DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Subject Code :EC8691 Subject Name : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Subject In – Charge : P.Ramalakshmi AP/ECE Class : III IT / V QUESTION BANK UNIT I THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR Introduction to 8086 – Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes - Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular Programming Linking and Relocation - Stacks - Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt service routines – Byte and String Manipulation. Q. No Question Marks Allotted Knowled ge Level Number of Times in AU 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 2 PART – A Introduction to 8086 1. What is Tristate bus? Nov/Dec-2014 2. Calculate the physical address, when segment address is 1085 H and effective address is 4537 H. Nov/Dec-2016 3. List the segment registers of 8086. Nov/Dec-2016 4. Define Stack Pointer. Apr/May-2018 5. Define stack. Apr/May-2016, Apr/May-2017 6. List the flags of 8086 microprocessor. Nov/Dec-2016, Apr/May-2016, Apr/May-2014 2 K1 3 Why is the 8086 memory divided into odd and even banks? Nov/Dec-2013 2 K2 1 What do you mean by Segment Override Prefix? Nov/Dec2013 2 K1 1 What are the advantages of memory mapped I/O over I/O mapped I/O? Apr/May-2014 2 K1 1 List the addressing modes of 8086. Give examples. Apr/May-2015 2 K1 1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Instruction set and assembler directives What is an assembler? Nov/Dec-2014 2 K1 1 List the modes of operation in 8086. Nov/Dec-2017, Apr/May-2018 2 K1 2 What are the 8086 instructions used for ASCII arithmetic? Nov/Dec-2013 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 14. Define Macros. Nov/Dec-2017 15. The offset address of a data is (341B) H and the data segment register value is (123A)H. What is the physical address of the data? Apr/May-2017 16. What is direct memory access? Nov/Dec-2014 17. What are byte and string manipulations? Nov/Dec-2018. 18. Show how the 2 byte INT instruction can be applied for debugging. Nov/Dec-2015 2 K2 1 What are the 8086 instructions used for BCD arithmetic? Apr/May-2013 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 19. 20. What are the contents of AL and CY after the execution of the following segment? Apr/May-2013 MOV BL, D5H RCL BL, 3 MOV AL, BL 21. Briefly describe the term Macros. 22. Write about modular programming. 2 K1 23. Explain the Linking Process. 2 K2 24. Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routine What is the need for interrupts in Microprocessor operation? 2 Nov/Dec-2018 25. 26. Write about the different types of interrupts supported in 8086. Apr/May-2015 2 K2 K1 2 K1 2 K1 - 1 1 List the various string instructions available in 8086. Nov/Dec-2013 1 27. Why is 8284 clock generator connected to the 8086 CLK pin? Apr/May-2013 2 K2 10 and 8 K2 2 8 K2 1 K2 1 13 K2 4 13 K2 5 13 K2 1 Instruction set and assembler directives Write a short note about assembler directives. Nov-Dec 2016 3 K2 1 Explain the Data transfer, arithmetic and branch instructions with examples. Nov-Dec 2016 8 K2 1 Develop an 8086 ALP to find the sum of numbers in an array of 10 elements. Nov-Dec 2016 7 K3 1 Develop an 8086 assembly language program to convert BCD data – Binary data Nov-Dec 2016 8 K3 1 Explain about the Assume, EQU, DD assembler directives. Nov-Dec 2015 8 K2 1 Develop an 8086 assembly language program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. Nov-Dec 2015 8 K3 1 Briefly explain the arithmetic group of instructions available in 8086 microprocessor. Nov-Dec 2014 7 K2 1 Briefly explain the assembler directives of 8086. Nov-Dec 2014 7 K2 1 1 PART B 28. Introduction to 8086 Explain the internal hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat diagrams. Nov-Dec 2016, Apr/May-2015 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Describe the functions of Execution unit and Bus interface unit. Apr/May-2014 Briefly describe about addressing modes of 8086. Apr/May2015 Explain the various addressing modes available in 8086. Explain each mode with an example. Nov/Dec-2018, Apr/May-2016,Apr/May-2016, Apr/May-2015 With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of 8086 Microprocessor. Apr/May-2018, Nov/Dec-2017, Apr/May2017,Nov-Dec 2016, Nov-Dec 2015 For 8086 microprocessor what are the instruction set and assembler directives. Nov/Dec-2018 8 42. 