Uploaded by Anayah Khan

Hexadecimal System Uses in Computing

Uses of Hexadecimal System
blue screen of death (BSOD)
Media Access Control
Uniquely identifies a device on a network
Not a single device in this world connected to internet has same MAC addresses
Rarely Changed
Usually 48 bits divided into 6 groups
where NN on left side represents Manufacturer
And DD on right side represents serial number of device.
• There are two types of MAC
• LAA and UAA
• LAA = Locally Administered MAC Address
• UAA = Universally Administered MAC Address
• UAA is most common set by manufacturer. User cannot change this address.
• There are some occasions when user wishes to change MAC address and uses LAA mac addresses.
• Certain software used on mainframe system need strict format MAC addresses
• To limit bypass of MAC address filter on a router/firewall.
IP addresses
Known as Internet Protocol
Every device connected to a network has an IP address
Devices connected to same router can have same ip addresses
IPV4 = IP version 4 .Old version.32 bit number . Example
IPV6 = IP version 6 . Updated version.128 bit number broken into 16 bit groups uses hexadecimal
number system. Example 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.
• IPV6 uses colon ( : ) instead of decimal point ( . ) as used in IPV4
HTML Color Codes
• HTML is used to develop WEB pages
• HTML uses <tags> example <h1> and </h1>
• HTML often uses hexadecimal numbers to represent colors
• Example #FF 00 00 for red
• # 00 FF 00 for green
The # symbol always precedes hexadecimal value in HTML code.
There are 256 values for red,256 values for green and 256 values for blue components.
• 256*256*256 = 16 777 216 possible colors
Text Representation
• Two Character Sets
• ASCII 7-Bit (Standard)..1963
• Includes 0 to 127 codes in denary
• Includes 00 to 7F codes in hexadecimal
• ASCII is a 7-bit code, meaning that 128 characters (27) are defined. The code consists of 33 nonprintable and 95 printable characters and includes both letters, punctuation marks, numbers, and
control characters.
• Does not represent character in non-western language example Chinese,Japanese
• ASCII 8-Bit (Extended)..1986
• Includes 0 to 255 codes in denary
• Includes 0 to FF in hexadecimal
• Includes some non-English and graphical characters
• Does not represent character in non-western language example Chinese,Japanese
Text Representation
• Unicode
• Represents all languages of the world. Was set up in 1991
• Supports many operating systems
• Supports up to 4 bytes per character- 16 to 32 bits to represent same character
Sound Representation
• Sound needs to be converted into binary for computers to be able to process it. To do this,
sound is captured - usually by a microphone - and then converted into a digital signal.
• An analogue to digital converter will sample a sound wave at regular time intervals. For
example, a sound wave like this can be sampled at each time sample point:
Sound Representation
This means that the sound loses quality as data has been lost between the time samples.
The frequency at which samples are taken is called the sample rate, and is measured in Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz is one sample
per second. Most CD-quality audio is sampled at 44 100
Sound Representation
Sample resolution also known as Bit Depth (the number of bits per sample) determines
how many gradations of amplitude (corresponding to loudness) can be represented in the
digital waveform.
Sample rate / Sampling is the number of samples of a sound that are taken per second to
represent the event
How Sampling is used to record Sound
• The amplitude of sound is determined at set time intervals
• Approximate sound wave is represented
• Each sample of sound is then encoded in binary values
Note High Sample rate or larger resolution = high quality sound and greater file size
Images Representation
• Bitmap Images are made up of Pixels (Picture Elements)
• Each Pixel can be represented as a binary number
• Black and white image requires 1 Bit per pixel
• 2 bit colors means 22 = 4 colors
• 32 bit colors means 2 32 = 4294967296 colors
• The number of bits used to represent each color is called Color Depth
• Increasing color depth ,increases file size
• Image resolution refers to as number of pixels that make up an image
• HD image may have 4096 by 3072 pixels
• Increase in resolution means increase in file size
Calculation of file size
Image Resolution (In Pixels) X Color Depth (in bits)
Height (In Pixels) X Width (In Pixels) X Color Depth (in bits)
Calculation of file size
Sample Rate (in Hz) X Sample Resolution (in bits) X Length (in Seconds) X Channels (either 2 or 1)
Note : Channels
Stereo : Means Audio channels having 2 audio signals
Mono:Means Audio channel having 1 audio signal
Why Compression is required ?
To save storage space
To reduce time taken to stream a music or video file
To reduce time taken to upload ,download or transfer a file thus making less use of network bandwidth.
To reduce costs.(ISP costs , Cloud Storage Costs)
 Eliminates unnecessary /unwanted data from file permanently
 In case of sound
Reduce sampling rate
Reduce in bit depth
 In case of image
 Reduce in resolution
 Reduce in color depth
3z 2 o
 Compressed data can be reconstructed
 Designed so that no data is lost
RLE Lossless Compression
Run-Length Encoding
Lossless compression for text and image files
Reduces size of string of adjacent , identical data
Repeating string is encoded into Two values
First value represents number of identical data items
Second value represents the code of data item
RLE is only effective when there is long run of repeated units
RLE on B/W image
RLE on Color Image
b) An encryption key was calculated by performing right logical shift
What will be the new number.
c) After logical shift new value of
this number into hexa decimal number.
is transmitted along with encryption key. Convert