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IOT Vehicle Tracking System Project Report

151220182062 BERKANT DÜZÇAY
151220172041 ALPARSLAN ADA
A Graduation Project Report
Electrical Electronics Engineering Department
JUNE 2023
151220182062 BERKANT DÜZÇAY
151220172041 ALPARSLAN ADA
A Report Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
the Degree Bachelor of Science in Electrical Electronics
JUNE 2023
151220182062 BERKANT DÜZÇAY
151220172041 ALPARSLAN ADA
has been approved by
Supervisory Committee
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Odabaşı
Assoc. Prof. Hasan Serhan Yavuz
Res. Asst. Kaya Turgut
Today, vehicle tracking is used for security, transportation, management, etc. GPS
tracking systems, for instance, can be used for cargo tracking, lending it importance in a variety
of fields. Thus, the user is able to track the location of their cargo and estimate the time of
delivery. The user can receive bus location information via a mobile application, which makes
transportation more practical and simpler. This is another application of vehicle tracking.
GPS technology is not a recent development. In fact, GPS technology was brainstormed
as early as the 1960s, with many of the first GPS technologies put into place in the mid to late
‘seventies. The story of GPS in fleet vehicles began in 1978, when the experimental Block-I
GPS satellite (created by Rockwell International) was launched into space. This was a trial run
of sorts for widespread GPS technology, and a successful one at that by 1985, 10 more Block-I
satellites were in space. These satellites were primarily used for military purposes, but they had
limited scope, there just were not enough GPS satellites in space yet for widespread tracking of
vehicles. It took nine more years before the world would see a fully operational GPS satellite
system on January 17th, 1994, 24 Block-II satellites from the US Air Force were launched into
space to complete the GPS network.[1]
The technology known as IoT, or the "Internet of Things," allows objects to
communicate with one another online. The information in the environment is gathered,
processed, and shared to the cloud system where it can be stored and analyzed via a gateway
with the IOT-collected information.
IOT technology is used in many fields, including industry and production. These
applications are used in many fields today, including health, logistics, trade, and informatics, to
give a few examples.
The system contains a single android mobile that is equipped with GPS and GSM
modems. During vehicle motion its location update can be continuously reported to a server
using GPRS service. Information received as such is then compiled thanks to special software
and recorded in a databank on servers. On the user side, vehicles can be tracked on their
instantaneous and history records via a smartphone/tablet by using special software making it
possible to visualize all information from vehicles. This location information will be plotted
using Google maps on monitoring device. The hardware prototype of the proposed system and
the user application for monitoring vehicles are presented in this paper.
Keywords: location, IoT, real-time location, mobile application, Global Positioning System
(GPS), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), GPRS (General Packet Radio
Günümüzde araç takibi güvenlik, ulaşım, yönetim vb. amaçlarla kullanılmaktadır.
Örneğin GPS takip sistemleri kargo takibi için kullanılabilmekte ve birçok alanda önem
kazanmaktadır. Böylece kullanıcı, kargosunun yerini takip edebilmekte ve teslimat zamanını
tahmin edebilmektedir. Kullanıcının otobüs konum bilgisini mobil uygulama üzerinden
alabilmesi, ulaşımı daha pratik ve basit hale getiriyor. Bu, araç takibinin başka bir
GPS teknolojisi yeni bir gelişme değildir. Aslında, GPS teknolojisi 1960'ların başlarında
beyin fırtınası yaptı ve ilk GPS teknolojilerinin çoğu 70'lerin ortalarından sonlarına kadar
uygulamaya kondu. Filo araçlarında GPS'in hikayesi, 1978'de deneysel Block-I GPS uydusunun
(Rockwell International tarafından yaratılmıştır) uzaya fırlatılmasıyla başladı. Bu, yaygın GPS
teknolojisi için bir tür deneme çalışmasıydı ve bunda başarılı oldu. 1985'te 10 Blok-I uydusu
daha uzaydaydı. Bu uydular öncelikle askeri amaçlar için kullanılıyordu, ancak sınırlı
kapsamları vardı ve uzayda henüz araçların yaygın olarak izlenmesi için yeterli GPS uydusu
yoktu. Dünyanın tamamen işlevsel bir GPS uydu sistemi görmesi dokuz yıl daha aldı ve 17 Ocak
1994'te ABD Hava Kuvvetleri'nden 24 Blok-II uydusu, GPS ağını tamamlamak için uzaya
IoT veya "Internet of Things" olarak bilinen teknoloji, nesnelerin birbirleriyle çevrimiçi
iletişim kurmasını sağlar. Ortamdaki bilgiler toplanır, işlenir ve IoT tarafından toplanan
bilgilerle bir ağ geçidi aracılığıyla depolanabileceği ve analiz edilebileceği bulut sistemine
IoT teknolojisi, endüstri ve üretim dahil olmak üzere birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Bu
uygulamalar günümüzde sağlık, lojistik, ticaret, bilişim başta olmak üzere birkaç örnek vermek
gerekirse birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır.
Sistem, GPS ve GSM modemlerle donatılmış tek bir android mobil içerir. Araç hareket
halindeyken, konum güncellemesi GPRS hizmeti kullanılarak bir sunucuya sürekli olarak
raporlanabilir. Bu şekilde alınan bilgiler daha sonra özel yazılımlar sayesinde derlenir ve
sunucular üzerinde bir veri bankasına kaydedilir. Kullanıcı tarafında, araçlara ait tüm bilgilerin
görselleştirilmesini sağlayan özel bir yazılım kullanılarak akıllı telefon/tablet üzerinden
araçların anlık ve geçmiş kayıtları üzerinden takip edilebilmektedir. Bu konum bilgisi, izleme
cihazında Google haritaları kullanılarak çizilecektir. Önerilen sistemin donanım prototipi ve
araçları izlemek için kullanıcı uygulaması bu yazıda sunulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: konum, Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), gerçek zamanlı konum, mobil
aplikasyon, Küresel Konumlama Sistemi (GPS), Mobil İletişim için Küresel Sistem (GSM),
Genel Paket Radyo Sistemi (GPRS).
