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English Lesson Plan: Paradox, Irony, Oxymoron (Grade 7)

Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7
 define the three figures of speech that contrast (paradox, irony and
 identify paradox, irony and oxymoron
 give examples of paradox, irony and oxymoron
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Paradox, Irony and Oxymoron
B. Reference/s: Learning Package Grade 7(2nd Quarter) page 68
C. Materials: slideshow presentation, cartolina
D. Concept: Paradox- refers to the use of concepts/ideas that
contradictory to one another, yet when placed together they hold
significant value on several levels.
Oxymoron- is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms.
Irony has three types: Verbal- contrast between what is said and what
is meant.
Dramatic –contrast between what the character thinks to be true and
what the reader knows to be true.
Situational- contrast between what happens and what was expected.
E. Methodology: Lecture Method
F. Value Integration:
Learning Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review
Class, I am going to distribute number
cards for each of you. Remember the
number that will be given to you because
that will be your number. I will draw a
number from this bowl and whoever gets
the number I have drawn will answer the
question I will give. Do you understand?
(The teacher will draw a number and
then give the question) what is an
Very good! How about prediction?
That’s correct!
2. Motivation
Class let’s play message relay
with a twist. You will be grouped
into four. I will give the message
Yes ma’am.
Assumption is an idea that suggested
a possible explanation for a particular
situation or condition, but which has
not yet been proved to be correct or
Prediction is a statement made about
the future, foreseeing the future
results or happening.
to the first student and you will
arrange the scrambled words to
form the message that I gave.
Then you will post it on the
board. The first group to arrange
the sentence wins. Do you have
any questions?
Alright let’s begin…
B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Class what kind of figure of
speech did you just arrange?
Very good! This afternoon we are
going learn more about the three
figures of speech that contrast.
Pay attention and listen as we
discuss about paradox, irony and
2. Discussion
Class, since we don’t have a LCD
projector I have a transcript of
my slideshow presentation of the
topic we are going to discuss
today. Alright let’s start with
irony. Irony has three kinds. Lets
who will read the first type?
(the teacher will ask students to
read what is shown in the
No ma’am.
The students will arrange the
(The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as
they buzzed from one to another.)
Verbal- contrast between what is said
and what is meant.
Dramatic –contrast between what the
character thinks to be true and what
the reader knows to be true.
Situational- contrast between what
happens and what was expected.
Oxymoron- is a figure of speech that
combines contradictory terms.
Paradox- refers to the use of
C. Post Activity
1. Generalization
Class, what is paradox again?
Very good! How about
That’s correct! What are three
types of Irony?
Very good!
2. Application
Class, let’s have another group
game. This is called sentence
strip. Each group will be given
strips of sentences. Then you are
going to classify whether they
are oxymoron, paradox or Irony.
You need to match the sentence
to the correct figure of speech.
You need to post it on the board.
The group to finish first and with
most number of correct wins. So
do have questions?
Alright then let’s start..
concepts/ideas that contradictory to
one another, yet when placed together
they hold significant value on several
Paradox is a figure of speech that
expresses ideas that are contradictory
to one another.
Oxymoron combines two opposing or
contradicting ideas.
The three type of Irony are Verbal,
Situational and dramatic.
No ma’am.
I can resist anything, except
I can resist anything, except
Deep down, you're really shallow.
Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
The police station was robbed.
The fire station burns down.
I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief."
"And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true."
"Modern dancing is so old fashioned."
Direction: Study the statements below. Determine whether they Oxymoron, Paradox or Irony.
Write I if the statement is an Irony, P if it is a Paradox and O if it is an Oxymoron.
1. Pretty cruel
2. "Always be sincere, even though you do not necessarily mean it."
3. As an audience member, you realize that if a character walks into an abandoned
warehouse, chances are a killer is waiting... but because you are a member of the
audience you cannot disclose the information to the character.
4. The student who didn't study passed the test.
5. Painfully beautiful
6. Amazingly awful
7. The teacher failed the test.
8. Drowning in the fountain of eternal life.
9. You have to be cruel to be kind.
10. Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
Direction: Give 3 examples of Irony, 3 examples of Oxymoron and 3 examples of Paradox.
Write it in ½ sheet of paper.
Prepared by:
Ma. Magdalena Afable-Bianes