See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Geometallurgy - A Critical Element in the Development of Deposits for the Energy Transition Presentation · March 2023 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29955.58409 CITATIONS READS 0 79 3 authors, including: David Kaeter Michael Cronwright ERM Consultants Canada CSA Global 31 PUBLICATIONS 186 CITATIONS 9 PUBLICATIONS 91 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by David Kaeter on 26 April 2023. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Geometallurgy – A Critical Element in the Development of Deposits for the Energy Transition David Kaeter, PhD Consultant, Geochemistry with contributions from Pim van Geffen and Michael Cronwright. PDAC Convention, March 7, 2023 © Copyright 2023 by ERM Worldwide Group Limited and/or its affiliates (‘ERM’). All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of ERM. Introduction Rare-Earth Elements Lithium Cobalt What to do 2 Critical Minerals Photo: Jem Sanchez on 3 Natural Resources Canada (2022): The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy, The Future Value of Energy-Critical Elements Element CAGR* REEs 9.1% (’21–’30) Lithium 23.3% (’21–’28) Manganese 7.4% (’19–’27) Cobalt 12.5% (‘21–’29) Copper 4.2% (‘21–’29) Zinc 4.0% (‘21–’27) *compound annual growth rate To meet growing demand, we need to find more deposits, but we also need to be smarter about how we mine them. Visual Capitalist (2022) 4 Orebody Knowledge – Looking beyond grades… Photo: Peter Döpper on ? Concentrating Refining $ales Comminution Geotech Blasting Reprocess Repurpose Tailings CCS “Waste” Disposal What do we need to know about a rock to map all downstream processes? 5 Closure? The goal Grade & By-Products Comminution Indicators Lithology & Stratigraphy Recovery & Product Quality Alteration & Oxidation Water Resources Chemistry & Mineralogy Energy Resources Rock Mechanics Carbon Accounting Acid-Base Accounting Closure & Remediation ...etc. A resource block model that accurately captures the total value 6 Part of Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy is the conservation and protection of Canada’s natural environment as well as the promotion of climate action by supporting the transition to a greener economy at home and around the world. A geometallurgical approach can support the sustainable development of mineral resources by contributing to: • Optimal use of energy, water, and reagents. • Better understanding of environmental characteristics of tailings, waste and materials exposed in pit walls. • Minimization of waste. 7 UN Sustainable Development Goals: Sustainable Development Limited understanding of downstream processes by exploration teams. Challenges Quality and reliability of visual geological logging and analytical data. Volume of metallurgical and environmental testwork; composites vs variability samples. Complex mineralogy with implications for processing and recovery: Grade ≠ Value 8 Introduction Rare-Earth Elements Lithium Cobalt Conclusions 9 Rare-Earth Elements 10 REEs – Per Geijer Per Geijer is and Iron-Oxide-Apatite (IOA) deposit adjacent to the Kiruna Mine in Sweden. • Total measured + indicated resource of 201 Mt at 51.7% Fe and 2.74% P • Total inferred resource of 585 Mt at 50.5% Fe, 2.41% P and ~0.18% (1,800 ppm) TREO • REEs are associated with apatite, but monazite, xenotime and allanite were also described. Per Geijer Kiruna Mine LKAB (2023): Per Geijer may become important source of REEs in Europe, but REE-recovery from apatite has not been undertaken on commercial scale yet. It needs to be ensured that REE deportment and distribution are understood across the deposit, and that phosphates are mined and recovered from the iron-ore tailings. Krolop et al. (2019) 11 REEs – Deposits and deportment Currently, the economically most important REE deposits are: • Carbonatite-related deposits, e.g., Mountain Pass, Bayan Obo, 1–10% TREO • REE laterites and ionic-adsorption clay deposits, 0.05–0.20% TREO More than 200 different minerals are known to host REEs… • • • • • • • • Bastnaesite: (La, Ce, Y)CO3F Monazite: (Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4 Xenotime: YPO4 Allanite: (Ce,Ca,Y,La)2(Al,Fe+3)3(SiO4)3OH Apatite: Ca5(PO4)3 Crandallite: CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5∙H2O Florencite: (Ce,La,Nd,Sm)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6 ... Other sources: peralkaline granites & NYF pegmatites, alluvial and coastal heavy mineral placers, iron-oxide– apatite (IOA) deposits, iron-oxide–copper-gold deposits (IOCG), marine phosphate deposits, bauxites, REE-rich coal deposits……. Bastnaesite, Zegi Mt, Pakistan (Rob Lavinsky & 12 Ionic-adsorption clay deposits Ionic-adsorption clay (IAC) deposits and REE laterites are relatively low grade with low total tonnages compared to hard-rock deposits, but they are typically enriched in HREEs and are easier to explore, drill, mine and process. However, topsoil understanding REE deportment is crucial. The total REE content is partially… …adsorbed to clay …hosted by leachable minerals …hosted by resistive minerals ox. soil saprolite Cheaply recoverable using salt solutions at pH = 4 Not economically recoverable at typical grades of IAC deposits Requires stronger acid, more impurities leached, recovery more costly This can be tested at low cost very early in a project 13 bed rock Modified from Berger et al (2013) REEs – Hydrometallurgical processing of bastnaesite (simplified) Example 1: bastnaesite + calcite – processing with HCl Bastnaesite + Calcite (REE*)CO3F CaCO3 Diluted HCl Bastnaesite (REE)CO3F Dissolved