We would like to thank dear Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayrettin ODABASI, who provided clear
answers and solutions to the questions we asked and the problems we encountered, based on
technical and engineering requirements.
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... iv
ÖZET ................................................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. xi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS … ............................................................ xiii
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Literature Review ..................................................................................................................... 2
2. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ............................................................................... 4
3. STANDARDS ................................................................................................................... 5
4. PATENTS.......................................................................................................................... 5
5. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND .................................................................................... 6
5.1 Radio Wave .............................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Working Principle of GPS ......................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Antenna Design ........................................................................................................................ 9
6. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................... 13
6.1 System Hardware .................................................................................................................... 13
6.1.1 PCB Designed on Altium ................................................................................................. 15 Features of the PCB In Our Project ......................................................................... 15
6.1.2 Arduino Uno ..................................................................................................................... 18 Specifications of Arduino Uno ................................................................................... 19
6.1.3 NodeMCU......................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.4 Ublox Neo 7m GPS Module .............................................................................................. 21 Specifications of neo 7m GPS module ...................................................................... 23
6.1.5 Sim800l GSM Module ...................................................................................................... 24 Specifications of Simm800l GSM module ................................................................ 25
6.2 Software ................................................................................................................................. 26
6.2.1 Arduino IDE .................................................................................................................. 26
6.2.2 ThingSpeak .................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.3 Android Studio ............................................................................................................... 27
6.2.4 Flutter ............................................................................................................................. 27
6.3 Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 28
7. EXPERIMENTS .............................................................................................................. 28
7.1 Testing of Neo 7m ................................................................................................................ 28
7.2 Testing of our own Designed Circuit Board ............................................................................. 30
7.3 Testing Google Firebase.......................................................................................................... 31
7.4 Testing ThingSpeak ................................................................................................................ 33
7.5 Mobile Application Test .......................................................................................................... 34
8. PROJECT PLAN ............................................................................................................. 38
9. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 46
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 1: Real time Vehicle Tracking System Working Principle .......................................... 2
Figure 2: Radio Frequency Spectrum …….. .......................................................................... 7
Figure 3: GPS Working Principle .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 4: GPS Satellites on View .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Front View of the Designed Microstrip Patch Antenna …….. .............................. 12
Figure 6: The S-parameters of the Designed Microstrip Patch Antenna ............................... 13
Figure 7: Circuit Diagram of the System ............................................................................. 14
Figure 8: The Altium Design of our PCB ……. ................................................................... 15
Figure 9: Printed and Completed PCB ................................................................................. 16
Figure 10: First Layer .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Second Layer ……. ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 12: Arduino Uno Board ............................................................................................ 18
Figure 13: NodeMCU Wi-Fi Module .................................................................................. 20
Figure 14: Neo 7m GPS Module with Ceramic Patch antenna ……..................................... 22
Figure 15: Pin out Diagram of Sim800l GSM Module ......................................................... 24
Figure 16: GPS Module Testing through Serial Monitor ...................................................... 29
Figure 17: Location Data Verification……. ........................................................................ 30
Figure 18: Testing of PCB ................................................................................................... 31
Figure 19: Data Stored in Google Firebase .......................................................................... 32
Figure 20: ThingSpeak Testing ……. .................................................................................. 33
Figure 21: Main Page .......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 22: Login Page.……………………………………………………………………….34
Figure 23: Libraries that We Used ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 24: Custom Icon Creation Code................................................................................ 35
Figure 25: Fetch ThingSpeak Data Code ............................................................................. 36
Figure 26: Reading Changed Data Code .............................................................................. 36
Figure 27: Calculating Estimated Time Code ...................................................................... 37
Figure 28: Gantt Diagram of the Project .............................................................................. 45
Table 1: Antenna Design Parameters .................................................................................. 12
Table 2: The Specifications of Arduino Uno ....................................................................... 19
Table 3: The Specifications of Neo 7m GPS Module .......................................................... 23
Table 4: The Specifications of Sim800l GSM Module ........................................................ 25
Table 5: Work Package of Project ....................................................................................... 40
The free space wavelength.
Effective Constant.
Printed circuit board
Global Positioning System
General Packet Radio Services
Global System for Mobile communication
Internet of Things
Alf and Vegard's RISC processor
Field Programmable Gate Array
Short Message Service
National Marine Electronics Association
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
Universal Serial Bus
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Decibel Milliwatt
Inter-Integrated Circuit
Serial Peripheral Interface
Vehicle tracking systems were first introduced by shipping companies due to the need
to know the location of the shipping vehicles at each time. Lately, the vehicle tracking system
is used for tracking the vehicle location in real time.
All vehicles' security is the primary goal of the vehicle tracking system. The security
system for cars has been improved. Today's innovative technology, like GPS, is very helpful
because it allows the owner to monitor and track their vehicle and learn about its movements
and previous activities.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled people to develop previously unsolvable
problems. New levels of interconnectedness between us have been made possible by devices'
ability to connect, "talk," and share information.[2] We are now more interconnected than ever
due to technologies' capacity to connect, "talk," and exchange information.
