SOLUTIONS MANUAL Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering Eighth Edition David M. Himmelblau James B. Riggs Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. Visit us on the Web: Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. This work is protected by United States copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (including on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work and materials from it should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accompanying text in their classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials. ISBN-10: 0-13-288551-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-288551-5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to thank Christine Bailor for preparing this Solutions Manual, and for the many students and graders who have contributed to the solutions it contains. David M. Himmelblau James B. Riggs iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To the Instructor ............................................................................................ Example Course Syllabus ............................................................................. Course Objectives ......................................................................................... Exam and Recitation Section Schedules ....................................................... Suggestions for Taking Exams ..................................................................... What You Should Know About This Course ............................................... Standards for Chemical Engineering Homework ......................................... Typical Assignments for One Semester ........................................................ Typical Examinations for a One Semester Course ........................................ iv v vi viii ix x xi xii xiv xvii To the Instructor This Solutions Manual accompanies the book Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, Eighth Edition, published by Prentice Hall. In addition to the detailed, worked-out solutions for all the problems that follow each chapter in the textbook and answers to the thought problems, you will find in what follows a number of useful components of a syllabus for students, information that usually are handed out during the first day of class: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class grading policies, homework and reading assignments, and examination information. Class objectives. Schedule of topics covered. Suggestions for taking examinations. Format standards for submitting homework. Suggested Content for the Introductory Course in Chemical Engineering The introductory course in chemical engineering is usually taught over an interval of one or two semesters, or one or three quarters. The textbook contains more material than can be successfully presented in one quarter and probably in one semester (depending on the background and previous coursework of students). Although an instructor would like to assume that a student has learned all of the material covered in earlier courses in chemistry and physics, it takes just one time in teaching the introductory course to abandon that expectation. The textbook is organized into four parts comprised of 11 chapters plus 6 additional chapters on the accompanying CD that treat material usually not included in a one semester course. The following list suggests the chapters to include in courses of various duration: One quarter One semester Two quarters Two semesters 1–6, 8, 9–10 1–11 1–7 followed by 8 and 11 1–11 followed by 12–17 v Example Course Syllabus Information for ChE 317 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Instructor: D.M. Himmelblau Office hours: M-F 10-11 a.m. 1. Office: CPE 5.410 GENERAL a. The prerequisites for ChE 317 are Ch 302 and Math 808. If you have not completed these two courses, you will have to drop ChE 317 and should do so at once. b. Class conduct is informal. Feel free to raise your hand at any time to ask a question or for an explanation. 2. EXAMINATIONS a. Five two-hour examinations plus a final exam will be held at specified announced dates as shown on the assignment sheets. The last examination will be scheduled during the final exam period (refer to the course schedule for details). The lowest exam of the first 5 (excluding the final exam) will be omitted in calculating your final grade. You must take the final. If you will miss an exam, notify me prior to the exam, not afterwards, to arrange for a makeup exam. 3. GRADING a. The grading is based on scores on the examinations, each of which is weighted equally (90%), plus class discussion and homework (10%). The grades are assigned on an absolute basis, not a curve: A B C D F > 82 71-82 61-70 51-60 < 51 hence there is no penalty for working together and helping each other. b. You will have a grader assigned to this course whose name is ___________, office number is Room ______, and office hours are __________. c. The recitation session assistant is ___________________, office number is Room _____, and office hours are __________. d. If you disagree with the grader’s method of grading and with the total points he has given you on a particular problem, discuss it with the grader first, but if you cannot reach a decision, I will be the referee. Bring exam grade questions to me. e. Prepare a grade sheet on which you can keep account of your homework and exam grades so that you will be able to compute your status at any time you wish. vi f. A grade of at least a C is required in this course for subsequent courses in chemical engineering. 4. HOMEWORK PROBLEMS a. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING STANDARDS WILL BE REQUIRED AND ENFORCED. (Capital letters intended.) b. Problems are due at the beginning of each class according to the assignment. No late problems can be accepted. c. Turn in a much of a problem as you can get. It is better to get a low grade than a “miss.” d. Working together is an important part of professional practice. After the second week of class, students will be assigned to work on homework (not exams!) in pairs. During the first two weeks of class look for a possible compatible partner. You will receive a list of all of the class members with their phone numbers to help in the selection. Exceptions can be made for individuals who insist on working alone. e. After each scheduled homework assignment has been turned in, the solution(s) will be placed in a file located in the ChE stockroom that may be checked out for 2 hours at a time. 5. If you have difficulty in the early part of the course, confer with me before you get into trouble. vii Course Objectives The objectives for Chemical Engineering 317 are as follows: 1. To introduce you to the principles and calculation techniques used in the field of chemical engineering. 2. To acquaint you with the fundamentals of material and energy balances as applied to chemical engineering. 3. To acquaint you with efficient methods of problem solving so that you can effectively solve problems you will encounter after leaving school. 4. To offer practice in defining problems, collecting data, analyzing the data, and breaking it down into basic patterns, and selection of pertinent information for application. 5. To review certain principles of applied physical chemistry. 6. To help you decide you have chosen the right field. Contributions to Program Outcomes By graduation a chemical engineering student should have achieved certain knowledge, skills, and abilities known as Program Outcomes. ChE 317 contributes to five significant outcomes, namely an ability to: 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, physics computing, safety, ethical practice, and technology to solve engineering problems. 2. Apply and integrate elements of chemical engineering to solve problems in design, operation, and control of processes. 3. Participate in team activity effectively and demonstrate leadership. 4. Communicate effectively via oral, written, and graphic means. 5. Appreciate the societal and economic impact of engineering decisions locally and globally. viii Fall Semester Exam Schedule The first 5 exams are evening exams on Thursday, open book, of 2 hours duration, specific times to be arranged (such as 5-7, 6-8, 7-9, etc.): Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Exam 5 September 14 October 1 October 16 November 1 November 15 The final exam is listed in the University final exam schedule (that will appear about December 1). Fall Semester Schedule for the Recitation Section The recitation section will meet on Thursday, 2–3:30 p.m. in CPE 2.220. The objective of the recitation section is to let you ask questions and provide assistance in problem solving for old or new ChE 317 homework and exam problems on a one-to-one basis. Attendance is not required, but you will miss the unique opportunity to get personal attention if you want it. You will also miss questions asked by other students that you have not considered. You will also have the chance to meet other students in the class, and discuss anything (!) with them. No assignments are made, no grades given, no lectures presented, and no formal structure exists for the recitation section. It’s up to you to make use of it. ix Suggestions for Taking Exams 1. Bring what you want to the exams—they are open book. Be sure to have adequate pencils, batteries, etc. 2. Read the entire examination through quickly before starting to work any one problem. Then work first on those problems which seem the simplest or about which you are most confident in solving. 3. Be sure to allot your working times to the questions roughly according to the grade value of each. If a problem is not completed in the time allotted, it is usually better to discontinue work on it and spend time on the other problems. Be sure to spend at least some time on each problem. Partial solutions to all problems usually result in a higher overall grade than complete solutions to only a small portion of the problems (provided you do enough work on a problem to indicate that the correct method of attack is being used). 4. When starting work on a problem read it through carefully and be certain you understand it. Spend a short time thinking about the method of solution instead of writing down what first comes to mind. 5. When writing down the solution, organize your work in a neat and logical manner in spite of the time constraints. This step not only impresses the grader but also permits him or her to follow the work closely enough so that if a mistake is made he or she can still evaluate the succeeding work. Neatness and organization also permit you to check your work more easily and to find quickly information needed later in the problem. 6. In answering a question write enough so that the grader does not have to guess what you had in mind. For example, when using equations, write down the equation first and then substitute numbers. A group of numbers alone may confer little information to the grader, especially if they are the wrong numbers. When using data obtained from tables or charts, state the source—and in some cases the method of using the source. Draw pictures, and separate subproblems from each other. 7. If it is obvious that you are not going to finish a problem, carefully outline the remainder of the solution by numbered steps, and include sufficient details, such as pertinent equations and methods of solving them, sources for remaining necessary data, etc. 8. If you start to get rattled, slow down a bit— perhaps even think of something besides the examination for a minute or two. Remember that this one examination is not going to make or break you whatever success you have on it. View the problem bothering you as you would a bridge hand, crossword puzzle, or other game that involves solving a problem based on a given set of facts with available information. 9. Sample old exams are located in the ChE Stockroom, and can be taken out and copied. Practice solving old exams two or three days in advance of each exam to isolate your weaknesses in subject material and exam taking skills. x What you should know about this course at the beginning that will be clear by final exam time 1. You no longer are a freshman so that the material covered proceeds at a rapid pace. 2. Your notions of teaching and learning will require substantial adjustment. Our goal is not for you to reproduce what was told to you in the classroom or you read in the text. Your study habits probably must change. 3. Lecture time is at a premium and must be used efficiently. Listening is not learning any more than lecturing is teaching. You are responsible for learning the material, a phase that will occur primarily outside the classroom. The instructor cannot “teach” all the skills you need in the short time of a class. It will take you two or three hours on the average per hour of class time to become proficient. 4. The instructor’s job is to provide a framework of the topic along with demonstrations to guide you in your learning of concepts, methods, and efficient problem solving skills. It is not to imprint you with isolated facts and problem types. 5. If you read the material in the assigned section for the next period before coming to class, the lecture will make more sense, and you can ask questions to clarify any uncertain issues. xi Standards for Chemical Engineering Homework Assignments 1. Engineering paper must be used (paper ruled on the back with a grid). 2. Use the unruled side of the sheet for the calculations, and the back side for drawings (rarely required). 3. Use the sheet with the holes to the left. 4. Turn in your work with the paper folded vertically. 5. Write neatly. Make the text in your calculations in letters 0.20 inches high—these match the horizontal grid spacing on the back of the paper. Leave 0.20 inches (one grid interval) between lines. The idea is to be professional in presenting your work. 6. Use engineering/scientific notation for numbers such as 0.341 and 1.453 x 105. Use judgment as to how many zeros you put after the decimal point or before the first significant figure. Note: always put a zero before the decimal point for a number less than unity. 7. Indicate multiplication and division using units as seen below. (Note: Use vertical and horizontal rules as necessary.) 3.45 lb NaCl 4 gal soln 1 ft 3 = 7.48 gal 1 ft 3 soln As you gain experience, you can suppress the units for simple problems and show multiplication and division thus (use parenthesis rather than centered dots as the dots get confused with periods, dust specks, etc.) 1 $ (3.45)( 4) !#" 7.48 &% = 8. Use a solid line across the page between the vertical rules on the engineering paper to demark the end of a part of a problem with multiple parts. Denote the end of the entire problem by a line across the page from the left hand rule to the far right edge of the paper. 9. Always show the units of your answer, underline the numbers and units, and draw an arrow from the right edge of the paper to the answer so that the answer is easy to pick out on the page thus 8.5 lbH 2 1 lb mol H 2 1 lb mol Zn 4.21 lb mol Zn = lb F lb F 2.02 lb H 1 lb mol H 2 !" " part (a) of the problem 10. Indicate a new problem by placing the problem number in the left hand margin. 