
20 Proven Strategies to
Write Emails That People Love To
Open, Read and Buy From
by Rom Rulida
Copyright © 2019
All rights reserved
Legal Notice
Rom Rulida (the ‘Author’)
Copyright © 2019
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
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may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, blog or website — without
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For more information, please read the “Disclosure & Disclaimers” section at the end of this book.
First Edition, 2019
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - How to Suck the ‘Boring’ Out of Your Emails Using an
Old Perv Instructor’s Teaching Tactic
Chapter 2 - How to Develop Your “Email Sixth Sense” and Never Run
Out of Ideas in Writing Your Email Copy
Chapter 3 - How to Make People ‘Unsubscribe’ From Your Email
List… And Still Make More Sales Than Ever!
Chapter 4 - Why Being an Expert Can Destroy Your Ability to Make
Sales from Your Email Copy
Chapter 5 - The #1 Worst Mistake in Email Marketing that You’re
Probably Doing Right Now
Chapter 6 - How to Get Your Emails Opened Even If Your Subject
Line is a Total Catastrophe
Chapter 7 - ‘Shocking’ Email Lessons from the Man Who Cursed the
Chapter 8 - A ‘Deadly’ Email Copywriting Tactic that Actually Killed
a Man
Chapter 9 - How to Use the ‘Straight-Benefit’ Approach in Writing
Subject Lines
Chapter 10 - Use TV Programs’ Outrageously Popular Show Format
to Make Your Emails Fun and Exciting
Chapter 11 - A 500-Year Old Tortoise’ Secret to ‘Hook’ Your Email
Readers Fast!
Chapter 12 - How to Write Crayzee-Money-Making-Stripper-Emails
Chapter 13 - Making Your Readers Buy From You by Secretly Planting
a ‘Parasite’ Inside Their Heads
Chapter 14 - A 2,000-Year Old Email Copywriting Tactic that Lets
You Sell Your Product Even Without Pitching
Chapter 15 - How to Use the Life-Changing ‘Secrets’ of Gandhi,
Luther King Jr., and Churchill in Your Emails
Chapter 16 - A Dead Journo’s Fun and Profitable Way to Make People
Go Bonkers Over Her Columns
Chapter 17 - How to Write ‘Hollywood Emails’ that Lets You ‘Sell’
Your Product on Stealth Mode
Chapter 18 - Why You Should Send Emails Every Day and Not Fear
People Leaving Your List
Chapter 19 - Why the So-Called ‘Experts’ are just Dead-Wrong when
They Say that Your Email’s Duty is to Always Add ‘Value’
Chapter 20 - The Simple, Dirt-Cheap, Do-It-Yourself Product Launch
Method Using Only Emails
If you want to make more sales, get more clients and grow your business using email copywriting… even
if you’re struggling to write good copy right now… then this short book will show you how.
It contains 20 proven strategies to write email copy that people love receiving, reading, and buying from.
And here’s the good news: None of this is theory. We tested repeatedly every principle, strategy and tactic
you’ll learn inside this book to make sure that your email marketing will bring you more money!
My goal is that after reading this book you’ll be able to:
1. Write emails faster by knowing exactly WHAT to write and HOW to write — so you’ll never have to
stare at a blank page ever again!
2. Master the anatomy of a winning email copy to make sales on demand every time you hit that send
3. Write smoking-hot subject lines leaving people with ‘almost’ no choice but to open your email — and
buy from you.
4. Compose ‘fun & profitable’ emails that will instantly separate you from the ‘boring’ bunch of guru’s
and expert’s emails plaguing your reader’s inbox today.
If you apply everything that you’ll learn in this book, I can almost guarantee that you’ll be making sales
each time you send an email to your list. Impossible? Not at all. Businesses around the world are pulling
this off by using the strategies I’ll show you inside this book.
Exciting, yeah? Anyway, just a few more things before we get started…
1. Every chapter is written like an email. So I encourage you to ‘dissect’ how it was written and model it
when writing your own emails.
2. At the end of each chapter, there’s a “ROM-MENTARY” (Rom’s Commentary) to help you in digesting
and apply what you’ve just learned.
Anyway that’s it, if you’re ready to make lots of sales and get new clients using emails… then let’s boogie!
Chapter 1
How To Suck The ‘Boring’ Out Of Your Emails Using
An Old Perv Instructor’s Teaching Tactic
Back when I was reviewing for my Board Exam, I had an instructor who was so perverted.
He always had the dirtiest green jokes and he loved flirting with female students sitting in front.
But he’s quite funny while doing this. That’s why even if he has one of the most boring subjects, we always
look forward to meeting him. Or in his own words, ‘mating’ him. Perverted old man!
Then one day, he just snapped angrily in class…
The reason?
He caught one of the students texting during the lecture — something that he had specifically prohibited.
With angry veins showing on his face, he snarled at the student, “DO YOU WANT ME TO ERASE
We were shocked.
Funny enough, that incident made us even more excited to get in his class.
Because now we don’t know exactly what we will get. Will he be obnoxiously perverted again or will he
actually erase a face this time around?
The point is this…
This is also the kind of reaction that you want from your email list when they read your emails.
You see, your customers are bored.
And if you can be a source of entertainment for them, then they’ll always be on the lookout to hear from
No, you don’t have to be perverted like my instructor. (In case you’re wondering!)
But you need to learn how to do these three things:
Communicate well
Entertain your readers, and;
Build a strong bond with the people inside your email list.
Do that and see a positive impact on your sales as well.
If you want to write fun and profitable emails, then learning the art of good communication is a must.