Systems that use the Internet of Things (IoT) to track and monitor vehicle movement
and location are known as IoT-based vehicle tracking systems. These systems typically consist
of a network of sensors, hardware, and software that gather data from vehicles and transmit it
to a centralized server or cloud-based platform for analysis and visualization. Fleet management,
vehicle maintenance, insurance, and asset tracking are just a few uses for IoT-based vehicle
tracking systems. They can offer real-time data on the whereabouts and condition of vehicles as
well as perceptions into driving behavior and performance. IoT-based vehicle tracking systems
can be combined with other technologies and systems, like telematics, GPS, and onboard
diagnostics, to provide a more thorough understanding of vehicle operations.
The Global Positioning System, or GPS, is the primary technology utilized in this system
to locate vehicles. Through the use of a GPS receiver and satellites, longitude and latitude
coordinates are used to locate the location of an object. This data can be gathered using a vehiclemounted device that has a GPS receiver and is utilized to provide the user with information
about the device's location. Through readily available interactive mapping resources like Google
Maps, the data can be represented as an interactive visual interface rather than as numerical
longitude and latitude numbers. The gadget may transmit data using a variety of technologies,
including mobile communications interfaces (GPRS) [3]. Data is sent from the device to the
user's end in this project via the GPRS mobile telecommunications network.
In this paper, a moving car is equipped with a real-time Arduino-based vehicle tracking
system with GPS and GPRS shield, allowing the owner or user to track the position of that
vehicle. The suggested equipment will track a moving vehicle continually and report on its
condition. For this purpose, a GSM module and GPS receiver are connected to an Arduino UNO
board with an Atmega328 microprocessor. The GPS receiver will continuously provide
information revealing the real-time latitude and longitude position of the vehicle. The GSM
module will use a cell phone to remotely transfer the vehicle's position (Latitude and Longitude).
On a cell phone, a real-time Google map with the location and name of the place is displayed.
Figure 1: Real time Vehicle Tracking System Working Principle
1.1 Literature Review
In this work [4] implements a GPS-based vehicle tracking and navigation system. This
is accomplished by retrieving vehicle information via GPS and GSM, such as location, distance,
etc. The following characteristics allow for the transformation of the information: Following
each user-defined time interval, the user obtains information on the car, such as its location and
other details. Next, this regular information of the location is sent to a tracking or monitoring
server. Google Maps is used to display the location of the car in the electronic Google Maps,
displaying the sent information on the display unit. When choosing the components of the
proposed project, Atmega328p is used as microcontroller. However, in this study PIC18F248 is
used as microcontroller. The main difference between AVR and the PIC microcontroller is that
AVR are better known for low voltage operation than PIC series. This PIC series used chiperased method that needed at least 4.5V to operate, and below 4.5V PIC programmers must use
row-erase algorithm which cannot erase locked device. However, this is not the case in AVR
In the project [6] the Global Positioning System is used in this study to pinpoint the
vehicle's location as well. With the assistance of GSM, the user receives information from the
GPS receiver in the form of SMS messages. Once this SMS has been received by the user, the
GSM modem sends a reply message to the vehicle's owner. The detection of any mishaps or
accidents involving the car is then done using an accelerometer sensor, which will also send out
a signal if anything goes wrong. In contrast to the microcontroller used in many systems, the
FPGA Spartan processor utilized in this system manages all system components in accordance
with the program created. In the proposed project, Atmega328p microcontroller is used,
however in the mentioned project FPGA Spartan processor utilized. FPGA and microcontrollers
differ primarily in their degree of customization and complexity. Price and usability variations
are also present. An FPGA enables more sophisticated operations, higher levels of
customization, and hardware changes that may be made after the fact. To operate an FPGA, a
user needs additional expertise and knowledge. FPGAs have benefits, but microcontrollers are
more affordable and practical [7]. Furthermore, in the mentioned project there is not an interface
to display the location of the target through Google Maps. SMS just verifies the location of the
The system makes use of Global Positioning technology (GPS), which is utilized to
obtain the crucial information's latitude and longitude coordinates from a satellite. This system
makes use of a microcontroller, GPS, and the GSM mobile communications network. One GPS
device is all that is required for this system, and GSM allows for two-way communication. A
SIM card is included with a GSM modem, which uses the same regular communication protocol
as a regular phone. [8]
In this system the authors used C language as the software programming language where
data (coordinates) received by GPS module is defined in the software. Decoding the NMEA
protocol is the primary aim of developing the software. There are multiple messages which
compose the NMEA protocol. The character set for these messages is ASCII. The purpose of
using the NMEA protocol is because GPS receives and sends data in the form of ASCII.
Physical Requirements
The GPS module can only be used effectively in open areas, the module should not be
used in closed areas.
The hardware of the system is easy to carry.
Performance and Functionality Requirements
The system should detect the location data correctly and it must present the received data
to the user end through the application in a comprehensible way.
The voltage absorbed by components of the system cannot exceed 5V.
Economic Requirements
The total parts and manufacturing cost cannot exceed 2000 ₺.
Environmental Requirements
The system must be kept away from dust and external impact to prevent the system from
The system works sufficiently well in open areas.
Health and Safety Requirements
The system does not emit electromagnetic noise large enough to affect human health and
electronic devices.
Manufacturability and Maintainability Requirements
The system will be manufactured on a circuit board with dimensions….
The system will have a modular design such that failed components can be replaced by
a technician in under 15 minutes.
Each component will be found easily in the market. Almost all components must be
recyclable and reused.
