QgainB 2 0x0000 Phase B reactive power gain 09 w_QgainC 2 0x0000 Phase C reactive power gain 0A w_SgainA 2 0x0000 Phase A apparent power gain 0B w_SgainB 2 0x0000 Phase B apparent power gain 0C w_SgainC 2 0x0000 C phase apparent power gain 0D w_PhSregApq0 2 0x0000 Phase A phase correction 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page45 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 0E w_PhSregBpq0 2 0x0000 Phase B phase correction 0 0F w_PhSregCpq0 2 0x0000 C phase phase correction 0 10 w_PhSregApq1 2 0x0000 Phase A phase correction 1 11 w_PhSregBpq1 2 0x0000 Phase B phase correction 1 12 w_PhSregCpq1 2 0x0000 C phase phase correction 1 13 w_PoffsetA 2 0x0000 Phase A active power offset correction 14 w_PoffsetB 2 0x0000 Phase B active power offset correction 15 w_PoffsetC 2 0x0000 C phase active power offset correction 16 w_QPhscal 2 0x0000 Reactive phase correction 17 w_UgainA 2 0x0000 A phase voltage gain 18 w_UgainB 2 0x0000 B phase voltage gain 19 w_UgainC 2 0x0000 C phase voltage gain 1A w_IgainA 2 0x0000 A phase current gain 1B w_IgainB 2 0x0000 B phase current gain 1C w_IgainC 2 0x0000 C phase current gain 1D w_Istarup 2 0x0160 Starting current threshold setting 1E w_Hfconst 2 0x0500 High frequency pulse output settings 1F w_FailVoltage 2 0x0600 Voltage loss threshold setting (three-phase four-wire mode) 2 0x1200 Voltage loss threshold setting (three-phase three-wire mode) 20 w_GainADC7 2 0x0000 The seventh ADC input signal gain twenty one w_QoffsetA 2 0x0000 Phase A reactive power offset correction twenty two w_QoffsetB 2 0x0000 Phase B reactive power offset correction twenty three w_QoffsetC 2 0x0000 C phase reactive power offset correction twenty four w_UaRmsoffse 2 0x0000 Phase A voltage effective value offset correction 25 w_UbRmsoffse 2 0x0000 Phase B voltage effective value offset correction 26 w_UcRmsoffse 2 0x0000 Phase C voltage effective value offset correction 27 w_IaRmsoffse 2 0x0000 Phase A current effective value offset correction 28 w_IbRmsoffse 2 0x0000 Phase B current effective value offset correction 29 w_IcRmsoffse 2 0x0000 C phase current effective value offset correction 2A w_UoffsetA 2 0x0000 Phase A voltage channel ADC offset correction 2B w_UoffsetB 2 0x0000 B-phase voltage channel ADC offset correction 2C w_UoffsetC 2 0x0000 C-phase voltage channel ADC offset correction 2D w_IoffsetA 2 0x0000 A-phase current channel ADC offset correction 2E w_IoffsetB 2 0x0000 B-phase current channel ADC offset correction 2F w_IoffsetC 2 0x0000 C-phase current channel ADC offset correction 30 w_EMUIE 2 0x0001 Interrupt enable 31 w_ModuleCFG 2 0x3527 Circuit module configuration register 32 w_AllGain 2 0x0000 Full channel gain for correcting ref self-correction 33 w_HFDouble 2 0x0000 Pulse constant doubling selection Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page46 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 34 w_LineGain 2 0x2C59 Fundamental gain correction 35 w_PinCtrl 2 0x000F Digital pin pull-up and pull-down resistor selection control 36 w_Pstartup 2 0x0030 Starting power threshold setting 37 w_Iregion0 2 0x7FFF Phase compensation area setting register 38 w_Cyclength 2 0x1000 SAG data length setting register 39 w_SAGLvl 2 0x4500 SAG detection threshold setting register 60 w_Iregion1 2 0x0000 Phase compensation area setting register 1 61 w_PhSregApq2 2 0x0000 Phase A phase correction 2 62 w_PhSregBpq2 2 0x0000 Phase B phase correction 2 63 w_PhSregCpq2 2 0x0000 C phase phase correction 2 64 w_PoffsetAL 2 0x0000 Phase A active power offset correction low byte 65 w_PoffsetBL 2 0x0000 Phase B active power offset correction low byte 66 w_PoffsetCL 2 0x0000 Phase C active power offset correction low byte 67 w_QoffsetAL 2 0x0000 Phase A reactive power offset correction low byte 68 w_QoffsetBL 2 0x0000 Phase B reactive power offset correction low byte 69 w_QoffsetCL 2 0x0000 6A w_ItRmsoffset 2 0x0000 Current vector and offset correction register 6B w_TPSoffset 2 0x0000 TPS initial value correction register 6C w_TPSgain 2 0x0000 TPS slope correction register 6D w_TCcoffA 2 0xFEFF Quadratic coefficient of Vrefgain 6E w_TCcoffB 2 0xEF7A The linear coefficient of Vrefgain 6F w_TCcoffC 2 0x047C Constant term of Vrefgain 70 w_EMCfg 2 0x0000 Added algorithm control register 71 w_OILVL 2 0x0000 Overcurrent threshold setting register Phase C reactive power offset correction low byte Note: Users are passingSPIWhen reading and writing the calibration register via communication, the calibration data needs to be placed in3data byte low2in bytes. 4.4 Calibration parameter register description 4.4.1 Mode configuration register (address:0x01) Mode Config (ModeCfg) Bit 15 Read: Chop_RE Bit 14 Address: Bit 13 RmsLpf_ Bit 12 01H Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 CIB_ADC CIB_ADC SampleR SampleR Write: F_En UbS Reset: 1 Bit 7 0 Bit 6 0 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 1 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 1 Bit 0 Read: Chop_AD EnADC6 EnADC5 EnADC4 EnADC3 EnADC2 EnADC1 EnADC0 C_En 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Write: Reset: En PRFCFG 1 0 1 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page47 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit name describe Bit00 =1Indicates turning on the neutral currentI0aisleadc;=0closure. Bit01 =1Indicates openIaaisleadc;=0closure. Bit02 =1Indicates openUaaisleadc;=0closure. Bit03 =1Indicates openIbaisleadc;=0closure. Bit04 =1Indicates openUbaisleadc;=0closure. Bit05 =1Indicates openIcaisleadc;=0closure. Bit06 =1Indicates openUcaisleadc;=0closure. Bit07 =1Indicates openadcofchopfunction; =0closure.It is recommended to turn it off and configure it as0. Bit09 Bit08 SampleR1/0: used to selectfemuclock 00 01 1.8432MHz Bit11 Bit10 1X 460.8kHz 921.6kHz/ CIB_ADC1/0: used to selectirefbias current 11 10uA 10 01 5uA 7.5uA 00 5uA In