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Banking English Exam Prep: Matching & Fill-in Exercises

Tiếng anh chuyên ngành 1 (Trường Đại học Ngân hàng Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
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investment bank
go burst
corporate credit-rating agency
hedge funds
central bank
consumer lending
1. an activity when one company…another company to create a larger company merger
2. money which is lent to private individuals consumer lending
3. an entity that advises...grow by joining with, or buying other companies investment bank
4. an activity when one company buys…company or part of another company acquisition
5. another word for ‘’go bankrupt’’ go burst
6. private investment funds for wealthy…whether markets move up or down hedge funds
7. fail to repay a loan default
8. finance for a newly set-up company capital
9. when a company, organization or system…becomes too weak to continue collapse
10. the official bank of a country central bank
11. a company that calculates the…or its financial products corporate credit-rating agency
12. an adjective to show a project…bring a high rate of return in the later stages high-risk
1. a loan to buy a house which has been…with a poor credit rating subprime mortgage
2. the money that goes in and out of the company,…generated by an investment cash flow
3. unable to pay debts or continue to do business bankrupt
4. an estimation of someone’s ability to fulfill their financial commitments credit rating
5. buying and selling stocks or shares for clients stockbroking
6. a sum of money borrowed from a bank loan
7. a group of companies, operating in different fields,…joined together conglomerate
8. assets which are promised… cannot repay a loan (also known as security) collaterals
9. the price at which a buyer is prepared to buy a security at a particular time bid
10. cancel the bad debt or a worthless asset from an account write off
11. the money that savers put into banks retail deposits
12. the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions deregulation
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1. people or institutions to whom money is owned creditor
2. a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the highest auction
3. a standard used when comparing other things benchmark
4. part ownership of a company in the form of stocks or shares equity
5. the amount of capital making up a bond or other loan principal
6. a company or bank that makes certain…such as bonds available for sale bond issuer
7. the government department…borrowing, and the money that it spends the treasury
8. the length of time for which a bond is issued (until it is repaid) maturity
9. the money a company receives minus the money it spends during a certain period interest
10. the amount of interest that a bond pays coupon
11. the rate of income an investor receives from a security yield
12. the reduction of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP).. quarters of a year recession
13. an improvement or increase in prices rally
14. to revive or stimulate something kickstart
15. a type of money that start-up entrepreneurs need by borrowing debt finance
16. the price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at a particular time offer
17. to rise quickly soar
18. to invest money in ways that could produce a large…also involve a lot of risk speculate
19. a legal agreement…house) and pays back the money over a period of years mortgage
20. to state a current market price of a security quote
1. an option or future which…that would otherwise be difficult to get access to derivative
2. to register a security on a stock exchange so that it may be traded there list
3. the price written on a share nominal value
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4. to guarantee the sale of a security underwrite
5. in Britain, this entity’s shares …share capital of £50,000 public limited company
6. to financially compensate the investors for the losses in investment cover
7. all the investments owned by an individual or organization portfolio
8. a company that provides loans of money for people to buy houses mortgage lender
9. somebody who has set up and runs their own company entrepreneur
10. the right to buy or sell shares…period of time or on a particular date in the future option
11. a time when business activity increases rapidly boom
12. money which is lent to private individuals consumer lending
1. a plan you make about what to buy and how much to spend budget
2. to write down in the official notes of the meeting minute
3. a situation when a company…aim of continuing some of its activities administration
4. all the money received from business activities during a given period income
5. all the money that a business spends on goods or services during a given period expense
6. anything owned by a business-cash, buildings, machines, equipment, etc asset
7. all the money that a company…, including debts, taxes and interest payments liabilities
8. writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits) bookeeping
9. profits that have not been distributed to shareholders retained profits
10. a statement giving…to-day operations, investing and financing cash flow statement
11. a statement showing…the revenues and expenses of a period income statement
12. a statement showing...(money the business has that belongs to its owners) balance sheet
1. an adjective to show something is at risk or open to danger vulnerable
2. money or cash liquidation
3. an adjective to show the situation…is funded by borrowed money highly leveraged
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4. a situation when a failing company stops operating…are sold to pay its debts slowdown
5. extremely fast breakneck
6. to change something to make it better reform
7. the use of various mathematical tools to..from financial investment financial engineering
8. an adjective to show something that is wrong or inaccurate misleading
9. a debt method that banks use in addition…to finance operations wholesale funding
10. an activity when the…and buy part of it in order to run it separately management buyout
11. when someone leaves their job voluntarily resignation
12. an adjective to show how a company develops without buying other businesses organic
13. an adjective to show when shares bought on…are paid for with real money liquidity
14. a situation when a company that…the control of an individual by the courts receivership
15. the amount of money an investor…, for example on the stock market mortgage lender
16. the number of shares..at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders blocking minority
17. a firm or enterprise which develops a new product or service exposure
18. a period when demand for products and services decreases recession
19. the buying or selling of an option option trade
20. the right to buy…you think that the market price will rise above that price call option
21. an activity when a company…a company in a foreign country outbound acquisition
22. the right to buy or sell…period of time or on a particular date in the future free float
23. a reduction in the general… required to obtain a loan from the bank credit crunch
24. a business or company that buys and sells securities market maker
25. money which is lent to companies corporate lending
26. the total amount of money a financial institution has lent to customers loan exposure
27. an activity when a foreign…a company in your country inbound acquisition
28. a situation when something...its highest historical point, price or value all-time peak
29. a limitation… inflation, by methods such as increasing interest rates credit squeeze
30. the right to sell shares at a specific price in the future…fall below that price put option
31. strong and stable robust
32. an adjective to show the large return on capital investment healthy
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Text 1
Banks make their money on the difference between what they pay out in interest on deposits
and what they get in as interest from its loans. Nowadays, many banks offer their customers credit
cards. Any customer can require for a credit card. If the bank thinks the customer is a good risk, it
L-----> apply
will issue him with a card and inform him of his personal credit limit. For example, the bank might
allow a customer a limit of €250 per month. This means that every month the customer can use his
card to pay for €250 cost of goods and services or to borrow €250 in cash, travellers’ cheques or
L------> worth
foreign currency. It does not matter if the customer’s bank account is empty, when he spends or
borrows the €250.
At the end of the month, the bank will send the customer a statement. If the customer clears his
account every month, the facility will charge him nothing. He will have a month’s credit free.
L------> cost
However, if the customer fails to clear his account every month, he will be charging some interest
L------> charge
per month on the outstanding balance. Therefore, this alternative form of money can become very
Text 2
UBCS international is a leading international bank. We provide an excellent range of products
and services, including current accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, insurances, loans, foreign
exchange services and investment advice. We have 2000 employees in our head office in Frankfurt
and 3,800 in our 320 branches in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We give our trainees
experience in all our departments:
Our cashiers serve the bank’s customers. They help customers make deposits and
withdrawals, check balances, answer questions and help customers with their everyday
banking needs.
At our foreign exchange transactions, the cashiers sell foreign currency to customers
who want to go abroad.
