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Word Smart II 2

Word Smart II
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to humiliate; to lower in esteem or dignity;
to humble
31. aftermath
consequence; events following some occurrence
or calamity
to support or encourage someone especially
someone who as done something wrong
32. aggrandize
suspension; temporary cessation ; obey
to exaggerate; to cause to appear greater; to
increasesomething in power reputation wealth
to repudiate; to take back; to refrain from
33. aggrieve
to mistreat; to do grievous injury to; to distress
something despised or abhorred; extreme
34. aghast
terrified shocked
35. alchemy
a seemingly magical process of transformation
36. alienate
to estrange; to cause to feel unwelcome or
unloved; to make hostile
37. allegiance
38. allegory
a story in which the characters are symbols with
moral or spiritual meanings
39. allot
to apportion allocate or assign allocate
40. altercation
a heated fight argument or quarrel
41. amass
to pile up; to accumulate; to collect for one's own
42. amid
in the middle of
43. anathema
something or someone loathe or detested
44. ancillary
subordinate; providing assistance
native; dating back to the very beginning
to be very numerous
to abolish or repeal formally; to set aside; to
to give in; to yeild; to agree
10. accentuate
to emphasize; to accent; to highlight
11. access
the right or ability to approach enter or use
12. acclaim
to praise publicly and enthusiastically
13. accord
to agree; to be in harmony; to grant or
14. accouterments
personal clothing accessories or equipment;
15. accrue
to accumulate over time
45. angst
anxiety; fear; dread
16. acquisitive
seeking or tending to acquire;
46. annex
to add or attach
17. acquit
to find not guilty; to bahave or conduct
47. annuity
18. acronym
a word made up of the initials of other words
adage a traditional saying; a proverb
an annual allowance or income; the annual
interest payment on an investment; any regular
allowance or income
48. antedate
to be older than; to have come before
19. ad-lib
to improvise; speak or act spontanesously
49. anterior
situated in front
20. adduce
to bring forward as an example or as proof;
to cite
50. anthology
a collection especially of literary works
21. adjourn
to suspend until another time
51. antipodal
situated on opposite sides of the earth; exactly
22. adjunct
something added to or connected with
something else; an assistant
52. antiquity
ancientness; ancient times
23. advent
arrival; coming; beginning
53. aperture
an opening chasm
24. adventitious
accidnetal; connected to but nonetheless
unrelated; irrelevant
54. apex
highest point
55. apogee
the most distant point in the orbit of the moon or
of an artificial satellite
56. apoplexy
stroke that is numbness and paralysis resulting
from the sudden loss of blood flow to the brain
57. apostasy
abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty
58. appalling
causing horror or consternation ; appellatecompell-
59. apparition
a ghost or ghostly object
60. appellation
a name
25. advocate
a person who argues in favor of a position
26. affidavit
a sworn written statement made before an
27. affiliate
to become closely associated with
28. affliction
misery; illness;great suffering; a source of
misery or great suffering
29. afford
to give; to supply; to confer upon
30. affront
insult; a deliberate act of disrespect
61. appendage
something added on to something else; a
62. apportion
to distribute properionally; to divide into
to make amends
to wither away; to decline from disuse
to give proof of; to declare to be true or correct;
to give testimony
to credit to or assign; to ascribe
to serve as an omen or be a sign; to predict or
inspiring admiration or awe
protection; support; sponsorship
63. apposite
distinctly suitable; pertinent
64. appraise
to estimate the value or quality of; to judge
65. apprise
to give notice to; to inform
66. appurtenance
something extra; an appendage; an
67. apropos
appropriate; coming at the right time
secondary; additional; giving assistance of aid
68. apt
appropriate; having a tendency to; likely
apposite apropos
to help; to be of use; to serve
69. archipelago
a large group of islands
a strong feeling of dislike
70. archives
a place where historical documents or
materials are stored; the documents or
materials them
71. arid
very dry; lacking life interest or imagination
72. armament
implement of war; the process of arming for
73. armistice
74. arraign
to bring to court to answer an indictment; to
100. avert
to turn away; to prevent
101. avid
eager; enthusiastic avarice; arid-
102. bacchanal
a party animal; a drunken reveler; a drunken
revelry or orgy
103. baleful
menacing; threatening
104. balk
to abruptly refuse to do something; ti stop short
105. ballyhoo
sensational advertising or promotion; uproar
106. balm
something that heals or soothes
75. arrant
utter; unmitigated; very bad
107. bandy
to toss back and forth; to exchange
76. arrears
the state of being in debt; unpaid debts
108. banter
77. arsenal
a collection of armaments; a facility for
storing or producing armament; a supply of
anything useful
an exchange of good-humored or mildly
teasing remarks
109. baroque
extravagantly ornate; flamboyant in style
110. barrage
a concentrated outpouring of artillery fire or of
anything else
78. articulate
to pronounce clearly; to express clearly
79. artisan
a person skilled in a craft
111. bauble
80. ascertain
to determine with certainty; to find out
a gaudy trinket; a small inexpensive on
112. bedlam
noisy uproar and chaos;
81. ascribe
to credit to or assign; to attribute
113. begrudge
82. askance
