POLISH JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY (Pol. J. Ecol.) 59 1 75–85 2011 Regular research paper Anna ORCZEWSKA*, Małgorzata FERNES University of Silesia, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Department of Ecology, Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice, Poland *e-mail: anna.orczewska@us.edu.pl (corresponding author) MIGRATION OF HERB LAYER SPECIES INTO THE POOREST POST-AGRICULTURAL PINE WOODS ADJACENT TO ANCIENT PINE FORESTS ABSTRACT: The recovery of species composition typical for ancient forests in recent woods is a very slow process and may last for decades or even centuries. It is enhanced only when postagricultural woods are adjacent to ancient ones. However, even in such a situation of the spatial contact of both forest types, colonization of recent woods by true forest species is a gradual process. According to studies focusing on the behaviour of individual species and their colonization rates into recent woods, it can be concluded that in more fertile habitats the migration process proceeds faster than on poorer sites. Thus, studies were conducted on light, acidic soils both in ancient and in adjoining post-agricultural pine woods (the Dicrano-Pinion Libb. 1933 alliance) and were focused on the process of the colonization of the herbaceous layer by woodland flora in recent woods. In eight transects 80 m in length perpendicular to the ancient/recent ecotone and consisting of 10 sample plots of 16 m2 laid out at intervals of 4 m, the percentage cover of herb layer species was recorded. The migration rates (based on the occurrence of the farthest individual and on the occurrence of the maximum cover of a species) for 12 forest species were calculated. The mean migration rate for all species reached 0.54 m yr–1 when based on maximum cover and 0.67 m yr–1 when based on the farthest individual and appeared to be lower than those reported in investigations in more fertile and moister habitats. The migration rates for individual species ranged from 0 to 1.21 m yr–1 and were also lower than in more fertile, black alder woodlands. The migration pattern of Vaccinium myrtillus L., the most abundant species in pine woods, fits the model based on the establishment of isolated individuals. The cover of most woodland species increased with the increasing age of a recent wood. Herb layer recovery on such sites is slower than in the more productive, fertile habitats of broadleaved forests. The ancient and recent pine woods investigated here differed in herb layer species composition despite the secondary succession having lasted for over 50–60 years. KEY WORDS: colonization, seed dispersal, recruitment limitation, herb layer recovery, secondary succession, southern Poland 1. INTRODUCTION The first records of afforestation on postagricultural sites in Poland date back 180 years (S ob c z a k 1996). However, the period after the World War II was the first well-documented one in Polish forest management where a noticeable increase in forest cover was recorded. This was the result of the afforestation of almost one million hectares of abandoned land, mainly formerly used for agriculture (Tus zy ńsk i 1990). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was, and still remains, the 76 Anna Orczewska, Małgorzata Fernes main species used for afforestation since sites with poor soils are the first ones where farming practices are abandoned. Subsequently, such sites are converted into forests. Forests of a post-agricultural origin initially do not contain woodland species in their herb layer. The natural recovery of species composition typical for ancient forests in recent woods isolated from the ancient, source woodlands is a very slow process and may last for many centuries (Peterken 1977, Peterken and Game 1984, Fa lińsk i 1986, Mat l a ck 1994). This is due to the fact that most woodland herbs have a very poor dispersal potential (Dzwon ko and L oster 1992, B ossuyt et al. 1999, B ossuy t and He r my 2000). Colonization of recent woods by woodland flora is enhanced only when post-agricultural woods are adjacent to ancient ones (Peterken and Game 1984, Dz won ko and L oster 1992, Dzwon ko 1993, Dzwon ko and Gaw rońsk i 1994, Mat l a ck 1994, Br unet and von Oheimb 1998a, b, B ossuyt et al. 1999, B ossuyt and He r my 2000, Dzwon ko 