L------> counter
Our mortgage advisers arrange mortgages for customers who want to buy property.
They set up insurance policies.
Our financial advisers give customers information about stocks and shares, bonds and
other types of investment.
Customers can use the bank’s website to apply out payments and other transitions over the
L-------> carry
Internet. This form of banking can be done outside business hours and from anywhere with Internet
access. Features of Internet banking include payment of bills, fund transfers, loan applications, and
viewing bank statements.
Text 3
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Banks make their money on the difference between what they pay out in interest on deposits
and what they get in as interest from its loans. For the majority of homeowners, the purchase of
their property is financed by a mortgage. The bank or building society which lends the money to
buy a property is called a mortgage lender or mortgagee. The person who borrows money in the
form of a mortgage is called a mortgage borrower or mortgagor. There are several different types
of mortgages on the market. Probably the most common is a repayment mortgage, in which the
capital sum and the interest are paid in installments over a long period (for example, 25 years). An
alternative is an interest-only mortgage, in which the interest is paid, and the capital sum is repaid
in another way, for example with an assurance policy. This type of mortgage is known as an
endowment mortgage. With an offset mortgage, the mortgage borrower’s current account is
combined with her/his mortgage. Provided the current account is usually in credit, this can reduce
the interest repayments on the mortgage.
Text 4
Banks are places where people can keep their money. Most people use banks to save money in
their savings accounts and to pay money from their checking accounts. Today, when a person earns
money from their job, their paycheck is often electronically deposited into their savings account.
Then, he or she can pay their bills by writing checks from their checking accounts or pay online
where their bills are electronically connected to their bank accounts.
Banks also give loans to people. Banks use the money that their customers deposit to lend to
people to buy new houses, cars, or to start businesses. The bank makes money from lending by
charging interest. In other words, people have to pay back more than they borrowed. This amount
depends on how risky the bank thinks the borrower is and how fast the loan is paid back among
other things.
Banks offer many different jobs, from trainee cashier right up to senior account manager or
investment analyst. Many jobs are in specialist areas such as IT or corporate banking for business
customers. Some banks have call centers where service advisers answer telephone enquiries. In
the UK today, building societies, insurance companies and even supermarkets can offer the same
services as banks. There is a lot of competition, so banks always need top-quality staff with good
communication skills.
Text 5
I’d like to discuss about three basic investment options. First, you can buy shares. You then
become a shareholder, that is part owner of a company. When the company makes a profit, the
shareholders get a share of that profit. This payment is called a dividend. The price of shares can
go up or down, so there is no guarantee you can make a profit when you sell your shares. However,
share prices can rise a lot, so you can make a lot of money. Bonds are another type of investment.
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When you buy a bond, you are lending your money to a company, or sometimes to a government.
In return, they agree to pay you a fixed rate of interest on your money. In addition, you get your
capital back on a certain date in the future. This is called the date when the bond matures. There is
little risk here, but the returns are quite low. Finally, you can invest in a mutual fund. This is a
portfolio of shares and bonds. You put your money together with money from other investors. You
L-------> collection
pay a financial professional, a fund manager, to handle your investment. The fund manager decides
what shares and bonds to buy and sell. There isn’t predictable rate of return. Your earnings change
from day to day.
Text 6
Investment means using money to buy something (an asset) with the aim of making a profit by
selling that asset at a higher price sometime in the future. There are many different types of
investments. Some people put their money in art, stamps, or coins. Other people invest on shares
and become part owners of a company. Not only can they make a profit by selling those shares at
a higher price than they paid for them, but they can receive a dividend – a share of the profits
which the company gives to its in every year. People often ask about the difference between
savings and investments. Sometimes the two terms appear interchangeable, but there is a big
difference. Quite simply, investment involves some kinds of capital risk. There is no guarantee
that you will make a profit. In fact, the price of your assets may fall and you may not even get back
your capital, the money you put in. Some banks call their savings accounts investment accounts,
but this is wrong. The only risk of savings accounts is that inflation will risk the value of the money
L------> reduce
you put in them. There is no loss of losing your capital.
Text 7 (Text 5)
L-------> risk
It is sometimes called an ‘open-end fund’ because new investors can join the capital at any time.
Text 8
A financial institution, such as a bank, buys a loan from a investor who has already lent an
L---------> lender
amount of money to a borrower (another person or institution). This means that the financial
institution now has the right to collect the interest on the original borrower’s loan. It then uses the
expectation of receiving these as security for a bond, which it issues to an individual or corporate
securitized, in return for a specific amount of money, which the financial institution promises to
L-------> investor
repay the investor at a later date. The financial institution also uses the original borrower’s
repayments to make payments to the bond holder until the date when the bond is repaid. Both the
financial institution who bought the loan and lender it in the form of a bond, and the bank who
L-------> securitized
originally sold the loan to the financial institution, use the capital they have received from their
sales to improve their financial situation or increase their activities. They lend that money to more
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borrowers, and sell on these loans to other institutions, who then securitize them. And so it goes
Text 9
Some economists think the Romans may have invented the cheques about 352 B.C. However,
it wasn't until the early 1500s, in Holland, that the cheques were widely used. People who had a
lot of cash began to deposit it with cashiers for a fee, as a safer alternative to keeping the money
at home.
The concept of writing and depositing cheques as a method of arranging payments soon spread
to England and elsewhere. But many people in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries still had
doubts about trusting their money to strangers and little pieces of paper. In the United States,
cheques are said to have first been used in 1681 when businessmen in Boston mortgaged their land
to a ''fund'', against which they could write checks.
As cheques became widely accepted bankers discovered they had a big problem: how to collect
the money from so many other banks. At first, each bank sent messengers to the other banks to
present cheques for collection, but that meant a lot of travelling and a lot of money. The solution
to this problem was found in the 1700s. A London bank messenger stopped for coffee and noticed
another bank messenger. They talked and realized that they each had cheques drawn on the other's
bank, and decided to exchange them and save each other the extra trip. The practice evolved into
a system of banking networks that exchange cheques with each other.
Text 10
Every country has its own stock market, where people can buy and sell shares and other
securities. A stock exchange is a building where this trading takes place. Some of these are very
old – the London Stock Exchange started in the 17th century. However, a lot of share trading today
is traded by computer. This is much faster and cheaper.
They use the money to run their day-to-day business and to expand. Investors buy shares to
make money. They hope to make a profit when the share price goes up. They also get money from
A stock market index is a way of measuring a section of a stock market. It is a list of the shares
selling in the stock market. It shows the price of these shares at the end of each trading day and
the number of shares bought and sold. Investors can look at the stock market indices in the
newspaper. They can see how well or how badly their shares are doing. Investors are usually
institutions like banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds who are investing
money of private individuals indirectly.
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Text 11
In everyday language, a mortgage is a long-term loan a customer can ask from the bank to buy
real estate. In fact, it is an instrument in which the customer gives the ownership of his house or
land to the bank as a collateral. In other words, if he fails to repay the loan, the bank will become
the owner of his real estate.
