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Alchemist: Santiago & Dreams Analysis

Name: Shayan Hassan
Portrayal of Santiago in "The Alchemist":
Santiago's physical appearance is that of a weathered shepherd, with rugged features and
calloused hands. His eyes, reflective of a deep inner wisdom, convey a sense of resilience and
Abstract Qualities:
Santiago embodies the spirit of adventure and determination. His relentless pursuit of the
Personal Legend is fueled by an unwavering belief in the interconnectedness of the universe
and the guidance of omens.
Santiago's conversations with Melchizedek reveal his commitment to discovering his treasure
and understanding the Language of the World. Events like his transformative encounter with
the crystal merchant showcase Santiago's ability to turn challenges into opportunities.
Language Proficiency:
Coelho employs a poetic yet accessible language to portray Santiago. His dialogues are
characterized by a blend of simplicity and profundity, reflecting the universal themes of the
Significance of the Theme of Dreams in "The Alchemist"
Introduction to Theme:
Dreams in "The Alchemist" symbolize Personal Legends, serving as guiding lights toward
self-discovery. Santiago's recurring dream of finding treasure in the pyramids establishes the
central motif, introducing readers to the transformative power of aspirations.
Santiago's journey unfolds as a testament to the significance of dreams. His conversations
with the crystal merchant and encounters with diverse characters highlight the varied
interpretations and consequences of pursuing or neglecting one's dreams.
Significance Through the Main Character:
Santiago's evolution from a shepherd to an alchemist showcases the profound impact of
dream-chasing. His unwavering commitment to his Personal Legend becomes a beacon for
readers, emphasizing the transformative journey inherent in pursuing one's dreams.
Significance Through Other Characters:
Characters like the Englishman and Fatima contribute to the theme by sharing their dreams.
The collective pursuit of dreams weaves a tapestry of interconnected destinies, emphasizing
the universal nature of human aspirations.
Language Proficiency:
Coelho's eloquent prose elevates the theme of dreams, using rich symbolism and allegory.
The narrative's lyrical quality amplifies the emotional resonance, making the exploration of
dreams a poetic and philosophical experience for readers.