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hello my name is katty.sands i work with big oil company in USA the company use to transfer me to any country in this world if you want to know me more then this pls email me at my Gmail you gonna tender your mail
I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a
passion, along with swimming.i work with big oil company in USA base on construction and i enjoyed the work i'm doing becos i do meet new people everytime.and i will love to take the work to a high extent.I believe spirituality is very important. Everyone has to have something they can believe in. I also tend to learn towards Taoist and Buddhist religions. The I Ching is a wonderful book and oddly enough,
so is The Tao of Pooh:-) favorite hot spots: I love to go out to restaurants like Ventura's Offshore Cafe, anyplace on the water, and excellent Italian restaurants. I like clubs like 32 degrees at The Quarter. I also can be totally content cooking for my date and watching a movie. favorite things:
I'm not really a shopper, unless it's for gifts at the holidays when I go nuts. I am very close to my family and ADORE giving them gifts. It's much more fun than receiving. I enjoy beautiful sunny days when you can fish and swim.The last book I read was Iron Orchid by Stuart Woods. It definitely left a lot to be desired. I'm currently reading "Th Other Woman by Jane Green and will be starting Monday Mourning by Kathy Reichs tomorrow. The last newspaper-The New york Times.
hope to hear from you soonest,
About me and what I'm looking for,
I'm a hopeless romantic that likes to have fun. I don't think that
just because you believe in romance, everything has to be all sappy and mushy all the time. I definitely feel if you're romantically involved with someone you should be able to share your thoughts and feelings on an array of topics. I also feel you should live your life without regrets. You have to know in your heart that everything happens for a reason and everyone comes into your life for a reason.
You may get hurt or you may find the love of your life, but no matter what, you'll learn about yourself and your partner throughout the process.I love when a man takes me out on a date. I've only been on a few and always enjoyed just talking and getting to know him. I don't need him to bring me anything or do anything except sit and talk during a fantastic dinner. A sense of humor is incredibly important. It's great to be able to sit down and just have a sense of playfulness about each other. It's wonderful when people don't take life too seriously. I've always dreamt of having a man over to my house, cooking a wonderful dinner for him, a late night skinny dipping in my pool, then showering together in my two seat shower. Lathering each other up and smiling and laughing and being completely open and willing for anything to happen. Of course if skinny dipping isn't an option (because it's winter) then a luxurious soak in my jacuzzi with candles lit all around us and a glass of wine with some music playing in the
background is a great alternative. I hope someday I can treat a man the way I think he should be treated. I do want to mention that I think relationships should be equal, but it's definitely fun to spoil your partner. My favorite places to visit are gorgeous beaches with palm trees surrounding me. I absolutely need to be by the water...I can't imagine living away from it. Maybe I'll meet someone that enjoys some of these things. I hate games and can't put up with liars.
hope to hear from you soonest,
Hello ,
Its really nice going through your profile in loomin.de I am katty.sands By Name, 26 Yrs Old female from Salt Lake City but in Central USA in new mexico staying with my friend right now, I am a very
easygoing, sincere, honest,loving, caring,passionate and romantic woman with an excellent sense of humor,love writing poems.I believes in opening doors for a man and gives him the respect that he deserves.I am very family oriented and love children. Some of the things I like to do are listening to music, going to the movies, the beach,hiking,fishing, sitting in a park, stargazing and cookouts.I enjoy doing just about anything especially, with the company of someone special. i hope we keep in touch with one another. and learn more about each other better.I believe in having a man with respect and a maturity sense .Tell me about yourself and what you like your ideal woman to have? I also want you to know that age is just a number that can be counted but love cant be counted, I will love to relocate to the right man anywhere he his, ill be looking forward to hearing from you. Kisses...I will be glad and happy if you can contact me through my Address here katty.sands@gmail.com Hope to here from you soonest.
Thank you for getting back to me and how are you and work? Awww..... Well, It is so hard to describe myself, as I am sure it is happened to most people. I guess the best way to put it is that I am a genuine person with a huge heart. I am family oriented and I am looking for someone with strong family values oriented too to share it with. I am very friendly and love to be surrounded by fun, outgoing, positive people. I love to make people happy and I am looking for someone who I can truly be happy with! about my match..... I am looking for someone who has strong family values, Someone who is goal oriented and ambitious, loves to travel and loves trying new things, someone who can compliment me in every possible way, someone who can hang out with me and who's friends I can hang out with.
Again, I will like to know more about yourself and don't forget to send me some of your lovely pics too and i can send you some of mine too.. I guess I can go on and on and on...but I will stop here now,feel free to drop me a note back.Have a wonderful day.