reducing chip power consumption and getting betterADCPerformance contradiction,A compromise recommendation0x10choose7.5uA Bit12 Update rate selection for rms and power, =1means slow (1.76Hz);=0fast(14.4Hz). In normal operation, in order to obtain stable effective value and power value, the slow mode is recommended; in the full voltage loss mode, in order to obtain the current effective value quickly, it is recommended to select the fast mode. Femu=1.8432MHzWhen , the slow update rate is3.52Hz, quickly for28.8Hz Bit13 Select the settling time for a valid value, =1Indicates slow speed and small beating; =0Fast, big jump. In normal use, in order to obtain stable effective values, the slow speed method is recommended; In the full voltage loss mode, in order to quickly obtain the effective value of the current, it is recommended to select fast. Bit14 Three-phase three-wire timeUbValid value data source selection, =1Indicates internal (ua-uc);=0expressubaisle. Bit15 =1Indicates openrefofchopfunction; =0closure. To get a more stableVref,Recommended to open. Note: singleadcThe power consumption is600uA,chop_adcIt can improve the jitter of small signals. 4.4.2 ADCGain configuration register (address:0x02) Analog PGA Control(PGACtrl) Bit 15 Bit 14 Read: Write: - Address: Bit 13 Bit 12 02H Bit 11 Bit 10 - - - - - Bit 9 Bit 8 UPGA1 UPGA0 Reset: 0 Bit 7 0 Bit 6 0 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 0 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 0 Bit 0 Read: IcPGA1 IcPGA0 IbPGA1 IbGA0 IaPGA1 IaPGA0 I0PGA1 I0PGA0 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit name describe Bit01 Bit00 Represents neutral currentI0aisleADCgain amplification,00/01/10/11Respectively expressed as1/2/8/16multiple gain Bit03 Bit02 expressAPhase current channelADCgain amplification,00/01/10/11Respectively expressed as1/2/8/16multiple gain Bit05 Bit04 expressBPhase current channelADCgain amplification,00/01/10/11Respectively expressed as1/2/8/16multiple gain Bit07 Bit06 expressCPhase current channelADCgain amplification,00/01/10/11Respectively expressed as1/2/8/16multiple gain Bit09 Bit08 Indicates three-phase voltage channelADCgain amplification,00/01/10/11Respectively expressed as1/2/8/8multiple gain 4.4.3 EMUUnit configuration (address:0x03) EMU Config (EMUCfg) Bit 15 Read: Write: LinePRu n Address: Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 SRun QRun PRun 03H Bit 11 StartSe l Bit 10 HAREn Bit 9 Bit 8 WaveSel WaveSel 1 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page48 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Reset: 0 Bit 7 Read: EnergyC Write: Reset: lr 0 0 Bit 6 0 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 1 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 0 Bit 0 EAddmode Zxd1 Zxd0 Smode SPL2 SPL1 SPL0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Bit name describe Bit02 Bit01 Bi00 SPL[2:0]: Waveform sampling frequency selection, whenfosc=5.5296M,femu=921.6kHzWhen , select the frequency as follows: 1xx 011 7.2K 14.4K 010 3.6K 001 1.8K 000 0.9K whenfemu=1.8432MHz /460.8kHzWhen , the selected waveform sampling frequency changes in positive proportion to the above table. Bit03 =1, the apparent power/energy register usesRMSmethod of measurement; =0, Bit05 Bit04 ZXD:Select voltage zero-crossing interrupt mode the apparent power/energy register usesPQSmethod measurement. 00 01 1X forward0interrupt /negative pass0interrupt/ Passing both ways0interrupt Bit06 =1, the three-phase four-wire system uses algebraic and cumulative methods, and the three-phase three-wire system uses absolute value and cumulative methods; =0, the Bit07 =1, the energy register is cleared after reading0; Bit09 Bit08 WaveSel[1:0]: Waveform buffer data source selection, three-phase four-wire system uses absolute value and accumulation methods, and the three-phase three-wire system uses algebraic and accumulation methods. =0The energy register is unclear after reading0. =00,chooseADCThe sampling data comes from raw data without Qualcomm; =01,chooseADC The sampling data comes from high-pass and gain-corrected data; =1x,chooseADCThe sampling data comes from the data after the fundamental wave filter. Bit10 =1, turn on the fundamental wave/harmonic measurement function; =0, turn off the fundamental/harmonic measurement function. Need to pass the register (calibration parameter0x70 bit5)EnHarmonicFor fundamental and harmonic measurements switch ShouldbitforATT7022Eproprietary,ATT7026E/28Einvalid. Bit11 =1, select power as the basis for judgment of latent starting; =0, select the current effective value as the basis for judging the creeping starting. It is recommended to use power as the basis for judging creep start. 4.4.4 Bit12 =1, turn on the active energyCF1Channel energy measurement function; =0,closureCF1Metering function. Bit13 =1, turn on reactive energyCF2Channel energy measurement function; =0,closureCF2Metering function. Bit14 =1, turn on the apparent energyCF3Channel energy measurement function; =0,closureCF3Metering function. Bit15 =1, turn on the fundamental active energyCF4Channel energy measurement function; =0,closureCF4Metering function. Power gain compensation register (address:0x04~0x0C) Addr Reg 0x04 Pa 0x05 Pb Active Power Gain (Pga~Pgc) Bit15 14 Read: Write: Reset: 0x06 PC 0x07 Qa Address: 0x08 Qb 0x09 Qc Write: 0x0B sb 0x0C Sc 04H~06H Pg15 Pg14 13 Pg13 12…3 Pg12…Pg3 2 Pg2 1 Pg1 Bit0 Pg0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Qg2 1 Qg1 Bit0 Qg0 Ractive Power Gain (Qga~Qgc) Address: 07H~09H Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: 0x0A Sa Qg15 Qg14 Qg13 Qg12…Qg3 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page49 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Reset: 0 0 0 0 Apparent Power Gain (Sga~Sgc) Address: 0AH~0CH Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: Write: Reset: 0 0 0 1 SG1 Bit0 Sg0 0 0 Sg15 