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RMBC Method Module 1 Transcript: Sales Copywriting

RMBC Method
for Writing
by Stefan Georgi
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Stefan Georgi
Stefan Georgi here and welcome to the inside of my RMBC course. I’m shooting
these videos before I know exactly what I’m going to call it. I imagine it’s going
to be just something like The RMBC Method by Stefan Georgi, but we’ll see.
Rather than worrying about the marketing first for this, I’d rather worry about
creating really awesome content. This video, in particular, is just me and it’s
me talking about what you should expect now that you are inside the course
because I’ve mapped it all out and I’m really excited to share it with you. So
what should you expect, what is this and if you’re here, you probably read a
sales letter or you followed me for a while, or maybe someone you trust sent
you here so maybe you know a little bit, but let’s still kind of go through it.
So RMBC stands for Research Mechanism Brief and Copy and the purpose of
RMBC is to get you to consistently write better sales copy in less time using
this four-step approach. It makes sense inherently, why you’d want to do that,
but let’s really go deeper on it like, why do you want to write consistently better
copy in less time? Well, as a freelancer, if you can write higher quality sales
copy and it’s more consistent and you can do it in less time, then you have
a lot more optionality, right? You can either do more projects to make more
money, which I actually don’t prefer, I’d rather do fewer projects and charge
more, but it’s easier to do that if you’re consistently writing good sales copy.
Now your effective hourly rate can go up quite a bit because if you’re at a
place where you charge $10,000 for a sales letter, as an example, and it used
to take you 40 hours to write it, maybe it took you a 100 hours to write it, then
your effective hourly rate is $100 an hour. But if you can do that same sales
letter in 10 hours, then your effective rate goes up to a $1,000 an hour. Maybe
10 hours is a little bit extreme, but definitely within 20 hours. Again, that still
increases your effective hourly rate from - apparently, I can’t say that word,
but from a $100 to $500 and same thing. Even if you charge a $1,000 for a
sales letter right now or whatever it may be, by writing faster, you make more
money and you do it in less time and then you can actually charge more.
Stefan Georgi
So if you’re charging $1,000 for a sales letter right now and you start putting
out winners consistently that make your clients a lot of money, then turns out
it’s easy to go from charging a $1,000 to 5,000 or 5,000 to 10,000 and that’s
what the RMBC method is designed to help you do. Then the bigger meta
stuff there is obviously, once you’re charging more, working less, you’ve got
more time, more control, you want to go on vacation, you want to start a side
business; all the things you want to do in life, it becomes a lot easier to do
those things once you are able to consistently write good winning sales copy
and doing it in less time.
For business owners who are here, which I imagine it will be a good amount,
why should you be here? Well, a couple of reasons. One is, I imagine, you may
buy it and share it with your employees, which is totally fine and have them
writing, but also, every business owner should understand how to write good
sales copy, what it looks like, what the elements are and everything like that.
Because one thing, sure, you may end up writing copy yourself, maybe you do
already or every now and then you want to do it or whatever the reason, it’s
very valuable to understand the mechanics and the process behind writing
great sales copy. So that’s one reason.
Beyond that well, even for copy chiefing, copy editing, teaching copywriters,
training copywriters that you hire, all these things, I mean, so many businesses
are run and driven by good copy and this is true of long form, which we are
going to look at lots of examples of, but it’s also true of shorter form copy,
e-comm, things like that, which I’m also going to pull some examples of as we
go throughout this course.
So as a result of that, it just makes perfect sense. I’m trying to think of a good
analogy off the top of my head and I’ll probably have to come back to that.
But was it Nancy Reagan or Ronald Reagan, someone said that they couldn’t
define pornography but you know it when you see it. Well, maybe it’s like you
can’t define good copy but you know when you see it and now, you’ll actually
be able to define what good copy is and you’ll have a checklist and it’ll save
you a ton of money, too. Because if you hire copywriters that give you shit
copy, you’ll know it’s shit copy versus where you may be right now, which is
Stefan Georgi
that you get it, you have no idea if it’s good or not, you test it. Sometimes it
works, sometimes it doesn’t, you don’t really understand why.
