Nervous System First Lecture Prof. Dr. S. Kattan Arab International University Faculty of Pharmacy Physiology • Can be defined as the scientific discipline that deals with the processes or functions of living things. • The major goals of physiology are: • 1- To understand and predict the body’s responses to stimuli. • 2- To understand how the body maintains conditions within a narrow range of values in the presence of a continually changing environment. 2 1/14/2024 Homeostasis • Homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively constant environment within the body. • Most cells of the body are surrounded by a small amount of fluid, and normal cell functions depend on the maintenance of its fluid environment within a narrow range of conditions, including temperature, volume, and chemical content. • These conditions are called variables because their values can change . 3 1/14/2024 • For example, body temperature is a variable that can increase in a hot environment or decrease in a cold environment. • Homeostatic mechanisms, such as sweating or shivering, normally maintain body temperature near an ideal normal value, or set point. 4 1/14/2024 Homeostasis 5 1/14/2024 Negative feedback • Most systems of the body are regulated by negative- feedback mechanisms, which function to maintain homeostasis. • Negative means that any deviation from the set point is made smaller or is resisted. • Negative feedback dose not prevent variation but maintains variation within a normal range. 6 1/14/2024 • The maintenance of normal blood pressure is an example of a Negative- feedback mechanism. • Normal blood pressure is important because it is responsible for moving blood from the heart to tissues. • The blood supplies the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products. • Thus normal blood pressure is required to ensure that tissue homeostasis is maintained. 7 1/14/2024 Many NFM such as the one maintaining NBP have three components: • 1-a receptor monitors the value of a variable such as blood pressure. • 2-a control center, such as part of the brain, establishes the set point around which the variable is maintained. • 3-an effector such as the heart, can change the value of the variable. • Blood pressure depends in part on contraction of the heart: as heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, and as heart rate decreases, blood pressure decreases. 8 1/14/2024 Example of Negative feedback 9 1/14/2024 Positive feedback • Positive- feedback mechanisms are not homeostatic and are rare in healthy individuals. • Positive implies that when a deviation from a normal value occurs, the response of the system is to make the deviation even greater. • Positive feedback therefore usually creates a cycle leading away from homeostasis and in some cases results in death. 10 1/14/2024 Positive feedback 11 1/14/2024 Nervous System functions of the nervous system • 1-Sensory input. • Sensory receptors monitor numerous external and internal stimuli that may be interpreted as touch, temperature, taste, smell, sound, blood pressure, and body position. • Action potentials from the sensory receptors travel along nerves to the spinal cord and brain, where they are interpreted. • 2-Integration. • The brain and spinal cord are the major organs for processing sensory input and initiating responses. the input may produce an immediate response, may be stored as memory, or may be ignored. 12 1/14/2024 Nervous System Continue • 3-Homeostasis. • The nervous system plays an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis. The NS can stimulate or inhibit the activities of other systems to help maintain a constant internal environment. • 4-Mental activity. • The brain is the center of mental activity, including consciousness, memory, and thinking. • 5-Control of muscles and glands. • Skeletal muscles normally contract only when stimulated by the N.S.(major movements of the body). • The N.S. also participates in controlling cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands. 13 1/14/2024 Divisions of the N.S. • The N.S. can be divided into the central and the peripheral N.S. • The C.N.S. consists of the brain and spinal cord. • The P.N.S. consists of nerves and ganglia. • The P.N.S. has tow subdivisions: • 1-The sensory division conducts action potentials from sensory receptors to the C.N.S. The neurons that transmit action potentials from the periphery to the C.N.S. are sensory neurons. • 2-The motor division conducts action potentials from the C.N.S. to effecter organs such as muscles and glands. the neurons that transmit action potentials from the C.N.S. toward the periphery are motor neurons. 14 1/14/2024 • The motor division can be further subdivided into the : • a-Somatic motor N.S., which transmits action potentials from the CNS to skeletal muscles. • b-Autonomic NS (ANS),which transmits action potentials from the CNS to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands. • The ANS ,in turn, is divided into sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric portions. 