Astronomy A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE EIGHTH EDITION CHAPTER 9 The Sun Lecture Presentation © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9 The Sun The Big Picture The Sun is our star—the main source of energy that powers weather, climate, and life on Earth. Imagine our planet without the Sun—no light, no heat, no comforting “parent” in the sky. Although we take it for granted each and every day, the Sun is vitally important to us in the cosmic scheme of things. Simply put, without the Sun, we would not exist. Units of Chapter 9 • 9.1 The Sun in Bulk • 9.2 The Solar Interior • 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • 9.4 The Active Sun • 9.5 The Heart of the Sun • Summary of Chapter 9 9.1 The Sun in Bulk The Sun is made up of hot gas, there isn't really a "surface.” Instead, as you move from space toward the Sun's core, the gas gets denser and denser. The Sun’s bulk properties—mass, radius, temperature, and luminosity. Figure 9.1 The Sun (composite, filtered image). The inner part shows a sharp edge, although our star, like all stars, is composed of a gradually thinning gas. The edge appears sharp because the solar photosphere is so thin. The outer portion of the image is the solar corona, normally too faint to be seen, but visible during an eclipse, when the light from the solar disk is blotted out. (Note the blemishes; they are sunspots.) 9.1 The Sun in Bulk – Photosphere The layer of the Sun that we get the most information from is the one we can most easily see – the photosphere – describes the Sun’s temperature, luminosity and chemical composition. Solar photosphere (“sphere of light”) is the surface of the Sun that emits radiation. • Most of the Sun's radiation escapes from the photosphere and is detected as sunlight that we observe here on Earth. • The solar photosphere is a thinner, cooler layer than its neighboring layers. • It is thin compared to the other atmospheric regions – making the Sun appear to have a distinct edge. • About 500 km (300 miles) wide. • The surface temperature of the Sun is 5780 K or ~ 5506.85 C. • Features observed: sunspots, granules, suppergranules, large scale flows and pattern of waves and oscillation. 9.1 The Sun in Bulk – Atmosphere Layers • Outer Layers of the Sun: • Chromosphere (“sphere of color”) is the Sun’s lower atmosphere. – – Above the photosphere, it is about 1500 km thick. It is only visible during a solar eclipse, as it is dimmer than the photosphere. • The “color” is produced by the H-alpha line, and the layer looks slightly pink. • Transition zone is a region where temperature rises dramatically that separates the Sun’s chromosphere from the corona. • Solar corona (“crown”) is a wide layer that extends out into space, eventually turning into the solar wind. – – • Above 10,000 km, and stretching far beyond, is a thin, hot upper atmosphere. It is also only visible during a total solar eclipse. Solar wind flows away from the Sun and permeates the entire solar system, consists mainly of protons and electrons in a state known as a plasma. Image of the solar corona (white) and chromosphere (pink) during a total solar eclipse on Monday, August 21, 2017 above Madras, Oregon. 9.1 The Sun in Bulk • Interior structure of the Sun: – Outer layers are not to scale. – Below the photosphere, extending down some 200,000 km, is the convection zone, a region where the material of the Sun is in constant convective motion. – Below the convection zone lies the radiation zone, where solar energy is transported toward the surface by radiation rather than by convection. – The term solar interior is often used to mean both the radiation and convection zones. – The core is where nuclear fusion reactions that generate the Sun’s enormous energy output take place, roughly 200,000 km in radius. 9.1 The Sun in Bulk • Luminosity—total energy radiated by the Sun—can be calculated from the fraction of that energy that reaches Earth. • Total luminosity of the Sun is about 4 ×026 W—the equivalent of 10 billion 1-megaton nuclear bombs per second. – If we draw an imaginary sphere around the Sun so that the sphere’s surface passes through Earth’s center, then the radius of this imaginary sphere is 1 AU. – The “solar constant” is the amount of power striking a 1-m2 detector at Earth’s distance from the Sun, as suggested in the inset, is approx. 1400 watts per square meter (W/m2). – The Sun’s luminosity is then determined by multiplying the sphere’s surface area by the solar constant. • Surface area is 4π3 (1 AU)2, or approximately 2.8 ×1023 m2. Figure 9.3 Solar Luminosity 9.2 The Solar Interior – Modeling the Structure of the Sun • Mathematical models, consistent with observation and physical principles, provide information about the Sun’s interior. – In equilibrium, inward pull of gravitational force must be balanced by outward pressure of hot gas. Figure 9.4 Stellar Balance In the interior of a star such as the Sun, the outward pressure of hot gas balances the inward pull of gravity. This is true at every point within the star, guaranteeing its stability. 