NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALICUT DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IMPROVING SOLAR STILL PERFORMANCE WITH: HEAT PIPE, PULSATING HEAT PIPE & PCM ALBINJEEV S S M230612ME THERMAL SCIENCES 1 DESALINATION More than 70% of earth is covered with water. Conversion of SALINE WATER TO PURE WATER. Several methods can be used for Desalination: REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER TREATMENT PLANTS HUMID AIR CONDENSATION 2 SOLAR STILLS Solar desalination methods include: Multiple-effect humidification (MEH) Multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) Multiple-effect distillation (MED) Multiple-effect boiling (MEB) Humidification–dehumidification (HDH) SOLAR STILLS Advantages of Solar Stills : Low cost design Environmental friendliness Disadvantages of Solar Stills : Low water production rate Depends on Solar energy 3 4 HEAT PIPE IMPROVEMENT IN PERFORMANCE USING PULSATING HEAT PIPE PHASE CHANGE MATERIALS HEAT PIPE A heat pipe is a heat-transfer device that employs phase transition to transfer heat between two interfaces. Volatile liquid in contact with a thermally conductive solid surface turns into a vapor by absorbing heat. The vapor then travels along the heat pipe to the cold interface and condenses back into a liquid, releasing the latent heat. The liquid then returns to the hot interface through capillary action, centrifugal force, or gravity and the cycle repeats. 6 PULSATING HEAT PIPE A closed-loop pulsating heat pipe (PHP), usually consists of a sealed, meandering channel connected end-to-end, first evacuated; and then partially filled with a working fluid. Has a sequence of internal vapor bubbles and liquid slugs. The liquid slugs occur when the diameter of the channel is small enough to be capillary. The vapor plugs act mechanically as a pump piston. Since the PHP is closed and connected end-to-end, an expansion of vapor in one point is transmitted through the whole system. This can result in an Oscillation Or Pulsation of the fluid. PHP does not have a wick structure. The device is also able to work without gravity. 7 PULSATING HEAT PIPE 8 PHASE CHANGE MATERIALS Substances which absorb or release large amounts of ‘LATENT HEAT’ when they go through a change in their physical state. During the latent heat absorption or latent heat release, the temperature of the PCM remains constant. The latent heat absorbed by the PCM can be stored therein, hence PCMs are highly efficient thermal storage means. 9 COMPARISON 10 EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Combined effect of utilizing a PHP with PCM on solar still performance has not been previously investigated. In this study, SEVEN solar still configurations were subjected to experimentation. THREE SINGLE-SLOPE SOLAR STILLS : CONVENTIONAL SOLAR STILL THERMOSYPHON HEAT PIPE SOLAR STILL PULSATING HEAT PIPE SOLAR STILL With the same absorber area were compared. 11 EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP The solar stills were constructed from galvanized plate with a thickness of 0.005m. The absorber surface with an area of 0.5 m × 0.5 m was coated with black dye. Solar radiation enters the absorber area through a glass with a thickness of 0.004 m and a slope of 30 degrees. The solar still’s exterior is insulated with 0.05 m thick polyurethane foam. Four evacuated tubes made up of thermosyphon heat pipes (THP) and pulsating heat pipes (PHP) were utilized. PHP were filled with distilled water (as a working fluid) with a filling ratio of 30 % and pressure of 175. The paraffin wax was employed as a phase change material (PCM). The PCM was heated to liquefy before being put into the evacuated tube. 12 CONFIGURATIONS Conventional solar still (CSS) Solar still with thermosyphon heat pipe(HP) evacuated tube solar collector (SSTHP) Solar still with thermosyphon HP containing 0.9 m PCM (SSTHP-PCM-1) Solar still with thermosyphon HP containing 1.8 m PCM (SSTHP-PCM-2) Solar still with pulsating heat pipe( PHP ) solar collector (SSPHP) Solar still with PHP containing 0.9 m PCM (SSPHP-PCM-1) Solar still with PHP containing 1.8 m PCM (SSPHP-PCM-2) 13 14 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Energy input: Radiant energy absorbed from the sun by the basin and the evacuated tubes solar collector. Energy output: Sum of the heat lost from the system and the latent heat of evaporation.Heat loss occurs through convective and radiative heat transfer from the evacuated tubes solar collector, glass and walls of the system to the surrounding environment. 15 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Minimizing heat loss in a solar desalination system directly correlates to the increased energy recovery or water production. Therefore, the thermal efficiency of a solar desalination system is defined as the RATIO OF THE RECOVERED ENERGY TO THE TOTAL ENERGY INPUT TO THE SYSTEM Daily and Instantaneous energy efficiencies of a solar desalination system are: 16 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Exergy analysis is used in performance evaluation of a solar desalination system. The exergy efficiency is the ratio of the system’s produced exergy to the total inlet exergy. 17 COST ANALYSIS Cost Per Liter(CPL) of generated fresh water: M is the system’s average annual water production. The system’s annual cost (UAC) is the sum of the first annual cost (FAC) and the annual maintenance cost (AMC), minus the system’s annual salvage value (ASV): UAC = FAC + AMC − ASV FAC = P × CRF P is the capital cost of the system and CRF is the capital recovery factor: In this study, the interest rate and system life span have been supposed at 20 % and 20 years, respectively. Annual maintenance cost is considered as 10 % of the first annual cost of the system. AMC = 0.1 × FAC 18 COST ANALYSIS 19 UNCERTAINITY ANALYSIS Klein proposed an equation to obtain the uncertainty of a measurement: u and a are the standard uncertainty and accuracy of devices. 20 RESULTS 21 22 23 24 25 CONCLUSION The SSPHP-PCM-2 system produced 40 % more water than a conventional solar still. The system employing pulsating heat pipe generated 3.4 % more freshwater than solar still using heat pipe. Furthermore, the freshwater produced by the pulsating heat pipe/filled PCM evacuated tube system was 10.8 % higher than the freshwater produced by the pulsing heat pipe without PCM. The ability of heat pipe-PCM combinations to store thermal energy and release it slowly over time can significantly improve the efficiency of solar stills, particularly during periods of low solar radiation. 26 CONCLUSION The use of PCM increases the water temperature of the system after decreasing the solar radiation due to remove the thermal energy from it. The influence of pulsating heat pipe on productivity of solar still is higher than the thermosyphon heat pipe. Using of PCM in combination of pulsating heat pipe in evacuated tube improved the thermal efficiency by 42.9 % compared to conventional still. The exergy efficiency of the system utilizing the pulsing heat pipe/ filled PCM evacuated tube was 23.04 % greater than the system using the heat pipe/filled PCM evacuated tube . The CO2 reduction of the conventional system, heat pipe system, and pulsating heat pipe system was approximately 14.56 tons, 17.93 tons, and 18.45 tons, respectively, while the CO2 emission was approximately 0.017 tons, 0.0178 tons, and 0.0189 tons. The NO reduction and emission of the PHP system were 425.5 tons and 0.427 tons, respectively 27 REFERENCE I. Improving solar still performance with heat pipe/pulsating heat pipe evacuated tube solar collectors and PCM: An experimental and environmental analysis Amir Hemmatian a , Hadi Kargarsharifabad b,c,* , Ahad Abedini Esfahlani c , Nader Rahbar c , Shahin Shoeibi c II. H. Hassan, M.S. Yousef, M. Fathy, M.S. Ahmed, Assessment of parabolic trough solar collector assisted solar still at various saline water mediums via energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, and enviroeconomic approaches, Renew. Energy 155 (2020) 604–616 III. ChatGPT IV. 28 THANK YOU 29