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Breastfeeding Patient Teaching Plan

Patient Teaching
Assessment of learner
Ms. Olivia Jones is a prima gravida, she is 18 years old. She is
concerned about the perceived inconvenience of breastfeeding.
Nursing Diagnosis: Inadequate knowledge of breastfeeding
Long term Goal: Effective breastfeeding without need for
supplemental formula.
As her nurse I will assess the following:
-Client’s thoughts & knowledge about breastfeeding.
- Perform a breast assessment.
-Risk factors that can contribute to ineffective breastfeeding.
Short-Term Goals: Get a good latch, making it through the first
growth spurt.
Learning Outcomes
Content Outline
Upon completion of the instructional session,
The client will:
1. Demonstrate the proper breastfeeding
positioning and latching.
1. Health teaching about the
advantages and benefits of
breastfeeding for infant and
2.Achieve effective breastfeeding with
adequate breastmilk intake for the infant
3. Understand importance of breastfeeding and
consequences of not breastfeeding in terms of
health outcome.
2. Correct latch- on and positioning
during breastfeeding
Teaching Methods
Instructional resources included:
1 . Brochures and booklets about
2.Visual aid, an instructional video that
involved video demonstration.
3.Demonstration, the patient should
demonstrate proper positions for breastfeeding.
3. Skin to skin holding to improve
milk supply and breastfeeding