Sg14 Sg13 Sg12…Sg3 2 Sg2 0 0 0 0 0 in power factorcos(φ)=1When performing power gain correction, the active power gain correction register and the reactive power gain correction register The same correction value is written into the register, and the apparent power gain correction register isSmode=0choosePQSWhen measuring, it does not need to be calibrated, but when Smode=1chooseRMSWhen measuring in this way, correction is required, and the correction value is the same as the active/reactive power gain value. A known: The reading error on the standard table iserr% Calculation formula: Pgain= −err% 1+err% ifPgain>=0,butGP1=INT[Pgain*2 1̂5] otherwisePgain<0, butGP1=INT[2 1̂6+Pgain*2 1̂5] 4.4.5 Phase correction register (address:0x00D~0x12,0x61~0x63) Power Phase Calibrate (Pha~Phc) Write: Reset: 0DH~12H Ph15 14 Ph14 13 Ph13 12…3 Ph12…Ph3 2 Ph2 1 Ph1 Bit0 Ph0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Address: in power factorcos(φ)=1, after the power gain has been corrected, phase compensation is performed. The phase correction iscos(φ)=0.5L Calibrate when necessary. A known:0.5LThe error reading of the standard table iserr% Phase compensation formula: θ= −err% 1.732 ifθ>=0,PhSregpq = INT[θ*2^15] otherwiseθ<0,PhSregpq = INT[2^16 +θ*2^15] 4.4.6 poweroffsetCorrection (address:0x13~0x15,0x21~0x23,0x64~0x69) Active Power Offset (Posa~Posc) Address: 13H~15H Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page50 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: Pos15 Pos14 Pos13 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 Reactive Power Offset Pos12…Pos3 2 Pos2 1 Pos1 Bit0 Pos0 0 0 0 0 1 Qos1 Bit0 Qos0 0 0 Address: 21H~23H (Qosa~Qosc) Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: Qos15 Qos14 Qos13 Qos12…Qos3 Write: Reset: 2 Qos2 0 0 0 0 0 After power gain correction and phase correction, perform poweroffsetCorrection, input small signalx%Ib(5%or2%) point of the electric meter error The difference isErr% x%IbClick to read the active power value output on the standard meter under resistancePreal Use the formula to calculate,Poffset = INT[(Preal*EC*HFCONST*2 3̂1*(-Err%))/(2.592*10^10)]. CalculatedPoffsetheight of16bitWrite the original register (calibration parameter0x13~0x15/0x21~23);Low8Bit writing to the newly added register (0x64~0x69). 4.4.7 Fundamental wave reactive power phase correction register (address:0x16) Reactive Power Phase(Qph) Address: Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: Qph15 Qph14 Qph13 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 16H Qph12…Qph3 2 Qph2 1 Qph1 Bit0 Qph0 0000 0 0 0 The default value corresponds tofemu=921.6Ksituation, no further correction is required;femuis other frequencies, or the measured power frequency is not 50HzIt needs to be corrected according to the following formula:It is only used when the reactive power is selected as fundamental wave reactive power. It is not required when the reactive power is selected as full wave reactive power. Correction. exist30Calibration is performed when the powerQThe error value is:err% QPhasCalThe calculation formula is: iferr>=0,QPhscal=INT[err%*32768/1.732] iferr<0,QPhscal=INT[65536+ err%*32768/1.732-256] 4.4.8 Voltage gain correction register (address:0x17~0x19) Voltage Gain (Uga~Ugc) Ug15 14 Ug14 13 Ug13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:17H~19H 12…3 Ug12…Ug3 2 Ug2 1 Ug1 Bit0 Ug0 0 0 0 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page51 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) existUgain=0When, the actual effective value of the input voltage is read on the standard meterUr,passSPIport to read the value of the measured voltage effective value register forDataU A known: Actual input voltage effective valueUr Measure voltage effective valueUrms=DataU/2 1̂3 Calculation formula: Ugain=Ur/Urms-1 ifUgain≥0,butUgain=INT[Ugain*2 1̂5] ifUgain<0,butUgain=INT[2 1̂6+ Ugain*2 1̂5] 4.4.9 Current gain correction register (address:0x1A~0x1C,0x20) Address:1AH~1CH,20H Current Gain (Iga~Igc,Ign) Read: Write: Reset: Bit15 Ig15 14 Ig14 13 Ig13 12…3 Ig12…Ig3 2 Ig2 1 Ig1 Bit0 Ig0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 existIgain=0When, the actual input current effective value is read on the standard meterIr,passSPIport to read the value of the measured voltage effective value register as DataI Known: actual input current effective valueIr Measure voltage effective valueIrms=(DataI/2 1̂3)/N (The rated current corresponding to the sampling signal is25mV,butN=30/Ib;Rated current pair The signal that should be sampled is50mV,butN=60/Ib;See details4.2.2Valid value register description) Calculation formula: Igain=Ir/Irms-1 ifIgain≥0,butIgain=INT[Igain*2 1̂5] ifIgain≤0,butIgain=INT[2 1̂6+ Igain*2 1̂5] 4.4.10Starting current setting register (address:0x1D) Current Start (Start) Is15 14 Is14 13 Is13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:1DH 12…3 Is12…Is3 2 Is2 1 Is1 Bit0 Is0 0 0 0 0 Known: starting current selectionIoat Calculation formula:Istartup=INT[0.8*Io*2 1̂3] Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page52 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) inIo=Ib*N*The proportional set point (the rated current corresponding to the sampling signal is25mV,butN=30/Ib;The rated current corresponding to the sampling signal is 50mV,butN=60/Ib;) For example, the starting current is set to0.4%,Ib=1.5Asampled signal50mV,butIo=1.5*40*0.4%. N——and the coefficient in the current effective value calculation formulaNsame. When configuring the starting threshold, you need to write the starting current threshold (calibration parameter0x1D)and starting power threshold (calibration parameter0x36) 4.4.11High frequency pulse constant setting (address:0x1E) High Freqency Constant(HFconst) HF15 14 HF14 13 HF13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:1EH 12…3 HF12…HF3 2 HF2 1 HF1 Bit0 HF0 0 0 0 0 parameterHFconstDetermine the high-frequency pulse output used for calibrationCFFrequency of,HFconstCannot write greater than0x000D00, or less than 0x000002parameter value. Known: high frequency pulse constantEC Rated input voltageUn Rated input currentIb Voltage input channel sampling voltagevu(actual input signal * analog gain multiple) Current input channel sampling voltageVi(actual input signal * analog gain multiple) ATT7022E/26E/28EGainG HFconstCalculation formula: HFConst=INT[2.592*10 1̂0*G*G*Vu*Vi/(EC*Un*Ib)] Note: in the above formulaG=1.163,INT[ ]Indicates rounding operation, such as:INT[5.68]=5. 