However, the number of the mortgage money has become very tight lately. It has not been easy
to get a mortgage. The borrower must meet some requirements such as: being a good risk, having
enough money for the down payment and being able to make monthly repayments. If he does not
pay for any reason, the bank will foreclose the mortgage.
In the past, banks offered fixed-rate mortgages which used the same rates over the life of the
loan; but recently banks have begun to insist on variable-rate mortgages whose interest rates are
adjusted according to the fluctuation of interest banks pay to depositors.
Most retail banks have standardized products for personal customers, such as personal loans.
This means that all customers who have been granted a loan have the same terms and conditions
– they have the same rules for paying back the money.
Text 12
Most people who have a problem with cash flow can phone the bank and ask for an overdraft.
It is quick and easy, but it is not always cheap. Lloyds bank, for example, is currently charging
18.8% per year plus a monthly fee of £8. Instead of an overdraft, why not arrange a personal loan?
An overdraft is really a short-term measure for one or two months, but a personal loan is often a
better idea because the payments are over a pre-arranged period. Lloyds Bank charges customers
an annual percentage rate of 16.7% on a £1,000 loan over 12 months. If you see something you
want in the shops, there is usually not enough time to ask your bank for a loan, so you can use a
credit card. Buying on credit is expensive, but there are some good offers. The favorite at the
moment is the Save and Prosper card, with an APR (annualized percentage rate) of 13.9%.
Customers with incomes of more than £25,000 can lend from Gold Charge cards. These are not
credit cards, but payment cards for shops and restaurants, etc. They are useful if you want a large
sum of money quickly, but the amount you borrow must be repaid at a pre-arranged date. The
annual cost of the Midland Gold service is £70. Store cards are generally more expensive than
other credit cards, and can only be used in the shops which benefit them. Marks and Spencer
customers currently pay an APR of 22.4%.
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Text 13
Banks are not only places in which we can save money or conduct financial business, but also
institutions from which people can borrow money. Every day, many people go to banks for loans,
such as mortgage contract that binds the lender to a schedule of payments, so both parties should
be cautions and not enter into the arrangement without thinking. Banks will look at such factors as
how much people have saved in determining whether to make a loan.
Before lending money, a bank has to assess the risk involved. Generally, the greater the risk,
the higher the interest rate they charge. Banks also have more complicated risk assessment methods
for corporate customers – business clients. However, businesses today prefer to raise their own
finance rather than borrow from banks.
Banks have different kinds of accounts. Some pay high quarterly interest. Some accounts
severely restrict the number of times that customers can access their accounts, or the amount of
cash they can out. Today, electronic banking can be used to check the balance on an account, or to
L-------> withdraw
see if automatic transactions have been made. This can be done from our home or office computer.
When you go to the bank, be sure to bring identification. Usually a bank will only accept a photo
ID, and a signature is not a valid ID.
Text 14
1. Jobs in banking
Banks offer many different jobs, from trainee cashier right up to account manager or investment
analyst. Many jobs are in specialist areas such as IT or corporate banking for business customers.
Some banks have call centres where customer service advisers answer telephone enquiries. In the
UK today, building societies, insurance companies and even supermarkets can offer the same
services as banks. There is a lot of competition, so banks always need top-quality staff with good
communication skills.
2. Training and opportunities
Trainees with basic school qualifications usually process cheques and do administrative tasks.
They then take a training course to become cashiers. Good cashiers often become supervisors,
responsible for their own teams of employees. Graduate trainees have a fast-track training course.
They usually spend about two years learning how the bank works. Then they can get management
positions. Branch managers spend a lot of time with customers and sometimes visit business
customers in their office or factory.
3. Working conditions
Working hours are usually 9 am to 5 pm. Most banks have an appraisal system and give salary
increases according to performance. Some also have good pension schemes. Larger banks have
sports facilities for activities such as golf and tennis.
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Text 15
One of the main features of globalization is a flow of capital. Capital always looks for places
where it will be most profitable and earn the greatest return on investment. Individuals have an
option of putting their money on deposit in a bank in order to get interest. Two key principles of
the economy are supply and demand. Some people have goods or services to sell and other people
want to buy those goods or services. The relationship between these two elements is very
important. The world of finance is a necessary part of the economy. People need money to do
business. Banks first collect money from customers. Then they lend money to people or
institutions. Customers who borrow money pay interest to the bank until they pay the money back.
There are different types of mortgage. For example, people who want to buy a house or flat usually
L------------> loans
choose a(n) share. -----------> mortgage
Income in shares of stock is another part of the financial world. People buy shares and then own
a part of a company. They hope to make a(n) profit when the company does well. When the
company does not do well, the investor makes a(n) investment. These are some of the ways that
financial institutions help the economy.
L-----------> loss
Text 16
One of the Bank of England’s key responsibilities as the Central Bank of the U.K is the conduct
of monetary policy. The Bank’s role is to deliver price stability by setting short-term interest rates.
The objective of monetary policy is to restrain inflation – or, to put it another way, to control the
general increase in the prices of goods or services. Uncertainty about inflation and future price
levels is damaging the proper functioning of the economy. With a stable general price level,
individual price signals can be read more clearly, and more rational decisions can be made about
whether to save or borrow, how much to invest and consume, and what and when to produce. In
this way, price stability can help ensure sustainable long-term economic growth.
Monetary policy operates by influencing the cost of money. The Bank sets an interest rate for
its own assets with the market and that rate then affects the whole pattern of rates set by commercial
banks for their savers and borrowers. This will affect other prices, e.g. shares and property,
customer and business demand, and employment in. If rates are set too slow, this may encourage
L--------------> salary
pressures so that inflation is persistently above target. If they are set too high, there is likely to be
an unnecessary loss of output and employment, and inflation is likely to be persistently below
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Text 17
When travelling abroad, it is always wise to carry your money in travellers’ cheques because
cheques are protected against loss or theft. If your cheques are lost or stolen, the issuing authority
will refund your money. Not only are they safe, they are also convenient. They are available in
different denominations and different currencies and they can be cashed at most banks throughout
the world. Most shops, hotels and restaurants also accept them.
To obtain travellers’ cheques, you usually go to your bank. They can be paid by in cash or
debited to your account. Large amounts, however, must be ordered in advance. For the safety and
convenience of travellers’ cheques, you are charged two commissions. An insurance commission
(usually 1%) when you buy them and an encashment commission (this varies) when you cash
They are very easy to use. When you collect them, you submit each cheque once. The cashier
may sign the amount in your passport. When you cash them, you sign each cheque again. The
cashier will usually ask to see your passport again too.
It is advisable to make a note of the serial numbers and denominations of your cheques in case
they are lost or stolen. Remember to keep this separate from the cheques.
