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IC3 GS6 L2: Digital Information & Search Skills Workbook

Domain 3 Lesson 1
40 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Seek Feedback
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 3 Lesson 1, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the
instructor. [References are found in the brackets.]
Search terms can contain a single keyword, multiple keywords, or even a complete
Key Search Terms]
search allows one to use keywords combined with search operators to narrow down or
broaden their search results. [Filter Search Results]
Articles that have been
[Assess the Accuracy of a Search Result]
People can experience the same thing and have differing perspectives based on
position, beliefs, and
. [Validate the Perspective of a Search Result]
Unbiased writing is
Bias of a Search Result]
If an author is not qualified to speak on a topic, their information is probably not very
[Determine the Credibility of a Search Result]
cannot determine whether a search result is relevant, but it can measure how often the
keyword appears on a page. [Assess the Relevance of a Search Result]
Many individuals and businesses use cloud storage systems like
collect data. [Collect Digital Data and Responses]
CSV files use
to separate lists of data and are commonly used to exchange data between
applications. [Interact with Central Data Storage Systems]
10. If a form is on a
41 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Fill-in-the-Blanks
. [Understand
have been looked through by a team of experts in that topic area.
, gender, social
. It stays neutral and equally represents different viewpoints. [Assess the
and Microsoft Forms to
, users’ work is automatically saved. [Fill Out Online Forms]
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Key Search Terms
Search terms are the words users enter into a search engine. These words are
also known as search queries. They can contain a single keyword, multiple
keywords, or a complete sentence.
When users enter a search term into a search engine, it uses the input keyword
or words to deliver search results that best match users’ intentions. Sometimes
the search engine has difficulty determining what users are looking for from the
search term, so users must provide enough information in their search terms to
yield the results they want.
Upon completing this project, you will be able to use a search engine.
Steps for Completion
Open Google Chrome or another browser.
In the search bar, type Yankee
Take a screenshot of the search results.
Save the screenshot as 311-Completed.png to your Domain 3 Student
42 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Key Search Terms
Project Details
Project file
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Digital Information
Subtopic: Understand Key Search
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.1 Determine digital information
needs and requirements
3.1.1 Understand key search terms
Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 311-Finished, is
in the Finished folder. The screenshot
should show search results for the word
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Filter Search Results
Project Details
Project file
Another way to narrow down search results is to filter them. Below the search
bar are some filter options, including All results, Images, Videos, Shopping,
Maps, News, and More. Depending on what users are searching for, these filters
may help narrow their results.
Estimated completion time
5-10 minutes
Video reference
A Boolean search allows users to use keywords combined with search operators
to narrow down or broaden search results. There are a few Boolean operators,
and each works differently among search engines. If users are not getting the
desired results, they should try searching with a different search engine.
Domain 3
Topic: Digital Information
Subtopic: Filter Search Results
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.1 Determine digital information
needs and requirements
3.1.2 Demonstrate how to filter
search results
Upon completing this project, you will understand how to filter search results.
Steps for Completion
Match the Boolean search operator to its use.
Notes for the teacher
Encourage students to practice using
Boolean search operators in their online
Use this search operator to search for two similar terms
at once.
Use this search operator to exclude a keyword or phrase.
Use this search operator to search for two different terms at once.
When multiple search operators are used within a search, this is best done using
If you use the Boolean search (Bank OR Banking) AND Credit Union, what would a search engine find results for
first? Why?
Using quotations in a search is useful when searching for exact quotes or
43 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Filter Search Results
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Accuracy of a Search Result
When users type search terms into a search engine, they are provided with
pages of search results. However, not all search results contain accurate
information. It is an individual’s responsibility to evaluate the accuracy of the
information for themselves.
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine the accuracy of a
search result.
Steps for Completion
List six questions you should ask about a piece of research when
determining its accuracy.
