2 B E I N G ● H U M A N Reaction with an opposite. in an The overly examples hidden ● formation: might deviant perfectly useful other their For passionate of Repression: This the the in the is ego one of it a as the extreme ego a his way deals version homosexual master of or in staples its behaves feelings. of of Other offsetting a that the basic creation is of it can form inappropriate drives them art, thought for aggression into socially science, by a impulses. Freud or any to be the transformed. mechanism a central a When to is a role difcult key in in the feeling of psychoanalytic mental or illnesses. impulse desires are by that anxiety. exposure The emotional In forcing repressed, unconscious or treat part most inappropriate neurosis order of in socially transform activity, tension some unusual we the suppresses sexuality the to with form, plays a is expressing energy create expression repressed of raw unconscious. they an when moralism dealing defence repression, into of example, sexual because however, severe vocation philosophy it is attempt mechanism way instead in energies. expression ● This healthy sexuality to mechanism, asserting example way include defence by behaviour. sublimation, and this truth often-cited “macho” Sublimation: In In uncomfortable may problems, explode of for example, psychoanalysis. Conclusion Freud’s The psychoanalysis part of reasoning, than a tricks that ourselves objective, confused and lies really is an that part argument rationalists that passenger. that controls Our to us – conscious that are used control our behaviour. help we identify us is are as for mind live irrational our core Freud is – animals. the nothing made up of more irrational with the animalistic well-formed, and my drives The blank slate Give me world and to a train lawyer, dozen bring him artist, healthy them to and any his talents, race ancestors. I’ll guarantee type merchant-chief of his infants, in become regardless of up of and, specialist yes, penchants, to even take I own any might select beggar-man tendencies, specied one abilities, at – and random doctor, thief, vocations, and 28 —John B. Watson So far we have considered irrational to or idea looked view creatures consider The the is that impulses is the we two we accounts are dominated idea are often at that that not by there born referred as human beings unconscious is with to of rational no human any the the forces. We view What have that we we have are yet nature. signicant tabula nature. and rasa behaviours, or blank preferences, slate 28 John B. Watson, Behaviourism, with a new introduction by Gregory A . Kimble (New Brunswick , NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998), p. 82. 58 H U M A N philosophy empty of mind human that is nature. lled In with this ideas view from human our beings are born with N A T U R E an experience. Empiricism During the 17th underwent period their ideas During that this we argues that provides period our second is as scientists based on European the philosophy Enlightenment. began to provide observation or During this justications reason instead of for on knowledge. two in in schools the reason is of rst the as philosophy section, source justifying known the centuries, known and at certainty our emerged. known our as The rst, rationalism knowledge and that and it beliefs. empiricism rationalists of is and believed. involves Empiricist the rejection philosophers of argue following: ● We ● Everything are the born world Because of without we as about is limited ideas and source the already believe in our comes mind. from our experiences of us. rejection the sceptical very know around their experience a of looked everything 18th were sources which the and revolution philosophers religious The a of of certainty and rationalism all and knowledge, of the uncertain things source of their focus empiricists we can on tend know. to be Experience knowledge. Locke For The blank slate view of human beings can be traced back as far on Aristotle famous In his and a number account An Essay (1632–1704) characters”, was of offered Concerning describes and his by the Human the claims contemporaries. mind that British However, a “white experience is rst Locke, information see Chapter 5. really empiricists. Understanding as the more as (1690), paper, “from John void of whence Locke all all the ideas we 29 have, This At or is can the birth “tabula we experience we naturally are have, rasa” empty begins to do (Latin vessels inscribe spring”. for – blank our on slate) mind the mind axiom contains with of empiricism. nothing every sense at all – and experience have. Locke spends cognitive whole the rest of development range of ideas the is. Essay He from explaining gives general an what account names to of essentially how logical we child acquire a principles. Associationism As we apply of saw earlier empiricism problems. sense in the and How experience? is it As discussion the tabula that in our on rasa ideas Descartes’ Hume, we can Wax when come be up we come against derived argument, only it a to number from seems that we 29 John Locke, An ssay Concerning Human Understanding (New York: Prometheus Books, 1995), p. 59. 