IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2023) 43, 2934–2964 Advance Access publication on 15 October 2022 Tino Franz and Holger Wendland∗ Department of Mathematics, University of Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany ∗ Corresponding author: [Received on 28 March 2022; revised on 23 August 2022] Quasi-interpolation methods are well-established tools in multivariate approximation. They are efficient as they do not require, in contrast to interpolation, the solution of a linear system. Quasi-interpolations are often first studied on infinite grids. Here, it is usually required that the quasi-interpolation operator reproduces polynomials of a certain degree exactly. This degree corresponds to the approximation order of the quasi-interpolation process. Unfortunately, if a radial, compactly supported kernel is employed for building the quasi-interpolation operator, it is well known that polynomial reproduction is impossible in two or more dimensions. As such operators are numerically appealing and are frequently used in particle methods, we will, in this paper, look at such quasi-interpolation operators that do not reproduce polynomials and show that they lead, when employed in a multilevel scheme, to an efficient and converging approximation method. Keywords: multivariate approximation; quasi-interpolation; multilevel methods. 1. Introduction The efficient approximation of an unknown multivariate function f : Rd → R using only information of that function at a discrete point set, i.e., fj = f (xj ), j ∈ J, is one of the most fundamental problems in approximation theory and numerical analysis. While interpolation and approximation with radial basis functions (see for example Buhmann, 2003; Wendland, 2005; Fasshauer, 2007) and moving-least squares (see for example Levin, 1998; Wendland, 2001) are by now well-established tools, they often require the solution of a linear system. A related, but easier-to-implement, concept is that of quasi-interpolation; see for example Buhmann & Jäger (2022), de Boor (1990). Here, the approximation to f : Rd → R is formed using a fixed kernel Φ : Rd → R and certain functionals λj , j ∈ J, by setting Qf := λj (f )Φε (· − xj ), j∈J where Φε := ε−d Φ(·/ε) is a scaled version of the original kernel. Crucial for an efficient evaluation is, of course, that the functionals λj can be computed in constant time. Quasi-interpolation processes have also been thoroughly investigated in the context of shift-invariant spaces; see for example de Boor et al. (1994a,b, 1998), Johnson (1997). Besides their role in classical multivariate approximation theory, quasi-interpolation operators are extremely popular in particle methods such as the smoothed-particle hydrodynamics method (see for example Di Lisio et al., 1998; Vila, 1999; Monaghan, 2005, 2012; Violeau, 2012) for discretising partial © The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. All rights reserved. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Multilevel quasi-interpolation MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION 2935 Qp = p, p ∈ πm (Rd ). (1.1) This can either be achieved by imposing certain conditions on the kernel Φ or on the functionals λj or both. The best investigated situation is when the data sites xj form a regular grid of size h > 0, i.e., xj = hj, j ∈ Zd , the scaling parameter ε is proportional to h, i.e., ε = ch with c > 0 and the functionals are essentially point evaluation functionals, i.e., the operator takes the form Qh f = hd f (hj)Φch (· − hj). (1.2) j∈Zd In this situation, it is well known that polynomial reproduction is equivalent to the so-called Strang–Fix conditions; see for example Strang et al. (1973). Moreover, these conditions are equivalent to the fact that the space spanned by the translates of the scaled kernel provides good approximations. For example, for any Sobolev function f ∈ W2m+1 (Rd ), we have the optimal approximation result inf f − sL2 (Rd ) ≤ Chm+1 f W m+1 (Rd ) , s∈Sh 2 Sh := span{Φch (· − hj) : j ∈ Zd }. As mentioned above, particularly in the area of particle methods, compactly supported and radial kernels Φ = φ( · 2 ) are used. Here, however, we face the problem that such kernels do not satisfy the Strang–Fix conditions in any space dimension d ≥ 2; see Wendland (2017), Wu (1997). Hence, such kernels, when employed in quasi-interpolation operators (1.2), will not lead to a convergent result. As a matter of fact, it is known that the error behaves like (h/ε)m+1 ; see for example Raviart (1983). As interpolation with compactly supported radial basis functions faces the same problem, in that context, the idea of multilevel approximation schemes has been introduced (see Floater & Iske, 1996) and shown to lead to converging schemes (see for example Le Gia et al. 2010; Wendland, 2010, 2017). It is the goal of this paper to show that such multilevel techniques also convert nonconverging multilevel quasi-interpolation schemes into converging ones. The only additional assumption on the kernel Φ is that it satisfies a so-called moment condition of a certain order m; see Definition 2.2 below. This condition is essentially a continuous version of the polynomial reproduction property (1.1) above. Its advantage is that it is possible to have compactly supported radial kernels that satisfy the moment condition. As a matter of fact, any non-negative, radial kernel with compact support satisfies the moment condition of order m = 2. The moment condition can also be seen as a generalisation of the generalised StrangFix condition introduced in Wu & Liu (2005). In that paper, similar techniques to this paper are used to analyse the approximation power of quasi-interpolation operators. However, these operators are a significant modification of operator (1.2). In particular, the authors do not study the stationary setting with ε = ch but a nonstationary setting, which is numerically less attractive. Unfortunately, the moment condition itself cannot lead to a converging quasi-interpolation operator (1.2), as the moment condition is not equivalent to the Strang–Fix conditions. Hence, we need to combine the moment condition with a multilevel approximation scheme. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 differential equations in fluid dynamics. Here, Φ : Rd → R is usually a compactly supported radial function. In general, quasi-interpolation operators are required to reproduce polynomials of a certain degree m ∈ N0 , i.e., to satisfy 2936 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND Mn f = Mn−1 f + Qhn En−1 f , En f = En−1 f − Qhn En−1 f . This means that the global, multilevel approximation Mn f is computed by correcting the previous approximation Mn−1 f by a local approximation Qhn En−1 f of the previous error. The following result is a specific, simplified version of the general convergence results, which we will prove in this paper. Theorem 1.1 Let 1 ≤ p < ∞ and σ ∈ N with σ > d/p. Let Φ ∈ Wp2σ (Rd ) ∩ L1 (Rd ) satisfy the moment condition of order m < σ . Let hn = μn with μ ∈ (0, 1). Then there is a constant C > 0 and a constant q = q(μ, m) such that q ∈ (0, 1) for sufficiently small μ and sufficiently large m and such that f − Mn f Lp (Rd ) ≤ Cqn f Wpσ (Rd ) , f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Hence, the multilevel quasi-interpolation approximation scheme converges linearly in the number of levels. So far, results of this form seem to have limited use, as the terms sufficiently small and sufficiently large cannot yet be quantified. However, the numerical results at the end of this paper clearly indicate that convergence can be achieved with reasonable values. This means in particular that this paper is just a first step in understanding the convergence of multilevel quasi-interpolants. The paper is organised as follows. In the rest of this section, we introduce the necessary notation. In the next section, we analyse one-level approximations by splitting the error f − Qh f into a convolution and a discretisation error. In the third section, we analyse the multilevel quasi-interpolation method and prove our main results. In the fourth section, we review techniques for constructing kernels satisfying the moment condition of an arbitrary order. In the final section, we give some numerical examples. 1.1 Notation As usual, Wpσ (Rd ), σ ∈ N0 denotes the Sobolev space of all σ -times weakly differentiable functions in Lp (Rd ) also having weak derivatives in Lp (Rd ). Throughout this paper, we will restrict ourselves to integer σ , though the results also hold for fractional-order Sobolev spaces by interpolation. We will use the standard Sobolev norm denoted by · Wpσ (Rd ) , and the standard Sobolev seminorm denoted by | · |Wpσ (Rd ) . In the following, we will use a weighted variation of the standard Sobolev norm. For f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) and ε > 0, the weighted Sobolev norm is defined by f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) = ⎧ σ ⎪ p ⎪ ⎨ εkp |f | k k=0 Wp (Rd ) 1/p ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ max εk |f |W∞ k (Rd ) 0≤k≤σ for 1 ≤ p < ∞, for p = ∞. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 The idea behind the multilevel scheme is a simple residual correction method. Instead of one data set hZd , we will use a sequence of data sets hj Zd with h1 ≥ h2 ≥ h3 ≥ · · · . Then, we start the scheme by setting M0 f = 0 and E0 f = f and compute for n = 1, 2, . . . , recursively, 2937 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION p,1 |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) = p It is easy to see that f W σ (Rd ) = p,ε εσ |f |Wpσ (Rd ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞, εσ |f | for p = ∞. σ (Rd ) W∞ σ p k (Rd ) . Next, for 0 k=0 |f |Wp,ε ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ σ , we will define the following (generalised) weighted Sobolev seminorms as the sum over the above-defined weighted seminorms. To be more precise, we set τ1 ,τ2 |f |Wp,ε (Rd ) = ⎧ 1/p τ1 ⎪ p ⎪ kp ⎨ ε |f |W k (Rd ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ max for p = ∞. p k=τ1 τ1 ≤k≤τ2 εk |f |W∞ k (Rd ) σ ,σ Note that we simply have |f |Wp,ε = f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) and |f | 0,σ σ (Rd ) . (Rd ) = |f |Wp,ε Wp,ε (Rd ) We will also use the following notation for p norms. Let J be an index set and (fj )j∈J be a sequence. Then ⎧ 1/p ⎪ ⎪ p ⎪ ⎨ |fj | for 1 ≤ p < ∞, j∈J (fj )j p (J) := ⎪ ⎪ ⎪sup |fj | for p = ∞. ⎩ j∈J If the set J is given by {τ1 , τ1 + 1, . . . , τ2 } with two integers τ1 ≤ τ2 , we simply write (fj ) p (τ1 ,τ2 ) instead of (fj )j p ({τ1 ,...,τ2 }) . 2. One-level approximation In this section we will investigate the one-level quasi-interpolation operator Qh as defined in (1.2) but will allow for a general scaling ε > 0 instead of only looking at ε = ch. As we intend to interpret the quasi-interpolation operator as the discretisation of a convolution, we will first discuss these processes separately. After that, we will combine both concepts to analyse the approximation scheme. We will first give all estimates in the generalised Sobolev seminorms and then simplify the results to the standard norms and seminorms. 2.1 Convolution The convolution f ∗ g : Rd → R of two functions f , g : Rd → R is given by the parameter-dependent integral f ∗g= Rd f (y)g(· − y) dy, Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Obviously, we have that, for ε = 1, the weighted Sobolev norm and the standard norm coincide, i.e., · W σ (Rd ) = · Wpσ (Rd ) . The weighted Sobolev seminorm is given by 2938 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND Lemma 2.1 1. Young’s inequality: let 1 ≤ p, q, r ≤ ∞ be such that 1p + 1q = 1 + 1r . If f ∈ Lp (Rd ) and g ∈ Lq (Rd ) then f ∗ g ∈ Lr (Rd ) and f ∗ gLr (Rd ) ≤ f Lp (Rd ) gLq (Rd ) . 2. Generalised Minkowski inequality: let (S1 , μ1 ) and (S2 , μ2 ) be σ -finite measure spaces and let 1 ≤ p < ∞. If F : S1 × S2 → R is measurable, then 1/p 1/p p F(x, y) dμ (y) p dμ (x) ≤ |F(x, y)| dμ (x) dμ2 (y). 2 1 1 S1 S2 S2 S1 Young’s inequality immediately carries over to our generalised weighted Sobolev spaces. For example, with r = p, we have q = 1 and find for 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ σ , f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ), g ∈ L1 (Rd ) and δ > 0, by straightforward calculations, |f ∗ g|W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ |f |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) gL1 (Rd ) . p,δ (2.1) p,δ In contrast to classical quasi-interpolation schemes that satisfy the discrete requirement of reproducing polynomials in the sense of (1.1), we will only require a corresponding continuous condition, which leads to a good approximation by convolution. Definition 2.2 A kernel Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N if i) Rd ii) Rd iii) CΦ,m := Rd Φ(x)dx = 1, xα Φ(x)dx = 0, α ∈ Nd0 , 1 ≤ |α| < m, xm 2 |Φ(x)|dx < ∞. When working with a continuous compactly supported function Φ : Rd → R, all integrals are obviously well defined. Moreover, the third condition is automatically satisfied. However, the constant CΦ,m will play a crucial role in what follows. It is easy to verify that for an ε > 0, the scaled kernel Φε := ε−d Φ(·/ε) satisfies the moment condition of order m if and only if Φ satisfies the moment condition of order m; see for example Franz & Wendland (2018). Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 whenever the integral on the right-hand side is well defined. Throughout this paper, we will use standard estimates for convolution and other integral operators. In particular, we will employ Young’s inequality and a generalised version of Minkowski’s inequality, which we state in the following lemma for the convenience of the reader. A proof of Young’s inequality can be found in any book on higher analysis or functional analysis. Minkowski’s generalised inequality can, for example, be found in Stein (1971). 