Chapter 7 Questions I 10 Includes Charter 2 1.3 S 1.5 12 Questions Constitution Standards Charter acts W Duty to accomotate w Intentional W Differential employment equity groups employment versus us Unintentional Permissable Discrimination to Basics about harassment Chapter 4 Job us 1 Question Position Chapter 6 9 Questions Internal S External Hiring COATS W SMH'S Inventories W Passive Job Seekers Employer branding W Recruitment options Charter 7 4 Questions to Must W Want Criteria Who's involved In screening us Tests formats to Interview W Reliability W Behavioural Validity vs Situation testing 7 Questions W Performance Appraisal Formats rank Critical Incident BARSetc w what a 919 is no Gow setting w performance errors eg Male Central tendency etc Charter 10 4 Questions harder 12 w Ray 9 ans Chapterit to Unsafe variable fixed base merit etc 4 Questions acts Conditions Chance occurrences Workplacehazards w General approach to workplace wellness w worker to workplace Compensation premiums Violence Charteris 4 Questions w Voluntary Involuntary Turnover Dismissals us Layoffs us Retirement Termination for cause is Possible Insubordination Wrongful dismissal just cause Constructive W Quits W us dismissed and punitive damages Chapter 16 4 Questions Doesn't include steps to unionization specifically Doesn't include different types of justle Chapter 57 6 Questions W Expatriate experience vs Nomad experience Reasons for failure A what typical experiences look like to Differentiate various int Staffing Policies Short Answer Questions Question 1 W Role in company sees surge in demand no ID for hiring Question 2 Employer needs employees for specific purpose internal or external hiring Implications of that on specific group stockholders local Community employer employees Question 3 w Think of When specific rewards would work best HR in the news Strategicits but HNew general trend Nothing from opinion boxes No Chapter dates I or 7 Questions Includes 10 1.318 1.5 Evidenced Based Hrm Using the best available evidence to make HIM practice decisions Using data facts analytics research case studies Scientil rigor w can come from actual measurements or existing data Publisher research studies Traditional operational measures focused on amt of activity of the costs of HR function Todays measures must measure effectiveness of HRM initiatives that build Workforce Capability Productivity Product service quaily Sales Market Share Profits Strategy Map Summarizes how each department contributes to achieving the Companies overall strategic goals Helps manager employees visualize their role W Clarifies employee's line of sight Links efforts to goods Balanced Scorecard System includes impact of HRM Measures of the org outcomes to Comprehensive Measures of Performance Org Strategy Financial Operational org business unit department success Balances HR Scorecard on short long term actions and measures of success stems from balanced system Quantify relationships between 1 HR activities testing training 21 Resulting behaviours customer service fin Results Customers Internal precesses human Capital mgmt 3 Resulting org outcomes profitability to Balances hard data Soft data financial vs Customersatisfaction presents manager with desktop graphs and charts computerized Picture of how the company is doing on all metrics from HR Scorecard Process Digital Dashboards External Internal Environmental Influences on HR External Economic Conditions Labour Mamet Issues Technology data St Q employees required Ray benefits Changes to wermferee Composition to Gender age still privacy D standards Government abiding by laws Globalization global economy CSR Environment Sustainability Internal Organizational Culture beliefs Values norms Performance Org Climate atmosphere's impact on Motivation job Productivity mgmt gractlees structure employee empowerment ratio of outputs to inputs lapital energy People Materials Canada has a low productivity growth rate Rroductivity Employment Trends in Canada y Tertiary Service issector dominates and motivating HR Celectively managing crucial 4 Protected Groups Visible indigenous i peoples Persons ethnic minorities Women with disabilities Labour Market Issues Canada Diversity factors the most diverse workforce in the world has attributes humans have that filler cultural Values Generational Issues Traditionalists loyalty era demographic norms aspect of diversity of hardship war Great Depression compliant hard working BabyBoomers largest group in workforce major optimism team oriented career focus driven team player Gen X first tech driven generation independent Pragmatic thinks practically flexible A divorce rates adaptable entrepreneurial Gen Y beginning to enter workforce expect to change Cads frequently confident immediate access to info services collective action eager to accept challenges innovative Creative Education Half of