15 1/14/2024 Cells of the NS 16 1/14/2024 • 1-Neurons,or nerve cells ,receive stimuli and transmit action potentials to other neurons or to effector organs. • Each neuron consists of a: • 1-Cell body. • 2-Two types of processes: dendrites and axons. • Each neuron cell body contains a single nucleus. As with any other cell, the nucleus of the neuron is the source of information for protein synthesis. If an axon, which is one of the neuron cell processes, is separated from the cell body, it dies because it has no connection to the nucleus, and no protein synthesis occurs in the axon. 17 1/14/2024 • Extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum(rough ER), Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria surround the nucleus. Large numbers of neurofilaments and microtubules course through the cytoplasm in all directions and separate the rough ER into distinct areas in the cell body. The areas of rough ER concentration, when stained with a specific dye appear as microscopic granules called Nissl bodies. • Dendrites are short, often highly branching cytoplasmic extensions that are tapered from their bases at the neuron cell body to their tips. • Dendrites usually function to receive information from other neurons or sensory receptors and transmit the information toward the neuron cell body. 18 1/14/2024 • An axon is a long cell process extending from the neuron cell body. • Each axon has a constant diameter and may vary in length from a few millimeters to more than a meter. • Axons of motor neurons conduct action potentials away from the CNS and axons of sensory neurons conduct action potentials toward the CNS. • Axons also conduct action potentials from one part of the brain or spinal cord to another part. • Each motor neuron has a single axon that extends from the CNS toward a target tissue. • An axon may remain unbranched or may branch to form collateral axons. • Axons are surrounded by neuroglia called Schwann cells, which form a highly specialized insulating layer of cells called the myelin sheath. 19 1/14/2024 20 1/14/2024 Types of Neuron • 1-Multipolar neurons have many dendrites and a single axon. Most of the neurons within the CNS ,including nearly all motor neurons, are multipolar • 2-Bipolar neurons have two processes: one dendrite and one axon. Bipolar neurons are located in some sensory organs, such as in the retina of the eye and in the nasal cavity .Most other sensory neurons are unipolar . • 3-Unipolar neurons have a single process extending from the cell body. This process divides into two processes a short distance from the cell body. One process extends to the periphery, and the other process extends to the CNS. The two extensions functions as a single axon with small dendritelike sensory receptors at the periphery. The axon receives information at the periphery and transmits that information in the form of action potentials to the CNS. 21 1/14/2024 Neuroglia or Glial cells. • There are five types of neuroglia: 1- Astrocytes. 2- Ependymal. 3- Microglia. 4- Oligodendrocytes. 5- Schwann cells in the PNS surround axons. • Most neuroglia retain ability to divide. 22 1/14/2024 Neuroglia or Glial cells • Functions of neuroglia 1- Form myelin sheet , which wrap around axons to speed up electric impulse conduction . 2- Provide a support function for nervous components . 3- Provide nutrient to the neurons , including oxygen. 23 1/14/2024 Organization of the N Tissue • Groups of neuron cell bodies and their dendrites, where there is very little myelin, form gray matter. Gray matter on the surface of the brain is called the cortex, and clusters of gray matter located deeper within the brain are called nuclei. In the PNS, a cluster of neuron cell bodies is called a ganglion. • Bundles of parallel axons with their myelin sheaths are whitish in color and are called white matter. White matter of the CNS forms conduction pathways, or nerve tracts, which propagate action potentials from one area in the CNS to another. In the PNS, bundles of axons and their connective tissue sheaths are called nerves. 24 1/14/2024 Electrical Signals and Neuronal Pathways • The Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) • All cells exhibit electrical properties. • The outside of most cell membrane is positively charged compared with the inside of the cell membrane, which is negatively charged. • This charge difference across the membrane of an unstimulated cell is called the RMP. • The cell is said to be polarized. The outside of the cell membrane can be thought of as the positive pole of a battery, and the inside as the negative pole. • Thus a small voltage difference, or potential, can be measured across the resting cell membrane. 