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Physics of Jumping: Long Jump and High Jump Mechanics

21/04/24, 19:16
Physics Of Jumping
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The Physics Of Jumping
In jumping events such as the long jump and high jump the athlete must
distance is the vertical distance that the athlete clears, and in the long
jump the jumping distance is the horizontal distance that the athlete
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clears. In this page I will mainly discuss the physics of these jumping
propel him or herself into the air with as much speed as possible in order
to achieve the maximum jump distance. In the high jump the jumping
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In order to jump as far as possible in the long jump, the athlete must run
as fast as he can and then jump up as high as he can at the point of takeoff.
This is a case of projectile motion in which the maximum distance is
achieved by maximizing horizontal velocity and vertical velocity at the
point of takeoff. The figure below shows a schematic of the long jump.
Vx is the horizontal velocity of the center of mass of the long jumper at
the point of takeoff. The center of mass is represented by the red dot
Vy is the vertical velocity of the center of mass of the long jumper at the
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Physics Of Jumping
point of takeoff
h is the change in vertical position of the center of mass of the long
jumper between the takeoff point and landing point
R is the horizontal jumping distance of the long jumper
The center of mass of the long jumper can be treated as a single particle
obeying Newton's second law of motion. If we reasonably assume that air
resistance is negligible, the motion of the center of mass of the long
jumper is exactly predicted by the equations for projectile motion,
during the airborne phase of the long jump. At the point of takeoff the
horizontal velocity of the long jumper is already established (due to the
speed build up during the run). So the only thing the long jumper can do at
this point is maximize Vy in order to maximize R. This is achieved by
pushing off the ground with the takeoff leg with as much force as he can.
A greater Vy increases the time spent airborne which increases the
jumping distance R.
To further maximize jumping distance, the long jumper can raise his legs
so that he falls further down upon landing. This increases h and increases
R as a result. Due to the importance of fast running speed in obtaining
large long jump distance, it is no surprise that the best sprinters can also
be the best long jumpers. Carl Lewis is a well known example of this.
A more elaborate jumping sport similar to the long jump is the triple
jump in which athletes jump three times. Each of the three jump distances
are maximized in a similar fashion to how a long jump distance is
maximized. The video below shows a triple jump.
Triple Jump World Record Slow Motion Jonat…
The Physics Of High Jump
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Physics Of Jumping
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nicole_Forrester.JPG
In order to jump as high as possible in the high jump (using the Fosbury
Flop), the athlete must maximize his vertical jump velocity at the point of
takeoff, while also having sufficient horizontal velocity to carry his body
over the bar. Optimal high jump technique involves leaning back a bit and
planting the takeoff leg ahead of the body, just before the jump. The
figure below illustrates the run-up and takeoff for the high jump [1]. The
high jumper must reach a fast running speed before takeoff. This enables
him to maximize the vertical force exerted by his takeoff leg on the
ground, which in turn helps maximize his vertical jump velocity [1]. The
authors of [1] state: "When the takeoff leg is planted ahead of the body at
the end of the run-up, the knee extensor muscles (quadriceps) resist
against the flexion of the leg, but the leg is forced to flex anyway,
because of the forward momentum of the jumper. In this process the
takeoff leg's knee extensor muscles are stretched. It is believed that this
stretching produces a stimulation of the muscles, which in turn allows the
foot of the takeoff leg to press harder against the ground". This means
that the takeoff leg (at the end of the run-up) pushes against the ground
harder during takeoff than it would if the jumper is jumping from a
standing position.
During the takeoff stage, the vertical range of motion of the center of
mass of the high jumper must also be maximized in order to maximize
the vertical takeoff velocity. This maximizes the time over which the
takeoff force (exerted by the takeoff leg on the ground) is applied, which
in turn maximizes the vertical takeoff velocity. So at the start of the
takeoff stage the center of mass of the high jumper is in a low position
and at the end of the takeoff stage it's in a high position. This is achieved
by running with bent legs on the last few steps before takeoff and by
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Physics Of Jumping
running on a curve (which also lowers the center of mass of the high
jumper due to the "lean" towards the center of the turn) [1].