Text 18
Nowadays, banks have moved into external and international branches with an agency or a
representative office because it is relatively easy for them to establish these offices. The most
important factors affecting the choice of office type include the attitude of the host country as
reflected in its laws, regulations and policies towards these financial office. Some countries
prohibit foreign commercial branches; others prohibit foreign-held subsidiaries. And, of course,
some governments do not accept both foreign parent and subsidiaries. In other cases, entry of new
firms is prohibited, but outside firms already in existence are permitted to function under
grandfather provisions. Over a dozen foreign countries permit no foreign commercial banking
except for representative offices, and only a small amount of trade is conducted with these
countries. In some cases, the policy of the home country of the parent bank may determine or at
least the type of office established abroad. In at least a few instances, certain types of oversea
offices are not permitted by the government of the company. Generally, branches are easier to than
a subsidiary in a foreign country and they afford the parent company the greatest degree of control.
Accordingly, as full service types of offices, branches play a key role in external markets. The type
of office a bank establishes abroad also depends the extent of market participation desired by the
bank, the amount that can be invested in the facility, and the availability and talented
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Text 1
Banks are very important for the functioning of the modern world. Banks enable people
1. According to the text, what could people do with the banking services?
Banks enable people to save money, borrow money and to pay for things with ease and security.
2. What is the function of the head office of a bank?
This is where all central tasks are performed that let the local branches function.
3. What is the role of the bank teller?
The bank teller works behind the bank counter and helps the customers.
4. What happens when a bank customer spends more money…they have in their account?
They might need to see the bank manager.
5. Why is a debit card or credit card convenient?
Because customers just need to carry a small plastic card to be able to pay for anything.
Text 2
Commercial or retail banks are businesses that trade in money. They receive and hold
1. List 3 functions of a commercial bank.
Receive and hold deposits, pay money according to customers’ instructions, lend money.
2. How can the commercial banks make profits?
They make a profit from the difference (known as a margin) between the interest rates they pay to
lenders or depositors and those they charge to borrowers.
3. How can commercial banks create credit?
The money they lend is generally spent either on goods or services, or to settle debts and in this
way transferred to another bank account - often by way of a bank transfer or a check - from where
it can be lent to another borrower and so on.
4. What should the bankers do when lending money…that their banks could make a profit?
When lending money, bankers have to find a balance between yield and risk and between liquidity
and different maturities.
5. What are the differences between British and American investment banks?
Investment banks in the USA can only offer advisory services and do not offer loans.
Text 3
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
There are different kinds of bank accounts. The most popular are the current and deposit
1. What is the disadvantage of the current account?
A current account pays no interest.
2. What is the purpose of the cheque book?
The purpose of the cheque book is people do not have to carry a lot of cash.
3. What is the role of the branch manager?
The branch manager decides whether the applicant is likely to keep the account in credit.
4. Why does the branch manager want to…if the customer wants to open a current account?
The branch manager wants to meet the applicant to get the necessary background information.
5. List 2 advantages of the deposit account over the current account.
The deposit account is easier to open than a current account and deposit account earns interest for
the customer.
Text 4
More and more people are choosing to do their personal banking on-line. But what can
1. When can we check the account online?
We can check our bank account 24 hours a day, whenever it suits our.
2. How long does it take to check the interest you have earned in the banking online?
Just a few seconds.
3. According to the reading text, what is the database?
The database contains details of all your accounts and the business you have done over the years.
4. What is the full name of SWIFT?
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.
5. What is the function of SWIFT?
SWIFT provides the network that enables financial institutions to send and receive information
about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment.
Text 5
Recently banks have started to offer many new facilities to their customers. There are
1. What facilities have banks started to offer their customers?
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
There are new types of accounts, cheque cards, cash cards, credit cards, insurance cover,
investment services. However, one of the most important services banks offer is that they lend
money to their customers.
2. When is it useful to overdraw on the account?
This is useful if you only wish to borrow a small amount for a short time.
3. According to the text, what is the requirement to have an overdraft?
You can only have an overdraft with your manager’s permission.
4. What does the customer have to do every month when he takes out a personal loan?
Each month the customer makes a payment on the loan to the bank.
5. According to the text, what is the requirement to take out a personal loan?
The bank requires some kind of security e.g., shares.
Text 6
Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from citizens and pay interest in
1. Why do banks have to make money?
Because banks have to pay expenses.
2. How do banks make money by charging on loans from their depositors?
They pay interest to depositors but charge a higher rate on money they lend out.
3. How do banks make a profit from depositors’ money?
They do this by giving loans and earning interest.
4. Why do some banks merge with investment institutions?
Because banks want to step into rather dangerous business areas of investing and being connected
to the stock market.
5. What were the original purposes of ATMs?
ATMs were supposed to replace bank branches, save banks operating expense and that savings
would be passed on to customers.
Text 7
The BBC says that HSBC, the world’s second largest bank, helped rick people to hide
1. Why did HSBC help rich people to hide their money?
Because they did not want to pay tax.
2. What did the whistleblower do?
Whistleblower stole the details of more than 100,000 clients worldwide.
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3. What did the French banking team conclude in 2013?
It concluded that 99.8% of French citizens on the list were probably evading tax.
4. What happened with the woman who said the HSBC did not keep the promise to change?
She lost her job.
5. What was the duty of Sue Shelley?
Sue Shelley was responsible for making sure HSBC followed the law.
Text 8
The stock market is a financial institution where brokers trade company stocks and other
securities physically (in real life) or virtually (on the Internet).
1. What are the two (2) ways in which exchanges in stock market occur?
Primary Stock Market and Secondary Stock Market.
2. In what market can we buy the existing stocks or shares?
Secondary Stock Market.
3. What is market capitalization?
Market capitalization is the stock price multiplied by the number of shares.
4. How is the dividend yield calculated?
The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividends per share by the price per share.
5. What might happen to the investors in a bull market?
Investors can gain a lot of profits from stock sales.
Text 9
There are many ways to invest in shares. Before you invest, you should understand the
1. What are three (3) ways in which investors can buy individual shares directly?
Buying individual shares through a full service broker, an online trading account or from the
company itself when it offers shares through a public float.
2. What is the advantage of buying individual shares directly?
You have control over the shares you buy and sell.
3. What is the disadvantage of buying individual shares directly?
You must be prepared to put in the time and effort to track their performance and watch the market
to make your own buy or sell decisions.
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4. What is the advantage of buying shares of a Listed Investment Company?
It pays you dividends from its earnings.
5. What is the disadvantage of buying shares via an ETF?
They may be less suitable if you are investing small amounts regularly.
Text 10
Ruth Henly, who works in an investment bank in New York, said: ‘’Unlike commercial
1. What is the difference between commercial banks and investment banks?
Unlike commercial banks, investment banks don’t lend money.
2. How can investment banks help companies and governments raise capital?
Investment banks help companies and governments raise capital by issuing securities such as
stocks and bonds – that is, investment banks offer them for sale.
3. According to the text, what does ‘’underwrite securities’’ mean?
‘’Underwrite securities’’ means investment banks guarantee to buy the securities themselves if
they can’t find other purchasers.
4. List 3 institutional investors mentioned in the text.
Insurance companies, investment funds and pension funds.