9.2 The Solar Interior – Modeling the structure of the Sun • Doppler shifts of solar spectral lines indicate a complex pattern of vibrations. – These vibrations are the result of internal pressure (“sound”) waves that reflect off the photosphere and repeatedly cross the solar interior. • These waves penetrate deep inside the Sun, and analysis of their surface patterns allows scientists to study conditions far below the Sun’s surface. Figure 9.5 Solar Oscillations (a) By observing the motion of the solar surface, scientists can determine the wavelengths and frequencies of the individual waves and deduce information about the Sun’s complex vibrations. (b) Waves contributing to the observed oscillations can travel deep inside the Sun, providing vital information about the solar interior. 9.2 The Solar Interior • Solar density and temperature, according to the standard solar model: – As the distance from the center increases, the density decreases faster than the temperature. Figure 9.6 Solar Interior Density and temperature distributions in the interior of the Sun. Parts (b) and (c) show the large variations in solar density and temperature, relative to a cutaway diagram of the Sun’s interior (a). 9.2 The Solar Interior – Energy Transport • The core is the area where temperatures are high enough for the energy production to occur. • Energy transport: – The radiation zone is relatively transparent; the convection zone is cooler and opaque. • In the radiation zone, the temperatures are lower, but still high enough that all the atoms are ionized and the radiation travels freely. • In the convection zone, the temperatures are even lower, and electrons are now bound to nuclei; atoms absorb the photons so the energy can no longer be transported through radiation. Figure 9.7 Solar Convection Energy is physically transported in the Sun’s convection zone, which is here visualized as a boiling, seething sea of gas. As drawn, the convective cell sizes become progressively larger at greater depths. 9.2 The Solar Interior – Granulated solar photosphere • Granulation is evidence of convection in the solar interior. • The visible top layer of the convection zone is granulated, with areas of upwelling material surrounded by areas of sinking material. – A photograph of the granulated solar photosphere, taken with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope, shows solar granules comparable in size to Earth’s continents or a large U.S state. – The bright portions are regions where hot material is upwelling from below. – The dark regions are cooler gas that is sinking back down into the Figure 9.8 Solar Granulation interior. 9.2 The Solar Interior – Granulated solar photosphere • Supergranulation occurs on a much larger scale than granulation, so it is thought to be due to convective flow at a deep level within the Sun's interior. – These features also cover the entire Sun and are continually evolving. – Individual supergranules last for a day or two and have flow speeds of about 0.5 km/s (1000 mph). – The fluid flows observed in supergranules carry magnetic field bundles to the edges of the cells where they produce the chromospheric network. Supergranules 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • Spectral analysis of absorption lines can tell us what elements are present, but only in the chromosphere and photosphere. A detailed visible spectrum of our Sun shows thousands of dark absorption lines, indicating the presence of 67 different elements in various stages of excitation and ionization in the lower solar atmosphere. Each element absorbs light at characteristic wavelengths, resulting in a unique pattern of absorption lines in the spectrum. The numbers give wavelengths in nanometers. Figure 9.9 Solar Spectrum 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere Table 9.2 The Composition of the Sun Lists the 10 most common elements in the Sun based on spectral analysis, and it is what we will find for the universe as a whole. Hydrogen is by far the most abundant element, followed by helium. 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • Colourful eclipse composite captured the chromospheric or flash spectrum of the Sun, on August 21, 2017 (Madras, Oregon): • Individual eclipse images at each wavelength of light emitted by atoms along the thin solar chromosphere. – The brightest images are due to Hydrogen atoms. • Red hydrogen alpha emission is at the far right. – – Blue and purple hydrogen series emission to the left. • The highest energy and shortest wavelength light is given off by the electrons that fall the farthest. In between, the brightest yellow emission is caused by atoms of Helium. 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • The cooler chromosphere is above the photosphere. – It is difficult to see directly, as the photosphere is too bright, unless the Moon covers the photosphere and not the chromosphere during eclipse. Figure 9.10 Solar Chromosphere This photograph of a total solar eclipse shows the solar chromosphere a few thousand kilometers above the Sun’s surface. Note the prominence at left. 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere – The Chromosphere • Small solar storms in chromosphere emit spicules. – – – Every few minutes, small solar storms erupt, expelling spikes of hot matter known as spicules into the Sun’s upper atmosphere. Spicules tend to accumulate around the edges of supergranules, and the Sun’s magnetic field is also somewhat stronger than average in those regions. Scientists think that the downwelling material there amplifies the solar magnetic field and that spicules are the result of magnetic disturbances in the Sun’s churning outer layers. Figure 9.11 Solar Spicules Short-lived, narrow jets of gas that typically last mere minutes can be seen sprouting up from the chromosphere in this ultraviolet image of the Sun. These so-called spicules are the thin spikelike regions where gas leaves the surface at speeds of about 100 km/s, reaching thousands of kilometers above the photosphere. 