11. Always show the basis of your calculations thus Basis: 100 lb feed xii 12. On each submission place your class number, the date, the assignment number, your name, and the page numbering at the top of each and every page, even if you staple the pages together, thus 317 ↑ Class Sept. 10, 2003 ↑ Date Assignment No. 5 Jones, Robert 2/3 ↑ Assignment Identification ↑ Your name ↑ Page 2 of 3 pages submitted xiii TYPICAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR ONE SEMESTER Topic and Problem Assignments Due All assignments are in the 8th edition. Study: 1. First Class meeting. No assignments due 2. UNITS, DIMENSIONS, UNIT CONVERSION 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.6 Chapter 2 3. DIMENSIONAL CONSISTENCY, SIGNIFICANT FIGURES, VALIDATION, MOLES 2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.3.8 Chapter 2 4. METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT 2.6.1a, 2.6.4a, 2.9.1 Chapter 2 5. BASIS, TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE 2.7.1a,b,c; 2.11.2, 2.11.5 Chapter 2 6. PRESSURE MEASUREMENT 2.11.9 Chapter 2 7. INTRODUCTION TO MATERIAL BALANCES 3.1.11, 3.1.19, 3.1.16, 3.1.7, 3.1.8 Chapter 3 8. STRATEGY FOR SOLVING MATERIAL BALANCES 3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.9, 3.2.14 Chapter 3 9. No class meeting. Exam No. 1 in the evening. 10. MATERIAL BALANCES WITHOUT REACTION— SINGLE UNITS 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.1.10, 4.1.12 Chapter 4 11. MATERIAL BALANCES (CONTINUED) 4.1.18, 4.1.20, 4.1.23, 4.1.25 Chapter 4 12. STOICHIOMETRY 5.1.2a,e; 5.1.5; 5.2.14; 5.2.15 Chapter 5 13. MATERIAL BALANCES WITH REACTION— SINGLE UNITS 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.6, 5.3.7 Chapter 5 14. MATERIAL BALANCES WITH REACTION— SINGLE UNITS (CONTINUED) 5.5.5, 5.5.7, 5.5.10, 5.5.13 Chapter 5 xiv Topic and Problem Assignments Due All assignments are in the 8th edition. Study: 15. Review for Exam No. 2. Chapters 4–5 16. No class meeting. Exam No. 2 in the evening. 17. MATERIAL BALANCE PROBLEMS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS 6.1.2, 6.1.5, 6.2.1, 6.2.7 Chapter 6 18. MATERIAL BALANCE PROBLEMS WITH RECYCLE (NO REACTION) 6.3.1b,d; 6.3.2; 6.3.16, 6.3.17 Chapter 6 19. MATERIAL BALANCE PROBLEMS WITH RECYCLE (WITH REACTION) 6.3.8, 6.3.13, 6.3.21 Chapter 6 20. IDEAL GAS AND PARTIAL PRESSURE 7.1.1, 7.1.5, 7.1.12c, 7.1.22, 7.1.31 Chapter 7 21. MATERIAL BALANCES WITH IDEAL GASES 7.1.52, 7.1.44, 7.1.55 Chapter 7 22. REAL GASES—COMPRESSIBILITY 7.3.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.13 Chapter 7 23. REAL GASES—EQUATIONS OF STATE 7.2.8, 7.2.5, 7.2.17, 7.2.13 Chapter 7 24. Review for Exam No. 3. Chapters 6–7 25. No class meeting. Exam No. 3 in the evening. 26. SINGLE COMPONENT-TWO PHASE SYSTEMS (VAPOR PRESSURE) 8.2.1, 8.2.9, 8.3.2 a to e, 8.3.4, 8.3.5b, 8.3.19, 8.3.20 Chapter 8 27. TWO PHASE GAS-LIQUID SYSTEMS 8.3.17, 8.3.22a, 8.4.2, 8.4.4, 8.4.7 Chapter 8 28. TWO PHASE GAS-LIQUID SYSTEMS (CONTINUED) 8.4.14, 8.4.16, 8.4.18, 8.4.27 Chapter 8 xv Topic and Problem Assignments Due All assignments are in the 8th edition. Study: 29. VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA AND THE PHASE RULE 8.2.4, 8.2.5, 8.5.3, 8.5.6, 8.5.14, 8.5.18 Chapter 8 30. Review for Exam No. 4 Chapter 8 31. No class meeting. Exam No. 3 in the evening. 32. ENERGY: TERMINOLOGY, CONCEPTS, AND UNITS 9.1.1, 9.1.5, 9.1.7, 9.1.11, 9.2.4, 9.2.21, 9.2.22 Chapter 9 33. ENERGY BALANCES—CLOSED SYSTEMS 9.3.31a,b; 9.3.9; 9.3.25; 9.3.45 Chapter 9 34. ENERGY BALANCES—OPEN SYSTEM 9.3.31, 9.3.32, 9.3.17a, 9.3.33 Chapter 9 35. CALCULATING ENTHALPY CHANGES 9.2.26, 9.2.37, 9.2.46 Chapter 9 36. APPLICATIONS OF ENERGY BALANCES WITHOUT REACTION-CLOSED SYSTEMS 9.3.19, 9.3.39, 9.3.40 Chapter 9 37. APPLICATIONS OF ENERGY BALANCES WITHOUT REACTION-OPEN SYSTEMS 9.3.21, 9.3.41 Chapter 9 38. Review for Exam No. 5 Chapter 9 39. No class meeting. Exam No. 5 in the evening. 40. ENERGY BALANCES WITH REACTION 10.1.6; 10.1.8a,b; 10.2.1a; 10.2.3; 10.2.4 Chapter 10 41. CONTINUED 10.2.17, 10.2.6, 10.2.10, 10.4.6 Chapter 10 42. PARTIAL SATURATION AND HUMIDITY 11.1.1 Chapter 11 43. HUMIDITY CHARTS 11.2.1, 11.3.1, 11.3.7 Chapter 11 44. Exam No. 6 is the final exam held on the scheduled final exam period (3 hours). xvi TYPICAL EXAMS FOR A ONE SEMESTER COURSE (scheduled in the evening to avoid time constraints on students Exam No. 1 (Open Book, 1 1/2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (5%) Hydrogen can be separated from natural gas by diffusion through a round tube. The rate of separation is given by N = 2!D"R where N = rate of transport of H2 from the tube, g moles/(sec)(cm of length of tube) D = diffusion coefficient ! = molar density of H2, g moles/cm3 R = !r $ log mean radius of tube, r2 –r1 / l n # 2 & , with r in cm. " r1 % What are the units of D? PROBLEM 2 (10%) A pallet of boxes weighing 10 tons is dropped from a lift truck from a height of 10 feet. The maximum velocity the pallet attains before hitting the ground is 6 ft/sec. How much kinetic energy does the pallet have in (ft)(lbf) at this velocity? PROBLEM 3 (5%) The specific gravity of a fuel oil is 0.82. What is the density of the oil in lb/ft3? Show all units. PROBLEM 4 (10%) Sulfur trioxide (SO3) can be absorbed in sulfuric acid solution to form more concentrated sulfuric acid. If the gas to be absorbed contains 55% SO3, 41% N2, 3% SO2, and 1% O2, how many parts per million of O2 are there in the gas? (b) What is the composition of the gas on a N2 free basis? PROBLEM 5 (15%) You have 100 kilograms of gas of the following composition: CH4 H2 N2 30% 10% 60% What is the average molecular weight of this gas? xvii PROBLEM 6 (15%) If the heat capacity of a substance is 5.32 J/(g)(°C) and its molecular weight is 37.4, what is its heat capacity in (a) (b) (c) J/(g)(°F) J/(lb)(°R) J/(gmol)(K) PROBLEM 7 (20%) A rock containing 100% BaSO4 is burned with coke (94%C, 6% ash) and the composition of the product is BaSO4 (11.1%) BaS (72.9%), C (13.9%, ash (2.2%). The reaction is BaSO 4 + 4C ! BaS + 4CO Calculate the percent excess reactant, and the degree of completion of the reaction. PROBLEM 8 (20%) A gas cylinder to which is attached a Bourden gauge appears to be at a pressure of 27.38 in. Hg at 70°F. the barometer needs 101.8 kPa. A student claims that the pressure in the tank is 1.3 psia, but another student points out that this is impossible—the pressure is really 28.2 psia. Can 1.3 psia be correct? Explain and show calculations to back up your explanation. xviii EXAM NO. 2 (Open Book, 2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (25%) A chemist attempts to prepare some very pure crystals of Na2SO4‑10H2O by dissolving 200 g of Na2SO4 (MolWt=142.05) in 400 g of boiling water. He then carefully cools the solution slowly until some Na2S04·10H20 crystallizes out. Calculate the g of Na2SO4·10H2O recovered in the crystals per 100 g of initial solution, if the residual solution after the crystals are removed contains 28% Na2SO4. Right answer but: –10 if answer is in g of Na2SO4 and not g of Na2SO4·10H2O –10 if answer not per 100 g of initial soln PROBLEM 2 (25%) Water pollution in the Hudson River has claimed considerable recent attention, especially pollution from sewage outlets and industrial wastes. To determine accurately how much effluent enters the river is quite difficult because to catch and weigh the material is impossible, weirs are hard to construct, etc. One suggestion which had been offered is to add a trace Br– ion to a given sewage stream, let it mix well, and sample the sewage stream after it mixes well. On one test of the proposal you add ten pounds of NaBr per hour for 24 hours to a sewage stream with essentially no Br– in it. Somewhat downstream of the introduction point a sampling of the sewage stream shows 0.012% NaBr. The sewage density is 60.3 lb/ft3 and river water density is 62.4 lb/ft3. What is the flow rate of the sewage in lb/min? –10 if answer based on 0.012 fractin and not 0.00012. –15 if 24 hr basis was used and then not converted back to per hour basis. PROBLEM 3 (25%) In preparing 5.00 moles of a mixture of three gases (SO2, H2S, and CS2), gases from three tanks are combined into a fourth tank. The tanks have the following compositions (mole fractions): Gas SO2 H2 S CS2 Tank 1 0.10 0.40 0.50 Tank2 0.20 0.20 0.60 Tank3 0.25 0.25 0.50 Tank 4 0.20 0.26 0.54 How much of Tanks 1, 2, and 3 must be mixed to give a product with composition of Tank4? –10 for correct answer but wrong basis –15 A lot of people said no soln. They used wrong basis, etc. No soln but correct mat’l balance xix PROBLEM 4 (25%) 10% a) For the given distillation process, calculate the composition of the bottoms stream. 15% b) If steam leaked into the column at 1000 mole/sec and all else was constant, what would the new bottoms composition be? –5 (should be gmole), if assumed to k-mole and not stated. xx Exam No. 3 (Open Book Exam, 2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (35%) A company burns an intermediate product gas having the composition 4.3% CO2, 27% CO, 10% H2, 1.0% CH4, and the residual N2 together with a waste oil having the composition 87% C, 13% H2. Analysis of the stack gas gives an Orsat analysis of 14.6% CO2, 0.76% CO, and 7.65 O2 and the rest N2. Calculate the fraction of the total carbon burned that comes from the product gas. PROBLEM 2 (35%) Benzene, toluene and other aromatic compounds can be recovered by solvent extraction with sulfur dioxide. As an example, a catalytic reformate stream containing 70% by weight benzene and 30% non-benzene material is passed through the counter-current extractive recovery scheme shown in the diagram below. One thousand pounds of the reformate stream and 3000 pounds of sulfur dioxide are fed to the system per hour. The benzene product stream (the extract) contains 0.15 pound of sulfur dioxide per pound of benzene. The raffinate stream contains all the initially charged non-benzene material as well as 0.25 pound of benzene per pound of the non-benzene material. The remaining component in the raffinate stream is the sulfur dioxide. (a) How many pounds of benzene are extracted per hour, i.e. are in the extract? (b) If 800 pounds of benzene containing in addition 0.25 pound of the non-benzene material per pound of benzene are flowing per hour at point A and 700 pounds of benzene containing 0.07 pound of the non-benzene material per pound of benzene are flowing at point B, how many pounds (exclusive of the sulfur dioxide) are flowing at points C and D? xxi PROBLEM 3 (30%) Reactant A is polymerized as shown in the figure. It is mixed with fresh catalyst and recycled catalyst. Conversion of A is 40% on one pass through the reactor. Fresh catalyst (G) enters at the rate of 0.40 lb G per lb of A in stream H. The separator removes 90% of the catalyst and recycles it as well as recycling unreacted A. Nevertheless, the product stream P constraints 15% of the unreacted A and 10% of the catalyst exiting in stream K as well as the polymer product. Determine the ratio of stream R to G. Note: catalyst does not react in the process! xxii Exam No. 4 (Open Book, 2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (25%) In the vapor-recompression evaporator (not insulated) shown in the figure below, the vapors produced on evaporation are compressed to a higher pressure and passed through the heating coil to provide the energy for evaporation. The steam entering the compressor is 98% quality at 10 psia, the steam leaving the compressor is at 50 psia and 400°F, and 6 Btu of heat are lost from the compressor per pound of steam throughput. The condensate leaving the heating coil is at 50 psia, 200°F. The replacement liquid is at the temperature of the liquid inside the evaporator. Computer: (a) the work in Btu needed for compression per pound of H2O going through the compressor. (b) the Btu of heat transferred from the heating coil to the liquid in the evaporator per pound of H2O through the coil. (c) Bonus of 5 points for correct answer to the question: What is the total heat gained or lost by the entire system? PROBLEM 2 (25%) An insulated, sealed tank that is 2 ft3 in volume holds 8 lb of water at 100°F. A 1/4 hp stirrer mixes the water for 1 hour. What is the fraction vapor at the end of the hour? Assume all the energy from the motor enters the tank. For this problem you do not have to get a numerical solution. Instead list the following in this order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. State what the system you select is. Specify open or closed. Draw a picture. Put all the known or calculated data on the picture in the proper place. Write down the energy balance (use the symbols in the text) and simplify it as much as possible. List each assumption in so doing. Calculate W. xxiii 7. 8. Lists the equations with data introduced that you would use to solve the problem. Explain step by step how to solve the problem (but do not do so). PROBLEM 3 (15%) What is the enthalpy change in Btu when 1 pound mole of air is cooled from 600°F to 100°F at atmospheric pressure. Compute your answer by two ways: 1) Use the tables of the combustion gases. 2) Use the heat capacity equation for air. PROBLEM 4 (10%) Answer the following questions by placing T fro true and F for false on your answer page. Grading: +2 if correct, 0 if blank, -1 if wrong. (a) (b) Heat and thermal energy are synonymous terms used to express one type of energy. You can find the enthalpy change at constant pressure of a Substance such as CO2 from the solid to the gaseous state by integrating T2 " C dT ! from T1 (solid temperature) to T2 (gas temperature) for a constant pressure path. T1 (c) (d (e) The enthalpy change of a substance can never be negative. Heat and work are the only methods of energy transfer in a non-flow process. Both Q and ∆H can be classed as state functions (variables) PROBLEM 5 (25%) Hot reaction products (assume they have the same properties as air) at 1000°F leave a reactor. In order to prevent further reaction, the process is designed to reduce the temperature of the products to 400°F by immediately spraying liquid water into the gas stream. 400°F? How many lb of water at 70°F are required per 100 lb of products leaving at xxiv For this problem you do not have to get a numerical solution. Instead list the following in this order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. State what the system you select is. Specify open or closed. Draw a picture. Put all the known or calculated data on the picture in the proper places. Write down the material and energy balances (use the symbols in the text) and simplify them as much as possible, list each assumption in so doing. Insert the known data into the simplified equation(s) you would use to solve the problem. xxv Exam No. 5 (Open Book, 2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (10%) Answer the following questions briefly (no more than 3 sentences); a. Does the addition of an inert dilutent to the reactants entering an exothermic process increase, decrease, or make no change in the heat transfer to or from the process? b. If the reaction in a process is incomplete, what is the effect on the value of the standard heat of reaction? Does it go up, down, or remain the same? c. How many properties are needed to fix the state of a gas so that all of the other properties can be determined? 1 Consider the reaction H 2 ( g ) + O 2 ( g ) ! H 2O ( g ) . 2 Is the heat of reaction with the reactants entering and the products leaving at 500K higher, lower, or the same as the standard heat of reaction? d. PROBLEM 2 (10%) Explain how you would calculate the adiabatic reaction temperature for Problem 5 below if the outlet temperature is not specified. List each step. (You can cite some of the steps listed in Problem 5 if you list them by number in Problem 5.) PROBLEM 3 (20%) A flue gas at 750°F and 1 atm of composition 14.0% CO2, 1.0% CO, 6.4% O2, and the balance N2 is the product of combustion with excess air at 750°F and 1 atm that is used to burn coke (C). a. What is the volume in ft3 of the flue gas leaving the furnace per pound of carbon burned? b. What is the volume of air in ft3 entering the furnace per pound of C burned? PROBLEM 4 (20%) Seven pounds of N2 are stored in a cylinder 0.75 ft3 volume at 120°F. Calculate the pressure in the cylinder in atmosphere: a. Assuming N2 to be an ideal gas. b. Assuming N2 is a real gas and using compressibility factors. PROBLEM 5 (40%—one half each for the material and energy balances) Pyrites (FeS2) is converted to sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas according to the reaction 4FeS2 ( s ) + 11 O 2 ( g ) ! 