5. What are the roles of the stockbroking department?
The stockbroking department also offers advice to investors.
Text 11
What makes money valuable? You could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special
1. According to the text, why is money valuable?
Because they are a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty.
2. What objects were used as money in ancient Greece?
Tools or cattle.
3. Where are large stone discs used as money?
On the Pacific island of Yap.
4. Why were gold and silver used as money?
Because they were easier to carry around.
5. Why did people accept paper money?
Because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper.
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Text 12
First National bank is run entirely through the telephone and the Internet. Its success
1. What is special about the operation of First National bank?
First National bank is run entirely through the telephone and the Internet.
2. What quality do they look for when recruiting a new employee?
They only recruit people who already exhibit good communication skills.
3. Why does First National Bank refuse to use scripts?
Because the managers recognize that customers find them impersonal and unnatural.
4. How can the staff establish good relationship with customers?
The member of staff has to pick up on the caller’s mood and react accordingly.
5. What does First National Bank do to offer services which meet customers’ needs?
They already offer a service in which customers receive a text when funds are received or when
their account falls below a certain level.
Text 13
The way in which a bank is organized and operates is determined by its objectives and
1. What does a bank organization and operation depend on?
A bank organization and operation depends on its objectives and by the type of economy in which
it conducts its business.
2. What are two aims of development banks?
Increase the economic growth of a country and raise the living standard of its population.
3. What are the similarities between wholesale and retail banking?
Wholesale and banking have three essential functions, including deposits, payments, and credits.
4. Why are these three functions very important for bank operation
Because they make it possible for banks to generate profits and to achieve their operating aims.
5. What are some new facilities offered by the banks?
Cheque cards, cash cards, credit cards, insurance cover, investment services.
Text 14
The Internet has expanded our choices of where and when to shop, but it also has its
1. What information of the company should we know before making the purchase?
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Check carefully all the contact details of the company. Look for a street address and a telephone
number, not just an e-mail address.
2. How do customers make sure that the site is secure?
At the bottom of the site, you should see a small ‘s’ – which stands for ‘secure’ – along with a
picture of a padlock.
3. When we pay for online goods with credit cards, what should we keep?
Keep copies of the order form and the acknowledgment notice that you receive.
4. What should we do after making a purchase online?
Always check your bank statement after making a purchase and make sure that only the amount
that you paid has been deducted from your balance.
5. What is the role of ‘’consumer affairs offices’’?
Advise you if you find that you have been cheated while shopping online.
Text 15
Banks always want to get new customers and so they make attractive offers: new
1. Why do banks make attractive offers?
Because banks always want to get new customers.
2. Where can people see the words ‘’new customers only’’ advertised by banks?
In the small print at the bottom of their advertisements.
3. How do existing customers react when they can’t get the offers?
It makes existing customers angry.
4. Why does an existing customers go to the Nationwide Building Society?
Because the Nationwide Building Society offers the special offers for all customers.
5. What is the clever business strategy?
The clever business strategy is not just to attract new customers, but to keep the ones you already
Text 16
Corporate customers who want to borrow large amounts of money come to the
1. What are two things that a company needs if it wants to arrange a loan?
They have to have a good credit rating and collateral.
2. What does the shareholders’ equity show?
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To see how much money has been invested in the company by selling shares.
3. What do companies use their retained earnings for?
This is the money the company uses for their business or to pay debts.
4. What does a bank find out by looking at the income statement?
This shows the bank how much the company earned and what they spent in a period of time.
5. Why is the cash flow statement important for the bank?
Because it shows if the company can pay its bills.
Text 17
Banking began in the twelfth century in Italy. Moneylenders set up benches in the
1. How did banking work in the twelfth century in Italy?
Moneylenders set up benches in the marketplace to do transactions.
2. Why did people in the UK begin to use banks?
Because they want to keep their gold and silver safe.
3. What do people generally use to pay their bills instead of cheques?
Most customers use direct debits or standing orders to pay their bills.
4. Why it is much more difficult today for bankers to get to know their customers?
Because many customers open online accounts. This means that...don’t speak with a banker at all.
5. Why do some banks hold events?
To hear about investments or other financial topics.
Text 18
Prepaid credit cards provide an alternative to all those people that need a credit card…
1. In what way are prepaid credit cards similar to debit cards?
That is an account is set up by a monetary deposit.
2. Why are prepaid credit cards better than credit cards?
Because you are entitled to spend only as much as you have in your account – thus you will not be
in debt, and you will have no bill to pay.
3. What is a set-up fee used for?
To both open and maintain the prepaid credit card account.
4. Besides the set-up fee, what are some…customers have to pay for prepaid credit cards?
Customers will be required to pay taxes on your cash deposits, and you may be required to pay an
annual membership fee.
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5. Why do most online merchants reject prepaid credit cards?
Because they have no guarantees that the account can completely cover payment for an online
Text 19
Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), the second-largest in the United States by assets,…
1. In what sector is the Bank of America Corp, planning to have the layoff?
Investment banking and capital markets group.
2. Why does the Bank of America Corp want to lay off their employees?
Because it struggles to reduce costs to make up for weak revenue growth.
3. What is the name of the program to reduce costs?
Project New BAC.
4. By how much will the first round of layoffs cut expenses over the next couple of years?
$5 billion.
5. When is the second phase of the program intended to end?
In May.
Text 20
For tens of millions of Americans, banks are the first choice for saving, borrowing,…
1. Why do Americans need banks?
Because banks are the first choice for saving, borrowing, and investing.
2. How do banks use community’s surplus funds to make a profit?
Lending to people to buy homes and cars, to start and expand businesses, to put their children
through college, and for countless other purposes.
3. For what purpose do OCC examiners use technology in banking?
To help ensure that the banks they supervise…world of financial services.
4. How does OCC supervise national banks and enforce federal banking laws?
It rules on new charter…and the economy.
5. What is the basic mission of OCC?
To ensure a safe, …of the United States.
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2. A number of American organizations… these organizations have bad credit history.
Một số tổ chức Hoa Kỳ vay các khoản thế chấp từ những người cho vay dưới chuẩn có rủi ro vì
những tổ chức này có lịch sử tín dụng xấu.
10. A major bank has been rescued…losing billions of euros on speculative investments.
Một ngân hàng lớn đã được chính phủ giải cứu sau khi mất hàng tỷ euro vì các khoản đầu cơ.
12. As soon as their business becomes...seek the protection with the insolvency procedure.
Ngay khi doanh nghiệp của họ bị vỡ nợ, các giám đốc cần nhanh chóng hành động để tìm kiếm sự
bảo hộ với thủ tục phá sản.
3. ‘’A profit and loss statement’’ shows the company’s…expenses and profits or losses.
"Báo cáo lãi và lỗ" cho biết thu nhập, chi phí và lãi hoặc lỗ của công ty.
4. A balance sheet lists the company’s assets liabilities and its capital.
Bảng cân đối kế toán liệt kê các khoản nợ tài sản và vốn của công ty.
