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Neuromuscular Control Case Study: Mrs. Thompson

Study Unit 5: Neuromuscular Control
Case Study
Mrs. Thompson is an 82-year-old woman who leads an active lifestyle despite her age. She
enjoys gardening, walking her dog, and participating in local community activities. However,
in recent months, she has experienced a decline in her neuromuscular control, leading to
occasional falls and difficulty performing daily tasks.
Initial Assessment:
Mrs. Thompson underwent a comprehensive assessment to evaluate her neuromuscular
control. The assessment included:
Medical History Review: Identified previous falls, joint pain, and general mobility issues.
Physical Examination: Decreased muscle strength, balance deficits, and reduced range of
motion in the lower extremities were noted.
Neurological Assessment: Revealed mild deficits in proprioception and coordination.
Functional Assessment: Identified difficulties in activities such as rising from a chair, walking
on uneven surfaces, and maintaining balance while reaching.
Improve Mrs. Thompson's overall neuromuscular control (improve balance and coordination
to reduce the risk of falls) and enhance muscle strength, particularly in the lower extremities
What neuromotor exercise prescription will you give to Mrs. Thompson
Warm up: Include exercises that use similar movement patterns as the conditioning session
as to increase neuromuscular activation and move more efficiently. Eg. core and leg strength
exercise combined with balance and agility (10-15 min)
The recommended amount of neuromotor
exercise is 2-3 days per week
No effective intensity has been set
≥20-30 min per day is recommended for
older individuals with a total of ≥60 min per
Coordination, balance, gait and agility
exercises which involve motor skills,
exercises such as PNF, strength and
stretching exercises which have many
aspects are recommended for Mrs.
Thompson (82 yrs) to maintain and improve
physical function and reduce the risk of falls
Cool down: Following an intense exercise session exercises should be at lower intensities
such as stretching and flexibility exercises (5-10 min)