2 Fe 2O3 ( s ) + 8 SO 2 ( g ) xxvi The air, which is 35% excess (based on the above reaction) for combustion, enters at 27°C, the ore at 18°C, and the products leave at 900K. Because of equipment degradation, unburned FeS2 exits from the process. In one hour 8000 kg of pyrites are fed to the process, and 2000 kg of Fe2O3 are produced. What is the heat added or removed from the process? Data: For FeS2, C p = 44.77 + 5.590 ! 10 –2 T where T is in Kelvin and Cp is in J/(g mol)(K). For F2O3, C p = 103.4 + 6.71! 10"2 T with the same units. xxvii Exam No. 6 (Open Book, 2 hours) PROBLEM 1 (20%) A high pressure line carries natural gas (all methane) at 10,000 kPa and 40°C. How would you calculate the volume of the gas under these conditions that is equivalent to 0.03 m3 of CH4 at standard conditions using an equation of state? Select one equation other than van der Waal's equation, and list it on your solution page. Give a list of steps to complete the calculations. Include all the proper equations, and include a list of data involved, but you do not have to obtain a solution for the volume. PROBLEM 2 (20%) From the following data estimate the vapor pressure of sulfur dioxide at 100°C. Temperature (°C) Vapor pressure (atm) –10 1 6.3 2 32.1 5 55.5 10 PROBLEM 3 (20%) Dry atmospheric air at the ambient conditions of 90°F and 29.42 in. Hg absolute passes through a small blower and is bubbled up through water so that the air leaving the water is saturated. The temperature of the water is constant at 80°F, and because of the back pressure in the system, the pressure in the vapor space in the top of the bottle is 2.7 in. H2O greater than atmospheric pressure. The bottle is weighted after the air is blown for 2 hours, 13 minutes, 47 seconds, and the decrease in weight was found to be 8.73 lb. What was the hourly rate of flow of air at ambient conditions in ft3? PROBLEM 4 (20%) A vessel with a volume of 2.83 m3 contains a mixture of nitrogen and acetone at 44.0°C and 100.0 kPa. The dew point of the mixture is 20.0°C and the relative saturation of the acetone in the mixture is 58.39%. The vapor pressure of acetone at 44.0°C is 65.35 kPa and it is 24.62 kPa at 20.0°C. a. What is the partial pressure of acetone vapor in the original mixture, in kPa? b. How many kg moles of acetone does the original mixture contain? c. If the nitrogen-acetone mixture is cooled with the volume remaining at 2.83 m3 constant so that 27.0 percent of the acetone condenses, what is the final temperature of the mixture in °C? xxviii PROBLEM 5 (20%) A wet sludge contains 50 percent water by weight. This sludge is first centrifuged, and 0.1 kilograms of water are removed per kilogram of wet sludge feed. The sludge is dried further using air so that the final product contains 10 percent by weight water. The air for drying is heated, passed into an oven drier, and vented back into the atmosphere. On a day when atmospheric pressure is 760mm Hg, the temperature is 70°F and the relative humidity is 50%, calculate the cubic meters of wet air required to dry one kilogram of sludge fed to the process. The air vented from the oven drier is at 100°F and 780mm Hg. It has a dew point of 94°F. xxix Solutions Chapter 2 2.1.1 2.2.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) a. N/mm or nm (nanometer) °C/M/s 100 kPa 273.15 K 1.50m, 45 kg 250°C J/s 250 N Basis: 1 mi3 1mi3 ⎛ 5280 ft ⎞ 3 ⎛ 12 in ⎞ 3 ⎛ 2. 54 cm ⎞ 3 ⎛ 1 m ⎞ 3 ⎝ 1 mi ⎠ ⎝ 1 ft ⎠ ⎝ 1 in ⎠ ⎝ 100 cm ⎠ 9 3 = 4.17 × 10 m b. Basis: 1 ft3/s a. 0.04 g 60 min (12 in )3 1 lb m lb m = 9.14 3 3 (min )( m ) 1 hr 1 ft 454g (hr ) (ft 3 ) b. 2L 3600 s 24 hr 1 ft ft 3 = 6.1× 10 3 s 1 hr 1 day 28.32L day 2.2.2 1 ft 3 60 s 7.48 gal = 449 gal / min 1 s 1 min 1 ft 3 3 c. 1 ft 2 (1 in)2 1 yr 1 day 1 hr 2.2 lbm 6 (in.)(cm 2 ) 2 2 2 (yr)(s)(lbm )(ft ) (12 in) (2.54 cm) 365 days 24 hr 3600s 1 kg m 1 ft 0.3048 m –11 = 1.14 × 10 12 in 1 ft ( kg) (s2 ) 2–1 Solutions Chapter 2 2.2.3 a. Basis: 60.0 mile/hr 60.0 mile 5280 ft 1 hr ft = 88 hr 1 mile 3600 sec sec b. Basis: 50.0 lbm/(in)2 50.0/lbm 454 g 1 kg 1(in)2 (100 cm)2 kg = 3.52 × 104 2 2 2 2 (in) 1 lb 1000 g (2.54 cm) (1 m) m c. Basis: 6.20 cm/(hr)2 6.20 cm 1 m 109 nm 1(hr) 2 nm = 4.79 2 2 2 (hr) 100 cm 1 m (3600 sec) sec 2.2.4 20 hp 0.7457 kW = 14.91 kW 1 hp No , not enough power even at 100% efficiency; 68 kW = 91.2 hp. 2.2.5 1 hr 2200 gal 1000 mile = 4190.5 gal 525 mile 1 hr 1 hr 2000 gal 1000 mile 4210 gal = 475 mile 1 hr (20 gal) None: 20 gal more are needed. 2.2.6 Let tA be the time for A to paint one house; tB for B A does a house in 5 hours, or 1 house/5 hr. B does one house in 3 hours, or 1 house/3 hr. 1 house tA hr 1 house tB hr + = 1 house 5 hr 3 hr Also tA = tB so that tA = 3 5 8 tA + tA = 1 or tA =1 15 15 15 15 hr = tB = 1.875 hr or 112.5 min 8 2–2 Solutions Chapter 2 2.2.7 (a) mass, because masses are balanced (b) weight, because the force exerted on the mass pushes a spring 2.2.8 2 1(hr)2 20.0g 1 lbm 0.3048m 3600s 1 (lbf )(s ) 1 hr 32.174(lbm )(ft) (3600)2s 2 (m)(s) 453.6 g 1 ft = 1.16 × 10−7 2.2.9 (lbf )(hr) ft 2 1.0 Btu 24 hrs 1 ft 2 1 in 2 (100 cm)2 1.8o F 2.54 cm ⎛ o F ⎞ 1 day (12 in)2 (2.54 cm 2 ) 1 m 2 in 1oC (hr)(ft 2 ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ft ⎠ kJ 252 cal 12 in 4.184 J 1 kJ = 1.49 × 104 2 1 Btu 1 ft 1 cal 1000 J (day)(m )(°C / cm) 2.2.10 Basis: 1 lb H2O 3 a. 1 2 1 1 lb m ⎛ 3 ft ⎞ (s 2 )(lb f ) KE= mv = = 0.14(ft)(lbf ) ⎜ ⎟ 2 2 ⎝ s ⎠ 32.174(ft)(lb m ) b. Let A = area of the pipe and v = water velocity. The flow rate is ⎛ πD 2 ⎞ (v) q = Av = ⎜ ⎝ 4 ⎟⎠ π (2 in)2 (1 ft)2 3 ft 60 s 7.48 gal = 29.37 gal/min 4 (12 in)2 S 1 min 1 ft 3 2.2.11 PE = 75 gal 8.33 lbm 32.2 ft 100 60 s s 2 -lbf Btu = 4818 Btu/hr 2 min ft hr 32.2 lbm -ft 778 ft-lbf gal sec 2 hp 2545 Btu = 5090 Btu/hr hp-hr Rate of energy input for heating = PW - PE =5090 - 4818 = 272 Btu/hr Pump Work = 2–3 Solutions Chapter 2 2.2.12 The object has a mass of 21.3 kg (within a precision of ± .1 kg). The weight is the force used to support the mass. 2.2.13 In American Engineering System Power = = FV 800 lbf 300 ft 1 min = 2.4 ×105 (lbf )(ft) or 7.27 hp min In SI Power = 4000 N 1.5 m 1 (watt)(s) 1 s 1(N)(m) = 6000 watts = 1 m v2 2 2.2.14 KE = 1 2300 kg 1 lb m ⎛ 10.0 ft ⎞ 2 1 1 Btu 2 0. 454 kg ⎝ s ⎠ 32. 2 lb m ft 778.2(ft )(lb f ) 2 lb f sec = 10.11 Btu 2.2.15 Basis: 10 tons at 6 ft/s 2 KE = 2.2.16 1 1 20,000 lbm ⎛ 6 ft ⎞ 1(s 2 )(lbf ) 2 mv = = 11,200(ft)(lbf ) ⎜ ⎟ 2 2 ⎝ s ⎠ 32.2(ft)(lbm ) Basis: 1 mRNA 1 nRNA 3x ribonucleotides 1 active ribosome nRNA 1200 amino acids protein 264 ribonucleotides min-active ribosome x amino acids 13.6 protein molecules formed per min per nRNA 2–4 = Solutions Chapter 2 2.3.1 2.3.2 A is in g/cm3 B is in g/(cm3)(°C) Since the exponent of e must be dimensionless C is in atm-1 a 1. a 2. a 3. b1 A= lb 1.096 g (30.48)3cm3 1 lb m = 68.4 m3 cm3 ft 3 454g ft b2 B= lb 0.00086 g (30.48)3cm3 1 lbm 1oC = 0.0298 3 mo 3 o 3 o (cm )( C) ft 454 g 1.8 R (ft )( R) b3 C= 0.000953 1 atm 1 = 0.0000648 2 atm 14.7 lbf /in lb f /in 2 Introduce the units. The net units are the same on both sides of the equation. ⎛ ft ⎞ (ft)(ft) ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝s ⎠ 1.5 1/2 = ft 3 s 1/ 2 2.3.3 No. ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ -3 3 1 ⎥ 2 ⎢ (2) 9.8m 10 m 50×10 (kg)(m) q = 0.6(2m ) ⎢ 2 ⎥ s2 kg (s 2 )(m 2 ) ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎢ 1- ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ 5 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ The net units on the right hand side of the equation are 1/2 ⎡ m3 ⎤ m ⎢ 4 ⎥ ⎣ s ⎦ 2 ≠ m3 s Consequently, the formula will not yield 80.8 m3/s, presumably in the formula the g should be gc for use in the AE system. 2–5 Solutions Chapter 2 1.19 2.3.4 Q = 0.61S (2Δp)/ρ assume hole is open to atmosphere ⎡ lbf ⎤ 14.7 ⎢ ⎥ 73 in gas. 0.703 H 2O 1 ft 144 in ⎢ 23 lbf in 2 ⎥ + Δp = 1 gas 12 in 33.91 ft H 2O ⎥ 1 ft 2 ⎢ in 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ 2 = 3,579 lbf /ft 2 62.4 lb ρ= 0.703ft3 3 1 lb/ft H 2O lbH 2O ft 3H 2O =43.87 lbm ft 3 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ S = π⎜ = 3.41× 10-4 ft 2 ⎟ ⎝ (4)12 ⎠ Q = (3600)(0.61)(3.41× 10−4 ) (2)(3579)g c / 43.87 = 54 2–6 ft 3 hr Solutions Chapter 2 2.3.5 a. b. Z = 1 + ρB + ρ2C + ρ3D B C D Units cm3 / g mol (cm3/ g mol)2 (cm3/ g mol)3 Z = 1 + ρ* B* +(ρ* )2C* +(ρ* )3D* B* C* D* Units ft3 / lbm (ft3/ lbm)2 (ft3/ lbm)3 If B is the original coefficient, B* is obtained by multiplying B by conversion factors. Let MW is the molecular weight of the compound. 3 ft 3 B cm3 ⎛ 1 ft ⎞ 1 g mol 454 g 0.016 B = = B ⎜ ⎟ lb m g mol ⎝ 30.48 cm ⎠ MW g 1 lb m MW * 2 2 6 2 2 ⎛ ft 3 ⎞ ⎛ cm3 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ft ⎞ ⎛ 1 g mol ⎞ ⎛ 454g ⎞ 2.57 × 10-4 C ⎜ ⎟ = C ⎜ ⎟ = C ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ MW 2 ⎝ g mol ⎠ ⎝ 30.48 cm ⎠ ⎝ MWg ⎠ ⎝ 1 lbm ⎠ ⎝ lb m ⎠ * 3 ⎛ ft 3 ⎞ 4.096×10-6 D ⎜ ⎟ = D MW 3 ⎝ lb m ⎠ * 2–7 Solutions Chapter 2 2.3.6 ⎡⎛ τ ⎞ 1/2 ⎛ N ⎞ 1/2 ⎛ m 3 ⎞ 1/2 ⎤ ⎡m ⎤ ⎥ u ⎢ ⎥ = k[1] ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎢⎝ ρ ⎠ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎝ kg ⎟⎠ ⎥ ⎣s⎦ ⎣ ⎦ To get u in ft/s, substitute for τ and for ρ , and multiply both sides of the equation by 3.281 ft/1 m (k is dimensionless). 2 τ τ′lbf ⎛ 3.281 ft ⎞ N 1N = 2 2 ⎜ ⎟ m ft ⎝ 1 m ⎠ 0.2248 lbf 3 ρ′ lbm ⎛ 3.281 ft ⎞ kg 1 kg ρ 3 = m ft 3 ⎜⎝ 1 m ⎟⎠ 0.454 lbm ⎛ τ′ ⎞ u ′ = 2.57 k ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ρ′ ⎠ 2.3.7 Place units for the symbols in the given equation, and equate the units on the left and right hand sides of the equation by assigning appropriate units to the coefficient 0.943. LHS RHS 1 3 2 ⎡⎛ ⎤ 4 ( ) ( ) ⎞ Btu Btu lb ft Btu hr ft ⎛ m ⎞ ⎟ ? ⎜ (hr ) ft 2 (Δ ° F) ⎢⎣⎝ (hr )(ft )(Δ ° F)⎠ ⎝ ft 3 ⎠ (hr)2 lb m ft lb m Δ ° F ⎥⎦ ( ) The units are the same on the right and left so that 0.943 has no units associated with it. 2.3.8 η = numerator denominator Numerator = Yxc/ s γ b ΔHbc/ e− − ⎛ mol cell C ⎞ ⎛ e equiv. ⎞⎛ energy ⎞ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ − ⎝ mole substrate C ⎠ ⎝ mol cell C ⎠ ⎝ mol e equiv. ⎠ = ⎜ = energy mol substrate C (1) 2–8 Solutions Chapter 2 Denominator η = ΔH ccat = energy mol substrate C = (1) energy = (2) energy (2) There is no missing conversion factor What the author claimed about the units is correct. For dimensional consistency: B – absolute temperature in either ºR or K C – absolute temperature in either ºR or K A – dimensionless 2.3.9 In most cases the argument of a logarithm function should be dimensionless, but in this case it will not be. Therefore, the numerical values of A, B, and C will depend upon the units used for temperature and the units used for p*. 2.3.10 The equation is Δp = 4fρ ⎡⎣(v 2 / 2g) (L/D) ⎤⎦ The units on the right hand side (with f dimensionless) in SI are ρ ⎞ kg ⎛ m 2 ⎜ m ⎟⎟ 1 m 3 ⎜ s2 → 2 ⎜ (kg)(m) m ⎟ m ⎟ ⎜ s2 ⎠ ⎝ hence the equation is not dimensionally consistent because Δp has the units of N/m2. If g is replaced with g, the units would be correct. 2.4.1 Two because any numbers added to the right hand side of the decimal point in 10 are irrelevant. 2.4.2 The sum is 1287.1430. Because 1234 has only 4 significant figures to the left of an implied decimal point, the answer should be 1287 (no decimal point). 2–9 Solutions Chapter 2 2.4.3 The number of significant figures to the right of the decimal point is 1 (from 210.0m), hence the sum of 215.110 m should be rounded to 215.1 m. 2.4.4 A calculator gives 569.8269 000, but you should truncate to 4 significant figures, or 569.8 cm2. 2.4.5 Two significant figures (based on 6.3). Use 4.8 × 103. 2.4.6 Step 1: The product 1.3824 is rounded off to 1.4 Step 2: Calculate errors. For absolute error, the product 1.4 means 1.4 + 0.05 Thus 0.05 × 100% = 3.6% error 1.4 Similarly 3.84 has 0.005 × 100% = 0.13% error 3.84 and 0.36 has 0.005 × 100% = 1.4% error 0.36 Total 2.7% error 2.6.1 a) 4 g mol mg Cl 2 (95.23)g MgCl 2 = 380.9 g gmol MgCl 2 b) 2 lb mol C3H8 (44.09 )lb C 3H8 454g C3 H8 4 = 4 × 10 g C3 H8 lb mol C3 H8 1 lb C3 H8 c) (d) 16 g N2 gmol N 2 1 lb mol N 2 = 1.26 × 10−3 lb mol N 2 (28.02)g N2 454 gmol N 2 3 lb C2 H6O 1 lb mol C2 H6O 454 g mol = 29.56 g mol C2 H6O (46.07) lb C2 H6O 1 lb mol 2–10 Solutions Chapter 2 2.6.2 2.6.3 (a) 16.1 lb mol HCl 36.5 lb HCl = 588 lb HCl 1 lb mol HCl (b) 19.4 lb mol KCl 74.55 lb KCl = 1466 lb KCl 1 lb mol KCl (c) 11.9 g mol NaNO3 (d) 164 g mol SiO2 60.1 g SiO2 2.20 ×10-3lb = 21.7 lb SiO2 1 g mol SiO2 1g 85 g NaNO3 2.20 ×10-3lb = 2.23 lb NaNO3 1 g mol NaNO3 1g Basis: 100 g of the compound comp. C O H g 42.11 51.46 6.43 MW 12 16 1.008 g mol 3.51 3.22 6.38 13.11 Ratio of Atoms 1.09 1 2 Multiply by 11 to convert the ratios into integers The formula becomes C12O11H22 Checking MW: 12(12) + 11(16) + 22(1.008) = 342 (close enough) 2–11 Solutions Chapter 2 2.6.4 Vitamin A, C20O H30, Mol Wt.: 286 Vitamin C, C6 H8O6, mol. wt: 176 Vitamin A: a. Vitamin A = 2.00 g mol 286 g 1 lb = 1.26 lb 1 g mol 454 g 16 g 1 lb = 0.0352 lb 454 g Vitamin C = 2.00 g mol 176 g 1 lb = 0.775 lb g mol 454 g 16 g 1 lb = 0.0352 lb 454 g b. Vitamin A = 1.00 lb mol 286 lb 454 g = 130,000 g 1 lb mol 1 lb Vitamin C = 1.00 lb mol 176 lb 454 g = 79,900 g 1 lb mol 1 lb For both 12 lb 454 g = 5450 g 1 lb 2.6.5 1 kg 1160 m 3 = 223.1 kg/kg mol 5.2 m 3 kg mol 2.6.6 Mass fraction to mole fraction: ω1 MW1 x1 = ω1 (1− ω1 ) + MW2 MW1 Mole fraction to mass fraction ω1 = x1MW1 (x1 )(MW1 ) + (1− x1 )(MW2 ) 2–12 Solutions Chapter 2 2.6.7 Basis: 100 kg mol gas Comp. CH4 H2 N2 Total Mol % = mol 30 10 60 100 MW 16 2 28 kg 480 20 1680 2180 21.8 kg kg mol Basis: 100 g mol gas 2.6.8 Comp. CO2 N2 O2 H 2O mol = % 19.3 72.1 6.5 2.1 100.0 Avg. mol. wt = MW 44 28 32 18 g 849.2 2018.8 208.0 37.8 3113.8 3113.8 = 31.138 100.0 Basis: 100 lb mol 2.6.9 Comp. CO2 CO N2 % = mol 16 10 30 MW 44 28 28 lb 2640 280 840 3760 Avg. MW = 37.6 lb/lb mol 2.7.1 (a) A gas requires a convenient basis of 1 or 100 g moles or kg moles (if use SI units). (b) A gas requires a convenient basis of 1 or 100 lb moles (if use AE units). (c) Use 1 or 100 kg of coal, or 1 or 100 lb of coal because the coal is a solid and mass is a convenient basis. (d) Use 1 or 100 moles (SI or AE) as a convenient basis as you have a gas. (e) Same answer as (e). 2–13 Solutions Chapter 2 2.7.2 Since the mixture is a gas, use 1 or 100 moles (SI or AE) as the basis. 2.7.3 Pick one day as a basis that is equivalent to what is given—two numbers: (a) 134.2 lb C1 2.8.1 (b) 10.7 × 106 gal water. Basis: 1000 lb oil lb oil lb H2 O 62.4 3 ft ft 3 = 57.78 lb oil lb H2 O ft 3 oil 1.00 ft 3 0.926 1000 lb oil 2.8.2 1 ft 3 oil 7.48 gal 57.78 lb oil 1 ft 3 = 129.5 gal Basis: 10,010 lb 10,010 lb 1 gal 0.134 ft3 = 3 8.80 lb gal 152 ft Basis: 1 g mol each compound 2.8.3 g mol mw g ρ (g/cm3) V (cm3) Pb 1 207.21 207.21 11.33 18.3 Zn 1 65.38 65.38 7.14 9.16 C 1 12.01 12.01 2.26 5.31 V̂ = 2.9.1 Component Na C1 O g mol 1 1 3 5 mass (g) density (g/cm 3 ) mol fraction 0.20 0.20 0.60 2–14 Set 2 is the correct one MW 23 35.45 16 g 23 35.45 48 106.45 mass fraction 0.22 0.33 0.45 1.00 Solutions Chapter 2 2.9.2 Basis: 1 gal of solution. Mass of solution: 1.0824 lb soln lb H O 62.4 3 2 3 ft H 2O ft H2 O 1 ft 3 1 gal = 9.03 lb soln . lb H2 O 7. 