Immune response to a transplant - Stop Motion/ Storyboard/ Animation Rubric 7 6 5 4-3 IDEA FOR STORY The idea for the story is excellent. Message extremely clear. The idea for the story is very good. Message very clear. The idea for the story is good. Message fairly clear. The idea for the story is satisfactory. Message is unclear. STORYBOARD Extremely well planned - excellent flow. Clear concepts and ideas presented completely, with no mistakes. The keywords of foreign cells, antigens, antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes and transplant are correctly used Well planned - very good flow. Clear concepts and ideas presented with just one mistake. The keywords of foreign cells, antigens, antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes and transplant are mostly correctly used Fairly well planned good flow. Concepts and ideas not so clearly presented, with just a few mistakes. The key words of foreign cells, antigens, antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes and transplant are used with few mistakes. Fairly well planned flow needs work. Concepts and ideas not so clearly presented, with many mistakes. The key ideas of foreign cells, antigens, antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes and transplant are used with many mistakes. USE OF LABELS Pupils used a wide variety of labels (verbal or written) to their fullest potential. Pupils used a wide variety of labels (verbal or written) to some potential, that could be improved. Pupils used a narrow variety of labels (verbal or written) to some potential, that could be improved. Pupils used just a few labels (verbal or written) to some potential, that could be improved. LENGTH Animation length is maximum 50 seconds. Storyboard has 8 stages or more. Storyboard has 7 or 6 stages. Storyboard has 5 or 4 stages. Storyboard has 3 or 2 stages. MOVIE PRODUCTION Movement in the movie is very smooth. Movement in the movie is smooth. Movement in the movie is generally smooth. Movement in the movie is irregular/jumpy in some parts. CREATIVITY An excellent attempt to incorporate imaginative techniques not used in class into movie. A very good attempt to incorporate imaginative techniques not used in class into movie. A good attempt to incorporate imaginative techniques not used in class into movie. Poor incorporation of imaginative techniques not used in class. 1-2 The idea for the story needs work. Message is unclear. More planning required - flow needs work. Concepts and ideas are not clearly presented, with many mistakes. The key ideas of foreign cells, antigens, antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes and transplant are not all included correctly. Pupils used just a one label (verbal or written) to some potential, that could be improved. Animation length is more than 50 seconds. Storyboard has less than 2 stages. Movement in the movie is irregular/jumpy. The incorporation of imaginative techniques not used in class are not apparent.