44 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Accuracy of a Search Result
Project Details
Project file
Estimated completion time
5-10 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Determine the Veracity of a
Search Result
Subtopic: Assess the Accuracy of a
Search Result
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.2 Determine the veracity of an
individual search result or digital
3.2.1 Assess the accuracy of a
search result or digital artifact
Notes for the teacher
Encourage students to find a good
example of accurate information. Point
out examples of research that may not
be accurate and help them understand
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Perspective of a Search Result
Perspective is someone’s point of view when describing events. People can
experience the same thing and have differing perspectives based on age,
gender, social position, beliefs, and values. Everyone sees and experiences the
world differently. Even though perspectives may differ, it does not mean authors
are dishonest. They are simply telling the truth from their perspective. However,
an author’s work could be considered biased if a perspective is taken to an
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine the perspectives
used in different situations.
Steps for Completion
Give an example of a topic that teenagers and adults might view
differently based on their perspectives. What might their opinions be?
Project Details
Project file
Estimated completion time
5-10 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Determine the Veracity of a
Search Result
Subtopic: Validate the Perspective
of a Search Result
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.2 Determine the veracity of an
individual search result or digital
3.2.2 Validate the perspective of a
search result or digital artifact
Notes for the teacher
Students’ answers will vary. Example
answers are provided as a guide for
correct answer structure.
Give an example of a topic that a teacher and an athlete might view
differently based on their perspectives. What might their opinions be?
List at least three things that could play a role in shaping an author’s perspective.
45 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Perspective of a Search Result
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Bias of a Search Result
Users should not utilize biased sources in their research. Biased writers
commonly misrepresent information to fit their beliefs or agenda best, and
biased information usually argues toward peoples’ emotions rather than logic.
Be aware of one-sided views and negative language toward opposing
Upon completing this project, you will understand biases.
Steps for Completion
Project file
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Determine the Veracity of a
Search Result
Subtopic: Assess the Bias of a
Search Result
Objectives covered
Sites trying to
Any writing to promote,
or someone is considered biased.
List two reasons a writer might be biased or show bias in their work.
Project Details
something are almost always
, or endorse something
3 Information Management
3.2 Determine the veracity of an
individual search result or digital
3.2.3 Assess the bias of a search
result or digital artifact
Notes for the teacher
Discuss examples of biased work your
students have seen and experienced.
Unbiased writing is
purpose is to
46 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Bias of a Search Result
. It stays neutral and equally represents different viewpoints. Its
or inform, not to persuade you in one direction.
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Credibility of a Search Result
Project Details
Project file
Determining the accuracy and bias of search results will help users decide
whether the information is credible.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine the credibility of a
Domain 3
Topic: Determine the Veracity of a
Search Result
Subtopic: Determine the
Credibility of a Search Result
Steps for Completion
Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
If an author is not qualified to speak on a topic,
their information is probably not very accurate.
If an author is credible, readers can assume the
information presented is accurate.
It is important for you to do your own research.
Check an author’s sources and their bias.
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.2 Determine the veracity of an
individual search result or digital
3.2.4 Determine the credibility of a
search result or digital artifact
Notes for the teacher
Discuss examples of credible work your
students have seen and experienced.
An article from 20 years ago may have invalid data.
Wiki sites and personal blogs are just as credible as
scholarly journals.
47 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Credibility of a Search Result
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Relevance of a Search Result
Project Details
Project file
When users type a keyword into a search engine or a database to perform a
search, the search engine uses an algorithm to find and return search results
relevant to the keyword. A computer cannot determine whether a result is
relevant, but it can measure how often the keyword appears on a page. Any
result with the keyword in its title or within the page will appear in the search
results, but users still must determine if the results are relevant to their research.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Determine the Veracity of a
Search Result
Subtopic: Assess the Relevance of
a Search Result
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine the relevance of a
search result.