Here’s where a lot of business owners got it wrong.
They only see emails as another marketing channel.
It’s just another avenue to announce their product, sell to their audience, add value, yada yada yada.
Well, no.
Emails has always been and will always be a way to communicate and connect with people.
So don’t be afraid to be goofy. Share some jokes. Make your readers laugh.
Talk to them about their needs, their problems, and their pains.
Learn to listen. Ask them what they want to learn more.
And be a true friend by sharing your solution — your product.
If you send emails that make the life of your readers a little bit fun while consistently helping them with
their challenges, then your on your way of making more money through email marketing.
Chapter 2
How To Develop Your “Email Sixth Sense” And Never
Run Out of Ideas In Writing Your Email Copy
I get a lot of questions when it comes to email copywriting.
And one of the most common is this…
QUESTION: Rom, writing emails is quite a challenge for me. Particularly, coming up with ideas on what I should write
about. But I look at you. You send emails to your lists daily — making it look so simple. How do you do it? How do you
come up with ideas on what to write?
Well, that's a good question.
Because it’s also one of my objections when I started sending daily emails to my list.
After all, our creative imagination is quite limited, yeah? Use it long enough and suddenly it runs out of
gas. So don’t rely on ‘creativity' alone.
Use the “world” around you to write emails.
What I mean is you need to look at everything as a potential email copy.
You look up, there’s something there. Write an email about it.
You look left and right, there’s something there. Write an email about it.
You look down, there’s something there -- especially if you’re a guy.
…you see your feet, right? Hah!
Point is, whatever you see you can write an email about it.
You need to develop what I call your ‘Email Sixth Sense’
Yes. Like that kid in the movie who sees dead people?
Instead, you’ll always see email everywhere you look.
Here’s a quick example: You see a basketful of laundry -- use it to talk about how people like to
procrastinate so they end up with a basketful of dirty, smelly laundry. Then, tie it up with what you’re
Do what I’m telling you.
And trust me, you’ll never run out of things you can write about.
Remember this saying?
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to treat everything as if it were a nail.”
It’s the same thing when it comes to writing emails.
You need to see literally everything as a potential email content.
Yes… Literally.
Your drop your phone and it cracks, that could be an email.
You were sick for a week, that’s also a potential email.
You step on your dog’s poop, that’s another email right there.
That’s what it means to have an ‘Email Sixth Sense’
It takes a bit of practice but once you master it, you virtually won’t have any trouble coming up with ideas
for your emails.
Chapter 3
How To Make People ‘Unsubscribe’ From Your Email
List… And Still Make More Sales Than Ever!
I recently read an article from Reader’s Digest.
It’s a list of 51 things we believe are true… but are actually false!
I picked some of the most interesting ones below:
Three wise men in the Bible -- No actual numbered mention
You only use 10% of your brain -- You use almost every region every day. Congratulations!
Bats are blind -- No, they’re not. They can actually see you! *scary*
Goldfish’s 3-second memory -- It can even be smarter than some of us with its memory span
of 3 months! (I usually forget where I put my keys in 5 seconds)
Bulls hate red -- They’re actually color blind.
It’s funny how we easily believe things.
We think: As long as everyone is saying it, it must be true — even if it’s a big fat lie.
Let’s take writing emails for example.
One of the ’truths’ we believe is that…
‘It’s harmful to send a lot of emails to your list. Don’t attempt to email them daily.’
The reason?
Because people will get pissed, and they’ll unsubscribe.
Yes, ‘some’ people will leave your list. I say, let them leave. Because they’ll never buy from you in the first
Think about it.
You’re showing up, making their life a bit fun, and you’re helping them with their problems.
Then, they get annoyed because of that?
Get rid of them.
What you want are people who are eager to learn from you.
Who sees you as someone who can help them solve their problems.
And those who see value in what you do, won’t have no problem buying from you again and again and
So, don’t be afraid to send emails daily to your list — Trust me, it’ll serve you well in the future.
People always roll their eyes to the back of their heads whenever I say they should email their list daily.
Some would roll their eyes so hard that they transform into that possessed girl in the movie The Exorcist.
Just kidding…
But really, a lot of business owners don’t ‘subscribe’ to that idea.
Me? I think you should do it.
Here’s why:
Let’s say your competitor only email their list once a week.
But because you listened to me, you started emailing your list daily.
Now, who will look more knowledgeable about the subject matter?
Of course, it’s you.
It will also give you top-of-mind status to your audience.
The key here is to create variety in your emails.
No matter how good you write, if you always say the same things and say it the same way, then eventually
people will get bored.
Just look at your favorite Netflix series for example.
There’s always something new in every episode so you don’t get bored and switch shows.
That’s how you make daily email work for you, too.
Chapter 4
Why Being An ‘Expert’ Can Destroy Your Ability To
Make Sales From Your Email Copy
How can you make people buy from you simply by asking them?
Let me tell you a bit of a story first…
I had a friend in high school who was elected president of the entire student council.
It’s funny because my friend was not the brightest stud in campus. Heck, studying was not even in his
vocabulary. And he passed the exams only by cheating.
But why did the students chose him to be their president?
Because we’re a bunch of morons?
No… It’s because my friend is a leader.
He has this unique quality that makes people look up to him.
And whenever he talks, people listen.
Now to answer my question…
“How can you make people buy from you by simply asking them?”
Do what my friend did.
Be their leader.
Don’t position yourself as another “expert,” instead, position yourself as a leader.
Here’s what I mean…
If you’re an expert, people will listen to what you have to say -- that’s for sure.
But if you’re their leader, they will follow you.
