Small Group Discussion Rubric Name ___________________________ 2 1 0 You listen actively to your peers the entire time. You do not engage in side conversations or fidgeting. You maintain eye contact and sit up straight. You encourage your peers to participate by posing questions. You are prepared with completed reader response notes, at least 2 discussion questions, and your novel. You listen actively most of the time; however, you do one of the following: You are slumped over You are fidgeting or doing something else You had a side conversation You do not listen actively to your peers OR you say something that is negative or un-supportive of your peers. You are partially prepared to the discussion. You didn’t bring your reader response, discussion questions, or you forgot your book. USE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE You use textual evidence to support your answer or to challenge a peer’s idea. You use the book to clear up a misunderstanding or to provide clarification. You do not use the book in the discussion. CHALLENGE EACHOTHER INTELLECTUALLY You challenge your peers intellectually by getting them to consider a new perspective or by asking them to find evidence to support their claim. Your stay on task and keep the conversation going for the entire discussion. If your group runs out of questions, you come up with new ones independently. You challenge your peers You do not challenge your intellectually by disagreeing peers intellectually. with a point they’ve made. BE POSITIVE & SUPPORTIVE BE PUNCTUAL & PREPARED STAY ON TASK You stay on task throughout the entire discussion and build on the thoughts of your classmates. Self-Assess! My Total Score: _________ YOUR SCORE & EXPLANATION I believe that I earned a ____ because… You do not stay on task for the entire discussion. Teacher Score: _________