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Informal Letter Writing Guide

Writing an informal Letter
You need to write an informal letter or email (Eg. to your friend)
You are given a short description of the situation which sets the context.
You need to follow the instruction and cover all the bullet points in the question.
You need to present and ask for the specific information.
You need to write in an appropriate format and style.
You need write about 80 words.
An important skill for writing email or letter is understanding in register. In this part, you are
required to write informally (perhaps to a friend or family member), so you need to use words or
register which are appropriate for informal writing.
An informal register is used when talking to a friend or family. The tone is warm and more
relaxed. The feature informal language normally include: contraction (short form), simple
vocabulary, slightly shorter sentence and more reference to personal experience.
A formal register is used when talking to the people we do not know very well. The tone is
polite and less relaxed.
Format for informal letter or Email
Greeting ( Hello , Hi, Dear , …..)
Introduction (First bullet point)
Body (Second bullet point)
Conclusion (Third bullet point)
Closing( See you , Bye , Your lovely , Best wishes , Your sincerely , Your Faithfully,
Name )