They’ll look to you for direction and sometimes, even for making decision.
So when you ask them to buy a product, they’ll buy it.
Because you’re not just an expert who has these wise-ass opinions for them lowly peasants.
You’re their leader who truly cares for them.
They know you’re the guy who “can” and who “wants” to take them to the next level.
So every time you write an email to your list, say this to yourself: “I’m their leader.”
Do it in every email and watch your sales grow day by day.
I don’t know if you noticed this but we are now over-populated with ‘experts.’
Just scroll down your Facebook Newsfeed and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
‘Experts’ coming out of nowhere, saying bold things, and making the gullible believe that they are the
second-coming of the online marketing messiah.
It was a big deal before, but now… Meh.
So separate yourself from this horde. And instead of being another ‘expert’, be a leader to your market.
There’s a lot of ways to do this, but sending emails daily is my method of choice.
It positions you as a leader because you’re the person who always has something to say about their
problems and pains.
Just do the things you’ll be learning in this book, then soon enough people will see you as a leader —
whether you like it or not.
Chapter 5
The #1 Worst Mistake In Email Marketing That You’re
Probably Doing Right Now
One of the “Email Marketing 101 Rules” that amuses me is this…
“Don’t sell your product right away in your emails. Give value first in the first 5 (or more) emails. Then,
that’s when you can tell about them about your product.”
And to justify this, certain s and experts use this analogy of dating and marriage:
They say, “You don’t ask someone to marry you after you just met them. There are certain stages to it. There’s getting to
know. There’s courtship. There’s dating. Yada yada yada.”
Excuse my French, but for me that’s all BS!
And using that “Dating/Marriage” concept is a flawed analogy.
Here’s why…
Let’s say you’re selling medicine for diarrhea.
Then someone comes to you to buy that medicine.
The guy’s face is disfigured like a crumpled piece of paper, trying to hold back the ‘poop-avalanche’
But imagine you saying…
“Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. We don’t sell the product yet. It’s just Email 2 where we give some tips on how to
avoid diarrhea. So here’s a pamphlet. Read it. And we have more tips in store for you until Email 5. We’re
nice people here. We always want to add value to you. We don’t want you to think that we’re just after the
Doesn’t sound logical now, does it?
You see, people are in your list because they are in pain.
They joined your list because they are looking for a solution.
And not telling them about that is incredibly selfish…
“Don’t go there, Rom…”
Oh yes, I’m going there. Watch me.
You’re selfish when you’re not telling people about your product.
If you have a solution, then it’s your moral obligation to tell people about it.
“But what if they get offended and leave my list?”
Remember what Jesus said when Pharisees questioned Him because He’s hanging out with the ’sinners.’?
He said, “It is not the healthy who needs a doctor, but the sick.”
My point is, you should always talk about your product in every email that you send to your list.
If you talk about their problems and tell them that you have a solution, they’ll even thank you for it.
That’s how you write emails that customers love to read and buy from.
When I say that you sell your product in every email, I’m not saying that you should be blatant and
obnoxious in doing it.
There’s a certain method to this madness and you’ll learn more about it in the succeeding chapters.
But for now, here’s an interesting thought that I want you to keep in mind:
Jim Camp, one of the world’s most feared negotiator said, “You’re always safe when you stay in the other person’s
It means that always make your marketing relevant to your prospect.
If you just focus on your client’s pain, problems, desires, fantasies, you can never go wrong.
So whenever you write emails, make it all about them, stay in their world.
That’s how to be safe while selling in every email you send.
Chapter 6
How To Get Your Emails Opened Even If Your Subject
Line Is A Total Catastrophe
One of my email subscribers asked…
“Rom, how do I increase the chances that people will actually stop and read my emails? It’s really
frustrating to write all these emails and just to get deleted on sight. What should I do?”
Here’s the thing…
We can’t really control the actions of our subscribers, can we?
But we can still influence them in a certain way.
And to do that, I’ll take the ‘John Wick’ approach.
In the movie, John Wick is the most badass assassin in the criminal underworld. Just hearing his name
send shivers down the spine of even the most cruel mobster, gangster or criminal. If someone tells
you, “John Wick is after you.” You know you’re dead.
In one of my favorite scenes, a henchmen told the Boss Villain that the boss’s son stole John Wick’s car
and… killed his dog.
It was like getting punched in the stomach, and the only thing that the Boss Villain was able to say
was, “Oh.”
It gets better.
In a later scene, the Boss Villain confronted his son...
Boss Villain: It’s not what you did, son, that angers me so. It’s who you did it to.
Son: Who? That f*cking nobody?
Boss Villain: That f*cking nobody... is John Wick.
Son: Oh.
The point is…
That’s exactly the kind of reaction you want to get from your subscribers.
You send an email, they see your name, and they’ll stop whatever they’re doing because they know it’s
You see, some gurus and experts claim that to get your emails open all you need is to write great subject
But, I disagree.
Subject Lines are important but that’s only half of the equation.
Before getting opened, you need to make sure that your email won’t get deleted first.
And that’s what your ‘John-Wick-like’ reputation will do.
When your subscribers see that ‘From:’ line, they won’t delete your email, because they know it's you.
Heck, it will even get to a point that even if your Subject Lines are complete ‘assimus,’ they won’t read it,
they’ll just open the email because they know you send it.
It takes work to get in that level… But trust me, it’s all worth it!
Once you’re able to establish that bond with your list, then we can now to do the fun part of writing
Subject Lines to get your emails read.
The most important part of your email is the ‘From:’ line.
That’s why you need to make sure that every email clearly shows that it came from you.