2939 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION δ0 := 1 + ΦL1 (Rd ) , δm := CΦ,m dm , m! m ≥ 1, (2.2) where CΦ,m is the constant from Definition 2.2. In our first result, we will keep the same weights in the seminorms on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the inequality. Theorem 2.3 Assume Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N. Let 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ σ (Rd ) ∩ Cσ (Rd ), τ2 ≤ σ with σ ≥ m + τ2 and ε, δ > 0. If f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ or f ∈ W∞ then |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ δm ε m p,δ δ |f |W m+τ1 ,m+τ2 (Rd ) , p,δ where δm , m ∈ N0 is given by (2.2). Proof. We begin by discussing the case σ = τ2 , i.e., m = 0. In this situation, we can use Young’s inequality in the form (2.1) to derive |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ |f |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) + |f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) p,δ p,δ p,δ ≤ 1 + ΦL1 (Rd ) |f |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) , p,δ using also Φε L1 (Rd ) = ΦL1 (Rd ) . Next we consider the case σ > τ2 . For 1 ≤ p < ∞, we first assume that f ∈ C∞ (Rd ) ∩ Wpm (Rd ). Hence, in both cases, 1 ≤ p < ∞ and p = ∞, we can take the Taylor expansion of f up to order m with integral remainder f (x − y) = f (x) + 1≤|α|<m +m Dα f (x) (−y)α α! 1 0 |α|=m (1 − s)m−1 (−y)α α D f (x − sy) ds. α! Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 The convergence order in terms of ε of the approximation by convolution with a kernel satisfying the moment condition is well known for Sobolev functions; see, for example, Raviart (1983). We will generalise these results using weighted Sobolev seminorms. Unfortunately, in such a situation, we might lose convergence in ε if the norms are weighted proportionally. To have convergence in our multilevel scheme, we thus need to calculate all constants involved as accurately as possible. In particular, we need to track how the constants depend on the space dimension d and, more importantly, on the order m of the moment condition. In the rest of the paper, we therefore need the constants 2940 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND f (x) − f ∗ Φε (x) = Rd [f (x) − f (x − y)] Φε (y) dy = − Rd m 1 0 |α|=m (1 − s)m−1 (−y)α α D f (x − sy)Φε (y) ds dy. α! With this equation and the triangle inequality, we have 1 m−1 α (1 − s) (−y) α D f (· − sy)Φε (y) ds dy W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) = m p,δ α! 0 |α|=m Rd p,δ 1 F (·, z)dz τ1 ,τ2 d , ≤m α Wp,δ (R ) α! S2 |α|=m using S2 := Rd × [0, 1], z = (y, s) ∈ S2 and Fα (·, z) = (1 − s)m−1 (−y)α Dα f (· − sy)Φε (y). From now on, we will restrict ourselves to the case 1 ≤ p < ∞. The case p = ∞ is handled in a similar way. Thus, the seminorm on the right-hand side becomes p τ2 kp β F (·, z) dz p τ ,τ δ α D Fα (·, z) dz Wp,δ1 2 (Rd ) = S2 S2 |β|=k k=τ1 (2.3) Lp (Rd ) and the generalised Minkowski inequality from Lemma 2.1 together with the change of variables from x − sy to x yields for the Lp -norm on the right-hand side, Dβ F (·, z) dz α S2 1 ≤ ≤ Rd Rd 0 Rd Rd S2 Lp (Rd ) = ≤ 1/p β dz D Fα (x, z) p dx 1/p ds dy (1 − s)m−1 yα Φε (y) p |Dβ+α f (x − sy)|p dx ym 2 |Φε (y)| dy 1 (1 − s)m−1 ds 0 Rd 1/p |Dβ+α f (x)|p dx 1 C εm Dβ+α f Lp (Rd ) , m Φ,m where, in the last step, we have used that the integral over s is bounded by 1/m and that for the integral over y the moment condition of the function Φ yields Rd m ym 2 |Φε (y)| dy = ε Rd m ym 2 |Φ(y)| dy = CΦ,m ε . Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Multiplying this equation by Φε (x), integrating it over Rd and using the first two properties of the moment condition for Φε leads to 2941 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION ⎛ ⎞ 1/p τ2 1 F (·, z) dz τ1 ,τ2 d ≤ ⎝ C εm Dβ+α f p⎠ δ kp α Lp (Rd ) m Φ,m Wp,δ (R ) S2 |β|=k k=τ1 = 1 CΦ,m εm Dα f W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) , p,δ m which then gives the bound 1 |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ m Fα (·, z) dz W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) p,δ p,δ α! S2 |α|=m ≤ CΦ,m εm 1 |Dα f |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) . p,δ α! |α|=m The remaining sum can be bounded by ⎛ ⎞ 1 1 ⎠ max |Dα f | τ1 ,τ2 d |Dα f |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ ⎝ Wp,δ (R ) p,δ α! α! |α|=m |α|=m |α|=m ⎛ ⎞1/p τ2 dm p max ⎝ ≤ δ kp |Dα f |W k (Rd ) ⎠ p m! |α|=m k=τ1 ⎛ ≤ dm m! ⎝ τ2 ⎞1/p p Wp δ kp |f | k+m k=τ1 (Rd ) ⎠ ⎛ ⎞1/p m+τ dm −m ⎝ 2 kp p δ ≤ δ |f |W k (Rd ) ⎠ p m! k=m+τ1 = dm m! δ −m |f |W m+τ1 ,m+τ2 (Rd ) . p,δ The fact that Wpσ (Rd ) ∩ C∞ (Rd ) is dense in Wpσ (Rd ) finishes the proof for this case. As mentioned above, the case p = ∞ is treated in an analogous way. Direct consequences of this theorem are the following estimates for weighted Sobolev norms and seminorms. The first of the next two estimates follows by setting τ1 = 0 and τ2 = τ and the second one by setting τ1 = τ2 = τ . Corollary 2.4 Assume Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N. Let 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ σ (Rd ) ∩ Cσ (Rd ), then we have with σ ≥ m + τ and ε, δ > 0. If f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ or f ∈ W∞ Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Inserting this into (2.3) and taking the pth root shows 2942 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND f − f ∗ Φε W τ (Rd ) ≤ δm ε m |f |W m,m+τ (Rd ) , δ p,δ p,δ and on the other hand |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ (Rd ) ≤ δm ε m δ p,δ |f |W m+τ (Rd ) . p,δ Next we will modify these estimates by allowing different weights in the Sobolev norm. However, we will do this only in the case where the Sobolev norm on the right-hand side is not weighted by δ > 0 but instead by ε, i.e., the scaling parameter of our kernel Φε . Theorem 2.5 Assume Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N. Let 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ σ and ε, δ > 0. Set k1 := min{σ − m − 1, τ2 } and k2 := max{τ1 , σ − m}. Let f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) for σ (Rd ) ∩ Cσ (Rd ). Then 1 ≤ p < ∞ or f ∈ W∞ δ k |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ δm |f |Wp,ε m+k d (R ) p,δ ε δ + ε k δσ −k k k p (τ1 ,k1 ) (2.4) |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . p (k2 ,τ2 ) Proof. We only deal with the case 1 ≤ p < ∞. The case p = ∞ is treated similarly. We first note that we have with Fε := f − f ∗ Φε the identity τ2 p = Wp,δ (Rd ) |Fε | k k=τ1 k1 k=τ1 p + Wp,δ (Rd ) |Fε | k τ2 p . Wp,δ (Rd ) |Fε | k k=k2 (2.5) To see this, we notice that in the case of σ − m ≤ τ1 we have k2 = τ1 , i.e., the second sum in (2.5) is the full sum, and because of σ − m − 1 ≤ τ1 − 1 ≤ τ2 − 1, also k1 = σ − m − 1 ≤ τ1 − 1, i.e., the first sum is empty. If, however, σ − m > τ1 then we have k2 = σ − m. If σ − m > τ2 then the second sum in (2.5) is empty and k1 = τ2 , i.e., the first sum is the full sum. If σ − m ≤ τ2 , then we have k1 = σ − m − 1, i.e., k2 = k1 + 1, meaning that both sums on the right-hand side of (2.5) yield the sum on the left-hand side. Thus, using the second part of Corollary 2.4 with δ = ε, we see for 1 ≤ p < ∞, p Wp,δ |f − f ∗ Φε | τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ k1 δ k=τ1 p ≤ δm kp ε p,ε k1 δ k=τ1 p |f − f ∗ Φε |W k (Rd ) + ε kp p + Wp,ε (Rd ) |f | m+k τ2 δ k=k2 ε kp p |f − f ∗ Φε |W k (Rd ) ε k=k2 τ2 δ kp p,ε p p δσ −k |f |W σ (Rd ) , p,ε Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 on the one hand 2943 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION To simplify the notation, we will, from now on, assume that the smoothness σ of the target function and the order of