Spatial perception of ceiling height and type variation in immerse virtual environments (몰입형 가상 환경에서 천장 높이 및 유형 변화에 대한 공간 인식) 정서적 반응 A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was run on the affective responses. Differences were found in several variables on both ceiling height and type. The findings suggest that people make more positive affective responses, such as ‘happy’, ‘comfortable’ and ‘interesting’, when they are exposed to high ceilings. A further important finding is that ceiling type influenced the ‘BoringInteresting’ variable. An open ceiling enhances visual diversity because of exposed components and greater height. But.. Age, duration of exposure도 영향을 미침 객실 평가 • In the findings, participants clearly preferred the higher ceiling and felt it more attractive. 독해 능력 • Further experiments with longer periods of time are indicated for the findings to be confirmed. 존재감 • Further research requires the consideration of such factors to ensure the HMD-based immersive virtual environment user can maintain high level of sense of presence. Conclusions • The present study aimed to investigate spatial perception in HIVE. Four different immersive virtual environments were created, with variations in ceiling height and type. • The findings show that participants were able to recognize differences between many aspects of spatial features during their immersive virtual experience. Conclusions • Affective responses and room appraisal -> distinctive and realistic responses • Reading comprehension -> no differences between conditions • Nevertheless, there are some limitations to the generalization of these findings. • Duration of exposure, size of windows, artificial and natural lights, atc..