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • Solar corona can be seen during eclipse if both photosphere and chromosphere are blocked. The solar wind is hot coronal gas escaping the gravity of the Sun. The density and temperature in the solar corona are much lower than in the photosphere. 9.3 The Solar Atmosphere • Corona is much hotter than layers below it. It must have a heat source, probably electromagnetic interactions. Figure 9.13 Solar Atmospheric Temperature. The change of gas temperature in the lower solar atmosphere is dramatic. The temperature, indicated by the blue line, reaches a minimum of 4500 K in the chromosphere and then rises sharply in the transition zone, finally leveling off at around 3 million K in the corona. 9.4 The Active Sun • Sunspots appear dark because they are slightly cooler than the brighter, background photosphere. – Sunspots cluster at high latitudes when solar activity is at a minimum. – They appear in larger numbers at about the time of the solar maximum, at roughly 11-year intervals. – They typically measure about 10,000 km across. Figure 9.14 Sunspots This photograph of the entire Sun, taken during a period of maximum solar activity, shows several groups of sunspots. The largest spots in this image are more than 20,000 km across, nearly twice the diameter of Earth. 9.4 The Active Sun • Sunspots appear dark because they are slightly cooler than the brighter, background photosphere. Figure 9.15 Sunspots, Up Close (a) An enlarged photo of the largest pair of sunspots in shows how each spot consists of a cool, dark umbra surrounded by a warmer, brighter penumbra. (b) A high-resolution image of a single typical sunspot shows details of its structure as well as the granules surrounding it. 9.4 The Active Sun – Solar magnetism • Sunspots come and go, typically in a few days. • Sunspots are linked by pairs of magnetic field lines. Figure 9.16 Sunspot Magnetism (a) The Sun’s magnetic field lines emerge from the surface through one member of a sunspot pair and reenter the Sun through the other member. If the magnetic field lines are directed into the Sun in one leading spot, they are inwardly directed in all other leading spots in that hemisphere. The opposite is the case in the southern hemisphere. (b) A far-ultraviolet image taken by NASA’s Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) satellite, showing magnetic field lines arching between two sunspot groups. 9.4 The Active Sun • The rotation of the Sun drags magnetic field lines around with it, causing kinks. Figure 9.17 Solar Rotation (a, b) The Sun’s differential rotation wraps and distorts the solar magnetic field. (c) Occasionally, the field lines burst out of the surface and loop through the lower atmosphere, thereby creating a sunspot pair. The underlying pattern of the solar field lines explains the observed pattern of sunspot polarities. 9.4 The Active Sun • The Sun has an 11-year sunspot cycle, during which sunspot numbers rise, fall, and then rise again. (a) The monthly number of sunspots during the 20th century clearly displays the (roughly) 11-year solar cycle. At the time of minimum solar activity, hardly any sunspots are seen. About 4 years later, at maximum solar activity, about 100 spots are observed per month. Figure 9.18 Sunspot Cycle (b) Sunspots cluster at high latitudes when solar activity is at a minimum. They appear at lower and lower latitudes as the number of sunspots peaks. They are again prominent near the Sun’s equator as solar minimum is again approached. 9.4 The Active Sun • This is really a 22-year solar cycle because the spots switch polarities between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres every 11 years. • Maunder minimum: There are few, if any, sunspots. Figure 9.19 Maunder Minimum Peaks and troughs of the sunspot cycle over the past four centuries. Note the near total absence of spots during the late 17th century. 9.4 The Active Sun • Areas around sunspots are active; large eruptions may occur in the photosphere. • Solar prominence is a large sheet of ejected gas. – Prominences are loops or sheets of glowing gas ejected from an active region on the solar surface. – Prominences move through the inner parts of the corona under the influence of the Sun’s magnetic field. • Magnetic field is involved in producing sunspots, flares, and prominences. (a) This particularly large solar prominence was observed by ultraviolet detectors aboard the SOHO spacecraft in 2002. (b) Like a phoenix rising from the solar surface, this filament of hot gas measures more than 100,000 km in length. • Dark regions in this TRACE image have temperatures less than 20,000 K; • the brightest regions are about 1 million kelvins. • Most of the gas will subsequently cool and fall back into the photosphere. 