the moment condition m satisfy σ ≥ m. We can easily specialize the last theorem to the case of weighted Sobolev norms and to standard Sobolev norms. Corollary 2.6 Assume Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N. Let σ ≥ m and σ (Rd ) ∩ Cσ (Rd ). If m = σ then ε, δ > 0. Let f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ or f ∈ W∞ δ f − f ∗ Φε W σ (Rd ) ≤ p,δ ε k δσ −k k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . (2.6) p (0,σ ) If m < σ and δ ≤ ε, then δ f − f ∗ Φε W σ (Rd ) ≤ δm f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + p,δ ε k δσ −k k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . (2.7) p (σ −m,σ ) Finally, if m ≤ σ , then |f − f ∗ Φε |W σ (Rd ) ≤ δ0 p,δ δ ε σ |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . (2.8) Proof. With τ1 = 0, τ2 = σ and σ ≥ m, we have k1 = σ − m − 1 and k2 = σ − m. Hence, (2.4) becomes δ k f − f ∗ Φε W σ (Rd ) ≤ δm |f |Wp,ε m+k d (R ) p,δ ε δ + ε k δσ −k k k p (0,σ −m−1) |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . p (σ −m,σ ) In the case σ = m, the first term comprises an empty sum and thus this inequality reduces to the stated bound (2.6). If, however, m < σ then, because of δ ≤ ε, the first norm can be bounded by δ ε k |f |Wp,ε m+k d (R ) k ≤ |f |Wp,ε m+k d (R ) p (0,σ −m−1) k = f Wp,ε σ −1 d ≤ f W σ (Rd ) , (R ) p,ε p (0,σ −m−1) yielding (2.7). Finally, for (2.8), we have to set τ1 = τ2 = σ , which yields with σ ≥ m this time k1 = σ − m − 1 and k2 = σ . Thus, again the first norm in (2.4) vanishes and the second norm reduces Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 where in the application of Corollary 2.4 to the second sum we notice that the necessary condition σ − k2 ≤ m is automatically satisfied. Taking the pth root and using the triangle inequality for p gives the stated bound (2.4). 2944 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND δ |f − f ∗ Φε |W σ (Rd ) ≤ p,δ ε k δσ −k k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) = δ0 p (σ ,σ ) δ ε σ |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) , which is the stated inequality. The next result concerns intermediate Sobolev smoothness. Corollary 2.7 Assume Φ ∈ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m ∈ N. Let 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ with σ ≥ m and ε ∈ (0, 1]. If f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ), then τ − min{σ −m−1,τ } −k f − f ∗ Φε Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ δm ε f Wp,ε ε δσ −k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + σ (Rd ) . k=σ −m Proof. Here, we have τ1 = 0 and τ2 = τ giving k1 = min{σ − m − 1, τ } and k2 = σ − m. With δ = 1, this gives, as in the last corollary, 1 f − f ∗ Φε Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ δm ε 1 + ε ≤ δm ε using the fact that every k |f |Wp,ε m+k d (R ) k δσ −k − min{σ −m−1,τ } k k p (0,min{σ −m−1,τ }) |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) p (σ −m,τ ) 1 f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + ε p norm can be bounded by the 1 norm. k δσ −k k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) , 1 (σ −m,τ ) 2.2 Quadrature We will investigate the approximation of an integral over Rn by a simple quadrature formula. To this end, we will divide the space Rd into infinitely many cubes of length h > 0 with midpoints xj = hj for j ∈ Zd . For this midpoint rule, the following result is well known; see for example Raviart (1983). Theorem 2.8 Let f ∈ W1σ (Rd ), σ > d and xj = hj, j ∈ Zd , h > 0. Then there exists a constant Cd,σ > 0 such that d f (xj ) ≤ Cd,σ hσ |f |W σ (Rd ) . d f (x) dx − h 1 R j∈Zd The proof of this theorem employs the Bramble–Hilbert lemma. This, however, means that the constant Cd,σ given in this result is not explicitly known. There exist formulations of this result for Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 to one term with index k = σ , i.e., 2945 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION Lemma 2.9 Let 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ σ and 1 ≤ p, q, r ≤ ∞ such that 1 + 1p = 1q + 1r . Then there exists a constant C > 0 such that f ∗ g − hd f (hj)g(· − hj) W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) p,δ j∈Zd α α−β ≤ Cd,σ hσ f D Lq (Rd ) β |α|=σ β≤α δ |γ | Dβ+γ g τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 Lr (Rd ) holds for all f ∈ Wqσ (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ) and g ∈ Wrσ +τ2 (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ). Proof. We start by looking at the specific case τ1 = τ2 = 0. Let x ∈ Rd . A direct application of Theorem 2.8, which will be justified by the following calculations, shows ≤ C hσ |f (·)g(x − ·)| σ d . f ∗ g(x) − hd f (hj)g(x − hj) d,σ W1 (R ) j∈Zd Using the multivariate Leibniz rule, the seminorm on the right-hand side can then be bounded by a sum of convolutions as |f (·)g(x − ·)|W σ (Rd ) = 1 |α|=σ Rd α D (f (y)g(x − y)) dy α β α−β β = f (y)D g(x − y) dy (−1) D d β |α|=σ R β≤α α ≤ Dα−β f (y)Dβ g(x − y) dy β Rd |α|=σ β≤α = α |Dα−β f | ∗ |Dβ g| (x). β |α|=σ β≤α Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 sub-classes of functions, from which the constant can be estimated. However, for functions in W1σ (Rd ), no such results seem to be known. In a first step, we will apply the above result to analyse the quadrature of a general convolution integral. After that, we will apply this result to the specific situation, where the convolution takes place with kernels from Section 2.1. 2946 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND f ∗ g − hd f (hj)g(· − hj) j∈Zd α |Dα−β f | ∗ |Dβ g| ≤ Cd,σ hσ |α|=σ β≤α β d Lp (R ) ≤ Cd,σ hσ |α|=σ β≤α ≤ Cd,σ h σ Lp (Rd ) α |Dα−β f | ∗ |Dβ g| Lp (Rd ) β α α−β β f g , D D Lq (Rd ) Lr (Rd ) β |α|=σ β≤α which finishes the proof in the situation τ1 = τ2 = 0. For the general situation, we only consider the case τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ), we can 1 ≤ p < ∞. The case p = ∞ is dealt with similarly. Recall that for an arbitrary f ∈ Wp,δ p p write the generalised weighted seminorm by f τ1 ,τ2 d = τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 δ p|γ | Dγ f L (Rd ) . Inserting the Wp,δ (R ) p result above yields f ∗ g − hd f (hj)g(· − hj) τ1 ,τ2 Wp j∈Zd ⎛ ≤⎝ (Rd ) ⎛ τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 ⎞p ⎞1/p α ⎠ ⎠ δ p|γ | ⎝Cd,σ hσ Dα−β f Dβ+γ g Lq (Rd ) Lr (Rd ) β |α|=σ β≤α ⎛ α α−β ⎝ ≤ Cd,σ hσ f D Lq (Rd ) β |α|=σ β≤α ≤ Cd,σ hσ |α|=σ β≤α using again the fact that the α α−β f D Lq (Rd ) β Lr (Rd ) τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 δ |γ | Dβ+γ g ⎞1/p p δ p|γ | Dβ+γ g Lr (Rd ) τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 ⎠ , p norm can always be bounded by the 1 norm. As mentioned above, we will now specify this result by considering the convolution with our scaled kernels. Corollary 2.10 Let 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ σ . Let ε, δ, h > 0 and Φ ∈ Wpσ +τ2 (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ). Then f ∗ Φ − hd f (hj)Φ (· − hj) ε ε τ1 ,τ2 d j∈Z Wp,δ ≤ Cσ ,τ2 ,d h ε σ max δ ε τ1 , δ ε τ2 f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) (Rd ) holds for all f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ), where Cσ ,τ2 ,d = Cσ ,τ2 ,d (Φ) = 2σ σ +d−1 d−1 Cd,σ |Φ| W σ +τ2 (Rd ) . 