I ADVANCED EiiECTRIC DRIVES Assignment-4 ETE SYLLABUS I QUESTION ..\ 7.~ k\\7, 3-phase, 415 l\ 3300 rpni, 4-pole, l"-connected, Pl\lSAI ,,ith a synchronous inductance of 3.5 mH obtains the rated inducNI open circuit ,·olfage at 2500 rpm. H this n1otor is operated at 3000 rpm and at 75% of ra.ted torque in field oriented control mode, calculate t_he resultant arm.ature nu:1 linkage (in ,,b) llith dirett axis current zero (id=O). QUESTION A 7.5 k\\', 3-phase, 415 \-·, ~0 112, _4-pole, Y-rounertNI. s)11cbronous 1·elurtanr• motor bas !ollowlna pa1·1.1nete1·s: Xsct ::J()!t X14 ~n, 111ted po,vt't" tactol' =0.80 (laggia&). •~d Rr=IO. Negjtt,. ftirttou. u-iodage and toi•e loss. Tilt sJ>fftl or the moto1· 1, c-O11trollftt fa vttro.. ('OotroJ oslna three-phase P\\'M voltage somTr 1u,-.~11er with almost 11wty • po,,·er fartor at AC: mafias and ,vttll nc· bus ,·olfage of 100,r. Tht' motor is controlled ,vtth constant, ff us b.tlow bast speed and roustant 1-attd l"0ltaae abo,"e bas~ spet<t C"alr11Jate 1notor rms r1u·a-e11f (lu ..\) at· startl11g It tbe·sta1·ting to1-que is t"N)uirNI equal to-the rated f01·que. , QUESTION Q. A 15 kVA, 3-phase, 415 v, 2-pole. Y-connected, pen11a~ent magnet synchrono11s n1otor . has the followmg parameters: maximum speed .of 10000 rpm: synchronous inductance of 2.5 mH The maxun~un torque. which it can produce without exceedmg rated armature current is 20 Nm. . ~alc~late the speed at which produces rated open etrc.u1t voltage . ' i ;. !. QUESTION ' ¥-connected,· le, po 2V, 5 41 e, as ph 3A, kV IO A Q. has following or ot m s ou on hr nc sy t ne ag n1 t en an nn pe ~10000 • (Pm, of d ee sp . tim im ax m · s: ter e 111 ra pa ted induced ra d an H m 2.5 of e nc cta du in tlS lo oi synthr th e ~ at ul lc ·ca .· m rp 00 75 at ge open circuit volta oduce without pr n ca it ich wh , ue rq to n o1 iin 1nax exceedi11g rated an11atl1re ct1rre11t. ~- QUESTION· catiops: 7.S k\ l: 3ifi ec sp ng ,vi flo e -th -. ha~ e i1· ,ir \ri . .J•. A P~AIS , Xs d= 20 . Xsq=lO ed eet nn co Ye, Ol 4-p , Hz 50 \; .s phase, 41 1·manent .,magnet pe , ng _gi Jag 6 0.9 r= ~to faer 1v po n, rate-<J gible R~ .! NegJe~t (1-,ictioa, flux Jinkages=i.015 l's anti negli e.d of motor is conh~olled ,,·indin.g, an,l co1·e l'oss. The spe usin·g P\\~'1 \"SI. The ie en sch ·0J o·t1 co· 1· cto .,rre t ·e-c di1 in: using .-Ou::t helo,,· b,as,e speed [.• t tan ns '(-o th ,,,~J d lle ro nt eo is r moto .ba-se ·speed. c:atcuJate and ~anit1t1Jf J:-a.ted ,·oltage abo.,~e nts -()f 1he sJatc)r ~t. retereoce· d-<J C<l111p<>1te· cu rr~ nt at sta1.1•i11g i_f tJ1-c rat~tl tt"1rc1t1,c,, srarr·ing r,,.rque is tt·(1-uircd ct}lJ,.11 rt) i sta h) r t'>f th,~ -~Utf<.lr ClU"fe.1·11. anc nts n,c po lil1 c< J ,1-< e tJc ere •b. ref sp~.:cl iU lJ 11:._lf,tll~ l'Ul\.~, l(lf(.ltl\.~~ fi·t:(JIICJ)(.'"