4.4.12Voltage loss threshold setting register (address:0x1F) Voltage Fail (Ufail) Uf15 14 Uf14 13 Uf13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:1FH 12…3 Uf12…Uf3 2 Uf2 1 Uf1 Bit0 Uf0 0 0 0 0 The voltage loss threshold is set based on the corrected voltage effective value. The specific formula is: pressure loss thresholdFailVoltage=Un*2 5̂*D Un: Indicates the corrected voltage effective value D: Indicates the percentage of voltage loss Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page53 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) For example, three-phase four-wire system, corrected rated voltage valueUnfor220V, voltage loss percentageDfor10%, then the voltage loss threshold is registered The parameters of the device are220*2 5̂*10%=0x02C0. That is to say, the0x02C0After setting to the voltage loss threshold register, when the input voltage is lower than Unof10%,Right now22V, a pressure loss indication will be given. Three-phase three-wire system, corrected rated voltage valueUn=100V, voltage loss percentageD=60%, then the parameters of the voltage loss threshold register for100*2 5̂*60%=0x0780. After setting the voltage loss threshold register in this way, when the voltage is lower thanUnof60%,Right now60VWhen , the error will be given pressure indication signal. 4.4.13Valid valuesoffsetCorrection (address:0x24~0x29,0x6A) Voltage Offset (Uosa~Uosc) Address:24H~26H Bit15 14 13 Read: Uos15 Uos14 Uos13 12…3 Uos12…Uos3 Write: Reset: 2 Uos2 1 Uos1 Bit0 Uos0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12…3 Ios12…Iosh3 2 Ios2 1 Ios1 Bit0 Ios0 0 0 0 0 Address:27H~29H,0x6A Current Offset (Iosa~Iosc) Read: Write: Reset: Bit15 Ios15 14 Ios14 13 Ios13 0 0 0 Before rms gain correction, performoffsetCorrection. Known: The input signal is0When, read the value of the registerIrms Calculation formula:IrmsOffset = (Irms^2)/ (2 1̂5). Before split-phase RMS gain correction, performItRmsoffsetCorrection (Calibration parameters0x6A) . Known: The input signal is0When, read the value of the registerItrms Calculation formula:ItRmsoffset = (Irms^2)/ (2 1̂5). 4.4.14 ADC offsetCorrection (address:0x2A~0x2F) Addr Reg 0x2A 0x2B 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 0x2F adc_Ua adc_Ub adc_Uc adc_Ia adc_Ib adc_Ic 12…3 2 1 Bit0 Adc Offset (adc_Ua~adc_Ic) Address:2AH~2FH Bit15 14 13 Read: ADCos15 ADCos14 ADCos13 ADCos12…ADCos3 ADCos2 ADCos1 ADCos0 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC OffsetCorrection is used with the high-pass filter turned off to filter outADCDC bias. The input signal is0case Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page54 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Read multiple timesADCThe data is sampled in real time, averaged and written into the correction register. Notice:ADCThe real-time sampling data is19bit, and the high-order bit complements the sign bit, andADC offsetThe register is16bit, that isADC offset andADCsampled data19high in position16Bit aligned. 4.4.15Interrupt enable register (address:0x30) Mode Config (ModeCf) Bit 15 - Read: Write: Reset: Read: Bit 14 0 0 Bit 6 OVIIE Write: Reset: 0 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 - - - - - 0 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 0 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 0 Bit 0 SampleE wxya ikB wxya Updata IRQ 0 0 0 0 0 1 BufferF TPS_Ok Bit 7 Address:30H Bit 13 ull SAGIE 0 Only when the corresponding interrupt bit is enabled, the corresponding interrupt flag will passIRQpin output. in spite ofEMUIEIs it enabled?r_INTFlagThe register will be set after the corresponding event occurs.1. Bit name describe Bit00 When the chip is in reset stateIRQis high, after reset is completedIRQThe signal is low. When the calibration parameters are written, the calibration parameters are not the initial values.IRQThe signal is pulled high immediately. When the calibration parameters are cleared, the calibration parameters are the initial values.IRQThe signal is immediately pulled low. This bit is required and cannot be cleared. Bit01 Parameter register update interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit02 APhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit03 BPhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit04 CPhase voltage zero-crossing interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit05 ADCSampling data update interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit06 SAGInterrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit07 Overcurrent interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Bit13 bufferbufferFull interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. Note that this bit is invalid for the synchronous sampling function. Bit14 Temperature sensor conversion end interrupt enable bit, =1Indicates enable; =0closure. 4.4.16Analog module enable register (address:0x31) Analog ModuleConfig (ModuleCfg) Bit 15 Read: Ana_Cfg Bit 14 Address:31H Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Ana_Cfg Ana_Cfg SPI_Mod Ana_Cfg Ana_Cfg Ana_Cfg Write: 6 Ana_Cfg5 Reset: 0 Bit 7 1 Bit 6 0 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 0 Bit 3 1 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 1 Bit 0 TPS_sel IRQCFG Bor_En TPS_En Rosi_en HPFONU HPFONI HPFONI0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Read: Write: Reset: 4 3 e 2 Bit name describe Bit00 =1, turn on the seventh channel digital high-pass filter; =0closure. Bit01 =1, turn on the current channel digital high-pass filter; =0closure. 