1 Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 The triangle inequality and Young’s inequality then yield 2947 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION Wp,δ ≤ Cd,σ hσ (R ) α α−β f D Lp (Rd ) β |α|=σ β≤α δ |γ | Dβ+γ Φε L1 (Rd ) τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 . For the p-norm of f , we see that α−β f ≤ |f | W |α|−|β| (Rd ) ≤ ε|β|−|α| |f | W |α|−|β| (Rd ) ≤ ε|β|−σ f Wp,ε D σ (Rd ) . d p Lp (R ) p,ε The sum over γ can be estimated by δ |γ | Dβ+γ Φε ≤ d L1 (R ) τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 τ1 ≤|γ |≤τ2 ≤ε −|β| β+γ Φ D |β|+|γ | δ |γ | ε L1 (Rd ) ΦW σ +τ2 (Rd ) max 1 δ ε τ1 δ , ε τ2 . The remaining sum computes to α |α|=σ β≤α β = 2σ = 2σ |α|=σ σ +d−1 . d−1 Again, this immediately leads to the following bounds for the full weighted Sobolev norm and the weighted Sobolev seminorm by setting τ1 = 0, τ2 = τ and τ1 = τ2 = τ , respectively. Corollary 2.11 Let 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ , ε, δ, h > 0 and Φ ∈ Wpσ +τ (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ). Then σ τ h δ f ∗ Φ − hd f Wp,ε f (hj)Φε (· − hj) ≤ Cσ ,τ ,d max 1, σ (Rd ) , ε ε ε τ d j∈Zd Wp,δ (R ) f ∗ Φ − hd f (hj)Φε (· − hj) ε τ j∈Zd Wp,δ ≤ Cσ ,τ ,d h ε σ δ ε τ f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) (Rd ) for every f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) ∩ C(Rd ). Note that the constant Cσ ,τ ,d appears to be quite large. However, it is based on a rather pessimistic estimate, which seems to be worse than it actually is. We will see this later on when looking at specific examples. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Proof. We use Lemma 2.9 with q = p, r = 1 and g = Φε . Hence, we have f ∗ Φ − hd f (hj)Φ (· − hj) ε ε τ1 ,τ2 d d j∈Z 2948 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND We will now combine both approximation techniques to analyse our quasi-interpolation operator. We have to be aware that we need point evaluations of the function f in our approximation scheme. Hence, if 1 ≤ p < ∞, we will assume that σ > d/p to ensure that f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ) is continuous. For p = ∞, we σ +1 (Rd ). Under this condition, the theorem of Morrey states that f will assume that σ > 0 and f ∈ W∞ σ ,1 d belongs to the Hölder space C (R ), such that the conditions of Theorem 2.5 are satisfied. Let Φ ∈ Wpk (Rd ). For 1 ≤ p < ∞, we define the quasi-interpolation operator Q : Wpσ (Rd ) → k Wp (Rd ) with σ > d/p as in (1.2), i.e., by Qf := hd f (hj)Φε (· − hj). j∈Zd For p = ∞ the operator is defined as a mapping Q : Wpσ +1 (Rd ) → Wpk (Rd ). As mentioned at the beginning of this section, we can split up the error of the approximation operator into a convolution error and a quadrature error by |f − Qf |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) ≤ |f − f ∗ Φε |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) + |f ∗ Φε − Qf |W τ1 ,τ2 (Rd ) . p,δ p,δ p,δ (2.9) We can use Theorem 2.5, or, more precisely, Corollaries 2.6 and 2.7 to bound the first term. The quadrature error can be bounded by employing Corollary 2.10. For the analysis of the multilevel method, we will need two particular versions of (2.9). First, we need the above estimate for the Wpτ (Rd ) norm. Corollary 2.12 Let 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ . If 1 ≤ p < ∞, then let σ > d/p and f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Otherwise, let σ +1 (Rd ). Let h > 0 and 0 < ε ≤ 1. Suppose Φ ∈ W σ +τ (Rd ) ∩ L (Rd ) satisfies the σ > 0 and f ∈ W∞ p 1 moment condition of order m ≤ σ . Then f − Qf Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ ε−τ τ k=σ −m ετ −k δσ −k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) h + δm εmax{τ −σ +m+1,0} + Cσ ,τ ,d ε σ f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . Proof. As mentioned above, we split the error according to (2.9) with the specific choices δ = 1, τ1 = 0 and τ2 = τ . Then Corollary 2.7 gives for the first term in (2.9) the bound f − f ∗ Φε Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ δm ε − min{σ −m−1,τ } f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + τ k=σ −m ε −k δσ −k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 2.3 Analysis of the quasi-interpolation operator 2949 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION f ∗ Φε − Qf Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ Cσ ,τ2 ,d = Cσ ,τ ,d h ε h ε σ max σ 1 ε τ1 δ ε τ2 δ , ε f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) τ f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . Both bounds together yield the stated estimate. The second result we need prepares for a level-to-level estimate in the multilevel method. Hence, the order of the Sobolev norm remains the same while the weights are changing. Corollary 2.13 If 1 ≤ p < ∞, then let σ > d/p and f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Otherwise, let σ > 0 and σ +1 (Rd ). Let ε, δ, h > 0 with δ ≤ ε ≤ 1. Suppose Φ ∈ W 2σ (Rd ) ∩ L (Rd ) satisfies the moment f ∈ W∞ p 1 condition of order m < σ . Then, f − Qf W σ (Rd ) ≤ p,δ σ δ ε δσ −k k=σ −m and |f − Qf |W σ (Rd ) ≤ p,δ k δ ε h |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ε σ δ0 |f |Wp,ε Cσ ,σ ,d σ (Rd ) + σ f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) (2.10) σ h ε f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) . (2.11) Proof. We start again with the basic error split (2.9). For (2.10), we have τ1 = 0 and τ2 = σ . Thus, the bound (2.7) from Corollary 2.6 yields for the convolution error δ f − f ∗ Φε W σ (Rd ) ≤ δm f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + p,δ ε p,δ = Cσ ,σ ,d h ε σ h ε σ k k=σ −m using again that the p -norm can be bounded by the according to Corollary 2.10, this time be bounded by δσ −k σ δ ε ≤ δm f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) + f ∗ Φε − Qf W τ (Rd ) ≤ Cσ ,τ2 ,d k k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) p (σ −m,σ ) δσ −k |f |Wp,ε σ (Rd ) , 1 -norm. The second term in (2.9) can, again max δ ε τ1 δ , ε τ2 f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) f Wp,ε σ (Rd ) , using in particular τ1 = 0 and δ ≤ ε. Both bounds together yield the stated estimate (2.10). The second bound (2.11) is proven in the same way, using again the estimate just derived on the discretisation error and using (2.8) from Corollary 2.6 for the convolution error. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 The second term in (2.9) can, according to Corollary 2.10, be bounded by 2950 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND 2.4 Discussion of the constants For our further analysis, it is important to know the size of the constants involved in the convergence estimates. Here, we have first of all the constants δm from (2.2) playing a crucial role in the analysis of the m convolution given in Theorem 2.3. They are mainly given by δm = CΦ,m dm! . While the quotient tends to zero for m → ∞, we still need to study the behaviour of the constant CΦ,m , which is defined by the moment condition. In applications, we will choose kernels Φ having compact support in the closed unit ball B1 [0]. In this case, the constant CΦ,m can be bounded by CΦ,m = Rd xm 2 |Φ(x)| dx ≤ 2π d/2 ΦL∞ (Rd ) Γ (d/2) 1 rm+d−1 dr = 0 2π d/2 1 ΦL∞ (Rd ) , m + d Γ (d/2) which means that CΦ,m also converges to zero for m → ∞ or for d → ∞. The constants appearing in the analysis of the quadrature process are more complicated. They are given by σ σ +d−1 Cd,σ |Φ| W σ +τ2 (Rd ) , Cσ ,τ2 ,d = Cσ ,τ2 ,d (Φ) = 2 1 d−1 where Cd,σ is the constant from Theorem 2.8 and mainly determined by the constant of the Bramble– Hilbert lemma. Even if no analytical estimate exists for this constant, numerical tests seem to indicate that Cd,σ < 2. The remaining part of the constant, however, will be large and exponentially growing in d and σ . Nonetheless, as mentioned in Section 2.2, the estimates made to achieve this result are far from being optimal. 