Use your first name and last name — not the name of your company, or info, or whatever. It should come
from you.
Now, to use the ‘John Wick’ approach, just do what John did.
He establish his reputation by doing the job one day at a time.
Same with you.
Send email one day at a time.
Always add value.
Entertain your audience to their heart’s content.
Be a leader to them.
Do the things I’ve been teaching you inside this book.
There’s no easy way to do it, but it’s all worth it.
Chapter 7
‘Shocking’ Email Lessons From The Man Who Cursed
The Pope
Back in 2016, Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Republic of the Philippines.
And this old man from the south immediately made headlines.
You see, Duterte is not exactly what you expect from a politician. He’s vulgar, a maverick, and lacks the
decorum we always from seasoned statesmen. He cursed Obama, the Pope, everyone.
But it’s amusing how everyone still listens to him.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t stand him or you’re one of his rabid supporters.
Whatever he says, people are taking notes.
Either to criticize or applaud him.
What’s the point?
If you want to write subject lines that increase open rates, then you can learn a thing or two from Duterte.
He’s a master of using this really effective technique called ‘Shock Effect.’
When he open his mouth, people couldn’t help but to stop, gasp, and yeah… get shocked.
It wakes them up from their complacency.
And makes them go, “What the hell is this guy saying?”
Imagine what will happen if you use it in writing your subject lines.
While every gurus' and experts’ emails begin with their overused subject lines, your emails will have that
‘shock factor’ that your subscribers would need to do a double take.
I did it several times to my email list and I always get good response.
Here are some examples:
• Get out of here!
• Rom, I’m thinking about you in the shower
• Want to see a condom demonstration?
It’s so weird, so bizarre, so shocking, that my subscribers can’t help but to open it to scratch that itch just
to know what I want to say.
Of course, do it with caution.
Also a warning:
Doing this might get you some negative feedback from your subscribers.
If you can’t handle that, then skip this one.
PRO TIP: Make sure that you tell them in the beginning of the email the context of the subject line.
Chapter 8
A ‘Deadly’ Email Copywriting Tactic That Actually
Killed A Man
The following may seem a bit gory.
And maybe a bit sad. (It’s about an accident after all)
But it has an important lesson you can use to increase your sales using email.
Here it is…
I once read a news about a guy who got trapped inside a cave and died. He went inside to explore and
tried to enter a tight passage that even the most daring spelunkers are avoiding. He slowly inched his way,
head first, while moving himself forward with his hips, stomach and finger. That’s when he realized that
he did a terrible mistake. He tried to get out but he couldn’t.
The guy got stuck — in a downward position — for good.
Rescuers tried their best to save him but to no avail.
After hours of being trapped, the poor guy breathed his last.
That’s heavy.
But it teaches us an important lesson when it comes to curiosity.
You see, curiosity makes us do things that don’t even look logical at all.
When there’s an itch, we need to scratch it.
We need to know what’s on the other side.
We want to see it for ourselves.
Good or bad, people will do things just to satisfy their curiosity. For this guy, that ‘curiosity’ got him killed.
That’s how powerful it is.
Now imagine using curiosity in writing your Subject Lines.
What do you think will happen?
Will it increase your Open Rates?
Will your audience buy your products because you get them curious?
I made you curious, didn't I?
Now, scratch that itch and write that email.
Using ‘curiosity’ in your Subject Lines will automatically make it a winner.
In fact, if you master this one technique, you can always expect good open rates with your emails.
All you need is a bit of creativity and a ‘Teasing’ mentality.
Here are some examples:
• How a bald barber helped me save my hair
• [Celebrity Name]’s favorite sex position
• What your financial advisor is hiding from you
The only limit is your imagination.
Chapter 9
How To Use The ‘Straight Benefit’ Approach In Writing
Subject Lines
I had a mentor whom I really hate talking to.
He’s brilliant, full of wisdom, and all that, but he really sucks when answering questions.
I don’t know why but he has this nasty habit of babbling on and on and on ’til kingdom come.
So what happen is, I’ll ask him a question. And he’ll spend the next 10 to 15 minutes talking about things
that are not even remotely related to what we’re talking about. Heck, I’ll get so confused that two minutes
into his monologue, my mind is already wandering elsewhere.
I love my mentor, but he’s not just good at this thing.
That’s why I stopped asking him questions when we’re talking in person.
If I need to ask him anything, I’ll just chat him on Facebook so his answer will be more direct and straight
to the point.
So what can my mentor teach you about writing effective subject lines?
Nothing. Lol! :-D
Instead, you need to do the exact opposite.
When writing a subject line, go tell a ‘Straight Benefit’ your readers will get when they read your email.
Tell them exactly the goodies you have inside.
Tell them what’s the content all about.
And if you do this right, you’ll see your Open Rates going straight up.
If you know your market well, then doing this will be an easy-peasy lemon squeezy for you.
After all, you already know what makes them tick.
Let’s say you’re in the weight loss market, then your Straight Benefit subject lines can go like this:
• 3 supplements to lose weight faster
• The best exercise to reduce belly fat
• How to get rid of flabby arms
If you do a good job, your audience will open your emails every time they read your subject line.
Chapter 10
Use TV Programs’ Outrageously Popular Show Format
To Make Your Emails Fun And Exciting
Writing great email copy can be tricky.
With limited space and attention, you need to:
Demonstrate your expertise
Add value to your subscribers
Bond with your email list;
And make them buy from you.
It’s like this news I saw in Huffington Post that reads "Andrew Frey, Man ‘High On Meth, Fights Off 15 Police
Officers While Masturbating”
(I’m not making this up, you can even google that exact phrase!)