59 2 B E I N G H U M A N understand more than how come to do we what the is idea given that experience differing? Descartes in effectively interpret order before These The to and after questions empiricist experience is and According to a cat, the over for time When experience a I of general been In have name fact, this develop which a – cat. account critique we looked at can also So the naturally innate mind ideas or I on reason uses and needing and is that to have the that blank the other wax development. from a set and are from ideas the been occur shape sounds, same recall of to related and time. mind the experiences experiences that Hume principle analysis to show of has of complex there Ideas to causation, that experience already. without see allowed the formation have etc.). ideas on I the they of that sights, at set claws, come any the experiences When this is same slate our reason of experiences these similar, attack can analyse the general this effect use ideas experiences sharp Hume’s of philosophical our When give “cat” and build a example, intuition. experience are must identity learning is in association. mind then of by we This are to we the associated. to purrs, of claims by mind. that can abstract earlier, that that but which tended idea reason. cause associated brings my philosophy without theory same and senses by become (furry, The this argue ideas the objects of to the our past understanding key spite another of ideas. of of by learning rasa other together For the would process one the associated bundled to to it experience. is associationism. they in in wax experience, complex philosophy that set as example, I a not the tabula colours same of related this onto together, require view approach organized written known known psychological of is only the our alone. ideas happens become needing to be any experience. Conclusion Locke’s account becomes human and So before we them we nature. attitudes xed are If the are look are but are at: an This to his theory the conclusion container means result nor This and leads empty the rational nurture. rasa ideas unxed. birth by tabula with we neither only will of furnished of psychological was that our our lives and by how nature, developed the that birth, also irrational idea at of slate there then our behaviours our but into is no beliefs are not experiences. can the become next theory behaviourism Watson: behaviourism The American long tradition ideas, then assumed person The we was can quote born a 60 – a be made only made into view. he of B. Watson (1878–1958) associationism. anything. man: It given is If we this the are drew on born without plasticity right that experiences the Watson a anything. Behaviorism slate, and nature into Watson’s blank philosophy beings can from John empiricism the be summarizes is psychologist of is (1930) He entirely which claims that human nature – the there has at the thought start that sum are of of his natural mistaken this because section a experiences. tendencies learning neatly human for for instinct: being Any human H U M A N There are ... for psychology. “instinct” us no instincts—we Everything today is a we result have no been largely of longer in the need habit the of term calling training—belonging to N A T U R E in an man’s 30 learned We may raised Any behavior. share within human shared was learning animals and and unitary He of with other culture by are result the people people of who a but this also similar is because share that we are culture. environment, not a nature. sceptical perspectives. notion things same universals human Watson the many the of both rejected reason as a behaviour man, scheme the idea or of and “The in but faculty. the exact behaviorist, response, irrationalist instincts, “higher” produced that, animal rationalist very special are saying of the recognizes he He no his rejected that way both same in also argued in efforts dividing to line get a between 31 man The and “dividing human and A brute.” line” beings human further children Watson were and human nature. A human is organized to Watson, creatures all to we response no to nothing have apart behaviour, is that more human our matter would than the its place in that and of p John B. Watson our serious like more internal properly any response. features. pigeons, “desires”, a separates nothing between rats, way. not organism physical is same rejection stimulus complex, Watson, could no an separation For “feelings”, they nature incidental how is have to the in because things, according no from is reason. behaviourism they behave on behaviours observable therefore being learn of rejected based believed not studied Watson animals component processes. “beliefs” that and us and be science other that According from other Therefore than of a all trained stimuli Classical conditioning The process by which conditioning. of associationism developed any it According to behaviour that fear is another a theory a response we in stimulus repeatedly place and uffy animal. learn of said by to in response to loud we example, the The called took our result learning response a stimuli respond was the basic principle experiences was the – claim and that stimuli. conditioning, for learn associating behaviour. do – to behaviourists already presenting takes we were other that classical behaviour and – into behaviour people Watson with noises rat or to – to a taking stimulus and other together. fear involves then small sight of a for example, p Animals and human beings associating uffy Eventually the – a animal – by conditioning rat or other are essentially the same for the early behaviourists – all small behaviour is a matter of training. 