with suspicion or disapproval
to envy another's possession or enj0yment of
something; to be reluctant to give or to give
grudgingly ; wistful
83. aspersion
a slanderous or damning remark
114. behest
command; order
84. assail
to attack vigorously
115. bemoan
to mourn about; to lament
85. assert
to claim strongly; to affirm
116. benediction
a blessing; an utterance of good wishes
86. assess
to evaluate; to estimate; to appraise
117. benighted
ignorant; unenlightened
87. astringent
harsh; severe; withering stringentcontingent-
118. bestow
to present as a gift; to confer
88. asylum
a mental hospital or similar institution;
refuge; a place of safety
119. bilious
ill-tempered; cranky irasible choleric
120. bivouac
a temporary encampment especially of soldiers
121. blanch
to turn pale; to cause to turn pale
122. bland
mild; tasteless; dull; unlively
89. at the lower
limit of
123. blandishment
154. capacious
spacious; roomy; commodious
124. bliss
perfect contentment; extreme joy
155. captivate
to fascinate; to enchant; to enrapture
125. bluster
to roar; to be loud; to be tumultous
156. carcinogenic
causing cancer
126. bombast
pompous or pretentious speech of writing
157. cardinal
most import; chief
127. bon vivant
a person who enjoys good food good drink
and luxirious living
158. careen
to swerve; to move rapidly without control;
to lean to one side
128. bona fide
sincere done or made in good faith;
authentic; genuine
159. cartography
the art of making maps and charts
160. cascade
129. boon
a blessing; a benefit
a waterfall; anything resembling a
130. boor
a rude or churlish person
161. cataclysm
131. booty
goods taken from an enemy in war; plunder;
stolen or confiscated goods
a violent upheaval; an earthquake; a
horrible flood
162. cavalier
arrogant; haughty; carefree; casual
163. cavil
to quibble; to raise trivial objections
164. chaff
worthless stuff
165. chameleon
a highly changeable person
166. champion
to defend; to support
167. channel
to direct; to cause to follow a certain path
168. chaste
pure and unadorned; abstaining from sex
169. cherub
a supercute chubby-cheeked child; a kind
of angel
170. chortle
to chuckle with glee
171. churl
a rude person; a boor
172. chutzpah
brazenness; audacity
173. cipher
zero; a nobody; a code; the solution to a
174. circumnavigate
to sail or travel all the way around
175. citadel
a fortress defending a city; a stronghold; a
176. clandestine
concealed or secret usually for an evil or
subversive purpose
177. classic
top-notch; highest quality; serving as a
standard or model
178. cleave
to cling; to split rent
179. climatic
having to do with the climate
180. cloister
a covered walk with columns on one side
that runs along the perimeter of a
courtyard especially in a convent or
monastery; a convent or monastery; a
tranquil secluded place
181. clone
an exact duplicate; an organism
genetically identical to another
182. clout
a blow; influence
132. botch
to bungle; to ruin through poor of clumsy
133. bracing
invigorating galvanize
134. brandish
to wave or display threateningly
135. bravado
a false show or ostentatious show of bravery
or defiance
136. brawn
big muscles; great strength
137. brazen
impudent; bold
138. breach
a violation; a gap or break
139. brink
140. bristle
to stiffen with anger; to appear in some way
similar to hair standing on end
141. bromide
a dull obvious overfamilar saying; a cliche
142. brouhaha
uproar; hubbub
143. brusque
abrupt in manner; blunt
144. buffoon
a joker especially one who is coarse of acts
like an ass
145. bulwark
a wall used as a defensive fortification;
anything used as the main defense against
anything else
146. cabal
a group of conspirators; the acts of such a
group; a clique
147. cache
a hiding place; the things hidden in a secret
148. calamity
a disaster
149. callous
insensitive; emotionally hardened
150. calumny
slander; a maliciously false statement
151. canon
a rule of law especially a religious one; a
body of rules of laws;
152. cant
insincere of hypocritical speech
153. canvass
to seek votes or opinions; to conduct a survey
183. cloy
to cause to feel too full especially when
indulging in something Overly sweet; to
become wearisome through excess
184. coddle
to baby
185. cogitate
to ponder; to meditate; to think carefully;
ruminate deliberate
186. cohort
a group
187. commemorate
to honor the memory of; to serve as a
memorial to
188. commiserate
to express sorrow or sympathy for; to
sympathize with; to pity
189. commodious
spacious; roomy; capacious
190. compatible
harmonious; capable of functioning
working or living together in harmony;
191. competent
capable; qualified
192. compile
to gather together; to gather together into a
212. connive
to conspire; to aid or encourage a wrong
213. conservatory
a greenhouse usually one attached to
another structure; a music or drama school
214. consign
to hand over; to assign; to entrust; to banish
215. consolidate
to combine or bring together; to solidify; to
216. conspicuous
easily seen; impossible to miss
217. consternation
sudden confusion
218. constituency
the group of voters represented by a
politician; a group of supporters for
anything ; constitute
219. contempt
disdain; disgrace
220. continuum
a continuous whole without clear division
into parts
221. contraband
smuggled goods
222. contretemps
an embracing occurrence; a mishap
223. contumely
rudeness; insolence; arrogance
193. comply
to act or be in accordance with
224. conundrum
a puzzle or problem without a solution
194. composed
calm; tranquil
225. convene
to gather together; to assemble; to meet
195. compromise
a settlement of differences in which each
side gives up something
226. conversant