481 gal 1.00 3 ft H 2O Mass fraction KOH = 0.813 lb 9.03 lb Mass fraction H2O = 1 – 0.09 0.91 1.00 Total Basis: 30 lb gas 2.9.3 Comp. CO2 N2 2.9.4 = = 0.09 lb 20 10 30 a) 1000 b) No MW 44 28 lb mol 0.455 0.357 0.812 mol fr. 0.56 0.44 1.00 c) Yes, because for solids and liquids the ratio in ppb is mass, whereas for gases the ratio is in moles. 2–15 Solutions Chapter 2 2.9.5 On a paper free basis the total ppm are: Brand A: 6060 ppm Brand B: 405 ppm The respective mass fractions are: The other entries are similar Brand A: Fe Cu 1310 = 0.216 6060 2000 = 0.330 6060 350 = 0.864 405 50 = 0.123 405 2750 = 0.454 6060 Brand B: 5 = 0.0123 405 Vs = 5 m 30.2 m 200 mm 1m 2 sides 3 = 60.4 m 1000 mm 5 m 27.2 m 200 mm 1m 2 ends = 54.4 m3 1000 mm Ends Ve = 2–16 Pb Solutions Chapter 2 Floor Vf = 27.4 m 30.4 m 200 mm 1m 1000 mm = 166.592 m Total volume = 281.392 m3 Mass of concrete = 281.392 m3 2080 kg = 585,295 m3 Volume of displaced water required to float: 586,543.36 kg 1 m 3 H2 O = 586.543 m 3 1000 kg H2 O V = LWh → h = h= 2.9.6 V LW 586.54 m 3 27.4m 30.4 m Basis: 190,000 ppm 190,000 g PCB × 100 = 19% 106 2–17 = 0.703 m 3 Solutions Chapter 2 Basis: 100 g of the sample 2.9.7 The biomass sample is g = % dry weight of cells C O N H P 50.2 20.1 14.0 8.2 3.0 95.5 4.5 100.0 other Total 10.5 g cells 50.2 g C 1 g mol C = 0.439 g mol C/g mol ATP g mol ATP 100 g cells 12 g C 2.9.8 MMM(s) → NN(s) + 3CO2 (g) a. b. 2.9.9 2×107 disintegrations 1 min min 60 1 curie 106µ curie 3×1010 disintegrations/s 1 curie = 11µ curie 2 ×107 disin tegrations 0.80 = 1.6 ×107 cpm min The relation to use is t1/ 2 = l n(2) /(k)(OH − ) with (OH − ) = 1.5 ×106 k t1/ 2 (sec onds) Methanol Ethanol MTBE 30.8 ×105 4.6 ×105 7.7 ×105 0.15 ×10−12 1×10−12 0.60 ×10−12 The order is in increasing persistence ethanol, MTBE, and methanol. 2–18 Solutions Chapter 2 2.9.10 Yes. Bases are first entries. 4800 g mol CC14 103 g mol air kg mol air 154 g CC14 103 mg CC14 = 109 g mol air kg mol air 22.8 m3 g mol CC14 g CC14 32.4 mg CC14 /m3 which exceeds the NIOSH standards 2.9.11 a. 25,600 ton P 2.6 yr 1 1 gal 2000 lb 454 g 106 µ g yr 1.2 × 1014 gal 3.785 L 1 ton 1 lb 1 g = 133.1µ g / L b. 19,090 lb(P )municipal = 63. 4% 30,100 lb(P)total c. 19,090 lb(P )municipal 0.70 lb(P)det. 100 lb(P )tota l = 44.4% 30,100 lb(P)total 1 lb(P)municipal 30,100 lb(P)tota l For d. and e. assume that (P)outflow remains unchanged. d. P retained/yr = 2,240 + 6,740 + 0.7 × 19,090 – 4,500 = 17,843 ton/yr. P conc. in ppb = 17,843 ton 2.6 yr 1 2000 lb 1 g / cm 3 109 g = 92.6 ppb yr 1.2 × 1014 gal ton 8.345 lb / gal 1billion g This is greater than 10 ppb. Eutrophication will not be reduced. e. P retained/yr = 2,240 + 6,740 + 0.3 × 19,090 – 4,500 = 10,207 P conc. in ppb = ton yr 10,207 ton 2.6 yr 2000 lb 1 g / cc 109 g = 53.2 ppb 1.2 × 1014 gal ton 8.345 lb / gal 1 billion g yr This will not help. 2–19 Solutions Chapter 2 Basis: 106 g mol gas 2.9.12 350 g mol H 2S 1 g mol gas 34g H 2S 1 g mol CO2 106g mol gas 1 g mol CO2 1 g mol H 2O 44 g CO2 = 270 g H 2S 270 g H 2S = 6 6 10 g CO2 10 g total liquid mass fraction H2S = 2.70 ×10−4 2.9.13 (a) 1 mol O2 104 mol O2 ⇒ or 104 ppm 6 100 mol gas 10 mol gas (b) Basis: 100 mol gas Comp. SO3 SO2 O2 Total 2.9.14 MW answer % = mol 55 3 1 59 CaCO3: Ca Mg C O mol fr. 0.932 0.051 0.017 1.000 or mol % 93.2 5.1 1.7 100.0 100.06 40.05 24.3 12.01 16.00 100.06 g CaCO3 1 g mol CaCO3 1 g mol Ca g CaCO3 = 2.50 g mol Ca CO3 1 g mol Ca 40.05 g Ca g Ca Similarly g CaCO3 g CaCO3 = 4.118 g Mg g Mg Total alkalinity = 2.50 (56.4) + 4.118 (8.8) = 177 2–20 mg CaCO3 L Solutions Chapter 2 1 molecule in 1023 or more is not 13-20 ppb 2.9.15 No. 2.9.16 On a mol basis, the carbon dioxide concentration in air is about 350 parts per million (ppm), while that of oxygen is about 209,500 ppm. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing at about 1% per year (i.e., from 350 ppm this year to 353.5 ppm next year), and not to 1%, the 3.5-ppm change in dioxide concentration causes the oxygen concentration to fall from 209,500 to about 209,497 ppm, which is less than a 0.002% decrease. So, there is no need to worry about an oxygen deficit at present. 2.10.1 TK = –10 + 273 = 263K T°F = –10 (1.8) + 32 = 14°F T°R = 14 + 460 = 474°R 2.10.2 Yes, if the temperature scale is a linear relative one (°C, °F), or a logarithmic scale (ln 1° is zero). No, if the scale is absolute, but read J. Wisniak, J. Chem. Educ., 77, 518-522 (2000) for a different conclusion. 2.10.3 C p = 8.41 + 2.4346 × 10-5TK ⎛ ⎞ J ⎜ 2.4346×10-5 ⎟ (T ) ⎜⎝ (gmol)(K)2 ⎟⎠ K Substitute Cp = = 1.8 TK = T°R 8.41 + 2.4346 × 10œ5 J ⎛ T°R ⎞ 2 ⎝ (gmol)(K) 1.8 ⎠ 8.41 + 1.353 ×10−5 To R 2–21 Solutions Chapter 2 a) 10° C 1.8° F 1.0° C + 32 = 50°F b) 10°C 1.8°F 1.0°C + 32 + 460°R = 510°R 2.10.4 c) d) −25o F – 32o F 1.0oC + 273K = 241.3K 1.8 1.8o F 150K 1.8° R 1.0K = 270°R 2.10.5 First multiply the RHS of the equation so that Btu (lbmol)(°F) = 4.182 1054.8J 1 Btu 1 lb mol 454 gmol 1.8°F 1.0°C 1°C 1K J (gmol)(°K) and substitute T°F = 1.8T°C + 32 C p = [8.488 + 0.5757 × 10−2 (1.8T°C + 32) − 0.2159 × 10−5 (1.8T°C + 32)2 + J 0.3059 × 10−9 (1.8T°C + 32)3 ]4.182 (gmol)(°K) Simplifying, Cp = 36.05 + 0.0447T – 0.2874 × 10–4 T2 + 0.7424 × 10–8 T3 2.10.6 The instrument does not contain mercury, but has to contain a fluid that responds at –76°C and can be calibrated to measure temperature. 2–22 Solutions Chapter 2 Basis: 15cm3 water 2.11.1 1000 kg 10 m 10 m 0.15 m = 15,000 kg m3 a. m = ρV= b. F m g 15,000 kg 9.80 m 1 N 1 Pa = = = 1470 Pa 2 A A s 10 m 10 m 1 (kg)(m) N s2 m2 = 1.47 kPa 1.470 kPa or 2.11.2 1 atm 14.7 psi = 0.21 psi 101.3 kPa atm 15 cm H2O 1 in. 1 ft 14.696 psi = 0.21 2.54 cm 12 in. 33.91 ft H2 O ρconcrete = 2080 kg/m 3 ρwater = 1000 kg/m 3 Volume of concrete: Sides Vs = 5 m 30.2 m 200 mm 1m 2 sides 3 = 60.4 m 1000 mm 5 m 27.2 m 200 mm 1m 2 ends = 54.4 m3 1000 mm Ends Ve = Floor Vf = 27.4 m 30.4 m 200 mm 1m 1000 mm 2–23 = 166.592 m 3 Solutions Chapter 2 Total volume = 281.392 m3 Mass of concrete = 281.392 m3 2080 kg = 585,295 m3 Volume of displaced water required to float: 586,543.36 kg 1 m 3 H2 O = 586.543 m 3 1000 kg H2 O V = LWh → h = h= 2.11.3 V LW 586.54 m 3 27.4m 30.4 m = 0.703 m The pressure is a gauge pressure. 60°F Basis: 50.0 psig a. 50.0 psig 33.91 ft H2 O = 115 ft 14.7 psia (difference) b. No. Insufficient height. Alternate solutions can be applying ∆p = ρΔhg 2.11.4 lbf in.2 = lbf → lbm in the AE system in.2 so the procedure is ok, although the unit conversion is ignored. 2–24 148 ft Solutions Chapter 2 2.11.5 Basis: Dept = 1000 m p = p o + ρgh p = 1 atm + 1000 m 1.024 g 9.8 m 1 kg ⎛ 100 cm ⎞ cm 3 s2 103 g ⎝ 1 m ⎠ = 3 1 N 1 kPa 1 atm (kg)(m ) 1N 1.013 × 10 5 N / m 2 (kg)(m ) s2 2 s 100.1 atm 101.3 kPa 4 = 1.014 × 10 kPa 1 atm Alternative solution: 101.3 kPa + 1000 m sea H 2 O 1.024 g H 2 O 3.28 ft 101.3 kPa 1.00 g sea H 2 O 1 m 33.91 ft H 2 O = 1.003 × 104 + 0.01× 104 = 1.013 × 104 2.11.6 (a) p ABS = pGauge + patm ⎛ 22.4 lbf 144 in.2 ⎞ ⎛ 28.6 in. Hg 14.7 psia 144 in.2 ⎞ 2 ⎟ = 5250 lbf /ft ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ 2 2 2 1 ft ⎠ ⎝ 1 29.92 in. Hg 1 ft ⎠ ⎝ 1 in. ⎛ 22.4 psig 29.92 in. Hg ⎞ + 28.6 in. Hg = 74.2 in. Hg 14.7 psia ⎟⎠ ⎝ (b) ⎜ ⎛ 22.4 psig 1.013 × 105 N/m 2 ⎞ ⎛ 28.6 in. Hg 1.013 × 105 N/m 2 ⎞ +⎜ = 2.51× 105 N/m 2 ⎟ ⎟ 14.7 psia 27.92 in. Hg 1 1 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (c) ⎜ ⎛ 22.4 psig 33.91 ft H2 O ⎞ ⎛ 28.6 in. Hg 33.91 ft H 2O ⎞ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ = 84.1 ft H 2 O 1 14.7 psia ⎠ ⎝ 1 29.92 in. Hg ⎠ ⎝ (d) ⎜ 2.11.7 Neither John is necessarily right. The pressure at the top of Pikes Peak is continually changing. 2–25 Solutions Chapter 2 2.11.8 Δp = ρgh a. = 1 g 9.8 m 13.1 m 1 kg (100 cm )3 Pa 1 kPa 1 kg 1000 Pa cm 3 s2 1000 g m3 m s2 = 128. 4 kPa b. mg ρVg ρ(S.A.)(t )g F = = = A A Bottom A Bottom ABottom 2 π 2 π (30.5 m ) 2 A Bottom = D = = 730.62 m 4 4 2 ATop = 730.62 m Aside = πDh = π(30.5 m)(13.1m) = 1255.2 m 2 S.A.= ATop + A Bottom + ASide 2 = (730.62 + 730.62 +1255.22 ) m = 2716.46 m 2 ρ(S.A.)(t )g = A ( 7.86 g 100 cm cm 3 m3 3 )2,716.46 m2 9.35 × 10 œ3 m 1 kg 1 Pa 1 kPa = 2 1000 g 1 kg / ms 1000 Pa 2–26 2.68 kPa 9.8 m s2 730.6 m 2 Solutions Chapter 2 2.11.9 p A + ρ1gh1 + ρ 2gΔh = PD p B + ρ1gh1 + ρ 2gΔh = PD pA -pB = ρ1gh1 +ρ2gΔh − ρ 1gh1ρ− 1gΔ h = ρ2gΔh1 − ρ1gΔh = gΔh(ρ2 − ρ1 ) = 9.8 m 0.78 in 1 m 13.546 œ0.91g 1 kg s2 3.28 ft cm 2 1000 g 1 N 1 ft ⎛ 100 cm ⎞ 3 m 2 1 Pa 760 mm H2 12 in ⎝ 1 m ⎠ 1 kg 1 N 101.3 × 10 3 Pa (m )(s)2 m 2 =18.4 mm Hg The pressure at A is higher than the pressure at B. Alternate solution: Δp = (0.78 in.) (13.546 − 0.91) 760 mm Hg = 18.5 mm Hg 13.546 29.92 in. Hg 2–27 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.1 Boundary: Around both pumps and include the soil at the end of the pipes. It’s an open system. It’s at steady-state except at startup (note system boundary limits fluid), or if fluid enters, unsteady state. 3.1.2 Either open (flow) or closed (batch) is acceptable if explanation is given (1) flow – material comes in and out continuously over a suitably long period of time (2) batch – material is injected into the system, and then in a short period of time, a reaction occurs with the system valves closed. (a) open if you have to replace water, and water evaporates; otherwise closed (b) open 3.1.3 3.1.4 If the overall flows in and out over a time period for several batches are considered, and the local batches ignore, the process can be treated as continuous. 3.1.5 a) closed b)open c)open d)closed 3–1 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.6 The system is the radiator. Open System Closed System Steady-State Unsteady State a) X X b) X X c) X (Before filling) d) X (After filling) X (After filling) X X X (Before Filling) 3.1.7 system contains ice + H2O Ice boundary boundary (c) Unsteady state for any assumptions b ⎫ ⎧open ⎬ assume water (melted ice) leaves the system ⎨ a ⎭ ⎩flow b ⎫ ⎧closed ⎬ assume water stays in sytem because the ice and water ⎨ a ⎭ ⎩batch remain on melting 3.1.8 P F1 F 2 F unsteady state open P unsteady state open steady state open (a) (b) (c) 3–2 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.9 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 1. x x 2. x x ____________________________________________________ 3. x x 4. Depends on the time period considered ____________________________________________________ 5. x x 6. x x x ____________________________________________________ 7. x x 3.1.10 If the overall flows in and out over a time period for several batches are considered, and the local batches ignore, the process can be treated as continuous. 3.1.11 Basis: 1 minute Accumulation (kg) In (kg) mfinal − 0 = 300 + 100 Out (kg) − 380 n final = 20 kg 20 kg 60 min = 1200 kg min 1 hr 3.1.12 Basis: 600 kg solution Accumulation (kg) n final − 0 In (kg) = 100 + 500 Out (kg) − 300 n final = 300 kg if no water evaporates in which case less than 300 kg would remain 3–3 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.13 (c) 27.0 g 3.1.14 Based on the process measurements, there are 5,000 lb/h more flow for the process leaving the heat exchanger than the feed rate to the heat exchanger; therefore, the material balance for the process fluid does not close. The reason for this discrepancy could be faulty flow sensor readings or possibly a leak of the condensate or steam into the process stream. 3.1.15 Basis: Data shown on flowsheet units are MTA In 2.5 × 106 Out 404 ×103 228 ×103 152 ×103 101 ×103 67 ×103 36 ×103 100 ×103 1190 ×103 2,278 × 103 mass in does not equal to mass out Reasons: (1) Some of the material was burned as fuel (2) Some of the material formed gases that were exhausted to atmosphere (such as H2O, CO2). (3) errors in measurement. (4) Some process streams are not shown. 3–4 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.16 In = 250,000 ton/yr. Out = 244,500 ton/yr. In (ton/yr) Out (ton/yr) 250,000 Combustibles 3,800 Combustibles 39,500 Polyethylene 30,000 Polystyrene 5,000 PVC 40,000 Acrylonitorile 20,000 DB 8,000 Phenol 10,000 Acetone 5,750 Rubber 10,000 LPG 24,000 Aromatics 48,000 Total 244,050 Balance is not exact but very good for an operating plant. 3.1.17 Basis: 1 week in (tons) = 920 + 0.6 = 920.6 out (tons) = 3.8 + 620 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.08 + 1.1 + 275 + 20 = 920 Yes 3–5 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.18 The density of the crystalline silicon in the cylinder is 2.4 g/cm3. Basis: 62 kg silicon The system is the melt, and there is no generation or consumption. Let Δmt be the accumulation. Accumulation Δmt = Input 0 - Output 0.5(62 kg) Δm t = − 31 kg Let t be the time in minutes to remove one-half of the silicon 2.4 g π(17.5cm)2 0.3 cm t min 1 = (62,000 g) cm3 4 min 2 t = 179min 3.1.19 Basis: 1 hr Overall material balance (kg): 13,500 + 26,300 ? 39,800 Yes. The balance is satisfied NaC1 balance: 0.25 (13,500) + 0.05 (26,300) ? 0.118 (39,800) 4690 ≅ 4696 The balance is closely satisfied but not exactly. The closure is good for industrial practice. 3–6 Solutions Chapter 3 3.1.20 Basis: 1 hour The overall material balance is In (lb) 106,000 ? Out (lb) 74,000 + 34,000 = 108,000 The error in the overall material balance is 2000 lb/h or 1.9%; therefore, the overall material balance is within the expected error for industrial flow sensors. Propylene balance: 0.7 × 106,000 ? (0.997) (74,000) + (0.1) (34,000) 74,200 ? 73,778 + 3,400 = 77,178 (3.8% error) Propane balance: 0.4 × 106,000 ? (0.003) (74,000) + (0.9) (34,000) 31,800 ? 222 + 30,600 = 30,622 (3.8% error) Note that the relative error for the component balances are twice as large as the relative error for the overall material balance, indicating that there is additional error in the composition measurements used for the component balances. 3.1.21 Basis: 100 kg wet sludge The system is the thickener (an open system). No accumulation, generation, or consumption occur. The total mass balance is In Out = 100 kg 70 kg + kg of water Consequently, the water amounts to 30 kg. 3.2.1 (a) water and air. (b) Insulation, air and what is in the atmosphere. (c) Yes (cold water in, hot water out) (d) Yes 3–7 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.2 Four balances are possible, 3 components plus 1 total. 0.10F1 + 0.50F 2 + 0.20F 3 = 0.35P 0.20F1 + 0F2 + 0.30F 3 = 0.10P 0.70F1 + 0.50F 2 + 0.50F 3 = 0.55P Total balance F1 + F2 +F3 = P Only 3 of the equations are independent. 3.2.3 If you specify F, P, W, you can calculate all of the stream variables. a) Unknown: three stream values F, P, W (plus two compositions if you take into account all of the variables). b) The two known compositions are not given but may be calculated from Σxi = 1, c) Two components exist; hence two independent material balances can be written. The problem cannot be solved unless one stream value is specified. 3.2.4 (a) No. The equations have no solution – they are parallel lines. The rank of the coefficient matrix is only 1 because the ⎡1 2⎤ det ⎢ =0 ⎣1 2⎥⎦ The rank of the augmented matrix is 2 ⎡1 2 1⎤ Largest non zero det. of ⎢ is of order 2 ⎣1 2 3⎥⎦ Thus, although the 2 equations are independent and the number of variables is 2 (the necessary conditions), the sufficient conditions are not met. 3–8 Solutions Chapter 3 x2 x +2x =1 1 2 x + 2x = 3 1 2 x1 (b) x2 • (x1 − 1)2 + (x2 − 1)2 = 0 No; 2 solutions • The equations are independent x1 x1 + x 2 = 1 Two solutions exist as can be seen from the plot hence no unique solution exists. 3.2.5 The number of independent equations is just 3. The number of unknown quantities is 3, hence a unique solution is possible. 3.2.6 a) No for both ⎡1 1 1 ⎤ ⎢1 2 3 ⎥ rank of coefficient matrix is2. ⎢⎣3 5 7 ⎥⎦ rank of augmented matrix is2. r = 2, n = 3 b) multiple solutions exist ⎡1 0 1⎤ ⎢5 4 9⎥ 3d column issum of1st two columns,so rank is2. ⎢⎣2 4 6⎥⎦ rank of augmented matrix is2, also. r = 2, n = 3 multiple solutions exist 3–9 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.7 (a) F; (b) F; (c) F (the maximum can be more than the number of independent equations). 