30 Watson, Behaviourism, p. 74. 31 John B. Watson, “Psychology as the Behaviourist Views It”, Psychological Review 20 (1913): 158. 61 2 B E I N G Watson argued language, a H U M A N or conditioned mass of our complex that what every is behaviour often response enormous to described stimuli. we as We do, have experience into writing, argued, philosophical he including complex all been of the is a the use reasoning, trained things by we of amounts the do, conditioned to subtle and even response. Critique These the two classic subject of philosophy presented nature. and the experience brilliance. an be one of in all and for the and the way goal many reducing blank are people thoughts that both of our view largely Both philosophers all slate now sciences. human audacious However, impossible shifts reduction was of criticism behavioural fascinating The cannot presentations fearsome Locke think and nature in Watson about human behaviours task to been and thinkers the have unpopular was our to pursued with always an experiences just done. Kant One of Reason he the argues criticism attempt are earliest (1781) by that ultimately to any be meaningful information and experiences. and it turns into meaningless. never be would able it is a for of we both Locke mental from Critique Immanuel insufcient blank a the words of our experience dealing with information. and hears, and to Kant. explain Watson mechanisms already the from built same of In Pure this thought. in their with book This mutual which we could we an way, processes Consider You a more we out, because (1890). able out rather to thoughts data on its own we experience. would would We always confusion” confused requires passively sorting happen receiving deriving slate, something that than start must the do of data experience to process – having blank buzzing occurs, slate receive sense a from When have it of simply than “blooming active as blank precondition points we a experience meaningful senses be a our model, forever – an the must is Kant mind sorting w he n ma d e identify have is Lo ck e b e c a us e unans we r e d recognize must as thought, than out us to it it innate – be soaking what through totality with up sees faculties in. “associations” leaves baby that – nothing James the data it anything William world A from slate that more processing empiricist but the and of newborn hits showing nothing were derive in experiencing the ideas, If to remain what means In of given Some we to is innate consists impossible experience. he comes philosopher born. argument In empiricism alone applies eliminate would be on German experience Kant’s is 62 attacks the inna te in th e q ue st io n. r e l a ti o ns hip s anythi ng some explains of the our Ho w, b e twe e n raw ideas r e l a t io n s h i p s if we se n s e un pr oc e ss e d ma c hi ner y th a t t a ke s as the r es ult bet we e n we r e da t a ? a bl a n k H ow da t a , slate, could i nfor m a t i o n ? raw of sense We i n fo r m a t i on and it. a might metaphor: think that learning you how don’t to need play to football know for anything the rst already, time. but H U M A N N A T U R E sought to resolve many of Biography: Immanuel Kant the outstanding debates, (1724–1804) especially in epistemology Kant was a German philosopher of the focusing on the role of 18th century, who wrote during the Age of reason in the human Enlightenment. He was born in Konigsberg, experience of the world. Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) and famously In the process he combined never travelled more than 20 km from his bir thplace rationalism and empiricism into even though he lived for 80 years. In fact, unlike a single system. In the process, he redened many other prominent philosophers he led an the western philosophy’s conceptual framework exceptionally unremarkable life. The only aspect through his “Copernican revolution” arguing that of his life wor th noting seems to be his diligence the mind already has necessary structures for and time keeping and the fact that he was a witty understanding the world. His arguments had a and engaging host. While he was accomplished profound impact of western philosophy and he is in mathematics and science he established his considered the father of modern philosophy. His reputation as a philosopher, publishing inuential most impor tant contribution was his belief that an work on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, individual should always be treated with respect - political philosophy, and aesthetics. Late in his the precursor to modern human rights. Nearly all life Kant was awoken from his ‘dogmatic slumber ’ subsequent philosophy in the western tradition has after reading David Hume’s sceptical philosophy. either worked within the framework he established In response he wrote his most famous works, and by seeking to rene it or has consciously sought to in par ticular, The Critique of Pure Reason. Kant