43. The data transfer rate of I/O device ‘A’ is considerably less that of the microprocessor. Draw a flow chart of data transfer operation to be used. Apr/May-2014 8 K3 1 K2 5 5 K2 1 6 K3 1 K3 - K2 - K3 - K3 - K3 - K3 - Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routine Explain about Interrupt and Interrupt Service Routine in 8086. Apr/May-2018, Nov/Dec-2017, Apr/May-2017,Nov13 Dec 2015, Apr/May-2015 44. Write notes on Interrupt processing Apr/May-2014 45. Develop a program to transfer 10 bytes of data from memory location starting from 2000H. Apr/May-2014 PART C 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Assembly language programming Develop an algorithm and write ALP for sort a given array Ascending and Descending order with array of length 10 15 using 8086 Microprocessor. What do you mean by assembler directives? Explain 7 SEGMENT, TYPE and OFFSET with suitable examples. Summarize an 8086 ALP to compare two strings of same 8 length. Develop an assembly language program for performing the Multiplication and Division of 16 bit numbers using 15 8086 Microprocessor. Design an ALP in 8086 to multiply two 16-bit numbers. 10 Develop an assembly language program for ASCII to HEX code conversion using 8086. 5 UNIT II 8086 SYSTEM BUS STRUCTURE 8086 signals – Basic configurations – System bus timing –System design using 8086 – IO programming – Introduction to Multiprogramming – System Bus Structure Multiprocessor configurations – Coprocessor, Closely coupled and loosely Coupled configurations – Introduction to advanced processors. Q. No Marks Allotted Question Knowled ge Level Number of Times in AU K1 1 PART – A 8086 Signals and Configurations 52. What is the need of lock signal? April/May2017 2 53. Define machine cycle? November /December2016 54. Define Bus? November /December2016 55. 56. 57. 58. 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 Differentiate External verses Internal bus ? May /June2016 2 K2 1 Define bus .why bus request and cycle stealing are required? April/May2015 2 K2 1 Draw the read cycle timing diagrams for minimum mode. April/May2015 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 - 2 K1 - 59. What is direct memory access? Nov/ Dec-2014 What is virtual memory addressing? 60. State the queue status of QS1 and QS0. 61. Draw the timing diagram of Interrupt acknowledgement minimum mode system. 2 K2 - What is meant by multiprogramming? April/May2017,November/December 2015 2 K1 2 System Bus Structure Write some example for advanced processors. April/May2017, November /December2017 2 K1 2 Compare closely coupled and loosely coupled configuration? May /June2016 2 K2 1 Schematically show, how synchronization is made between 8086 and co-processor. Nov /Dec 2015 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 - 2 K2 - 2 K1 - 2 K2 - 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. When the co-processor is used? Nov /Dec 2018 67. Why memory interfacing is required? November /December2018 68. Discuss about Semaphore. 69. How does the main processor distinguish its instructions from the co-processor instructions when it fetches the instructions from memory? Mention the bus allocation schemes in multiprocessor Configurations Show your understanding on bus request, bus Grant and Stealing? 70. 71. PART B 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 8086 Signals and Configurations Explain in the details about the system bus timing of 8086/8088. November /December2016, May 13 /June2016 K2 2 13 K2 1 13 K2 1 13 K2 1 K2 - Explain the following May /June2016 i) Microprocessor system ii) Coprocessor iii) Multiprogramming iv) Semaphore With neat diagram explain the minimum modes of operation of 8086? November /December2015 Discuss the maximum mode configuration of 8086 by with a neat diagram. Mention the function of various Signals. April/May2015 Identify the following: (i) Programmed I/O 7 (ii) Interrupt I/O 6 System Bus Structure Discuss about the multiprocessor configuration of 8086. November /December2016 13 K2 1 13 K2 2 What do you understand from system bus structure? Explain. November /december2018 7 K2 1 Explain the closely looped configuration with neat diagram? Apr/May2017, Nov/Dec2017, Nov /Dec2018 8 K2 1 Define loosely coupled System .Explain the schemes used for establishing priority. Nov /Dec2015 8 K2 1 K2 - Explain the system bus structure of 8086. Draw the timing diagram for interrupt acknowledgement cycle? April/May2017, November /December2017 Design the block diagram of Polling method. Draw the block diagram of daisy chaining method and explain. PART C 6 7 System Bus Structure and Advanced Processors 83. i)Write down the comparison of minimum mode and maximum mode pins. K2 - 15 K2 - Assess the various schemes used to solve the bus arbitration problem in multiprocessors. 15 K2 - With necessary illustrations write the execution step of 8087 Coprocessor. 