familiar; experienced
196. compunction
remorse a feeling of uneasiness at doing
something wrong
227. converse
the opposite
228. convey
to transport; to conduct; to communicate
229. conviction
strong belief; a determination of guilt
230. convolution
a twist or trun; the act of twisting or turning
231. copious
abundant; plentiful
232. cordial
gracious; warm; sincere loyalty
233. corollary
a proposition that follows easily
234. corporeal
material; tangible; having substance like the
235. correlation
a mutual relation between two or more
236. corrosive
eating away; destructive
237. corrugated
shaped with folds or waves
238. coterie
a group of close associates; a circleof freinds
or associates
239. cower
to shrink away or huddle up in fear
240. crass
extremely unrefined; gross; stupid
241. craven
242. crescendo
a gradual increase in the volume of a sound;
a gradual increase in the intensity of
243. crestfallen
dejected; dispirited
197. concave
curved inward like the inside of a circle or a
198. concede
to acknowledge as true or right; to grant or
199. concentric
having the same center
200. concert
combined action; agreement
201. concoct
to create by mixing ingredients; to devise
202. concomitant
following from; accompanying; going along
203. confederate
an ally; an accomplice
204. confer
to exchange ideas; to consult with; to
205. confidant
a person with whom secrets or private
thoughts are shared
206. configuration
207. conflagration
a large fire
208. confluence
a flowing together
209. confound
to bewilder; to amaze; to throw into
210. congeal
to solidify; to jell
211. conjugal
having to do with marriage
244. crevice
a narrow split crack or fissure
277. depict
to portray especially in a picture; to describe
245. cringe
to shrink back with fear; to cower; to be
servile or suck up in a horrible way
278. deplete
to decrease the supply of; to exhaust; to use
246. critique
a critical review
279. deplore
247. crux
the central point; the essence
to regret; to condemn; to lament lamnet
248. cuisine
a style of cooking
280. deploy
to station soldiers or armaments
strategically; to arrange strategically
249. cull
to pick out from among many; to select; to
281. depose
to remove from office or position of power
250. curb
to restrain or control
282. depredate
to prey upon; to plunder
251. curmudgeon
a difficult bad-tempered person
283. derelict
neglectful; delinquent; deserted; abandoned
252. cursory
quick and unthorough; hasty; superficial
284. desist
to stop doing something; renounce
253. debase
to lower in quality or value; to degrade
285. devout
deeply religious; fervent devote
254. debunk
to expose the nonsense of
286. diatribe
a bitter abusive denunciation
255. decree
an official order usually having the force of
287. dichotomy
division into two parts especially
contradictory ones
256. decry
to put down; to denounce
288. diffuse
to cause to spread out; to cause to disperse;
257. deem
to judge; to consider
289. dilapidated
broken-down; fallen into ruin devastate
258. deficit
a shortage especially of money
290. dilate
259. defile
to make filthy or foul; to desecrate
desecrate consecrate
to make larger; to become larger; to speak or
write at length
291. dilemma
a situation in which one must choose
between two equally attractive choices; any
problem or predicament
260. deft
261. defunct
no longer in effect; no longer in existence 1.
deceased; 2. demise
292. diminution
262. degrade
to lower in dignity or status; to corrupt; to
the act or process of diminishing; reduction
293. dire
disastrous; desperate
263. deign
to condescend; to think it in accordance
with one's dignity ~ condescend
294. dirge
a funeral song
295. disaffect
to cause to lose affection; to estrange; to
alienate; disgruntle
264. deity
a god or goddness
265. dejected
depressed; disheartened
296. disarray
disorder; confusion
266. delectable
delightful; delicious ; deleterous
297. disclaim
to deny any claim to; to renounce
267. delinquent
neglecting a duty or law; late in payment
lazy guilty
298. discomfit
to frustrate; to confuse ;frustrate; confuged
299. disconcert
to upset; to ruffle; to perturb
268. delve
to search or study intensively
300. discourse
269. demeanor
behavior; manner behavior
spoken or written expression in words;
270. demise
death defunct
301. discrepancy
difference; inconsistency
271. demography
the statistical study of characteristics of
302. discursive
rambling from one topic to another usually
272. demur
to object; to take exception
303. disgruntle
to make sulky and dissatisfied; to discontent
273. demure
shy; reserved; sedate
304. dismal
dreary; causing gloom; causing dread
274. denomination
a classfication; a category name
305. dismay
275. denote
to signify; to indicate; to mark
to fill with dread; to discourage greatly to
306. dispassionate
276. denounce
to condemn
unaffected by passion; impartial; calm
307. disperse
to scatter; to spread widely; to
338. effectual
effective; adequate
308. dispirit
to discourage; to dishearten; to lose
339. efficacy
340. effigy
a likeness of someone especially one used in
expressing hatred for the person of whom it
is a likeness
309. disposition
characteristic attitude; state of mind;
inclination; arrangement
310. disproportionate
out of proportion; too much or too little
341. elation
a feeling of great joy
311. disquiet
to make uneasy
342. electorate
the body of people entitled to vote in an
election; the voters
312. dissemble
to conceal the real nature of; to act or
speak falsely in order to
343. elegy
a mournful poem or other piece of writing; a
mournful piece of music
313. dissent
to disagree; to withhold approval
344. elite
the best or most select group
314. disservice