3. The multilevel method We now want to analyse the multilevel quasi-interpolation operator. To this end, we first rewrite the previous results in an appropriate form, reflecting the level structure of the method. Then we recall the definition of the multilevel scheme and summarise some additional assumptions and straightforward representations. Finally, we derive our error analysis. 3.1 Notation and auxiliary results For every level n ∈ N, let xnj = hn j, j ∈ Zd be the midpoints of the cubes with edge length hn > 0. Let Φ : Rn → R be a continuous and integrable kernel. For each level n, let Φn := Φεn be the scaled kernel with scaling parameter εn ∈ (0, 1] with εn+1 ≤ εn . On each level, we define the quasi-interpolation operator Qn as in Section 2.3 by Qn f = hdn j∈Zd f (xnj )Φn (· − xnj ). Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 As mentioned before, this result means that we do not show convergence in the stationary setting ε = ch. 2951 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION Lemma 3.1 If 1 ≤ p < ∞, then let σ > d/p and f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Otherwise, let σ > 0 and σ +1 (Rd ). f ∈ W∞ 1. If 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ and Φ ∈ Wpσ +τ (Rd ) ∩ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m < σ , then f − Qn f Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ εn−τ τ k=σ −m εnτ −k δσ −k |f |Wp,n σ (Rd ) hn max{τ −σ +m+1,0} + δm ε + Cσ ,τ ,d εn σ f Wp,n σ (Rd ) . 2. If Φ ∈ Wp2σ (Rd ) ∩ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m < σ , then σ εn+1 k f − Qn f W σ (Rd ) ≤ δσ −k |f |Wp,n σ (Rd ) p,n+1 εn k=σ −m hn σ f Wp,n + δm + Cσ ,σ ,d σ (Rd ) . εn 3. If Φ ∈ Wp2σ (Rd ) ∩ L1 (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m < σ , then εn+1 σ hn σ f Wp,n δ0 |f |Wp,n |f − Qn f |W σ (Rd ) ≤ σ (Rd ) + Cσ ,σ ,d σ (Rd ) . p,n+1 εn εn Next we intend to derive a recursion formula, which will be necessary for the analysis of the multilevel scheme. To this end, we assume that there are constants 0 < μ ≤ 1 and 0 < Cμ ≤ 1 such that Cμ μhn ≤ hn+1 ≤ μhn , n ∈ N0 , (3.1) which means that the individual sets of points become uniformly finer at the same rate. Moreover, we will assume that the support radius of the kernel on each level depends linearly on the mesh size hn , i.e., that there is a constant 0 < ν < 1 such that hn = νεn , n ∈ N0 . (3.2) Corollary 3.2 If 1 ≤ p < ∞, then let σ > d/p and f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Otherwise, let σ > 0 and σ +1 (Rd ). Assume Φ ∈ W 2σ (Rd ) ∩ L (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m < σ . For f ∈ W∞ p 1 (n) (n) (n) (n) n ∈ N, define numbers αj , βj , 0 ≤ j ≤ n, as follows. The numbers αn , βn are chosen arbitrarily Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 For the sake of readability, we will write · Wp,n σ (Rd ) = · W σ (Rd ) for the weighted Sobolev p,εn norm. For the weighted seminorms, we will use analogous notation. For the convenience of the reader, we summarise the results of Corollaries 2.12 and 2.13 using this notation. 2952 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND σ (n) (n) (n) αj := αj+1 μσ δ0 + βj+1 k=σ −m (n) μk δσ −k , βj (n) (n) := Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ μσ αj+1 + δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ βj+1 . Then, for j = n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 1, the error f − Qj f satisfies the recursion (n) αj+1 |f − Qj f |W σ d p,j+1 (R ) (n) + βj+1 f − Qj f W σ d p,j+1 (R ) (n) (n) (n) ≤ αj |f |W σ (Rd ) + βj f W σ (Rd ) . p,j p,j (n) Moreover, if for 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ the numbers αn and βn are defined by τ αn(n) := k=σ −m εnτ −k δσ −k , βn(n) := δm εnmax{τ −σ +m+1,0} + Cσ ,τ ,d ν σ , then the error satisfies the bound (n) f − Qn f Wpσ (Rd ) ≤ εn−τ αn(n) |f |Wp,n σ (Rd ) + βn f W σ (Rd ) . p,n (n) (n) Proof. For simplicity, we will write αj , βj instead of αj and βj . Using j instead of n and multiplying the second and third bound of Lemma 3.1 by βj+1 and αj+1 , respectively, yields, together with (3.1) and (3.2), αj+1 |f − Qj f |W σ ≤ αj+1 μσ δ0 |f |W σ (Rd ) + Cσ ,σ ,d ν d f W σ (Rd ) , p,j p,j σ k d μ δσ −k |f |Wp,n Cσ ,σ ,d ν f W σ (Rd ) . σ (Rd ) + δm + (Rd ) ≤ βj+1 d p,j+1 (R ) βj+1 f − Qj f W σ p,j+1 p,j k=σ −m Adding these two equations, reordering the terms and denoting the resulting factor in front of |f |W σ (Rd ) p,j by αj and the factor in front of f W σ (Rd ) by βj gives the first statement. The second statement p,j immediately follows from the first bound in Lemma 3.1. 3.2 The method Let f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). As mentioned in the introduction, the multilevel quasi-interpolation approximation method is defined by two sequences of operators (Mn ) and (En ), where En describes the error at level n and Mn describes the approximation at level n. These operators are defined by setting M0 f = 0, E0 f = f and then by computing recursively Mn f = Mn−1 f + Qn En−1 f , En f = En−1 f − Qn En−1 f . Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 and then, for j = n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 1, they are given recursively by 2953 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION n I Qn Qn−1 · · · Qm Qj := j=m if n < m, if n ≥ 1, where I denotes the identity operator. As the operators Qj usually do not commute, the order of the operators is crucial. Proposition 3.3 The operators Mn and En of the multilevel quasi-interpolation method satisfy Mn = n Qj j−1 (I − Q ), n En = (I − Qj ), =1 j=1 j=1 where I is the identity operator. Proof. This follows easily by induction. For example, for the error operators, we obviously have En+1 = (I − Qn+1 )En , E1 = I − Q1 , which immediately leads to the stated representation. Similarly, for the multilevel operators Mn , we have M1 = M0 + Q1 E0 = Q1 and Mn+1 = Mn + Qn+1 En = n Qj j−1 (I − Q ) + Qn+1 =1 j=1 j−1 n n+1 (I − Qj ) = Qj (I − Q ). j=1 j=1 =1 3.3 Convergence results In this subsection we will prove our main result on the convergence of the multilevel method. Theorem 3.4 Let 0 ≤ τ ≤ σ . If 1 ≤ p < ∞, then let σ > d/p and f ∈ Wpσ (Rd ). Otherwise, let σ > 0 σ +1 (Rd ). If Φ ∈ W 2σ (Rd ) ∩ L (Rd ) satisfies the moment condition of order m < σ , then the and f ∈ W∞ p 1 error f − Mn f satisfies (n) (n) f − Mn f Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ εn−τ α1 ε0σ μσ + β1 f Wpσ (Rd ) (n) f W σ (Rd ) , α1(n) ε0σ μσ + β ≤ ε0−τ 1 p (n) (n) (n) where the coefficients (αj ) and (βj ) are from Corollary 3.2 and