Canada's 200 has some post secondary education Managers are expected to ensure Utilized to 1 4 Level twenta Capabilities are fully of Canadians have Marginal literacy SMills 1 2 3 very low levels literacy comprehend simple Straightforward Majority of Canadians 415 highest literacy level with higher order info Processing Skills Contigent non standard wormers don't meet traditional definition of permanent or full time employment with some employer more women than men job security Data Analytics tech twent analytics when applied to Hr is called Various Laws enacted by gov have dramatin impact on the emereyer employee relationship in Canada to a jurisdictions involved Dillerent human rights employment standards labour relations health safety workers compensation legislation WEI and QQ for ex are Nationally regulated w Globalization emergence of Single global market W Companies must be aware of employment legislation in multiple countries to Manage ethical dilemmas in various Standards Countries Environmental Concerns increasing evidence that interest in environmental issues is motivating the behaviour of employees Internal Environment Issues often Convey through mission statement w Communicating what org believes in stands for Providing sense of direction expected behaviour norms sharing employee attitudes Consistency sense of identity orderliness Organizational Culture Commitment WPestering loyalty Positive culture has positive impact on recruitment retention and productivity organizational climate its impact employer branding on prevailing atmosphere that exists and employees W w to y friendly Unfriendly open or secretive rigid or flexible major factors that influence leadership style HR policies s practices climate reflects on motivation satisfaction Performance Traductivity Management Practices traditional bureaucratic structure is prevalently being replaced by flatter organizational forms using cross functional teams and improved communication W Employee empowerment has Increased since less supervision employees concentrated in structure carousing with 4 Charter 2 12 Questions Constitution Charter employment equity groups employment standards acts W Duty to accomotate J Intentional versus Unintentional Permissable Discrimination W Differential us to Basics about harassment w Constitutional law broadest level of guaranteed protection for all Rersons residing in Canada Freedoms Coparticularly the Charter of Rights Human Rights Legislation ensures rights are protected prohibits discrimination Employment Standards Act Vary slightly by jurisdiction Involves Variations Stat holidays Min Wage Human Rights Legislation even y Standards makes it illegal to discriminate unintentionally Freedoms Cornerstone of Canada's Charter of Rights legislation pertaining to issues of human rights is the Constitution Act which contains the Charter coagates to actions of all levels of government A agencies to to Charter always takes precedence allows eractines to infringe but these cases often go to the Supreme Court WProvites the following freedom of conscience religion freedom of thought belled opinion and expression including Communication media freedom of freedom of the press Peaceful assembly freedom of association w multicultural heritage rights Equality rights Intentional Discrimination to hire train or direct discrimination by refusing promote an individual on any of the prohibited grounds co Blatant discrimination is actually sore today but indirect is ie Go year conditate told there was a better more to prove quallied Candidate Unintentional Discrimination Alla Constructive Systemic Most filescuit to detect A combat Embedded into policies practices that area neutron on the surface that are implemented impartially but have an adverse impact on specific groups that aren't job related Remissable Discrimination permitted discrimination is employment requirements are based on bona fide occupational requirement lie blind person can't operate machinery move role can recruit based on gender race Diederential Discrimination employees treated fldlerently based on protected trots Duty to Accomodate Equal access to employment by removing Physical altitudinal systemic barriers 2 IP discrimination exists must make individualized i 3 attempts to accomodate to point of undue hardship Requires most appropriate accomodation to be undertaken Harassment Supreme Court made it clear that employers are responsible for providing a safe healthy work environ w sexual Harassment offensive humiliating behaviour that is related to a person's set or putting sexual conditions on person's job opportunities w sexual coercion harassment of sexual nature that results in some direct consequence to the Wormers Status some gain loss of benefits or to sexual Annoyance Sexually related conduct that is Mosti intimidating or offensive but no direct link to tangible benefits