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Important Questions Course Code: (OOP C++)
Part – B
Q2 Write a program that reads student scores, gets the best score, and then assigns grades based on the following
Grade is A if score is >= best - 5;
Grade is B if score is >= best - 10;
Grade is C if score is >= best - 15;
Grade is D if score is >= best - 20;
Grade is F otherwise.
The program prompts the user to enter the total number of students, then prompts the user to enter all of the
scores, and concludes by displaying the grades. Create a class with appropriate data members and member
[10 Marks]
Q3 Write a program that reads scores of five subjects and determines how many scores are above or equal to the
average and how many scores are below the average. Assume that the maximum number of scores is 100. Create
a class with appropriate data members and member functions.
[10 Marks]
Q4Discuss the concept of inheritance and its types in detail. Explain with appropriate example
[10 Marks]
Q5 What is static binding and dynamic binding? Write down the example of both using appropriate example
[10 Marks].
Q6 Discuss the concept of standard template library in detail. Write down the appropriate program to access the
elements of array using vector and list.
[10 Marks]
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