}t a.r l1i 1lf tll~ rtllcc.l ., • I ' QUESTION A thNe-Pha!e VSI fed three-phase, 415 V (line), 50 Hz, 4pote, star connttted, synchronous reluctance motor has an Xd=45 obmstpha.,e, X"=lO ohms and negligible Jl.. Thi., motor is driving a fan load, Which torque is propordonal to speed square and is 10 Nm at lSOO rpm. The speed ot the motor is controlled using indirect vector control scheme through- PW~I VSJ. The motor is controlled with constant flux below base speed and constant rated ,·oltage above base speed. Calculate (a) reference d-q components of stator current at starting if starting torque is required rated torque, (b) reference d-q components of stat~r current and stator frequenc)' at half the rated speed ·and one fourth the rated torque for maximum transient performance (c) If rotor speed is required to raise 0. 75 times the rated speed then, calculate reference tl-q components of stator current~ QUESTION The three-phase, 2Jo..,·, 60-Hz, ll-k\\·, four-pole Induction motor ls to be driven by a field-oriented sprefl.con1rol systen1 at• $peed of 1740 rpm. A~~umln1 the controller is programmed to s-et the rotor· ftu·s linkages ;.., to the -mach.lne rated ~•k ,talue, nn·d th~ rms amplitude of the armature tUfftnt (in Amps), if the tltttroinagnttfc power is 9.7 k\\: and the n1oto-r Is operati·ng at a speed of 1680 rpm. The parameter$ or the induction n1otor are: RI= 0.09~obm Rl =0.2ohm Lr= ~J.J9mH Ls= ~l.41mH Lm 49.6mH = (Q no: 1) The modnlating waves for the VSC shown in the Fig.1 are given by Va(t), Vb(t) and vc(t), as per the following expressions v.(t) = 0..75 sm{tot) + 0.JS sm(3mt) Vb(t) = 0.75 sin(mt-lff/3) + 0.15 sin(3mt) vc:(t) = 0.75 sin(mt+2ffl3) + 0.15 sin(3mt) where m==2n*S0 rad/s is the fundamental frequency. The DC bus voltage is 500V. Neglect switching frequency harmonics. The RMS vaine ofload phase voltage is I . The RMS valne of fnndamental component ofVSC pole voltage is Ds Di Aj I I B. Vdc j I Dz • I 04 , , o. Fig.I (Q No:2) A three phase VSC having a DC bus voltage of 1000v f~eds a star connected load of impedance 5 ohm. The modulating waves for three phases of the VSC are given by Va(t), Vb(t) and Vc(t), given by the foUowing expressions Va(t) V6 (t) =0. 4 sln(rut) + 0. 1 sin(rut) 2,r =0.4sln(tAJ t-3) + 0.1sin(rut) 4,r Vc(t) = 0.4sin(ld t-3) + 0.1sln(ldt) Where "'= 314.15rad/s,. They are compared with high frequency carrier spanning between 1.3 and-1.3 for switching purpose. What is the RMS magnitude of the 'a' phase load current in ampere? I I • \ Q3 The magnitude of the load phase voltage space vector VR is 0. 49Vde as shown in the space vector diagram in Fig.4. H the DC bus voltage is 600V, then what is the magnitude of the fundamental RMS load phase voltage (in V)? I I 2/3Vdc Fig.4 Q4 . f A three-phase converter shown in the Fig.S(a) is used to drive an R-L load. The de bus voltage is 1573V. The modulating wave for leg A is shown below in Fig.S(b) which contains a fundamental and third harmonic component. The modulating wave is given by the expression f (t) m.sin(tdt) + kstn(3tdt). High frequency carrier is between +1 and -1 and is not shown. , ' ,. ' 1·. , ' = 1 What is the per phase RMS voltage across the load in volt? I . I Ds Di R a•. Dz I D, Fig.5 (a) 1111 D, L 1t Q) r r !:: , I r ::.:_ r r T r , , M~ul~tin~ sign~I i 0.5 -0 :J 0. 