incorporate comprehensive antibarrasment Policy Procedures that outlines definitions consequences Must Employment Equity Legislation intended to remove employment barriers and promote equality for the members of the 4 designated groups Women Aboriginal People Disabilities Visible Minorities Chapter 4 1 Question Position Job Job us duties Consists of a group of related activities w Duties should be clear distinct fromthose of otherjobs job may be held by number of employees a single employee or may have a Rosition Collection of tasks and responsibilities performed person 45 positions and 4 jobs in by to one I to crease assemblers department I supervisor and 3 few Motor operators Chapter 6 9 Questions to Internal S External Hiring WATS SM's Inventories W Passive Job Seekers Employer branding w Recruitment options w Recruitment Grocess of searching out attracting qualified job applicants Identify Position Resumes Ares received from an adequate of applicants the image or impression of an organization an as employer based on the perceived benefits of being employed by the organization Experience of an employee feelings emotions senses realities Employer Branding W Benefits Personal development economicbenefits Three steps define target audience develop the employee proposition reinforce value proposition in Communitat ApplicantTrackingSystem Codes and logs data Critten step in the recruitment process w Correct historian data in standardized format education Irin worse history other job related skills to Reduces lost applications job exposure level Minimizes likelihood of Blases Increases W Internal Recruitment column capital theory accumulation of firm specific Mnowledge experience w Being in the firm longer means more commitment to goals to Require less w Drawbacks time is orientation discontent if they don't get the job wasting they already know who they want to hire Inbreeding When team has been brought 09 through the ranks they may be tempted to maintain status quo even though new innovative direction is needed Human Resources often consulted to of vacant positions Skills ensure Inventories records are that qualified invituals are notide These inventories lists the core skills of each employee often used as a supplement to job postings External Recruitment Most entry level jobs need to be fined externally w Access to large 2001 applicants w diverse good to meet equity goals New skills not yet in the org Elimination of internal rivalry of applicants who move to melt stage of applicant Yield Ratio Reacess Time lapse data days to move from recruitment Worming Traditional Networking Cold Calls print ads referrals job for online recruitment agency recruitment co Labour orgs like Union hours w to Corporate Websites W Job Board Passive job seekers they to end up happily employeed Individuals who are at the career site for other reasons specialize in Particular type of talent sales scientific middle management to Executive seven firms such as execs private Employment Agencies Clerical staff Often called on to help find functional specialists technical employees TemporaryHelp agencies help provide labour for people who are ill vacay leave of absence on offshoring 4 Questions Charter 7 to Must W Tests Want Criteria Who's involved In screening us to Interview W outsourcing formats Reliability Validity W Behavioural vs Situation testing Effective Selection Process Starts with deciding who will be involved Musts those that are absolutely essential for the job include measurable standard of acceptability or are absolute a w specific level of education Min and prior work experience Skills and abilities that cant be screened on paper Want or not verbal skills readily measurable lendershla and quais desirable but not Critical members of HR department are involved in applicant as technology screening as well Data Analytics to other degree to which interviews tests selection Procedures yield Comparable data over time w Degree of dependability Consistency or stability of the Measures used to Also when two or methods yield same results consists Reliability Varsity of the extent to which data from technique such as test or interview are indicator selection related to the job a or predictive of subsequent performance on Criterion Related Validity extent to which a selection tool predicts or significantly correlated with Important elements of work behaviour Content Validity When a selection instrument such as a test adequately samples the Mnowledge and skills needed to perform the job Construct validity extent to which a selection tool measures theoretical construct or trait deemed necessary to perform as successfully whine tests for extroversion correlating to jos Types of Tests W IntelligenceTests W Emotional W IQ tests Intelligence Tests Specific Cognitive Abilities aptitude tests Jos by HR or department managers specific tests WTests of