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.2 Determine the veracity of an
individual search result or digital
3.2.5 Assess the relevance of a
search result or digital artifact
Steps for Completion
Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
All search results are relevant to a user’s search,
and it is unnecessary to read through all the results to determine
Notes for the teacher
Discuss examples of relevant work your
students have found.
If information is outdated, it is irrelevant to one’s
When determining if results are relevant, users should look for
, accuracy,
, and bias.
48 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Relevance of a Search Result
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Create a Google Form
Many individuals and businesses use cloud storage systems like Google Forms
and Microsoft Forms to collect data. They can ask specific questions to receive
the feedback they desire. Users can create their own forms or use templates
provided by their chosen platform.
Upon completing this project, you will be able to create a Google Form.
Steps for Completion
Open Google Chrome.
Navigate to Google Forms.
Create a blank registration form with the title Soccer Registration
In the Form description field, type Every Wednesday, 3 PM, Heritage
In the Untitled Question field, type Participant's name
Add another question with the type set to Date.
In the Question field, type Birth date
Add another question that states Select a jersey size
Select the Add all sizes option and remove the XXL size.
Project Details
Project file
Estimated completion time
10-15 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Manage Online Data
Collection, Storage, and Retrieval
Subtopic: Collect Digital Data and
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.3 Manage online data collection,
storage, and retrieval
3.3.1 Explain methods of collecting
digital data and responses
Notes for the teacher
Students should send a completed
version of their form to your email
address. If you prefer them to
screenshot their forms, you should
instruct them to do that instead. The
reference project, 331-Finished, is in the
Finished folder.
10. Mark each question as Required.
11. Send the form to your teacher if you are working on this course for a class. If not, share or delete this form as
49 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Create a Google Form
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Interacting with Data Storage
After the form has been sent out and responses have been given, we can open
the Responses tab to view the responses. We have a few additional ways we can
view our data.
Upon completing this project, you will understand how to view data results from
a digital form.
Steps for Completion
Project file
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Domain 3
Topic: Manage Online Data
Collection, Storage, and Retrieval
Subtopic: Interact with Central
Data Storage Systems
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.3 Manage online data collection,
storage, and retrieval
3.3.2 Explain and interact with
central data storage systems
Notes for the teacher
List three ways users can view their form responses.
Project Details
If users will be exchanging the response data between applications
which file type should they use?
If you have time, fill out students’ forms
from the previous project so they can
view your responses.
50 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Interacting with Data Storage Systems
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Create a Microsoft Form
Online forms are used to collect data. The data collected is automatically put
into a spreadsheet. It is an easy and efficient way to collect data. Popular form
options include Google Forms and Microsoft Forms.
Project Details
Project file
Estimated completion time
5-10 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will be able to create and fill out a Microsoft
Domain 3
Topic: Manage Online Data
Collection, Storage, and Retrieval
Subtopic: Fill Out Online Forms
Steps for Completion
Use the search bar on your desktop to navigate to Microsoft Forms.
Open Microsoft Forms.
Create a new form with the title Security Training Feedback
Select and add the first two recommended questions to the form.
These questions should ask: Overall, how satisfied are you with the
training/workshop? Were the expectations you had about the
training/workshop met?
Add a new Text question asking What was your biggest takeaway
from the training?
View the form preview options for a computer and a mobile device.
Navigate back to the form.
Copy the form link and open it in a new tab.
Fill out the form.
Objectives covered
3 Information Management
3.3 Manage online data collection,
storage, and retrieval
3.3.3 Fill out online forms
Notes for the teacher
Students must sign into their Microsoft
accounts to access Microsoft Forms.
Remind students that their work is
automatically saved to the Microsoft
cloud server. The reference project, 333Finished, is in the Finished folder. It
should show three completed questions
on a form titled, Security Training
10. Take a screenshot of the completed form.
11. Save the screenshot as 333-Completed.png to your Domain 3 Student folder.
51 | Domain 3 Lesson 1: Create a Microsoft Form
IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition