Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx................................................................. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................. 2 D2X Platform Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 2 Data Processing Application (DPA)...................................................................................................... 2 Data Collection Application (DCA) ....................................................................................................... 2 Data Translation Application (DTA)...................................................................................................... 2 System Point Database (B008) ............................................................................................................ 2 Figure 1: Example System........................................................................................................................ 3 Configuring the System Point Database................................................................................................... 4 Golden Rule #1..................................................................................................................................... 4 Configuring the Data Link ......................................................................................................................... 7 Golden Rule #2..................................................................................................................................... 7 Golden Rule #3..................................................................................................................................... 9 Configuring the DNP 3.0 DCA ................................................................................................................ 10 Device Point Map Table ..................................................................................................................... 12 Device Configuration Table ................................................................................................................ 13 DCA Configuration Table ................................................................................................................... 17 Configuring Bridgeman ........................................................................................................................... 20 Local Application Table (LAT) ............................................................................................................ 22 Remote Application Table (RAT)........................................................................................................ 23 Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 1 of 23 Introduction The following is a look at the basic configuration techniques for the DNP 3.0 protocol suite including B023-0, B015, and B013 applications. For more detailed configuration techniques and functional information, please refer to the configuration guides and functional specifications. Assumptions 1. Your firmware has B023, B021, B015, and B013 loaded. 2. You have taken DNP 3.0 configuration training. 3. You understand the basic architecture of the GE product. D2X Platform Architecture To configure DNP 3.0, you must understand the relationship between a DPA, DCA, DTA, and system point database. Data Processing Application (DPA) The data processing application (DPA) in general reports data from the system point database memory registers to a master. It can sort and filter data going back to the master by configuring point mapping tables. A few examples of the many DPAs available are DNP 3.0, MODBUS, or IEC protocols. · · Filtering: Selecting points you want to return to the master and skip the others. Sorting: Grouping the points to be reported. Remember: DPAs cannot own points; they are merely mapped to a DCA or DTA-owned point. Data Collection Application (DCA) The data collection application (DCA) collects data from external devices and writes it to the system point database memory registers. It can pass controls, time-synchronize devices, and poll as many devices as connected for that protocol (you do not need a DCA per device). A few examples of the many DCAs available are DNP 3.0, MODBUS, or IEC protocols. Data Translation Application (DTA) The data translation application (DTA) does not communicate to devices or respond to master requests. It be mapped to read points in the system point database memory registers and write to other points in the system point database memory registers. Some examples of DTAs are Calculator, Mailbox, and LogicLinx™. System Point Database (B008) The system point database allows you to reserve the 16-bit memory registers in NVRAM on the D2X platform and assign them to DCAs. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 2 of 23 Figure 1: Example System Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 3 of 23 Configuring the System Point Database As with any DCA, you start by setting up the system point database. Opening the System Point Database The system point database allows you to enter the number of points required by the device in the field, as well as the points required by the B023-0 application (known as pseudo points). Golden Rule #1 Each DNP 3.0 DCA (B023-0) version requires a different number of pseudo points. Please refer to your version-specific configuration guide appendix on pseudo point configuration. If you enter an incorrect number of pseudo points, you may encounter the following error in the wesmaint error log: “Insufficient wesdac <x> points expected <n>”. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 4 of 23 Select the DNP 3.0 DCA line item and click Points. The DCA/DTA Points dialog box opens. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 5 of 23 Enter the number of global, real, and per device pseudo points. (Please refer to your configuration guide for an explanation of these terms). In our case, for version 409 of B023, we must calculate the number of points to enter. 37 digital input points: · · · · · Three global pseudo points (referring to the configuration guide) Four real points (referring to figure 1 DNP 3.0 device number one) 13 per device pseudo points (referring to the configuration guide) Four real points (referring to figure 1 DNP 3.0 device number two) 13 per device pseudo points (referring to the configuration guide) 12 analog input points: · · · · One real point (referring to figure 1 DNP 3.0 device number one) Five per device pseudo points (referring to the configuration guide) One real point (referring to figure 1 DNP 3.0 device number two) Five per device pseudo points (referring to the configuration guide) Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 6 of 23 Configuring the Data Link Golden Rule #2 Always configure your data link (B013) application before you configure the DPA and DCA applications (B023-0 and B021-0) and finally your Bridgeman (B015) application. The data link (B013) application is used to configure your RS232 / 485 communications ports with specific parameters, and give that configuration a data link channel number. Opening the DNP 3.00 Data Link The tables available to be configured in the data link are displayed below. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 7 of 23 The Tables in the DNP 3.00 Data Link We will focus on the basic configuration of the Port Configuration table. For the example in figure 1, we configure the Port Configuration table to have three ports (COM 1, 2, and 5). This reflects the physical hardware ports we want to use in our system. The end configuration looks similar to the following screen: Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 8 of 23 The Port Configuration Table Golden Rule #3 The numbers in the Config column are used as the data link channels in the Bridgeman (B015) application LAT and RAT tables. For example, config 0 in the B013 Port Configuration table is the same as data link channel 0 in the B015 LAT and RAT tables. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 9 of 23 Configuring the DNP 3.0 DCA The DNP 3.0 DCA application allows you to mirror the DNP 3.0 device you intend to poll for data and configure specific polling parameters. In this example, the configuration relates directly to the two devices displayed in figure 1. Each device has a unique address and physically has four digital input terminals and one analog input terminal. Opening the DNP 3.0 DCA The DNP 3.0 DCA (B023-0) has three tables that can be configured to mirror your device in the field and set up the desired polling scheme. This example focuses on the device setup including points and addresses. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 10 of 23 The Tables in the DNP 3.0 DCA Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 11 of 23 Device Point Map Table The first table to configure is the Device Point Map table. In the system point database memory registers, we have set up four digital inputs and one analog input for both devices. Because both devices have identical point counts and types, we only have to account for them once in the table. We map them twice in the next step to allow for all points to be collected from both devices. For information about the other fields in this table, please refer to your configuration guide and functional specification. The Device Point Map Table Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 12 of 23 Device Configuration Table This example focuses on setting the address and linking the Device Point Map table. For information about the other fields in this table, please refer to your configuration guide and functional specification. The following example shows how to configure the DNP 3.0 DCA (B023-0) application for the desired addresses of the two devices in figure 1. The Device Configuration Table After the addresses are set, we link the Device Point Map table to this Device Configuration table using the device configuration map at the end of this table. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 13 of 23 The Device Configuration Column Double-click the Device Configuration cell, and a mapping window opens. The mapping window allows you to select the desired point configuration from the Device Point Map table in the First Point Record cell. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 14 of 23 First Point Record Column Double-click the First Point Record cell, and select the points desired. In this case, we select both point types to reflect the desired points in figure 1 of the first device. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 15 of 23 The Start field at the bottom of the window shows the start of your selection, and the # of Recs field reflects the quantity of points you selected. In this case, it starts at point record 1 and has a total of two records. Click OK. Now that you have mapped the points for device 1, repeat the steps to map the points for device 2. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 16 of 23 DCA Configuration Table The last table in the DNP 3.0 DCA (B023-0) you need to configure is the DCA Configuration table. This example focuses on the DNP 3.0 DCA addressing and linking the two logical devices (devices 1 and 2 in figure 1) we created to that address. To set the address to which the devices will report, in the case in figure 1, you enter address 10. This gives the DNP 3.0 DCA an identifiable unique address. The DCA Configuration Table To link the two logical devices we configured, navigate to theFirst Device Entry cell at the end of the DCA Configuration table. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 17 of 23 The First Device Entry Cell Double-click the First Device Entry cell to open a mapping table. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 18 of 23 When you select both devices, the Start field at the bottom of the window shows the start of your selection, and the # of Recs field reflects the number of devices selected. Click OK. You have now configured the critical aspects of the DCA. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 19 of 23 Configuring Bridgeman Bridgeman is the “network” layer of the DNP 3.0 suite and allows you to map communication ports set up in the data link (B013) to the devices set up in DNP 3.0 DPA (B021-0) and DNP 3.0 DCA (B023-0). Opening Bridgeman Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 20 of 23 The Tables in Bridgeman Configuring Bridgeman for the example in figure 1 requires that you set up the Local Application table (LAT) and the Remote Application table (RAT). Think of these tables as one-way streets for information. Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 21 of 23 Local Application Table (LAT) The LAT is the one-way street for information coming from your external device, through the communication port data link channels defined in the data link (B013) to the DNP 3.0 application addresses you configured. · The Application Address column contains the address you configure in your DNP 3.0 DCA and DPA application. · The Data Link Name column contains the application number of the data link you are using. In this example we are using RS232, which is the B013 application. For Ethernet, you use B052. · The Data Link Channel column links the config number from the B013 application. Refer to golden rule # 3. · The LAN Address (hex) column contains the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number in the Application Address column. If you must configure any other cells in the table, please refer to your configuration guide. The Local Application Table (LAT) Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 22 of 23 Remote Application Table (RAT) The RAT is the one-way street for information coming from your DNP 3.0 application (B023-0, B021-0) addresses, through the communication port data link channels defined in the data link (B013) to the external devices. · The Application Address column contains the addresses of the external devices. · The Data Link Name column contains the application numbers of the data links you are using. In this example we are using RS232, which is the B013 application. For Ethernet, you use B052. · The Data Link Channel column links the config number from the B013 application. Refer to Golden rule # 3. · The LAN Address (hex) column contains the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number in the Application Address column. If you must configure any other cells in the table, please refer to your configuration guide. The Local Application Table (LAT) Configuring DNP 3.0 on the GE D2X Platform in ConfigPro 4.xx Page 23 of 23