motor and physical abilities w work Samaling employee performs key tasks ofjob and is monitored by test administrator to Achievement tests measures what a person has learned I measure knowledge A Proficiency in different areas w Micro Assessments focuses on individual performance Tests of personality A Interests wdersonally tests measure basic aspects of applicants Rersonwity introversion stability motivation Myers Briggs type Most Widely used personality inventory in the world Media Exams W Relygraph tests W Unstructured Interview questions are asked as they come to mind Structured Interview and answers rated w semi structured situational Interview on questions specified in advanced appropriateness of content work one best in which the questions focus the individuals ability to Project what his her behaviour would be in a future given situation w Intentions Predial behaviour on Interview Behavioural Oma behaviour description involves describing various situations BDI interviewees how behaved in the interview and asking past in such they situations formats of Interviews Sequential int interviewed to each Unstructure by interviewer form opinion several people in sequence may use different questions costructured sequentioni each interviewer toes on a standard evaluation form Videoconferencing proves to be Illerent Psychologically a interviewed simultaneously by group of interviewers HR rep hiring manager potential Coworm supervisors reporting employees Jones Interview Interview more stressful form of panel pone Roses a problem and sits back and watches candidate form answer solution Mass Chapter 10 we e 7 Questions n ar d Mcilial is β 1 W Performance Appraisal Formats what a 919 no Good setting w rank Critical Incident BARSetc is performance errors eg Mode Central tendency etc w Performance Appraisal evaluating employees currents passed performance to a set of performance standards Performance Mgmt vs Ray for Performance It Exective appraisals are w Which is broader includes goal setting D Correer Mgmt crucial to achieve orgs Strategicobject Mars must engage in ongoing training to ensure quality formal Appraisal discussions a few companies report their f 2 d as elective Types of Appraisal Methods Graphic Rating Scale traits reliability Simplest most popular technique and Performanie Values lists from Unsatisfactory to outstanding to Gives check the score that best describes employees Performance for each trait then Score is totaled to specified duties to be appraised based on position Alternation Ranking Method to worst on a trait traits ranking employees from best I to Alternate between highest lowest Mett highest lowest Comparison method all employees are paired or compared with every other employee to be ranked for if they are the better of the Dove Raired Forced Distribution Method percentiles bell Curve idea Sereratedinto top bottom Middle Incident Method Meds log of desirable undesirable examples or incidents of work related behaviour Critical Narrative forms feedback presented in a standard form used for identifying a Performance issue add presenting a 212 Performance Performance Improvement Plan 219 problem is described in detail and org impact the direction 212 offers improvement goals i it's like a Constructive discussion between employee and Manager Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales BARS Combines benefits of narrative forms critical incidents and quantitled ratings by anchoring a series of quantified scores for each perp pimension with Speciale behavioural examples of good poor performance MBO jointly set Smart goals with deriotic discussion of track to achieving these goals Ensure don't lead to burnout Set org goals deportment goals discuss department goods with department set individual goals performance reviews Provide feedback Performance Errors i Unclear Performance Standards Unclear graphic rating like what does outstanding vs very good men score can be fixed by Cleary defining ratings 2 Halo Effect rating on one trait biases the way that Person is rated in other traits ie friendly with Supervisor 3 Strictness Leniency Problem with graphia rating scores since they're not necessarily required to avoid givingour mom row ratings 4 Aaron Bias individual differences between evaluator and sofee illegal under human rights legislation 5 Recency effect ratings are based on the employees most recent performance whether good or bad neglecting Roist strong weak performance over the occurs when Narrow period to similar 6 me bias give higher ratings to someone who snores something in common 4 Questions harder 12 w Ray 9 ans variable fixed base merit etc Fixed Ray compensationthat is independent from Performance level and includes base any org Consistent compensation like Allowances of person group or variable Rory any 21m that lines pay with productivity profitability or some other measure