a harmful action; an ill turn
345. elocution
the art of public speaking
315. dissident
a person who disagrees or dissents
346. emaciate
316. dissuade
to persuade not to
to make extremely thin through starvation or
317. distinct
separate; different; clear and
347. emanate
to come forth; to issue
348. emancipate
to liberate; to free from bondage or restraint
349. embargo
a government order suspending foreign
trade; a government order suspending the
movement of freight-carrying ships in and
out of the country's ports
350. embellish
to adorn; to beautify by adding ornaments; to
add fanciful or fictitious embody to personify;
to give physical form to
351. embroil
to involve in conflict; to throw into disorder
352. embryonic
undeveloped; rudimentary
353. emissary
a messenger of representative sent to
represent another
354. empathy
identification with the feelings or thoughts of
355. empower
to give power or authority to; to enable
356. endear
to make dear; to make beloved
357. engaging
charming; pleasing; attractive
318. diurnal
occurring overy day; occurring during
the daytime
319. divine
to intuit; to prophesy
320. divulge
to reveal especially to reveal something
that has been a screat
321. document
to support with evidence especially
written evidence
322. doldrums
low spirits; a state of inactivity
323. doleful
sorrowful; filled with frief
324. dolt
a stupid person; a dunce
325. dotage
senility; foolish affection
326. dour
forbidding; severe; gloomy
327. downcast
directed downward; dejected; depressed
328. downplay
to minimize; to represent as being
insignificant; to play down
329. draconian
harsh; sever; cruel
358. enmity
deep hatred; animosity; ill will
330. droll
humorous; amusing in an odd often
understated way
359. ennui
boredom; listless lack of interest
331. dross
worthless stuff especially worthless stuff
360. ensue
to follow immediately afterward; to result
361. entail
332. duress
coercion; compulsion by force or threat
to have as a necessary consequence; to
333. ebb
to diminish; to recede
362. entity
something that exists; a distinct thing
334. ecclesiastical
having to do with the church
363. entreat
to ask earnestly; to beg; to plead
335. eclipse
to block the light of; to overshadow; to
reduce the significance of;
364. entrepreneur
an independent business person;
365. enumerate
to name one by one; to list
336. edict
an official decree
366. envision
to imagine; to foresee
337. edifice
a big imposing building
367. epicure
a person with refined taste in wine and food
368. epilogue
an afterword; a short concluding chapter of a
book; a short speech at the end of a play
369. epoch
an era; a distinctive period of time
370. equestrian
having to do with horseback riding
371. estimable
worthy of admiration; capable of being
372. estrange
to make unfriendly or hostile; to cause to feel
removed from
373. ethics
moral standards governing behavior
374. eulogy
spoken or written tribute to a person especially
a person who has just died
375. evince
to demonstrate convincingly; to prove
376. evoke
to summon farth; to draw forth; to awaken; to
produce of suggest
377. excise
to remove by cutting or as if by cutting
378. exempt
excused; not subject ot
379. exhume
to unbury; to dig out of the ground
380. exodus
a mass departure or journey away
381. exorbitant
excessively costly; excessive
382. expiate
to make amends for; to atone for
383. explicate
to make a detailed explanation of the meaning
384. exposition
explanation; a large public exhibition
385. expostulate
to reason with someone in order to warn or
398. feign
to make a false representation of; to pretend
399. fester
to generate pus; to decay erode corrosive
400. fetish
an object of obsessive reverence attention or
401. fiasco
a complete failure or disaster; an incredible
402. fiat
an arbitrary decree or order
403. fickle
likely to change for no good reason
404. figment
something made up or invented; a fabrication
405. fiscal
pertaining to financial matters; monetary
406. fledgling
inexperienced or immature
407. flippant
frivolously disrespectful; saucy; pert; flip
408. florid
ruddy; flushed; red-faced
409. fodder
coarse food for livestock; raw material
410. folly
foolishness; insanity; imprudence
411. foray
a quick raid or attack; an initial venture
412. forebode
to be an omen of; to predict; to foretell
413. foreclose
to deprive a mortgagor of his or her right to
redeem a property; to shut out or exclude
414. forensic
related to or used in courts of law
415. forestall
to thwart prevent or hinder something from
happening; to head off
416. forswear
to retract renounce or recant; to take back
417. forte
a person's strong point special talent or
418. forthright
frank; outspoken; going straight to the point
419. foster
to encourage; to promote the development of
420. fragmentary
incomplete; disconnected; made up of
386. expunge
to erase; to eliminate any trace of efface excise
387. exquisite
extraordinarily fine or beautiful; intense
388. extant
still in existence
389. extort
to obtain through force threat or illicit means
390. extremity
the outermost point or edge; the greatest
degree; grave danger;
421. fruitful
391. exuberant
highly joyous or enthusiastic; overflowing;
productive; producing good or abundant
results; successful
422. fuel
392. facade
the front of a building; the false front of a
building; the false front or misleading
appearance of anything
to stimulate; to ignite; to kindle as if providing
with fuel
423. fulminate
to denounce vigorously; to protest vehemently
against something
393. facet
any of the flat polished surfaces of a cut gem;
424. gaffe
a social blunder; an embarrassing mistake; a
faux pas