In addition to the large takeoff force induced by planting the takeoff leg
ahead of the body, there is additional physics to consider as a result of
planting the takeoff leg. The takeoff foot, when planted, serves as a form
of pivot enabling part of the horizontal momentum of the high jumper to
be transformed into additional vertical (takeoff) momentum, which in
turn translates into additional vertical takeoff velocity. The figure below
shows a basic schematic of this, in which the high jumper is represented
(for simplicity) as a thin rectangle. Stage (1) shows the high jumper
before he leans back, near the end of the run. Stage (2) shows the high
jumper after he leans back and just before he plants his takeoff leg in the
ground. Stage (3) shows the high jumper just after he plants his takeoff
leg in the ground. Angular momentum is conserved about pivot point P
between stage (2) and (3). Treat this as a two-dimensional problem.
Vx is the horizontal velocity of the center of mass G of the high jumper
just before he plants his takeoff leg in the ground
L is the distance between P and G
θ is the lean-back angle of the high jumper
V is the velocity of the center of mass of the high jumper just after the
takeoff leg is planted in the ground. This is the velocity of the center of
mass at the start of the takeoff stage.
w is the angular velocity of the high jumper just after the takeoff leg is
planted in the ground
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Physics Of Jumping
Since angular momentum is conserved about P we can write the following
equation for conservation of angular momentum between stage (2) and
(3), about P:
MVxLsinθ = IPw
where M is the mass of the high jumper, and IP is the moment of inertia
of the high jumper about point P, about an axis pointing out of the page.
Now, w = V/L
Since the high jumper is represented by a thin rectangle,
IP = (1/12)M(2L)2+ML2
Substitute equations (2) and (3) into (1) and solve for V. We get:
V = (3/4)Vxsinθ
The vertical component of V is Vy = (3/4)Vxsinθcosθ.
Note that this result assumes that the high jumper is a rigid body between
stage (2) and (3), which is not completely accurate. But nonetheless, this
result is informative and serves as a useful representation for part of the
physics taking place during the takeoff stage.
As a rough estimate for elite level jumpers, use Vx = 8 m/s and θ = 70-80
degrees. This gives a vertical component Vy of 1-2 m/s (at the start of the
takeoff stage). This vertical component Vy contributes to the vertical
takeoff velocity of the high jumper (in addition to the contribution
provided by the takeoff force generated by the takeoff leg). For example,
if the vertical takeoff velocity of a high jumper's center of mass is 4.5
m/s (at the end of the takeoff stage) and the vertical component Vy is 1
m/s (at the start of the takeoff stage), then the takeoff force propels the
high jumper upward at a certain acceleration such that the vertical
velocity gain is 3.5 m/s between the start and end of the takeoff stage.
The initial vertical velocity of 1-2 m/s can add significant height to the
The center of mass of the high jumper can be treated as a single particle
obeying Newton's second law of motion. If we reasonably assume that air
resistance is negligible, the motion of the center of mass of the high
jumper is exactly predicted by the equations for projectile motion,
during the airborne phase of the high jump. Once the high jumper's feet
leave the ground, the motion (and maximum height reached) of his center
of mass is established and nothing more can be done by the high jumper
to change it. However, once the high jumper is airborne he can further
maximize the bar height he clears by bending his body around the bar
using appropriate technique (as shown in the figure below). In doing so,
his center of mass (the red dot) can actually pass underneath the bar,
while enabling his body to pass over the bar (the black dot). This means
that the bar can actually be placed higher than the maximum height
reached by the center of mass of the high jumper.
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Physics Of Jumping
Lastly, the high jumper must have a slight rotational speed in order to go
"around" the bar as he jumps over it. This rotational speed is established
by the high jumper at takeoff, using the force exerted by his takeoff leg
on the ground at takeoff.
This concludes the physics analysis of the long jump and high jump. For
an interesting analysis involving standing jump height see Jump height
on another planet.
1. J. Dapena and T.K. Ficklin, Scientific Services Project - High Jump
(USA Track and Field), Biomechanics Laboratory, Dept. of Kinesiology,
Indiana University, 2007. http://www.indiana.edu/~sportbm/High-JumpReport-32-2007-Men-lodef.pdf
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