of organizational Performance like cash bonuses or incentives day raise Merit Ray based on employees individual deformance Detractors of Merit Ray love that usefulness depends on Vaisily of performance appraisals w ultimately agreed it leads to Performance Employee Shore Purchase steel Ownership Drm Uses employee contributions to purchases shores of firms in trust accts Rroit SharingPlans Common sense Scanion Plans system Cooperation identity Competence involvement employees present improvement suggestions sharing of benefits formula in Profit it suggestion is implemented and results Gainsnaring plans incentive 9 on that engages many or all employees in a common effort to achieve a company's 2roductivky objectives Riaceward Plans earnings tied to production fevers w straight no base pay min Wage plus incentive W Guaranteed Swory 2in for Salespeople A Commission Plans for Salespeople Money not motivator only buys temporary compliance Employee recognition Programs very important from day 1 Chapterit 4 Questions to Unsafe acts w General approach to workplace wellness w worker to Workplace Conditions Chance occurrences Workplacehazards compensation premiums to what determiner Violence Three elements the healthy workplace physical environment social environment health practises in Employee Wellness Programs take proactive approach to an 3 of these areas stress mgmt nutrition Initiatives often include mgmt Smoking cessation programs taichi Weight healthhealth physical fitness programs Workstation Wellness ergonomics Cuts absenteeism turnover Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHMIS Canada wide legally mandated system designe labelling hazardous materials to Material safety data sheets Employee trainingto identity symbols WHIMIS Unsafe Conditions one factors as such main cause of accidents include improperly guared equipment defective equipment hazardous procedures in on or around machines or equipment unsafe storage improper illumination improper ventilation throwing materials Speeds breaking Sfety deniess lifting improperly Unsafe Acts Hazards include job related Chemicals Mats WHIMIST alcohol drug abuse Burnout fatigue PTSD stress Workplace Compensation often only addlies to physical mom like Repetitive strain injuries ergonomic issues hazards but Supreme Court case rulings have been in favour of employees suing for denied claims regarding y g Psychological damage as well as physical to g Controlling Workplace Compensation claims begins before the accident hardens removing unsafe Conditions safety Rating scream out accident prone employees 1 Limited to me coverage for chronic stress in Workers compensation defined by International Labour Org Ild as incidents in which an employee is abused threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to work witorrassment bullying intimidation physical threats assault Worklace Violence and robberies from members of the Public an worst country Assault most common arises cannon in WMost physical W Most jurisdictions have workplace violence legislation Seven steps to reducing identity high risk jobs institute workplace violence policy nighten Security measures Lefesting top mgmt Commitment Pruning and education and positive reinforcement Charteris 4 Questions w Voluntary Involuntary Turnover or miss won Lyft Rtirem t Dismissals us Layoffs us Retirement Termination for cause is Possible Insubordination Wrongful dismissal just cause Constructive Quits W us dismissed and punitive damages Voluntary Turnover of quitting enticement or employee initiate Usually in form Decision made with mgmt retirement InvoluntaryTurnover or layoffs employer initiated time dismissals resignations retirements to Olsen go to new competing firms Lack of managerial control voluntary quitting voluntary resignation by low job Satisfaction Qutting legally recognized Wolten Co caused as Employer Standards Act protects both employee and reasonable notice of voluntary turnover employer severance Ray Retirement mandatory retirement at 65 Porman Involuntary Turnover Dismissw dismissal most dramatic step Economic Mass layoffs to toward an employee Just dismissal not clearly defined has the employee irreparably honed the relationship due cause for to Poor behaviour to disobedience incompetence dishonesty insubordination fighting Persisten absence or lateness w Theft is just cause Insubordination gra w form of misconduct that often provid grounds for just cause dismissal Boss ignoring ruses policy public criticism no progressive penalties verbal written to suspension dismissal W Downsizing via layoffs w can only terminate without notice when just cause is resent to Reasonone Notice legislation on time with Compony or with layoffs layoffs 6.18 week punitive Damages Ray ordered for treatment by lack of an employee or harsh and vindictive mental distress Carbed reasonable notice Constructive Dismissal