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8 TED Talks

Ronnie Kinsey
8 Ted Talks on
leadership that’ll
teach you more
than an $8,000
leadership course:
Ronnie Kinsey
1. How Great Leaders Inspire Action
By Simon Sinek
Helps leaders learn the importance
of understanding the “why” in your
Ronnie Kinsey
2. The Power of Introverts
By Susan Cain
Helps leaders understand how
introverts bring extraordinary talents
and abilities to teams.
Ronnie Kinsey
3. The Power of Vulnerability
By Brene Brown
Helps leaders learn how empathy
and vulnerability build strong,
genuine connections.
Ronnie Kinsey
4. Listen, Learn…then Lead
By Stanley McChrystal
Helps leaders know how to build a
sense of shared purpose in your team.
Ronnie Kinsey
5. How to Stop Screwing Yourself
Over | By Mel Robbins
Helps leaders learn how to turn off
your brain’s autopilot and achieve a
more rewarding life.
Ronnie Kinsey
6. The Surprising Habit of Original
Thinkers | By Adam Grant
Helps leaders learn to embrace
failure while dreaming up new ideas
and taking action to put them into
the world.
Ronnie Kinsey
7. Grit: The Power of Passion and
By Angela Duckworth
Helps leaders understand that grit is a
stronger predictor of success than IQ.
Ronnie Kinsey
8. The Puzzle of Motivation
By Daniel Pink
Helps leaders recognize that
traditional rewards aren’t always as
effective as you think.
Ronnie Kinsey
And a bonus inspirational Ted
Talk that all leaders should see…
Ronnie Kinsey
9. This Tennis Icon Paved the Way
for Women in Sports
By Billie Jean King
The tennis legend, leader, and role
model talks about equality and
social justice.
Ronnie Kinsey
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