the new coefficients ( αj )j and −τ −τ n+1−j (n) −τ −τ n+1−j (n) (n) (n) (n) α = Cμ μ α and β = Cμ μ β and satisfy for (β )j are given by j j j j j Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Given this recursion, it is easy to see that multilevel quasi-interpolation operator Mn and the multilevel error operator En satisfy the following recursions. To formulate these, we use the notation 2954 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND αj(n) = (n) −τ σ −τ (n) Cμ−τ Cμ μ αj+1 δ0 + β j+1 σ k−τ μ k=σ −m δσ −k , (n) (n) (n) = Cσ ,σ ,d Cμ−τ ν σ μσ −τ αj+1 + Cμ−τ μ−τ δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ β β j j+1 with initial values αn(n) = Cμ−τ μ−τ αn(n) , n(n) = Cμ−τ μ−τ βn(n) . β Proof. As before, we simplify the notation by omitting the upper index (n) in the definition of the coefficients. Using the second statement of Corollary 3.2 to start the recursion and then the first statement multiple times yields f − Mn f Wpτ (Rd ) = En−1 f − Qn En−1 f Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ εn−τ αn |En−1 f |Wp,n σ (Rd ) + βn En−1 f W σ (Rd ) p,n ≤ εn−τ α1 |E0 f |W σ (Rd ) + β1 E0 f W σ (Rd ) p,1 p,1 −τ = εn α1 |f |W σ (Rd ) + β1 f W σ (Rd ) p,1 p,1 σ σ −τ ≤ εn α1 ε0 μ + β1 f Wpσ (Rd ) , where, in the last step, we have used that |f |W σ (Rd ) = ε1σ |f |Wpσ (Rd ) ≤ ε0σ μσ f Wpσ (Rd ) and f W σ (Rd ) ≤ p,1 p,1 f Wpσ (Rd ) . −τ n = ε0−τ Cμ−τ μ−τ . From Cμ μεn−1 ≤ εn , we can conclude εn−τ ≤ (Cμ μεn−1 )−τ ≤ Cμn μn ε0 With this, we can show the stated recursion of the new coefficients, as we have −τ −τ n+1−j Cμ μ αj σ −τ −τ n+1−j σ k = Cμ μ μ δσ −k αj+1 μ δ0 + βj+1 αj = k=σ −m σ j+1 = Cμ−τ μ−τ αj+1 μσ δ0 + β μk δσ −k k=σ −m σ j+1 Cμ−τ = αj+1 Cμ−τ μσ −τ δ0 + β μk−τ δσ −k k=σ −m Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 j = n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 1 the recursions 2955 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION j = Cμ−τ μ−τ n+1−j βj β ! n+1−j = Cμ−τ μ−τ Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ βj+1 Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ μσ αj+1 + δm + ! j+1 αj+1 + δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ β = Cμ−τ μ−τ Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ μσ j+1 . = Cσ ,σ ,d Cμ−τ ν σ μσ −τ αj+1 + Cσ ,σ ,d Cμ−τ ν σ μ−τ β So far it is not obvious that the above result indeed guarantees convergence under reasonable assumptions. Typically for multilevel methods, such assumptions usually comprise the refinement ratio μ and the ratio ν between the grid size and the support radius and convergence is attained if both quantities are sufficiently small. Here, however, we will also need to consider the order m of the moment condition. Let us now introduce η := Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ , σ γ := k=σ −m μk δσ −k . (3.3) As both μ and ν can be chosen arbitrarily small, it is possible to make both parameters as small as required. In particular, we can choose them in such a way that γ ≤ δm + 1, η (3.4) which is, for example, satisfied if we require the stronger condition γ ≤ 1. With this notation, the recursion of the coefficients αj , βj can be expressed as (n) αj (n) (n) = αj+1 μσ δ0 + βj+1 γ , (n) βj (n) (n) = αj+1 μσ η + βj+1 (δm + η). Hence, both recursions have the same pattern and differ only in some constants. Using the fact that δ0 ≥ 1 and assuming (3.4) gives (n) αj δ (n) (n) (n) (n) ≤ δ0 αj+1 μσ + βj+1 γ = 0 αj+1 μσ η + βj+1 γ η η δ δ (n) (n) (n) ≤ 0 αj+1 μσ η + βj+1 (δm + η) = 0 βj , η η Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 and, in the same way, 2956 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND δ (n) σ (n) σ (n) (n) δm + η ≤ 0 βj+1 δm + η βj(n) = αj+1 μ η + βj+1 μ η + βj+1 η " # (n) = δ0 μσ + δm + η βj+1 " #n−j (n) ≤ δ0 μσ + δm + η βn , αj(n) ≤ " #n−j (n) δ0 (n) δ0 βj ≤ δ0 μσ + δm + η βn . η η j )j , this becomes For the modified sequences ( αj )j and (β #n−j (n) δ0 " n , δ0 Cμ−τ μσ −τ + Cμ−τ μ−τ δm + η β η (3.5) " # (n) ≤ δ0 Cμ−τ μσ −τ + Cμ−τ μ−τ δm + η n−j β n(n) . β j (3.6) (n) αj ≤ This leads to the following convergence result. Corollary 3.5 Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 3.4 are satisfied and let ε0 = 1. Suppose that there is a constant Cν > 0 such that μ = Cν ν. Let ν > 0 be sufficiently small and m sufficiently large such that σ k=σ −m μk δσ −k ≤ 1 and q := Cμ−τ δ0 μσ −τ + μ−τ δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ < 1. Then there exists a constant C = C(Cν , σ , δ0 ) independent of n such that the quasi-interpolation multilevel method is converging with f − Mn f Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ Cqn f Wpσ (Rd ) . Proof. The definition of η from (3.3) shows that (3.5) and (3.6) yield α1(n) ≤ δ0 n−1 (n) n , q β η n(n) . (n) ≤ qn−1 β β 1 Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 so that we have the recursive inequalities MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION 2957 (n) (n) f W σ (Rd ) α1 μσ + β 1 p δ0 n(n) f W σ (Rd ) . ≤ Cνσ + 1 qn−1 β p Cσ ,σ ,d f − Mn f Wpτ (Rd ) ≤ Finally, from its definition, we can conclude n(n) = Cμ−τ μ−τ βn(n) β = Cμ−τ μ−τ δm εnmax{τ −σ +m+1,0} + Cσ ,τ ,d ν σ ≤ Cμ−τ μ−τ δm + Cσ ,τ ,d ν σ $ Cσ ,τ ,d ≤ max 1, q, Cσ ,σ ,d which yields the stated result. The above result shows that we can indeed achieve convergence, if we choose the parameters m, ν Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ μ−τ become sufficiently small. In and μ = Cν ν such that the three terms δ0 μσ −τ , δm μ−τ and the case of pure approximation errors, i.e., τ = 0, this simplifies dramatically, as the negative influence μ−τ disappears. If we additionally choose the constants Cμ = Cν = 1, then we have μ = ν and hn = ν n , εn = hn /ν = hn−1 and only need to guarantee that σ k=σ −m ν k δσ −k ≤ 1, σ δ0 ν + δm + Cσ ,σ ,d ν σ < 1 is satisfied. Obviously, if we first choose m ∈ N such that δm < 1, then there is a ν0 > 0 such that for all ν ∈ (0, ν0 ) these inequalities are satisfied. 4. Kernel construction The goal of this section is to remind the reader of techniques that allow the easy construction of kernels satisfying a higher-order moment condition. Proofs of the results can be found in Franz & Wendland (2018), Ramming & Wendland (2018) but go back to ideas from Beale & Majda (1985). 4.1 Construction scheme We will concentrate on radial basis functions as kernels, as in this situation, the moment condition can be expressed using only univariate integrals. To be more precise, the following result holds. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Thus, Theorem 3.4 shows, together with μ = Cν ν and ε0 = 1, 2958 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND 1 sd−1 φ(s) ds = 0 1 Γ ( d2 ) , 2π d/2 s2k+d−1 φ(s) ds = 0, (4.1) 1 ≤ k ≤ M − 1, (4.2) 0 1 s2M+d−1 φ(s) ds < ∞, (4.3) 0 where Γ denotes the Gamma function; see Gradshteyn & Ryzhik (2000, 8.310). Then Φ = φ( · 2 ) satisfies the moment condition of order m = 2M. We now want to give a simple way to construct radial kernel functions satisfying the moment condition of arbitrary order. For that, we follow the ideas of Beale & Majda (1985), see also Majda & Bertozzi (2002) and Ramming & Wendland (2018), by constructing a linear combination of scaled kernel functions. Suppose that M ∈ N. Consider the kernel as a linear combination of scaled functions, i.e., consider φ(s) = M s aj λj ψ j=1 , s ∈ [0, ∞), (4.4) with λj ∈ R for 1 ≤ j ≤ M, 0 < a1 < a2 < · · · < aM = 1 ∈ R and ψ : [0, ∞) → R being a continuous function with compact support. With this kind of kernel, we can change the conditions imposed on the kernel to conditions imposed on the parameters λj and aj . Inserting (4.4) into (4.1), we find the new condition M j=1 ⎞−1 d ⎛∞ Γ 2 ⎝ λj adj = sd−1 ψ(s) ds⎠ =: c0 . 