2001a, b). However, even in such a situation of the spatial contact of both forest types, colonization of recent woods by true forest species is a gradual process. The poor dispersal abilities of woodland plants and their lack of the ability to compete with vigorously growing species with a wide ecological amplitude are responsible for the slow rate of herb layer recovery in recent woods (Her my et al. 1999, Honnay et al. 2009). Although species traits are among the main reasons for the slow rate of herb layer development in recent woods, other factors are also responsible for the pace of that process. For example, herb layer restoration is influenced by the dominant tree species in post-agricultural woods. Recent woods can be effectively colonized by woodland flora when suitable habitats for the germination and establishment of forest plants exist. Trees for which the leaf litter quickly decomposes provide much better conditions for herb layer restoration than stands composed of species with slowly decomposing litter (Br unet and von Oheimb 1998a, Dzwon ko 2001a, b, O rcze w ska 2009). According to studies focusing on the behaviour of individual species and their colonization rates into recent woods, it can be concluded that in more fertile habitats the migration process proceeds faster than on poorer sites (Br u ne t and von Ohe i mb 1998a, Dz won ko 2001b, O rc z e w sk a 2009). Papers describing the pace of colonization of recent forests by ancient woodland flora in Europe refer to broadleaved, usually oak-hornbeam communities, recent stands with black alder, or to pine plantations located on the habitats of deciduous forests (Dzwon ko and L o ste r 1992, Dz won ko 1993, Dz won ko and G aw rońsk i 1994, Br u ne t and von Ohe i mb 1998a, b, B o ssuy t and He r my 2000, Dz won ko 2001a, b, Wu l f and He i n ke n 2008, O rc z e w sk a 2009, 2010). Although Pinus sylvestris is the most common species used in afforestation, recent pine stands have not been the subject of colonization studies except for the investigations by Dzwon ko (2001a, b) and Wu lf and Hei n ken (2008), which focused on pine stands on the habitats of rich, broadleaved forests. Thus, the reason for undertaking this research was the absence of information concerning the process of herb layer recovery in recent pine woodlands growing on the poorest agricultural sites. The main aim of the survey was to calculate the rates of migration of forest species into post-agricultural pine woods located in direct proximity to ancient pine forests (Dicrano-Pinion alliance) and to check whether the migration potential of species is related to their dispersal modes. The investigation also helped to answer the question of whether the process of the colonization of recent pine stands by woodland flora proceeds more slowly on such poor sites compared to recent woods in richer and wetter habitats. 2. STUDY AREA The study was conducted in four recent pine woods adjacent to ancient pine forests in the Opolska Plain and Woźnicki Escarpment, two neighbouring regions of southern Poland (Table 1). The status of ancient forests was confirmed since they are present in the old cartographic sources by Wieland-Schubart, dated 1739, and on successive maps from 1880. Thus, they have been part of the landscape for over 260 years. Recent pine woods were planted after the World War II on sites which had formerly been managed as arable Migration of herb species into recent pine woods 77 Table 1. Detailed information about the study sites. No. transect Geographical position o o Age of recent Geographical region wood I, II 50 34’N; 18 54’E 25 III, IV 50o50’N; 18o16’E 34 V, VI 50o47’N; 18o20’E 55 VII, VIII 50o33N; 18o55’E 65 Forest type Leucobryo-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973/ Opolska Plain Querco roboris-Pinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. [Równina Opolska] Mat. 1988 Opolska Plain [Równina Opolska] Leucobryo-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973 Leucobryo-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973/ Opolska Plain Querco roboris-Pinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. [Równina Opolska] Mat. 1988 Woźnicki Escarpment [Próg Woźnicki] Leucobryo-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973 fields, but subsequently replaced by pastures or meadows. Due to this fact there is a high probability that no seeds of woodland herbs remained in the soil seed bank of the postagricultural pine woods. Both forest types grow on a flat area on albic arenosols, haplic arenosols, and gleyic podzols (nomenclature after WRB 1998). The forests are owned and managed by the Polish State Forests. 