7 e’s DETAILED LESSON PLAN I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students must be able to: 1. distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning 2. use inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument 3. distinguish between a direct and an indirect proof 4. take and pass the test with mastery level of 75% II. CONTENT A. Topic: Mathematical Reasoning B. Subject Integration: English III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. Materials Needed: Power point presentation, videos B. References: Math World 8; pp. PROCEDURE Teachers Activity Students Activity A. Introductory Activity - Greetings Good afternoon student How are you today? - - Good afternoon ma’am Good, Ma’am Prayer To formally start our class discussion this afternoon let us stand for the prayer Checking of attendance Now for your attendance let me check if you are present or not and say present as I call your name. B. ELICIT Review This afternoon let us review your lesson last discussion Who can recall you’re the lesson? What is conditional statement? (Teacher will mention the name of a student who will answer) Okay very Good Like for example we have; Write each statement in if-then form 1. Sixteen-year-olds are eligible to drive Ma’am our lesson last meeting is about Conditional Statement. Conditional Statement or an if-then statement is a combination of two statements ---p, which is called the hypothesis or premise, and q, which is called the conclusion. Such statements are also called an implication. -if you are sixteen years old then you are eligible to drive C. ENGAGE Explore and Learn Looking at the Illustration what can you see about it? Patterns exist in nature such as those of snowflakes, beehives, leaves, and dunes. People have long analyzed patterns and made conclusion about them. In mathematics, you also need to analyzed number patterns and form conclusions about them. In mathematics, you also need to analyze number patterns and form conclusion based on the given information. D. EXPLORE ACTIVITY Describe the pattern in the sequence. Then determine the next number in the sequence. a. 3, 6, 9, 12 … b.… What do you think would be the next number in the sequence for letter A? What do you think would be the next number in the sequence for letter B? How do you come up with that answer? What operation do you use to determine the next number in the sequence? Okay very good Explanation: a. To get the second term in the sequence, add 3 to the first term; that is, 3+3=6. To get third term, add 3 to the second term; that is 6+3=9 To get the fourth term, add 3 to the third term; that’s is 9+3=12 The pattern is to add 3 to the previous term to get the current term. Therefore, the next term is 12+3=15. b. Notice that 15 is 3 times 5, which is the number just before15. Also, 45 is 3 times 15 which is the number just before 45. Similarly, 135 is 3 times 45. The pattern is to multiply the previous term by 3 to get the Snowflakes, beehives, leaves and dunes. 15 405 Addition and Multiplication current Hence, the next number, must be 135(3) =405. Now you already know how to determine the next pattern in the sequence. Do you find it hard class in determining the next number in the sequence? Okay, Very well said. E. EPLAIN This afternoon class we will going to discuss the topic about Mathematical Reasoning which really focuses on the following objectives; first is to distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning, second use inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument, next distinguish between a direct and an indirect proof and lastly how write a direct and an indirect proof. In this lesson we were tackle the inductive and the deductive reasoning on how to distinguish these mathematical reasoning. Inductive reasoning which define as the process of observing data, recognizing patterns and making generalizations or conjectures about the patterns. It is a kind of reasoning that forms general rules from the specific examples. If you have remember earlier in your activity we tackle about the patterns or the sequence of the number that is one of an example for inductive reasoning. Another example for inductive reasoning Note that conjecture formed through induction may or may not be true. It is possible that the conjecture is true for some cases only. Data: I see fireflies in my backyard every summer. Hypothesis: This summer, I will probably see fireflies in my backyard. Data: Every dog I meet is friendly. Hypothesis: Most dogs are usually friendly. Data: I tend to catch colds when people around me are sick. Hypothesis: Colds are infectious. It is foe the reason that inductive reasoning alone is not accepted as a valid logical argument, however, inductive reasoning is still a valuable tool in mathematics. In fact, in many cases, it is through inductive No Ma’am reasoning that many mathematical properties were discovered. Another type of reasoning used in mathematics is Deductive reasoning is a process of showing that certain statement follow logically from agreed upon assumption (axioms) and/or proven facts (theorems). It is kind of reasoning that proves specific statements from general rules. Example: What can you conclude about the following statements? a. Statement 1: All humans are mortal. Statement 2: Socrates is human. Conclusion: Socrates is Mortal Solutions: a. Socrates is a “specific example “of a human being therefore, Socrates must possess the accepted characteristic of all humans: they are mortal. Hence, you can conclude that Socrates is mortal. Here are some examples of deductive reasoning: Major premise: All mammals have backbones. Minor premise: Humans are mammals. Conclusion: Humans have backbones. Major premise: All birds lay eggs. Minor premise: Pigeons are birds. Conclusion: Pigeons lay eggs. Major premise: All plants perform photosynthesis. Minor premise: A cactus is a plant. Conclusion: A cactus performs photosynthesis. Now identify the kind of reasoning used in each scenario. a. Carol had corned beef for lunch for the last 4 days. Therefore, carol will have corned beef for lunch today. b. Aileen buys only green bags. She bought a new bag yesterday. Therefore, that bag must be green. Solutions : a. Inductive reasoning b. Deductive reasoning Mathematical proofs lie at the foundations of mathematics. The truth of each claim or conjecture may be proven directly or indirectly. Direct proof- is an argument that employs deductive reasoning. You begin with the given information or premises that are assumed to be true, and from there, take logical steps toward establishing the conclusion by applying postulates, theorems, or definitions. Indirect Proof-involves assuming that the negation of the conclusion is true. If the succeeding deductive arguments lead to a contradiction, then the original statement is proven to be true. F. ELABORATE In Mathematical reasoning always remember Now determine the kind of reasoning used in the following cases: 1. Team star and Team Moon played a basketball game. The winning team in that game will play against Team Sun on the next game. Team Sun will play against Team Star on the next game. Therefore, Team Moon lost to Team Star in the game. 2. Lea finished her first 5 exams in half the allotted time. Therefore, she will finish the sixth exam in half the allotted time. G. EVALUATION Describe the patterns and determine the next entry in each sequence. Pattern Next Entry Triangle, quadrilateral, 1. 2. pentagon,… 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, … 3. 4. 7, 9,13,19,27,… 5. 6. (January 2, February 4, 7. 8. March 6, April 8, …) 9. Every Friday, the Quianzon family eats pizza. Today is Friday. Therefore, Quianzon Family will eat pizza. 10. If a triangle is equilateral, then it is an acute triangle. Triangle ABC is equilateral. Therefore, it is an acute triangle. H. EXTEND Assignment: 1. Give an example of a scenario in which deductive reasoning is used. (At least 5 examples) Prepared by: RACHEL ANN S. ARZAGA Student Teacher Checked by: MS. RHEA HANNELLE BAGUIORO Critique Teacher