6. A cash flow looks at three components by…: core operations, investing and financing.
Dòng tiền xem xét ba thành phần mà tiền mặt đi vào và rời khỏi một công ty: hoạt động cốt lõi,
đầu tư và tài trợ.
8. After an investigation, their dealings were found to be fraudulent.
Sau một cuộc điều tra, giao dịch của họ bị phát hiện là gian lận.
10. A licensed insolvency practitioner can help the…follow the most suitable procedure.
Một người hành nghề phá sản được cấp phép có thể giúp các giám đốc công ty thực hiện theo quy
trình phù hợp nhất.
3. Bonds are saleable instruments that can be traded on the secondary bond market.
Trái phiếu là công cụ có thể bán được và có thể giao dịch trên thị trường trái phiếu thứ cấp.
4. Bondholders get back their principal on a fixed…and receive coupon at regular intervals.
Trái chủ nhận lại tiền gốc của họ vào một ngày đáo hạn cố định, và nhận trái tức theo định kỳ.
3. British company dividends...choose to use the money to buy more shares in the company.
Cổ tức của công ty Anh thường được trả hai lần một năm và các cổ đông có thể nhận tiền mặt hoặc
chọn sử dụng tiền để mua thêm cổ phiếu trong công ty.
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4. Commercial banks give financial…stocks or bonds, and arrange mergers and takeover.
Các ngân hàng thương mại tư vấn tài chính, huy động vốn bằng cách phát hành cổ phiếu hoặc trái
phiếu, sắp xếp việc sáp nhập và tiếp quản.
5. Commercial banks generally offer stockbroking…services to corporate and rich clients.
Các ngân hàng thương mại thường cung cấp các dịch vụ môi giới chứng khoán và quản lý danh
mục đầu tư cho các khách hàng doanh nghiệp và người giàu.
7. Corporate credit-rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of bonds and bond issuers.
Tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm doanh nghiệp đánh giá mức độ tín nhiệm của trái phiếu và tổ chức
phát hành trái phiếu.
1. Companies finance most of their activities by way of internally generated cash flows.
Các công ty tài trợ hầu hết các hoạt động của họ bằng các dòng tiền được tạo ra từ nội bộ.
5. Corporate financiers are viewing China as one of the next big investment opportunities.
Các nhà tài chính doanh nghiệp đang xem Trung Quốc là một trong những cơ hội đầu tư lớn tiếp
6. China has tried to control its manufacturing costs through outbound acquisition.
Trung Quốc đã cố gắng kiểm soát chi phí sản xuất của mình thông qua việc mua lại bên ngoài.
12. During the housing crisis, many banks in the USA…others had to be rescued by governments.
Trong cuộc khủng hoảng nhà ở, nhiều ngân hàng ở Mỹ phá sản, và những ngân hàng khác phải
được chính phủ giải cứu.
14. Every company in a portfolio…because the winners will eventually have to cover the losers.
Mọi công ty trong danh mục đầu tư đều cần phải mang lại lợi nhuận tiềm năng cao, bởi vì những
người chiến thắng cuối cùng sẽ phải bù đắp cho những người thua cuộc.
14. Entrepreneurs can attract investors…the risk factors, and to present a persuasive business plan.
Các doanh nhân có thể thu hút các nhà đầu tư bằng cách chứng minh rằng họ hiểu các yếu tố rủi
ro và trình bày một kế hoạch kinh doanh thuyết phục.
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9. Finally, the directors were subject to severe remedies and they went to prison.
Cuối cùng, các giám đốc phải chịu những biện pháp khắc phục nghiêm khắc và họ phải vào tù.
6. Hedge funds use a variety of risky investing strategies in order to achieve high returns.
Các quỹ phòng hộ sử dụng nhiều chiến lược đầu tư rủi ro khác nhau để đạt được lợi nhuận cao.
13. He must show at all times that he is acting in the best…the company’s existing creditors.
Ông ta luôn phải thể hiện rằng ông ta đang hành động vì lợi ích tốt nhất của tất cả các chủ nợ hiện
có của công ty.
9. Islamic banks do not pay interest to depositors, but…the profits or losses with their depositors.
Các ngân hàng Hồi giáo không trả lãi cho người gửi tiền, nhưng đầu tư vào các công ty và chia sẻ
lợi nhuận hoặc thua lỗ với người gửi tiền của họ.
1. Investment means using money to…a profit by selling that asset at a higher price in the future.
Đầu tư có nghĩa là dùng tiền để mua một tài sản với mục đích kiếm lời bằng cách bán tài sản đó
với giá cao hơn trong tương lai.
5. If a bondholder wants to sell his bonds…are sold on the secondary market.
Nếu một trái chủ muốn bán trái phiếu của mình trước khi đáo hạn, trái phiếu sẽ được bán trên thị
trường thứ cấp.
8. Investors use the information of corporate...agencies to assess the potential return on investment.
Nhà đầu tư sử dụng thông tin của các tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm doanh nghiệp để đánh giá tỷ suất
tiềm năng hoàn vốn đầu tư.
11. In case of insolvency, the interests of the company’s creditors must become a priority.
Trong trường hợp mất khả năng thanh toán, quyền lợi của các chủ nợ của công ty phải được ưu
2. In Britain, shares of public limited company are…with a minimum share capital of £50,000.
Ở Anh, cổ phiếu của công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn đại chúng được giao dịch tự do với vốn cổ phần
tối thiểu là 50.000 bảng Anh.
4. If a company needs to raise money to expand their, can either issue new shares or borrow money.
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Nếu một công ty cần huy động tiền để mở rộng hoạt động, họ có thể phát hành cổ phiếu mới hoặc
vay tiền.
6. It is easier for potential investors to make…about a business which is already running.
Các nhà đầu tư tiềm năng sẽ dễ dàng đưa ra quyết định đầu tư hơn vào một doanh nghiệp đang
hoạt động.
7. Investors in start-up companies will not invest…, however profitable they might potentially be.
Các nhà đầu tư vào các công ty mới thành lập sẽ không đầu tư vào các dự án mạo hiểm, cho dù họ
có thể có khả năng sinh lợi đến đâu.
9. In 2007, the US government listed …as nationally recognized statistical rating organisations.
Năm 2007, chính phủ Hoa Kỳ đã liệt kê bảy tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm là các tổ chức xếp hạng
thống kê được công nhận trên toàn quốc.
5. If your assets include research and development…difficult to put a value on those things.
Nếu nội dung của bạn bao gồm nghiên cứu và phát triển, thì rất khó để đặt giá trị cho những thứ
7. It was discovered that some important items in their …not been written down in the minutes.
Người ta phát hiện ra rằng một số mục quan trọng trong cuộc họp của họ đã không được ghi vào
biên bản.
9. I am worried about my responsibilities and my…liabilities if the business becomes insolvent.
Tôi lo lắng về trách nhiệm của mình và các nghĩa vụ tài chính của mình nếu doanh nghiệp mất khả
năng thanh toán.