Bye for now,
hope to hear from you soonest
More About my
2) Hello ,
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your reply and i believe this will foster our cordial relationship.....I have let go off the past of my pains in relationship and i look to a new love life with a serious partner..,I知 confident. I知 never bitchy around people unless I have a good reason to. I laugh and giggle way too often. I love going out. I love working out. I知 open minded. Close minded people annoy the crap out of me. I also dislike stuck-up, disrespectful people.I love long conversations about anything. I love ice cream. I知 a goofball. I知 sensual. I can get ridiculously giddy. I love spontaneity. I知 laid back. I知 analytical. I知 easygoing. I like trying new things. I知 passionate. I love dancing. I sing. I am wild...at times. I love kissing among other things... I love giving and receiving back rubs. I
love cuddling. I知 very ticklish. My childhood was spent in UK,cos am originally from there..The death of my both parents brought me down to USA in some years back.My father was killed in a ghastly motor accident on his way back home from work when the accident struck him. His death worsened my mother's health situation.She herself was going through heart attack before but untimely death of her husband,she could not contain the grief and sorrow of my dad's death.Perhaps i would have
still been staying in US now if not for the way dad's younger brother was trying to make everything impossible for me.I was
being pre-empted and maltreated to the extent that i started having an inferiority complex. My aunt that is my mum's sister
took me away from USA She has been an inspirational value for me to become a model today.I am a clothing model by profession.It has not been easy though.I just thank my Lord that he has never let me and i still believe that He will always be with me.I am looking for a real and long term relationship.One of my goals in life is to nurture my children in a good serene enviroment.I like to be at sea atmosphere for spare time. Am right now in far away Chattam (USA) at the moment working with a OIL COMPANY agent and i hope to get back home anytime from now depending on how soon my Agent comes back from UK.He rushed to State some days back to pay attention to his wife,she going through surgical operation there.Am sincerely looking for a honest,trusted,God-fearing,understanding,and caring man that will stand up for me with all love any day anytime......I had gone through some worst relationships that i was wounded so deeply and it
really hurt me so badly.I don't want that kind of relationship any more.Just be whom you are,that is okay by me.There are many things to ask you and i wish you could answer them with sincerity and
honesty.Tell me about your past dating experience,what you truly looking for in a woman.
I hope to hear from you soonest.
Hello My love,
How are you doing today? Hope all his going well with you as it supposed to be. I want you to know that everything i read about you is so nice and am OK with... i think we are having somethings in common to
share as a couple. Like i have told you in my last email i sent to you that i have some question to ask you and this will ensure me to know you deeply and proof it out if you are truly the love i want to share the rest of my life with or not. I will also answer mine in return too.
1). Tell me the roles of man in a relationship ?
2). What are the things that really matters in a relationship and how
do they mean to you ?
3). What are the roles you want your woman to play with you in the
relationship ?
4). What are the things you want your woman to do to you always ?
5). Tell me your like's and dislike's ?
6). What do you do for a living, I mean your work ?
7). What is your Marital status ? Single or divorced ?
8). Do you smoke or drink ? if yes, tell me how often?
9). Are you Independence in your decision about your relationship or
do you seek advice from people around you ?
10). How long have you been on this dating site ? What is your good
and bad experience ? Have you meet anyone ?
Please answer these question as i will do the same in my reply.
Hello My love,
How are you and work, hope all is well with you ? its my very great
pleasure to hear from you back,its really make my days with the lovely
email you sent to me and i like the way you answer my questions and
here is your answer in return.
1). Tell me the roles of man in a relatoinship ? In my opinion the
role of man in a relationship is to be a provider of strength. He
should guide his girlfriend/wife to feel secure with their
relationship and encourage her to seek out what her heart desires
inregards to life choices.
2). What are the things that really matters in a relationship and
how do they mean to you ?
The most important things to me in a relationship are love, trust, and
communication. I want to feel as if I am more in love with a woman
everyday that we spend together. In order to attain this a couplemust
develop a supreme sense of trust where absolutely nothing is held
back. Part of trust is to have good communication. Whenever a problem
arises it should be talked out without anger or resentment.
3). What are the roles you want your woman to play with you in the
relationship ?
In a relationship I would like a women to play the role of an
equalpartner. When I am not strong I want to be able to turn to my man
to confide into and look to for help overcoming any problem that I
face. I want her to be the person I love the most, respect the most,
and consider my best friend.
4). What are the things you want your woman to do to you always ?