IEEE 802.11p-2010: This standard, published by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), specifies the extensions to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless
local area networks (WLANs) providing wireless communications while in a vehicular
environment. This specification accomplishes the following:
— Describes the functions and services required by stations to operate in a rapidly
varying environment
and to exchange messages without joining a BSS
— Defines the signaling techniques and interface functions used by stations
communicating outside of
Notification and Tracking System for Mobile devices, Patent No: US 8,768,294 B2
Tracking System, Patent No: US 7,382.248 B2
G.P.S Management System, Patent No: US 7,272,493 B1
Vehicle Tracking System, Patent No: US5898391
5.1 Radio Wave
Radio waves are an electromagnetic radiation type that are most used in communication
devices like radios, mobile phones, and televisions. These gadgets take in radio waves and
transform them into sound waves by causing mechanical movements in the speaker. A relatively
minor portion of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the radio-frequency spectrum.
According to the University of Rochester, the electromagnetic spectrum is often split into seven
sections in ascending sequence of decreasing wavelength and rising energy and frequency.
Radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays, and
gamma-rays are some of the common names for these types of energy.
According to NASA, the wavelengths of radio waves, which range from roughly 0.04
inches (1 millimeter) to more than 62 miles (100 kilometers), are the longest in the
electromagnetic spectrum.[9]
Radio waves have wavelengths that range from tens of thousands of meters to 30
centimeters. These are equivalent to frequencies between 3 Hz and 1 GHz (109 Hz). Straightline radio-wave communication signals pass through the atmosphere, reflect off of clouds or
ionosphere layers, or are transmitted by satellites in space. They are utilized in remote-controlled
toys as well as traditional broadcast radio and television, shortwave radio, navigation, and air
traffic control, and more. [10]
Figure 2. Radio Frequency Spectrum
5.2 Working Principle of GPS
A global positioning system that is utilized for navigation and object and location
detection normally operates on the fundamental principle of radio wave exchange between the
ground stations, satellites, and receivers. The trilateration mechanism of operation is preferred
for this data transmission and receiving. According to the trilateral mechanism, a device or
object must be inside the coverage area of at least four satellites in order to estimate its accurate
location. The precision of the data processed by the GPS directly relates to the number of
satellites that send and receive data to and from the item. This means that the accuracy of
estimating the location of the device improves proportionally as the number of satellites that can
communicate with the device increases.
For a GPS receiver to decode and determine the precise satellite location, each GPS
satellite transmits a distinct signal. The GPS receiver is aware that signals travel at the speed of
light, which aids in the calculation used to estimate its position.
Figure 3. GPS Working Principle
It is understood that the positional data of satellite I (i=1,2,3,4) is (Xi, Yi, Zi), that
satellite I's transmission time is Ti (i=1,2,3,4), and that satellite I's signal reception time is t. In
that case, assuming that the (x, y, z) coordinates of the ground GPS receiver are correct, the
receiver position calculation formula is as follows (1), (2), (3), (4):
√(𝑥 − 𝑥1)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑦1)2 + (𝑧 − 𝑧1)2 = 𝑐(𝑡 − 𝑡1)
√(𝑥 − 𝑥2)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑦2)2 + (𝑧 − 𝑧2)2 = 𝑐(𝑡 − 𝑡2)
√(𝑥 − 𝑥3)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑦3)2 + (𝑧 − 𝑧3)2 = 𝑐(𝑡 − 𝑡3)
√(𝑥 − 𝑥4)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑦4)2 + (𝑧 − 𝑧4)2 = 𝑐(𝑡 − 𝑡4)
C symbolizes the speed of light in these equations. Through a process called
"trilateration," the GPS receiver uses this information to determine the user's location and
display it on the gadget. It operates by dividing the entire time needed to receive a sent signal
by the distance to each satellite. The GPS receiver unit must lock on to the radio signal of a
minimum of three satellites in order to calculate the 2D position and track movement. Recall
that the receiver can recognize a 3D position fix only if there are four or more satellites in the
sky. A GPS receiver can often follow eight or more satellites; however, this depends on where
you are on Earth and what time of day it is. [11]
Figure 4. GPS Satellites on View
The GPS receiver requires the accurate positions of at least four satellites to complete
the mathematical calculation. Four critical values are estimated by the distance to each satellite:
Earth latitude
Earth longitude
5.3 Antenna Design
In this part, the microstrip patch antenna design information is given. In the project,
Ublox neo 7m GPS module is used as GPS receiver. In this module, there is a ceramic patch
antenna attached to the module. However, during the test of our GPS module, we have
encountered with some issues such as our module only finding 3 or less satellites thus failing to
obtain the location data of the target and taking too long to find satellites. In some cases, the
process of finding the satellites took half a day before our GPS module located them
successfully. Therefore, we looked for a way to speed up the process and a way to increase the
number of satellites our GPS module could locate. After countless attempts to achieve what we
aimed for such as wrapping aluminum foil around the ceramic antenna. Wrapping the antenna
with aluminum foil increases the antenna’s conductivity and surface area. However, this method
did not change the result at all. Since there were no significant changes in the speed of locating
the satellites, we came up with another antenna design for the project. Since the Ublox neo 7m
GPS module works at the frequency of 1.57542 GHz, we selected our resonance frequency of
the expected antenna as 1.57542 GHz.
Ublox neo 7m GPS module uses a ceramic microstrip patch antenna so in our design we
used a microstrip patch antenna as well.