1 0 Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page55 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit02 =1, turn on the voltage channel digital high-pass filter; =0closure. Bit03 =1, select the Rogowski coil function that enables the current channel; =0closure. Bit04 =1, choose to turn onTPSfunction; =0closure. Bit05 =1, choose to turn onBORfunction; =0closure. Bit06 =1, interrupt selection is active at high level; =0Active low. Bit07 Temperature sensor type selection signal, =0,choosePNSensor (recommended); =1, choose resistive sensing device. Bit11 =1,chooseSPILow speed mode (SCLKfrequency0~1.4MHz); =0chooseSPIHigh speed mode (SCLKfrequency0~10MHz) Bit15~12,10~8 Simulation performance configuration, the recommended configuration is0011,100 4.4.17All-channel gain register (address:0x32) All Channel Gain (ACG) Address:32H Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: ACG15 ACG14 ACG13 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 ACG12…ACG3 2 ACG2 1 ACG1 Bit0 ACG0 0 0 0 0 right7roadADCAdds an overall gain correction, mainly forVREFcaused by changes inADCThe full scale range changes. Known: due toVrefcaused by changesValid valuesVarietyerr%, note that it is a valid valueerr, if it is the electric energy error, it iserr/2. Calculation formula:Allgain= −err% 1+err% ifAllgain>=0,butGP1=INT[Allgain*2 1̂5] otherwiseAllgain<0,butGP1=INT[2 1̂6+Allgain*2 1̂5] 4.4.18Pulse doubling register (address:0x33) All Channel Gain (ACG) Address:33H Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: ACG15 ACG14 ACG13 Write: Reset: 0 0 0 ACG12…ACG3 2 ACG2 1 ACG1 Bit0 ACG0 0 0 0 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EProvide pulse constant doubling selection registerHFDouble, used to double the pulse constant when controlling small currents, This speeds up the calibration of the meter when the current is small,HFDoubleDoubling is achieved by amplifying the power value, and the value of the power register is also Zoom in for easier accessPoffsetCorrection. Note: Doubling the pulse constant is achieved by amplifying the power value, so it is only recommended to use this function when the current is small. The pulse constant doubling function is not used when the signal is used to avoid unknown errors caused by internal register overflow due to power signal amplification when the signal is large. This function is mainly used for meter calibration applications with small current points. Please turn off this function after the meter calibration is completed. HFDoubleRegister contents Pulse constant magnification 0x33CC Pulse constant amplification2times 0x33CD Pulse constant amplification4times 0x33CE Pulse constant amplification8times 0x33CF Pulse constant amplification16times other values The pulse constant remains unchanged Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page56 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 4.4.19Fundamental gain register (address:0x34) Fundamental Gain (Fgain) FG15 14 FG14 13 FG13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:34H 12…3 FG12…FG3 2 FG2 1 FG1 Bit0 FG0 0 0 0 0 ATT7022E/26E/28EProvides a fundamental gain correction register to compensate for the fundamental gain. In the fundamental gain register LineGain(0x34)=0x2C59(Reset value), read the actual input fundamental wave effective value on the standard tableUr,passSPIoral reading test The value of the fundamental wave effective value register isDataU. Under normal circumstances, it is sufficient to calibrate the full-wave effective value, and there is no need to separately calibrate the fundamental wave gain. Known: actual input fundamental wave effective valueUr Measure the effective value of the fundamental waveUrms=DataU/2 1̂3 Calculation formula:LineGain=INT[(Ur/Urms)*11346] 4.4.20 IOStatus configuration register (address:0x35) Mode Config (ModeCf) Bit 15 Read: Write: Reset: Read: Write: Reset: - Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 - - - - - - - - 0 Bit 4 - 1 Bit 3 0 Bit 1 0 Bit 0 CsiCtrl SelCtrl 0 0 1 0 Bit 2 SclkCtr l 1 1 1 0 0 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 - 0 Address:01H Bit 14 - 0 DinCtrl Bit name describe Bit00 3P3/3P4modelSELSelect the internal state of the foot, =1express300kPull-up resistor;=0forfloating. Bit01 SPIinterfaceCSInternal state of the foot, =1express300kPull-up resistor;=0forfloating. Bit02 SPIinterfaceSCLKInternal state of the foot, =1express300kPull-up resistor;=0forfloating. Bit03 SPIinterfaceDINInternal state of the foot, =1express300kPull-up resistor;=0forfloating. 4.4.21Starting power register (address:0x36) Power Start (Pstart) Ps15 14 Ps14 13 Ps13 0 0 0 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:36H 12…3 Ps12…Ps3 2 Ps2 1 Ps1 Bit0 Ps0 0 0 0 0 Known: rated voltageUb, the basic currentIb, starting current pointk‰ Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page57 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Calculation formula:Pstartup=INT[0.6*Ub*Ib*HFconst*EC* k‰*2 2̂3/(2.592*10 1̂0)] 4.4.22Phase compensation area setting register (address:0x37/0x60) Phase Iregion (Iregion) Ir15 14 Ir14 13 Ir13 0 1 1 Bit15 Read: Write: Reset: Address:37H 12…3 Ir12…Ir3 2 Ir2 1 Ir1 Bit0 Ir0 1 1 1 1 In order to better meet the characteristics of external transformers, phase compensation can be divided into3segment, this register is used to set the current segmentation point, and the current is valid High value16bitAlignment; phase compensation register used in conjunction with phase segmentation registerIregion0(Calibration parameters0x37/0x60)and newly added phase segmentation memoryIregion1(Calibration