3.2.8 P = 16 kg F = 10 kg ωF1= 0.10 ωF2= ? ωF3= 0 (assumed) ωP1= 0.175 ωP2= ? ωP3= ? A = 6 kg ωA1= 0.30 ωA2= ? ωA3= 0.20 Unknowns (4): ω2F ,ω2A ,ω2P ,ω3P Equations: Mass balances: (1): F(0.10) + A(0.30) = P(0.175) or 10(0.10) + 6(0.30) = 16(0.175) (2): F (ω 2 F ) + A (ω 2 A ) = P (ω 2 P ) or 10 (ω 2 F ) +6 (ω 2 A ) = 16 (ω 2 P ) (3): F(0) +A(0.20) = P (ω 2 P ) or 10(0) + 6(0.20) = 16 (ω 2 P ) redundant ω 2 F ,ω 2 A ,ω 2 P ,ω3P 10 6 -16 0 0 0 -0 16 coeff. matrix Two independent material balances exist (the rank of the coefficient matrix is 2). In addition three sum of mole fraction equations exist. The total number of equations is 5, hence the degrees of freedom = -1. The problem is overspecified, and will require at least squares solution. 3–10 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.9 Examine the row of C3H8. None of the concentrations are greater than the desired 50% so 50% is not achievable by any combination of A, B, or C. Or look at the CH4 row. 3.2.10 A x1 Basis: D =100 lb B x2 C x3 D 0 M 1.4 ⎤ ⎡ 5.0 0 ⎢90.0 10.0 0 M 31.2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ Coefficient matrix is ⎢ 5.0 85.0 8.0 M 53.4 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 5.0 80.0 M 12.6 ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 0 12.0 M 14 ⎥⎦ No unique solution exists with 5 equations and 4 variables. A least squares solution could be determined, or the 4 equations with the most accurate data solved. The rank of the coefficient matrix is 3 The rank of the augmented matrix is 4 Hence no unique solution exists. 3.2.11 You can see by inspection that no combination of tanks 1,2 and 3 will give a mole fraction of 0.52 for the mixture. Basis: 2.50 mol of tank 4 Let xi = be the total moles of tank i The balances are 0.23x1 + 0.20x2 + 0.54x3 = 0.25(2.5) = 0.625 0.36x1 + 0.33x2 + 0.27x3 = 0.23(2.5) = 0.575 0.41x1 + 0.47x2 + 0.19x3 = 0.52(2.5) = 1.300 The coefficient matrix has a rank of 3 as does the augmented matrix so the set of equations has a solution. However, the solution is x1 = −4.00 x 2 = 6.36 x 3 = − 0.327 The values of x1and x3 are not physically realizable! 3–11 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.12 Number of unknowns: F, W, P and 9 compositions: Equations W Specifications: x CF =0 Sum of mole fractions = 1 Material balances (3 species) 12 1 3 3 Degrees of freedom = 7 5 You can make any set of measurements that results in independent equations (assuming equal accuracy). For example, you cannot use all the flows, or all the compositions in one stream, as the resulting set of material balances will not consist of 5 independent balances, but a lesser number. 3.2.13 The inerts are treated as a compound. Unknowns: 5 compounds × 5 streams plus 5 streams = 30 Equations: Specifications: Concentrations not shown in diagram assumed to be zero 8 Concentrations with % given 7 E = 11 kg 1 Material balances: 5 5 Implicit equations (∑ ωi = 1) 5 26 a. Degrees of freedom (additional specifications) = 4 You must make 4 measurements that result in independent equations b. No. 3–12 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.14a a. b. The remaining gas is 100% minus the N2, and was put on the figure as R. c. Basis: 100 mol A d. Unknowns: A, B, C Equations: N2 and R material balances Basis = A = 100 mol Note: You could treat the values of R as unknowns in each stream, and then there would be 3 more unknowns and 3 more independent equations ( ∑ x i = 1 or ∑ mi = total mass flow i ) 100(0.90) + B(0.30) = C(0.65) e. & f. N2: R: 100(0.10) + B(0.70) = C(0.35) Total: 100 + B =C Two of the above equations are independent g. Solution: B = 71.4 mol C = 171.4 mol A 100 = = 1.40 B 71.4 3–13 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.14b a. DT = dry timber b. The DT is the balance of each stream. c. Basis: F = 100 kg d. Unknowns: F, W, P OR Equations: Basis: F = 100 kg Material Balances: Water, DT (total); 2 independent Degrees of freedom = 0 F, W, P, DTF, DTW, DTP, H2OF, H2 OP , H2 OW Equations: F = 100 kg Material Balances: Water, DT, (total); 2 independent Specifications: 3 for water Implicit equations: 3 of ∑ ω i = 1 Degrees of freedom = 0 e.&f. Introducing the specifications and basis into the material balances: Water: (0.201)100 = (1)W + (0.086)P DT: (0.80) 100 = 0 + (0.914)P a tie element Total: 100 = W + P g. W = 12.5 kg P = 87.5 kg W 12.5 kg = = 0.125kg/kg F 100 kg 3–14 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.14c a. & b. A N2 1.00 mol. fr. N2 0.70 CH4 0.30 1.00 P F d. CH4 n CH 4 C 2H 6 n C 2 H 6 N2 n N2 B c. or N2 C 2H 6 0.90 0.10 1.00 ∑=P ∑ x CH 4 x C2 H 6 x N2 =1.00 Basis: B = 100 mol Unknowns: Assume all of the variables except those that are specified as zero are included in the analysis. F A P B stream variable 1 1 1 1 4 + component variables 2 1 3 2 8 = 12 Equations: Basis: Material balances: N2, CH4, C2H6 Specified ratio: n CH4 /n C2H6 = 1.3 Specified values of n: 2 + 1 + 0 + 2 = Implicit equations (∑ xi = 1 in P) (Note: the implicit equations of streams F, A, and B are redundant with the specifications) Total Degrees of freedom = 1 3 1 5 1 11 1 More information is needed to solve the problem uniquely. 3–15 Solutions Chapter 3 3.2.15 Here are some possibilities. Consult the tables at the end of the Chapter for more suggestions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Rephrase the problem to make sure you understand it? Draw a simple diagram of what was happening? Think about what was going into the tank and what was coming out? Imagine yourself inside the tank, and ask what was going on around you? Ask whether there were any physical laws to consider (such as conservation of matter or energy)? Try to imagine the answer as a number, graph, table, or whatever? Try to identify essential variables? Choose a notation? Look for a ready-made formula for the answer? Look for simplifying assumptions? Try to find an easier version of the problem? Look for bounds (simple models that would definitely underestimate or overestimate the answer)? 3–16 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.1 Basis: 100 kg cucumbers P − 100 = evaporated Cucumber Initial 1 kg Final (P) 2% Water 99 kg 98% 100% 100 kg 100% 100% Cucumber balance: Evaporated − 0.02P − 0.01(100) = 0 P = 50 kg 4.1.2 Answer is: Yes Initial Final plant 5 ppm soil 6 ppm Plant 755 ppm Soil 5 ppm Final − Initial Final − Initial Arsenic balance: S (5) − S(6) = P(755) − P(5) 750P = S or S = 750 P 4.1.3 Step 5: Basis is 1 ton (2000 lb) sludge Steps 1, 2, 3, 4: Sludge 0.70 H 2 O 0.30 Solids 1.00 F Drier W H2 O 1.00 4–1 P Dried Sludge 0.25 H 2O 0.75 Solids 1.00 Solutions Chapter 4 Steps 6 and 7: Basis: 2000 lb F Balances: H2O Solids Unknowns: P, W Steps 8 and 9: Total: 2000 = P + W Solids: 2000 (0.30) = P (0.75) P = 800 lb W = 2000 − 800 = 1200 lb 4.1.4 Step 5: Basis: 1 min Steps 2, 3, 4: D 220 mL V 215 mL B Urea 2.30 mg/mL H2O 220 mL P 1.70 mg/mL H2O 215 mL Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: mP urea and mP H2O with two equations: urea and H2O. Degrees of freedom = 0. Steps 8 and 9: (a) H2O balance: 220 mL − 215 mL = 5 mL Urea balance: (b) 2.30 mg 220 mL 1.70 mg 215 mL − = 141 mg mL mL Dialisate: 1500 + 5 = 1505 mL Urea: 141 mg Concentration: 141/1505 = 0.0934 mg/mL 4–2 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.5 Step 5: Basis: 1 day Steps 2, 3, 4: W ton 1.00 H2O F=2 ton P (ton) NaOH mass fr NaOH 0.03 H2O 0.97 1.00 H2O Step 6: Unknowns, 2: P, W Step 7: Balances 2: NaOH, H2O, total (2 of the 3) Steps 8 & 9: Total: 2 = W + P NaOH: 2 (.03) = P(.18) P = 1/3 ton (666 lb) 4.1.6 W = 1 2/3 ton (3334 lb) Steps 2, 3, 4: 500 lb 10% solution A 20% solution 3000 lb 13% polymer pure solvent S Step 5: Basis: 3000 lb of final product Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: A and S; balances: total and polymer 4–3 Mass fr. 0.18 0.82 1.00 Solutions Chapter 4 Steps 8 and 9: Total wt A + S + 500 = 3000 A + S = 2500 Polymer 0.2A + 50 = 390 A = 5 (340) = 1700 S = 2500 – 1700 = 800 4.1.7 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: N = nitrocellulose S – solvent Treat the problem as a steady state flow problem, or as an unsteady state batch system. As a flow system: M (lb) N 100% F (lb) N S 0.055 0.945 1.000 Step 5: Plant P 1000 lb Mass fr. N 0.08 S 0.92 1.00 Basis: 1000 lb P Steps 6 and 7: Two unknowns, F and M. Two balances can be made, N and S. Steps 8 and 9: Solve to get N: F ( 0. 055) + M (1. 00) = 1000 (0. 008) S: F (9. 045) + M ( 0) = 1000 ( 0. 92) 4–4 ⎫ F = 973. 5 lb ⎪ ⎬ M = 26. 5 lb ⎪ ⎭ P = 1000.0 lb Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.8 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: F = 100 kg mol/min CH4 He Mol fr. 0.80 0.20 1.00 W (kg mol) CH 4 He System P (kg mol) CH4 He Mol. n CH 4 n He Mol fr. 0.50 0.50 1.00 Step 5: Basis 1 min → 100 kg mol F Step 4: To get P, calculate first the average mol. wt. of F and P, or transform the mole fractions to mass fractions. Step 5: Basis: 1.00 mol F Mol CH4 He 0.80 0.20 1.00 Basis : 1.00 mol P Mol CH4 He 0.50 0.50 1.00 100 kg mol F MW kg 16.03 4 12.8 0.8 13.6 MW kg 16.03 4 8.01 2.0 10.01 13.6 kgF 0.20 kgP 1kgmol P 1.00kg mol F 1kgF 10.01kgP P = 27.2 kg mol Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9: 100(0.80) = 27.2(0.50) + n CH 4 ⎫ ⎬ 100(0.20) = 27.2(0.50) + nHe ⎭ n CH 4 nHe Mol 66.4 6.4 72.8 4–5 In W 0.912 0.088 1.00 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.9 Fermenter 40% void 60% cell volume F1 Separator discharge W1 F2 wet cell 75% H2 O 25 % dry cell 100% H2 O Basis: 1000 cm3 F1 Drycells = 1000cm 3 in fermenter 3 60cm cell 1.1gcell 25gsolids 3 100 cm in fermenter 1cm 3 cell 100g cell = 16.5gDrycell / 1000cm 3 in fermenter 4.1.10 a. Basis: 1 kg mole of mixture Three components exist: (CH4)x, (C2H6)x, (C3H8)x Let A, B, C respectively represent kg mol of each mixture; these are the unknowns. Equations: 0.25A + 0.35B + 0.55C = 0.30 (CH4)x balance 0.35A + 0.20B + 0.40C = 0.30 (C2H6)x balance 0.40A + 0.45B + 0.05C = 0.40 (C3H8)x balance There is a unique solution to the set of equations (in kg mol) The solution is A = 0.600 B = 0.350 C = 0.05 b. It is proposed to prepare the final mixture by blending four different compounds (A, B, C, D); there will still be three equations, but now there will be four unknowns. Since the rank is now less than n, there will be an infinite number of possible blends of the four mixtures. Not required: (An optimization of a revenue function subject to the equations is needed.) 4–6 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.11 a. A 100% CO2 100 lb = 2.27 lb mol CH4 100% (MW = 16) P (lb) = ? mol fr. CH4 0.9796 CO2 0.0204 (average) 1.000 F=? (lb) 100 lb 1 lb mol = 2.27 lb mol 44 lb Steps 2, 3, 4: Step 5: Basis 1 min Step 6: Unknowns: F, P Step 7: Balances: CH4, CO2 Steps 8 and 9: Balances in moles CH4: F (1.00) + A(0) = P (0.9796) CO2: F (0) + 2.27 = P (0.0204) F= b. P = 111.41 lb mol 111.27 lb mol 0.9796 lb mol CH4 16 lb CH4 = 1746 lb/min 1 lb mol P 1 lb mol CH 4 (a) Redo the problem with a new composition for F: CH4 CO2 0.99 0.01 1.00 CH 4 : F (0.99) + A(0) = P (0.9796) ⎫ ⎬ F = 3520 lb/min CO2 : F (0.01) + 2.72 = P (0.0204) ⎭ error 4–7 3520-1744 100 = 50% (b) 3520 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.12 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: NH 3 F(kg) Pipeline 72.3 kg/min for 12 min P (kg) Mass fr. NH 3 0 gas 1.00 1.00 NH 3 gas Mass fr. 0.00382 0.99618 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 1 min Steps 6 and 7: Two unknown, F and P. Two balances can be made, NH3 and gas. You can use the total balance as a substitute. Steps 8 and 9: Total F + 72.3 = P NH3 F (0) + 72.3 = P (0.00382) P =18,900 kg / min Step 10: F = 18,900kg/min or 1.14 × 106 kg/hr Check using the gas balance 4.1.13 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: 10 lb/hr Mass fr. H2 O 1- 0.00012 0.00012 P Br 1.00 F Mass fr. H 2 O 1.00 Br 0 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 1 hr Step 6: Unknowns: F, P 4–8 Solutions Chapter 4 Step 7: Balances: Steps 8 and 9: Total: Br: H2O: H2O, Br F + 10 = F (0) + 10 F (1.00) + 0 = = P P (0.00012) ; P = 8.33 × 104 lb/hr P (1-.00012) 4 4 F = 8.33 × 10 − 10 = 8.33 ×10 lb / hr 4.1.14 Step 5: Basis: 1 year Steps 2, 3, 4: P = 15 x106 lb F = ? lb PET PVC mass fr. 0.98 0.02 1.00 W PVC 100% Steps 6 and 7: Two unknowns: F, W Two balances: PET, PVC Steps 8 and 9: PET balance: PVC balance: F (.98) = P (.999990) ≅ 15 × 106 F (.02) = W (1.00) + P (0.000010) = W + (15 × 106 (10-5) Total balance could be used in lieu of one of the above F = 15 × 106 + W From PET: F ≅ 15.3 × 106 lb W = (15.3 × 106) (0.02) – 15 × 106 (10-5) = 0.31 × 106 lb 4–9 mass fr. PET 0.999990 PVC 0.000010 (10 ppm) Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.15 Basis. 300 g initial solution (a) In Na2SO4 H 2O g 100 200 MW Na 2 SO4 ⋅10 H2O is 322.2 MW 142.05 18.016 g mol 0.704 11.10 Out Na 2SO4 ⋅10H2O Material balances in g mol (in = out): g mol Na2SO4: 0.704 = 0.310 + n Na 2SO4 n Na 2SO4 = 0.394 H2O: n H2O 11.10 = 0.310 (10) + n H 2O = 8.0 Total Mother liquor: (b) 8.394 g 100 g mol 0.310 g % 55.97 28 144.1 72 200.07 100 Na 2SO4 is 28% and H2 O is 72% 100 g crystals 100 g solution = 33.3 g crystals/100 g initial soln. 300 g solution 4.1.16 Assume steady state flow problem (alternate is unsteady state batch problem). Steps 1-4: 200 g H2O 1.00 100 g Na2B4O7 1.00 No rxn. No accum. P (g) Na2B4O7 10H2O F (g) Final solution mol fr. Na2B4O7 0.124 H2O 0.876 1.000 Calculate composition of P: Basis: 100 mol Na2B4O7.10 H2O 4–10 Solutions Chapter 4 Na2B407 H2 O mol 1 10 Step 5: Basis: 200 g H2O + 100 g Na2 B4O7 Step 6: Unknowns: F, B Step 7: balances: Na2B4O7, H2O Step 8: Na 2 B4O7 : Step 9: MW 201.27 18 g 201.27 180.0 381.27 mol fr. 0.528 0.472 1.00 H 2O: 100 = P (0.528) + F (0.124) ⎫ ⎬ 2 indept. 