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3.1. Data collection Fig. 1. Transects used for data collection. Quadrats (4 4 m) were surveyed along eight transects across ancient-recent forest ecotones. Ancient forest plots were marked with ‘–’, whereas ‘+’ indicated recent woodland plots. Ecotone plots were marked as Ea. In June–July of 2003 two transects per stand approximately 80 m in length and laid out perpendicularly across the boundary between the ancient and recent pine woods were set up. Ancient forests representing either the Leucobryo-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973 or a community with features intermediate between Leucobryo-Pinetum and Querco roboris-Pinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. Mat. 1988 bordered recent pine stands of the ages of 25, 34, 55 and 65 years. Each point of the transects in their recent woodland part was situated closer to the boundary with the ancient woodland being studied than to any other forest of such an origin. Each of the transects consisted of 10–11 plots, 4 4 m in size laid out at intervals of 4 m. Four plots (28 m in overall transect length) were situated in the ancient forest and six (in total 44 m) in the recent wood. When the ecotone zone was equal or wider than 4 m, an additional plot adjoining ancient forest edge was set up (Fig. 1). In 78 Anna Orczewska, Małgorzata Fernes total 32 quadrats in the ancient forests, 48 in the recent wood and three in the ecotone were studied. In each plot the percentage cover of vascular plant species (1, 5, 10%, and then at 10% intervals) was estimated. Additionally, the spatial distributions of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea, the two most widely occurring ancient woodland species typical for pine woods, were mapped and presented in a graphic form. In order to show their distribution and horizontal structure in the whole length of the transect, they were mapped both in the sampling and in interval plots. 3.2. Data analyses The Fisher exact probability test was used to compare species frequency in the two woodland types in order to detect the herbs recorded significantly more often in ancient pine woods. Then, the migration rates (m yr–1) for all of the species predominantly occurring in ancient woodland sites were calculated. Species listed as ancient woodland indicators for Poland, according to Dz won ko and L o ster (2001), were also included in the set of herbs for which the migration rates were calculated. This resulted in 12 species for which these calculations were done. The procedure followed the one proposed by Mat l ack (1994). Thus, the migration rates were based on the occurrence of the farthest individuals, and when possible, also on the most distant occurrence of the species’ maximum cover. In order to compare all of the recent woods, regardless of the difference in age of their stands, standardized distances were taken into account: MR = d × a–1 (1) where MR is the migration rate, m yr–1, d is the occurrence of the farthest individual/ maximum cover (in meters) and a is the age of the recent forest (in years). The migration rates were calculated separately for each transect where the species was recorded and then the mean rates for a species were counted. These calculations were limited to those species which were present in at least five plots. The cover of species in ancient and recent woods was compared using the MannWhitney U-test (Statistica 8.0 package). In addition, the mean percentage cover of each woodland species in recent woods of different ages was compared. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) (Canoco 4.5 program) in its standard form was used to identify the main directions of species variation in ancient and recent woods (species which occurred on a minimum of three plots were taken into consideration). 