Anyway, so how exactly do you do this?
Oh no, not what Andrew Frey did, silly!
I’m talking about the email thing.
How do you write emails that makes people ‘craving’ to hear from you and buy your products at the same
There are a number of ways to do that.
But my favorite is by using ‘infotainment’ — a fancy term for combining information and entertainment.
Take this email for example…
I can simply tell you to write ‘infotainment’ emails but I cited that earth-shattering, economically damaging,
nation alarming, universe-altering news from Huffpost just to prove my point that it can be challenging to
write high-converting emails.
It makes this email fun to read.
And it also gives you some useful tips to improve your emails.
There are still a lot of ways to be ‘infotaining’ but this one right here can get you started.
Infotainment is a popular format used by a lot of shows.
Most lifestyle shows, talk shows, documentaries, are using infotainment in delivering their content.
That’s why it’s also called ‘soft news’
And if you’re watching TV, then you know how people dig this kind of show format.
Doing this in your email also has the same effect.
People will love reading it.
It’s not hard to swallow and it’s fun and interesting.
The succeeding chapters will show you strategies on how to write infotaining emails.
Chapter 11
A 500-Year Old Tortoise’ Secret To ‘Hook’ Your Email
Readers Fast!
If you want to write infotaining email copy that makes people buy, then do the ’secret technique’
of Master Oogway.
In the movie ‘Kung Fu Panda,’ Master Oogway is a 500-year old tortoise with a profound sense of
wisdom. He is so wise that every one couldn’t help but to scratch their eggs… I mean heads, whenever he
talks. Oogway would speak and it would take eons before people understood the meaning of what he just
So what’s the point?
You see, Oogway looks so wise because he mastered the art of ‘Baiting the Hook’
He does it by giving you 90% of the information.
Then, withholding the other 10%.
You’ll end up knowing what to do and why you should do it but not the how.
Now try using it with emails.
You give your subscribers the ‘What’ and the ‘Why’ but you don’t give the ‘How.’
And to answer the ‘How’ they need to get your product or solution.
Now, they don’t have any option but to buy from you.
Pretty slick, yeah?
One benefit of ‘baiting the hook’ is you won’t need to do a lot of hard teaching which only makes your
emails boring.
Give them just enough to chew on, but not enough to satisfy their hunger.
Do this and see your subscribers buy your product just to get that 10%.
‘Baiting the Hook’ is effective because it preys on people’s natural desire to
satisfy their curiosity.
To multiply its effectiveness, you can also closely tie it with a ‘bleeding neck’ problem of your audience.
Let’s say your market’s problem is how to make money online.
How to bait the hook?
Give them free information like what online business they can build and why those businesses will help
them make money online in 30 days.
Then, you withhold the actual process of how to set up that kind of business.
Chapter 12
How To Write Crayzee-Money-Making Stripper-Emails
I have a bit of ‘controversial’ advice for you today in writing your email copy.
But trust me, it bloody works.
Here it goes…
If you want to write email copy that gets people excited to buy from you, then treat your emails like a hot
smoking ‘stripper’ in Vegas.
Show your customers some skin.
Make them crazy excited.
Stir up their mojizmo.
Send ‘stripper-emails’ that teases your customer like a total pro.
Alright… That’s only my fancy way of saying that your email copy should be a massively, annoying,
obnoxious ‘tease.’
‘Baiting the Hook’ that you learned in the previous chapter is an example of this.
You are poking on their fantasies but not really giving it to them.
“But Rom, what if my subscribers get angry because I’m teasing them?”
Fear not, young Padawan.
Trust me, people love getting teased.
Heck, some are even paying boat loads of money just to get teased. If you want proof, then just go to any
strip club in Vegas and you’ll see grown men paying strippers to tease them.
Funny, no?
They can’t touch or do anything with the girls yet they still pay money for it.
Point is, we like being teased.
So why not use this ingrained human nature in writing your email copy?
Raise your customer’s excitement… Then say you’ll reveal everything inside your program.
Promise them that you’ll solve their problems… Then tell them the solution is inside your course.
Make them believe that their pain will end… Then say that the cure is in your product.
Tease them like there’s no tomorrow and see your sales go up today.
I know the power of this technique first hand.
All the high-ticket products I bought before was because the marketer did a good job of ‘teasing’ me.
They gave me good information of what I will get without telling me exactly how to get it.
And every email I receive only increase my ‘cravings’ to know more.
Until I’m completely ‘spellbound’ to buy their product. Bloody works!
Chapter 13
Making Your Readers Buy From You By Secretly
Planting A ‘Parasite’ Inside Their Heads
Someone asked me…
“How do I get people to read every email I send to them?”
Tough question, yeah?
Why not use use the ‘Resilient Parasite’ approach by Dom Cobb?
Dom Cobb is a high-level thief in the movie “Inception.” But instead of stealing things, he steal ideas and
corporate secrets by getting inside the head of his victims while they are dreaming.
One day, Dom was given an almost-impossible job to plant an idea — the most resilient parasite — in the
mind of his target. It’s something that’s never been done before. But he pulled it off.
By attacking the most vulnerable aspect of the victim’s life — his fractured relationship with his old and
dying father.
OK, what’s the point?
If you want to get people to read every email you send them, then do what Dom did.
He planted the ‘idea’ by exploiting the most vulnerable part of his victim’s life.
The same thing: You should attack the most vulnerable part of your prospect’s life… Their pains,
problems, challenges, struggles, insecurities.
Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not saying you exploit other people’s weaknesses. I’m just talking about a
powerful marketing principle that’s been used by great salesmen in ages.