200 = P (0.472) + F (0.876) ⎭ Total: 100 + 200 = P + F Use H2O and Total to get P = 155.5g and F = 144.5 g ratio: 155.5 (100) = 51.8 g Na 2 B4O7 /100 g H 2O 300 Check use Na2B4O7 100.0 = 100.0 ok Step 10: 4.1.17 Assume the process is a steady state one without reactions. Steps 1, 2, 3, 4: F1 . F2 . FeC13 H2O MW Fe C13 Fe C13.6H2O Fe C13.H2O Fe C13.2.5 H2O H 2O . FeC13 6H2O 1000 kg P 162.22 270.32 180.24 207.26 18.02 4–11 FeC13 2.5 H2O Solutions Chapter 4 Calculate the compositions for just one iron compound. FeC13 is the simplest to use. For F1: Basis: 1 kg mol For F2: FeC13 ⋅ 6H 2 O FeC13 ⋅1H 2 O kg mol 1 6 FeC13 H 2O Basis: 1 kg mol MW 162.22 18.03 kg 162.22 108.18 270.40 FeC13 H 2O kg mol 1 1 MW 162.22 18.03 For P Basis: 1 kg mol kg mol 1 2.5 FeC13 H 2O MW 162.22 18.03 Step 5: Basis: 1000 kg FeC13.6H2O kg 162.22 45.08 207.30 Step 6: Unknowns P, F Step 7, 8, 9: Balances (kg) IN OUT ⎛ 162.22 kg FeC13 ⎞ ⎛ 162.22 ⎞ ⎛ 162.22 ⎞ ⎟ + F2 ⎜ ⎟ = P ⎜ ⎟ kg tot ⎠ ⎝ 270.40 ⎠ ⎝ 180.25 ⎠ ⎝ 207.30 FeC13: 1000 ⎜ Total: 1000 + F2 = P soln Step 10: F2 = 1555.7 kg P = 2555.7 kg Check: F2 + F1 = 1554.5 + 1000 = 2554.5 4–12 ok kg 162.22 18.03 180.25 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.18 Steps 2, 3, 4: The process can be viewed as an unsteady process without reaction, or as a flow process. Step 5: Take as a basis 100 g of Ba(NO3)2. Step 4: The maximum solubility of Ba(NO3)2 in H2O at 100°C is a saturated solution, 34 g/100 g of H2O. Thus the amount of water required at 100°C is 100 g H2 O 100 g Ba(NO3 )2 34 g Ba(NO3 )2 = 294.1 g H2 O If the 100°C solution is cooled to 0°C, the Ba(NO3)2 solution will still be saturated so that the composition of the final solution is mass fr. Ba(NO3)2: 5 = 0.0476 100 + 5 H2O: 100 = 0.9524 100 + 5 The composition of the crystals is Ba(NO3)2: 100 = 0.9615 100 + 4 4–13 Solutions Chapter 4 4 = 0.0385 100 + 4 H2O: The composition of the original solution is BaNO3 H2 O mass fr. 0.254 0.746 100g 294.1g Steps 6 and 7: We have two unknowns, F and C, and can make two independent mass balances so that the problem has a unique solution. Steps 8 and 9: Balance Final solution Ba(NO3)2: H2O: Total: F(0.0476) F(0.9524) F Transport through boundary (out) Initial solution 100 294.1 - (100 + 294.1) = = = -C(0.9615) -C(0.0385) -C Solve the Ba(NO3)2 and total balance to get F = 305.2 g Step 10: C = 88.89 g Check using the water balance 305.2(0.9524) – 294.1 ? -88.89(0.0385) - 3.42 = -3.42 The Ba(NO3)2 that precipitates out on a dry basis is 88.89 g C 0.9615 g Ba(NO3 ) 2 = 85.5 g Ba(NO3 ) 2 1gC 4–14 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.19 M.W. Na2 S2 O2 = 142 M.W. Na 2 S2 O2⋅ 5H2 0 = 232 feed = F 60% Na2S2 O2 1% impurity 39% H 2O H2 O W 0 H2 O Wi S I 10°C C Na 2 S2 O2⋅ 5H2 O crystals 0.06 lb satd. soln/lb crystals II Na 2 S2 O2⋅ 5H2 O 0.1 % impurity 0% H 2O as H 2 O D Process II Compositions: a) satd soln 1.4 lb Na 2 S2 O2⋅ 5H2 O 1 lb H 2O ? lb impurity dried cyrstals Basis: 1 lb mol Na2S2O2 ⋅ 5 H2O, impurity free Stream D Comp. lb mol Na2S2O2 H2O Total 1 5 6 mol wt lb 142 18 wt fr 142 90 232 0.612 0.388 1.000 Basis: 100 lb D (Na2S2O2⋅ 5 H2O = 99.9 lb) Comp. Na2S2O2 H2 O impurity Total Stream C 99(0.612) 99(0.388) lb = = 61.1 38.8 0.1 100.0 Let y = lb impurity/100 lb free water in saturated solution Basis: 100 lb dry crystals, impurity free lb from dry Comp. crystals + lb from adhering soln from calculation below 4–15 = Total Solutions Chapter 4 Na2S2O2 61.2 ⎛ 85.7 ⎞ ⎟ (6)⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎛ 85.7 ⎞ ⎟ 61.2 + 6 ⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ H2O 38.8 ⎛ 154.3 ⎞ ⎟ (6)⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎛ 154.3 ⎞ ⎟ 38.8 + ⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ impurity ----- ⎛ y ⎞ ⎟ (6)⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎛⎜ y ⎞ ⎟ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ Totals 100.0 6 106 Stream S Comp. Basis: 100 lb free water in satd. soln., impurity free lb from salt lb from free water Na2S2O2 1.4(61.2) = 85.68 H2O 1.4(38.8) = 54.32 Total 100 wt. fr. 85.7 0.357 85.7 (240 + y) 154.3 0.643 154.3 (240 + y) __ 140.00 100 240.0 1.000 y 240 + y impurity = Total Basis: 100 lb F (Rather than use the impurity balance, use the total balance instead if you want) Water in, Wi, comes from balances on Unit I. Total: 100 + Wi = S + C 4–16 Solutions Chapter 4 ⎫ ⎪ Unknowns: W ,S,C, y ⎛ 85.7 ⎞ i ⎟S+ Na 2 S2 O2 60= ⎜ C⎪ 106 ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎬ Total:4 ⎛⎜ 154.3 ⎞ ⎟ ⎪ 38.8+ 6 ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎪ ⎛ 154.3 ⎞ ⎟S + 39 + W i = ⎜ C H 2O 106 ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ ⎭ ⎛ 85.7 ⎞ ⎟ 61.2 + 6⎜ ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ Balances on Unit II needed as well because 4 unknowns exist. Total: C = W0 + D Na 2 S2 O2 H 2O ⎛ 85.7 ⎞ ⎫ ⎟C 61.2 + 6⎜ ⎪ Unknowns:W o ,D ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ = 0.611D ⎪ 106 ⎬ Total:2 ⎛⎜ 154.3 ⎞ ⎟C ⎪ 38.8+ 6 ⎝ 240 + y ⎠ = W o + 0.388D⎪ ⎭ 106 6 equations and 6 unknowns Note that the complex term involving y can be eliminated to solve for D, W0, Wi, and S, i.e., in effect making total Na2S2O2 and H2O balances overall the process. The solution is 4.1.20 (a)Wi = 23.34 lb (b)66.5% Basis: 100 lb pulp as received Comp H2 O lb = % 22 Pulp 78 Total 100 Freight cost = $1.00 2000 lb 100 lb 1 ton Assume air dried pulp means the 12% moisture pulp. Allowed water = 78 lb pulp 12 lb H 2 O 88 lb pulp = 10.65 lb H 2 O 4–17 = $20.00/ton Solutions Chapter 4 Pulp on contract basis = 78 + 10.65 = 88.65 lb Basis: 1 ton pulp as received Cost = 4.1.21 88.65 lb 12% pulp rec'd 1 ton shipped $60.00 100 lb shipped 1 ton $53.19/ton You pay for soap plus transportation. Basis: 100 kg soap with 30% water Convert soap in wet soap to soap in dry soap. Data: W (wet soap) H2O 30 kg soap D(dry soap) 5% 70 kg 95% 100 kg 100 Soap balance: 0.70W = 0.95D or 0.70(100) = 0.95D D = 73.68 kg of which 70 kg is soap $6.05 = $36.05 100 Cost of W at your site (containing 70 kg soap): 100 ($0.30 + Cost of D at your site (containing 70 kg soap): ⎛ x$ $6.05 ⎞ 73.68 ⎜ + ⎟ = $36.05 ⎝ kg 100 ⎠ x = $ 0.43/kg 4–18 Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.22 The problem here is to decide on the balances to make. Not all will be indept balances. Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: F = 100 lb H(lb) Mixer Mass fr. H2 O 0.124 VM 0.166 0.575 C Ash 0.135 1.000 (lb) P Mass fr. H2 O VM C Ash 0.10 ω VM ωC 0.10 1.00 Mass fr. VM 0.082 C 0.887 H2O 0.031 1.000 Mass mH O 2 m VM mC m Ash P Step 5: Basis: F = 100 lb Step 6: Unknowns: m H 2 O , mVM, mC, mAsh, P, H (6) Step 7: Balances: H2O, VM, C, Ash, Σmi = P, m H 2 O /P = 0.10 mAsh/P = 0.10: (7), and presumably 6 are independent Steps 8 and 9: H2O (lb): In 100 (0.124) + H (0.082) = Out m H 2O VM :(lb) 100 (0.166) + H (0.082) = mVM C (lb): 100 (0.575) + H (0.887) = mC Ash (lb) 100 (0.135) + H (0) = mAsh = P Total 100 + H 4–19 Solutions Chapter 4 Solution: mAsh = 13.5 lb m H 2 O = 13.51 Not all of the equations have to be written down as above. Note that ash is a tie element to P, so that the ash balance gives 100(0.135) + H(0) = P(0.10) P = 135 lb and mAsh = 13.5 lb From a total balance H + 100 = P H = 35 lb Check via H2O balance Step 10: 12.4 + 35(0.031) = 13.5 ⎫ ⎬ ok 13.49 =13.5⎭ 4.1.23 Step 5: Basis: 1 day Steps 2, 3, and 4: % C3 C3 i − C4 n − C4 C5 + % 1.9 51.6 46.0 0.5 100.0 D F=5804 i − C4 n − C4 kg mol/day B Steps 6 and 7: i−C n- C 4 C 5+ 3.4 95.7 0.9 100.0 % 1.1 97.6 1.3 100.0 There are two unknowns, and we have 4 independent equations, but the precision of measurement is not the same in each equation, hence different results are obtained depending on the equations used. Choose the most accurate to use. 4–20 Solutions Chapter 4 C3 (0.019)(5804) = i-C4 n-C4 C5+ Total: In 110 2992 2667 37 5804 = = = = = 0.034D 0.057D + 0.011B 0.009D + 0.976B 0.013B D+B Steps 8 and 9: Use total + i-C4 balances: kg mol/day B = 2563 D = 3240 2992 = 0.975(5804-B) + 0.011 B Use total + n-C4 balances: B = 2704 D = 3100 2667 = 0.009 (5804 - B) + 0.976B The other two balances give C3 as a tie component: kgmol D 5804 kgmol F 0.019kg mol C3 1kg mol D = 3243 day 1.00 kgmol F 0.034 kg mol C3 1day C5+ as a tie element: 5804 kgmol F 0.006kg mol C5 + 1kgmol B = 2679 kgmol B / day 1.00 kg mol F 1day 0.013 kgmol C5 + 4–21 Out Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.24 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: Assume the other components have the same density as water in all flows. 3.785 × 106 L/day 150 mg/L BOD a. B 5 mg/L BOD 0.3 m 3 /s A C BOD = ? = x Step 5: Basis: 1 day 0.3m 3 3600s 24hr 1000 L 7 = 2.592 ×10 L / day 3 s hr day m A= Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: C, x Balances: H2O, BOD Steps 8 and 9: Total mass balance A + B = C 1day A L 1kg 1day B L 1kgB 1day C L 1kg C + = day L day L day L BOD mass balance −3 −3 1day A L 5×10 gBOD 1day B L 150 ×10 gBOD 1day C L x g BOD + = day L day day day L 2.592 × 107 kg + 3.785 × 106 kg = C = 2.9705 × 107 kg 5 × 10-3 A + 150 × 10-3 B = xC 5× 10 −3A +150 ×10 −3 B x= C 4–22 Solutions Chapter 4 5 × 10−3(2.592 × 10 7 ) + 150 × 10 −3(3.785 × 106 ) = 2.9705 × 107 −3 = 23.475 × 10 g / L b. g/L N BOD = ? B 530 x 106 L/day 3x10-3 g/L BOD Total mass balance = 15.8x106 L/day C A 5x10-3 g/L BOD A+B=C 1day A L 1kg 1day B L 1kg 1day C L 1kg + = day L day L day L 530 × 106kg + 15.8 × 106 kg = C = 5.458 × 108 kg BOD mass Balance −3 −3 −3 1day A L 3× 10 gBOD 1day B L N ×10 g 1day C L 5×10 g + = day L day L day L 3 × 10-3A + N × 10-3 B = 5 × 10-3C 5 × 10 −3 C − 3 × 10 −3 A N= B (5 × 10−3 )(5.458 × 10 8 ) − (3 × 10−3 )(5.30 × 108 ) ≅ 72.1x10 −3 g / L = 7 1.58 × 10 4–23 ok Solutions Chapter 4 4.1.25 The extractor is assumed to be a steady state process. Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: All the known data have been placed in the figure. 9.7 L/min, Solvent (organic stream) Aqueous Stream F = 100 L/min Waste (aqueous stream) W(L/min) Enzyme C W E Water, etc. P (L/min) Enzyme C PE Solvent P CE =18.5 CW E Step 5: Basis: 1 min (F = 100L) Step 6: Unknowns are P and W and their concentrations. Steps 7 and 8: We can make enzyme, solvent, and aqueous balances, plus we have C PE =18.5C W E The solvent and aqueous phases are tie components. Balances Enzyme (g) Phase relation (g/L) (D = 18.5) Balances Solvent Aqueous P = 9.7L In Out P C g (W L) C W 100 L 10.2 g (P L) E E g + = L L L P W C E = 18.5C E In Out 9.7L ρ Sg (P L ) ρ P g = L L 100 L ρ F g W L ρ W g = ρ F ≅ ρ W and ρ= g ρ P L L W = 100 L P W 1020 = 97 C PE + 100 C W E = 9.7 (18.5) C E + 100 C E g CW E = 3.65 L C PE = 67.53 4–24 Solutions Chapter 4 Fraction recovery = 67.53 g 9.7 L L 10.2g 100L L = 0.642(1020) = 655 g/min 4.1.26 Assume the process is in the steady state, and no reaction occurs. Solution assumes no S is in stream A and no N2 in stream B. Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: mass fr. A ω NH 3 NH 3 ω HA2 1.00 N2 mass fr. 0.0633 0.9367 1.00 mol fr. A x NH 3 NH 3 x NA2 S 1.00 mass fr. ω BNH 3 ω SB 1.00 Gas 1000 kg mol fr. NH 3 0.10 N2 0.90 1.00 Step 5: Basis 1.0 hr A , ω NA2 , ω BNH 3 , ω SB , a total of 6. Step 6: The unknowns are A, B, ω NH 3 Steps 7 and 8: Three compound balances can be made, N2, NH3, and S. One relation is given: A B ωNH 3 = 2 ωNH 3 4–25 Solutions Chapter 4 Two summations exist: ∑ ω Ai = 1 and ∑ ω Bi = 1 hence, we have an adequate number of balances (unless some are not independent) to solve the problem. Material balance equations in grams Total: F+S= A+B 1000 + 1000 = A + B NH3: A 1000(0.0633) + 0 = Aω NH + Bω BNH 3 3 N2 : A 1000(0.9367) + 0 = Aω NH +0 2 S: 0 + 1000 = 0 + Bω SB Constraints A ω NH + ω NA2 = 1 3 ω BNH 3 + ω SB = 1 A ω NH = 2ω BNH 3 3 Solve in Polymath Note: The equations can be converted to linear equations by letting A A m NH = ω NH A, m NA2 = ω NA2 A, etc. The set can be solved in 3 3 A . Polymath or reduced to a quadratic equation in m BNH 3 or m NH 3 4.1.27 Basis: 12 hours The process is illustrated in the figure MTBE H2O mass fr. = 1.00 MTBE H2O 4–26 H2O MTBE Solutions Chapter 4 The MTBE entering the pond in 12 hours is 25 boats 0.5 L gasoline 1000 cm3 0.72 g 0.10 g MTBE = 900 g MTBE 1 boat IL 1 cm3 1 g gasoline The pond holds (ignoring the MTBE in the pond which is negligible) 3000 m 1,000 m 3m 1000 kg H 2O = 9 × 109 kg H 2O 1 m 3 H 2O The increase in the concentration of MTBE is 900 g MTBE 1 kg = 1× 10-10 g MTBE/g H 2O 9 1000 g 9 × 10 kg H 2O 4–27 Solutions Chapter 5 BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl 5.1.1 Mol. wt.: 208.3 142.05 233.4 58.45 a. Basis: 5.0 g Na2SO4 Example: 5 g Na 2 SO 4 1 g mol Na 2 SO 4 1 g mol BaCl 2 208.3 g BaCl 2 = 142.05 g Na 2 SO 4 1 g mol Na 2 SO 4 1 g mol BaCl 2 7.33 g BaCl 2 Problem b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Basis 5 g BaSo4 5 g NaCl 5 g BaCl2 5 g BaSO4 5 lb NaCl 5 lb BaCl2 5 lb Na2SO4 5 lb NaCl Answer 4.47 g BaCl2 8.91 g BaCl2 3.41 g Na2SO4 3.04 g Na2SO4 6.08 lb Na2SO4 5.59 lb BaSO4 8.21 lb BaSO4 9.98 lb BaSO4 AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3 5.1.2 Mol. wt.: 169.89 58.45 143.3 85.01 a. Basis: 5.0 g NaCl Example: 5.0 NaCl 1 g mol NaCl 1 g mol AgNO3 169.89 g AgNO3 = 58.45 g NaCl 1 g mol NaCl 1 g mol AgNO3 14.53 g AgNO3 Problem b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Basis 5 g AgCl 5 g NaNO3 5 g AgNO3 5 g AgCl 5 lb NaNO3 5 lb AgNO3 5 lb NaCl 5 lb AgNO3 5–1 Answer 5.92 g AgNO3 10.00 g AgNO3 1.721 g NaCl 2.04 g NaCl 3.44 lb NaCl 4.22 lb AgCl 12.27 lb AgCl 4.22 lb AgCl Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.3 a. The balanced equation is: 3 As2S3 + 4 H2O + 28 HNO3 = 28NO + 6 H3AsO4 + 9 H2SO4 and the reaction is unique within relative proportions. b. 2 KC1O3 + 4 H C1 = 2 KC1 + 2 C1O2 + C12 + 2 H2O or KC1O3 or 3 KC1O3 + 10 HC1 = 3 KC1 + 2 C1O2 + 4 C12 + 5 H2O + 6 H C1 = KC1 + 3 C12 + 3 H2 O We classify these reactions as non-unique since they are not simply proportional equations, but are linearly independent, and infinitely many equations can be obtained by linear combination. 5.1.4 Basis: 2 g mol C: 6 × 12 = 72 H: 8 × 1 = 8 mol. wt. = 72 + 8 + 96 = 176 2 g mol 176 g 1 lb = 0.775 lb 1 g mol 454 g 5–2 O: 6 × 16 = 96 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.5 a) C H Zn O LHS RHS 4 10 1 14 4 10 1 14 Yes, the equation is balanced. b) Basis: 1.5 kg ZnO 1.5 kg ZnO 1000 g ZnO 1 gmol ZnO 1 gmol DEZ 123.4 gDEZ 1.0 kg ZnO 81.40 g ZnO 1 gmol ZnO 1 gmol DEZ × c) 1.0 kg DEZ = 2.27 kg DEZ 1000 g DEZ 20 cm 3 H2 O 1.0 g H2 O 1.0 gmol H2 O 1 gmol DEZ 123.4 g DEZ 1 cm 3 H2 O 18.0 g H2 O 5 gmol H 2O 1 gmol DEZ = 27.4 g DEZ 5.1.6 Basis: Data given in problem statement 55.847 gFe 1 gmol Fe 1 gmol X2 O3 2 gmol X = 1 gmol X 1 55.847 gFe 2 gmol Fe 1 gmol X2 O3 55.847 gFe 1 gmol Fe 1 gmol X 2 O3 3 gmol O 16 g O = 240 g O 1 55.847 gFe 2 gmol Fe 1 gmol X2 O3 1 gmol O 50.982 g X 2 O3 − 24.0 g O = 26.982 g X 26.982 g X g = 26.982 hence X =A1 1 gmol X gmol 5–3 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.7 Basis: Data given in problem statement 1.603g CO2 1 gmol CO2 1 gmol C 12.00g C = 0.437 g C 1 44.01g CO2 1 gmol CO2 1 gmol C 0.2810gH2 O 1 gmol H2 O 2 gmol H 1.008g H = 0.03144 g H 1 18.02g H2 O 1 gmol H2 O 1 gmol H 0.6349 g CxHyOz – 0.437g C – 0.03144g H = 0.1661g O Based on O: 0.1661g O 1 gmol O 0.01038 gmol O = = 1 gmol O 1 16.00g O 0.01038 0.437 g C 1 gmol C 0.03642 gmol C = = 3.5 gmol C 1 12.00 g C 0.01038 0.03144 g H 1 gmol H 0.03119 gmol H = = 3 gmol H 1 1.008 g H 0.01038 The formula in integers is C 7 H6 O2 5.1.8 Basis: Data given in the problem Mass of hydrate Mass of dry sample Mass of water 10.407 g -9.520 g 0.887 g 9.520 g BaI2 1 g mol BaI2 = 0.0243 g mol BaI2 391 g BaI2 0.887 g H2 O 1 g mol H2 O = 0.0493 g mol H2 O 18.02 g H2 O 0.0243 = 0.49, or 2 H 2 O for 1 BaI2 . Thus the hydrate is BaI2 ⋅ 2H 2 O. 0.0493 5–4 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.9 Basis: 2000 tons 93.2% H2SO4 (1 day) a. 2000 tons soln 0.932 ton H 2SO4 1 ton mole H 2SO4 1 mol S 32 ton S 1 ton soln 98 ton H 2SO4 1 mol H 2SO4 1 ton mol S = 609 ton S 1.5 mol O2 32 ton O2 b. 609 ton S 1 ton mol S = 913.5 ton O2 32 ton S 1 mol S 1 ton mol O2 1 mole H 2 O 18 ton H 2 O = 342.6 ton H2O c. 609 ton S 1 ton mole S 1 mol S 1 ton mol H 2 O 32 ton S 5.1.10 Basis: 1 lb Br2 2Br − → 1Br2 MW: 2Br– + Cl2 → 2Cl– + Br2 70.9 159.8 MW: Br2 + C2H4 → C2H4Br2 28 187.9 6 a. 0.27 lb acid 1×10 lb seawater = 2.08 lb 98% H SO / lb Br 2 4 2 2000 lb seawater 65 lb Br 2 b. 1 lb Br 2 mole Br 2 1 mole Cl 2 70.9 lb Cl 2 = 0.445 lb Cl 2 159.9 lb Br 2 1 mole Br 2 mole Cl 2 1 lb Br 2 1×10 6 lb sea water c. = 15,400 lb seawater 65 lb Br 2 d. 1 lb Br2 mol Br2 1 mol C2 H 4 Br2 187.9 lb C2H 4Br2 = 1.176 lb C2 H 4 Br2 159.9 lb Br2 1 mol Br2 1 mol C2 H 4 Br2 5–5 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.11 FeSO4 ⋅7H2O MW 277.9 FeSO4 ⋅H 2O MW 169.9 FeSO4 ⋅4H2O 223.9 FeSO4 151.9 It is best to evaluate the three types of ferrous sulfate in terms of the cost/ton of FeSO4 a. FeSO4 ⋅7H2O: Basis: 475 ton material $83,766.25 = $176.35/ton FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2 O , which is equivalent to 475 ton FeSO4 ⋅ 7H 2 O $176.35 277.9 ton FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2 O 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅7H2 O 1 ton FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2 O 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2 O 1 ton mol FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 = $323/ton FeSO4 151.9 ton FeSO4 b. FeSO4 ⋅4H2O: $323 151.9 ton FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅ 4H2 O ton FeSO 4 1 ton mol FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅ 4H2 O 223.9 ton FeSO 4 ⋅ 4H 2O = $219 / ton FeSO4 ⋅ 4H2O c. FeSO4 ⋅H 2O: $323 151.9 ton FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅H 2O ton FeSO 4 1 ton mol FeSO4 1 ton mol FeSO4 ⋅ H2 O 169.9 ton FeSO4 ⋅ H2 O = $289 / ton FeSO4 ⋅ H2O 5–6 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.12 The reaction is C 4H10 + 6 12 O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O Basis: 1 mol C4H10 ⎛ mol O2 for complete combustion ⎞ Minimum O2 ≅ (LFL) ⎜ ⎟ mol C4 H10 ⎝ ⎠ ≅ (1.9%) (6.5/1) = 12.4% 5.1.13 Na2CO3 + Ca(OH2 ) → 2NaOH + CaCO3 Basis: 1 ton of soda ash (Na 2 CO3 ) 1 ton Na 2 CO3 1 ton mol Na2 CO3 2 ton mol NaOH 40.0 ton NaOH = 106 ton Na 2 CO3 1 ton mol Na 2 CO3 1 ton mol NaOH 0.755 ton NaOH $130 1 ton Na 2 CO3 = $172 / ton Na 2CO3 1 ton Na 2CO3 0.755 NaOH The above result is for the case of free Ca(OH2). Otherwise, the value must be reduced to compensate for the cost of the CA(OH2)—which might come from the CaCO3 produced, and possibly be cheaper than Ca(OH2) purchased directly. 