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Why is Pre Marriage Counselling Important for Couples?

Why is Pre Marriage Counselling Important for
Couple counselling is not only a last option to save a destroying marriage but a healthy activity
to build their relationship stronger than anything. If we talk about pre marriage counselling, it
helps couples get ready to start their new chapter as a team. Marriage is not just a word but a
feeling of love between the two and a responsibility for each other with respect, care, and love.
In our daily lives, we all hear numerous cases of destroyed marriage, divorces, and breakups.
The reasons are endless including, trust issues, incompatibility, financial problems, etc. Here
comes the role of pre marriage counselling. Continue reading to learn how such counselling
sessions can help couples be prepared for their upcoming married life.
If you wish to book a session with professional couple counsellors, you can contact us
at +91 8928-467-288
What is Pre Marriage Counselling?
Pre Marriage counselling is a type of help or support for couples experiencing challenges in
their relationship and for those who are planning to get married. Licensed mental health
professionals are allowed to offer such counselling sessions. The counsellors basically work
with the couples by giving them a safe space to plan their future, understand each other’s likes
and dislikes, and prevent potential conflicts or misunderstandings.
Pre marriage or premarital counselling involves conversation or talk therapy between a couple
and the counsellor. Often, the counselling sessions involve both the partners and the counsellor,
and sometimes, the counsellor talks with each partner individually to understand them.
What Does a Premarital Counselling Session Involve?
The sittings of a premarital counselling session vary as the couples differ. Based on the
relationship stage, the partner’s compatibility, behavior, and thoughts about each other, the
counsellor determines the number of sessions. It involves:
An assessment is called a comprehensive premarital assessment questionnaire (PAQ).
Strategies to identify areas of improvement and work on them accordingly to strengthen
the relationship.
Communication strategies to know each other better promote mutual understanding.
Pre-engagement counselling also involves strategies to set goals for the coming
Understanding the Role of Couples Therapy Before Marriage
According to experts and their research, people who go for couples therapy before marriage
have 30% more potential to remain in their marriage and continue a happy and successful
married life. Well, the benefits of couple counselling before a wedding not only have short-term
impacts but also help partners enjoy their married life for years to come.
Take a look at the below-given benefits to understand the role of couples therapy before
Effective Communication Skills
Arguments, conflicts, and fights are normal in any relationship. But what makes the difference
between a normal fight or argument and the destructive one is your way of doing it. Here,
effective communication and careful speaking plays an important role. The premarital
counselling session covers the healthy fighting ground rules including, “know before you speak,”
“not to drag unwanted old topics during arguments,” and “not to use harsh or disrespectful
Overall, an effective communication in a relationship builds a mutual understanding between
the two partners helping them manage fights and arguments better.
Financial Management Skills
Approaching online pre marriage counselling to learn better financial management skills is not
like visiting a financial advisor. Couples often go for such counselling sessions before getting
married to learn how to talk about hot-button issues like money. Finance has always been a
reason for conflicts and arguments, and sometimes divorce too between the two married
partners. Therefore, it’s good to learn how to communicate for managing money-related issues.
Money is a sensitive issue and must be handled with care. The premarital counselling expert
helps couples learn how to understand and support each other in terms of finances, considering
that they should not hurt each other’s respect and feelings.
Bring Close to Each Other
All the stress and responsibilities of wedding planning on the shoulders of the two partners
sometimes makes them apart as they may not have time for each other. With all the hustle
bustle and rush of the marriage, the two may get anxious, distressed, and frustrated leading to
frequent anger and arguments on minute topics. If this happens, you can contact us and book
an online pre marriage counselling session with our experts.
The counsellor will talk to such couples and teach them how to handle every emotion in a
balanced way. The counselling sessions offer a safe space where couples can discuss and plan
their wedding, knowing each other’s perceptions and thoughts. Eventually, the marriage
counsellor will bring the two partners close to each other, strengthening their love and bond.
Learn to Accept and Work on Differences
We all are different from each other in one way or another. Agree? In a relationship as well,
partners differ from each other, and that’s not bad. We all know that opposite poles attract. Also,
only differences make one special or unique from the other one. But, sometimes, these
differences can become a reason for conflict and separation in a marriage. To stop this from
happening, couples should consider visiting a marriage counsellor who can help them get to
know each other.
The counsellors help a couple learn everything about their partner in terms of likes, dislikes,
personality traits, weaknesses, strengths, and much more. Even if a partner doesn’t like
another’s hobby or any personality trait, the premarital counselling doctors help such a couple to
work on those differences and accept them.
Gives a Chance to Know your Partner
You must know who your soon-to-be life partner is, not only in terms of their identity but also
what type of human being they are, what qualities they have, and how compatible you both are
with each other. To learn about all these aspects, couples must approach premarital counselling
doctors or experts. The counsellors involve strategies and assessments for couples to know
their partner better. They may ask certain questions or give activities through which one can
discover and know about who the next person is with whom you will be sharing your whole life.
To continue a happy and healthy married life as a perfect couple, you and your partner must
know about each other. It will eventually help you build an effective communication in
relationship and tackle the challenging phases of marriage mutually without any
misunderstandings and trust issues.
When to Visit a Relationship Counselling Expert?
It’s not easy to continue a healthy and happy married relationship. Both partners need to work
together calmly and happily to make the marriage last and be full of love and respect. However,
circumstances may disturb one’s married life or relationship, and sometimes, you just need a
safe space and time to understand your partner and the relationship. Here, a relationship
counselling expert can help.
Below, we have listed the situations when you must visit a marriage counselling expert to make
your marriage better:
If trust issues are knocking
Before getting married, it’s quite common for the two partners to have trust issues with each
other. These trust issues can be in terms of anything and can end the relationship before it even
starts. At such times, talk therapy in a safe space and a few moments for each other with the
help of relationship counselling sessions can work.
Thoughts of Having Children in the Future
Becoming parents is one of the most wonderful feelings a couple can ever experience. But, if
these thoughts of having children in the future are triggering fear of responsibility, it can impact
your marriage. It’s common to have fearful feelings of weighing children’s responsibilities along
with dozens of other responsibilities, and any couple can develop this feeling. If you’re also
among them, contact us and book our Pre-Marital therapy session for further help. The
therapists or counsellors will teach you how to plan for the future not only as a husband and wife
but as a team of mother and father.
Hectic Life with Busy Schedules
Overly busy schedules and hectic life with only stress and worries can become marriage
problems. Shortage of time for each other, not paying attention to each other’s needs and
wants, and lack of communication can result in problematic relationships, which is not good for
the upcoming married life. To help this out, couples must go for pre wedding counselling
sessions and find solutions. The counsellors will help partners take some time for each other
and stay close to plan everything together for their upcoming journey.
Contact Reflect Within for More..!
Getting married is one of the best feelings for one but if this excitement is turning into stress,
anxious feelings, or worries, it can adversely impact your upcoming married life. Let you and
your partner enjoy the complete journey of becoming one. However, if any issue is triggering
this joyous journey, it’s better to go for pre marriage counselling sessions with Reflect Within.
Related Blog: Couples Therapy to Help with Relationship Issues