parameters0x60), phase compensation register0(Calibration parameters0x0D~0x0F), phase compensation register1(Calibration parameters 0x10~0x12)Newly added phase compensation register2(0x61~0x63). When the current value is effectiveI>Iregion0(Calibration parameters0x37),usePhSregXpq0Perform phase compensation, when the current value is effective Iregion1<I<Iregion0,usePhSregXpq1Perform phase compensation, when the current value is effectiveI<Iregion1,usePhSregXpq2progressive phase bit compensation. The phase segmentation setting register is the same as the originalATT7022E/26E/28Econsistent,Pay attention to setting the thresholdIregion0> Iregion1 Known: Current setting areaIs Calculation formula:Iregion =INT[Is*2 5̂] inIs=Ib*N*The proportional set point (the rated current corresponding to the sampling signal is25mV,butN=30/Ib;The rated current corresponding to the sampling signal is 50mV,butN=60/Ib;) For example, the starting current is set to15%,Ib=1.5Asampled signal50mV,butIs=1.5*40*15%. N——and the coefficient in the current effective value calculation formulaNsame. 4.4.23 SAGData length setting register (0x38) Address:38H Cyclength(Cyclength) Bit15 14 13 Read: Cyc15 Cyc14 Cyc13 12…3 Cyc12…Cyc3 Write: Reset: 2 Cyc2 1 Cyc1 Bit0 Cyc0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 The duration isSAGLength setting registerCyclength(Calibration parameters0x38) setCyclengthhalf-cycle wave number, then determine The voltage of this phase drops. whenCyclength=0x0000when, closeSAGFunction. 4.4.24 SAGDetection threshold setting register (0x39) SAG Level(SAGL) Address:39H Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page58 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit15 14 13 12…3 Read: SAGLvl15 SAGLvl14 SAGLvl13 Write: Reset: 0 1 1 SAGLvl12…SAGLvl 3 1 2 1 Bit0 SAGLvl2 SAGLvl1 SAGLvl0 1 1 1 SAGThe detection threshold is set based on the corrected voltage peak value. The specific formula is: detection thresholdSAGLvl=Un*2 5̂*1.414*D Un: Indicates the corrected voltage effective value D: expressSAGDetection voltage percentage For example, three-phase four-wire system, corrected rated voltage valueUnfor220V, detection voltage percentageDfor50%, then the detection threshold is registered The parameters of the device are220*2 5̂*1.414*50%=0x1372. That is to say, the0x1372After setting to the detection threshold register, when the input voltage lower thanUnof50%,Right now110Vtime, and lasts longer thanCyclengthThe set length appearsSAG. 4.4.25Overcurrent detection threshold setting register (0x71) Address:71H OverCurrentLevel(oeLh) Bit15 14 13 12…3 2 1 Bit0 Read: OILvl15 OILvl14 OILvl13 OILvl12…OILvl3 OILvl2 OILvl1 OILvl0 Write: Reset: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 The overcurrent detection threshold is set based on the corrected current peak value. The formula is:OILvl=Imax*2 5̂*1.414*N*D OILvl——Detection threshold Imax——Indicates the maximum current effective value after correction D——Indicates the overcurrent detection current percentage For example: Maximum current value after correctionImaxfor60A, detection voltage percentageDfor150%, in the current effective value calculation formulaN=6,Then check The parameters of the measurement threshold register are60*2 5̂*1.414*6*150%=0x5F71. That is to say, the0x5F71After setting to the detection threshold register, When the input current is higher than90Atime, and lasts longer thanCyclengthOvercurrent occurs at the set length. 4.4.26Automatic temperature compensation related registers (0x6B~0x6F)(new) ToffsetCalibration register (calibration parameter0x6B) conductTPSconsistency correction such thatTPSData(Measurement parameters0x2A) value at room temperature (25degree) the output is0x00. Correction method: straight readTPSData(Measurement parameters0x2A) at room temperature (25degree) output value, written directlyToffsetCalibration register (calibration parameter0x6B)Right now Can. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page59 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) TgainCorrection register (0x6C) for compensationTPSThe coefficient does not require correction. VrefgainThe compensation curve coefficient ofTCoffA,TCoffB,TCcoffC(0x6D~0x6F) 1)considerVrefand external resistors (optional20 ppmRecommended coefficients when factoring in positive temperature coefficient resistance: 0x6D=0xFF11;0x6E=0x2B53;0x6F=0xD483 2) only compensatesATT7022EselfVrefRecommended coefficients for temperature characteristics:0x6D=0xFF00;0x6E=0x0DB8;0x6F=0xD1DA 4.4.27Algorithm Control Register (0x70) Address:0x Added new control register (w_EMCfg) Write Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit9 Bit8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Fcntmod CHLSel1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 CHLSel0 ----- EnHarmon QEnergySel Ymodsel ISUMSel VrefAotu_en ModSel 0 0 0 0 0 Read Reset Write IC Read Reset 0 0 Bit name Bit00 0 describe ModSel: When the external pin SEL=1, the working mode is determined through the ModSel control bit in the register. ModSel =0 means three-phase four-wire system; ModSel =1 means three-phase three-wire system Bit01 VrefAotu_en: Reference automatic compensation enable VrefAotu_en=1, use automatic compensation. At this time, the internally calculated allgain = Vrefgain comes from the internally calculated value and is written to the register VrefGain at the same time. VrefAotu_en=0, turn off automatic compensation, the function is the same as the original ATT7022E, that is, the internally calculated allgain=Allgain (0x32, derived from the calibration register) Bit02 ISUMSel: Current vector algorithm selection bit, see Chapter 4.2.2 (page36) for the formula. ISUMSel=0, algorithm 1 is used; ISUMSel=1, algorithm 2 is used. Bit03 Ymodsel: angle algorithm selection bit Measurement parameter address Ymodsel = 0 (old algorithm one) Ymodsel = 1 (new algorithm