5–7 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.14 Basis: 1 ton dolomite Assume complete reactions CaCO3 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + H2O + CO2 MgCO3 + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2O + CO2 a. Comp. % lb mol.wt. CaCO3 MgCO3 SiO2 68 30 2 1360 600 40 100.0 84.3 60.0 Total 100 2000 lb mol that react 13.60 7.13 20.73 20.73 lb mol react 1 mol CO2 produced 44 lb 1 mol react ton dolomite 1 lb mol CO2 = 912 lb CO2 b. 20.73 lb mol react ton dolomite 1 mol H 2 SO4 reqd 98 lb H 2 SO4 100 lb acid = 2160 lb acid 1 mole H 2 SO4 94 lb H 2 SO4 1 mol react 5–8 Solutions Chapter 5 5.1.15 Basis: 1 kg dichlorobenzene (DCB) The balanced stoichiometric reaction for dichlorobenzene is shown below: C6 H 4 C12 + 6.5 O2 → 6 CO2 + H 2 O + 2 HC1 Therefore, for 1 kg of dichlorobenzene, the following moles of HC1 are produced: 1 kg DCB 1 kg mol DCB 2 kg mol HC1 = 0.0136 kg mol HC1 147 kg DCB 1 kg mol DCB The balanced stoichiometric reaction for tetrachlorobiphenyl is as shown below: C12 H6 C14 + 12.5 O 2 → 12 CO 2 + H 2O + 4 HC1 Therefore, for 1 lb of tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB), the following moles of HC1 are produced: Basis: 1 kg TCB 1 kg TCB 1 kg mol TCB 4 kg mol HC1 = 0.0138 kg mol HC1 290 kg TCB 1 kg mol TCB Thus, the amount of acid produced does not change significantly (≈ 1.5%) , and neither will the amount of base required for neutralization. 5.2.1 Basis: 1 L solution = 1000 g H2O 50 g H2 S 1 g mol H2 S 1 g mol HOCl 52.45g HOCl 100 g HOCl soln 10 6 g soln 34 g H2 S 1 g mol H2 S 1 g mol HOCl 5 g HOCl 1000 g soln 2 = 3.08 g HOCl solution 1 L soln You can use the density of H2O for the density of the solution as the H2 S content has negligible effect on the density. 5–9 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.2 Basis: 10 lb moles phosgene For phosgene: ξ= 5.2.3 n f − n i 10 − 0 = = 10 reacting moles 1 1 n CO,i = n CO,f -ν COξ = 7 − (−1)(10) = 17 lb mol n C12 ,i = n C12 ,f -νC12 ,iξ = 3 − (−1)10 = 13 lb mol Basis: 135 mol CH4 ξ= 0 − 135 = 22.5 reacting mols −6 5.2.4 2FeS + 3O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2 MW 87.85 32 71.85 64 Basis: Use 100 g slag Component FeO Fes For the FeO: ξ= g=% 80 20 100 MW 71.85 87.85 g mol 1.113 0.228 nf − ni 1.113-0 = = 0.557 reacting moles ν 2 For the FeS: ξ= 0.228 − n i nf − ni = = 0.557 ν -2 ninitial FeS = 1.341 g mol 5–10 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.5 Basis: 1080 lb bauxite A12 O3 +3H 2SO4 → A12 (SO4 )3 + 3H 2 O 1080 lb bauxite 55.4 lb A12 O3 1 lb mol A12 O3 = 5.87 lb mol A12 O3 100 lb bauxite 101.9 lb A12 O3 ξ= 0 − 5.87 = 5.87 reacting moles −1 Basis: 2510 lb H2SO4 (77%) 2510 lb H2SO4 (77%) 0.77 lb H 2SO4 1 lb mol H 2SO 4 = 19.70 lb mol H 2SO4 1 lb H2SO4 (77%) 98.1 lb H 2SO4 ξ= 0 − 19.70 = 6.57 reacting moles −3 (a) A12O3 is the limiting reactant and H2SO4 is the excess reactant. (b) %xs H2SO4: (19.70)(1/ 3) − 5.87 6.57 − 5.87 (100) = (100) = 11.9% 5.87 5.87 or H2SO4 (77%) required: %xs = (5.87)(3)(98.1) = 2244 lb 0.77 2510 − 2244 = 12% 2244 Basis: 2000 lb A12(SO4)3 2000 lb A12 (SO4 )3 1 lb mol A12 (SO4 )3 1 lb mol A12 O3 342.1 lb A12 (SO4 )3 1 lb mol A12 (SO4 )3 101.9 lb A12 O3 1 lb bauxite =1075 lb bauxite 1 lb mol A12 O3 0.554 lb A12 O3 1075 × 100 = 99.5% 1080 5–11 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.6 Basis: 100 kg of fusion mass BaSO 4 + 4C → BaS + 4CO Comp. Wt.% = kg MW kg mol BaSO4 BaS C Ash 11.1 72.8 13.9 2.2 100.0 233.3 169.3 12.0 ____ 0.0476 0.430 1.16 ____ BaSO4 orig. = 0.0476 + 0.430 = 0.4776 mol Corig. = 1.16 + 4 (0.430) = 2.88 mol Carbon is the limiting reactant. Needed C for complete reaction = 4 (0.4776) = 1.9104 mol % excess = 2.88 − 1.91 × 100 = 50.8% excess C 1.91 Degree of completion = 0.4776 − 0.0476 = 0.900 0.4776 You could calculate the extent of reaction from the BaSO4, and use it to get the original amounts of reactants. 5–12 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.7 CO + C12 → COC12 Basis: 20 kg products Comp. C12 COC12 CO kg 3.00 10.00 7.00 20.00 kg mol 0.0423 0.1011 0.250 0.393 mol.wt. 70.91 98.91 28.01 kg mol C12 in 0.0423 0.1011 0.143 kg mol CO in 0.1011 0.250 0.351 The extent of reaction is CO: 0 − 0.351 = 0.351 −1 C12: 0 − .143 = 0.143 (smallest ξ ) −1 C12 is the limiting reactant; CO is the excess reactant a. 0.351 − 0.143 (100) = 145% excess CO 0.143 b. 0.1011 (100) = 70.7% C12 converted 0.143 c. 0.1011 kg mol COC12 = 0.205 (0.143 + 0.351) kg mol reactants 5.2.8 Amount of o-n hydrolized: Total protein: 0.10 m mol 1000 µ mol = 100 µ mol 1 m mol 1.00 mg 0.10 mL = 0.100 mg 1 mL Specific activity = 100 µ mol = 200 µ mol/(min)(mg protein) (5 min)(0.10 mg protein) 5–13 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.9 Basis: 100 kg mol A 100 kg mol C 6H 5NO2 86.9 kg mol C 6H 8NOCl 0.95 kg mol C 6H 7NO 3 kg mol C 8H 9NO2 100 kg mol C 6H 5NO2 kg mol C 6H 8NOCl 4 kg mol C 6H 7NO → 0.619 fraction overall conversion. 5–14 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.10 C5 H7 O2 N C5 H7 O2 N 60 7 32 14 113 kg/k mol NH +4 N 14 4 H4 18 20,000 kg C 5 kg NH +4 = 1000 kg NH +4 100 kg C 1000 kg NH +4 kg mol NH 4+ = 55.556 k mol NH +4 + 18 kg NH 4 55.556 kg mol NH +4 1 kg mol C5H 2O2 N 95 kg mol NH +4 113 kg C5H 2O2 N 55 kg mol NH +4 100 kg mol fed kg mol C5H 7O 2 N = 108.43 kg C5H7O2N 5.2.11 2C2 H4 + O2 → 2C2 H4O For 100% conversion of C2H4 according to reaction (a): For reaction b3: 2 mol C2 H 4O / time =1 2 mol C2 H 4 / time 1 mol C2 H 4 O/time = 0.75 1.33 mol C2 H 4 /time 5–15 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.12 Step 4: The molecular weights needed to solve the problem and the gram moles forming the basis are: Component Sb2S3 Fe Sb FeS kg 0.600 0.250 0.200 Mol. wt. 339.7 55.85 121.8 87.91 g mol 1.766 4.476 1.642 The process is illustrated in Fig. P9.19 1.766 g mol Sb2S3 Reactor 4.476 g mol Fe Fe S 1.642 g mol Sb Figure P9.19 Step 5: Basis: Data given in problem statement Steps 6-9: (a) To find the limiting reactant, we examine the chemical reaction equation. The ratio of Sb2S3 to Fe in the equation is 1/3 = 0.33. In the actual reaction the corresponding ratio is 1.766/4.476 = 0.395, hence Sb2S3 is the excess reactant and Fe is the limiting reactant. The Sb2S3 required to react with the limiting reactant is 4.476/3 = 1.492 g mol. (b) The percentage of excess reactant is % excess = (c) 1.766 − 1.492 (100) = 18.4% excess Sb 2S3 1.492 Although Fe is the limiting reactant, not all the limiting reactant reacts. We can compute from the 1.64 g mol of Sb how much Fe actually does react: 5–16 Solutions Chapter 5 1.64 g mol Sb 3 g mol Fe = 2.46 g mol Fe 2 g mol Sb If by the fractional degree of completion is meant the fraction conversion of Fe to products, then Fractional degree of completion = (d) 2.46 = 0.55 4.48 Let us assume that the percent conversion refers to the Sb2S3 since the reference compound is not specified in the question posed. 1.64 g mol Sb 1g mol Sb 2S3 = 0.82 g mol Sb 2S3 2 g mol Sb % conversion of Sb 2S3 to Sb = (e) 0.82 (100) = 46.3% 1.77 The yield will be stated as kilograms of Sb formed per kilogram of Sb2S3 that was fed to the reaction Yield = 0.200 kg Sb 0.33 kg Sb = 0.600 kg Sb2S3 1 kg Sb2S3 5–17 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.13 Reaction on which to base excess is Fe2O3 + 3C → 2Fe + 3CO Basis: 1 ton Fe2O3 a. Theoretical C = 1 ton Fe 2O3 2000 lb Fe 2O3 1 lb mol Fe 2O3 3 lb mol C 12 lb C = 451 lb 1 ton Fe 2O3 159.7 lb Fe 2O3 1 lb mol Fe 2O3 lb mol C 600 œ451 × 100 = 33% excess C 451 b. 1 ton Fe 2O3 1200 lb Fe lb mol Fe 1 lb mol Fe 2O3 159.7 lb Fe 2O3 1 ton Fe 2O3 55.85 lb Fe 2 lb mol Fe 1 lb mol Fe 2O3 = 1720 lb Fe2O3 reacts 1720 × 100 = 86.0% Fe O 2 3 2000 c. (i) 1 ton Fe 2O3 183 lb FeO lb mol FeO 1 lb mol CO 28 lb CO = 35.62 lb CO 1 ton Fe 2O3 71.85 lb FeO 2 lb mol FeO 1 lb mol CO 1 ton Fe 2O3 1200 lb Fe 1 lb mol Fe 3 lb mol CO 28 lb CO = 902.4 lb CO 1 ton Fe 2O3 55.85 lb Fe 2 lb mol Fe 1 lb mol CO Total (35.62 lb CO + 902.4 lb CO) = 938 lb CO (ii) 1 ton Fe 2O3 1200 lb Fe lb mol Fe 3 lb mol C 12 lb C = 387.1 lb C 1 ton Fe 2O3 55.85 lb Fe 2 lb mol Fe lb mol C 1 ton Fe 2O3 183 lb FeO lb mol FeO 1 lb mol C 12 lb C = 15.3 lb C 1 ton Fe 2O3 71.85 lb FeO 2 lb mol FeO lb mol C 387.1 + 15.3 = 402.4 lb C used / 1ton Fe2O3 5–18 Solutions Chapter 5 or use 938 lb CO 1 lb mol CO 1 lb mol C 12 lb C 28 lb CO 1 lb mol CO 1 lb mol C Selectivity: Mass basis: d. 1200 lb Fe formed = 6.56 183 lb FeO formed 1200 lb Fe lb mol Fe = 21.49 lb mol Fe 55.85 lb Fe 183 lb FeO × Mole Basis: lb mol FeO = 2.55 lb mol FeO 71.85 lb FeO 21.49 lb mol Fe = 8.44 2.55 lb mol FeO 5.2.14 Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaOCl + H2O MW: 71.0 40.01 58.5 74.5 18.0 Basis: 1145 lbm NaOH + 851 lb Cl2 (→ 618 lbm NaOCl) a. Determine limiting reactant Assume all Cl2 reacts, calculate lb of NaOH required NaOH required = 2 lb mol NaOH lb mol Cl 2 851 lb Cl 2 40.01 lb NaOH 71 lb Cl 2 lb mol NaOH lb mol Cl 2 = 959.11 lb NaOH required C12 is limiting reactant or use extent of reaction NaOH: 1145 = 28.63 lb mol 40 (0-28.63)/-2 = 14.3 C12: 851 = 11.99 lb mol 71.0 (0-11.99)/ − 1 = 12.0 (minimum) 5–19 Solutions Chapter 5 b. % excess NaOH = = lb mol NaOH in excess (100) lb mol NaOH for rxn 1145 lb m/NaOH lb mol NaOH 1 œ 959.11 40.01 lb NaOH 40.01 (100) 1 959.11 40.01 = 19.4% excess NaOH 618 lb mol C12 that reacted c. Degree of completion = = = 74.5 = 0.692 lb mol C12 available to react 851 71.0 ξ 8.30 or = =0.69 ξ min 12.8 lb d. Yield of NaOCl = 618 lb NaOCl = 0.726 851 lb Cl 2 lb e. 618 = 8.30 lb mol NaOC1 745 ξ= 8.30 − 0 = 8.30 reacting moles 1 5–20 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.15 4HC1+ O 2 → 2C12 + 2H 2O MW 35.45 32 71.0 18 Basis: 100 mol gas Exit comp. Entering moles HC1 O2 % mol HC1 4.4 4.4 - C12 19.8 (2)(19.8) 39.6 - H2 O 19.8 (1/2)(19.8) - 9.9 O2 4.0 - 4.0 N2 52.0 - - 100.0 44.0 13.9 (The N2 balance gives the O2 as 13.8). Calculate the extent of reaction for complete reaction For HC1: 0 − 44.0 = 11.0 (the minimum) −4 For O2: 0 − 13.9 = 13.9 −1 (a) HC1 is the limiting reactant 44.0 4 100 = 26.36% 44.0 4 139 − (b) % excess = (c) degree of completion = 44 − 4.4 = 0.90 44 (or 9.9 from (d)/11.0) = 0.90 (d) extent of reaction ξ = 19.8 − 0 = reacting moles 2 5–21 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.16 Basis: 30 mol CO, 12 mol CO2, 35 mol H2O feed = 1 hr CO CO2 H2O mol 30 12 35 mol F CO + H2O MW: a) CO CO2 H2 18 H2O P 28 18 CO2 + H2 fed in eqn CO 1 CO 30 = = 0.86 < = =1 H2 O 1 H2 O 35 44 2 CO is limiting reactant b) H 2O is the excess reactant c) 18 = 0.514 35 d) 18 = 0.60 30 e) 18 kg mol H2 2.016 kg H 2 1 kg mol H 2O 1 kg mol H2 35 kg mol H2 O 18 kg H2 O (for each mol of H2 produced, 1 mol CO reacts) = 0.0576 kg H2 f) 1 mol of CO2 is produced for each mol of H 2 mol CO 2 produced 18 = 0.60 30 mol CO fed (g) ξ= 18 − 0 = 18 reacting moles using H 2 1 5–22 Solutions Chapter 5 5.2.17 Basis: 100 lb mesitylene (C9H12) The reactions are C9H12 MW 120.1 C9 H12 + H 2 → C8 H+10 CH 4 C8H10 106.08 C8 H10 + H 2 → C7 H+8 CH 4 C7 H8 92.06 The initial selectivity is: C8 H10 /C7 H8 = 0.7 and 0.8 The number of moles of C9H12 in the basis is 100 lb C9 H12 1 lb mol C9 H12 = 0.833 lb mol 120.1 lb C9 H12 For the selectivity of 0.7 (the equations are in lb mol) (1) C8 H10 + (1)C7 H8 = 0.833 C8 H10 / C7 H8 = 0.7 with the results: (lb mol) (in lb) C7 H8 = 0.490 C8 H10 = 0.343 45.1 36.4 For the selectivity of 0.8 the results are C7 H8 = 0.463 C8 H10 = 0.370 42.6 39.3 The catalyst used in the respective cases is Selectivity of 0.7 Selectivity of 0.8: 0.490 lb mol C7 H8 92.06 lb C7 H8 1 lb catalyst 500 lb C7 H8 1 lb mol C7 H8 0.463 lb mol C7 H8 92.06 lb C7 H8 1 lb catalyst 500 lb C7 H8 The economic analysis of the change is 5–23 1 lb mol C7 H8 = 0.090 lb = 0.085 lb Solutions Chapter 5 Income change Increase in C8H10: Decrease in C7H8: $ (39.3 − 36.4)($0.65) = +1.89 (45.1 – 42.6) ($22) = − 0.55 Expense change (decrease) Change in catalyst used: (0.090-0.085) ($25) = + 0.13 Net change 5.3.1 $1.47 Basis: 1 mol A A → 3B 50 percent conversion gives as the product: A B mol 0.5 1.5 2.0 (a) Mole fraction A = 0.5/2.0 = 0.25 (b) Extent of reaction ξ = 0.5 − 1.0 = 0.5 using A −1 5–24 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.2 Step 5: 2 FeS2 + 121 O2 → Fe2 O3 + 4 SO2 Basis: 100 lb pyrites in Steps 2, 3, and 4: SO3 Y Feed 100 lb pyrite 32% S 10 lb S Z X O2 N2 mol fr 0.21 0.79 Gas mole % SO 2 13.4 O2 2.7 N2 83.9 100.0 Air Cinder : Fe2 O3 , inert 1.00 Let X = mol air in, Y = mol SO3 out, Z = mol flue gas out Steps 6 and 7: Using a reduced set of variables: Unknowns (4): X1 Y1 Z, cinder Balances (4): O, N, S, cinder Steps 8 and 9: 1. Sulfur Balance: (32 + 10)/32 = Y + 0.134Z 2. 2O Balance: 0.21X = 1.5Y + (0.134 + 0.027) Z + 3. 2N Balance: 1mol S mol Fe 1mol Fe 2 O3 1.5mol O2 2mol S 2 mol Fe 1mol Fe 2 O3 0.79 X = 0.839Z Solve (1), (2), (3): Y = 0.118 mol, Z = 8.9 mol Step 10: Check: mol S = 0.118 + 0.134(8.9) = 1.31 % conversion of S to SO3 = (11.8)/(1.315) = 8.98% 5–25 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.3 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: mole % Product Methanol F CH3 OH 100% Reacts P A Air O2 N2 mol frac 0.21 0.79 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 100 mol P Step 6: Unknown F, A Step 7: Balances N, H, O, C H2 O 5.9 O2 13.4 N2 62.6 CH2 O 4.6 CH3 OH 12.3 HCOOH 1.2 100.0 More balances than unknowns. Are they independent? Consistent? Steps 8 and 9: Balances in moles Check by first solving C, N (tie elements) C: F (1) = 4.6 + 12.3 + 1.2 = 18.1 F = 18.1 mol 2N: A (0.79) = 62.6 A = 79.24 mol F A Check via O: (2) (79.24)(.21) + 18.1 51.38 ? = 13.4(2) + 5.9+4.6+12.3+1.2(2) ? = 52.0 Close but not exactly the same, more oxygen out than in. Might be caused by round off. Check via H: 4(18.1) ? = 5.9(2) + 4.6(2) + 12.3(4) + 1.2(2) 72.40 ? = 72.6 Not exactly the same; more hydrogen out than in, but again may be caused by round off. The conclusion is that probably no error exists in the measurements. 5–26 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.4 a. Additional information was the molecular weights of the compounds and the chemical reaction equations. MW CaCO3 = 100.0, MW MgCO3 = 84.3, MW CO2 = 44. b. Assume a batch process Final Initial F CaCO3 CaO MgCO3 MgO P G CO2 c. Basis: 1 g sample d. F = 1.000 g; P is not explicitly given but can be calculated: P = 0.550 g; G is not explicitly given and can be calculated, G = 0.450 g e. Mass fraction of CaO in P and F, mass fraction MgO in P and F (or mass of each) f. Species balances g. It appears to be a carbon balance h. 0 degrees of freedom i. Yes 5–27 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.5 Assume a steady state flow process with reaction. Step 5: Basis: 1 hr (6.22 kg mol = F) Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: H2 (g)+SiHC13 (g) → Si(s)+3HC1(g) F = 6.22 kg mol Mol fr. 0.580 H 2 Reactor Mol fr. mol W(kg mol) HCl x HCl nHCl SiHCl3 x SiHCl 3 n SiHCl 3 H2 P 0.420 SiHCl 3 1.00 Si 0.223 nH 2 Mol fr. 1.00 MW Si = 28.086 n H 2 /W = 0.223 Step 6: Unknowns: W, P, 3 n i Step 7: Balances: element balances are H, Si, Cl, ∑ ni = W, n H 2 /W = 0.223 Or, using the extent of reaction Step 6: Unknowns = 6: W, P, 3ni ,ξ Step 7: Balances = 6 Species balances: H2, SiHC13, HC1, Si ∑ ni = W n H2 /W = 0.223 Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg mol. 5–28 Solutions Chapter 5 Cl (kg mol): Out In = 6. 