2π d/2 (4.5) 0 Furthermore, condition (4.2) will be satisfied if M λj a2k+d = 0, j 1 ≤ k ≤ M − 1. (4.6) j=1 With predefined aj , this leads to a linear system of M equations for the M coefficients λj , which can be shown to have a unique solution. As a matter of fact, it is possible to write down this solution explicitly as follows. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Lemma 4.1 Let φ ∈ C[0, ∞) have compact support and let M ∈ N. Suppose φ satisfies 2959 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION λj = M c0 a2k adj k=1 a2k − a2j k =j a21 · · · a2j−1 a2j+1 · · · a2M c = (−1)j−1 0d 2 aj (aj − a21 ) · · · (a2j − a2j−1 )(a2j+1 − a2j ) · · · (a2M − a2j ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ M. This method of construction of the kernel gives us a very simple way to satisfy the moment condition of any desired order. Moreover, this construction is, except for the constant c0 , independent of the choice for the function ψ. However, the smoothness of the function φ is determined by the smoothness of the function ψ. 4.2 Examples of kernel functions For the sake of simplicity, we now choose a ∈ RM to be equidistant; more precisely we assume that λj := adj λj via aj = bj for b > 0 and for 1 ≤ j ≤ M. Then we can calculate λj = c0 M k=1 k =j k2 k k (bk)2 = c = c 0 0 k−jk+j (bk)2 − (bj)2 k 2 − j2 m M k=1 k =j k=1 k =j ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ j−1 M M (M! )2 ⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠ 1 = c0 2 2j k−j k−j k+j j k=1 = (−1)j−1 2c0 = (−1)j−1 2c0 = (−1)j−1 2c0 (M! )2 j ⎛ ⎝ k=j+1 j−1 1 k=1 k ⎞⎛ ⎠⎝ M−j k=1 ⎞⎛ 1⎠ ⎝ k k=1 M+j k=1+j ⎞ 1⎠ k M! M! (M + j)! (M − j)! j M+1−k k=1 M+k . With this representation for λj , which is independent of the choice of b, we can easily verify that M+1−j λj = − M+j λj−1 . However, the usual choice of is b = 1/M to ensure that φ has the same compact support as ψ. Examples of typical values for λj ∈ R for 1 ≤ j ≤ M and 0 < a1 < a2 < · · · < aM = 1 ∈ R can be found in Table 1. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Proposition 4.2 Let M ∈ N, aj > 0 be pairwise distinct for 1 ≤ j ≤ M and c0 ∈ R. Then the coefficients λj are given by 2960 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND Parameters for d = 2 and c0 = 1 on the left and d = 3 and c0 = 1 on the right M a 1 2 a1 a1 a2 a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3 a4 3 4 λ 1 1/2 1 1/3 2/3 1 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 λ1 λ1 λ2 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 1 16/3 −1/3 27/2 −27/20 1/10 128/5 −16/5 8/315 −1/35 M a 1 2 a1 a1 a2 a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3 a4 3 4 λ 1 1/2 1 1/3 2/3 1 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 λ1 λ1 λ2 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 1 32/3 −1/3 81/2 −81/10 1/10 512/5 −32/5 32/945 −1/35 Table 2 Errors for the first test example with d = 2 and c0 = 1; ψ is the C6 Wendland function given by r → (1 − r)+ (32r3 + 25r2 + 8r + 1) Level hn εn 1 1.25e−1 1. 2 6.25e−2 5e−1 3 3.13e−2 2.5e−1 4 1.56e−2 1.25e−1 5 7.81e−3 6.25e−2 6 3.91e−3 3.13e−2 7 1.95e−3 1.56e−2 m=2 Error q m=4 Error q m=6 Error q 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 1.54e−2 4.35e−2 3.62e−3 1.64e−2 8.04e−4 4.40e−3 1.26e−4 7.84e−4 1.29e−5 8.46e−5 7.94e−7 7.25-6 2.76e−8 3.04e−7 — — 0.24 0.38 0.22 0.27 0.16 0.18 0.10 0.11 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.04 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2.73e−3 1.35e−2 4.57e−4 2.65e−3 5.47e−5 3.57e−4 3.67e−6 3.21e−5 1.30e−7 1.59e−6 5.45e−9 8.58e−8 3.85e−10 7.06e−9 — — 0.17 0.02 0.11 0.14 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.08 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 1.59e−3 8.53e−3 2.37e−4 1.44e−3 2.18e−5 1.56e−4 9.69e−7 1.03e−5 2.70e−8 4.43e−7 1.61e−9 2.68e−8 6.89e−11 1.51e−9 — — 0.15 0.17 0.09 0.11 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.06 5. Numerical tests In this section we want to verify our analytical error bounds numerically. Since our analysis is given for functions defined on all of Rd , we can simplify the error computation by looking either at compactly supported or periodic target functions. We will use the former. We will look at two test examples in R2 . The first one consists of an infinitely smooth target function, while the second example uses a target function of limited smoothness. In both cases, we use point sets with grid length hn = 2−2−n and grid points (xnj )k = 2−2−n (2−1 +jk ) for j ∈ Zd , 1 ≤ k ≤ d and 1 ≤ n ≤ 7. In this case, we have μ = 1/2 and Cμ = 1. We will choose d = 2, εn = 8hn , such that ν = 1/8 and ε1 = 1. As kernels, we use the normalised versions of the C4 (k = 2) and C6 (k = 3) Wendland functions. To obtain a higher-order moment condition, we use the construction from Section 4. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Table 1 MULTILEVEL QUASI-INTERPOLATION 2961 Fig. 2. Example 1: ∞ error of each level on the left-hand side and values for q on the right-hand side. 5.1 Test example 1 A first test example approximates the infinitely smooth blob function f : R2 → R given by e−1/(1−x2 ) 0 2 x = (x1 , x2 ) → if x2 < 1, else. The results of this test example can be found in Table 2 and in Figs 1 and 2. We also give estimates on the constant q, which is required to be in (0, 1) for convergence. The estimates are simply computed by dividing two successive errors. As one can see, the error is smaller for kernels satisfying a higher-order moment condition. When comparing the order 6 kernel with the order 2 kernel, we see that we need about two levels less to achieve a comparable error. Moreover, the value for q, the improvement of the error per level, is smaller for the higher-order kernels. Downloaded from by National Science & Technology Library user on 25 February 2024 Fig. 1. Example 1: 2 error of each level on the left-hand side and values for q on the right-hand side. 2962 T. FRANZ AND H. WENDLAND Fig. 4. Example 2: ∞ error of each level on the left-hand side and values for q on the right-hand side. Nonetheless, though our theoretical result requires m to be sufficiently large, we even have good convergence for m = 2, which describes the kernels mostly used in particle methods. In the last two levels, we see that the value for q is smaller for the kernels with m = 2 than for higher-order kernels. Nevertheless, we gain convergence for all kernel functions. 5.2 Test example 2 For our second example, we choose the C1 -function f : R2 → R given by x = (x1 , x2 ) → (1 − x2 )2 0 if x2 < 1, else. In this case, the test function is not particularly smooth. This means that it does not satisfy the required conditions for our error analysis for larger m. 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