4. RESULTS Among the total number of 84 species recorded in both forest types, V. myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, Festuca ovina, Maianthemum bifolium, Pteridium aquilinum, and Deschampsia flexuosa were associated with ancient pine woods (according to the results of the Fisher’s exact probability test). M. bifolium and P. aquilinum were present exclusively in ancient woodland sites, whereas four other species colonized recent woods, although they differed in their migration capacity (Table 2). Moreover, within the group of 13 herbs regarded as ancient woodland indicators for Poland (Dz won ko and L o ste r 2001), Viola reichenbachiana (like the already mentioned M. bifolium and P. aquilinum) did not migrate into recent pine woods, whereas other species showed a diverse colonization potential. In most cases the migration rate for the farthest individual was much lower than 1 m yr–1 indicating that, in general, woodland species present in recent woods have a low colonizing capacity. V. myrtillus, Equisetum sylvaticum, and Dryopteris carthusiana are the exceptions as their migration rates exceeded 1 m yr–1. In addition, Oxalis acetosella was effective in the colonization of recent stands since its migration rate reached almost 1 m yr–1 (Table 2). From the group of 12 species present in recent pine woods for which the migration rates were calculated O. acetosella, Moehringia trinervia, D. carthusiana, and V. myrtillus occurred in many sites in the whole area of the recent woods, regardless of the distance of the plots from the ancient wood (10 plots of 4 transects; 38 plots of 8 transects, 27 plots of 6 transects, and 26 plots of 7 transects, respectively). They colonized recent woods relatively quickly. Thus, the migration rates for those species underestimate Auto Baro Endo Endo Oxalis acetosella L. Trientalis europaea L. Vaccinium myrtillus* L. Vaccinium vitis-idaea* L. Non migrating ancient woodland species Maianthemum bifolium* (L.) F. W. Endo Schmidt Pteridium aquilinum* (L.) Kuhn An1 Viola reichenbachiana Jord. ex Myrm Boreau An2 Myrm Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. Epi Festuca ovina* L. s. str. 0 0 0 10 2 3 27 25 6 19 30 20 26 5 16 10 1 3 6 8 38 14 5 2 17 1 An1 Myrm 7 An1 Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. 19 Epi Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs Equisetum sylvaticum L. Ancient Recent plots plots n=32 n=48 1 6 Frequency An1 Dispersal mode Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth Species 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.16 0.91 0.66 0.87 / 0.59 / 0.36 1.45 0.92 0.53 / MC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.61 >1.21 0.79 >0.96 0.82 >0.78 0.4 0.36 1.45 >1.1 0.75 0.78 FI Pine woods 0.44 – 0.33 – – – 0.26 – – – – – 0.38 – 0.25 MC 0.67 – 0.34 – – – 0.43 – – – – – 0.44 – 0.42 FI B & O 1998b 0.24 – – – – – – >0.53 >0.53 0.38 – – >0.53 – – FI D 2000b – – – – – – 0.65 – 0.82 – – – – – – MC 0.01 – 1.33 – – – 0.81 – 2.24 – – 0.14 1.48 – 1.31 FI O 2009 o-h 0.00 – – – – – 0.75 – 0.76 – – 0.00 0.30 – – MC 0.30 – – – – – 0.66 – 1.07 – – 0.00 1.59 – – FI O 2009 a-a – – – – – – 0.65 – 1.51 – – – 0.88 – 0.17 MC – – – – – – 1.09 – 1.95 – – – 1.63 – 1.03 FI O 2009 w-a Table 2. Frequencies of woodland species (* – significantly different at P <0.05 based on the Fisher exact probability test) and their mean migration rates (m yr–1) based on the distance of maximum cover of a species (MC) and on the location of the farthest individual (FI). For comparisons, migration rates calculated by other authors are given: B & O 1998b – Br unet and von Oheimb 1998b, D 2001a – Dzwon ko 2001a, D 2001b – Dzwon ko 2001b, O 2009 o-h – Orcze wska 2009, oak-hornbeam forest habitat, O 2009 a-a – Orcze w ska 2009, alder-ash carr, O 2009 w-a – O rcz e wska 2009, wet alder wood. Dispersal modes are given after Van de r Pijl (1982): Myrm – myrmecochores; Auto – autochores; Baro – barochores; Epi – epizoochores; Endo – endozoochores; An1 – unwinged anemochores with small diaspores; An2 – anemochores with diaspores with pappus or wings. The ‘/’ sign indicates that in most cases a species occurred with a very low percentage cover, thus not allowing for calculations of the migration rate based on the species’ maximum cover, whereas the ‘–’ mark means that a species was absent in a particular study. Bold fonts signify ancient woodland indicator species (after Dzwon ko and L o ste r 2001). Migration of herb species into recent pine woods 79 80 