8 K2 - ii)Draw the timing diagram for the execution of the 8086 MOV instructions. 84. 85. 86. 8 Summarize the timing diagram of memory read and memory, write the operations of 8086 microprocessor and explain in detail. Explain the architecture of 80286. 7 7 UNIT III I/O INTERFACING Memory Interfacing and I/O interfacing - Parallel communication interface – Serial communication interface – D/A and A/D Interface - Timer – Keyboard /display controller – Interrupt controller – DMA controller – Programming and applications Case studies: Traffic Light control, LED display, LCD display, Keyboard display interface and Alarm Controller. Q. No Marks Allotted Question Knowled ge Level Number of Times in AU PART – A Memory and I/O interfacing, Serial, Parallel, D/A and A/D 87. 88. 89. What is the drawback of memory mapped I/O? Nov/Dec2016. Give the various modes of 8254 timer. Apr/May 2018 Write the 16-bit delay program in 8086. Apr/May 2018, Apr/May 2017 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 2 2 K2 1 90. Why is memory interfacing required? Nov/Dec 2018 91. List the four display modes of 8279 keyboard and display controller 2 K1 - List the advantages and disadvantages of parallel 2 K1 1 92. communication over serial communication. Apr/May 2016 93. What is key bouncing? Apr/May 2016, Nov/Dec 2014 2 K1 2 94. List the operating modes of 8255 A and 8237 A. Nov/Dec 2015 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 DMA controller and Traffic Light controller What are the differences between LED display and LCD 2 display. Nov/Dec 2018 K1 1 What is sample and hold circuit? Nov/Dec 2014 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 - 2 K2 - 2 K2 - 2 K2 - 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 Memory and I/O interfacing, Serial, Parallel, D/A and A/D 107. How are D/A and A/D interfaces used? Explain. 13,16 K2 3 95. 96. 97. 98. What frequency transmit clock (TxC) is required by an 8251 in order for it to transmit data at 4800 baud with a baud rate factor of 16? Nov/Dec 2015 Give the various modes and applications of 8254 timer? Apr/May 2015 99. State the significance of using microprocessor in interfacing traffic light control. May/June 2014 100. State your idea on the different types of command words used in 8259? 101. Evaluate your opinion on the operating modes of 8259A? 102. Elaborate the purpose of control word written to control register in 8255. 103. Invent how many address lines and data lines are necessary for accessing 32K X 8 memory? 104. What are the handshake signals used in Mode 2 configurations of 8255. Nov/Dec 2017 105. How the DMA operation performed in 8086? Nov/Dec 2017 106. Draw the format of read back command register of 8254. April/May2017 PART B Nov/Dec 2018, April/May2015, Nov/Dec 2013 108. Draw and Explain functional diagram of 8251. Nov/Dec 2017 , Nov/Dec 2015 109. Draw the block diagram and explain the operations of USART April/May2018 110. Discuss about memory and I/O interfacing. 111. With a block diagram design how 8255 functions in different modes to accommodate different kind of I/O devices. 112. Briefly explain the method of interfacing A-to-D converter with microcontroller. Nov/Dec 2014 113. Write notes on Programmable Interval Timers 8253 and 8254. April/May2014, Nov/Dec 2014 13,16 K2 2 7 K2 1 6 K2 - 5 K3 - K2 8 1 K2 8 DMA controller and Traffic Light controller 114. What are interrupt controller and DMA controller? Explain Nov/Dec 2018, April/May2018, Nov/Dec 13 2016, April/May2016 2 K2 4 13,16 K2 3 16 K2 1 16 K2 2 K3 2 115. Draw and explain functional diagram of keyboard and display controller. Nov/Dec 2017, Nov/Dec 2015, April/May2014 116. Draw the block diagram of alarm controller with 8086 as processor. April/May2015 117. With neat block diagram explain the 8255 programmable Peripheral Interface and its operating modes. Nov/Dec 2013, May/June 2014 PART C System Bus Structure and Advanced Processors 32. Develop a 8086 based system to display the word HELLO for every 2 ms in the common cathode seven segment LED display and check how many times the word displayed for one hour. Nov/Dec 2017, April/May2017 15 33. 34. 35 Draw the block diagram of traffic light control system using 8086. April/May2018 15 K2 1 Write the algorithm and assembly language program for traffic light control system. April/May2018 15 K3 1 Discuss the various operating modes of 8253 timer with necessary control words. 