Uploaded by Abu Hayyan Saeed

The Philosophy of Political Atheism and the fear of the Renaissance of Real Islam … Abu Hayyan Saeed

The Philosophy of Political Atheism and the fear
of the Renaissance of Real Islam …
Abu Hayyan Saeed
“Like any phobia, rationality plays only a small role”
This is a very interesting topic ,because there are too many definitions
of Atheism. I further divide Atheism into two parts (A) Classical
Atheism and (B) New Atheism. First i want to say some words about
Classical Atheism ,
1.. Atheism is the view that there is no God.
2.. Atheism has been defined as the absence of belief that any deities exist.
3.. Baron d'Holbach ( 1723~1789 ) , said that "All children are born Atheists;
they have no idea of God."
What is New Atheism regarding modern era Atheists ?
The New Atheists observe that if there is no supernatural reality, then
religion and religious belief must have a purely natural explanation.
They agree that these sociological and psychological phenomena are
rooted in biology.There are so many people who have written about
New Atheism but the main four authors were Richard Dawkins,
Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris. And the movement
was called the ‘ New Atheism’. At the time, Harris, who was actually
the first to publish, with his book The End of Faith, was unquestionably
the junior partner.
There is a secret branch of atheism , i called it “ Secret Demon
Atheism” ,this secret demon Atheism consist of writings on
neuroscience, moral philosophy, religion, meditation practice, human
violence, rationality etc and the Representative Authors of Secret
Satanic Atheism is found in the book of Sam Harris “The End of Faith:
Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason , published in 2004 .
In his book The End of Faith ,Sam Harris deliberately put the all
garbage of 9/11 on Muslims , but everyone knew well that All Jihadis
Movement in Afghanistan was totally supported and funded by west
specially US , as well as US was armed these so-called Jihadis with
all their sophisticated Weapons of that time and Billions of dollars to
so-called Jehadis. Everyone knew that Jihadis were the Blue-Eyed
Boys of the US.The Question is why did the CIA approached SAM
HARRIS for this type of useless book ?
My next Question is to whom it may concern SAM HARRIS’s thoughts
in his lectures and writings on neuroscience, moral philosophy,
religion, meditation practice, human violence, rationality ?
Brenda Carl , M.Ed written in his Article “ Rational is based on or related to
reason. Rational fear is just that — it makes sense.It is the fear that has evolved
within us to warn of impending danger or a real threat. For example, if someone is
pointing a gun at you, the fear of being shot is a rational fear. If you lose your job,
eventually, being homeless is a rational fear.Once, when one of my sons was a
young teen, we were traveling, and he didn’t want to go to the top of a building. I
remember acknowledging that he was afraid of heights, and he said, “I’m not
afraid of heights; I’m afraid of falling.” That’s pretty rational.
Brenda Carl also told about Irrational Theories as
“Irrational fears are the ones that don’t make logical sense. It’s as if part of your
brain is scared, and the rational part doesn’t understand why.
When I think of irrational fears, I’m reminded of Adrian Monk on the TV series,
MONK. Mr. Monk is a renowned former homicide detective for the San Francisco
Police Department. Monk has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and multiple
phobias. He has 312 to be exact. Several predominant phobias make it almost
impossible for him to do his job: germs, sharp or pointed objects, crowds, small
spaces, bridges, and death.”
Brenda Carl also told in another Article named “ One of the Top Fears
Among Americans” she said “ Most common intangible fear among
Americans is
“One of the most common intangible fears is the fear of failure.”
According to Linkagoal’s Fear Factor Index in partnership with YouGov, among
1,083 respondents surveyed, “1 in 3 Americans were found to be scared of failure
(31%), more than spiders (30%), being home alone (9%), or even the paranormal
(15%). Only horror films outranked fear of failure, but by only 1%.” Almost half of
the adults surveyed (49%) admitted that their fear of failure was the biggest
barrier to not achieving their goals.
Hence the main fear of the West, especially Americans is ‘fear of
failure’, failure to whom After all, Americans are afraid of what failure?
State, economy, religion, diseases or something is Rational ? This is a
trillion-trillion dollars question.
But i have a genuine answer “ West is afraid of Renaissance of Real
Readings & References :
Matt McCormick, Atheism ( Article published in Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy) California State University, Sacramento USA.
Email: mccormick@csus.edu
Baron d'Holbach ( 1723~1789 ),The System of Nature (Le Système de la
nature) published in French in 1770.
James E. Taylor, The New Atheists ( Article published in Internet
Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Westmont College,USA.
Email: taylor@westmont.edu
Sam Harris ,The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason ,
2004 .
Brenda Carl , M.Ed ,Three Types of Fear in Humans, And why it is
important to know the difference.(Published in ILLUMINATION Integrated
Publications on Medium on October 3 ,2022.
Brenda Carl M.Ed , One of the Top Fears Among Americans , (Published in
ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium on October 13 ,2022.