The patch, ground plane, substrate, and feeding section are the four main components of
the single-layer Microstrip Patch Antenna. Patch antennas are within the category of single
element resonant antennas. Everything (including radiation pattern input impedance and other
factors) is fixed once the frequency is known. The ground plane is the same metal positioned on
the other side of the substrate as the patch, which is a very thin (t<<λ₀ , where λ₀ is the free space
wavelength) radiating metal strip (or array of strips) located on one side of a thin, nonconducting substrate. The metallic patch is often made of thin copper foil that has been nickel,
tin, or another corrosion-resistant metal plated on it. [12]
In order to design a patch antenna, we must follow the equations to obtain the expected
frequency which is 1.57542 GHz. Here are the equations required for the antenna design are
given as below:
The width of the patch antenna:
𝑊 = 2𝑓𝑟 𝜇 𝜀 √𝜀𝑟+1 = 2𝑓𝑟
√ 0 0
The length of the patch antenna:
𝐿 = 2𝑓𝑟√ Ereff
√𝜇0 𝜀0
− 2ΔL
The effective constant of the microstrip antenna:
𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 =
The extension of ∆L:
= 0.412
( Ereff 𝑓+0.3)( +0.264)
( Ereff −0.258)( +0.8)
The location of the feeding point:
Rin = 2(𝐺1+𝐺12)
Rin = 2(G1+G12) cos 2 ⁡(L y0 )
𝐺1 = 120𝜋2
𝐼1 = ∫ [sin ( 2 cos⁡𝜃)] sin3 ⁡𝜃𝑑𝜃
𝐺12 = 120𝜋2 ∫ [sin ( 2 cos⁡𝜃)] 𝐽0 (𝑘𝑜𝐿sin⁡𝜃)sin3 ⁡𝜃𝑑𝜃
The dimensions of the ground plane:
𝜆𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝑓0 √𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓
Length of the ground plane
≥( 4 )×2+𝐿
Width of the ground plane
≥ ( 𝑒𝑓𝑓
Width of the transition line
𝑍𝑇 =
Length of the transition line
𝑙 = 4 = 4 𝜀𝑜
√𝜀 𝑟
ln⁡(𝑊 + 4𝑑𝑇 )
√ reff
According to these equations to design microstrip patch antenna, the necessary
calculations have been made. After applying the formulas and completing the necessary
calculations, we have noticed that the parameters of the antenna have not come as desired
because all equations are approximate equations. We adjusted the parameters to get the expected
Table 1. Antenna Design Parameters
The Name of the Antenna Parameter
The Unit of the Antenna Parameter
Width of the Substrate
100 millimeters
Length of the Substrate
100 millimeters
Thickness of the Substrate
1.6 millimeters
Width of the Patch
58.7 millimeters
Length of the Patch
44.1 millimeters
Width of the Microstrip Line
3 millimeters
Inset width of the Patch
1.5 millimeters
Inset length of the Patch
7.16 millimeters
Here is the final product antenna design given below in the figure:
Figure 5. Front View of the Designed Microstrip Patch Antenna
Figure 6. The S Parameters of the Designed Microstrip Patch Antenna
The working principles of our project are implemented by modules and the development
board we designed with the help of Altium which is a PCB design software. The
communications are done properly by modules and Arduino via SPI protocol.
6.1 System Hardware
It consists of a microcontroller, GPS module, GSM modem, LM9V DC power supply.
GPS module gets the location information from satellites in the form of latitude and longitude.
The microcontroller processes this information and sends it to the GSM modem. The GSM
modem then sends the information to the owner’s mobile phone.
Atmega328 microcontroller is the heart of the project that is used for interfacing with
various hardware peripherals. It is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVRenhanced RISC architecture. Atmega328 microcontroller is interfaced serially to a GPS module
and GSM modem. The GPS module outputs much data but, in this project, only the NMEA data
is read and processed by the microcontroller. The processed data is sent to the user’s mobile
through a GSM modem.
This GPS-based vehicle tracking system implements SPI protocol for serial
communication between the microcontroller, GPS, and GSM modem.
Figure 7. Circuit Diagram of the System
6.1.1 PCB Designed on Altium
What is PCB? A printed circuit board (PCB) is an electronic assembly that uses copper
conductors to create electrical connections between components. Printed circuit boards provide
mechanical support for electronic components so that a device can be mounted in an enclosure.
A printed circuit board design must include a specific set of steps that aligns with the
manufacturing process, integrated circuit packaging, and the structure of the bare circuit board. Features of the PCB in our Project
Figure 8. The Altium Design of our PCB
Figure 9. Printed and Completed PCB
In our project, we designed our PCB as 9 volt input and 4.5 volt output.
We have a USB input, 2 Vcc, 2 GND, socket for programming the processor separately,
and pins for the communication of the modules we connect.
The most important components of our card are the voltage regulator shown with the
number 1 in the image, the integrated UART providing the communication with the number 2
in the figure and our processor with the number 3 shown in the figure above.
2_ CH340G
The design of the PCB is made in two layers.
Figure 10. First Layer
Power lines, communication lines are mostly used in fırst layer.
Figure 11. Second Layer
6.1.2 Arduino Uno
Figure 12. Arduino Uno Board
Arduino is a programmable microcontroller platform that is used for the development
and control of electronic projects and consists of a microcontroller chip, various input/output
pins, and a programming environment. Users can programme Arduino to control sensors,
motors, lights, and other components. Arduino is commonly employed for prototyping and
testing purposes due to its ease of use and extensive support community. It can be used as a
tool for preliminary testing before implementing a custom circuit board of your own.
Arduino UNO is based on an Atmega328P microcontroller. It is easy to use compared
to other boards, such as the Arduino Mega board, etc. The board consists of digital and analog
Input/Output pins (I/O), shields, and other circuits.
The Arduino UNO includes six analog pin inputs, fourteen digital pins, a USB
connector, a power jack, and an ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header. It is programmed
based on IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment. It can run on both online
and offline platforms.