And if you are the employee of a business owner and they’ve put you into this
course or this program or bought it for you, first of all, tell them thank you,
they’re amazing. But beyond that, this will help you in your career in a myriad
of ways. It helps you to do better at your job, better in your position with that
business owner and generally, what happens when you do better or when the
business does better, you do better. They’ll incentivize you, you’ll have new
opportunities, become more valuable to the company, all that kind of stuff.
So no matter if you’re a freelancer, a business owner, or an employee right
now, I really truly believe that what’s inside of this course can completely
change your life.
Another point I want to make, too is it’s not just about those three categories,
but really what you’re going to learn here in the art of effectively creating better
sales copy, really sales copy is just it’s sales and it’s selling in this messaging;
it’s how you sell. So I want you to really think about the fact that this stuff
could apply in such a myriad of ways. If you speak from stage and you’re
doing a pitch, like I have actually done pitches from stage where I just used
RMBC and especially, the sales letter outline, which you’re going to get in the
C component of this, and crafted very successful pitches that have generated
$1 million and more from stage. If you’re doing presentations at work and
you’re trying to convince somebody of anything, really convince anybody of
anything, if you’re doing one-on-one sales or a group sales call or a webinar,
what you’re going to see is a lot of the principles here.
If you’re intelligent about this and I’ll try and point out the connections
when I can, but a lot of the principles here can apply to basically any form
of communication or selling. Really, selling is effective communication. So
those two things are really tied together and go hand-in-hand and I do want to
encourage you to be thinking about that throughout. Don’t just think about if I
show you an example in health or finance or biz-op or whatever it is, like I really
want to encourage you and it’s really important you do this. Even if that’s not
Stefan Georgi
your vertical, it should be very easy to think about how can this apply to my
vertical, my niche, my industry, whatever it is and generally, it always is going
to be able to apply to that. So I think it’s really important that you do take that
mindset and that you have it during it. It’s really very important. So I want you
to agree to do that as you’re watching this.
Now, what is the story behind RMBC and why am I here? Why am I making
this course besides the fact that as I say, it can help you to consistently write
better sales copy in less time. But why? So I started writing sales copy in
2012. I had a corporate job in South Florida doing outside sales and my now
wife, Laura - at the time, we had just recently met - she was writing copy and
I was tired of being outside all day in the hot Florida sun and coming home
and she was making five or ten times more than I was, at home drinking a
beer in her pajamas or underwear just writing copy and I’m like, “Man, I want
to do that, too.”
So I put an ad on Warrior Forum in the Warriors for Hire section. Warrior Forum
was like an internet marketing forum at the time and it was an ad to hire me.
My first sales letter was for myself saying, “Hire me to write your sales letter,”
and I priced my offerings at $149 per sales letter and went to bed that night.
I woke up and I had $298 in my PayPal account and it was like the greatest
moment ever. It was that moment of aha, oh my God, I can make money by
doing something I love doing, I can make money online, I can make money
writing, I could make money from anywhere. All of those things kind of flashed
through my mind and it was one of the most exciting moments of my life.
I quit my corporate job soon thereafter, I started writing copy for clients. I
didn’t have any idea what I was doing, but I mostly just modeled off of other
things that I saw working and had some natural talent and things did pretty
well. So that went on for a while and then I guess, in 2013, a guy named Efong
hired me off of Warrior Forum and he said, “Hey, I’ll pay you $1,000 to write
a sales letter,” and at the time I was charging $497. So I was really excited
about that. I busted my butt, wrote this kind of cool sales letter that I was
excited about, gave it to him and it did pretty well and so it was awesome.