in depending employer makes Unilateral changes employment contrast that are recognized as unacceptable according to the emerger even though not formally terminates to Demotion pay reduction forced easy retirement forced transfer changes in job duties Its kinda blackmail like Dismissons Per Cause Wrongful Dismissal When one which the terminated employee contends that the employees terminated employment in violation of relevant law age gender rules regulations by Establish just cause ensuring employees are aware of what is acceptable behaviour in the workplace in WRITINI in Chapter 16 4 Questions Doesn't include steps to unionization Specifically Doesn't include different types of justle Union legally recognized entity that can negotiate bend of employees collective voice in dealing on with management Rond Formula provides choice to join Union or not most popular union arrangement must 90g union fees Ceased shoo be ogen hired to only in good starting may perform bargaining and worm members shogi membership is voluntary non membs not to Pay dues shogi membership dues a payment mandatory condition of employment Union eve Modified Union 3h09 charter branches in multiple Geographical scope countries are International Unions also national unions Labour Congress affiliations W Basic unit of labour union in Canada is local Globalization is effecting Power of unions Voluntary Recognition employer can voluntarily recognine a union as the bargaining agent for Its employees Collective Bargaining proless by which a formal collective agreement is established between labour and management face to face Negotiation Distributive Bargaining Integrative Bargaining Win lose bargaining win win solution or lase lose in case g of ineffective Drgaining Third Party Assistance A Bargaining Impasses legislation that provides conciliation mediation arbitration intervention of third whose Primary qty Turpose is to bring the parties together and keep them talking so they can reach an agreement to Through gersuasion not direct input Conciliation mediation neutral third involvement and they party usually voluntary do have direct input a outside third party to investigate dispute between an employer and union and imposes a Settlement Arbitration Work Stoppages lock out or may be in the form of a strike boycott temporary refusal by bargaining unit continue working for an employer strike Boycott members Toronize members to fusal to patronize the employer Union asks employers clients and the public to not the Comamy Lockout emaloger prohibits the bargaining unit emologeer r from entering the company gremises as putting Pressure on the union to agree Grievance 9 a means of written allegation of a contract violation Right Arbitration grievances relating the the interpretation or administration of the collective agreement are Mnown if can be solved internally they as rights disputes they must be referred to arbitration Chapter M 6 Questions W Expatriate experience vs Nomad experience Reasons for failure A what typical experiences look like to Differentiate various int Staffing policies Workforia Mobility grograms focus on managing the recruitment relocation and retention of employees who compete work related things outside core primary region of office company Expatriate more complex jo variations and managers legal in have a much compared to when more difficult time at home due to economic systems labour costs industrial relation systems that complicate culture managing employees abroad selecting training and expatriates worming abroad is continuing to increase W of global nomads is also increasing employees who Continuosing move from country to Country on multiple assignments Exeatriates have lots to consider such Pay and benefits cultural differences why as leavingPani expatriate assignments fail cholenging business Conditions W Inability of the family to adjust to Bad Personality match lexpatriates more likely to sadistic is they are extroverted aggreable emotionally stable People who WANT exofriate Perform better norms Lack of training on politics w main w Non work chataina Int factors Poning Pressures Spousal pressure commies report lower failure does Staffing Rosicies Ethnocentric Policy based on the attitude that home country managers are superior to those in most country maintain tight core culture unslied Relycentric doing belief Phd only host country managers th culture behaviour of the host country can understand market i only domestic manages Geocentric Policy assumes that mgmt Candidates must be y searched for globally Excoriates coss Alot by locals cross o more i most positions are filled cultural training very important leadership developm orthoses Bounce Sheet Approach balancing expatriate pay internationally for mobile employees purchasing lower International Employee Assistance diagrams EAD held employees with expatriate process are used