Anna Orczewska, Małgorzata Fernes Table 3. Mean cover of woodland species in ancient and recent pine woods and the significance level of the differences between these values according to the Mann-Whitney U-test. n.s. – not significant. * – species with a higher frequency in ancient pine woods according to the Fisher exact probability test. Species Athyrium filix-femina Deschampsia flexuosa* Dryopteris carthusiana Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Equisetum sylvaticum Festuca ovina* Geum urbanum L. Luzula pilosa Maianthemum bifolium* Melampyrum pretense L. Moehringia trinervia Mycelis muralis Oxalis acetosella Pteridium aquilinum* Trientalis europaea Vaccinium myrtillus* Vaccinium vitis-idaea* Viola reichenbachiana Mean cover of species (%) in ancient wood recent wood 0.2 0.8 11.6 4.1 0.7 4.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.4 5.3 1.0 0.2 0.02 0.3 0.06 1.8 0.0 0.2 0.04 1.4 0.8 0.2 0.1 6.8 8.3 11.1 0.0 4.9 3.3 29.7 6.6 3.8 0.5 0.1 0.0 P level n.s. 0.019 0.000 n.s. n.s. 0.006 n.s. n.s. 0.002 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.018 n.s. 0.000 0.000 n.s. Table 4. Mean percentage cover of selected woodland plants in recent woods of different ages. Species Age of recent wood (years) Athyrium filix-femina – Deschampsia flexuosa 1.8 34 1.3 7.3 Dryopteris carthusiana 4.9 2.9 3.8 5.5 Festuca ovina 1.7 Luzula pilosa 0.1 Oxalis acetosella 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.4 – – 0.7 1.9 3.3 1.8 – – 16.7 3.3 – – 2.5 0.2 15.9 8.0 22.2 – Trientalis europaea Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium vitis-idaea 25 their colonization potential. All of the species which were more frequent in ancient pine woods also reached higher mean cover in such woods (Table 3). By contrast, the cover of D. carthusiana in recent woods was distinctively higher than in ancient woodland sites. A similar performance was recorded in Athyrium filix-femina, D. filix-mas, E. sylvaticum, and O. acetosella, but those differences were not significant (Table 3). The cover of some woodland plants differed and changed with time. Many of them were more abundant in stands of the older age classes compared to the younger woods (Table 4). 55 2.1 – 65 – 7.3 The spatial distribution of V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea illustrates the general trend in their abundance in ancient and recent woodland sites (Fig. 2). As expected, both species reached a much higher cover in ancient woods, although in general V. vitis-idaea was less abundant than the other species. Only in two cases (transects V, VI, Fig. 2), where Rubus fruticosus reached a high cover, was the cover of V. myrtillus in ancient woodland distinctively lower compared to the other sites. The horizontal structure of the populations of V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea in recent woods changed with the age of the recent wood, and Migration of herb species into recent pine woods I II III IV V VI VII VIII 81 – are concentrated together with the recent, non-woodland species. Thus, although some species from the groups overlap with those belonging to other groups, the first axis may represent a gradient from an ancient to recent wood. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea along the ancient/recent woodland gradient. I–VIII – numbers of transects; for more information about the transects see Table 1. their cover was higher in older stands compared to the younger woods (Fig. 2, transects I–IV vs. VII–VIII). The amount of variation in species composition in ancient and recent woods explained by the first and second DCA axes reached 22% (first axis = 11.4). In the scatter plot of species (Fig. 3) woodland species (left side, black triangles) are reasonably well separated from the species characteristic for recent woods (right side, grey circles). Furthermore, woodland species which were more frequent in recent woods (right side, black squares) – A. filix-femina, D. carthusiana, M. trinervia, E. sylvaticum and Mycelis muralis Despite the fact that the ancient pine woods investigated develop on light, acid soils and are characterized by fewer species than mesophilous, deciduous forests, they still have a set of species occurring predominantly or even exclusively within their herb layer. Furthermore, even in the situation of the direct