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Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 8th Edition Gloria Leifer Test Bank

Chapter 05: Nursing Care of Women with Complications During
1. A pregnant patient tells the nurse that she has been nauseated and
vomiting. How will the nurse explain that hyperemesis gravidarum is
distinguished from morning sickness?
a. Hyperemesis gravidarum usually lasts for the duration of the pregnancy.
b. Hyperemesis gravidarum causes dehydration and electrolyte
c. Sensitivity to smells is usually the cause of vomiting in hyperemesis
d. The woman with hyperemesis gravidarum will have persistent vomiting
without weight loss.
2. A woman is 9 weeks pregnant and experiencing heavy bleeding and cramping. She reports passing some
tissue. Cervical dilation is noted on examination. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms?
a. Inevitable abortion
b. Incomplete abortion
c. Complete abortion
d. Missed abortion
3. The nurse finds a woman crying after she has undergone a dilation and evacuation (D&E) for a missed
abortion. What is the most appropriate statement by the nurse?
a. There is usually something wrong with the fetus when this happens early in pregnancy.
b. Now there. You can try to conceive on your next cycle.
c. Im here if you need to talk.
d. You are young and strong. I know you can have a healthy pregnancy.
4. A woman who is 8 weeks pregnant becomes concerned when she has light vaginal bleeding accompanied by
abdominal pain. An ectopic pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound. Which statement indicates that the woman
understands the explanation of an ectopic pregnancy?
a. The chorionic villi develop vesicles within the uterus.
b. The placenta develops in the lower part of the uterus.
c. The fetus dies in the uterus during the first half of the pregnancy.
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d. The embryo is implanted in the fallopian tube.
5. An ultrasound on a woman who is 32 weeks pregnant reveals the placenta implanted over the entire cervical
os. What does the nurse understand best describes this condition?
a. Low-lying placenta
b. Marginal placenta previa
c. Partial placenta previa
d. Total placenta previa
6. What symptom presented by a pregnant women is indicative of abruptio placentae?
a. Painless vaginal bleeding
b. Uterine irritability with contractions
c. Vaginal bleeding and back pain
d. Premature rupture of membranes
7. What situation would concern the nurse about the presence of Rh incompatibility?
a. Rh-negative mother, Rh-positive fetus
b. Rh-positive mother, Rh-negative fetus
c. Rh-negative mother, Rh-negative fetus
d. Rh-positive mother, Rh-positive fetus
8. A primigravida in her first trimester is Rh negative. What will this woman receive to prevent anti-Rh
antibodies from forming?
a. Rh immune globulin during labor
b. Intrauterine transfusions with O-negative blood
c. Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks and within 72 hours after the birth of an Rh-positive infant
d. Rh immune globulin now and again in the last trimester
9. A woman seeking prenatal care relates a history of macrosomic infants, two stillbirths, and polyhydramnios
with each pregnancy. What does the nurse recognize these factors highly suggest?
a. Toxoplasmosis
b. Abruptio placentae
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c. Hydatidiform mole
d. Diabetes mellitus
10. A nurse is providing prenatal education. The nurse will explain that pregnancy affects glucose metabolism
in what way?
a. Placental hormones increase the resistance of cells to insulin.
b. Insulin cells cannot meet the bodys demands as the womans weight increases.
c. There is a decreased production of insulin during pregnancy.
d. The speed of insulin breakdown is decreased during pregnancy.
11. Why does the woman taking oral hypoglycemic agents to control diabetes mellitus need to take insulin
during pregnancy?
a. Insulin can cross the placental barrier to the fetus.
b. Insulin does not cross the placental barrier to the fetus.
c. Oral agents do not cross the placenta.
d. Oral agents are not sufficient to meet maternal insulin needs.
12. A pregnant woman comes to the clinic stating that she has been exposed to hepatitis B. She is afraid that
her infant will also contract hepatitis B. What will the nurse explain to this woman?
a. The infant will be given a single dose of hepatitis immune globulin after birth.
b. The infant will be able to use the antibodies from the immunizations given to the patient before delivery.
c. The infant will not have hepatitis B because the virus does not pass through the placental barrier.
d. The infant will be immune to hepatitis B because of the mothers infection.
13. What will the nurse begin with when asking a patient about drug use during a prenatal history?
a. Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs?
b. Do you ever use prescription or street drugs?
c. What over-the-counter and prescription drugs have you taken in the past 3 months?
d. We need to know if you take drugs so we can help your baby.
14. The nurse assesses a pregnant woman for pregnancy-induced hypertension. What is thefirst sign of fluid
retention suggestive of this complication?
a. Abdominal enlargement
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b. Facial swelling
c. Sudden weight gain
d. Swelling of thefeet and ankles
15. A patient with gestational hypertension is exhibiting all of thesigns below. What should thenurse report
a. Diarrhea
b. Urticaria
c. Blurred vision
d. Backache
16. A patient who is 28 weeks pregnant presents with consistent hypertension. What need would thehome
health nurse make thefirst priority?
a. Activity restriction
b. Balanced nutrition
c. Increased fluid intake to ensure adequate hydration
d. Instruction about theeffect of diuretics
17. The nurse is caring for a pregnant woman diagnosed with preeclampsia. What will thenurse explain is
theobjective of magnesium sulfate therapy for this patient?
a. To prevent convulsions
b. To promote diaphoresis
c. To increase reflex irritability
d. To act as a saline cathartic
18. The nurse is caring for a pregnant woman receiving an intravenous infusion with magnesium sulfate. What
is themost appropriate nursing intervention?
a. Count respirations and report a rate of less than 12 breaths/min.
b. Count respirations and report a rate of more than 20 breaths/min.
c. Check blood pressure and report a rate of less than 100/60 mm Hg.
d. Monitor urinary output and report a rate of less than 100 mL/hr.
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