In our Project, Arduino UNO is used as a testing board before we developed our own
circuit board. We tested GPS and GSM modules on it to see if the modules were working or not. Specifications of Arduino Uno
Table 2. The Specifications of Arduino Uno
6.1.3 NodeMCU
Figure 13. NodeMCU Wi-Fi Module
NodeMCU is a development board and firmware platform specifically designed for IoT
(Internet of Things) projects. It is particularly useful for applications that require Wi-Fi
connectivity. The board is built around the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and comes with an integrated
Lua programming environment. This allows users to easily programme and control the board
using the Lua scripting language.
NodeMCU provides several features and capabilities, including GPIO (General Purpose
Input/Output) pins for connecting and controlling external devices, analogue inputs for reading
sensor values, and support for various communication protocols such as I2C and SPI.
Additionally, it has built-in Wi-Fi functionality, enabling seamless connectivity to local
networks and the internet.
To use NodeMCU, one typically writes scripts in Lua and uploads them to the board
using the provided firmware. These scripts can control the board's functionality, interact with
sensors and actuators, and communicate with other devices or services over Wi-Fi.
In our specific use case, we employ NodeMCU as a preliminary testing tool to ensure
data transmission capability before integrating the SIM module into our project. This allows us
to verify the functionality and reliability of the data transmission without relying initially on the
SIM module. Furthermore, in situations where the SIM module may encounter issues or fail to
operate, we implemented NodeMCU as a backup solution. This ensures uninterrupted data
transmission and provides a reliable alternative for our project.
6.1.4 Ublox Neo-7m GPS Module
GY-NEO-7M module is an advanced GPS module that supports UART communication
protocol with active antenna. You can interface this module easily with any microcontroller.
This module has a rechargeable battery and can also be connected directly to a computer using
a USB to TTL converter.
This module can receive data and then calculate the geographical position with
extremely high accuracy and speed. In addition to supporting BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, GPS
/ QZSS, the module has internal memory to save settings. This module is compatible with
This sensor has four pins:
VIN: Module power supply – 5 V
GND: Ground
RX: Receive data via serial protocol
TX: Sending data via serial protocol
Figure 14. Neo 7m GPS Module with Ceramic Patch antenna
22 Specifications of neo 7m GPS module
Table 3. The Specifications of Neo 7m GPS Module
Operating voltage
2.7V-5.0V (VCC pin in)
Reception Features
Fifty-six channels, GPS L1 (1575.42Mhz)
C / Acode, SBAS: WAAS / EGNOS /
Positioning Accuracy
2.5 mCEP (SBAS: 2.0 mCEP)
Communication Protocol
NMEA (default) / UBX Binary
Acquisition Time
Cold start: 27S (fastest)
Hot Start
Tracking Sensitivity
Acquisition Sensitivity (cold start)
Update Rate
Default 1HZ, Max 10HZ
Serial Communication baud rate
9600/10 HZ maximum data rate
Speed Limit
500m / s
Height Limitation
Operating Temperature
-40 C to 85 C
Interface Features
TTL level compatible with 3.3V/5V systems
Working Current
6.1.5 Sim800l GSM Module
Figure 15. Pin out Diagram of Sim800l GSM Module
The SIM800L GSM/GPRS module consists of four key components, which take
important roles in the work of the module. These key components are SIM800L GSM cellular
chip, LED Status Indicators, Antennas, and Micro-SIM socket.
On the top surface of the GSM module, we can see a chip mounted on the module board.
This is a Quad-band SIM800L GSM/GPRS cellular chip from SimCom in SMT type. SIM800L
supports Quad-band frequency its works on frequencies 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, and
1900MHz, it can transmit and receive voice, SMS, and data information with low power
consumption. The operating voltage of this chip is from 3.4V to 4.4V which makes it ideal to
operate by a LiPo battery supply. This chip supports a baud rate from 1200bps to 115200bps
with Auto-Baud detection. It has a tiny size of 17.6*15.7*2.3mm which makes it a viable choice
for embedding projects without a lot of space.
SIM800L GSM/GPRS module is a miniature cellular GSM modem from Simcom, which
can easily interface with any microcontroller to give the microcontroller GSM functionality and
allows for GPRS transmission. This module connects the microcontroller to the mobile network
to make or receive phone calls, send, or receive SMS (text messages), and connect to the internet
using GPRS, TCP, or IP. Another advantage is It supports quad-band GSM/GPRS network,
which means it can work anywhere in the world. In our project, we used the GSM module’s
ability to connect to the internet using GPRS. We have sent our location data and observed the
data on Firebase through our project. We have also tried our GSM module’s SMS functionality
and sent our phones messages with the help of sim800l GSM module. Through the many testing
attempts and reading the datasheet, we have noticed that if the led indicator on the module blinks
with a delay of one second then it indicates that the GSM module is running but it hasn’t made
the connection to the cellular network yet. If the led indicator blinks with a delay of 2 seconds,
then it indicates that The GPRS data connection we requested is active. Finally, if the indicator
blinks with the delay of 3 seconds, then it indicates that then it indicates that the module has
made contact with the cellular network, and it is ready to transmit/receive voice and SMS. Sim800L GSM Module Specifications
Table 4. The Specifications of Sim800l GSM Module
IC Chip
SIM800L GSM cellular chip
Operating Voltage range
3.4V ~ 4.4V
Recommended supply voltage
Peak Current
Power consumption
Sleep mode < 2.0mA
Idle mode < 7.0mA
GSM transmission (avg): 350 mA
GSM transmission (peek): 2000mA
Supported frequencies
Transmit Power
2G Quad Band (850 / 950 / 1800 /1900 MHz)
Class 4 (2W) for GSM850
Class 1 (1W) for DCS1800
UART (max. 2.8V) and AT commands
SIM card socket
Micro SIM card socket
Network Status Indicator
Antenna connector
U.FL connector and Header Pin
Working temperature range
-40 to + 85 ° C
Module size
25 x 23 mm
6.2 Software
6.2.1 Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE is an officially provided integrated development environment for the
Arduino platform. It is a software tool used for programming and developing Arduino projects.