proximity of ancient and recent pine woods, differences in the composition of their herb layer species are present. Typical woodland species differed in their performance along the ancient-recent forest gradient. Three herbs did not migrate into recent pine woods (M. bifolium, P. aquilinum, and V. reichenbachiana), whereas other species colonized them very slowly (F. ovina, Luzula pilosa, and V. vitis-idaea). On the other hand, V. myrtillus migrated at a pace exceeding 1 m yr–1. Similar values were obtained for D. carthusiana, E. sylvaticum, and for O. acetosella (Table 2). The last two species mentioned, although classified as ancient woodland indicators (Dz won ko and L oste r 2001), occurred more often in recent pine woods (Table 2). Furthermore, one of them – D. carthusiana – reached significantly higher cover in recent woods (Table 3). It appears that for D. carthusiana neither dispersal nor recruitment limitation play a role, and therefore, it can be regarded as a good colonizer of recent pine woods. O. acetosella and E. sylvaticum are the two species that mainly occur in relatively fertile forest habitats, and are present in many European lists of ancient woodland indicators (He r my et al. 1999). However, in the case of the pine forests studied, they found much better conditions in recent stands where a combination of previously fertilized soils and the lack of competition from woodland species like V. myrtillus are probably responsible for the successful establishment of their populations. Although the set of species for which it was possible to calculate the migration rates 82 Anna Orczewska, Małgorzata Fernes Fig. 3. Species ordination plot in ancient and recent pine woods along the first two DCA axes (λ1 = 0.69, λ2 = 0.65, gradient length = 4.28) on the basis of percentage cover of all species occurring in at least three plots. – woodland species mainly associated with ancient woods; – woodland species which were more frequent in recent woods; – species characteristic for recent woods or present in both forest types. Species abbreviations are based on three letters of the genus and four of the species: des flex – Deschampsia flexuosa, fes ovin – Festuca ovina, luz pilo – Luzula pilosa, mai bifo – Maianthemum bifolium, oxa acet – Oxalis acetosella, pte aqui – Pteridium aquilinum, tri euro – Trientalis europaea, vac myrt – Vaccinium myrtillus, vac viti – Vaccinium vitis-idaea, ath fili – Athyrium filix-femina, dry cart – Dryopteris carthusiana, equ silv – Equisetum sylvaticum, moe trin – Moehringia trinervia, myc mura – Mycelis muralis, agr cani – Agrostis canina, agr capi – Agrostis capillaris, bet pend – Betula pendula, bet pube – Betula pubescens, cal arun – Calamagrostis arundinacea, cal vill – Calamagrostis villosa, car briz – Carex brizoides, car oval – Carex ovalis, car pall – Carex pallescens, car pseu – Carex pseudocyperus, des caes – Deschampsia caespitosa, fag sylv – Fagus sylvatica, fra alnu – Frangula alnus, gal pube – Galeopsis pubescens, gal vern –Galium vernum, hol moll – Holcus mollis, jun cong – Juncus conglomeratus, jun effu – Juncus effusus, lys vulg – Lysimachia vulgaris, mel prat- Melampyrum pratense, mol coer – Molinia coerulea, oxa font – Oxalis fontana, pic abie – Picea abies, pin sylv – Pinus sylvestris, poa triv – Poa trivialis, pop trem – Populus tremula, pot erec – Potentilla erecta, que robu – Quercus robur, que rubr – Quercus rubra, rub frut – Rubus fruticosus, sci sylv – Scirpus sylvaticus, Sil vulg – Silene vulgaris, sol giga – Solidago gigantea, sor aucu – Sorbus aucuparia, ste gram – Stellaria graminea, ste medi – Stellaria media, urt dioi – Urtica dioica, vic crac – Vicia cracca, vio palu – Viola palustris. is not large (ancient pine woods on sandy, acid soils have an herbaceous layer of a naturally low species richness), it appears that dispersal limitation is not the only factor hampering the colonization of recent woods by forest species. Some species with effective dispersal modes (P. aquilinum, F. ovina) either did not migrate to recent pine woods or were very poor colonizers, whereas other plants, with poor dispersal abilities, migrated and established their populations in recent woods successfully (M. trinervia). Such results are in accordance with the observations made by Si ng le ton et al. (2001) who Migration of herb species