two) 0x26 0x27 0x28 0x18 0x19 0x1A Bit04 YU YU ikB Pga ikB pgc YUa YU YU Yya ikB ikB QEnergySel: Reactive energy selection register, QEnergySel=0, select full wave reactive power; QEnergySel=1, select fundamental wave reactive power; Bit05 EnHarmonic: Fundamental wave measurement and harmonic measurement switching control bit EnHarmonic=1, select harmonic measurement; EnHarmonic=0, select fundamental wave measurement. Bit8~7 ChlSel[1..0] Choose which signal to use as a reference when selecting a new algorithm for the included angle. ChlSel1 0 0 1 Chlsel0 0 1 0 reference vector Ua Ub Uc Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page60 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) Bit09 Fcntmod: Electric energy and fast pulse accumulation mode selection bit Fcntmod=0, Fcnt+1 is positive, Fcnt-1 is negative (old method) Fcntmod=1, Fcnt+1 method is used in all cases (new method) Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page61 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 5 Electrical Specifications 5B 5.1 Electrical parameters Test Conditions:Vcc=AVcc=3.3V,EMUClock selection921.6kHz(default), room temperature. parameter minimum value Typical value maximum value unit Test Conditions Electric energy measurement parameters 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.5 Active energy measurement error Reactive energy measurement error Voltage rms measurement error Current effective value measurement error % % % % 5000:1 5000:1 500:1 5000:1 500:1 5000:1 ADC parameters Input voltage range DC input impedance Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ADC sampling rate Bandwidth (-3dB) Reference voltage 1.17 Reference voltage temperature coefficient 530 75 28.8 14.4 14.4 7.2 1.195 ±10 ±710 mV kΩ dB kHz Effective value 500mV EMU clock 1.8432MHz EMU clock 921.6kHz kHz EMU clock 1.8432MHz EMU clock 921.6kHz 1.22 ±15 V ppm Power consumption 4.7 2.6 7.0 4.5 EMU clock selection 921.6kHz EMU clock selection 1.8432MHz mA All 7 ADCs are turned on Only open 3 channels of current ADC mA All 7 ADCs are turned on Only open 3 channels of current ADC DC parameters Digital supply voltage Vcc Analog supply voltage AVcc 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.3 5 Pulse port CF output drive current VOH(CF1\CF2\CF3\CF4\REVP) 0.9*Vcc 0.1*Vcc VOL(CF1\CF2\CF3\CF4\REVP) Logic input high level 0.8*Vcc 0.2*Vcc Logic input low level Logic output high level 0.9*Vcc 0.1*Vcc Logic output low level 5.5296 crystal range of working temperature Storage temperature range 3.6 3.6 10 - 40 - 65 85 150 V V mA V V V V V V MHz Spend Spend Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page62 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 6 Calibration process 6B in the rightATT7022E/26E/28EWhen calibrating a designed electric meter, a standard electric energy meter must be provided. When calibrating the standard electric energy meter, Active energy pulse outputCF1It can be directly connected to the standard meter, and then calibrated according to the error reading of the standard electric energy meter. ATT7022E/26E/28EMake corrections,ATT7022E/26E/28EOnly the active power needs to be corrected, and the reactive power gain correction Just write the same coefficient as the active power gain correction into the register. For the correction of the apparent table, please refer to the following instructions. Calibration process: picture6-1Calibration process parameter settings: picture6-2Parameter setting process Phase correction: Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page63 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) picture6-3APhase correction process School schedule and recommendations 1) Write to the mode configuration register (0x01):0xB97E. Turning on the Vref Chopper function improves Vref performance; turning on the effective power value is slow high-speed mode to reduce jitter; configure the EMU clock to 921.6kHz to reduce power consumption; turn on 6 ADCs and turn off the In channel. 2) Write: 0xF804 to the EMU unit configuration register (0x03). Turn on energy measurement, use power as the basis for latent starting, turn off fundamental power Yes, choose PQS mode for apparent power energy. 3) Analog module enable register (0x31)Write:0x3427, turn on the high-pass filter; turn onBORPower monitoring circuit. 4) Write the HFconst parameter (the same table writes the same HFconst value) Method 1: Calculation based on input signal voltage HFConst=INT[25920000000*G*G*Vu*Vi/(EC*Un*Ib)] Among them G=1.163, INT is rounded calculation for example: The meter constant (EC) is set to 6400 and the power factor is 1. Un (rated voltage) is 220V, Ib (rated current) is 1.5A, Vu (voltage of voltage channel) is 0.22V Vi (voltage of the current channel) is 50mV Calculated according to the formula: HFConst=2.592*Vu*Vi*10̂ 10*1.06*1.06*/(EC*Un*Ib) HFConst = 2.592*0.22 *0.05*10̂ 10*1.163*1.163 / (6400*220*1.5) = 0x00B6 Method 2: Adjust HFconst according to the error For example, if HFconst writes the initial value 0x0080 and reads the error from the standard table as err%, then adjust the error to ±10% according to the formula Within: HFconst=0x0080* (1+err%) Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page64 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) for example: Set the electric meter constant (EC) to 6400, the power factor to 1, write the value 0x0080 to the HFCONST register, and observe the standard meter The error shown is 52.8%. According to the formula: HFCONST = 0x0080 * (1+Err) Calculated: HFCONST = 0x0080 * (1+52.8%) = 0x00C3 5) Power gain correction Calculate according to the description of the power gain correction register. Note that Pgain\Qgain\Sgain can be written with the same value. 6) Phase correction See correction register description. 7) Voltage and current effective value correction See correction register description. Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page65 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 7 Chip packaging 7B Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page66 of 67 ATT7022E/26E/28E User Manual (P73-13-45) 8 typical application 8B 8.1 Recommended process for obtaining FFT from sampled data 1) Turn on the sampling function (0xC0 command: channel selection + start); 2) Wait for the sampling data to be completed; 3) Set the starting address of the user read pointer (via the 0xC1 command) and read the sampling data (0x7F address); 4) Preprocess the data; 5) Perform FFT transformation; 6) If the next operation is required, perform steps 1 to 5. 8.2 Recommended process for sub-harmonic analysis of synchronous buffered data 7) Turn on the synchronous sampling function (0xC5 command: select automatic synchronization or manual synchronization + start command); 8) Wait for the completion of sampling data (delay 50ms or query 0x7E write pointer); 9) Read sampling data (0x7F buffer data reading address); 10) Extract the data and extract every 7 pieces of data in order to form Ua, Ub, Uc, Ia, Ib, Ic, In 11) FFT transformation; 12) Adjust the gain coefficient on the data. The sub-harmonic gain coefficients of each 0th to 21st harmonic are: [ ] 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00362187060665 1.00969162604172 1.01825901332331 1.02939520355364 1.04319331488342 1.05977378492696 1.07927443401769 1.10187021533519 1.12776405100967 1.15718387269867 1.19042304659018 1.22777858879375 1.26962990669109 1.31639900106378 1.36856044411429 1.42671649331348 1.49149037623292 1.56363705732262 1.64398947583697 1.73366802372421 13) If you need the next operation, first turn off the synchronous sampling function (write 0 in 0xC5), and then execute steps 1 to 6. 8.3 Typical application circuit schematic diagram Juquan Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Rev 3.4 Page67 of 67 R3 TEST-1-R X12 1 2 1 2 2 3 680 2% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RJ14 UC 1N4007RL mbs-6 ACIN1 3GND R53%4 X3 1 2 1 TEST-1-R 1 R35 20805 10 R53%6 0805 10 5% 1.2K 5% 08R0453 0.1U 0805 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AGND1 V3N 0805 0.033U 1.2K 0805 5% GND V5P 0.033U 0805 GND 1.2K 5% 08R0455 V5N 100P 0603 C57 C28 C27 CS_AT GND SLEEP CF4 CF3 NC CF2 CF1 SEL NC1 TEST GND1 ATT7022E GND CF4 CF3 CF2 CF1 R60 GND 0805 C46 C45 44 GND 43 OSCO 42 OSCI 41 VATT3.3 40 39 VDD1.8V 38 37 36 35 34 VATT3.3 RESET IRQ V1P V1N REFC V3P V3N AGND V5P V5N C54 0805 GND 100P 0603 C56 2 V1P V1N V3P V3N GND V5P V5N GND GND2 OSCO OSCI VCC REVP VDD DOUT DIN SCLK CS VCC1 1 C23 4.7U 35V CA42 C26 R52 3 C21 V3P 0.033U R44 PC250 1 C20 GND 1 20805 10 5% I162 MBS-6 TP3 1.2K 0805 R33 5% GND 0805 10 4VDC_IN D6 0805 0.033U R42 RSGND DC+ DC- ACIN0 V1N RST_AT IRQ_AT 0.1U 0805 I79 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 twenty four twenty three 0.1U 0805 0.1U 0805 10K 5% VATT3.3 0.1U 0805 0.1U 0805 VATT3.3 0805 0.033U C 201SS-1*40_1X2 FSC 4 5 6 1 7 2 GND C24 0805 0.1U 0805 V6P V6N V0P twenty two V0N trans-dt098a X2 1 2 RSVDC DO-41 R53%2 15P 0805 twenty one GND1 1 1 VD2 2 TRANS-DT098A TP4 TEST-1-R 1 I161 PC250 T3 I6 080510 1.2K 080510 5% 5% 08R0451 201SS-1*40_1X2 1 1 2 10K 5% U1 AVCC1 3GND 25V 10U CA42 V4P V4N D2 MBS-6 TP5 C9 2 4VDC_IN DC+ DC- 0805 GND 2 0805C136 AGND2 ACIN1 0.033U 5% 0 AVCC V2P V2N ACIN0 X1 1 2 V1P R40 1.2K 0805 R31 5% GND 5% 0805 0805GND 12 13 14 V2N GND15 16 V4P 17 V4N T3.3 18 19 VVA6TP 20 V6N mbs-6 PC250 2 C8 GND GND 2 VD4 21 RSGND MRA4007T3 VATT3.3R46 5.6M 15P VAVT2TP3.3 1N4007RL 25V470U CD110 twenty twoOSCO R59 SOT-23 1 VD9 2VDD3.3 SM SCLK_AT G1 OSCI1 1 VTI4R 0805 5% 0.1U 0805 CRYSTAL UF-16.384M-15-20PPM IRLML6302 1 1.2K DOUT_AT DIN_AT C44 2% RJ14 CURRENT FSC 4 5 6 1 7 2 GND C43 4 5 6 7 1VMAIN 2 3 GND 0.1U 0805 0.1U 0805 CTL_PATT R47 1 R2 680 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 25V 470U CD110 DO-41 trans-dt098a GND1 VIN VOUT VSS2 VSS1 NC1 ON/OFF 7 GND VMAIN 4.7U 35V CA42 C25 TEST-1-R MRA4007T3 1 VD1 2RSVDC TRANS-DT098A VD10 GND CD110 6 5 4 2 300MAH C22 UB 1 ON SM 13 6 VDD1.8V X4 D1 s-1142bxxh C10 C3 C4 0.1U 0805 35V 1000U T2 I11 2 1 C1 2 I163 VOUT JP 2 TP2 B MBS-6 D3 VIN 2 1 2 3 1 R1 2% RJ14 m7805t M7805T 4VDC_IN1 DC+ DC- C2 A THIS DOCUM E NT CONTAINS INFORMATION R P RO P RIETARY TO HIT CORPORATION (HIT), USE OR DISCLOSURE WITHOUT THE WRITTE N PER MISSION OF AN OFFICER OF HIT IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. mbs-6 ACIN1 ACIN0 I148 ON SM MRA4007T3 1 1 GND2 2 BATTERY 6~7.2V S-1142BXXH RSGND D5 I18 SM C19 680 4 5 6 1 7 2 CD110 0.1U 0805 1 MRA4007T3 C18 4 5 6 7 0.1U 0805 1RSVCC C17 1 2 3 2 3 201SS-1*40_1X2 X11 1 2 1N4007RL trans-dt098a GND1 X10 1 2 FSC TRANS-DT098A 470U 25V 78L05 VCC5V 5 JUMPER-2PIN 2 VD8 VDD5.0 C16 TEST-1-R DO-41 VIN POWER C15 T1 UA 1TP1 I13 3 RSVDC D4 I22 C14 1 VD3 2 78l05 4 2 3 ON 2 ON 1 0805 0805 R22 0805 R25 UB R5 0805 R8 0805 0805 R11 0805 R14 R17 0805 R20 0805 0805 R23 R28 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 0805 R26 D UC R6 0805 R9 0805 0805 R12 0805 R15 R18 0805 R21 0805 0805 R24 0805 R27 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K VOLTAGE R29 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K 5% 39K V2P 5% 1.2K 0805 GND V2N 0.033U 0805 0805 GND 0805 GND 0805 0.033U R48 0.033U 0805 5% 1.2K 0805 GND 0.033U R49 0.033U 0805 0805 GND I153 jJ 0.033U 0805 DRAWN CHECKED 1 2 3 U8 1 2 3 DRAWING PS2501L-2 1 4 2 3 CF3 CF_SEL CF4 41 2 3 1 2 201SS-1*40_1X2 4.7K HL2 5% 0805 1 2 910 5% 0805 MODEL: TITLE: 3MMLL-304HD2E1 GND 2 D7 R54 CF_SEL 0805 V6N 5% 1.2K 4.7K HL1 5% 0805 1 2 910 5% 0805 HIT CORPORATION SIZE:A4 R53 CF1 0805 V4N V6P 5% 1.2K 5% 1.2K GND V4P 5% 1.2K C11 R19 C12 0805 C13 R16 R37 0805 R13 R38 0805 R10 R39 0805 C5 R7 C6 0805 C7 R4 R30 UA 3MMLL-304HD2E1 2 GND R50 0 0805 CF2 D8 PS2501L-2 1 2 4 3 41 2 3 X5 X6 1 2 201SS-1*40_1X2 5% SHEET NO.: VERSION: OF