I would hope that my man will be there when I need him most and always
be able to speak to me with both frankness and sincerity.I like it
when men can openly show his affection. or a smile that shows me that
he really loves me..
5). Tell me your like's and dislike's ?
I really enjoy when I can bring my woman into all aspects of my
life. I like a girl who can keep a positive attitude during difficult
times, is open to trying new things,and shares my passion for life and
for helping our fellow human. The things that I don't like in
relationships are when we loose the ability to be able to talk openly.
Also, I do not do well with people who think they are better than
others and are always thinking about themselves.
6). What do you do for a living, I mean your work ?
I am into selling Art Work..
7). What is your Marital status ? Single or divorced ?
Single and looking for love of my life someone i can have as my
future husband.
8). Do you smoke or drink ? if yes, tell me how often ?I do not, nor
have ever smoked, it's harmful to health and quite unattractive. i
dont drink alcohol..
9). Are you indepence in your decision about your relationship or do
you seek advice from people around you ?
In th past I often sought relationship advice from peple I consider
close to me. However, I as I have become more comfortable with myself
in age, I rely less on what others think and more on what I feel is
right.Also, I feel that many aspects of a relationship are for the
privacy of the two people that are sharing it.
10). How long have you been on this dating site ? What is your good
and bad experience ? Have you meet anyone ?
I am new to this online dating things and i joined this dating 2 weeks now and i haven't recieve any message yet until i come accross yours and i am so much interested in what i read about you. Awaits your here always
hope to hear from you soonest.
Love Always, Hugs & Kisses
Its my very good pleasure to read from you and i am very happy about your response all this while, it shows me that you are ready for a long life relationship, life is good. !! How is life treating you
overthere ? I am planning to come back home real soon. I have decided to come back home for two reasons .... (1) It gives me little chance to get closer to God as i ever wanted... though i do go to church every sunday here but i am not yet confortable like home.(2) It has been my dream to settle down and have my own family healthy and happy in love. And i am sure that if i continue Working with company Art Work here, i may ever not be able to get my self settled in time. So i am planning to establish a beauty salon for ladies when i get back home, from the little money i realize from this
trip..... i am just praying to God to lead me right. Take care and have a nice wonderful day... Love Always, Hugs & Kisses.
Hello Dearest Love,
Well for me since we have know much things about each other and we match our self
and we are looking for the samethings in life i think we should call it New Relationship and i believe it will lead us to a very good place.In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to
love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a magnitude of feelings, but it's main context carries the same meaning. So, I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying....hmm Oooh you are my new man now i guess? coz i think i have know much more about you now but still need to meet each other, for me my love....... is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time.. I do really like your mails but the only thing left is that we need to meet and start from there.
hope to hear from you soonest,
Hello my love,
Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....You're an incredible Man and i will never tell you how you become incredible man but when time comes i believe i will never knew when i said it out to you.. I LOVE YOU. The way you make me feel is something I've never felt before in my life even when am with my X. I know I'm a very impatient person and I'm trying like hell to do the right thing at the right time, So that i can make you confortable. You have brought out a part in me that I put away a long time ago and thought I'd never be able to find again. You make everything so simple and easy for me to let go and with you in my life I don't need to hide that part of me anymore, coz you send me some good mails to read when a'm lonely down here and What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart! Always Care...
hope to hear from you soonest,
Hello Dearest,
One next time I imagine that I would ever meet you,few days later I am leading my life with you as your dream girlfriend which I could never thought of this very time last week.God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our new relationship will flourish beyond what it is right now if you will fullfil all what you have said in your mail.. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our feelings for each other is way far stronger than any oceans can come across. I am writting you this letter to tell you that my feelings for you is so real that I can't find any words to describe my
feelings for you as i am not the type that hide her feelings. At the same time I would like to thank you for your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks due to the
distance. My feelings for you is growing so strong that when i imagine a life with you i just smile and hope you realy mean't all you have written to me so far because those words does meet my kind of
man.There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together, no matter how many miles are between them I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be if we
eventually meet and work on the chemistry i think we've got now. My heart will always yearning for your affection and care forever.