25 1/14/2024 • The RMP results from differences in the concentration of ions across the cell membrane and the permeability characteristics of the cell membrane. • There is a higher concentration of Na+ ions immediately outside the cell membrane than inside and a higher concentration of potassium ions immediately inside the cell membrane than outside. • The concentration of Na+ outside the cell membrane and of K+ inside is maintained by the sodium-potassium exchange pump, which actively transports K+ into and Na+ out of the cell. 26 1/14/2024 27 1/14/2024 • When a cell is at rest, some K+ channels are open and Na+ channels are not. • The cell membrane is therefore more permeable to K+ than to Na+. • This allows a few K+ to diffuse down their concentration gradient out of the cell ,carrying their positive charges with them. • Larger molecules, such as proteins, which are negatively charged, are too large to diffuse out of the cell. • As positive K+ leave the cell, the charge inside the cell becomes more negative. The molecules inside the cell with negative charges tend to attract the positive K+ back into the cell . 28 1/14/2024 • A point of equilibrium is reached at which the tendency for K+ to move down their concentration gradient out of the cell is balanced by the negative charge within the cell, which tends to attracts the K+ back into the cell. • This point of K+ equilibrium is the point at which the RMP is established and there is no more net K+ movement. • At equilibrium, there is a net positive charge outside the cell and a net negative charge inside the cell. 29 1/14/2024 30 1/14/2024 Action potentials • Muscle and nerve cells are excitable. • When a stimulus is applied to a muscle cell or nerve cell, some Na+ channels open for a very brief time, and Na+ diffuse quickly into the cell. • The movement of Na+ into a cell is called a local current. The positively charged Na+ entering the cell cause the inside of the cell membrane to become more positive, a change called depolarization. • This depolarization results in a local potential. If threshold is not reached, the Na+ channels close again, and the local potential disappears without being conducted along the nerve cell membrane. 31 1/14/2024 • If enough Na+ enter the cell so that the local potential reaches a threshold value, this threshold depolarization causes many more Na+ channels to open. • As more Na+ enter the cell, depolarization occurs until there is a brief reversal of charge across the membrane, and the inside of the cell membrane becomes positive relative to the outside of the cell membrane. • The charge reversal causes Na+ channels to close and K+ channels to open. Na+ then stop entering the cell, and K+ leave the cell. • This repolarizes the cell membrane to its resting membrane potential. Depolarization and repolarization constitute an action potential . 32 1/14/2024 33 1/14/2024 • Action potentials occur in an all-or none fashion, that is, if threshold is reached, the charge reversal is complete; if the threshold is not reached, no action potential occurs. • Action potentials in a given cell type are all of the same magnitude, that is, the amount of charge reversal is always the same. • Stronger stimuli produce frequency of action potentials but do not increase the size of each action potential. • Action potential are conducted slowly in unmyelinated axons and more rapidly in myelinated axons 34 1/14/2024 • In unmyelinated axons, an action potential in one part of a cell membrane stimulates local currents in adjacent parts of the cell membrane. • The local currents in the adjacent membrane produce an action potential .By this means, the action potential is conducted along the entire axon cell membrane. • In myelinated axons, an action potential at one node of Ranvier causes a local current to flow through the surrounding extracellular fluid and through the cytoplasm of the axon to the next node, stimulating an action potential at that node of Ranvier. • By this means action potentials jump from one node of Ranvier to the next along the length of the axon . 35 1/14/2024 • This type of action potential conduction is called saltatory conduction. • Saltatory conduction greatly increases the conduction velocity because the nodes of Ranvier make it unnecessary for action potentials to travel along the entire cell membrane. • Action potential conduction in myelinated fiber is like a grasshopper jumping, whereas in an unmyelinated axon it is like a grasshopper walking. 36 1/14/2024 37 1/14/2024 38 1/14/2024 • Medium-diameter, lightly myelinated axons, characteristic of autonomic neurons, conduct action potentials at the rate of about 3-15 m/s, whereas largediameter, heavily myelinated axons conduct action potentials at the rate of 15-120 m/s. • These rapidly conducted action potentials ,carried by sensory and motor neurons, allow for rapid responses to changes in the external environment. • In addition, several hundred times fewer ions cross the cell membrane during conduction in myelinated cells than in unmyelinated cells. • Much less energy is therefore required for the sodiumpotassium exchange pump maintain the ion distributions. 