Ca CO2 NaOH Concentrated HCl REE fluorides REE hydroxides NaF Dissolved REEs Purification, Separation… Purification, Separation… Example 2: bastnaesite + dolomite – high-T processing with H2SO4 Dolomite Bastnaesite + (Mg,Ca)(CO3)2 (REE)CO3F Acid Baking with H2SO4 REE Sulfates Dissolved Ca, Mg CO2, HF Leaching, Purification, Separation… Gangue mineralogy matters, too *REE in bastnaesite predominantly Ce, La, Y 14 Introduction Rare-Earth Elements Lithium Cobalt Conclusions 15 Lithium pegmatites – Lithium deportment Photo: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez Photo: Bob Lavinsky & Amblygonite (Li,Na)AlPO4(F,OH)) Lithiophilite–Triphylite Li(Mn,Fe)PO4 Lepidolite (polylithionite–trilithionite) K(Li,Al)3(Al,Si,Rb)4O10(F,OH)2 Petalite LiAlSi4O10 Spodumene LiAlSi4O10 Photo: Hannes Grobe 16 • • • • • • • Zinnwaldite Elbaite Cookeite Eucryptite Lithian muscovite Clay minerals ... Lithium pegmatites – Grainsize variability Fine-grained acicular spodumene in quartz matrix 1 cm FOV: 2 mm Meter-sized spodumene Spodumene-Quartz Intergrowths (SQI, Thomas et al. 1994) 17 Lithium pegmatites – Internal structure and by-products Tin and tantalum minerals are potential valuable by-products but are typically enriched in late-stage greisens and albitites and may therefore be spatially separated from the lithium resource. Muscovite greisen + cassiterite 18 Lithium pegmatites – Other challenges Potential challenges to the development of LCT pegmatites • Lithium deportment: spodumene vs petalite vs phosphates vs mica vs… • Grain-size variability and variable gangue mineralogy. • Internal structure, distribution of Li vs distribution of by-products. • Purity of spodumene/petalite: chemical grade vs technical grade. • Weathering: slimes, clay minerals. Photo: Cornwall Pit, Greenbushes, WA, 19 19 Introduction Rare-Earth Elements Lithium Cobalt Conclusions 20 Cobalt Currently, the most important cobalt sources are: • Sediment-hosted Cu-Co deposits and associated supergene deposits. • Magmatic sulfide Ni-Cu-(Co-PGE) deposits • Nickel-cobalt laterites formed via weathering of ultramafic rocks For all supergene deposits, it is critical to understand weathering processes and profiles, value-metal deportment and gangue mineralogy and their spatial variability. 21 Schematic comparison of principal laterite profile types (Elias, 2002). Sediment-hosted Cu-Co deposits – Carrollite Cu: 4.48% ▪ Co: 6.12% Cu: 0.91% ▪ Co: 1.96% • Textures and mineral associations of carrollite (CuCo2S4) vary between stratigraphic units. • Intimate intergrowth with Mg-chlorite or may impact flotation performance and concentrate quality. 1 mm 22 SEM-EDS Element Map 0.5 mm SEM-EDS Phase Map D. Kaeter & M. Hitzman (unpublished data). The research has been supported by Introduction Rare-Earth Elements Lithium Cobalt Conclusions 23 What to do? Get good data and get the most out of your data… Educate your team about downstream processes Metal deportment, deleterious components, and gangue mineralogy determine total value – not just grade! Collect high-quality multi-element assay data Understanding these factors early is especially important for deposits of REEs and many of the battery metals. Characterize materials as early as possible Each deposit is unique and requires a custom approach. Engage the relevant subject-matter experts De-risk your project and make informed, data-driven decisions. 24 To conclude We can ensure the successful and sustainable development of critical-mineral deposits if we • Explore with mining, processing, and closure in mind. • Identify key value drivers and causes for their variability as early as possible, collect high-quality data to describe them, and embed them in resource block model. • Improve communication with people across fields and departments and learn their needs and languages. • Build the Mine We All Want to See. 25 Thank you For more information visit Meet us at the ERM Booth: #326 David Kaeter, Ph.D., G.I.T. Consultant, Geochemistry Americas Pim van Geffen, Ph.D., P.Geo. Associate Partner Americas Michael Cronwright, Pr.Sci.Nat. Battery Metals Lead EMEA References Berger, Janots, Gnos, Frei, Bernier, 2013, “Rare earth element mineralogy and geochemistry in a laterite profile from Madagascar”, Applied Geochemistry 41, p. 218–228. Elias, 2002, “Nickel laterite deposits – geological overview, resources and exploitation” in Giant ore deposits: Characteristics, genesis and exploration, CODES Special Publication 4, p. 205–220. Goodenough, Deady, Beard, Broom-Fendley, Elliot, van den Berg, Öztürk, 2021, “Carbonatites and Alkaline Igneous Rocks in Post-Collisional Settings: Storehouses of Rare Earth Elements”, Journal of Earth Science 32, p. 1332–1358. Krolop, Niiranen, Gilbricht, Seifert, 2019, “Ore type characterisation of the Per Geijer iron ore deposits in Kiruna, Northern Sweden”, in Proceedings of Iron Ore 2019, AusIMM, Perth, WA, pp 349359. Natural Resources Canada, 2022, “The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy”, available at Thomas, Bühmann, Bullen, Scogings, De Bruin, 1994, “Unusual spodumene pegmatites from the Late Kibaran of southern Natal, South Africa”, Ore Geology Reviews 9 (2), p. 161–182, Visual Capitalist, 2022, “The future value of disruptive metals”, available at 27 About CSA Global CSA Global (and ERM Group Company) is a leading mining and geological consulting company providing strategic advice and high-quality solutions to clients in the global mining industry for more than 35 years. Our team offers integrated and comprehensive services across the entire life-of-mine of a mineral asset. View publication stats