` Revision Status Description C PREL/FINAL Drawn by Name / Date SS Checked by Name / Date 2020/11/10 Creation of document : RISHI Agreed by Name / Date 2020/11/16 2020/11/10 RISHI 2020/11/18 Page 1 of 9 This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM Document Number: PN EM 3 H I N 3 0 0 M E C 0 4 3 DD4 3 0 1 C Internal Document number: Transmitter : Type of Document: DD Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 PINNAPURAM PUMPED STORAGE PROJECT PINNAPURAM PSP (4 x 240 MW + 2 x 120 MW) GREENKO AP01 IREP PRIVATE LIMITED CONTRACTOR: # CLIENT : MODIFICATIONS TABLE Drawn By Checked By Agreed By DATE B RISHI RISHI K. JAIN 2021/03/16 C RISHI RISHI K. JAIN 2021/04/12 MODIFICATIONS As Per Customer Comment Dated 25.11.2020. As Per Customer Comment Dated 30.03.2021. STATUS For Approval For Approval Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH REV PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C Page 2 of 9 DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. DRAINAGE SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Description........................................................................................................................................... 4 Drainage pit -1 for unit 8, 7, 6 & 5:- .................................................................................................... 4 Drainage pit -2 for unit 4, 3, 2 & 1:- .................................................................................................... 6 Material of construction for the equipment’s:.................................................................................. 8 Control System .................................................................................................................................... 9 Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH TABLE OF CONTENT Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 3 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1.1 Introduction In the power house drainage system is designed to collect the drainage water from all water discharges, outlets, returns, leakages and seepages. The waste water from water from gallery drain, cooling water system equipment drain and water from runner & Deration Gallery from all floors of power house is collecting This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH in the drainage pit. The water from the respective drainage sump further discharged to the tailrace at EL. 346.60 m (Nalah). This document is to be read in conjunction with ANDRITZ HYDRO drawing no.: PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC043-DI-4300 _Rev-C, drawing no.: PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DC-4302 _Rev-B. 1.2 Description In the power house having two drainage pits. One drainage pit -1 is common for UNIT 8, 7, 6 & 5 and another drainage pit -2 is common for UNIT 4, 3, 2 & 1 and is designed to collect the drainage water from the respective units in the respective pits. Water from gallery drain (Floor Drain). Cooling water system equipment. Water from runner & Deration Gallery Other Leakages. The automatically operated drainage system is required for drainage of all water discharge, drainage leakages from the equipment’s and any seepage from rock surrounding the powerhouse etc. into the drainage pits shall be further pumped to the tail race at EL. 346.60 m. Total four no’s of submersible pump motor set (1LSL10 AP001, 1LSL10 AP002 and 1LSL10 AP003 and pump motor set (2LSL10 AP001, 2LSL10 AP002 and 2LSL10 AP003 and 2LSL10 AP004) for unit 4, 3, 2 & 1 for drainage pit- 2 shall be considered respectively; where two no’s of pump works as a main and two no’s of pump as a stand by in the respective drainage pit shall be provided for pumping out the water from the drainage pit to the tailrace at EL. 346.60 m. 1.3 Drainage pit -1 for unit 8, 7, 6 & 5:The pumping equipment shall comprise pump motor sets along with check valves (1LSL10 AA701, 1LSL10 AA702, 1LSL10 AA703 and 1LSL10 AA704), gate valves (1LSL10 AA051, 1LSL10 AP052 and 1LSL10 AP053 and 1LSL10 AP054) and instrumentation like pressure gauges (1LSL10 CP051, 1LSL10 CP052, Client Plant Project Nº PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 1LSL10 AP004) for drainage pit for unit 8, 7, 6 & 5 for drainage pit-1 and total four no’s of submersible Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 4 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1LSL10 CP053 and 1LSL10 CP054) and water level switches (1LSL10 CL001, 1LSL10 CL002, 1LSL10 CL003, 1LSL10 CL004, 1LSL10 CL005 and 1LSL10 CL006). To control the auto operation of pumps, a set of level switches are provided in the drainage pit to give signals for auto operation through control panel. Pressure gauges are provided in the discharge line of each pump, which shall provide local indication of water pressure. The drainage pit and the adjacent dewatering pit shall be interconnected through a manual long spindle valve (1LSL10 AA005), a check valve (1LSL10 AA711) shall be provided in the interconnected line which This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH will only allow water to flow from drainage pit -1 to dewatering pit -1. A submersible pump motor set (1LSL10 AP 010) is provided to evacuate any pit’s floor drain / leakages at EL. 328.30 m in case of any maintenance activity. A level switch (1LSL10 CL 007) is provided for the operation of submersible pump. The drainage pumping system for unit 8, 7, 6 & 5 shall comprise of following: Four (04) nos. of submersible pumps (1LSL10 AP001, 1LSL10 AP002, 1LSL10 AP003 and 1LSL10 AP004). Seamless stainless steel pipe & fitting for size up to 32 NB. Seamless carbon steel pipes and fittings for pipe size 32NB and above. Wherever embedded pipe thickness shall be more than 10 mm. Check valves (1LSL10 AA701, 1LSL10 AA702, 1LSL10 AA703 and 1LSL10 AA704) and manually operated gate valves (1LSL10 AA051, 1LSL10 AA052, 1LSL10 AA053 and 1LSL10 AA054) shall be provided in the delivery line of each pump respectively. One no of Water hammer arrestor (1LSL10 AA470, 1LSL10 AA471, 1LSL10 AA472 and 1LSL10 AA473) shall be provided at each of discharge line of pump to minimize the water hammer during shut Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 down of pump respectively. The pressure gauges (1LSL10 CP051, 1LSL10 CP052, 1LSL10 CP053 and 1LSL10 CP054) are mounted to in discharge water line of each pump respectively for local indication of water pressure with the help of instrument isolation valve 1LSL10 AA901, 1LSL10 AA902, 1LSL10 AA903 and 1LSL10 AA904). The pressure switch (1LSL10 CP301, 1LSL10 CP302, 1LSL10 CP303 and 1LSL10 CP304) are mounted to in discharge water line of each pump respectively with the help of instrument isolation valve (1LSL10 AA906, 1LSL10 AA907, 1LSL10 AA908 and 1LSL10 AA909) to show their healthiness & its signal is further processed in the control room for remote indication. Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 5 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM Level transmitter (1LSL10 CL101) for monitoring of drainage pit -1 level at control system. A pressure gauges (1LSL10 CP056) shall be mounted to in the common discharge header for local indication of water pressure with the help of instrument isolation valve (1LSL10 AA910). The Air Vent valve (1LSL10 AA201) shall be mounted with the help of instrument isolation valve (1LSL10 AA911) at the topmost position of piping network for release of any air trapped inside the This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH system. Check valve (1LSL10 AA706) shall be provided in the common water header to avoid any back flow. Water level switches (1LSL10 CL001, 1LSL10 CL002, 1LSL10 CL003, 1LSL10 CL004, 1LSL10 CL005 and 1LSL10 CL006) are equipped in the drainage sump. The pumps shall be automatically controlled by level switches in the drainage sump as followings: - At EL. 272.10m: Alarm High water level reached; - At EL. 272.00m: Pump -4 shall operate (Stand by); - At EL. 271.50m: Pump -3 shall operate (Stand by); - At EL. 271.00m: Pump -2 shall operate; - At EL. 270.50m: Pump -1 shall operate; - At EL. 270.00m: Pump dry run protection 1.4 Drainage pit -2 for unit 4, 3, 2 & 1:The pumping equipment shall comprise pump motor sets along with check valves (2LSL10 AA701, 2LSL10 AA702, 2LSL10 AA703 and 2LSL10 AA704), gate valves (2LSL10 AA051, 2LSL10 AP052 and 2LSL10 AP053 and 2LSL10 AP054) and instrumentation like pressure gauges (2LSL10 CP051, 2LSL10 CP052, 2LSL10 CP053 and 2LSL10 CP054) and water level switches (2LSL10 CL001, 2LSL10 CL002, 2LSL10 Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 CL003, 2LSL10 CL004, 2LSL10 CL005 and 2LSL10 CL006). To control the auto operation of pumps, a set of level switches are provided in the drainage pit to give signals for auto operation through control panel. Pressure gauges are provided in the discharge line of each pump, which shall provide local indication of water pressure. The drainage pit and the adjacent dewatering pit shall be interconnected through a manual long spindle valve (2LSL10 AA005), a check valve (2LSL10 AA711) shall be provided in the interconnected line which will only allow water to flow from drainage pit -2 to dewatering pit -2. Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 6 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM A submersible pump motor set (2LSL10 AP 010) is provided to evacuate any pit’s floor drain / leakages at EL. 328.30 m in case of any maintenance activity. A level switch (2LSL10 CL 007) is provided for the operation of submersible pump. This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH The drainage pumping system for unit 4, 3, 2 & 1 shall comprise of following: Four (04) nos. of submersible pumps (2LSL10 AP001, 2LSL10 AP002, 2LSL10 AP003 and 2LSL10 AP004). Seamless stainless steel pipe & fitting for size up to 32 NB. Seamless carbon steel pipes and fittings for pipe size 32NB and above. Wherever embedded pipe thickness shall be more than 10 mm. Check valves (2LSL10 AA701, 2LSL10 AA702, 2LSL10 AA703 and 2LSL10 AA704) and manually operated gate valves (2LSL10 AA051, 2LSL10 AA052, 2LSL10 AA053 and 2LSL10 