over turn it. actually for it to know there be is lots possible what a game absolute minimal football. For of “learning paradoxical skills this to – of is you and to learn what reason my The order to that acquire are: the need play they at refer can the very can to we this how must order need least the the about problem learn have to are learn as to in You you learn learning already football. before often we you to required students idea that how rules understanding learn”. in understanding for is those already. The categories The question that remains experience? What is already to able Kant’s for answer already ideas, but substance The two mind and to in be that in tools experience. order is present organizing or us are to have must mind. dealing these unity, with most basic categories space. We’ll to look or space are the prerequisites minimum, in he calls are the a in the of mind are provides ways of are things have the an that world like “ categories” very They concepts experience at bare data. already experience. us what sense that we what a categories categories which is as ideas? have sense for this be, These have order all must mechanism Among and from that we the for a it basic not dealing cause set with and effect, understanding must the be way present we of knowledge do of in are and in our time detail. 63 2 B E I N G Space, Kant Without as it related mind H U M A N is Space argues, we to one able is to not is would one be another. interpret an of … it is the alone intuition most to Space basic identify is a preconditions objects concept or or to of experience. recognize category by them which the experience: empirical experiences the unable concept which subjective has condition been of derived sensibility, from outer under which 32 Kant’s and outer argument understand is is possible powerful. objects in It for us. does terms of seem space it that because cannot we perceive be derived of space, from ourperceptions. We can never we can quite regarded as represent well the to think ourselves it as empty condition of the the of absence objects. possibility of It must though therefore appearances, and be not 33 as a determination Furthermore, whether being in any our dependent experience dreams understood in or in terms upon of the world fantasy, of them. is only events, imaginable objects, and spatially: actions require space. Conclusion What we human because the interpret in can other it the as it – on in must to process innate so we our that to concepts. in we argue experience and much must is attempt We Freud – to have argue a way a in have and that of must for and psychological philosophers that meets argument Nietzsche which earliest this empiricist according interpretation; world from The subject forms foundations among take nature. doing seen here insight every seeing have blank so this we is an of which fails must view nd built. act innate slate the Kant looking changes was is an the mind. Chomsky Recent to psychological Noam Chomsky language, as a what refutation behaviourists of trial and he of the error like noticed Language involves of (1928– calls ) we appear “universal is a any that unique a reinforces behaviourist language Chomsky number research skill to have grammar”. theory learned of a possible nite learning 64 innate His According capacity argument language set of sentences. had is learning. conditioning words unique to Children Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, p. A23 / B38. Ibid., p. A24 / B39. an through 32 33 argument. for intended For processes other. language using Kant’s characteristics. generate master an innite language without H U M A N formal task training (natural Apple’s it is Siri, that apply it in beyond this ways: situation Instead, are able is enables very is far), which their alone would to an be enormously has only be got underscores understanding experienced. we have that is just it of were the far how as amazing has and trouble mechanism unprepared to complex as language Behaviourism conditioned and to use respond to born able use language also on to us some more language to easily. the how each or This capable much of argues for sentences one we – are makes the more Chomsky involves them system empirical element. It quickly apply network explain being for and innate course learn words an languages. Of of language suggests compose to with seems learn that all example. explanation use born We grammar best are this underpins for the limited depends allows. required nouns, and skills, that their to much use universal structure are This computers conditioning they them language other take that survival we have suggests to that what if would Our and they that take acquisition terms of all to because evolutionary The isn’t ease. in appropriately. that acquire startling processing able what we situations brain are Chomsky children with that language novel new and children explaining behind and language N A T U R E is a the very born in cooperation easilythan basic the sense evidence. we basic understanding distinctionsbetween not in in knowing a verbs language, quickly. Ideology and human nature: Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism In this So far is, section we including Our next human set our ideological