into recent pine woods reported that the species colonization capacity is not necessarily related to the dispersal mode of a species. The group of poor colonizers also includes plants with adaptations for long-distance migration, whereas many herbs effectively colonizing recent woods are myrmecochorous. P. aquilinum and F. ovina seem to be recruitment limited. On the other hand, such species as V. reichenbachiana or L. pilosa, both being ant-dispersed, are dispersal limited. The lack of M. bifolium in recent woods is in accordance with the observations reported by other authors, e.g. Honnay et al. (1998), who classified it as strongly dispersal limited, an extremely bad colonizer. One may expect that its performance may be similar to that of Convallaria majalis, described by B ossuy t et al. (1999) in Belgium. Although C. majalis has ingested berries, according to these authors, as an herbaceous plant of a small size, it has a reduced migration capacity. Therefore, its colonization pattern is more like that of a barochorous species. According to the studies by Honnay and B ossuyt (2005) and Hon nay et al. (2006) M. bifolium exhibits a limited sexual reproduction capacity and prolonged clonal growth. Thus, its dispersal via seeds is questionable or at least does not play an important role in its colonization potential. Furthermore, its ability to spread vegetatively through its rhizomes (a phalanx growth form) did not help it to colonize recent pine woods. Thus, the richness and diversity of woodland species in the herb layer of recent forests is the combined result of dispersal and recruitment limitation. In addition, as has been emphasized by many authors, for example by Her my et al. (1999), Dz won ko and L oster (2001), Her my and Verhe yen 2007, Honnay et al. (2009), and O rcz ewska (2010), other simple species traits, like life form, life strategy or habitat requirements are among the driving factors influencing the diverse behaviour of a species. Two examples are M. bifolium and V. reichenbachiana, stress-tolerant species that do not migrate into recent pine woods. M. bifolium has been reported as an extremely poor colonizer in many surveys. Its short characteristics have already been given here. Both species belong to the group of small perennial herbs with heavy seeds (according to the classification of the emergent groups after Ve rhe ye n et 83 al. 2003) which are generally unsuccessful in colonizing post-agricultural woods throughout Europe, even in relatively dense forested landscapes (D e Frenne et al., submitted). In post-agricultural forests the cover of many woodland species recorded in ancient pine woods has grown with the increasing age of recent woods (Table 4, Fig. 2). The spatial distribution of V. myrtillus, the most abundant species from that group, seems to fit the colonization model described by Mat l ack (1994). According to this model a species colonizes a recent wood by the establishment of isolated individuals with a subsequent population increase filling in the gaps between them. The mean migration rate estimated for the pine woods investigated reached 0.54 m yr–1 (the result based on maximum cover) and 0.67 m yr–1 when based on the farthest individual, whereas in pine plantations growing on a habitat of deciduous forests in southern Poland the rate reached 0.18 m yr–1–0.38 m yr–1, respectively for mean migration rates based on maximum cover and on the farthest individual (Dzwon ko 2001b). In deciduous woodlands in southern Sweden the herb layer restoration proceeds at 0.3–0.5 m yr–1 (Br u ne t and von Ohe i mb 1998b). On similar habitats of broadleaved, mesotrophic forests in central Belgium it was calculated at 0.5–1.0 m yr–1 (B ossuyt et al. 1999). The highest rates were reported in the case of recent black alder woods, which are the wettest and most fertile habitat types. Thus, in typical wet alder woods the mean migration rates reached 1.20–1.60 m yr–1, for the habitat of oak-hornbeam communities 1.17–1.63 m yr–1, and in alder-ash carrs 0.79–1.26 m yr–1 (O rc z e w sk a 2009). It the case of pine woods it is difficult to use the term ‘effective colonizer’ when only rough estimations of the migration rate itself are taken into account. This is due to the fact that in these habitats there were only three species for which the rate exceeded 1 m