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English 101: Academic Writing Course Syllabus

English 101: Introduction to Academic Writing
Course Description:
This course focuses on developing skills for effective academic writing. Students will explore the
writing process, engage in individual and collaborative writing projects, and develop critical thinking
skills through text analysis.
Main Topics:
- Writing Process
- Essay Composition
- Thesis Development
- Argumentation
- Research Techniques
Course Objectives:
- Improve writing skills across various forms.
- Learn to construct clear and effective thesis statements.
- Support arguments with appropriate evidence.
- Conduct basic academic research.
Required Textbooks:
"They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing" by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein.
Assessment Methods:
- Multiple short essays
- A midterm research paper
- A final exam
Instructor Information:
[Instructor Name]
[Contact Email]