Missing You,
hope to hear from you soonest,
Hello Love,
Meet you few days ago on the Internet, and since that time,I have grown to love you so deeply.I have heard it said that online romances don't last, but I disagree.I know that what we are
doing may be considered wrong by some, but I also know what I feel in my heart, and I know that it's real.."Love is like a butterfly,hold it to tight and you will crush it,look away and it'll be gone."I lay awake at night, sometimes, and I cry 'cause I miss you so much that you are miles away from me and i really cant wait to meet you in person. I know that we can't change the past, and I know that we can't predict the future, but my heart does not lie ... I am so in love with you.i just cant believe this .......... When i read from you,my heart skips a beat. When I read your lovely mails I can see how much you cared about me. we may not be married to each other, but our love still goes on,and I just want you to know that you are precious to me and no matter how this story turns out,I will always love you,now and forever. I love you.Baby........... and i cant wait to have you in my arms. Hope you are thinking about me.
Love always, Hugs & Kisses..
hope to hear from you sooest,
======================================================================================================= hello Sweet Heart,Thought About You...All day long,I thought about you. Even when I tried not to think about you,I thought about you. When I closed my eyes,I thought about you. When I opened my eyes,I
thought about you. When I thought about the beauty of the season,I thought about you. When I thought about the warmth of the upcoming holidays,I thought about you. When I heard a love song on the radio,I
thought about you. When I checked my email,I thought about you. Even when I said goodnight to the stars,I thought about you. And when I slipped beneath the softness of my blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, I thought about you. I just can't stop thinking about you. I really cant wait to be meet you in person.. Love till eternity,
hope to hear from you soonest,
hello My love,
Love is like a butterfly, hold it to tight and you will crush it, look away and it'll be gone." "Love conquers all, distance and time!" I'll love the sun for days, the moon for nights, and YOU for forever.Rains fall, winds blow, the sun shines... it all comes naturally, just like loving you.There is no long distance about love; it always finds a way to bring hearts together, no matter how many miles are between them.I wish I was there to hold you tight instead of just send this loving, "
I must conffess to you that i really missed you so much baby. I'm just here thinking about you, like I always do. I hope you're as happy as me; Monday is almost here again. The thought of you in my arms right now sounds so good to me. I just want you to know how much I love you. I miss you every second of my life. I knew I found someone special. I will always remember how sweet you are and how every time my heart earning your words. I would smile and I was happy from that point on....Good Night. and Have a nice lovely day... I love you so much.Love always, Hugs & Kisses
Bill your maga..... How are you and how is everything with you over there, hope all is going fine? Its my very great pleasure to hear back from you, because you really make my day with your lovely email and your concern about me, in fact i dont know how to thank you because each of your email make my day complete and full of hope in life. I can see that you are really a darling to me...I am very sorry for the late response, well i just want to let you know that i am not really happy for now, which no one is ready to help
or assist me on, so i just decided to keep my problem to my self alone, but i found it out that its killing me slowly which is turning my life to a lot of stress and hell here right now..... This morning i was on my way to my company and when i got to the place and it was a suprised to me that all my Art work has been broken and the buyer was highly disappointed and due to the fact that Nigeria road are not good at all, everywhere was not yet tyes. I am very sorry that i wont be able to write more than this, because this is a lost of money baby and i dont know where i can recover this.... Baby i promise i will write you more later." Love conquers all, distance and time!" I'll love the sun for days, the moon for nights, and YOU forever. My Love for you is unceasing.
Hope to hear back from you before then. Love always, Hugs & kisses,
Dearest Love,How are you doing today? Hope everything is going rightly for you? I must confess that i did not really know how to start this mail because i am not sure how you will take this but i will be more than glad if you will understand me very well and trust me. But before anything let me tell you again that i am a God fearing lady and i will never hurt a good feeling because i have a very strong
conscience.something is happening to me here that i would have told you before now, but i am not sure if its the best to tell you or not but as things are going for me now, i think it will be the best for me to let you know my mind. First i will be very Sad if you doubt me I came down to Nigeria here for two most important things.
1), I need some money to start my life all over again after all i have
passed through after the death of my Parents, I want to get enough
money to establish myself based on my other professional line because
even then i have been thinking of quiting modeling. So when the
opportunity to travel here came, i gladly took it, Because the Offer
was fair and i will be able to establish on hairdresser salon from the
little money i realised from the trip.
2), After the death of my parents,things have not been the same for
me, When i arrived here with the promoter, we arrived at Central
London here in UK .
We got to the hotel and it was a great suprised for me when my
promoter told me that we will have to organise hotel for ourself and
that we will have to register for one apartment hotel room becasue he
cant afford to get two different room for both of us. It was then that
i have started suspecting that something is wrong somewhere. He told
me that by the time the company we have come to work for here pay us,
that the hotel charges will be included. I strongly declined and told
him to get a different room for me that i am gonna need my privacy, it
was then that i was taken to meet the manager of the hotel i am
staying now and it was agreed between me, the promoter and the hotel
manager that i will have my own personal hotel room and i will pay for
it after we have been paid by the oil company here.