yr–1, whereas in other types of forests it was much higher in many cases. In addition, the overall species pool whose performance in other types of forests can be compared is very small, mostly because there are distinctive differences in habitat conditions between pine woods and the forests for which the data 84 Anna Orczewska, Małgorzata Fernes exist in the literature. Thus, as was mentioned before, only a small proportion of species common in both pine and deciduous forests is available for comparisons. Migration rates for all of the species from that set, even for those which colonized pine woods reasonably quickly, when compared with other species in the pine woods studied here (D. carthusiana and M. trinervia) were lower than in other habitats (Table 2). The exceptions were E. sylvaticum when compared to recent alder woods (Orcze wska 2009), and D. carthusiana, L. pilosa, M. trinervia, and M. muralis in comparison with the studies by Dzwon ko (2001b). Despite the small pool of woodland species existing naturally in pine woods compared to the more fertile forest habitats, some trends in the colonization capacity of species can be described. In general, it can be concluded that the pace of secondary succession and migration of forest herbs in such unproductive habitats proceeds more slowly than in richer types of forest ecosystems, especially those with black alder. One of the possible, ecological factors behind this pattern is composition of the tree species of the recent stands. Black alder woods with quickly decomposing leaf litter provide better conditions for herb layer restoration than pine stands with slowly decomposing needles (Dzwon ko 2001a, b). Differences in the species composition between ancient and recent woods are still distinct even a few decades after afforestation. More studies in this respect concentrating on the abiotic factors that influence both the migration of woodland species and their successful establishment in the herb layer of recent pine woods are required. Many authors, among others F l i n n and Vel l e n d (2005) and Her my and Verhe yen (2007), have also indicated such a need. Thus, in order to answer the question about which species from the ancient pine woodlands are limited by dispersal mode and which are recruitment-limited, more empirical data would be needed. For example, experiments with the introduction of forest species into recent woods would help to answer the questions about the mechanism responsible for the observed distribution of woodland species in recent woods. Seed sowing experiments and adult transplants are among the group of surveys that would be worth undertaking. The studies in pine woods present distribution patterns of plants on a local scale. Thus, due to the limited data set, the discussion is relatively species-specific. Although some trends in the colonization patterns can be observed, further research in this respect, based on a bigger number of sites, is necessary. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We express our gratitude to Artur Obidziński (Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw Agricultural University) for his comments on the previous version of the manuscript, to Małgorzata Scheiki-Bińkowska (University of Silesia) for preparing Figure 3, and to Michele L. Simmons (English Language Centre, University of Silesia, Katowice) for improving the English style. 6. REFERENCES B ossuyt B., Her my M., D e ckers J. 1999 – Migration of herbaceous plant species across ancient-recent forest ecotones in central Belgium – J. Ecol. 87: 628–638. B ossuyt B., Her my M. 2000 – Restoration of the understorey layer of recent forest bordering ancient forests – App. Veg. Sci. 3: 43–50. Br unet J., von Oheimb G. 1998a – Colonization of secondary woodlands by Anemone nemorosa – Nor. J. Bot. 18: 369–377. Br unet J., von Oheimb G. 1998b – Migration of vascular plants to secondary woodlands in southern Sweden – J. Ecol. 86: 429–438. De Frenne P., Baeten L., Graae B. J., Brunet J., Wulf M., Orczewska A., Kolb A., Jansen I., Jamoneau A., Jacquemyn H., Hermy M., Diekmann M., De S chrijver A., De Sanctis M., Decocq G., C ousins S. A. O., Verheyen K. 2011 – Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post-agricultural forests – J. Ecol. 99: 600–609. 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