15 K2 - UNIT IV-MICROCONTROLLER Architecture of 8051 – Special Function Registers(SFRs) - I/O Pins- Ports and Circuits Instruction set - Addressing modes - Assembly language programming. Q. No Knowled ge Level Number of Times in AU 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 Which port used as multifunction port? List the signals. April/May2017 2 K1 1 Draw the pin diagram 8051. Nov/Dec2016, April/May2018 2 K1 2 2 K1 1 Mention the number of register banks and their addresses in 8051.Nov/Dec2015 2 K1 1 Draw the diagram for processor status word in 8051. April/May2015 2 K1 1 How do you select the register bank in 8051 microcontroller? April/May2015, April/May2013 2 K2 1 2 K3 1 2 K1 1 Marks Allotted Question PART – A Architecture of 8051, SFRs, IO pins and Ports 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. How Microcontroller is different from Microprocessor? Nov/Dec-2018. How to set 8051 in idle mode? Nov/Dec2017 What is the significance of EA pin? Nov/Dec2016 How the processor 8051 does know whether on-chip ROM or external program memory is used? April/May2014 List the SFRs involves in interrupt programming of 8051. Nov/Dec2014 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. Why it is necessary to have external pull- up for port 0 in 8051? Nov/Dec2014 Which of the 8051 ports need pull-up registers to functions as an I/O port? Nov/Dec2013 Specify the size of memory systems used in 8051 microcontroller. Nov/Dec2012 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 Instruction set, Addressing modes and ALP What are the addressing modes of a Microcontroller? 2 Nov/Dec-2018. K1 1 Illustrate the DJNZ operation instruction. Nov/Dec 2017 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K3 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 Architecture of 8051, SFRs, IO pins and Ports Discuss the ports and its circuits of 8051 Nov/Dec 2017 13 K2 1 Give PSW of 8051 and describe the use of each bit in PSW. Nov/Dec 2015 K2 1 How many ports are bit addressable in 8051 µ c? Nov/Dec2011 134. Illustrate the CJNE instruction. April/May2017 135. What is the different ways of operand addressing in 8051? April/May2016 Write the 8051 ALP to toggle P1 a total of 200 times. Use RAM locations 32H to hold your counter value instead of register R0-R7 May/June 2016 136. 137. What is the jump range? Nov/Dec2015 138. What is the difference between AJMP and LJMP instruction? April/May2014 How do you place a specific value in the DPTR register? Nov/Dec2013 Mention the different operand types used in 8051 microcontroller. Nov/Dec2012 What are the hardware and software interrupts of 8051 µ c? Mention its vector addresses. Nov/Dec2011 139. 140. 141. PART B 142. 143. 8 144. 145. 146. How input/output pins and ports help in a circuit of a microcontroller? Nov/Dec 2018 Write the available special function registers in 8051. Explain each register with its format and function? Nov/Dec 2015, April/May2017, Nov/Dec 2018 13 K2 1 16,13 K2 3 Explain in detail about the architecture of 8051 microcontroller with neat diagram. April/May2015, May/June2016, Nov/Dec 2016, Nov/Dec 2017, 8,16,13 K2 5 April/May2018 147. 148. 149. K2 Explain the TMOD function register and its timer modes of operations. April/May2015 8 K2 Describe the function of the following signals in 8051.RST, EA, PSEN and ALE. Nov/Dec2015 Explain in detail the memory organization of 8051 microcontroller. Nov/Dec2014 1 8 1 K2 16 1 Instruction set, Addressing modes and ALP 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Discuss the type of addressing modes with suitable example in 8051. Nov/Dec 2015, April/May2017, April/May2018 8,13 K2 3 Write an 8051 assembly language program to multiply the given number 45H and 30H. April/May2017 5 K2 1 Explain about Arithmetic and control instruction set in 8051.April/May2015 10 K2 1 Write a program to bring in data in serial form and send it out in parallel for using 8051. April/May2015 6 K3 1 Write an ALP using 8051 instruction to receive bytes of data serial and put them inp1.Set the baud rate at 4800, 8-bit data and 1 stop bit. Nov/Dec2016 Write an 8051 ALP to create a square wave of 66% day cycle on bit 3 port1.May/June2016 K3 16 1 K3 16 Write an assembly language program for 8051 to find largest of three numbers. PART C Assembly language programming 1 K3 8 - 157. 158. 159. 160. Summarize block diagram how to access external memory devices in an 8051 based system. 8 K2 - Explain the Boolean processing capabilities of an 8051 microcontroller. 7 K2 - Write a brief note on external data move operations in 8051. 