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Biology 20 Digestive System Task Cards

Suggested Play 1.
Individual Solitaire:
1. Shuffle the cards and display
cards question side up.
NOTE: The answer does NOT match
the question on the SAME card.
Task Card Games
These task cards are simple to use with
minimal preparations.
They are versatile and re-useable. They
can be adapted as a review activity,
assessment prep, or formative
1. Download the PDF file.
2. Print double sided.
3. Cut each printed sheet into 6
4. Organize in envelop or Ziplock
bags for storage.
2. Randomly select a card to start.
3. Read the question, and find a
SECOND card for the correct
4. Please the SECOND card with the
answer on the first card. Read the
question on the new card.
5. Seek out the correct answer and
repeat until ALL cards are
matched in a full circle.
This resource
follow Alberta
Education Program
of Studies for
Biology 20.
Suggested Play 2.
Small Group Solitaire (2-4 learners):
1. Shuffle cards question side down.
2. Distribute the remaining cards face
down in equal numbers for all
3. First player chooses a random
question from their set. Read out
the question and place on the table
for everyone to see.
4. The player with the correct answer
card will read out the next
5. Repeat and rotate through players
until all questions are successfully
Digestive System Task Card Answer Key
The chemical reac on that assembles macromolecules? Dehydra on synthesis
The type of carbohydrate that consist of a single 6-carbon molecule? Monosaccharide
The macromolecule that consist of amino acids? Proteins
The chemical reac on that breaks down macromolecules? Hydrolysis reac on
The protein molecule that acts as a catalyst to increase the rate of a reac on? Enzyme
The part of an enzyme that binds to the substrate? Ac ve site
The enzyme that hydrolyze starch into disaccharides? Salivary amylase
The muscular structure that directs food from the mouth to the stomach? Esophagus
The protein-diges ng enzyme that is produced in the stomach? Pepsin
The structure that controls the exit of the stomach’s contents into the small intes ne? Pyloric
The first 25 cm of the small intes ne? Duodenum
The accessory organ that produces bile? Liver
The enzyme that breaks down lipids? Lipase
The accessory organ that stores bile between meals? Gallbladder
The wavelike series of muscular contrac ons and relaxa ons that move substance along the
alimentary canal? Peristalsis
The substance that neutralizes hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the duodenum? Bicarbonate ions
The process that plays a role in the diges on of lipids? Emulsifica on
The macromolecules that is insoluble in water? Lipids
The liquid mixture that is produced by the stomach? Gastric juice
One of the purposes of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? Kill most bacteria that are ingested
The accessory organ that produces a variety of enzymes? Pancreas
The enzyme that digests proteins in the duodenum? Trypsin
The molecules that disperse large fat droplets into a fine suspension of smaller droplets? Bile
The disaccharide that consists of glucose and galactose? Lactose
The disaccharide that consists of two single glucose molecules? Maltose
The polysaccharide that is stored in the liver as an energy reserve? Glycogen
The organ that is involved in the diges on of lipids and carbohydrates? Stomach
The diges ve organ that absorbs nutrients from the breakdown of food? Small intes ne
The subunits of a lipid molecule? Glycerol and fa y acids
The process of mechanical diges on in the small intes ne? Segmenta on
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Dehydration Synthesis
The chemical reaction that
assembles macromolecules?
The type of carbohydrate
that consist of a single 6carbon molecule?
The macromolecule that consist
of amino acids?
The chemical reaction that
breaks down macromolecules?
Hydrolysis reaction
The protein molecule that acts
as a catalyst to increase the rate
of a reaction?
The part of an enzyme that
binds to the substrate?
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Active site
Salivary amylase
The enzyme that hydrolyze starch
into disaccharides?
The muscular structure that
directs food from the mouth to
the stomach?
The protein-digesting enzyme
that is produced in the stomach?
The structure that controls the
exit of the stomach’s contents
into the small intestine?
Pyloric sphincter
The first 25 cm of the small
The accessory organ that
produces bile?
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
The enzyme that breaks down lipids?
The accessory organ that stores bile
between meals?
The wavelike series of muscular
contractions and relaxations that
move substance along the
alimentary canal?
The substance that neutralizes
hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the
Bicarbonate ions
The process that plays a role in the
digestion of lipids?
The macromolecule that is
insoluble in water?
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Gastric juice
The liquid mixture that is
produced by the stomach?
One of the purposes of
hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
Kill most bacteria that are ingested
The accessory organ that produces
a variety of enzymes?
The enzyme that digests proteins
in the duodenum?
The molecules that disperse large fat
droplets into a fine suspension of
smaller droplets?
The disaccharide that consists of
glucose and galactose?
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
The disaccharide that consists of two
single glucose molecules?
The polysaccharide that is stored in
the liver as an energy reserve?
The organ that is involved in the
digestion of lipids and
The digestive organ that absorbs
nutrients from the breakdown of
Small intestine
Glycerol and fatty acids
The subunits of a lipid molecule?
The process of mechanical
digestion in the small intestine?
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards
Biology 20
Digestive System Task Cards