Florida Gulf Coast University Fall 2023 American National Government Course Syllabus Instructor: Margaret E. Banyan, Ph.D., Professor Contact: mbanyan@fgcu.edu phone: 239-590-7850 Office Hours: M 6-8:30PM; TH 8:30am-11:00am (Please notify me if you plan to join) Virtual Office Hours Access: https://fgcu-edu.zoom.us/j/86187498964?pwd=N1E4MFR6SVJjRUFwYVllR2hiYWxxZz09 Meeting ID: 861 8749 8964 Passcode: 248714 Class Meetings: Online Virtual Class – No Synchronous Meetings Course Information: College: Arts and Sciences; Department: Political Science and Public Administration. Course Number: POS 2041 CRN: 86090 Course Description and Learning Outcomes: This course will explore the foundations, forms, and dynamics of our American national government. It will explore the foundational theories and institutions that shape our current system and the role played by its actors. At the conclusion of this course students will 1) understand the design, activities, and politics of the U.S. national government; 2) become aware of the citizen influence over government; and 3) understand the confluence of values, philosophies, and forces that shape our system. The course draws heavily from modern political science and public administration theories and practice(s). This course also will periodically provide students an opportunity to engage synchronously in political discussions and civil debates with multiple points of view. The learning outcomes for this course include: An understanding of the basic principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. Awareness of citizen engagement in policy making and government. An understanding of the United States Constitution. Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-governance. An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases and their impact on law and society. An understanding of the impacts of the evolution of American government since the founding. Readings Lowi, et. al. American Government: Power and Purpose. Brief 17th Edition. ISBN: 9781324039808 For those of you that may have purchased an electronic copy and you have a code, go to the following to enter your code: https://digital.wwnorton.com/amgov17brief Electronic readings as assigned Class Requirements: Assignments are described in more detail at the end of this syllabus. All activities require active participation in class and in your government. Assignment Summary: Syllabus Quiz (1 @ 25 pts) Quizzes (7 @ 20 pts) Canvas Activities (4 @ 10 pts) 20 pts 140 pts 40 pts FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 1 Total Points Grading Scale 93 to 100% 90 to 92% 87 to 89% 83 to 86% 80 to 82% 77 to 79% 200 pts A AB+ B BC+ 73 to 76% 70 to 72% 69 to 67% 66 to 63% 60 to 62% 0 to 59% C CD+ D DF Each student’s point total will be divided by 200 to determine a final grade for the course. For example, if a student earned 175 points on all assignments, their grade would be 87.5% or a B+. Please note that I do round up for the purpose of grading. You may check your grades on the Canvas website to automatically calculate your percentage grade. Assignment Policies. Quizzes are available one week prior to the due date and you may take these at any time in that previous week. Please do not wait until the last minute to take the quiz. All assignments must be completed by the due date stated on the syllabus and on Canvas. All late assignments will be graded down by 10% every day late including weekends. After a period of 10 days, assignments cannot be turned in or made up. In no case will missing assignments be accepted at the end of the term. Make up quizzes or exams will be considered only in cases of third-party documented emergencies.. FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 2 COURSE SCHEDULE Reading & Assignments: To be completed by the date noted on the schedule Theme Reading / Activities* Due Syllabus Quiz DUE Sunday 8/20/2023 Canvas Activity #1 Optional Discussion Week 1 8/14/2023 8/20/2023 Introduction to American National Government Course syllabus Introductory Video Week 2 8/21/2023 8/27/2023 Making Sense of Politics Lowi Chapter 1 Week 3 8/28/2023 9/3/2023 The Founding & Constitution Lowi Chapter 2 U.S. Constitution Quiz 1 Due 9/3 Week 4 9/4/2023 9/10/2023 Federalism & the Separation of Powers Lowi Chapter 3 Federalist #51 Canvas Activity #2 Optional Discussion Week 5 9/11/2023 9/17/2023 Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Lowi Chapter 4 Quiz 2 Due 9/17 Week 6 9/18/2023 9/24/2023 The Congress Lowi Chapter 5 Optional Discussion Week 7 9/25/2023 10/1/2023 The Presidency Lowi Chapter 6 Quiz 3 Due 10/1 Week 8 10/2/2023 10/8/2023 The Executive Branch Lowi Chapter 7 Canvas Activity #3 Optional Discussion Week 9 10/9/2023 10/15/2023 The Judiciary Lowi Chapter 8 Federalist #78 Quiz 4 Due 10/15 Week 10 10/16/2023 10/22/2023 Public Opinion Lowi Chapter 9 Optional Discussion Week 11 10/23/2023 10/29/2023 Elections Lowi Chapter 10 Quiz 5 Due 10/29 Week 12 10/30/2023 11/5/2023 Parties Lowi Chapter 11 Canvas Activity #4 Optional Discussion Week 13 11/6/2023 11/12/2023 Groups and Interests Lowi Chapter 12 Federalist #10 Quiz 6 Due 11/12 Week 14 11/13/2023 11/19/2023 Public Policy Lowi Chapter 13 Canvas Activity #5 Optional Discussion Week 15 11/20/2023 11/26/2023 FGCU Study Days & Thanksgiving Break No Reading No Assignments Week 16 11/27/2023 12/3/2023 Foreign Policy Lowi Chapter 14 Quiz 7 Due 12/3 12/4/2023 12/10/2023 Finals Week No Reading No Assignments Please Note: *Every week there are videos and instructions in the weekly Canvas Modules that students are responsible for completing. Watching the videos is required, but not listed separately here. All Quizzes and Activities are due on Sundays at 11:59 pm except where noted. FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 3 Assignments Quizzes: 140 points (7 @ 20 points each) There will be seven quizzes that will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. The exams are intended to ensure that you have integrated and thought critically about the material, lectures and discussions related to the course. The quizzes are based on the book reading and on the course lectures. The purpose of the examinations is to 1) ensure that reading and lectures is being integrated into your learning and 2) to ensure that the purpose of the course is being met by increasing students’ understanding of American national government. Quizzes are open approximately one week prior to the due date. They are open for 2 hours. Open book. Canvas Activities 50 points (10 @ 5pts each) Participation is required through the canvas activities. Engagement and involvement in