And that is: To easily get inside people’s head, talk about their vulnerabilities.
Think about it…
When a salesman is telling you about the benefits of his product, you can ignore him all day. But once he
talks about your difficulty in finding the right size of clothes, your struggles to control yourself in eating,
the fat-shaming you are getting all day — that’s a totally different matter. And you’re all ears.
As the saying goes, “Don’t talk to me about your weed-killer. Talk to me about my crab grass.”
So when you write email to your list, always focus on their problem, fears, desires, challenges and
Trust me, they’ll listen to you.
Not to mention, it will be easier to plant the idea that they should buy from you.
See? Resilient Parasite approach.
This is a basic principle when it comes to direct-response copywriting.
If you want to grab the attention of your readers and make them ‘stick’ with you like glue, then talk a lot
about their problems and struggles.
You can’t talk too much when you talk about that topic.
This will do two things:
First, they’ll see you as an ally because you can identify with what they’re going through.
Second, when you can describe the problem better than they can describe it themselves, they’ll
automatically see you as credible.
They’ll also think you hold the ‘solution’ to their problem… making them more ‘susceptible’ to buying
from you.
Chapter 14
A 2,000-Year Old Email Copywriting Tactic That Lets
You Sell Your Product Even Without Pitching
If Jesus is walking on this earth today — I believe He’ll become a great email copywriter.
Why do I say that?
Because He could grab the attention of anyone, teach them about God, and ‘persuade’ His listeners to
take action and follow Him.
See, just like a great email copywriter...
And one of His most trusted strategies is this:
Using lots of stories or parables.
Here’s an example:
One day, an expert in religious law asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”
And He answered by telling the Story of the Good Samaritan. He did this to illustrate what it means to
become a neighbor to someone.
I love Jesus. And there’s a lot of things you can learn from Him. But when it comes to writing your emails,
just follow His example:
Tell a lot of stories.
It has a lot of benefits too:
Stories suck the ‘boring’ out of your emails. It’s infotaining!
Stories lets you sell your product without even pitching.
Stories can generate a lot of sales… Especially if the story is something close to the heart of your
So start sharing different stories in your emails and I can almost guarantee that you’ll instantly separate
yourself from gurus and experts who can only write boring facts and information in their emails.
Telling stories is one of my favorite ways to make my emails infotaining.
After all, everyone loves a good stories.
If you listen to great speakers out there, you’ll notice it — they have a lot of stories up their sleeves.
If you’re wondering…
“So what kind of story should I share Rom?”
I say, share everything that’s happening to you.
In some of the story-based emails that I wrote before, I shared a story about my cat, about that time when
our house was almost burned down, and even embarrassing stories like stepping on a dog poop.
PRO TIP: Try to start your stories with a high gory drama. You want to grab the attention of your
readers early on.
Chapter 15
How To Use The Life-Changing ‘Secrets’ of Gandhi,
Luther King Jr., and Churchill In Your Emails
Mahatma Gandhi.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Winston Churchill.
Rom Rulida.
...Okay, scrap that last name. Begone! Hah!
So… What do these people have in common?
They have great quotes in Google? Try harder.
They are great leaders? You’re getting close.
They made a huge impact in the lives of other people? You’re almost there.
Actually, here’s what I have in mind:
They “inspired" a lot of people.
You see, being ‘inspirational’ is a great skill. If you can inspire people, you can make them do even the
most impossible things.
Gandhi used ‘inspiration’ to put the British colonial government to its knees. Churchill used it to crush the
Nazi forces. King Jr. used it to change the fate of the African-American people forever.
And jolly ole’ Rom is using it through this book to help you make more money through emails.
Just imagine what will happen if every email you send is infused with inspiration.
How will your business be affected if you can inspire your audience to become better versions of
To take action?
And to get your product as their solution?
Pretty darn good, yeah?
So write a lot of emails that inspire.
Email copywriting master Matt Furey said, “Inspiration sells.”
I couldn’t agree more.
You see, there are people in your list who are afraid, anxious, and reluctant to take action.
So make them believe in themselves again.
Identify what is their biggest goal and tell them you believe that they can do it.
Share also what inspires you.
Is it your family? Your mission in life? The people you’re helping?
Then, inspire your audience to buy your product.
That’s basically how this ‘inspiration-based’ email works.
Chapter 16
A Dead Journo’s Fun And Profitable Way To Make
People Go Bonkers Over Her Columns
‘Dear Abby’ column in newspapers have always been a huge hit.
Here’s how it works…
A reader will send a question, then Abby will try to answer it.
It’s quite entertaining. And from time to time, you’ll see some weird questions being thrown there. I found
some of these weird ‘Dear Abby’ columns online:
• Dear Abby: This Country Needs More Wife-Spanking
• Dear Abby: In Daytime I Like Andy; Tony at Night
• Dear Abby: Have You Ever Heard of A Gay Cat?
Funny, yeah?
Anyway, how about we do a 'Dear Abby’ section on this chapter?
Dear Rom: Email SOS. I’m teaching people how to write emails. But I’m running out of ideas on what to write about.
I’m also struggling not to sound too ‘salesy’. What should I do Rom? Tell me.
Alright, dear. Here’s a simple solution: Go back to your market.
Ask them what they want to know more about.
Is it how to increase their open rates?
Is it how to grow their list?
Is it how to write great emails that are not boring?
Whatever it is that they want to learn, write about it. Include that question in your email and answer it.
That’s it. They ask you a question, you answer, that’s an easy-peasy way to write emails.
