1 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA SYLLABUS OUTLINE August 2020 to December 2020 COLLEGE: SCHOOL: COURSE OF STUDY: MODULE TITLE: MODULE CODE: LEVEL: DURATION: CREDIT VALUE: PREREQUISITES: Business and Management Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Accounting Selected Topics in Accounting and Finance ACC4019 4 45 Hours 3 Credits Financial Reporting (ACC3017) and Financial Management for Accountants (FIN3015) 1.0 MODULE DESCRIPTION This module covers selected topics in the areas of corporate reporting (accounting) and advanced financial management (finance). The module assumes knowledge acquired in intermediate financial reporting and financial management modules and examines detailed financial reporting requirements for entities leading to the preparation of specific group financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). It also re-examines investment and financing decisions with emphasis moving towards strategic consequences of making such decisions in a domestic and international environment and it develops further advisory skills in planning strategic acquisitions and mergers. The specific area covered for corporate reporting are consolidated cash flow statements, leases by the lessor, employee benefits and foreign transactions and entities. For Advanced Financial Management the specific areas covered relates to the economic environment for multinational as well as treasury and advanced risk management techniques. 2.0 MODULE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES General Objectives Students should: 1. Apply the principles of consolidated cash flows 2. Account for lease by lessors 3. Analyse employee benefits 4. Evaluate foreign transactions and entities 5. Understand the economic environment for multinational organisations 6. Apply advanced investment appraisal techniques 2 3.0 MODULE CONTENT AND CONTEXT CORPORATE REPORTING 3.1 Unit 1 – Consolidated Cash Flow Statements (6 hours) Specific Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Discuss group cash flow statements 2. Prepare group statement of cash flows Unit Content Cash flows IAS 7 Statement of cash flows: Single company Consolidated statements of cash flows 3.2 Unit 2 – Leases: Books of the Lessor (6 hours) Specific Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Explain the classification of lease by lessors 2. Present financial statement extracts for lease by the lessor 3. Present financials statement extracts for sale and leaseback agreements Unit Content Forms of lease Lessor’s accounting for lease transactions 3.3 Unit 3 – Employee Benefits (6 hours) Specific Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Discuss the accounting treatment of short term and long term benefits 2. Illustrate the accounting treatment of defined contribution and defined benefit plans 3. Account for gains and losses on settlements and curtailments 4. Account for the “Asset Ceiling” test and the reporting of actuarial gains and losses. Unit Content IAS 19 Employee Benefits Short-term employee benefits Post-employment benefits Defined contribution plans Defined benefit plans: recognition and measurement Defined benefit plans: other matters Other long-term benefits 3 Disclosures 3.4 Unit 4 – Foreign Transactions (6 hours) Specific Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Outline the translation of foreign currency amounts and transactions into the functional currency and the presentational currency 2. Account for the consolidation of foreign operations and their disposal Unit Content Foreign currency translation IAS 21: Individual company stage IAS 21: Consolidated financial statements stage ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 3.5 Unit 5 – Economic Environment for Multinational Organisations (3 hours) Specific Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Advise on the theory and practice of free trade and the management of barriers to trade 2. Know the major trade agreements and common markets and advise on their policy and strategic implications for a given business 3. Discuss the objectives of the World Trade Organisation 4. Discuss the role of international financial institutions within the context of a globalised economy, with particular attention to the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements, The World Bank and the principal Central Banks (the Fed, Bank of England, European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan) 5. Assess the role of the international financial markets with respect to the management of global debt, the financial development of the emerging economies and the maintenance of global financial stability 6. Advise on the development of a financial planning framework for a multinational organisation Unit Content Management of international trade and finance Strategic business and financial planning for multinational organisations 3.6 Unit 6 – Treasury and Advanced Risk Management Techniques (9 hours) Specific Objectives 4 Students should be able to: 1. Explain the role of the treasury management function within: a. The short term management of the organisation’s financial resources b. The longer term maximisation of shareholder value c. The management of risk exposure 2. Discuss the operations of the derivatives market, including: a. The relative advantages and disadvantages of exchange traded versus over the counter (OTC) agreements b. Key features, such as standard contracts, tick sizes, margin requirements and margin trading c. The source of basis risk and how it can be minimized d. Risks such as delta, gamma, vega, rho and theta, and how these can be managed. 3. Evaluate the use of financial derivatives to hedge against foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk Unit Content The role of the treasury function in multinationals The use of financial derivatives to hedge against foreign exchange risk The use of financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate risk 4.0 LEARNING AND TEACHING APPROACHES The module will be covered using a variety of teaching methods : Lectures Tutorials Student directed learning Lectures: Impart to students core information on various units outlined above. This may involve face to face contact, guest presentations, and the use of technology. Tutorials: discussions to ensure that students understand the information presented in lecture sessions, and are able to apply principles to real world problems. In areas of weaknesses, knowledge is reinforced. Student Directed Learning : Students will carry out self directed activities in research, case analysis, and article reviews. This will enable the students to develop analytical skills by identifying, analyzing, organizational issues, and making recommendations to solve problems. 5.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Test 1 15% Test 2 15% Group Project 20% Final Examination 50% 5 6.0 BREAKDOWN OF HOURS Lecture Tutorial Assessments 13 HRS 26 HRS 6 HRS 7.0 TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES Required Text: ACCA paper P2: Corporate Reporting Study Text. (2018). London: BPP Learning Media. ACCA paper P4: Advanced Financial Management. (2018). London: BPP Learning Media. Recommended Text: ACCA paper P2: Corporate Reporting Study Text. (2018). Berkshire: Kaplan Publishing. ACCA paper P4: Advanced Financial Management. (2018). Berkshire: Kaplan Publishing. ACCA paper P2: Corporate Reporting Practice Kit. (2018). London: BPP Learning Media. ACCA paper P4: Advanced Financial Management Practice Kit. (2018). London: BPP Learning Media. 8.0 SYLLABUS DEVELOPER(S) & REVIEWER(S) 8.1 Written by: Courtney Garrick (December 2014) 8.2 1st Revision: Deonette McInnis-Lambert (December 2015) *Objectives from the cognitive domain and the module content and context were mirrored from ACCA P2 and P4 syllabi @ 2014. 9.0 APPROVAL Programme Director (PD): Collette Folkes College Curriculum Committee: Celia McKoy Signature _________________ Signature __________________ 10.0 ACCEPTANCE BY OFFICE OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION (OCDE) Officer________________________________ Date: ____________________