9.4 The Active Sun • Solar flare is a large explosion on the Sun’s surface, emitting an amount of energy similar to a prominence, but in seconds or minutes rather than days or weeks. – Flares are caused by magnetic disturbances in the lower atmosphere of the Sun. Figure 9.21 Solar Flare Much more violent than a prominence, a solar flare is an explosion on the Sun’s surface that sweeps across an active region in a matter of minutes, accelerating solar material to high speeds and blasting it into space. 9.4 The Active Sun • A coronal mass ejection emits charged particles that can affect Earth. Figure 9.22 Coronal Mass Ejection (a) A few times per week, on average, a giant magnetized “bubble” of solar material detaches itself from the Sun and rapidly escapes into space, as shown in this SOHO image taken in 2002. The circles are artifacts of an imaging system designed to block out the light from the Sun itself and exaggerate faint features at larger radii. (b) Should such a coronal mass ejection encounter Earth with its magnetic field oriented opposite to our own, as illustrated, the field lines can join together as in part (c), allowing high-energy particles to enter and possibly severely disrupt our planet’s magnetosphere. 9.4 The Active Sun • Solar wind escapes the Sun mostly through coronal holes, which can be seen in X-ray images. The coronal hole is the dark V-shaped region. Figure 9.23 Coronal Hole (a) Images of X-ray emission from the Sun observed by the Yohkoh satellite. Note the dark, V-shaped coronal hole traveling from left to right, where the X-ray observations outline in dramatic detail the abnormally thin regions through which the high-speed solar wind streams forth. (b) Charged particles follow magnetic field lines that compete with gravity. When the field is trapped and loops back toward the photosphere, the particles are also trapped; otherwise, they can escape as part of the solar wind. 9.4 The Active Sun • Solar corona changes along with the sunspot cycle. It is much larger and more irregular at sunspot peak. 9.5 The Heart of the Sun • Nuclear fusion requires that like-charged nuclei get close enough to each other to fuse. • This can happen only if the temperature is extremely high—over 10 million kelvins. – The helium produced from the fusion of hydrogen has less mass than the hydrogen that goes into its formation. The missing matter is converted into energy. Figure 9.24 Proton Interactions (a) Since like charges repel, two low-speed protons veer away from one another, never coming close enough for fusion to occur. (b) Higher-speed protons may succeed in overcoming their mutual repulsion, approaching close enough for the strong force to bind them together—in which case they collide violently, triggering nuclear fusion that ultimately powers the Sun. 9.5 The Heart of the Sun • The process that powers most stars is a three-step fusion process, the proton–proton chain. Figure 9.25 Solar Fusion A total of six protons (and two electrons) are converted to two protons, one helium-4 nucleus, and two neutrinos. The two leftover protons are available as fuel for new proton–proton reactions, so the net effect is that four protons are fused to form one helium-4 nucleus. Energy, in the form of gamma rays, is produced at each stage. I. Two protons combine, as forming a deuteron and releasing a positron and a neutrino. III. Finally, two helium-3 II. The deuteron then combines with another proton to create a type of helium nuclei combine to form called helium-3. which contains only one helium-4 and two protons. neutron, while the positron annihilates with an electron, producing gamma rays. The neutrino escapes into space 9.5 The Heart of the Sun • Neutrinos are emitted directly from the core of the Sun and escape, interacting with virtually nothing. Being able to observe these neutrinos gives us a direct picture of what is happening in the core. • They are no more likely to interact with Earth-based detectors than they are with the Sun; the only way to spot them is to have a huge detector volume and to be able to observe single interaction events. • The "solar neutrino problem” is that too few neutrinos are detected on Earth compared to the number the solar model predicts. 9.5 The Heart of the Sun • Neutrino observatories (a) The Super Kamiokande neutrino detector is buried beneath a mountain near Tokyo, Japan. It is filled with 50,000 tons of purified water and contains 13,000 individual light detectors to sense the telltale signature—a brief burst of light—of a neutrino passing through the apparatus. (b) The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, some 2 km underground in Ontario, Canada, is similar in design to the Kamiokande facility, but is also sensitive to other neutrino types. It contains 10,000 light-sensitive detectors arranged on the inside of the large sphere shown here. Summary of Chapter 9 • The Sun is held together by its own gravity and powered by nuclear fusion. • Outer layers of the Sun are the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. • The photosphere is the visible “surface” of the Sun. The corona is very hot. • Mathematical models and helioseismology give us a picture of the interior of the Sun. • Sunspots occur in regions of high magnetic fields; darker spots are cooler. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Summary of Chapter 9, cont. • Nuclear fusion converts hydrogen to helium, releasing energy. • Solar neutrinos come directly from the solar core, although observations have told us more about neutrinos than about the Sun. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.