Today,its about a month that i have been here in Nigeria the job had been
over for the past two weeks now and it was the night the job ended
that my agent rushed to the State some days back to pay attention to
his wife, she going through surgical operation there and he also want
to get another model that will work for him in his other jobs in
Germany because i have told him that i will be quiting the job. He
told me that he will pay me my entitlement after he is back that he is
yet to have the cheque from the oil company. Its over two weeks
now and i am yet to see him.
Now,i am all ready infact i am all alone here and lonely and i am
always afraid but i always believe that God is my strenght. babe, the
main reason i am telling you all these is that the Hotel Management
came to my room yesterday and asked me to check out of the room, and i
told the hotel manager that i will be leaving soon, that i need to
have my total bills. when the bill was brought to me, the money i am
having with me could not complete the payment and i will still need
like $4000 to make the balance complete. I want you to know that
all i have told you is nothing but the truth and i will pay you back
immediately i did promise you to first come to you so that you will
know i am not going to run away with your money.
I hope to hear some good news from you very soon as i am ready to
leave here immediately i make the payment at the hotel.
Till i hear from you cause i am praying that God touch your heart and
you make me happy. Stay blessed.bye for now.
Love Always & hugs & Kisses..
Thanks so much babe,i have tried to find about how to get the money
down here so the hotel manager tell me that i can only get the money
through western union www.westernunion.com so babe u can help me send
the money through my name or send it to the hotel managers info
direct so he can help me pick it up by him self babe u can send the
money online or go to the nearest western union Location to send
it.you can search for the nearest location through the site
www.westernunion.com with ur master card,Visa card or Discover card
its so easy and the money will get here in 3 minutes so i will be
expecting the money in few minutes as u send it.
also pls do send me the details so i can get the money from the bank
here or the hotel manager can get the money.
send this details back to me so i can get the money.
1.. full senders name
2.. amount sent.
3.. MTCN
4.. the text question and answer. u used in sending the money.
Here is the hotel manager info
Zip-code: 234039
Country: NIGERIA
babe thanks so much again for trusting me and believing in me and i
hope u can help me send the money ASAP.
i will be expecting the details.
hope to hear from you soon.
FOOD MONEY.................................
hello love,
Thanks for getting back to me in time i really understand everythings
you are talking about and thanks for ur reply in time i am very sad
here in UK right now and i am really crying all because i dont have
any food stuff anymore and also i dont have any money with me that i
can use to get another food stuff because this morning there is
nothings i am going to eat.i will be glad if you can assist me with some money to get my food stuff cos you are the only one i can ask money from cos i dont know any body here in UK and my friend travel
some weeks back she is not back from her trip if not i would not have
disturb you or ask for for any money from you please do something to
help me out baby,
hope to hear from you soonest,
janet not happy rigth now.
Hello Love,
How are you doing today? Hope fine? I am sure you are really enjoying
the goodness of God overthere. My idea of perfect date is to be there
for each other whenever one needs each other. I am some how moody and
sad right now.I just want to inform you that i may not be able to
reply anymore mails again today as i am having a serious pain from
cramps since morning and its a very several pain. if you dont know what
i mean sweety, i am having a very hurting menstrual pain . i have been
trying to contact my coursing since last night so that she can send
some funds to me to get the drug i normally use anytime the pain want
to go out of hand. and she seems to have blocked everywhere that i
could get in touch with her as all my effort to get in touch with my
coursing through her mails, fortunately he has blocked it and he email
proved abortive.I am weeping seriously now but i will make sure i come
online later today to see may be i have any mail from you and hear you
make me smile.Love you,
Hello Love,
To be candid with you, i am not feeling better. It is something that
is really making me sad each time, i remember the way my father
maltreating me.. I am all here alone expect a friend that i had come
to Visit here Ogun In West Africa..She has travel to Nigeria some last 2 days. I have asked her but she does not have any money
with her. I have been making use of her medications for my menstrual
pains since some days ago. If you would not get mad at me, i would like
you to send me the some money so that i can use it for the
medications. I am not really fine as i am writing you now. The pains
seem to be getting worse than it did before. I will be expecting to
hear from you soon and i hope that God will touch your heart so that
you can help me out with some money to buy the medications at the Phamacy. I wish I was there to hold you tight instead of just sending this note."Good Night my Love..Love till eternity.
hope to hear the good news from you soonest,
here is the address you will help me get the money sent to baby