activities are essential to grasping the many varied and detailed topics in the course. If there are any discussion requirements, please note that students will be held to standards of civility. In order to cultivate a learning environment that is both welcoming and conducive to learning, I expect students to be respectful and civil to all. I welcome the expression of a diverse range of ideas, thoughts, and opinions and, in order to facilitate their expression, I request that you build an atmosphere founded upon mutual respect by accepting your classmates’ good faith efforts to express themselves and their ideas. No matter what, be courteous when challenging the ideas of others. Students are encouraged to debate opinions and ideas but not what someone else should think. Comments or actions that target someone specifically or express hatred toward any group will not be tolerated. Students who disrupt the learning environment make learning more difficult for their peers and harm the trust built between classmates or engage in disruptive behavior will be subject to disciplinary action per the student code of conduct. We each must do our part to uphold civility and support other cohort members in our interactions. There is much that we can learn from each other if only we will listen. Extra Credit There is no extra credit for this class except for what might be already be included in on a quiz. If you ask, the instructor will redirect you back to this syllabus. Missing quizzes or other due dates is highly problematic due to when the answers to the quizzes are posted. Plan ahead to avoid getting tripped up at the last minute by illnesses or family emergencies. We all have emergencies, but if we plan ahead and get our work done early, last minute emergencies have less of an impact. Optional Discussion Sessions Although this course is entirely asynchronous, there are optional synchronous discussion sessions that students may attend virtually (in this case, over Zoom every other Friday at 8:30am). These discussion sessions serve as opportunities to engage in political discussions and civil debates with multiple points of view and to master the ability to synthesize information that informs civic decision-making. These sessions are ungraded and optional. Join at: https://fgcu-edu.zoom.us/j/99669294469?pwd=a0puam93allsdkhhbzZuRit6UWo4UT09 Meeting ID: 996 6929 4469 Passcode: 413286 FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 4 Non-Course Related Information: Completing Florida’s Civic Literacy Requirement Please note that this is for your information only. Do not contact the instructor for additional directions. All of the information you need to know is at the link here and below: https://www.fgcu.edu/testing/programs/civic-literacy-exam Several years ago, Florida instituted a “Civic Literacy” requirement for all state university and college students. In summer 2021, the Florida State Legislature and State Board of Governors modified the “Civic Literacy” requirement for all state university and college students admitted Fall 2021 or thereafter. This is a requirement for graduation, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with this requirement and the role played by this course in helping satisfy it. You may also wish to consult an FGCU academic advisor for additional information. • If you were admitted to FGCU beginning in Fall 2018 but before Fall 2021, you can satisfy Florida’s Civic Literacy requirement by completing either POS 2041 American National Government or AMH 2020 U.S. History Since 1877 with a grade of “C” of higher, or by achieving one of the following: a score of 60 or higher on the U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions administered by FGCU’s Testing Center prior to your graduation from FGCU; Advanced Placement Government and Politics: United States with a score of 3 or higher; Advanced Placement United States History with a score of 4 or higher; CLEP American Government with a score of 50 or higher. • If you are admitted to FGCU Fall 2021 or thereafter, Florida’s Civic Literacy requirement has two components: successfully completing either POS 2041 American National Government or AMH 2020 U.S. History Since 1877 with a grade of “C” or higher, and in addition, achieving a score of 60 or higher on the U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions administered by FGCU’s Testing Center prior to your graduation from FGCU. The U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions administered by FGCU’s Testing Center is something you complete separately from this course. It is not an assignment in this course, is not covered in this course, and will not have any impact on your grade in this course. In fact, you are not required to complete the test while you are in this course. However, you have an opportunity to take the test for free during the semester you are in this course. If you successfully complete the U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions on your first attempt while you are registered in this course, FGCU’s Testing Center will waive the usual $45 fee for the test. (If you are unsuccessful on your first attempt and must re-take it, or if you delay taking the test until after you have completed this course, you will be required to pay the $45 test fee.) For more information about the U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions administered by FGCU’s Testing Center, as well as to register for the test, please go online to https://www.fgcu.edu/testing/programs/civic-literacy-exam The test can be completed either online using a personal computer, or in-person at the FGCU Testing Center. In addition, the Testing Center provides a Canvas-based practice exam you can use to prepare for the U.S. Citizenship Test with Supplemental Questions at https://fgcu.instructure.com/enroll/RJRGAN. This practice exam consists of the same 100 multiple-choice questions found on the actual test. You can take this practice exam as many times as you want to or need to. No one sees your practice exam results or the number of attempts. FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 5 Required University Statements Core Syllabus Policies: FGCU has a set of central policies related to student recording class sessions, academic integrity and grievances, student accessibility services, academic disruption, and religious observances that apply to all courses at FGCU. Be sure to review these online at: https://www.fgcu.edu/about/leadership/officeoftheprovost/core-syllabus-policy-statement FALL 2023 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYLLABUS, PAGE 6