Pakistan International School, English Section, Riyadh Biology Worksheet: 1 Chapter: 15 Variation Grade: 7 Name: _____________________ Section: _______________ Q1: Classify the following variations as either; i) ii) Caused entirely by genetic effects. Caused by a combination of genetic and environmental effects. Obesity Eye colour Tallness Gender Blood group Natural hair colour Caused entirely by genetic effects Caused by a combination of genetic and environmental effects Page 1 of 17 Q2: Differentiate between genus and species? Genus Species Q2: Following are the scientific names of some organisms, along with their common names in brackets: Canis familiaris (Dog) Equus caballus (Pony) Canis mesomelas (Jackal) Equus burchelli (Zebra) Commiphora angolensis (Sand Corkwood) Commiphora africana (African Myrrh) a) Write down the scientific name of two organisms which have same genus? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Page 2 of 17 b) Write down the common name of two organisms that have different genus? __________________________________ __________________________________ Q3: Look at the figures given below: Identify the group for each organism to which it belongs and write down only one characteristic of that group: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 17 Page 6 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 17 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 17 Q4: Identify the scientific names of following organisms with the help of dichotomous key: i) Dichotomous key I: Dichotomous key to representative birds 1. a. The beak is relatively long and slender (very narrow) Certhidea b. The beak is relatively stout (thick & strong) and heavy to 2 2.a. The bottom surface of the lower beak is flat and straight Geospiza b. The bottom surface of the lower beak is curved 3 ..…… …….. Go ….… ……. Go to 3.a. The lower edge of the upper beak has a distinct (clear) bend ……… Camarhynchus b. The lower edge of the upper beak is mostly flat …….. Platyspiza Page 11 of 17 ii) Dichotomous Key II: Dog Skunk Shark ___________________ ____________________ Dolphin Rose ______________________ ________________ Eagle Canary Mushroom _____________________ _______________ _________________ ____________________ Page 12 of 17 Oyster Mosquito Cow ___________________ _______________________ Ivy ________________________________ Pine tree Turkey Page 13 of 17 1. animal not an animal go to 2 go to 11 2. has wings go to 3 no wings go to 6 3. has feathers go to 4 no feathers 4. flies high does not fly high 5. often yellow not yellow Ochloerotatus taeniorhynchus go to 5 Meleagris gallopavo Serinus canaria Haliaeetus leucocephalus 6. lives in water go to 9 lives on land go to 7 7. has fluffy fur go to 8 no fluffy fur 8. common pet __________________ ______________________ ____________________________ Bos taurus Canis familiaris Mephitis mephitis not a common pet 9. has fins go to 10 Haematopus ostralegus no fins 10. razor sharp teeth Carcharodon carcharias Tursiops truncates pegged, pointy teeth 11. green go to 12 go to 13 not green 12. grows tall Pinus ponderosa Rhus toxicodendron does not grow tall 13. can be poisonous Boletus edulis Rosa sylvestris not poisonous Page 14 of 17 Q5: Identify the common names of organisms by the help of dichotomous key: (A) ________________ (B) _______________ (C) ____________ (D)_____________ (E)_______________ (F)__________ (G)_________________ (H) ________________ (I) _________ Page 15 of 17 (J)________________ (K)__________________ (L)________ Create a dichotomous key using the following list of specimens: pine tree, clam, rock, robin, tin can, deer, oak tree, mouse, dandelion, Paramecium, bicycle, ant Here's an example in written form using these items: 1. a. Organism is living........................................................go to 4. 1. b. Organism is nonliving..................................................go to 2. 2. a. Object is metallic........................................................go to 3. 2. b. Object is nonmetallic..................................................ROCK. 3. a. Object has wheels......................................................BICYCLE. 3. b. Object does not have wheels......................................TIN CAN. 4. a. Organism is microscopic...................................PARAMECIUM. 4. b. Organism is macroscopic............................................go to 5. 5. a. Organism is a plant.....................................................go to 6. 5. b. Organism is an animal.................................................go to 8. 6. a. Plant has a woody stem..............................................go to 7. 6. b. Plant has a herbaceous stem.................................DANDELION. 7. a. Tree has needle like leaves.....................................PINE TREE. 7. b. Tree has broad leaves............................................OAK TREE. 8. a. Organism lives on land................................................go to 9. 8. b. Organism lives in water...............................................CLAM. 9. a. Organism has 4 legs or fewer......................................go to 10. Page 16 of 17 9. b. Organism has more than 4 legs...................................ANT. 10 a. Organism has fur........................................................go to 11. 10 b. Organism has feathers................................................ROBIN. 11 a. Organism has hooves.................................................DEER. 11 b. Organism has no hooves............................................MOUSE. Page 17 of 17