With its user-friendly interface, Arduino IDE is based on the Wiring programming language,
which is a derivative of C++. It offers various features such as libraries, sample codes, and
debugging tools, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users.
In our project, we use both Arduino Uno and NodeMCU for testing and programming
them using the Arduino IDE. Arduino Uno is used as a development board to evaluate and
validate our projects, while NodeMCU is programmed as part of our IoT project.
Additionally, we highlight that in our project, we have designed our own circuit board
based on Arduino, and we use the Arduino IDE to program it. The flexibility and extensive
library support provided by Arduino IDE make the programming of our custom board easier,
allowing us to implement our customized project effectively.
6.2.2 ThingSpeak
ThingSpeak is a cloud-based data analysis and storage platform utilized in IoT (Internet
of Things) projects. It serves as a platform for receiving, storing, and providing real-time access
to data collected from devices. ThingSpeak also offers graphical and visual tools that facilitate
data analysis.
In our project, we employ ThingSpeak to store and make sense of the data obtained from
the GPS module. The location data captured by the GPS module is transmitted to the
ThingSpeak platform, where it is stored. Our mobile application utilizes the ThingSpeak API to
access these stored data and presents it to the user in the form of maps, charts or other meaningful
representations. This enables users to track real-time location data and perform necessary
6.2.3 Android Studio
Android Studio is an integrated development environment for developing Android apps.
Used to build and test Android applications using languages such as Java, Kotlin and C++. It
offers features such as visual layout tools, emulators, build systems, Firebase integration, and
more. Widely preferred by professional Android developers.
6.2.4 Flutter
Flutter is an open-source software development kit for creating user interfaces (UIs)
developed by Google. It enables developers to build powerful and visually stunning mobile
applications for iOS and Android using a single code base. Benefits include fast development
cycles, common code base, rich user interface, high performance, and seamless integration with
third-party services. Preferred by mobile app developers. To describe the function of Flutter in
our project, users may want to track the location of their tools and other relevant data in real
time. We design an application via flutter and provide it to the user. Flutter's fast performance,
easy-to-understand interface and rich features have been a key factor in using it. One of its most
notable features was that we could easily integrate the Google Maps API into our application.
Thanks to Flutter's flexibility, speed and efficiency, the development process of vehicle tracking
systems becomes easier and more effective.
6.3 Tools
Here is the list of tools we used throughout our project.
Arduino IDE
Google Firebase
Android Studio
CST Studio
7.1 Testing of Neo 7m GPS
The first thing we did as soon as the modules we ordered arrived was to test our neo 7m
GPS module. This module plays a crucial role in our project since if this module does not work
properly then we simply cannot accomplish the rest of the parts. During the testing of the GPS
module, we have come to realize that the ceramic antenna which is attached to the module does
not work appropriately inside of the buildings because of the RF interference caused by
electronic devices. There are four pins in the GPS module which are Vcc, RX which is the pin
that receives data via serial protocol, TX which is the pin that sends data via serial protocol and
Ground. We connected the Vcc pin to our 5V power supply pin on our Arduino Uno board. We
provided communication between the GPS module and the Arduino Uno board by connecting
the RX and TX pins of the GPS module to D2 and D3 pins of our Arduino board. After that we
began to observe the serial monitor on Arduino IDE. Most of the time due to not absorbing
enough power we waited too much before we saw the location data on monitor.
Figure 16. GPS Module Testing through Serial Monitor
Figure 17. Location Data Verification
7.2 Testing of our Own Designed Circuit Board
The testing of the designed Circuit Board was done by an engineer through the vias
inside the PCB by checking amperes through them with special probes. There seemed to be no
issue with our designed PCB and checked multiple times with the engineer.
Figure 18. Testing of PCB
7.3 Testing Google Firebase
In our project, we used Google Firebase to provide us instant data as it contains realtime database in it. However, in our project we have failed to send the data through GSM/GPRS
module to Google Firebase. We tested sending the data through Wi-Fi module and it worked.
We have tried to send the data with sim800l to Firebase, but we received HTTP GET error 702.
We stopped using firebase because SSL connection could not be established with sim module.
With the help of the NodeMCU card, the GPS module transmitted the latitude and longitude
data to the firebase. Each unique ID was used to record the data, which cannot be altered by
outside forces because it is only tied to that system.
Figure 19. Data Stored in Google Firebase
7.4 Testing Thingspeak
ThingSpeak provides a particularly good tool for IoT based projects. By using
ThingSpeak site, we can monitor our data and control our system over the Internet, using the
Channels and web pages provided by ThingSpeak.
We use ThingSpeak in our project to store and interpret the data acquired from the GPS
module. The ThingSpeak platform receives and stores the location information the GPS module
has collected. After uploading the code, the GSM Module will try connecting to the Cellular
Network. Then it will establish the connection with Thingspeak Server.
Our mobile application utilizes the ThingSpeak API to access these stored data and
present it to the user in the form of maps. This enables us to track real-time location data and
perform necessary analyses.
Figure 20. ThingSpeak Testing
In the figure field one represents latitude and field 2 represents longitude.
7.5 Mobile Application Test
Our mobile application acts as a display of the target location. During the testing of
mobile application, we have sent many various data was sent through ThingSpeak manually to
verify our target location. Each time the location data is sent by ThingSpeak there is 10 seconds
delay before the icon on the application moves. Furthermore, the mobile application is
programmed for a vehicle which travels at the speed of 40 km/h. So, when we used the system
to check our application, there was a slight miscalculation on arrival time caused by this.