394. fallacy
a false notion or belief; a misconception
425. galvanize
to startle into sudden activity; to revitalize
395. fathom
to understand; to penetrate the meaning of
426. gambit
a scheme to gain an advantage; a ploy
427. gamut
the full range of something
396. faux
428. garner
to gather; to acquire; to earn
397. fawn
to exhibit affection; to seek favor through
429. gastronomy
the art of eating well
430. generic
general; common; not protected by trademark
464. impresario
a person who manages public
entertainments especially operas but other
events as well
431. genesis
origin; creation; beginning
432. genocide
the extermination of a notional racial or
religious group
465. impromptu
done without preparation on the spur of the
433. germane
applicable; pertinent; relevant pertinent
434. ghastly
shockingly horrible; frightful; ghostlike
466. improvise
to perform without preparation; to make do
with whatever materials are available
435. gratis
free of charge
467. impunity
freedom from punishment or harm
436. grievous
tragic; agonizing; severe mourn bemoan;
468. inadvertent
437. grimace
to make an ugly disapproving facial
unintentional; heedless; not planned
469. inalienable
438. guise
appearance; semblance
sacred; incapable of being transferred lost
or taken away
470. incarnation
439. habituate
to train; to accustom to a situation
471. incendiary
440. halcyon
peaceful; carefree;
used for setting property on fire; tending to
arouse passion or anger; inflammatory
441. harass
to attack repeatedly; to torment or pester
472. inclination
tendency; preference; liking
442. harbinger
a precursor; an indication; an omen
473. inculcate
443. harp
to repeat tediously; to go on and on about
to instill or implant by repeated suggestions
or admonitions
474. incumbent
currently holding an office; obligatory
444. harry
to harass; to annoy
475. incursion
a hostile invasion; a raid
445. heinous
shockingly evil; abominable; atrocious
476. indict
446. herald
a royal proclaimer; a harbinger
to charge with a crime; to accuse of
447. hoary
gray or white with age; ancient; stale
477. induce
to persuade; to influence; to cause
448. homage
reverence; respect
478. ineluctable
inescapable; incapable of being resisted or
449. hubris
arrogance; excessive pride
479. ineradicable
450. hypocrisy
insincerity; two-facedness
incapable of being removed or destroyed or
451. imbue
to inspire; to permeate or tinge
480. inflammatory
452. impasse
a deadlock; a situation from which there is
no escape
fiery; tending to arouse passion or anger;
481. influx
453. impeach
to accuse or indict; to challenge; call into
inflow; arrival of large numbers of people or
things; inundation
482. infraction
454. impecunious
without money; penniless
violation; infringement; the breaking of a
483. infrastructure
455. impede
to obstruct or interfere with; to delay
the basic framework of a system;
456. impending
approaching; imminent; looming
484. infringe
to violate; to encroach or trespass
457. impenetrable
incapable of being penetrated; impervious;
485. infuse
to introduce into; to instill
486. ingratiate
to work to make yourself liked
458. imperative
completely necessary; vitally important
487. inimical
unfavorable; harmful; detrimental; hostile
459. impetuous
rash; overimpulsive; headlong
488. inimitable
460. implication
something implied or suggested; ramification
impossible to imitate; incomparable;
matchless; the best
461. importune
to urge with annoying persistence; to trouble
489. innuendo
an insinuation; a sly hint
462. impoverish
to reduce to poverty; to make destitute
490. inquisition
463. impregnable
unconquerable; able to withstand attack
ruthless questioning; an official
investigation characterized by cruelty
491. insouciant
nonchalant; lighthearted; carefree
492. insufferable
unbearable; intolerable
522. licentious
lascivious; lewd; promiscuous; amoral
493. insuperable
unable to be overcome; insurmountable;
523. limpid
transparent; clear; lucid
524. listless
sluggish; without energy or enthusiasm
494. insurrection
an act of open rebellion against
525. litany
recital or list; tedious recounting
495. integral
essential; indispensable
526. livid
discolored; black and blue; enraged
496. interim
meantime; an intervening time; a temporary
527. loath
extremely unwilling; reluctant
497. interloper
intruder; trespasser; unwanted person
528. lobby
to urge legislative action; to exert influence
498. interlude
an intervening episode; an intermission; a
pause episode
529. lout
boor; oaf; clod ;boor
530. ludicrous
ridiculous; absurd
531. lyrical
melodious; songlike; poetic
532. malapropism
humorous misuse of a word that sounds
similar to the word intended but has a
ludicrously different meaning
499. interminable
seemingly unending; tediously long
500. intermittent
occasional; repeatedly starting and stopping;
501. intersperse
to place at intervals; to scatter among
502. intervene
to come between opposing groups; to
mediate; to take place; to occur between times
533. mania
crazed excessive excitement; insanity;
503. intimate
to hint or imply
534. marginal
related to or located at the margin or border;
504. intricate
complicated; sophisticated; having many
parts or facest
535. materialistic
preoccupied with material things; greedy for
505. intrigue
a secret scheme; a crafty plot
536. mawkish
overly sentimental; maudlin
506. invidious
causing envy or resentment; offensively
537. meander
to travel along a winding or indirect route; to
ramble or stray from the topic
507. inviolate
free from injury; pure
538. medium
508. invoke
to entreat or pray for; to call on as in prayer;
to declare to be in effect
the means by which something is conveyed