It won’t also sound ‘salesy’ since you’re not really selling anything… you’re just showing them that you
know what you’re talking about.
File questions from your readers and use it to write this kind of email.
Doing Q&A emails is another great way to write infotaining emails.
Just like Dear Abby columns, people will dig this kind of emails.
Because they might be asking the same question and your email will be super relevant to their needs.
And it really looks ‘harmless,’ like a toothless shark in a bathtub, because you’re simply answering
questions… not really selling your solution.
Chapter 17
How To Write ‘Hollywood Emails’ That Lets You ‘Sell’
Your Product On Stealth Mode
If you want to write infotaining emails that automatically ‘clicks’ with your readers, then you can’t go
wrong using a movie-themed email.
Let’s use the movie ‘The Truman Show’ as example.
In the movie, Truman is the star of a controversial reality TV show. The town where he lives is actually a
huge studio. His wife, friends and every people he know are all paid actors. But here’s the catch: Truman
doesn’t know any of it. For him, everything was real. It’s like Big Brother’s House on Steroids.
Looks like a sick practical joke IMHO, but viewers love it.
The show is so popular that companies line up to promote their product inside the show. The only
challenge is Truman’s wife and friends must do it ‘subtly’ or he would suspect that there’s something ‘off.’
Here’s what I’m trying to say:
People hate blatant sales pitches in their inbox.
So if all you do is obnoxiously pitch your product in every email, then your email will get deleted on sight
— worse, your reader will unsubscribe.
But you also need to sell. So how do you do it?
Follow the Truman Show approach.
Use a movie or television show in your emails to entertain your readers, then subtly promote your
It’s fun, educational, and not ‘salesy’ way of selling your solution.
A killer combo to make a lot of sales using emails.
I love hollywood emails.
It’s always fun to write and has always good response from my readers.
The key here is to tie up your content and promotion with a popular film that your subscribers love.
Doing this will immediately separates you from ‘boring marketers’ who always just want to ‘add value.’
It’s super entertaining and people will love it.
And of course, they won’t even notice that you’re trying to promote your product.
Chapter 18
Why You Should Send Emails Every Day And Not Fear
People Leaving Your List
A lot of people scoff at me whenever I tell them to email their list daily.
They would roll their eyes as far as they can, mock my methods, and say…
*cue Rom’s mocking voice*
“Oh. That’s really annoying. And it would only cause me to unsubscribe.”
“I don’t like receiving daily emails. And if you do it to me, that’s automatic unsubscribe.”
“If you send emails daily to your list, they’ll get angry, and they’ll unsubscribe.”
Unsubscribe. Unsubscribe. Unsubscribe.
That’s their main objection.
I just let them rant for a while.
They babble on and on that sending emails daily will make people leave my list. Yada yada yada. And
once they finished talking, I’ll ask them:
*cue Rom’s sarcastic voice*
“Oh. So you want to do business with someone who doesn’t see value at what you’re doing?”
“Nice. So you protect your customers who doesn’t really want to hear from you?”
“Really? You want to work with people who get angry just because you’re trying to make their life a little
bit fun, while sharing valuable info with them that could change their life? That’s genius.”
Just kidding, I’m a lot nicer than that. Lol!
If your fear that a lot of people will unsubscribe, then let them be.
After all, those who don’t see value in what you do will never buy from you in the first place, right?
It’s stupidity to keep people who only wants free information from you.
And it’s even more crayzee to keep people who gets angry whenever you try to sell them anything.
Let them leave. You don’t deserve them.
So don’t fear unsubscribes.
Once all the ‘freeloaders’ and ‘freebie seekers’ are gone, you’ll be left with your raving fans and loyal
customers who see you as valuable.
Remember, you’re a business, not a charity.
So don’t let ‘freeloaders’ and ‘freebie-seekers’ get in the way of you serving your raving fans and loyal
IMHO, it’s better to have 100 people who see value in what you’re doing than have 10,000 snowflakes
who always get angry when you try to sell them anything.
Besides, if you practice what you’re learning in this book, your readers won’t mind you sending them
those really fun emails. Who doesn’t like fun, right?
…Oh yeah, Squidward.
Chapter 19
Why The So-Called ‘Experts’ Are Just Dead-Wrong
When They Say That Your Email’s Duty Is To Always
Add ‘Value’
One of the most ‘bizarre’ stories I’ve read in the Bible is the story of Tamar in Genesis 38.
But there’s an important email principle we can take away from it, so yeah…
Here’s how it goes:
Tamar married a guy who is the eldest of the three sons of Judah. Unfortunately, this eldest son was
wicked so the Lord put him to death leaving Tamar a young widow.
Back in those times, they have this strange custom that if the husband died without having any child, his
brother should sleep with the deceased brother’s wife to continue the lineage of the dead brother — It’s
actually his moral and ethical duty to his sister-in-law.
But knowing that the child won’t be his, this brother would always spill his ‘gentleman’s relish’ on the
ground whenever he sleep with his deceased brother’s wife.
He didn’t want to fulfill his duty so the Lord put him to death, too.
Anyway, what’s the point?
As a business owner, you also have a moral and ethical duty…
Err.. No, I’m not talking about the ‘relish’. Naughty!
Your duty is to make sure that people will know about your product… and buy it.
If you know the cure for cancer, then it’s your duty to tell the world about it, isn’t it?
That’s why you must always plug your product in every email that you send to your list.
“But Rom, would that make me sound like a desperate and sleazy salesman?”
…but only if you do it wrong.
You see, selling and pitching are two totally different things.
Pitching is all about bragging how great your product is and forcing your readers to buy this, or buy that.