AA054) shall be provided in the delivery line of each pump respectively. One no of Water hammer arrestor (2LSL10 AA470, 2LSL10 AA471, 2LSL10 AA472 and 2LSL10 AA473) shall be provided at each of discharge line of pump to minimize the water hammer during shut down of pump respectively. The pressure gauges (2LSL10 CP051, 2LSL10 CP052, 2LSL10 CP053 and 2LSL10 CP054) are mounted to in discharge water line of each pump respectively for local indication of water pressure with the help of instrument isolation valve (2LSL10 AA901, 2LSL10 AA902, 2LSL10 AA903 and 2LSL10 AA904). The pressure switch (2LSL10 CP301, 2LSL10 CP302, 2LSL10 CP303 and 2LSL10 CP304) are mounted to in discharge water line of each pump respectively with the help of instrument isolation valve (2LSL10 AA906, 2LSL10 AA907, 2LSL10 AA908 and 2LSL10 AA909) to show their healthiness Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 & its signal is further processed in the control room for remote indication. Level transmitter (2LSL10 CL101) for monitoring of drainage pit -2 level at control system. The pressure gauges (2LSL10 CP056) shall be mounted to in the common discharge header for local indication of water pressure with the help of instrument isolation valve (2LSL10 AA910). The Air Vent valve (2LSL10 AA201) shall be mounted with the help of instrument isolation valve (2LSL10 AA911) at the topmost position of piping network for release of any air trapped inside the system. Check valve (2LSL10 AA706) shall be provided in the common water header to avoid any back flow. Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 7 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM Water level switches (2LSL10 CL001, 2LSL10 CL002, 2LSL10 CL003, 2LSL10 CL004, 2LSL10 CL005 and 2LSL10 CL006) are equipped in the drainage sump. The pumps shall be automatically controlled by level switches in the drainage sump as followings: - At EL. 272.10m: Alarm High water level reached; - At EL. 272.00m: Pump -4 shall operate (Stand by); This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH - At EL. 271.50m: Pump -3 shall operate (Stand by); - At EL. 271.00m: Pump -2 shall operate; - At EL. 270.50m: Pump -1 shall operate; - At EL. 270.00m: Pump dry run protection 1.5 Material of construction for the equipment’s: C Gate valve: Design Standard – BS 1414 Body & Bonnet– Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB, Wedge – Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB +13%Cr. SS facing Seat ring A 216 WCB / A515 Gr.70 with 13%Cr. SS facing Stem & Gland bush – AISI 410 Gland packing – Graphited asbestos Check valve: Design Standard – BS 1868 Body & plug – Cast Steel Ball – Cast Steel Seal – NBR Internal hardware – Stainless steel Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 Submersible pump: Pump casing, motor casing & other part – CI FG 260; IS 210 / eq. Mechanical seal motor side – carbon v/s cast Cr Mo steel Mechanical seal pump side – SiC v/s SiC Impeller – CF 8M Rotor shaft – AISI 410 Suction strainer – Stainless Steel Lifting chain – Alloy steel Guide pipe - Galvanized iron (GI) Fasteners in liquid – SS 304 Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 8 of 9 - DESIGN MEMORANDUM & CONTROL PHILOSOPHY DRAINAGE SYSTEM Pipes: The material of construction of pipe shall be Seamless carbon steel as per ASTM A 106 Gr B. This document is the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Andritz Hydro GmbH Sr. No. 1.6 Pipes & Valves Size (NB) Schedule Thickness 1. Pipe line from pump discharge to drainage water header 250 Std 9.27 2. Drainage water header to discharge outlet at EL.346.60 M 500 Sch 30 12.7 3. Mini Pit pump discharge line (All surface pipes) 50 Sch 40 3.91 4. All type of valves All Sizes Class 150 - Control System A local control & indication panel for drainage system is provided. Following controls & indications shall be provided: a. The switchgear and controls shall be suitable for automatic and manual operation of pumps. b. Local manual control of pump motor sets shall imply manual control from the panel. c. The switchgear and controls shall comprise direct on line motor starters for motor capacity less than 30 KW whereas motor capacity more than 30 KW shall be soft starter, relays, protection, single phase prevention device, auto/manual selector switch, push buttons, indicating lamps etc. Refer to protection notice ISO 16016 d. Interlock for starting of the pump with the level switches installed in the respective drainage pit. e. The selector switches shall be provided for mode change over auto – manual operation and pump main stand by role etc. f. Start / stop push buttons. g. Emergency stop push button switch. h. The motors shall be suitable for 415 V ± 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply. i. Remote control of the drainage system shall be provided from the central control room. Client PINNAPURAM PSP HDE Plant Project Nº Prep. 2020/11/10 RISHI Filename Chk. Appr. = 2020/11/16 RISHI K. JAIN Index / Date C 2021/04/12 + 2020/11/18 Internal Nº DOC Nº Filedate Page PN-EM3-HIN-300-MEC-043-DD-4301-C 2020/11/18 9 of 9 -