or accomplished; a substance through which
something is transferred or conveyed;
509. iridescent
displaying glowing changing colors
539. melancholy
gloomy; depressed and weary
510. jaunt
a short pleasure trip
540. melee
511. jingoism
belligerent chauvinistic patriotism;
a brawl; a confused fight or struggle; a
violent free for-all; tumultuous menagerie a
collection of animals
541. meticulous
precise and careful about details; fussy
512. jocular
humorous; jolly; fond of joking
542. millennium
513. jubilation
exultant joy
a period of 1000 years; a thousandth
514. junction
convergence; linkup; the act or state of being
joined together
543. mode
method of doing; type; manner; fashion
544. modulate
to reduce or regulate; to lessen the intensity
545. momentum
force of movement; speed; impetus
546. moratorium
s suspension of activity; a period of delay
547. more
marshy mucky ground
548. mores
customary moral standards
549. motif
a recurring theme or idea
550. motley
extremely varied or diverse; heterogeneous;
551. municipal
pertaining to a city or town and its
515. junta
a small grouup ruling a country after a coup
516. larceny
theft; robbery
517. lascivious
lustful; obscene; lewd
518. lavish
to spend freely or bestow generously; to
519. lax
negligent; lazy; irresponsible
520. layman
a nonprofessional; a person who is not a
member of the clergy
521. liaison
connection; association; alliance; secret love
552. muse
to ponder; to meditate
584. palatable
553. muster
to assemble for battle or inspection; to
summon up
pleasant to the taste; agreeable to the
585. pallor
paleness; whiteness
554. mystic
otherworldly; mysterious; enigmatic
586. pandemic
prevalent throughout a large area
555. nebulous
vague or indistinct; unclear; hazy
587. panegyric
elaborate praise; eulogy
556. nemesis
unconquerable opponent or rival; one who
seeks just compensation or revenge to right
a wrong
588. parable
religious allegory; fable; morality tale;
palpable=touchable culpable=guilty
589. paragon
a model or pattern of excellence
557. neophyte
beginner; novice
590. parallel
similar comparable
558. nirvana
a blissful painless worry-free state
591. paranoia
559. noisome
offensive or disgusting; stinking; noxious
560. nomadic
wandering from place to place; without a
permanent home
a mental illness in which the sufferer
believes people are out to get him;
unreasonable anxiety
592. paranormal
having to do with an event or events that
can't be explained scientifically;
593. paroxysm
a sudden violent outburst; a severe attack
594. partition
division; dividing wall
595. pastoral
rural; rustic; peaceful and calm like the
596. pathos
that which makes people feel pity or sorrow
597. patina
surface discoloration caused by age
598. patrimony
an inheritance especially from a father; a
599. peculiar
unusual; bizarre; individual; belonging to a
particular region
600. peregrination
wandering; traveling
601. perpetrator
the one who committed the act
602. perpetuate
to make something perpetual; to keep from
603. perverse
contrary; stubborn
604. phantasm
apparition; ghost; phantom
605. phlegmatic
calm or indifferent; not easily roused to
561. nomenclature
a set or system of names; a designation; a
562. nonchalant
indifferent; coolly unconcerned; blasé
563. nullify
to repeal; to cancel; to void
564. obeisance
a bow or curtsy; deep reverence obedient
obedience obeisant obey
565. objective
unbiased; unprejudiced
566. obtrusive
interfering; meddlesome; having a tendency
to butt in obtrude compelling coerce
567. obviate
to make unnecessary; to avert
568. occult
supernatural; magic; mystical
569. odious
hateful; evil; vile
570. odyssey
a long difficult journey usually marked by
many changes of fortune
571. olfactory
pertaining to the sense of smell
572. oligarchy
government by only a very few people
573. ominous
threatening; menacing; portending doom
574. omniscient
all-knowing; having infinite wisdom
575. opprobrious
damning; extremely critical; disgraceful
576. ordinance
law; regulation; decree
606. pilgrimage
577. oscillate
to pulsate; to waver or vacillate between
beliefs or ideas
religious o spiritual journey; excursion;
607. placebo
578. osmosis
gradual or subtle absorption
a fake medication; a fake medicatin used as
a control in tests of the
608. platonic
nonsexual; purely spiritual
579. ostracize
to shun; to shut out
609. plausible
believable; convincing
580. oust
to eject; to expel; to banish
610. pliable
581. override
to overrule; to prevail over
flexible; easy to bend; easy to convince
persuade or mold
582. overture
opening move; preliminary offer
611. plight
583. oxymoron
a figure of speech in which two
contradictory words or phrases are used
a dangerous distressing or unpleasant
612. plunder
to loot; o ransack
613. pluralism
a condition of society in which distinct
groups exist and function together get
retain their own identities
642. provocation
the act of provoking; incitement; cause
643. prowess
exceptional skill or strength; uncommon
644. prurient
having lustful thoughts or desires; causing
645. pseudonym
a false name; an alias
646. psyche
the human soul; the mind; the spirit
647. pummel
to pound or punch with the fists ;
648. punctilious
meticulously attentive to detail; scrupulously
and sometimes annoyingly exact
614. porous
filled with many tiny holes; permeable;
615. posterity
future generations; descendants; heirs
616. posthumous
occurring after one's death; published after
the death of the author
617. posture
to act or speak artificially or affectedly
618. prattle
to chatter on and on; to babble childishly
619. precarious
dangerously insecure or unsteady
620. precocious
unusually mature; uncommonly gifted