12. I want them to make sure that they…supplies or lines of credit that the company cannot repay.
Tôi muốn họ đảm bảo rằng họ không tiếp nhận nguồn cung cấp mới hoặc hạn mức tín dụng mà
công ty không thể hoàn trả.
2. In 2008, the UK experienced a credit crunch…found it more difficult to get a loan from a bank.
Vào năm 2008, Vương quốc Anh đã trải qua một cuộc khủng hoảng tín dụng khi mọi người cảm
thấy khó khăn hơn trong việc vay vốn từ ngân hàng.
8. Nowadays, large banks became international…a complete range of financial services.
Ngày nay, các ngân hàng lớn đã trở thành những tập đoàn quốc tế cung cấp đầy đủ các dịch vụ tài
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15. Penalties for insolvency may include disqualification…director or even imprisonment.
Hình phạt cho việc mất khả năng thanh toán có thể bao gồm việc không đủ tư cách làm giám đốc
công ty hoặc thậm chí bị phạt tù.
1. Porsche had been making a larger profit out of option trading than it has out of selling cars.
Porsche đã kiếm được lợi nhuận lớn hơn từ giao dịch quyền chọn so với việc bán ô tô.
3. Retail banks receive deposits from, and make loans to, individuals and small companies.
Các ngân hàng bán lẻ nhận tiền gửi và cho vay các cá nhân và công ty nhỏ.
10. Some food retailers and department stores…like personal loans, credit cards and insurance.
Một số nhà bán lẻ thực phẩm và cửa hàng bách hóa hiện cung cấp các sản phẩm như khoản vay cá
nhân, thẻ tín dụng và bảo hiểm.
2. The company stopped trading, and its assets were sold to pay off its creditors.
Công ty ngừng giao dịch và tài sản của nó đã được bán để trả nợ cho các chủ nợ.
7. There were regulations in the US, Britain and Japan…banks from doing investment businesses.
Ở Mỹ, Anh và Nhật Bản đã có những quy định ngăn cản các ngân hàng thương mại kinh doanh
đầu tư.
11. The subprime borrowers are those with poor credit ratings and a high risk of default.
Những người đi vay dưới chuẩn là những người có xếp hạng tín dụng kém và có nguy cơ vỡ nợ
15. The Central bank suffered from criticism…of the US subprime mortgage lending crisis.
Ngân hàng Trung ương hứng chịu nhiều chỉ trích vì không lường trước được hậu quả của cuộc
khủng hoảng cho vay thế chấp dưới chuẩn của Mỹ.
9. These credit-rating agencies were complained because…the issuers whose securities they rated.
Các tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm này đã bị khiếu nại vì họ thu được một khoản phí từ các tổ chức
phát hành có chứng khoán mà họ xếp hạng.
14. They need to take independent professional advice…or licensed insolvency practitioner.
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Họ cần phải có lời khuyên chuyên môn độc lập từ một chuyên gia hoặc nhân viên hành nghề phá
sản có cấp phép.
8. The success of a start-up depends on how…takes into account the needs of a potential investor.
Sự thành công của một công ty khởi nghiệp phụ thuộc vào việc kế hoạch kinh doanh của một
doanh nhân có tính đến nhu cầu của một nhà đầu tư tiềm năng tốt như thế nào.
10. The market watchdogs started questioning the roles…in the subprime mortgage crisis.
Các cơ quan giám sát thị trường bắt đầu đặt câu hỏi về vai trò của các cơ quan xếp hạng trong cuộc
khủng hoảng thế chấp dưới chuẩn.
11. The rating agencies said that their job…of a company defaulting on its debt repayments.
Các tổ chức xếp hạng cho biết công việc của họ là đưa ra ý kiến về xác suất một công ty không trả
được nợ.
12. The rating agencies said that their ratings…the role reason for an investment decision.
Các cơ quan xếp hạng cho rằng xếp hạng của họ không bao giờ được sử dụng làm lý do cho một
quyết định đầu tư.
13. This accountant has recently warned…is unlikely to be able to survive much longer.
Người kế toán này gần đây đã cảnh báo tôi rằng công việc kinh doanh của anh ta khó có thể tồn
tại lâu hơn nữa.
14. The directors need to act…, because the penalties for doing this can be severe.
Các giám đốc cần phải hành động cẩn thận để tránh việc kinh doanh buôn bán mất khả năng thanh
toán, bởi vì hình phạt cho việc này có thể rất nặng.
2. The cash flow statement is important for finding out if the company can pay its bills.
Báo cáo lưu chuyển tiền tệ rất quan trọng để tìm hiểu xem công ty có thể thanh toán các hóa đơn
của mình hay không.
8. They had entered false items into their order..business look more successful than it actually was.
Họ đã nhập sai các mặt hàng vào sổ đặt hàng để làm cho công việc kinh doanh của họ trông thành
công hơn thực tế.
10. The directors have to know latest transactions…based on the company’s latest order book.
Các giám đốc phải biết các giao dịch, tài khoản quản lý và dự báo mới nhất dựa trên sổ đặt hàng
mới nhất của công ty.
13. The CEOs should hold regular meetings…discussions and the key decisions they make.
Các CEO nên tổ chức các cuộc họp thường xuyên và lưu giữ biên bản các cuộc thảo luận và các
quyết định quan trọng mà họ đưa ra.
3. This company had adopted a very aggressive…very vulnerable when the credit crunch hit.
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Công ty này đã áp dụng một mô hình tài trợ rất tích cực khiến nó rất dễ bị tổn thương khi cuộc
khủng hoảng tín dụng xảy ra.
4. This bank had relied too heavily on wholesale funding and not enough on retail deposits.
Ngân hàng này đã phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào nguồn vốn bán buôn và không đủ tiền gửi bán lẻ.
1. When a company cannot pay its creditors, it is called ‘’insolvency’’.
Khi một công ty không thể thanh toán cho các chủ nợ của mình, nó được gọi là ‘’ mất khả năng
thanh toán ’’.
13. We think that company looks particularly…it claims a very high internal rate of return.
Chúng tôi nghĩ rằng công ty đó có vẻ đặc biệt hứa hẹn vì nó tuyên bố tỷ lệ hoàn vốn nội bộ rất cao.
6. When buying or selling a bond through a brokerage firm..investor will be charged a commission.
Khi mua hoặc bán một trái phiếu thông qua một công ty môi giới, một nhà đầu tư cá nhân sẽ phải
trả tiền hoa hồng.
1. When looking at the income statement…of our company is higher this year than last year.
Khi nhìn vào báo cáo kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh, chúng ta có thể thấy tỷ suất lợi nhuận ròng
của công ty năm nay cao hơn năm ngoái.
11. We need to ensure that the assets of the …and not sold for less than their real value.
Chúng tôi cần đảm bảo rằng tài sản của công ty luôn được bảo vệ và không được bán với giá thấp
hơn giá trị thực của chúng.
15. We expect to see their sales hit the fast-growth curve very soon.
Chúng tôi kỳ vọng rằng doanh số bán hàng của họ sẽ sớm đạt được đường cong tăng trưởng nhanh.