These of Rather essence beliefs. systems canon. been that of power. In this section knowledge agendas as that The are do nal have an to concept many look at ideology. may that truth roots of then our of the begins the are who comes on theories his of with of from a theories to ideas human by and wars in power. or and Marx’s thought knowledge afrm classic of and political Marxist beliefs slates. isolate scepticism order offers blank to nature. nature ideological pursuit identify in human our substantial attempt nature in of what naturally offer that idea on Nietzsche’s to build are very untruthful Foucault, We in ideology contexts underpin the human use systematically we we emphasis about their that themselves argue attempt critique perspectives argued involves in a not they Debates used at competing have theories philosophies has look that philosophers cultural but will explored some nature. identify which we have some account exploring form of the nature. Reason as a power discourse: Foucault Foucault is referred philosophical critical of starting are Marxist point to canon. in ideologies. as He a post-structuralist was thought, not but understanding a his Marxist, approach the claim and and to that a postmodernist was in fact knowledge theories of in the frequently is a useful human nature p Foucault 65 2 B E I N G Foucault that are uses grounds, that, their Foucault, arguments reasoning as it necessary nor universal they uses cast doubt that claims of a power. on to of argument time. or or dependent that agendas What Many on of on that the is a of of for and they are This allows “objective” is the able us to and and seeks sum of human beliefs. their Foucault towards passions. are Our and a the or as a other to that way of nature scorned to over as cut arguing all writing the source away that our our the By ways our so The values and dependent it on on power. the origins to explain as an illness. an agenda their own the seeks with that rejects presenting claims of – power of of thought sensual sin animal in is moral religion and an evil. the In as be idea there natures you” then everyday is world”, of may sensual and sexuality and can and Christian the These power/discourse. their political to as monopoly which rationalist a set a its itself thinking. invented interest “real society. discourse have and of not labelling linked “the true entirely the undertakes do that discourse, time. perspectives, of that is absolute is on as it system power. criticism body”, in is afrming other rules truth “rational” by an analysing perspective preserving and he pursuit that at the counts to assumption the place by dependent rationalism religious the Christian “sinful of true and conclusions. almost Christian the their rationalists were reects of is always and rationalist power particular does objective not dependent the makers its language text irrational criticism on a to the and that and forces. arguing any are currently neither Nietzsche by what the necessary with in of we are created and actually one securing is claim what is which because according attempt unnecessary, of doubt views animal continually rationalists so acquire Throughout hostility do the a exposing In truth purpose rationalists rationalism world. cure the argues nature The on in at that but of govern culture therefore is as agenda existing govern that aren’t and The virtue historical begins “Truth” culture focus story “rational” negatively In a and that casts non-European is disciplines. generate to which being He grounds that or of perspective Foucault standard books to For scepticism as that they cultural systems is if perspective a the rules particular this conne, so and a modern they judged to psychiatry control, rules to on and The truth. of and in conventions terms society. discourse rational Foucault’s point be sets a it. given that in rationalist not culture for language of argument universal Foucault’s truth the central from on roots do organized generates to man assumptions 66 but of linked the language nature. structure tools views the exists these because assumptions. it that was reasonable and human theories Foucault rationalism be – secondly, always criticizes is pertinent or history to dominant as to behind of and people. such seems force ideas of prejudice contingent analytic are of explanation the criterion arises reality and an full the sets systems sciences rstly, same truth is and is, the that objective and require that particular claim point us the describe to what operating and to on always to power belief argue the universal, Foucault’s culture, are is reasoning Foucault “discourse” is appears of and they philosophy discourse granting ideas reasoning Foucault’s Foucault of of of while power of conventions accept. concept means sceptical thought For the secretly extremely he H U M A N ongoing the and the evil feeling same way supplemental spiritual and rational H U M A N being underneath. behind For rationalism objective appraisal ● founded ● an on Foucault and of shaky authoritarian it is this is founded reality. So reasoning attempt to the real the is a far underlying pursuit rationalist that use the on from discourse power, is both: objective, as a agenda of view N A T U R E not on an and means of power. Horkheimer