649. pundit
621. predecessor
someone or something that precedes in
an expert; an authority; a learned person
650. pungent
622. predicament
a dangerous or unpleasant situation; a
sharp-tasting or sharp-smelling; acrid;
causing or incisive ; repugnant-
651. punitive
inflicting a punishment
623. predispose
to make susceptible; to put in a frame of
mind for; to incline toward
652. purblind
dim-sighted; practically blind; lacking
understanding or imagination
624. predominant
most important; dominant; having power
over others
653. puritanical
very severe and strict about morals
654. quaint
pleasantly old-fashioned; picturesque
625. pregnant
highly significant; overflowing
655. quandary
state of perplexity; predicament
626. prelude
introduction; something that precedes
something else
656. quasi
almost; near; resembling
627. premeditated
planned beforehand; prearranged; plotted
657. quay
a landing on the edge of the water; wharf;
628. preponderance
superiority in weight number size extent
influence ext. majority; predominance
658. quell
to put an end to; to squelch; to suppress
629. presage
to portend; to foreshadow; to forecast or
659. query
a question; an inquiry
660. queue
a line or file
661. quiescent
motionless; at rest; still
662. quintessential
being the most perfect example of
663. quizzical
teasing; mocking; questioning; inquisitive
664. quotidian
daily; everyday; ordinary
630. presentiment
the feeling that something especially bad
is about to happen
631. presumably
probably; the assumption is that; doubtless
632. presuppose
to assume beforehand; to take for granted
in advance; to require as a prior condition
633. primal
first; original; of the greatest importance
665. rampant
634. pristine
perfectly clean and untouched;
widespread; uncontrollable; prevalent;
666. rapture
ecstasy; bliss; unequaled joy
635. privation
lack of comforts or necessities; poverty
667. rarefied
636. proclaim
to announce; declare; make known
esoteric; interesting to a select group only;
637. procure
to obtain or acquire by special means
668. ratify
to confirm; to approve something formally
638. progeny
offspring; descendants
669. ratiocination
logical reasoning
639. propagate
to reproduce; to multiply; to spread or
670. rationale
underlying reason; basis; reasoning
671. raucous
stridently loud; harsh; rowdy
640. propound
to set forth or propose; to offer for
consideration propose
672. reactionary
ultraconservative; right-wing; backwardthinking
641. protocol
diplomatic etiquette and customs
673. rebuff
to snub; to reject
674. recidivism
the act of repeating an offense
707. rue
to mourn; to regret
675. redeem
to buy back; to fulfill; to make up for; to
rescue from sin
708. sally
a sudden rushing attack; an excursion; an
expedition; a repartee; a clever rejoinder
676. redress
to remedy; to make amends for
709. salutation
greeting; welcome; opening words of greeting
677. referendum
a public vote on a measure proposed or
passed by a legislature
710. sanction
official permission or approval; endorsement;
punitive measure
678. refractory
disobedient and hard to manage; resisting
711. sarcasm
irony; jokingly or bitingly saying the opposite
of what is meant sneer
679. regime
a governing power; a system of government;
712. savant
680. regimen
a regulated course
a scholar; a very knowledgeable and learned
person pundit erudite
681. remission
the temporary or permanent disappearance
of a disease; pardon
713. scant
limited; meager; barely sufficient
714. schism
division; separation; discord or disharmony
715. scorn
to disdain; to find someone or something
716. seamless
without a seam; without anything to indicate
where two things were joined together;
717. secede
to withdraw from an alliance
718. seclusion
aloneness; withdrawal from other people
719. sect
a small religious subgroup or religion; any
group with a uniting theme of purpose
720. sedentary
largely confined to sitting down; not
physically active
721. self-made
having succeeded in life without help from
722. sententious
preachy; pompous; excessively moralizing;
682. remuneration
payment; recompense
683. rend
to tear; to rip
684. render
to make; to cause to be; to provide; to depict
685. repartee
a quick witty reply; witty spirited
conversation full of quick witty replies
686. replicate
to reproduce exactly; to duplicate; to repeat
687. repose
rest; tranqillity; relaxation
688. repress
to hold back; to conceal from oneself; to
689. reprimand
stern reproof; official rebuke
690. reprisal
retaliation; revenge; counterattack
691. reprobate
a depraved wicked person; a degenerate
692. repugnant
repulsive; offensive; disgusting
693. resignation
passive submission; acquiescence
723. serene
calm; peaceful; tranquil; untroubled
694. resplendent
brilliantly shining; radiant; dazzling
724. serpentine
695. resurrection
return to life; revival
snakelike in either shape or movement;
winding as a snake travels
696. retort
to make a sharp reply
725. shackle
a manacle; a restraint
697. retrospect
looking backward; a review
726. shibboleth
698. revamp
to revise; to renovate
a distinctive word pronunciation or behavior
that typifies a particular group; a slogan or
699. revel
to enjoy thoroughly; to take delight in; to
727. shrewd
wily; cunning; sly
728. singular
exceptional; unique; unusual
729. skirmish
a fight between small numbers of troops; a
brief conflict
700. revile
to scold abusively; to berate; to denounce
701. revulsion
loathing; repugnance; disgust
702. rhapsodize
to speak extremely enthusiastically; to gush
730. skittish
nervous; easily startled; jumpy
703. ribald
indecent or vulgar; off-color
731. slake
to quench; to satisfy; to assuage