Stefan Georgi
So then he went in and partnered with a guy named Tryon Savion in the survival
business, an offer called Backyard Liberty and some other offers and they
started using me for copy as well, paid me, I guess $1,000 per sales letter
mostly. But what’s really cool about Efong and Tryon is that they really invested
for the first time and me learning stuff. So they’d show me copy breakdowns,
they’d show me saes letters where they had a bunch of comments and they’d
broken them down. They would give me resources like a newsletter called
the Screaming Eagle newsletter about fascinations - and we’ll talk about
fascinations during this training. They were kind of ruthless; they gave me a
lot of difficult feedback, they’d make me rewrite stuff, but for the first time,
they were really pushing me to become better so I couldn’t just coast and
there were times where I resented that, to be honest with you. But ultimately,
it was this huge benefit because I started getting good at copy for the first
time ever. So that was really beneficial and a really special time in my life.
After that, Efong left his partnership with Tryon to go to the health vertical
space. He partnered with some guys who were in Romania and they had an
information publishing company that was doing eBooks on health so guides
on alternative health stuff like blood sugar, weight loss, hair loss, things like
that and I started writing for those guys as well. A quick background is I also
built like an ad agency or a marketing agency as this was going on because
I thought I needed to have an agency to really scale and that had actually
become a profitable 6-figure business. It was my first successful profitable
business I ever had, but I was getting burned out because I was working with
a ton of doctors, I had clients, I was doing SEO and building websites using
WordPress and doing all this stuff. I started getting burned out.
So I reached out to Efong and said, “Hey, I’d love to just write for you guys and
go back to writing copy and make my life simpler, but I needed some kind of
stability. So would you guys put me on a retainer, potentially?” At first, he was
like, “No, we don’t want to have that kind of a responsibility to you”. I was like,
“Okay, no problem. I get it.” But they hired me to write an offer in the blood
sugar niche and it ended up doing extremely well. At that point, they came
back to me and said, “Actually, you know what? This did really well. We’ve
reconsidered, we will put you on retainer.” But it wasn’t a retainer actually, but
it was a kind of a promise of work. It was really such a special opportunity.
Stefan Georgi
I’m so thankful that I had this opportunity because essentially, what happened
is I got to write as much sales copy as I could in the course of a month and
based on how much I wrote, my compensation changed dramatically. So if
I wrote four sales letters in a month, I get paid $1,000 per sales letter, so
$4,000 and they would pay me some money to write subject lines and email
creatives and even to come up with kind of big ideas and things like that for
them. So that was great. But here’s the thing, if I wrote eight sales letters in
a month, then I got $2,000 for a sales letter and if I wrote twelve sales letters
in a month, I got $4,000 per sales letter. So I write four, I get 4,000 just for the
sales letters. If I write twelve, I write three times as much, I get $48,000. So I
had a massive incentive to want to write twelve sales letters a month, but of
course, you’re thinking that’s impossible, it’s really hard or whatever and yeah,
it kind of is.
But that’s what forced me to create the RMBC method, which I’m sharing with
you right now because I realized, okay, I can do this if I get really systematic and
they actually weren’t all in the same niche, which is interesting. I always describe
them as a health publisher, but the truth is actually, they gave me a blank canvas
to do whatever I wanted. So a lot of stuff was in health early on, but then I also
would do like dating, survival, law of attraction, make money, investments, all
kinds of stuff like that. So I actually got to write in all these verticals of copy and
I was coming up with the ideas, I was coming up with basically from what the
products would be, all of that from start to finish. But even though, they were
different verticals, it was the same demographic again and again, which was
like 50 plus, fairly conservative, slightly skewed male demographic.
So that’s where the RMBC came from because I was like, I need a method
to consistently write good sales copy in as little time as possible. So as you
go through the process here, you’ll see that that’s what I did and it worked.
I started making between all of the different, $48,000 for the sales letters
plus bonuses plus some subject lines and email creatives for all of them, all
that stuff and I had months where I do $70,000 to $80,000 a month and that
was the most money I’d ever made in my life at that time by far and it was
extremely life changing and that was because of RMBC.