39 1/14/2024 The Synapse • A synapse is a junction where the axon of one neuron interacts with another neuron or an effector organ such as a muscle or gland. • The end of the axon forms a presynaptic terminal. The membrane of the dendrite or effector cell is the postsynaptic membrane, and the space separating the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes is the synaptic cleft. • Chemical substances called neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic terminal. • Those neurotransmitters are released by exocytosis from the presynaptic terminal in response to each action potential. 40 1/14/2024 41 1/14/2024 • The neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to receptor molecules on the postsynaptic membrane. • The binding of neurotransmitters to these membrane receptors causes channels for Na+, K+, or Cl- to open or close in the postsynaptic membrane, depending on the type of neurotransmitter in the presynaptic terminal and the type of receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. • The response may be either stimulation or an inhibition of an action potential in the postsynaptic cell. for example,. if Na+ channels open, the postsynaptic cell becomes depolarized, and an action potential will result if threshold is reached. If K+ or Cl- channels open, the inside of the postsynaptic cell tends to become more negative, or hyperpolarized, and an action potential is inhibited from occurring. 42 1/14/2024 • Of the many neurotransmitter substances , the best known are acetylcholine and NE . • Other neurotransmitters include ,serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glycin, and endorphins. Neurotransmitter substances are rapidly broken down by enzymes within the synaptic cleft or are transported back into the presynaptic terminal. • Consequently, they are removed from the synaptic cleft so their effects on the postsynaptic membrane are very short term. In synapses where acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter, such as in the neuromuscular junction, an enzyme called acetyl cholinesterase breaks down the acetylcholine. • The breakdown products are then returned to the presynaptic terminal for reuse. NE is either actively transported back into the presynaptic terminal or it is broken down by enzymes. • The release and breakdown or removal of neurotransmitters occurs so rapidly that a postsynaptic cell can be stimulated many times a second. 43 1/14/2024 Types of Synaptic Transmission: 1-Electric transmission : where the neurons are communicated at the cell membrane by lowresistance gap-channel pathway which allows passage of the electric current from one neuron to the other directly. In this type the impulse can pass from one neuron to the other in tow directions. Electric transmission is very rare in human N.S. 2-Chemical transmission: occurs by release of a chemical substance from the presynaptic neuron to act on the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron. This type is the present in human N.S. Mechanism of Synaptic Transmission: 1-release of chemical transmitter. Once the action potential in the presynaptic nerve reaches the terminal knob, it opens voltage-gated Ca++ channels predominant in this area: Ca++ enters the knob according to concentration and electric gradients. Entrance of Ca++ leads to migration of synaptic vesicles to the active zone. The vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane ,open and release their chemical transmitter content into the synaptic cleft. The amount of the transmitter released is proportional to amount of Ca++ entered. 2-Union of chemical transmitter with its receptors. 3-Development of postsynaptic potential. 4-Removal of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft. Characters of Synaptic Transmission. 1-Forward direction. 2-Synaptic delay. 3-Fatique. 4-Synaptic plasticity. Reflexes • Reflexes are the functional units of the nervous system. • A reflex is an involuntary reaction in response to a stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to the CNS. • Reflexes allow a person to react to stimuli more quickly than is possible if conscious though is involved. • A reflex arc is the neuronal pathway by which a reflex occurs. • The reflex arc is the basic functional unit of the NS because it is the smallest, simplest pathway capable of receiving a stimulus and yielding a response. 48 1/14/2024 49 1/14/2024 • A reflex arc has five basic components: • 1-a sensory receptor. • 2-a sensory neuron. • 3-interneurons.which are neurons located between and communicating with tow other neurons. • 4-a motor neuron. • 5-an effectors organ. 