and Mannheim The is German credited group of culture and means science. of the means the linking which monarchy or by argues that The very suggest when Often, is and they and and of other God, also perspective ideology with rationalists structures lay and (1895–1973) neo-Marxists, ideas in a on by on a critique human developments helped keep in could eliminating to nature in maintain place ideological bourgeoisie Church the no social and are uses. there in are man’s of the power divine in was modern the duty foundations. wrest of It toGod. was away a from favour of the the this a is terms a any and can attempt it for will “truth” and is is be to goes even ideology. untangled use and truth the usually by totalitarian, end “ideology” irreconcilable; accompanied dogmatic, plea truth of eventually of He from always by or or claims all in of may indeed, who truth ideology be and, writers misrepresentation attitude ideology the truth assumptions. together it (1893–1947) between which antagonistic that is Mannheim Therefore political absolute, that Karl distinction way treated moreover, usually rationalist English the is alleging prediction to sociologist they impractical, Marxism Horkheimer School ideas. the critique juxtaposition that ideology, man Max Frankfurt world. there moral the religious power collapsing political involves of that the and real Hungarian further its argues philosopher, of applied history empiricist practical The who Church’s by and founder reconciling By Christian Locke’s the thinkers Horkheimer a sociologist as deplore reality. that ideology these; politics, or a overcome. 34 —Willard A. Mullins Not in our genes Science is the ultimate legitimator of bourgeois ideology. 35 —R. C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin 34 Willard A. Mullins, “ Truth and Ideology: Reections on Mannheim’s Paradox”, History and Theory 18, No. 2 (May 1979): 141. 35 R. C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin, Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984), 67 2 B E I N G H U M A N During the human nature The biological class in justied by suggests that means position In a implies the Rose, evolutionary If and the people the owners of called as determinism research means Kamin are faculties a Not is a are Our the is and the property biological aggressive, control an will in help in approach and order irrational that is to animal preserving is a the Genes, the Richard Lewontin, neo-Marxist rejection of ideology: weapon weapons differences implies production. reiterated capitalist of man which of in system that reinforces that theory power of agenda. that arguing biological more theories capitalist ideology By Furthermore, theory book an a self-interested, require Leon universities the proletariat, the biological pushing system. have innately The 1960s, as “natural”, they psychology biological then to the contains class capacities. being lies and the some that of attacked argued, are violence. controversial Steven is natural people selling of it justies which chaotic of ercely beings their competitive prevent and human hierarchy counterculture were theory, divisions between a radical in the factories, engineers, struggle and between their designers, classes, teaching and production 36 workers. The book was that they must panned was ridiculous. be by many working for critics the who thought capitalists in an that the elaborate assumption conspiracy Feminism: Butler Radical innate feminists features patriarchal to oppress and not the and of any beings. assumptions, and other view For used a by that sees feminist those marginalized fundamental these with groups a are based patriarchal (such as or on agenda homosexuals people). biological simply sceptical human women intersex Thus, are of on fact view and of Darwin evidence and but later riddled thinkers is throughout based with the p Judith Butler prejudices Freud’s case, they ideas while assumptions have they been seem encounter, for Darwin, example, points men as for both to in shocking the the with barriers 36 Ibid., that an and exercising fact their be that have included society. powerful theories argued passages and that have elds science, IQ access abilities. of are Both Darwin and feminist attacks. In simply cultural 160 The from bias Descent art, of ignorance. historically intellectually of to in stunning women women of to deriving prejudice estimated lack patriarchal the is each facts the real ideas. dominant evidence man their of subjected to feminists foundation show 68 and not consider opportunities the At extent have etc., no to (1871) his achieved philosophy, inferior. Man In book as which prevented much and point that he uses does as this this cultural women from H U M A N Feminists The the idea of freedom The often reject existentialist “femininity” that critique Butler, every by the however, extends to notion of which the the the a as a that there Simone myth, is de given the being American philosopher idea deeper. of biological “male” patriarchal Her and system an innate Beauvoir, conscious goes distinct subordinated idea philosopher gender for identity. example, fundamental N A T U R E rejected existential faces. and rejection sex. 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