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Unit 3 Energy Flow study guide

Concept 1
Enzymes and Biochemical Reactions
1. Summarize how energy changes during a chemical reaction as bonds are broken
and formed.
a. Reactions absorb or release energy.
b. Breaking a bond requires energy to be absorbed.
c. Forming a bond allows the energy to be released.
2. Explain the overall function of enzymes in biochemical reactions like
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
a. Enzymes speed up biochemical reactions by lowering the activation
3. Draw and label energy diagrams of biochemical reactions (endothermic and
exothermic), including products, reactants, and activation energy.
4. Describe five factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.
a. Temperature: increasing temperature increases the rate of the reaction
b. pH: how acidic a solution is
c. Substrate concentration: the higher the amount of substrate, the faster
the reaction
d. Catalysts: speed up reactions
e. Competitive inhibitor: slows down reaction
5. Be able to interpret a diagram of the enzyme-substrate complex, identifying the
substrate, active site, enzyme, and products.
Metabolism: all of the chemical reactions within each cell of an organism
Chemical reactions: the breaking and forming of bonds between different substances
during chemical changes
Catabolic: break down larger molecules into simpler compounds -> a release in
Anabolic: build larger molecules from smaller ones -> requires consuming energy to do
Activation energy: the amount of energy needed to make a chemical reaction start
Reactant (substrate): substances that are changed during a chemical reaction
Product: substances that are made by a chemical reaction
Endothermic: absorbs energy (ex: photosynthesis)
Exothermic: releases energy (ex: cellular respiration)
Enzyme: proteins that speed up biochemical reactions by lowering the activation
Catalyst: speeds up a reaction
Active site: a place that fits only one substrate
Denaturation: enzyme’s active site gets deformed and loses its specific shape -> loss
of biological activity
Concept 2
Adenosine Triphosphate
1. Explain the purpose of ATP.
a. carries/stores energy for cell functions
b. MAIN energy currency for the cell
2. Draw the structure and label the parts of a molecule of ATP.
3. Describe the ATP-ADP cycle. Include what is and is not recycled.
a. Energy stored in bond between last 2 phosphates
b. Energy released when a phosphate group is removed
c. ADP becomes ATP when a phosphate group is added
4. Explain what the energy is used for when a phosphate is removed, and where
that energy initially comes from.
a. The energy is used for cell processes
b. It comes from food
5. Summarize why the overall process of breaking down ATP is considered an
exothermic process, while the overall process of forming ATP is considered an
endothermic process.
a. Because more energy is given off than required, ATP -> ADP is overall an
exothermic reaction
b. Because energy is taken in, ADP -> ATP is overall an endothermic reaction
ATP: an energy-carrying molecule
Concept 3
Energy Flow through Ecosystems
1. Explain the difference between how autotrophs and heterotrophs acquire
a. Autotrophs: capture energy during photosynthesis to make simple sugars
(ex: plants, bacteria, algae)
b. Heterotrophs: get energy from living or once-living organisms
2. Explain the significance of detritivores (decomposers) in a food chain/food web.
3. Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast photosynthesis and
4. Explain why the pyramid shape is used to represent energy, biomass, and
numbers pyramids.
a. Because of the rule of 10, there are fewer consumers the further up the
food chain you go. Therefore it is more accurate to represent them with
less space on the pyramid.
5. Draw an example of an energy pyramid and explain how energy flows through
each level. Label the trophic level, classify the type of organism and give an
example of an organism at each level.
6. Interpret a food chain or food web.
7. Calculate the energy, number of organisms, or biomass lost between trophic
8. Identify a trophic level based on a description or diagram.
9. Classify an organism depending on what type of consumer it is based on a
description or diagram.
10. Classify an organism as an autotroph or heterotroph based on a description or
Producer: Get energy from nonliving sources
Consumer: Get energy from living or once-living organisms
Detritivore: Eats dead materials
Carnivore: Eats only meat
Omnivore: Eats meat and vegetation
Herbivore: Eats only vegetation
Concept 4
1. Summarize where all energy on Earth comes from and the overall processes it
goes through to be in a usable form of ATP for consumers like us.
a. All energy on earth comes from the sun
b. Converting that energy into something usable requires photosynthesis
2. Write and interpret the chemical formula for photosynthesis. Label the reactants
and products.
a. 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
3. List the significant events of the light-dependent reaction (ETC). Include which
reactants and products are involved. Highlight what will be released as a
product and what will move on to the second stage. Be sure to include where the
process occurs in the chloroplast.
a. Reactants: H2O (water)
b. Products: O2 (oxygen)
c. ATP, NADPH, and Hydrogen move on to the second stage
d. Occurs in grana
4. List the significant events of the light-independent reaction (Calvin Cycle).
Include which reactants and products are involved. Highlight what will be
released as a product and what will move on to continue in the cycle. Be sure to
include where the process occurs in the chloroplast.
a. Reactants: CO2 (carbon dioxide)
b. Products: C6H12O6 (glucose)
c. ADP, P, and NADP+ return to thylakoid
d. Occurs in stroma
Photosynthesis: the overall process by which sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide are
chemically converted into chemical energy stored in glucose
Grana: pancake-like stacks of thylakoid membrane
Stroma: fluid-like substance that fills the space between the grana
Chlorophyll: the pigment that captures sunlight
Chemosynthesis: process of an organism making its own food using chemicals instead
of sunlight like in photosynthesis
Concept 5
Cellular Respiration
1. Summarize the overall goal of cellular respiration and why the process is
necessary for consumers, like us.
a. Goal: to convert the chemical energy in food to chemical energy stored in
b. We use the carbs first for energy, but any food can be processed or
broken down as a source of energy
2. Write and interpret the chemical formula for cellular respiration. Label the
reactants and products.
a. C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)
b. Energy is not considered a product!!!
3. Explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Include the
difference in overall ATP production.
a. Aerobic: when O2 is available; makes 36-38 ATP
2 ATP from glycolysis
2 ATP from Krebs Cycle
34 ATP from Electron transport
b. Anaerobic: when O2 is unavailable; makes 2-4 ATP
2 ATP from glycolysis
2 ATP from fermentation
4. List the significant events of glycolysis. Include which reactants and products (if
any) are involved. Highlight what will be released as a product and what will
move on to the next stage. Be sure to include where the process occurs in the
a. First stage of cellular respiration, the breakdown of glucose
b. Purpose: split the 6-carbon molecule of glucose in half to form 2 3-carbon
molecules called pyruvate
c. Location: cytoplasm, anaerobic
d. Produces 2 ATP and 2 NADH which move on to anaerobic or aerobic
5. List the significant events of the Krebs Cycle. Include which reactants and
products are involved. Highlight what will be released as a product and what will
move on to the next stage. Be sure to include where the process occurs in the
a. 2 Pyruvate molecules chemically converted to make 2 ATP (and some
b. Releases CO2 as waste product
c. Location: mitochondrial matrix
6. Describe the two types of anaerobic respiration. Include what is used, what is
made, and examples of organisms that do each process.
a. Lactic acid fermentation
Occurs in some bacteria and animal cells (such as muscles)
Pyruvate from glycolysis converted into lactic acid and 2 ATP
b. Alcohol fermentation
Occurs in yeast when oxygen is not available
Pyruvate from glycolysis is broken down into alcohol, CO2, and 2
Cellular respiration: converting food to ATP
Inner membrane: folded membranes
Matrix: fluid-like substance that fills the space
Aerobic: O2 is available
Anaerobic: O2 is not available
Fermentation: anaerobic respiration