We have tested our application many times and there were no bugs nor crashes during
the testing process. Moreover, our application utilized the data stored in ThingSpeak
successfully without an issue.
Figure 21. Main Page
Figure 22. Login Page
Figure 23. Libraries that We Used
Figure 24. Custom Icon Creation Code
Figure 25. Fetch ThingSpeak Data Code
Figure 26. Reading Changed Data Code
Figure 27. Calculating Estimated Time Code
Work Package 1 – Literature Search.
Work Package 2 – Ordering Necessary Materials and Obtaining them.
Work Package 3 – Connection of Ublox Neo 7m GPS and Arduino Uno and
testing of the GPS Module Reading the Data Through Sensor.
Work Package 4 – Learning Altium Design Software.
Work Package 5 – The Test of Transferring the Data Read from Sensor.
Work Package 6 – Firebase data sending test.
Work Package 7 – Establishing the Circuit Schematic for Designed PCB
Work Package 8 – Selecting the Components for Designed PCB
Work Package 9 – Research on Android Studio
Work Package 10 – Abandoning the Idea of Sending Location Data through
GPRS to Firebase.
Work Package 11 – Testing the Wi-Fi Module and transferring Data to Firebase
Work Package 12 – Creating a prototype mobile app with the Help of MIT App
Work Package 13 – Learning and Getting Acquainted with Flutter for Mobile
App Design
Work Package 14 – Layout Design of PCB
Work Package 15– Sending Data through GPRS to ThingSpeak
Work Package 16 – Making Well-Rounded Search on Antenna Design
Work Package 17 – Learning and Getting Familiar with CST Studio for Antenna
Work Package 18 – Getting Location Data from ThingSpeak to Android Studio
Platform via flutter.
Work Package 19 – Displaying location data on google maps and Integration of
Google maps into mobile application.
Work Package 20 – Printing and Assembling the designed PCB.
Work Package 21 – Making Multiple Antenna Designs on CST Studio for GPS
Work Package 22 – Completing the Antenna Design
Work Package 23 - Creating routes on google maps and Creating Icons to be use
on Google Maps.
Work Package 24 – Interface Design of Mobile Application.
Work Package 25 – Writing the Project Report
Work Package 26 – Testing the Whole System Together and Recording the Video
Table 4. Work Package of Project
Work Package N
ames and Their
By Whom(s)
Literature Review
and Search
All Group Members
Preparation Phase
All Group Members
Obtaining Materials
All Group Members
All Group Members
Berkant Düzçay
Alparslan Ada
Berkant Düzçay
Berkant Düzçay
Alparslan Ada and
Tayyip Ahmet Bakar
Materials Control
and Planning the
route of Project
GPS Module
Testing with
Learning Altium
The Test of
Transferring the
Data Read from
Firebase Data
Sending test
Establishing and
controlling the
Circuit Schematic
for Designed PCB
Components for
All Group Members
Research on
Android Studio
Sending Data with
Wi-Fi Module to
Getting Acquainted
with Flutter for
Mobile App Design
Layout Design of
Sending Data with
Wide Search on
Antenna Design
Getting Familiar
with CST studio
Displaying location
data on google
maps and mobile
Printing and
assembling the
designed PCB
Completing the
Antenna Design
Interface Design
of Mobile
Finalization and
testing all system
Writing the Project
Muhammet Fatih
Berkant Düzçay
Muhammet Fatih
Alparslan Ada
Berkant Düzçay
Tayyip Ahmet Bakar
Tayyip Ahmet Bakar
Muhammet Fatih
Alparslan Ada
Tayyip Ahmet Bakar
Muhammet Fatih
All Group Members
All Group Members
Figure 28. Gantt diagram of the project.
In this thesis, IoT based using GSM/GPRS network is proposed, discussed, and
analyzed. In big cities, the importance of vehicle tracking systems is growing, and they are safer
than other systems. Public transport users are waiting for so long or they do not know where or
when the transportation vehicle is going to arrive due to vehicles waiting at stops. During our
university years in Eskişehir we have suffered from waiting too long and not knowing when the
bus will arrive. So, in this paper we developed a solution to the regarding this issue.
The proposed self-made PCB-based vehicle tracking system that uses GSM and GPS
technology to track the precise location of a moving or stationary vehicle in real time was
constructed and tested with success. The system is user-friendly thanks to the Arduino IDE. The
technology offers users improved customer service and a cost-effective solution. Geographical
coordinates of a car as determined by an in-vehicle device since this system will be mounted in
vehicle. The location of the vehicle will have been displayed on a Google map using a cell
phone. The system's ability to track a vehicle's whereabouts at any time and from any location
was successfully demonstrated experimentally and it is recorded on a video.
In the process of making this project, other than abandoning the thought of using our
GSM/GPRS module to send data to Google Firebase. Firebase only accepts POST in HTTPS.
However, our GSM module supports only HTTP. We could not find a way to solve this problem
and used ThingSpeak instead. We have successfully sent our data to ThingSpeak with
GSM/GPRS module. Thanks to ThingSpeak we were able to complete the project flawlessly.
In our mobile application there are two pages that shown which are the main page or
login page if you will and the route page where we show the whereabout of the target vehicle.
The mobile app gets the location information through ThingSpeak with the help of a special
library. The delay between receiving the data and displaying it on Google Maps is only 10
seconds which is reasonable for a small budget project like this.
Although this project is intended for use in public transportation, it can be modified for
purposes like freight monitoring or student service tracking. The mobile application could have
more services added in the future, and the graphical user experience could also be enhanced.
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