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Narrative Essay Writing Guide

Narrative Essay
 Key Features:
Narrative Technique- Third person/ First person POV
Literary Devices
Advanced Vocabulary
Characters- (2,3)
Paragraphing- TiPToP : Time, Place, Topic, Person(dialogue)
 Some Tips:
 First, Plan:
 Why is planning important?
 To make your story Logical and Organized
 You won’t miss any interesting ideas
 Helps you choose the best idea
 Helps you keep a flow in the story
 Saves time
 What can be planned?
 Ideas
 Structure (intro, middle, end)
 Characters
 Punctuations
 Literary devices
 Vocabulary
 What are the steps of planning?
 Brainstorming- Draw a web/list and jot down all of your ideas. Choose the
best/interesting ones.
 Sequencing- After choosing the best ideas, arrange them in order. Decide
what will come at the beginning, in the middle, and what ideas are suitable
to end the story.
 Things to follow to get Good Grades:
 Five minutes saga (a long detailed description of connected events)
 Characters – Maximum three
 Think if it has a major impact/ change in a character’s life or personality.
 Stick to one tense (present, past)
 Interesting Introduction
 Dialogues
 Rhetorical Question
 Flashback
 Onomatopoeia
 Description of a character/ situation/ setting/ object
 Startling statement
 Vocabulary
 Use some advanced vocabulary( 6 to 8).
 Do not vomit a thesaurus; use words appropriately.
 Avoid repeating any words.
 Learn synonyms of common words.
eg - cold, big, small, like, etc.
 Learn words/ expressions to describe emotion.
eg- happy, sad, etc.
 Learn synonyms of ‘said’.
 Do not use ‘very’ and ‘like’. Learn other words to replace these common
 Use adverbs (…-ly) and adjectives.
 Include dialogues (5/6).