0 • E <C -0.5 0.005 0 0.01 0.015 0.02 Time(s) QS Fig.5 {b) Consider a 3-phase voltage source converter with 3-phase periodic pole voltage waveforms having 3-phase symmetry, half wave symmetry, and odd symmetry. The de bus voltage magnitude is Vde. The instantaneous pole voltage magnitudes (measured with respect to midpoint of DC bus) in phases A, Band Cat 9=mt=15 degrees are -Vdc/2, Vdc/2, Vdc/2 respectively. Consider phase sequence A-B-C. The instantaneous pole voltage magnitude in phase A at O=cot=-105 degrees is - - The instantaneous pole voltage magnitude in phase Bat D=mt=-105 degrees is - - The instantaneous pole voltage magnitude in phase Cat D=mt=-105 degrees· is----- .. Q6 For realizing the reference vector VR using space vector PWM, the following information is provided: Sampling time period TS= 100 ps, VD=700 V and Tl=T2=TO = (l/3)TS. The switching states (000),(001), (101), (111) are switched to realize the reference vector VR in the sampling period. What is the angle of the reference vector (VR) in degrees? Iii Q7 In the space vector diagram shown, the reference vector VR touches the boundary of t he hexagon. Given, sampling time period Ts = 200 JlSec and VD=571 V. What is the combined duration of time for the zero vectors, in 11sec, to realize the reference vector ? . Vl. ___.__~---... __ _yl I f .I. • i \\ "\ \ - ,v, .;· / l; v,. \ ~\. ... \ \\ \• ........._.._... i V\ :s t / I v, Q8 The modulating waveform for a 3-phase VSC switched using SVPWM-is shown in the figure. The high frequency carrier spanning between + 1 and -1 is not shown. H the DC " bus voltage is 486 V, then what is the fundamental RMS AC line voltage obtained in Volts? 0 • 8 1 z:::.:::: ::::.:= 0.4 I- I \.. - OJ '- ;,a ' zu:::.::::::::: :;,,,.a z:.;:: JI :,;;P- • - ! ¥\. f I { ' u.....:::: i' :;,.;z ' z::::...:::: • z::::....::::: ' -....:::::J:-,.a •\ yW cc...::::: \ • ' :--4 _j. :J. ·\ .. , +-J .. \ \ ,. :;,,,,,,a ftIs z::w..;;;:: :,,s-- "k 1 -04 • L -0.8 0 -,.,,, :::r"· o.oos < i "'> II _,. : _..,... " ' _..,... :,-, I - 0.01 0.015 0.02 -- 0 () times .... j .....,, ...-:::::::1. 0. 03 0..02S Q9 A 3-phase VSC is having a DC bus voltage of 600V and feeds a star connected load of impedance 10 ohm. The modulating waves for three phases of the VSC are given by va(t), vb(t) and vc(t), given by the following expressions: va(t) = 0.66sin (mt) + 0.2sin (3mt)+o. lsin (9mt) r 0~ I. f\ 'IJ vb(t) = 0.66sin (mt-2,r/3) + 0.2sin (3mt)+O. lsin (9mt) ) ''\ ,(I vc(t) = 0.66sin (mt+2n/3) + 0.2sin (3mt)+o.lsin (9rot) where m=314.1S rad/s. They are used for switching the three switches of the converter using a high frequency carrier spanning between + 1 and -1. What is the RMS magnitude of the 'a' phase load current in Amperes? and carrier is as shown in the The timing diagram of a three-phase modulating signal QlO diagram. Identify the sector in which the space vector lies? Vb -v r VJ ··~· -.-, ~:: i / •~~•.:::.."'::,..I ....... _ Time (t)