8 K3 - 7 K3 - Write an 8051 ALP to add three BCD numbers stored in internal RAM locations 25H, 26H and 27H and put the result in RAM locations 31H (MSB) and 30H (LSB). Use Register R0 to store the intermediate result. UNIT V INTERFACING MICROCONTROLLER Programming 8051 Timers - Serial Port Programming - Interrupts Programming – LCD & Keyboard Interfacing - ADC, DAC & Sensor Interfacing - External Memory InterfaceStepper Motor and Waveform generation - Comparison of Microprocessor, Microcontroller, PIC and ARM processors Q. No Question Marks Allotted Knowled ge Level Number of Times in AU 2 K1 3 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K3 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 PART – A Programming 8051 Timers 161. List the 8051 interrupts with its priority. Nov/Dec 2017, April/May 2017, April/May 2018 162. Give two example of sensors and state its uses. Nov/Dec 2017 163. What are the types of sensors used for interfacing? April/May 2017, April/May 2018 164. List the modes of timer in 8051. Nov/Dec 2016 165. State how baud rate is calculated for serial data transfer in mode 1. Nov/Dec 2016 166. Compare polling and interrupt. May/June 2016 167. Define baud rate. May/June 2016 168. Mention the features of special ports in mode 0. Nov/Dec 2015 2 K1 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K2 1 2 K1 1 2 K2 - 2 K2 1 interfacing traffic light control. May/June 2014 177. Mention the advantages of microprocessor based system design. 2 K2 1 K2 - 178. List out the classifications of stepper motor. 2 K1 - 179. How to change the stepper motor direction? 2 K2 - 180. What is the use of stepper motor? 2 K1 - K2 3 169. What is jump range? Nov/Dec 2015 170. Differentiate between timer and counter. Draw the diagram of TCON in 8051. April/May 2015 Which register is used for serial programming in 8051? Illustrate it. April/May 2015 172. How to program 8051 timers? Nov/Dec 2018 171. 173. What are the types of ADC? Nov/Dec 2018 Stepper Motor and Waveform generation 174. Illustrate the idea behind motor control using PWM. 175. Write about the design steps involved in using microcontroller for stepper motor. May/June 2014 176. State the significance of using microprocessor in 2 PART B Programming 8051 Timers 181. Illustrate the serial communication in 8051, with its special function register. May/June2016,Nov/Dec 16,13 2017, Nov/Dec2018 182. Interface the ADC converter with 8051 and explain with neat diagram. Nov/Dec 2017 7 K3 1 183. Write the assembly language program to execute the ADC conversion. Nov/Dec 2017 6 K3 1 16,13 K2 3 184. Describe the different mode of operation of timer/counter in 8051 microcontroller with its associated registers. April/May2015,/Dec 2016, April/May2018 185. Draw a diagram to interface a stepper motor with 8051 micro controller also write an 8051 ALP to run the stepper motor in both forward as reverse direction. Nov/Dec2015,Nov/Dec 2016, May/June2016, April/May2018 186. With a neat circuit diagram explain how a 4 x 4 keypad is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for keypad scanning. Nov/Dec2015 187. How does one interface a 16 x 2 LCD Display using 8051 microcontroller? April/May2015 188. Draw the diagram to interface a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller and explain. Write a 8051 language program to run the stepper motor in both forward and reverse direction with delay. April/May2015 189. What are sensor interfacing and external memory interfacing? Explain. Nov/Dec2018 16,13 K3 4 16 K3 1 16 K3 1 16 1 K3 13 190. Write a program using 8051 assembly language to add three BCD numbers stored in internal RAM locations 25H, 26H and put the result in RAM locations 31H and 30H. Use register R0 to store the intermediate result. 7 K2 K3 1 - PART C Assembly language programming 191. Write a program for generation of unipolar square waveform of 1 kHz frequency using Timer0 of 8051 in mode0. Consider the system frequency are 12Mhz. April/May2017, Nov/Dec 2017 15 K3 2 15 K3 1 8 K2 - 7 K2 - 8 K2 - 192. How Microprocessor and Microcontroller can help to control a process or a machine tool? Nov/Dec 2018 193. Explain how an LCD and Keyboard is interfaced with 8051. 194. Write about serial port interface of 8051 in detail. 195. Generalize the different methods of memory address decoding in 8051 microcontroller. 196. 3Develop an 8051 program to monitor P1 continuously the value 63H. It should get out of the monitoring only if P1=63H. 7 K3 - 15 K3 1 15 K3 - 197. Demonstrate the interfacing of stepper motor with 8051and explain its interfacing diagram and develop program to rotate the motor in clockwise direction. April/May2017 198. You are provided with 4x4 matrix key board, a microcontroller and a seven segment display. Design a system which has to display the hexadecimal code of the corresponding key pressed. Assume all other relevant details. Give a program for your design.