Stefan Georgi
Now for me, personally, I didn’t just stop there. I decided to start my own
company and I went to health supplements because I already understand the
health vertical. But rather than do info products when I do physical products
and so I went that route. I started a health supplement company and the first
year, we did $1 million in revenue but we lost $100,000 because I didn’t know
what I was doing. But the second year, we went from 1 million to 23 million
profitably and all the letters I wrote, I followed the RMBC method. It helped
tremendously and then from there, eventually, I wound that health company
down in like 2017.
But I started writing sales copy for clients again, getting involved with other
ventures and did a two-day intensive in Las Vegas where I taught my RMBC
methods to people. 55 people came, they paid an average of I think, $12,500
because I’d tiered the pricing from an early bird to last minute was $15,000
but it averaged about $12,500. I taught RMBC for two days, a bunch of kind of
big names in the direct response world came and they all just thought it was
incredibly valuable, awesome and so great and then that was kind of it. I didn’t
teach RMBC anymore after that, but then Justin Goff reached out to me in, I
guess it would have been late 2018 and said that he wanted to start a program
called Copy Accelerator and the goal was to help teach people how to write
better copy, get better sales copy and be able to create stuff that could scale
on cold traffic. So eventually, I agreed to partner with Justin on that.
We created this program Copy Accelerator, which is our mastermind. As of
the time of recording, we’ve got about 120 members in it. It’s a combination
of freelancers, business owners and the employees of business owners. We
teach our method to our members as well as other stuff about how to scale
and cold traffic so like dialing and upsells, winning ad creatives and a lot of
other stuff. Actually, a good chunk of it will be covered in this course as well
and those people are paying an average of $30,000 a year for that stuff. So
the fact that you’re here, and I don’t know what I’m charging as I make this
video - I have some ideas of what I’m gonna charge for it, but I guarantee you
it’s a lot less than $12,500 or $30,000.
Stefan Georgi
So I hope you see the value here and the fact that by the way, to close the
loop on Copy Accelerator, people who use the RMBC method are changing
their lives. I mean, I’ve got countless testimonials and you’ll see some
interviews with people that I’m gonna include talking about how the method
has impacted them and their business and their career and things like that
and the same thing’s going to happen for you. So I’m really excited to share
that with you here.
What you’re going to find as we go through RMBC here is that it takes a lot of
the mystery out of copywriting and a lot of the copy you’re going to do in the
sales letter actually gets written before you even get to the letter. So that’s
really good for you to know, too because rather than staring at a blank screen
and not knowing where to start or doing some research but it feels disjointed,
you will have a very clear picture. That’s the great thing about RMBC. It’s
really a paint by the numbers, step-by-step approach where if you follow these
four steps that I’m going to be sharing with you, you will know how to write
effective sales copy, whether that’s long form or shorter form and we’ll look
at examples of all of that stuff here.
So that’s a big thing here. You get a unified framework, it’s logical, it’s step-bystep and there’s really no other method or course like this that I’m aware of.
I’ve seen lots of other copywriting courses, systems, people who teach it and
people who train it, but I truly believe nobody teaches copywriting like I do. I
think there’s no method as good as RMBC. I have a lot of data to back that up
just by the countless freelance writers, business owners and employees who
have been trained on it, who have all improved their copy dramatically and
gone from never writing a promo before to writing a 6 or 7-figure or 8-figure
gross winning piece of copy or an ad creative or long form or something else.
So I really hope you get value from this. I think you will. I’m giving away
everything. This isn’t the light version, it’s everything. So yeah, we’re going to
jump right in, in a second here and we’re going to start with research and from
there, we’ll go to mechanism, then the brief and the copy and I’ve got some
additional bonus modules and trainings we’ll see as well. But can’t wait and
let’s go and get started with research here.
Stefan Georgi
Stefan Georgi
Visit Me At: