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Networking Basics Worksheet: LAN, WAN, Ethernet, Fiber Optics

Question (1): Choose the correct Answer:
1. Data on a star network passes through the hub, switch, or concentrator before
continuing to its destination.
a. True
b. False
2. In local area networks where bus topology is used, each machine is connected to a single
a. True
b. False
A computer that gains itself of the services provided by servers.
a. Cable
b. Server
c. Client
d. Mainframe
4. Is an electronic device that connects to the Internet via an ISP (Internet Service
Provider). It converts digital data to analog signals for transmission over a phone line.
a. Modem
b. Hub
c. Repeater
d. Switch
5. The computers in Peter's office building are linked so that staff can share files and
printers. This type of network is known as .
a. WAN
b. GAN
c. PAN
d. LAN
6. What is Ethernet cable used for?
a. Connecting computers wirelessly
b. Connecting computers in WANs
c. Connecting computers in one room
d. Connecting computers in LANs
7. What is this an image of?
a. Ethernet cable
b. Coaxial cable
c. Fiber optics
d. Cable cars
8. What are the "Common Physical Components of a Network"
a. Switch
b. PC
c. Cable
d. MS Windows
9. What's the problem with Ethernet cable?
a. Ethernet cable is expensive compared to other cable
b. Signal gains strength over longer distances
c. Ethernet cable is slow
d. Signal loses strength over longer distances
10. What is this an image of?
a. Fiber optic cable
b. Ethernet cable
c. Cable cars
d. Coaxial cable
11. What is this an image of?
a. Fiber optic cable
b. Ethernet cable
c. Cable cars
d. Coaxial cable
12. What is fiber optics used for?
a. Christmas decorations
b. Transmitting data over long distances, quickly
c. Transmitting data over LANs quickly
d. Transmitting data over short distances, quickly
13. Which of the following hardware devices is most likely to be shared on a network?
a. Mouse
b. Keyboard
c. Monitor
d. Printer
14. What is this an image of?
a. Star
b. Bus
c. WAN
d. LAN
15. Device of Network layer
a. hub
b. cable
c. Router
d. a, b
16. (A data network designed for a town or city)
definition what...
a. WAN
b. MAN
c. SAN
d. CAN
17. Which is faster, a Wired or wireless connection?
a. Wired
b. Wireless
c. Both are the same speed
18. Is cat 5 a wired or wireless connection?
a. Wired
b. Wireless
19. What is a disadvantage of fiber optic cables?
a. They are Expensive
b. They have a slow connection speed
20. What is a computer Network?
a. A group of systems that communicate and share resources among users
b. Used to carry other signals such as telephony and video. is commonly
connected using punch-down blocks and modular connectors.
c. A technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure
network, such as the internet.
d. Monitors active connections and uses it to determine which network packets
to allow through
21. The internet is the world’s biggest
a. LAN
b. WAN
22. What term describes the physical layout of a network?
a. Topology
b. topping
c. topiology
d. toppology
23. What type of network is this?
a. Star
b. Bus
c. LAN
d. WAN
24. What type of network is this?
a. Star
b. Bus
c. LAN
d. WAN
25. If a cable fails on a star what happens?
a. Network fails
b. One computer fails
c. Nothing
d. Not sure
26. If the main cable on a bus fails what happens?
a. Nothing
b. Some of the computers will still work
c. The whole network fails
d. One computer fails
27. In a star network
a. Each device is connected to a switch or hub
b. Each device connects to each other
c. Each device is connected in a line
d. Each device is connected to a terminal
28. What is the fastest type of network connection?
a. Ethernet
b. Mobile data
c. Fiber optics
d. Wi-Fi
29. Which is listed from slowest to fastest?
a. Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Fiber optics
b. Fiber optics, 4G, Ethernet
c. Fiber optics, Bluetooth, 4G
d. 4G, fiber optics, Ethernet
30. How does Ethernet work?
a. It uses wireless signals to transmit electrical impulses
b. It uses wireless signals to transmit light impulses
c. It uses wired signals to transmit electrical impulses
d. It uses wired signals to transmit light impulses
31. A type of tool used for verifying correct electrical connections of wires in a cable is
known as:
a. Loopback plug
b. Tone generator
c. Cable tester
d. Loopback Plug
32. What is the main difference between fiber optic and Ethernet connections?
a. Fiber optics use light transmitted in glass threads while Ethernet uses copper
wires and electrical signals
b. Fiber optics use copper wires and electrical signals while Ethernet uses light
transmitted in glass threads
c. Fiber optics use light transmitted in glass threads while Ethernet uses
wireless signals on 4G
d. Fiber optics use wireless signals on 4G while Ethernet uses copper and
electrical signals
33. Which of the following tools would be used for attaching RJ-45 connectors to a twistedpair Ethernet cable?
a. Cable Tester
b. Needle-Nose Plier
c. Punch down Tool
d. Crimper
34. Data communication system within a building or campus is
a. LAN
b. WAN
c. MAN
d. None of the previously mentioned
35. In this type of topology data travels only in one direction
a. Bus
b. Ring
c. Star
d. Mesh
36. Which of the following access methods is used on Ethernet networks?
a. Ring
d. Deterministic
37. What are two types of Twisted Pair? (Select two answers)
a. Broadband
b. Shielded Twisted Pair
c. Fiber Optic
d. Unshielded Twisted Pair
38. Which of these is a Ring Network?
39. Which connector is used for UTP cabling on a network?
a. RF-11
b. BNC
c. RS-232
d. RJ-45
40. It is a type of connection that is commonly used for unlike devices.
a. Straight through
b. Crossover
c. Rollover
d. Through-over
41. It is type of connect that is use for like devices (PC to PC)
a. Straight through
b. Crossover
c. Rollover
d. Through-over
42. Single twisted pair cable has how many wires?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
43. A crossover cable is used to connect like devices to each other.
a. True
b. False
44. A cable that consists of color coded pairs of insulated copper wires that are twisted
around each other to form pairs that are encased in a plastic sheath.
a. Coaxial cable
b. Twisted pair cable
c. Fiber optic cable
45. This type of twisted pair cable consists of twisted pair wires that are not only
individually insulated but also surrounded by a shielding made of foil.
b. STP
c. UTP
46. This type of twisted pair cable is a cabling that consists of one or more insulated wire
pairs encased in a plastic sheath.
a. STP
b. UTP
c. Cat 6
47. When both ends of a patch cable are terminated identically it is called a
a. straight through cable
b. mirror cable
c. crossover cable
d. rollover cable
48. Crossover cables are used to connect
a. a pc to a pc
b. a switch to a switch
c. a pc to a router
d. a pc to a modem
49. A rollover cable reverses all of the wires without regard to how they are paired.
a. True
b. False
50. Routers have two different kinds of ports: Ethernet and
a. console
b. LAN
c. Modem
d. Rollover
51. What is the maximum length of a UTP cable?
a. 1km
b. 100m
c. 50m
d. Unlimited
52. UTP stands for?
a. Unique Twister Pair
b. Upgraded Twisted Pair
c. Unshielded Twisted Pair
d. Unshielded Tight Pair
53. This term refers to a port setting which allows an interface to send and receive data at
the same time.
a. Half Duplex
b. Full Duplex
c. Full Monty
d. Full Override
54. Refer to the exhibit. What type of connection would be supported by the cable diagram
Pin Color
Function Pin Color
1 White/Green TX+
2 Green
3 White/Green RX+
6 Green
3 White/Orange RX+
6 Orange
1 White/Orange TX+
2 Orange
a. PC to router
b. PC to switch
c. server to switch
d. switch to router
55. Which of the following network categories allows all machines to have equal privileges?
a. Peer-to-peer network
b. Client/Server network
c. None of the above
Question (2):
What is the difference between a Domain (Client - Server) and a Workgroup (peer peer)?
Workgroup or Peer-to-peer networks (P2P): When two or more computers are
connected together to share resources without the use of a central server is termed as a
peer-to-peer network. All computers are peers and no computer has control over
another computer. It is generally used in small companies as they are not expensive.
Domain or Server-based networks: In this type of network, a central server is
located to store the data, applications, etc of the clients. Network admin uses one or
more computer as a server and provide all accesses, security permission to all other
computers in a network
46. Refer to the exhibit. The PC is connected to the console port of the switch. All the
other connections are made through FastEthernet links. Which types of UTP cables can
be used to connect the devices?
1 – rollover, 2 – crossover, 3 – straight-through
1 – rollover, 2 – straight-through, 3 – crossover
1 – crossover, 2 – straight-through, 3 – rollover
1 – crossover, 2 – rollover, 3 – straight-through
Explanation: A straight-through cable is commonly used to interconnect a host to a switch
and a switch to a router. A crossover cable is used to interconnect similar devices together
like switch to a switch, a host to a host, or a router to a router. If a switch has the MDIX
capability, a crossover could be used to connect the switch to the router; however, that option
is not available. A rollover cable is used to connect to a router or switch console port.