Step 1 Step 2 • Define question on which we need to develop ideas • Define/verify focus metric • Disaggregate question into its constituting elements (according to focus metric definition) via driver tree • • • Step 3 How to increase profits? Increase profits from existing activities (selling contact lenses) Increase profits from selling contact lenses in current markets Increase revenues Sell more contact lenses Develop ideas on… …how each lever can be influenced into the desired direction Sell contact lenses in new markets - Identify “levers” (drivers which we can influence) Optimize operational costs Sell contact lenses at a higher Ø price - More marketing - - New sales channels Enhance brand perception - Decrease package size - … • … how a threat posed to the drivers/levers of your focus metric could be prevented - New sales models (e.g., subscriptions) • …what could be possible reasons for a change in the focus metric and its drivers/levers - … • …Etc. Increase profits by adding new activities (selling new products/services) - Identify potentials along value chain - … - Identify uncovered high potential markets with low access hurdles … - Identify new products / services which could leverage existing asset base / capabilities - … WORKSHEET 3 Structuring Exercise 2 Please draft an initial structure for each of the below stated case questions. Prepare the drafts on paper and then upload an electronic version (see technical instructions provided in the explanation video/handout in Week 1). Please do not set yourself a time limit for drafting these structures! Focus on accuracy rather than speed at this stage! If no concrete goal is stated, please make explicit your assumption! 1. A contact lens manufacturer seeks to quadruple its profits in 2 years and seeks our advice. How will you approach the problem? 2. You walk into a senior consultant’s office and he tells you he has been thinking about writing a book on “Business in China” and retiring from the consulting business. He wants to know if it is a good idea and if he will make enough money to retire. What will you tell him? 3. A global social cause foundation wants to launch a huge program to improve the level of primary education in Western Africa. They have hired us to make actionable recommendations regarding how to ensure the success of the program. How would you approach this question? 4. The national revenue authority of an emerging country has hired consultants to help improving the national tax income. The goal is to grow income by 3x over 10 years. What would you consider to help the client think through the issue? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 • Define question on which we need to develop ideas • Define/verify focus metric • Disaggregate question into its constituting elements (according to focus metric definition) via driver tree • How to increase national tax income? Increase income from existing taxes • Develop ideas on… • …how each lever can be influenced into the desired direction! Prosecute tax evaders harder - Identify untapped potentials for taxation (transactions or assets) - Scrutinize negligent tax debtors - … - Scrutinize criminal tax debtors - … Increase income from current taxpayers Tax type 1 (income tax, consumption tax, corporate tax, etc.) Identify “levers” (drivers which we can influence) Increase tax rate/ tax progression - Identify viable areas for tax rate increases - … Tax type n … Stimulate tax base - Stimulate economic activity, employment, etc. via economic policy instruments - … Introduce new taxes • Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Define question on which we need to develop ideas • Define/verify focus metric • Disaggregate question into its constituting elements (according to focus metric definition) via driver tree • Identify “levers” (drivers which we can influence) • Develop ideas on… • …how each lever can be influenced into the desired direction • … how a threat posed to the drivers/levers of your focus metric could be prevented • …what could be possible reasons for a change in the focus metric and its drivers/levers • …Etc. How to improve primary education in West Africa? How to address financial reasons why children are not sent to school? High costs of school fees, materials, etc. • Reduce school fees for lowincome families? • Establish/ facilitate secondary market for school material? • … How to address logistical reasons why children are not sent to school? Foregone family income • • Subsidize families who send their children to school How to increase number of children who go to school? Schools far away (esp. rural areas) Infrastructural challenges (equipment, capacity, etc.) • Make school network more granular • Implement school bus system • Establish “roaming teachers” • … • • … How to address cultural reasons why children are not sent to school? • Skepticism towards “western” education Ensure • sufficient school buildings, furniture, etc. • Ensure sufficient teachers … • Religious concerns • Work with religious authority figures • Work with local community • leaders to promote idea of sending children to school Show “success stories” Launch awareness and education campaigns … … “Should I retire and write a book on Business in China?” Step 1: Core Question Financial Sense? Step 2: Criterion Capabilities? - Able to write/publish such a book? - Able to AFFORD it (e.g., afford investment if self-published? Or able to sustain the time until cash flows in?) Expected income per year ( €) Remaining life expectancy (years) x Income stream A (e.g., book sales) Step 3: Analysis Design Income stream B (e.g., speaker gigs) Revenue Ø Revenue per book sold - Publishing model (self vs. publisher) - Branding - Regulation of book prices - … Operat. Cost # of books sold Variable costs # of books produced - Future demand - Competing books/content - Fixed costs Prod. & publishing cost per book (depending on publishing model!) (depending on publishing model!) - Printing - Marketing Sales channels - Distribution - Fees - Marketing effort - … - … - … > Required lifetime income (€) Income stream N (…) Risks? - Business Operational Strategic Regulatory