50 1/14/2024 • Most reflexes occur in the spinal cord or brainstem and not the higher brain centers. • The result of a reflex can be seen when a person’s finger touches a hot stove. • pain receptors in the skin are stimulated by the hot stove, and action potential’s are produced. Sensory neurons conduct the action potential’s to the spinal cord, where they synapse with interneuron's. The interneuron's , in turn, synapse with motor neurons in the spinal cord that conduct action potential’s along their axons to flexor muscles in the upper limb. • These muscles contact and pull the finger away from the stove. No conscious thought is required for this reflex, and withdrawal of the finger from the stimulus begins before the person is consciously aware of any pain. 51 1/14/2024 Neuronal Pathways • Neurons are organized within the CNS to form pathways ranging from relatively simple to extremely complex. • The two simplest pathways are converging and diverging pathways. • Converging pathways have two or more neurons that synapse with the same neuron. • In diverging pathways, the axon from one neuron divides and synapses with more than one other neuron. • This allows information transmitted in one neuronal pathway to diverge into two or more pathways. 52 1/14/2024 53 1/14/2024 54 1/14/2024 Spinal Cord Reflexes. 1-Knee-Jerk reflex. 55 1/14/2024 • 1.Sensory receptors in the muscle detect stretch of the muscle. • 2.Sensory neurons conduct APs to the spinal cord. • 3. Sensory neurons synapse with motor neurons. Descending neurons(red) within the spinal cord also synapse with neurons of the stretch reflex and modulate their activity. • 4.Stimulation of the motor neurons causes the muscle to contract and resist being stretched. • • The simplest reflex is the stretch reflex, a reflex in which muscles contract in response to a stretching force applied to them. The Knee-Jerk reflex is a classic example of the stretch reflex. 56 1/14/2024 2Withdrawal Reflex. The function of the withdrawal is to remove a limb or other body part from a painful stimulus. 57 1/14/2024 The central nerves system • The CNS comprises the brain lying within the skull, and the spinal cord lying within the vertebral column. The spinal cord • The spinal cord consists of segments, each of which has a pair of nerve roots, on each side. • The dorsal roots carry impulses from peripheral receptors into the spinal cord, while the ventral roots carry impulses to the periphery (i.e. muscles). • Grey matter forms the core of the spinal cord and appears like the letter H in cross section. It contains the cell bodies of neurons. • White matter surrounds the grey matter. It is made up of ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) tracts. 58 1/14/2024 The spinal cord functions 1-Transmission of sensory (afferent) impulses coming from peripheral receptors to the brain, and of motor (efferent) impulses from the brain to motor neurons, which supply effector organs (muscles and glands). 2-Serving as a center for some reflexes, some of which are the basis of the movement and posture. – The spinal nerves: – The spinal nerves exit the vertebral column at the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions. The verves are grouped into plexuses. A- The phrenic nerve, which supplies the diaphragm, is the most important branch of the cervical plexuses. B- The branchial plexuses supplies nerves to the upper limb. C- The lumbosacral plexuses supplies nerves to the lower limb. 59 1/14/2024 60 The Brain • The major regions of the brain are the brainstem, the diencephalon, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. • Brainstem • The Brainstem connects the spinal cord to the remainder of the brain. It consists of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain, and it contains several nuclei involved iv vital body function • The medulla ablongata is the most inferior portion of the brainstem. In addition to ascending and descending nerve tracts, the medulla contains nuclei with specific function, such as control of respiration, cardiovascular functions, swallowing, equilibrium, coughing, sneezing, and vomiting. 61 1/14/2024 • The pons contains relay nuclei between the cerebrum and cerebellum • Several nuclei of The medulla oblongata, extend into the lower part of the pons so functions such as breathing ,swallowing and balance are controlled in the lower pons as well as in the medulla oblongata. Other nuclei in the Pons control functions such ad chewing and salivation • The midbrain is involved in hearing and in visual reflexes • The reticular formation is scattered throughout the brainstem and important in regulating consciousness and in the sleep-wake cycle. • Nuclei for all ,but the two first cranial nerves are also located in the brainstem. 62 1/14/2024 The Diencephalon • The diencephalon is composed of the two thalamic laterally and the hypothalamus ventrally. • Thalamic nuclei are functionally divided into several groups. The most important of these are: – One group that relays all types of sensation to the sensory context except olfaction. – Another group relays signals from the cerebellum and basal nuclei to the motor cortex. – The third group controls the general level of activity of the whole cerebral cortex and is therefore responsible for the level of consciousness. 63 The hypothalamus is a higher autonomic center which participates – in controlling blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. – Also, secretes hormones that control the release of other hormones from the pituitary gland. – Being part of the limbic system, the hypothalamus plays a role in generation of emotions. – There are also centers for control of appetite and water intake. 64 The Cerebrum • The cerebrum consists of the right and left cerebral hemispheres, connected in the midline by the corpus callosum. • The superficial layer of each hemisphere is composed of grey matter called the cerebral cortex. • The cerebral cortex has elevations (gyri) and depressions (sulci), which greatly increase its surface area. 65 The Cerebrum • Each hemispheres is divided into four lobes. – Frontal lobe: lies in front of the central sulcus, is important in the control of voluntary motor movement functions, motivations, aggression, mood, and olfactory reception. – Parietal lobe: is the principal center for receiving and consciously perceiving most sensory information, such as pain, temperature, balance and taste. – Temporal lobe: lies on the lateral surface of the hemisphere below the lateral fissure, and contains the primary auditory area, which is the center of hearing. The temporal lobe plays an important role in memory, and its anterior and inferior portions called the psychic 66 cortex. The Cerebrum • Occipital lobe: lies most posterior in the cerebral hemisphere. In it is located the primary visual cortex, the center of vision. • The parietal, temporal and occipital lobes meet in the angular gyrus. Just in the front of this gyrus is an area of cortex called Wernicke’s area This area plays a crucial role in higher functions of the brain, such as thinking, speech and language. 67 68 69 Cerebellum The functions of the cerebellum • The cerebellum is concerned with: – Control of muscle tone. – Control balance and posture. – Control of rate, range and direction of movement. – Control of eye movement – Coordination and planning of skilled voluntary muscle activity – A major function of the cerebellum is that a comparator. Through its comparator function, the cerebellum compares the intended action to what is occurring, and modifies the action to eliminate differences. 70 1/14/2024 Limbic system • The olfactory cortex and certain deep cortical region and nuclei of the cerebrum and the diencephalon are grouped together under the title limbic system. • the limbic system is involved with memory, motivation, mood, emotions, and visceral responses to emotions. • Since the limbic system contains the olfactory cortex, it is considered an important part of the olfactory center. 71 1/14/2024 Basal nuclei • There are two primary nuclei : 1-The corpus striatum, located deep within the cerebrum. 2-The substantial nigra, located in the midbrain. • The basal nuclei are important in planning, organizing, and coordinating motor movement and posture. • Parkinson disease, caused by lesion in basal nuclei, and characterized by muscular rigidity, resting, tremor, general lack of movement, and shuffling gait. 72 1/14/2024 Cranial nerves and their functions 73 Number Name Function I Olfactory smell II Optic Vision III oculomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducens Motor to four of six extrinsic eye muscles and upper eyelid Parasympathetic :constrict pupil, thickens lens Motor to one extrinsic eye muscle Sensory of face and teeth Motor to muscles mastication Motor to one extrinsic eye 1/14/2024 muscle Number Name VII facial Function 74 VIII Vestibulocochlear IX Glossopharyngeal X Vagus XI Accessory XII Hypoglossal Sensory: taste Motor to muscles of facial expression Parasympathetic to salivary tear glands Hearing and balance Sensory: taste and touch to back of tongue Motor to pharyngeal muscles Parasympathetic to salivary glands Sensory to pharynx, larynx and viscera Motor to pharynx and larynx Parasympathetic to viscera of thorax and ab domen Motor to neck and upper back muscles Motor to tongue muscle 1/14/2024 Ascending Tracts (Dorsal Column) 75 1/14/2024 Descending Tracts(Direct tract 76 1/14/2024 Divisions of Autonomic Sympathetic: - activated during times of stress - part of fight or flight response - prepares you for physical activity by: ↑ HR ↑ BP ↑ BR sending more blood to skeletal muscles inhibiting digestive tract Para sympathetic: - « housekeeper » - activated under normal conditions - involved in digestion, urine production, and dilation/constriction of pupils, etc. 77 1/14/2024 ■ Preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located in the IML of the thoracolumbar spinal cord and project to postganglionic neurons in the paravertebral or prevertebral ganglia or the adrenal medulla. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are located in motor nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and the sacral IML. 78 1/14/2024 79 1/14/2024 Comparison of peripheral organization and transmitters released by somatomotor and autonomic nervous systems (NS) ACh, acetylcholine; DA, dopamine; NE, norepinephrine; Epi, epinephrine. (From Widmaier EP, Raff H, Strang KT:Vander’s Human Physiology. McGraw-Hill, 2008.) 80 1/14/2024 81 1/14/2024 82 1/14/2024 83 1/14/2024 Lecture Is Finished on Nervous System 84 1/14/2024