5. What was first believed to be a short credit crunch had turned into a more serious recession.
Điều đầu tiên được cho là một cuộc khủng hoảng tín dụng ngắn hạn đã chuyển sang một cuộc suy
thoái nghiêm trọng hơn.
7. When economic conditions become difficult… can experience a sharp downturn in trading.
Khi điều kiện kinh tế trở nên khó khăn, các doanh nghiệp có thể bị suy thoái mạnh trong hoạt động
kinh doanh.
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4. All banking services nowadays are diverse and meet the needs of customers.
2. As a bank teller, you should be welcoming and help customers when making transactions.
8. As a CEO, you should take care of your staffs to boost their morale.
11. A start-up company needs to have a good business strategy to make a profit
5. Although the director tried his best to protect the company, the company was still in default and
will soon go bankrupt.
8. After I had invested all his money into the stock market, I made a profit to pay the expenses.
7. Because today is his first day as a banker,
2. Because of the recession, my company
12. Banks are making some changes
12. Companies can raise more money by
15. Currently, our company focuses on
6. During recession, many Vietnamese companies
10. Entrepreneurs can raise capital by
17. He refused to invest in that start-up because
8. He was happy to hear that the stock price of his company
2. In order to open an account in our bank, you need to
3. I decided to open my account in this bank because
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
6. I do not like that bank very much because
9. If you want to open an account in our bank,
14. If you want to borrow money, you
1. If you want to work as a broker, you should
4. It is predicted that in the next year
6. I like to use credit cards because
9. I am responsible for
11. If this company needs money, it can
13. I think bonds are good because
14. If the company succeeds,
1. If you have money to invest,
4. If the investment does badly,
9. If you invest in the stock market, remember
3. If your company is having financial problems,
9. I think the stock price of your company
14. If the borrower cannot repay a loan
7. If you want to work for an international company, you should
14. If you have financial problems,
14. Last year, many start-up companies
15. Last year, this commercial bank,
12. Many banks try to attract more customers by
13. Many international banks in Vietnam
5. Many economists believe that
3. Many investors are interested in
13. Many start-up companies do not success because
1. Most entrepreneurs have difficulty in
4. Many foreign companies like to invest in Vietnam because
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
8. Online banking is becoming popular because
7. Our bank has become more popular recently because
6. Our investors are confident that
6. Our company made a large profit this year because
7. Our company needs
5. One disadvantage of overseas investment is
9. One benefit of overseas investment is
11. Peter would like to borrow some money to buy a house,
15. Recently, many foreign investment banks have
10. Since the early 21st century, many foreign investments
1. The banks can help us
5. The services at this bank
10. This bank refused to lend him the money because
16. The Central bank
10. This bank refused to lend him the money because
15. Their company went bankrupt last year
16. This company did not succeed because
2. That company intends to issue more shares
5. The share price of this company went down because
7. The stock price of our company is rising, so
8. The stock market in Vietnam
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
12. The success of a start-up company depends on
16. They tried to persuade me to invest in that start-up company
10. That company stopped trading, and
11. The employees in this bank are happy to hear that
13. The credit rating of our company is
2. These days, Vietnamese investors would like
13. This building society can
16. That ATM is
1. Vietnam has been very active in
3. Vietnam is trying to attract more foreign investors by
11. Vietnamese consumers now
3. When we do online shopping
15. We think this start-up company is promising because
4. When economic conditions become difficult,
12. When investors invest in a company, they
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
1. Money in notes and coins is called cash
2. The dollar, yuan and yen are all currencies
3. Money borrowed from a bank is a loan
4. Money paid by the government or a company to a retired person is a pension
5. The money needed to start a company is called capital
6. Mortgage is a debt instrument or legal agreement to borrow money from a bank, especially to
7. The borrowers who have low credit ratings or can default on a loan are called subprime
8. If you have an overdraft, it means you have spent more money than you have in your bank
9. Bonds mean the certificates of debt issued by governments or companies to raise money
10. Credit rating refers to a calculation of the ability of a person, business, or government to pay
1. When the bond is mature, you can change it for money
2. Companies finance most of their activities by way of internally generated cash flows
3. If a company needs to raise more money to expand their operations, they can either issue new
4. The original investment that bondholders get is also called as principal
5. Bondholders receive interest payments at regular intervals
6. When a limited company become insolvent, it is likely to go into liquidation
7. The money a lender receives from a loan or an investment is expressed as its returns or yield
8. If your business fails, the bank will be the first in a long line of creditors to get their money back
9. Companies deduct their interest payments from their profits before paying tax
10. If tax revenue is insufficient, government also..these are considered to be a risk-free investment
11. In Britain, government bonds are also known as gilts
12. In the UK, Treasury bonds have a maturity of ten to 30 years
13. Bonds are saleable instruments that can be traded on the secondary bond market
14. Banks and brokerage companies sell bid and offer prices for bonds with a very small difference
15. The yield of a bond refers to how much income it gives
1. Two key principles of the economy are supply and demand
Downloaded by Ng?c Hân Bùi Th? (buingochan0303@gmail.com)
2. To sell its shares to the general public, a company must be listed on the stock exchange
3. The stock market usually begins to increase before an economic recession
4. The Sensex index of the Bombay Stock Exchange plummeted on Monday on fears of a recession
5. Visa shot up yesterday on the NYSE on its first trading day, rising as high as $69 a share
6. The Footsie revived a little in London in the afternoon, gaining 30 points in late trading
7. Share prices recovered in Hong Kong today, the Hang Seng finishing up ten points
8. On the São Paulo exchange, the Bovespa Index advanced a little, up 12 points
9. Shares are certificates representing part ownership of the company
10. ‘’Going public’’ means offering stocks for sale to financial institutions and the general public
11. Companies use an investment bank to underwrite the stock issue, which means to guarantee to
12. Shares can be traded at the stock exchange on which the company is quoted
13. A period during which most stocks (and the stock index) are rising is called a bull market
14. Stock markets are measured by stock indexes
15. Stocks and shares are also known as equity
16. On the stock market, you can buy bonds which are loans to a company or government
1. Things in a company which are worth money are called assets
2. Look at the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet if you want to know how the company’s
3. Possessions of a company for long-term use (e.g. buildings) are called fixed assets
4. Money which a company sets aside to cover bad debts is listed in the balance sheet as deductions
5. The things a company owes are called its liabilities
6. Amortisation is the gradual decrease in value of an intangible asset
7. Operating cost is the amount of money spent to produce and sell a product
8. Finished or partially finished goods owned by a company is called inventory
9. The cashflow statement shows if the company generates cash or not
10. Rent makes up the fixed costs of a company
11. The name and logo on a product constitute its brand
12. Income statement is a statement showing the difference between the revenues and expenses of
13. Balance sheet a statement showing the value of a business’s assets, its liabilities, and its capital
14. Management accounting provides information that will allow a business to make decisions,
15. Our company’s expenses are much higher than its profits so it will make a loss this year
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