Selling is completely different.
Selling is getting inside your customer’s head, understanding their pain, and positioning your product in a
way that it will solve their problem.
Truth be told, if you do a good job at selling — you almost won’t need to do any pitching.
So don’t pitch in your emails.
Instead, sell.
Trust me, your customers will even love you for doing it.
Pitching in emails is so common that most people equate it with selling.
But as I mentioned, those two are totally different things.
The things you’re learning in this book helps you to ‘sell.’
And when you follow it, it will be safe to ‘sell’ in every email you send to your list.
You can also throw in some blatant pitches every once in a while, but definitely not every single day.
Chapter 20
The Simple, Dirt Cheap, Do-It-Yourself Product
Launch Method Using Only Emails
Let’s do something different this time.
Instead of demonstrating emails that you can write to your list, I’ll show you specific steps to launch a new
product or re-launch your improved product using only emails.
You see, there are a lot of different launch methods.
I mean, let’s be honest, a lot of these methods are far too complicated for some of us.
There’s a lot of moving parts that you need to manage.
Lots of things you have to do like you need to record these videos, you need to setup this webinar, you
need to segment your list, yada yada yada.
And unless you pay someone to do it for you, chances are you’ll get overwhelm and stop taking action.
So why not we try something different this time and launch your product using only emails?
“That’s possible, Rom?”
Oh yeah. Very possible.
It’s simple.
It’s cheap.
It’s effective.
And it sure won’t fry your brains managing all the moving parts.
Is it the best launch method? Probably not. But it will allow you to launch your product fast and make you
moolah sooner without building any complicated funnels and whatnot.
Anyhoo… Let’s get started.
NOTE: This method works best if you already have an existing email list. If you still don’t have a list,
then you can still use this method in any social platforms where your Target Market is hanging out.
Step #1: Tell Your List About Your Product
Just send an email to your list that you’ll be launching a new product soon.
Give them a quick preview of what it’s about and why it’s relevant for them.
Then, ask them to sign up on a brand new Squeeze Page/Landing Page. This page is dedicated only to
collect email addresses of those who are interested in your product.
This will allow you to gauge the interest of your audience.
If a lot of people show up, then that’s a good indicator that you have your offer dialed down.
If not, err… I think you need to go back to your drawing board and try to ‘repackaged’ your offer.
PRO TIP: Tell them that they’ll get a discount once you launch your product if they sign up on the
Squeeze Page.
Step #2: Build a ‘Sub List’
People who sign up on your new Squeeze Page should be added in a new email list.
This Sub List will be filled with your audience who are really interested about your product.
Again, it’s a good measure if your product is actually ‘enticing’ enough or not.
People inside the ‘Sub List’ are also easier to convert to buyers because they already said that they’re
Step #3: Send Relentless ‘Teasing’ Emails to your Old List and the Sub List
Here’s the pun fart… I mean, fun part.
You can divide your launch into Pre-Launch, Launch and Post-Launch.
During Pre-Launch, you send emails TEASING them about your product, tell them it’ll be available
soon, and they should join your Sub List to get a discount.
During Launch, you send emails TEASING them about your product and tell them that they can get it
During Post-Launch, you send emails TEASING them about your product and tell them you extend it
for another 24 hours so they can get it.
You see what’s common on those 3?
“Uhm. You said ‘During’ 3x?”
It’s the TEASING part!
Yes. You want to be an obnoxious tease during all the phases of your launch.
Tell them good info about your product and what they’ll gonna learn, but leave something out.
Here’s an example…
“Drinking a lot of water is important if you want to lose weight.
But did you know that drinking too much water can actually do the opposite?
You also need to know the right kind of water you should drink.
You see, not all water are created equal — there’s tap water, mineral water, purified water, alkaline water,
And if you keep drinking the wrong kind of water, you’ll gain weight instead of losing it.
In my product ‘Lose Weight in 7 Days’ I’ll talk specifically about the right amount of water you should
drink and the kind of water that actually helps you lose weight.
Get it here…”
You see what I did there?
I give the reader the WHAT and WHY but I leave the most important information that they need.
That’s how you TEASE your way through emails.
Anyway, you also need to send two different emails to your Old List and to your Sub List.
Be more aggressive in marketing to your New List — after all, they already show interest. Heck, send
them 2 emails a day during your launch if you want.
But for the Old List, just do what you’ve been doing before. 1 email will do in most cases except during
the last 2 days of your Launch.
Final Thoughts
What you just read are some very simple (and quickly implemented) email marketing and email
copywriting tactics.
Like any other skill, the key to being good at email copywriting is to start today and keep doing it until you
are so good, people can’t help but notice — and give you their money.
So begin by sending an email to your list today.
Apply the things you’ve learned in this book.
Write ‘fun & profitable’ emails that your users would love to receive, read and buy from.
And I can almost guarantee you that you’ll explode your sales beyond what you can think or imagine.
For ongoing email marketing and email copywriting tips, make sure that you go to:
Disclosure & Disclaimers:
While the Author have used his best efforts in preparing this book, he makes no representations or
warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book. The Author specifically
disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and make no
guarantees whatsoever that you will achieve any particular result. Any case studies that are presented
herein do not necessarily represent what you should expect to achieve, since marketing success depends on
a variety of factors. The advice and strategies contained in this book may not even be suitable for your
situation, and you should consult your own advisors as appropriate. The Author shall not be held liable for
any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental,
consequential, or other damages. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a
citation and/or a potential source of information does not mean that the Author endorses the information
the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be
aware that Internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared after this work was