704. rife
occurring frequently; widespread; common;
732. solace
consolation; comfort
733. solidarity
705. rivet
to engross; to hold firmly
sense of unity; a sense of sharing a common
goal or attitude
706. rout
to put to flight; to scatter; to cause a huge
734. sophomoric
juvenile; childishly goofy
735. sordid
morally vile; filthy; squalid
736. sovereign
supreme ruler; monarch
767. sweeping
far-reaching; extensive; wide-ranging
737. spate
a sudden outpouring
768. systemic
738. specious
something that seems correct or appropriate
but that lacks real worth; deceptive;
misleading; not genuine superfluous
affecting the entire system especially the entire
769. tactical
having to do with tactics especially naval or
military tactics; marked tactics or deft
770. taint
contaminant; a trace of something spoiled
contaminated off-flavor
771. tedium
dullness; monotony; boredom
772. teem
to swarm; to be inundated; to overrun
773. temporal
pertaining to time; pertaining to life; earthly
existence; noneternal; short-lived
774. temporize
to stall; to cause delay through indecision;
775. tepid
lukewarm; halfhearted
776. thorny
full of difficulties; tough; painful
777. threshold
the sill of a doorway; a house's or
building's entrance; any point of
beginning or entering
739. specter
ghost; phantom
740. spectrum
a broad sequence or range of different but
related thing s or ideas
741. spurn
to reject disdainfully; to scorn
742. stalwart
sturdily built; robust; valiant; unwavering
743. stark
utter; unmitigated; harsh; desolate
744. stint
to restrict or hold back on; to be frugal
745. stipend
income; allowance; salary
746. stolid
not easily roused to emotion; impassive;
apathetic; phlegmatic
747. stout
plump; stocky; substantial
748. stratagem
a maneuver designed to outwit an enemy; a
scheme; a ruse
749. stupendous
remarkable; extraordinary; remarkably large
or extraordinarily gigantic
778. throttle
to choke; to strangle; to work a fuel lever or
feed the flow of fuel to an engine
750. stupor
a stunned condition; near-unconsciousness;
apathy; inertia
779. thwart
to prevent from being accomplished; to
frustrate; to hinder
751. subside
to sink or settle; to diminish; to lessen
780. timorous
fearful; easily frightened
752. subsidiary
supplemental; additional; secondary or
781. titillate
to excite; to stimulate; to tease
782. titular
in title or name only; nominal
753. subsidize
to provide financial aid; to make a financial
783. toil
hard work; labor; drudgery; exhausting effort
754. substantiate
to prove; to verify; to confirm
784. tortuous
winding; twisting; serpentine; full of curves
755. subterfuge
artifice; a trick or stratagem; a ruse
785. toxic
756. suffice
to be sufficient; to be enough
786. transfix
to cause to stand motionless with awe
amazement emotion; to rivet
757. suffrage
the right to vote
787. trauma
758. suffuse
to cover; to overspread; to saturate
severe shock or distress; a violent wound; a
wrenching experience
759. sumptuous
luxurious; splendid; lavish
788. travesty
760. supersede
to take the place of; to supplant; to make
something obsolete
a grotesque or shameful imitation; a mockery;
a perversion
789. trenchant
761. supine
lying on one's back
concise; effective; caustic; sarcastic cf.
nonchalant=indifferent penchant-
790. triumvirate
762. supplication
humble prayer; earnest entreaty
a ruling coalition of three officials; any group
of three working jointly
763. suppress
to overpower; to subdue; to quash
791. tryst
a secret meeting of lovers
764. surmise
to conjecture; to guess
792. tumult
violent noisy commotion; uproar; outbreak
765. surreal
having an unreal fantastic quality;
hallucinatory; dreamlike
793. turbid
murky; opaque; unclear
794. turmoil
state of great confusion or commotion
766. susceptible
capable of being influenced by something;
capable of being or receptive to
795. uncanny
extraordinary; unimaginable; seeming
796. underlying
basic; fundamental; only noticeable under
797. undermine
to impair; to subvert; to weaken by
excavating underneath
798. underpinning
a system of supports beneath; a foundation
or basis
799. underscore
to underline; to emphasize
800. underwrite
to sponsor; to subsidize; to insure
801. unilateral
involving one side only; done on behalf of
one side only;
802. usury
lending money at an extremely high rate of
803. vacuous
empty of content; lacking in ideas or
804. vagary
whim; unpredictable action; wild notion
805. vanquish
to conquer; to overpower
806. veneer
facade; coating; outward appearance
807. verdant
covered with green plants; leafy;
808. verge
border; brink; edge
809. verity
the quality of being true; something true
810. vie
to complete; to contest; to struggle
811. vigilant
constantly alert; watchful; wary
812. vignette
a small decorative design or drawing; a
short literary sketch; a brief but expressive
scene in a play or movie
813. viscous
thick; gluey; sticky
814. vivacious
lively; animated; full of pep
815. vogue
fashion; style
816. voluminous
large; extensive; having great volume
817. voluptuous
pleasant to the senses; luxurious; pleasureseeking; extra full and shapely
818. voracious
having a huge appetite; ravenously
819. waft
to float; to drift; to blow
820. waive
to relinquish a right; to forgo; to put aside
for the time being
821. wake
an all-night vigil kept over a dead body
before it is buried;
822. wane
to decrease in strength or intensity; ti fade
away; to decline in power
823. warrant
to justify; to provide grounds for; to
824. wary
cautions; watchful; carefull
825. wizened
shriveled; withered; shrunken
suffering; affliction; distress
deep anger; fury
the mood or spirit of the times
highest point; peak; pinnacle