22(0. 420)(3) nHCl + n SiHCl3 (3) Si (kg mol): 6.22(04.20)(1) = P(1) + n SiHCl3 H (kg mol): 6.22[( 0.580 )( 2) + 0.420(1)] = n HCl + nSiHCl3 + nH 2 (2 ) Balances using ξ : H2 : ⎡⎣n H2 − (0.580)(6.22) ⎤⎦ = ( 1)(ξ ) SiHC13 : ⎡⎣nSiHC13 − (0.420)(6.22) ⎤⎦ = ( 1)(ξ ) − − [n HC1 − 0] = (+3)(ξ ) Si : [nSi − 0] = (+1)(ξ ) HC1: ξ = 1.83 Solution: W = 8.05 P=1.83 n H 2 = 1.78 n HCl = 5.49 n SiHCl3 = 0.7824 1.83kgmol Si 1hr 20 min 28.086 kgSi = 17.13kgSi 1hr 60min 1kgmol Si 1.46 kg Si initial 18.59 kgfinal Si 5–29 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.6 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: G(kg mol) Ore Cus Cus* inert SO3 P(kg mol) Reactor n CuS (kg mol) Y (kg mol) CuO A(kg mol) Air O2 N2 * 100% SO2 mol fr. 0.072 O2 0.081 N2 0.847 1.000 unreacted CuS inert mol fr. 0.21 0.79 1.00 This CuS doesn’t react. This is a steady state open process with reaction. Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol P Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: n CuS ,A, G, Y Element balances: S, O, N, Cu Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg mol on the elements S: n CuS (1) = G(1) + 0.072 (100) 2O: A(0.21) = G(1.5) + 100(0.072) + 100(0.081) + Y( ) 2N: Cu: A(0.79) = 100(0.847) n Cus (1) = Y(1) 1 2 5–30 Solutions Chapter 5 Solution yields (in kg mol): G = 1.81, nCuS = Y = 9.01 1.81 mol SO3 1 mol S 1 mol SO3 = 0.20 of CuS that reacts goes to SO3 20% 9.01 mol CuS that reacts 1 mol S 1 mol CuS If you use the extent of reaction, you need to write down the balanced reactions CuS + O2 → CuO + SO2 SO2 + 1 2 (1) (2) O2 → SO3 Steps 6 and 7: The unknowns: 4 above plus ξ1 and ξ2 Balance: 6 species balances Steps 8 and 9: CuO: CuS Y 0 = = 0 + (1) (ξ1 ) n CuS + (−1)(ξ1 ) O2 : P(0.081) = A(0.21) + (−1)( +ξ1−) ( N2 SO2 SO3: P(0.847) P(0.072) G ξ1 = 9.01 ξ2 = 1.81 = = = A(0.79) 0 + (1)(ξ1 ) + ( 1)(ξ2−) 0 + (1)(ξ2 ) 5–31 1 2 )(ξ 2 ) Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.7 6HF(g) + SiO2 (s) → H2SiF6 (l ) + 2H2O(l ) (1) H2SiF6 (g) → SiF4 (g) + 2HF(g) (2) The net reaction is 4HF + SiO2 → SiF4 + 2H2O Steps 2, 3, and 4: SYSTEM mol fr. 0.50 HF 0.50 N2 1.00 F SiO2 on wafers P The process is an unsteady state, open process Step 5: Basis: 1 mol F entering Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: 4 ni , P1 ξ, loss SiO2 from wafer (L) Balances: HF, N2 , SiF4 , H2O, SiO2 (5 species) Other equations: ∑ ni = P; 10% HF reacts Steps 8 and 9: SiO2: HF: n HF = 0.50 + (−4)ξ = 0.50(.90) = 0.45 ξ = 1.25 ×10−2 reacting moles SiF4: n SiF4 = 0 + (1)(1.25×10-2 ) = 1.25 × 10-2 mol H2O: N2 : n H2O = 0 + (2)(1.25 × 10-2 ) = 2.50 × 10-2 mol n N2 = 0.50 mol n SiO2 ,f − n SiO2 ,i =(−1)(ξ ) = −1.25 × 10-2 mol 5–32 nHF nN2 nSiFH nH2O Solutions Chapter 5 Composition HF SiF4 H2 O N2 mol 0.45 1.25 10-2 2.50 10-2 0.50 0.9875 mol fr. 0.456 0.013 0.025 0.506 1.000 If you use element balances: Step 6 and 7: The unknowns: 4ni, P, L The balances: H, F, Si, O, N (presumably 4 are independent) Other equations: ∑ n i = P, 10% HF reacts Steps 8 and 9: H: 0.50(1) = n HF + 2n H O F: 0.50(1) = n HF + 4nSiF Si: (nSiO ,f -nSiO ,i ) = nSiF O: 2(nSiO ,f -nSiO ,i ) = n H O N: 2(0.50) = 2n N 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 n HF = 0.90(0.50)=0.45 5–33 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.8 We will view this process as a steady state process in an open system with flow in and out, and a change in the material in the vessel from the initial to the final states. For component i, Equation (10.1) becomes Equation (10.6) R n iout = n ini + ∑ νijξ j j=1 The bioorganisms do not have to be included in the solution of the problem. Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 Figure P10.9 is a sketch of the process. CO2 (g) H2O C6H12O6 H2O (88%) F C6H12O6 (12%) C2H5OH C2H3CO2H Figure P10.9 Step 5 Basis: 3500 kg F Step 4 Convert the 3500 kg into moles of H2O and C6H12O6. n initial = H O 3500(0.88) 2 n initial = C6 H12 O6 18.02 = 170.9 3500(0.12) 180.1 = 2.332 Step 6 and 7 The degree of freedom analysis is as follows: Number of variables: 9 5–34 Solutions Chapter 5 Out Out Out Out n InH2O , n CIn6H12O6 , n Out H2O , n C6 H12O6 , n C2 H5OH , n C2 H2CO2 H , n CO2 , ξ1 , ξ2 Number of equations: 9 Basis: F = 3500 kg of initial solution (equivalent to initial moles of H2O plus moles of sucrose) Species material balances: 5 H2O, C2 H12O6 , C2 H5OH, C2 H3CO2 H, CO2 Specifications: 4 (3 independent) n InH2O = 170.4 or n CIn6H12O6 = 2.332 (one is independent, the sum is F in mol) n Out C6 H12 O6 = 90 = 0.500 180.1 n Out CO2 = 120 = 2.727 44 The degrees of freedom are zero. Step 8 The material balance equations, after introducing the known values for the variables are: H 2O : n Out H2O = 170.9 + (0)ξ1 + (2) 2 ξ (a) C2 H12O6 : 0.500 = 2.332 + (−1)ξ1 + (−1)ξ2 (b) C2 H5OH : n Out ξ 2 C2 H5OH 0 + 2ξ1 + (0) (c) C2 H3CO2 H : n Out ξ 2 C2 H3CO2 H + 0 + (0)ξ1 + (2) CO2 2.727 = 0 + (2)ξ1 + (0)ξ 2 (d) (e) If you do not use a computer to solve the equations, the sequence you should use to solve them would be (e), plus (b), (a), (c), (d) Step 9 The solution of Equations (a) – (e) is ξ1 = 1.364 kg moles reacting ξ 2 = 0.469 kg moles reacting 5–35 Solutions Chapter 5 Results Conversion to mass percent Species kg moles MW kg mass % H 2O 171.8 18.01 3094.1 89.0 C2H5OH 2.727 46.05 125.6 3.6 C2H3CO2H 0.939 72.03 67.5 1.9 CO2 2.272 44.0 100.0 2.9 C2H12O5 0.500 180.1 90.1 3477.3 2.6 1.00 Step 10 The total mass of 3477 kg is close enough to 3500 kg of feed to validate the results of the calculations. 5.3.9 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: SiH4 +O2 → SiO2 +2H2 4PH3 + 5O2 → 2P2O+5 6H2 100% O2 100% SiH4 100% PH B A D C 3 SiO2 H2 100% E P2 O5 Step 5: Basis: 1 g mol PH3 Step 6: No. Unknowns: A, B, D, E, n P 2 O 5 5 Step 7: Element balances: Si, H, P, O, ωEP2O5 5 Note: n EP 2 O 5 + n ESiO2 = E E Steps 8 and 9: 5–36 Solutions Chapter 5 P Bal (in grams): in Out ⎫ 1 g mol PH3 2 g mol P2O5 2 g mol P 31gP = 31g P ⎪ 4 g mol PH3 1 g mol P2O5 1 mol P ⎪ ⎬ in P2O5 1 g mol PH3 2 g mol P2O5 5 g mol O 16 g O ⎪ = 40 g O ⎪ 4 g mol PH3 1 g mol P2O5 1 g mol O ⎭ Total: or since all the P is in stream E: Si Bal: ________ 71 g P2O5 1 g mol PH3 2 g mol P2O5 142 g P2O5 = 71g P2O5 4 g mol PH3 1 g mol P2O5 in Out B g mol SiH4 1g mol SiO2 1g molSi 28.1g Si = 28.1B g Si 1g mol SiH4 1g mol SiO2 1g mol Si B g mol SiH4 1g mol SiO2 2 g mol O 16 g O = 32 B g O 1g mol SiH4 1g mol SiO2 1g mol O Total: 71 = 0. 05 71 + 60.1B 1 g mol PH 3 3.55 + 3.0058B = 71 34 g PH 3 = 34 g PH 3 1g mol PH 3 23.5 . g mol SiO2 32.1g SiH 4 = 7.54 g SiO2 O2 1g mol SiH4 754 34 = 22.2 gSiO 2 gPH 5–37 60.1 B g SiO2 B = 23.5 g mol Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.10 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: Cu Cu(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 2 NH 4 OH A B C D E Cu(NH 3 ) 4 Cl H2 O F Cu Step 5: Basis: 1 board 3 4in 8in 0.03in (2.54cm) 8.96g l gmol Cu = 2.219g mol Cu in 3 cm 3 63.55g Cu A: Cu foil F: Cu remaining 1 − 0.75 2.219 gmol Cu Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: = 0.555g mol Cu B, C, D, E Balances: Cu, N, Cl, H, O should be enough if one is redundant Steps 8 and 9: Cu Balance: 2.219g mol Cu+ (Balances to be solved:) Bg mol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 1gmol Cu 1g mol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 D gmol Cu (NH3 ) 4 Cl 1gmol Cu 1gmol Cu (NH3 )4 Cl = 1.664 gmol Cu + 5–38 Solutions Chapter 5 Cl Balance: Bg mol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 D g mol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 gmol Cl 1gmol Cl = gmol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 gmol Cu(NH3 ) 4 Cl N Balance: Bg mol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 = D gmol Cu(NH3 ) 4 Cl Solution: Cu overall: Cg mol NH4 OH 1gmol N 4 gmol N + gmol Cu(NH3 )4 Cl 2 gmol NH4 OH 4gmol N g mol Cu(NH4 )Cl A + B = F + D →A + B = F + (2B) 2.219 + B = 0.555 + (2B) B = 2.219 - 0.555 = 1.664 g mol Cu(NH3)4Cl2 Cl: D = 2B= 2(1.664) = 3.328 g mol Cu(NH3)4Cl N: 4B + C = 4D C = 4(D-B) = 4(3.328 - 1.664) = 6.656 g mol NH4OH MW of NH4OH N 14 H4 4 O 16 H 1 35 Cu(NH3)4CL2 Cu N H Cl2 35gNH4 OH 6.656gmol = 232.0 g NH4 OH gmol 63.55 56.00 12.00 70.90 202.45 202.45 (g/gmol) (1.664 g mol) = 336.88 g Ca ( NH 3 ) 4 Cl 2 5–39 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.11 F Feed Mixer contaminated sand ( 16,000 lb ) F' Incinerator 60% combustible sand plus combustion products H O2 enriched air x O 2 = 0.4 100% excess Basis: 8 tons of contaminated sand containing 30% PCB hexane a) 4, 4' dichlorobiphenyl ⇒ Cl Cl C12H8Cl2, MW = 222 8tons sand + PCB 0.3ton PCB 2000lb PCB = 4800 lbPCB tonsand + PCB ton PCB If we want the net feed to be 60% combustible, we see that the sand is a tie component: A sand balance around the feed mixer: 16000(0.7) = F'(0.4) so F' =28,000 lb. A total balance around the feed mixer.: F + H = F' ⇒ H = 12, 000lb m hexane b) C1 2H8Cl 2 + 13.5O2 → 12CO2 + 2HCl + 3H 2 O C 6 H1 4 + 9.5O2 → 6CO2 + 7H2 O Even with total combustion, we will produce undesirable HCl, which will adversely affect the environment if it is simply vented. Therefore, it would be wise to condense the HCl and H2O by cooling. Perhaps the acid solution might be sold to help pay for the process. (c) 21.62 moles PCB P 139.5 moles nC 6 16.54% CO2 12.20% O2 H2 O = ? HCl = ? N2 = ? A enriched air (40% O2, 60% N 2 ) 5–40 Solutions Chapter 5 By a tie component for CO2 , we know: 12(21.62) + 139.5 (6) = 0.1654 P hence P = 6629 mol By an O tie: 0.40(2)A = 0.1654(2)(6629) + 0.1220(2)(6629) + x H 2 O (1) (6629) x H 2 O (6629) = 21.62 PCBReacted 3H2 O 139.6 C6 Reacted 7 H2 O = = 1042 1 PCB 1 C6 so x H 2 O = 0.1572 From O tie balance: A = 6065.4 mol of 40% O2 air Thus: (N2) in = (N2) out = 0.6(6065.4)=3639.2 mol N2 xN2 = 3639.2 = 0.549 6629.0 We can get HCl by a Cl balance: 21.6PCBReacted 2 HCl = 43.2mol H Clin product 1PCB xHCl= 0.0065 Component CO2 O2 H 2O HCl N2 xi 0.1654 0.1220 0.1572 0.0065 0.5490 We know % excess O2 used is : % excess = 100 [O2 fed − O2 req' d ] (O2 req' d) O2 fed = 0.4 (air fed) = 0.4 (6065.4) = 2426.2 mol O2 Also, since we have total combustion, (O2 req'd) = (O2 consumed) = (O2 fed - O2 out) = 2426.2 - 0.1220(6629) = 1617.5 moles req'd ⎛ 2426.2 − 1617.5⎞ 50%excessO 2 used Thus: % O2 = 100 ⎝ ⎠ = 1617.5 5–41 Solutions Chapter 5 5.3.12 & 5.4.1 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: To solve this problem you must recall that CaCO3 reacts with H2SO4 to form CaSO4 and that CaCO3 when heated yields CO2 and CaO whereas when CaSO4 is heated at the same time it does not decompose. Although the problem seems to be underspecified, when you draw a diagram of the process and place the known data on it, the situation becomes clearer. Assume the process is a steady state open one with reaction. Then the element balances are just in = out. If you use the extent of reaction, you make species balances. Note that we have designated the composition of P and A in terms of the mass of each component, m Pi , rather than the mass fraction ω Pi , because this choice makes the element or species balances linear (avoids products such as ωP). The CO2 liberated from the sludge is equivalent to 1lbCO2 1lb mol CO2 1lb mol CaCO 3 100.09lb CaCO3 10 lbP 44lb CO2 1lb mol CO2 1lb mol CaCO3 = 0.227 lb CaCO3/lb P A (lb) waste acid H2 SO4 H 2O lb m H SO A 2 m Y (lb mol) 4 A H 2O CO2 gas 1.000 = mol fr. ∑ =A lb Feed F (lb) Reaction Vessel P (lb) dry sludge mass fr. CaCO 3 inert 0.95 0.05 1.00 Water W (lb) H2 O mass fr. = 1.00 Step 5: lb CaCO 3 m PCaCO CaSO 4 m CaSO inert m inert 3 P 4 P ∑ = P (lb) also m PCaCO P 3 = 0.227 Basis: F = 100 lb A Step 6: The variables whose values are unknown are A, m AH 2 SO 4 ,m H 2 O ,m PCaCO3 m PCaSO 4 , m Pinert , P, W, and Y, a total of 9. 5–42 Solutions Chapter 5 Step 7: The element balances that can be made are Ca, C, O, S, H, inert (6 total) and we know Σ m Ai = A , Σ m Pi = P, and m PCaCO3 / P = 0.227 for a total of 9. If the equations are independent, we can find a unique solution. ( ) Steps 8 and 9: The equations (in = out) are (except for the inert balance which is in lb) in moles 1 lb mo lCa 95 lb CaCO3 1 lb mol CaCO3 100.09 lb CaCO3 1lb mol CaCO3 Ca: m PCaCO3 lbCaCO3 1lb mol CaCO3 1lb mol Ca = 100.09lb CaCO3 1lb mol CaCO3 m PCaCO3 lbCaSO4 1lb mol CaSO4 1lb mol Ca 136.15lb CaSO4 1lb mo l CaSO4 + 1 lb mol C 0.95 lb CaCO 3 1 lb mol CaCO3 Y lb mol CO2 1 lb mol C = 100.09 lb CaCO3 1lb mol CaCO 3 1 lb mol CO2 C: + m PCaCO3 lbCaCO3 1 lb mol CaCO3 1 lb mol C 100.09 lb CaCO3 1 lb mol CaCO 3 A m H 2 SO 4 lb H2 SO4 1 lb mol H2 SO4 S: 1 lb molS 98.08 lb H2 SO4 1 lb mol H2 SO4 m PCaSO4 lb CaSO4 1lb mol CaSO4 1lb molS = 136.25lbCaSO4 1lb mol CaSO4 m AH 2 SO 4 lb H2 SO 4 1 lb mol H2 SO 4 1 lb mol H 2 2H : 98. 08 lb H 2 SO4 1 lb mol H2 SO4 + m AH 2 O lb H2 O 1 lb mol H2 O 1 lb mol H 2 18. 016 lb H2 O 1 lb mol H 2 O = W lb H2 O 1 lb mo l H2 O 1 lb mol H2 18. 016 lb H2 O 1 lb mol H2 O O: + 95 lb mol CaCO 3 1 lb mo l CaCO3 3 lb mol O 100.09 lb CaCO3 1 lb mol CaCO 3 m AH 2 SO4 lb H2 SO4 1 lb mol H2 SO4 4 lb mol O 98.08 lb H2 SO4 1 lb mol H2 SO4 5–43 Solutions Chapter 5 A m H 2 O lb H2 O 1lb mol H2 O + 1lb mol O 18.016lb H2 O 1lb mol H 2 O = Y lb mol CO2 2lb mol O 1mol CO2 + m PCaCO3 lbCaCO3 1lb mol CaCO3 3lb mol O 100.09lb CaCO3 1lb mol CaCO 3 + + m PCaSO4 lb CaSO4 1lb mol CaCO 3 4lb mol O 136.15CaCO 4 1lb mol CaSO4 W lb H2 O lb mol H 2 O 1lb mol O 18.016lb H2 O l lb mol H 2O Inert: 5 lb inert = m Pinert lb inert The solution of these equations using a computer code would give all of the values of the unknown quantities. However, a review of the set of equations, after having gone into great detail about each equation, indicates that only 4 of the equations have to be solved to get the desired answer, namely the Ca balance, the Σm Pi = P, and the inert balance plus m PCaCO3 = 0.227 : Σm Pi = P: P m PCaCO3 + m PCaSO4 + 5 = P = m CaCO / 0.227 3 Ca: 0.949 = 0.010 m CaCO3 + 0.00734 m CaSO4 m PCaCO3 = 28.55 lb and 100 P P 28.55 = 30%unreacted . 95 5–44 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.1 Basis: 100 kg mol synthesis gas Burner flue gas air One composition is unknown, the flue gas. After selection of a basis, the air flow is known. Hence, this problem can be solved by direct addition and subtraction Unknowns: (CO2, H2O, N2,O2) = 4 Balances: (C, H, O, N) = 4 Comp. %=mol CO2 O2 CO H2 N2 6.4 -------------0.2 ----------(0.2) 40.0 CO+1/2 O2→CO2 20.0 50.8 H2+1/2 O2→H2O 25.4 2.6 -------------XS O2: (0.40)(45.2) = 18.08 Total O2 in 63.28 N2 in with O2 (63.28)(79/21) = Totals Comp. Reaction mol % CO2 46.4 13.0 H 2O 50.8 14.3 N2 240.65 67.6 18.1 5.1 356.0 100.0 O2 Totals reqd.O2 5–45 CO2 H2 O N2 O2 6.4 40.0 50.8 46.4 50.8 2.6 238.05 240.65 18.08 18.1 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.2 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: H2 O W C H mass fr. 0.80 0.20 F 30 lb mol n CO n CO2 nO2 coal A 1.00 O2 N2 nN2 600 lb mol fr. 0.21 0.79 ∑ =F 1.00 Steps 5 and 6: With a basis of 30 lb coal, only n N 2 ,n O2 ,n CO2 ,n CO ,F and W are unknown. Total 6 Step 7: Can make C, H, O, N element balances. plus n CO2 nCO = 3 and ∑ n i = F 2 Do calculations in moles, but you don't need to make all of the element balances Comp. C 2H lb mol wt lb mol 24 12 2 6 2 3 30 3.5lb mol O2 1.00lb mole air = 16.67lb mol air reqd. 0.21lb mol O2 or 4.35− 3.5 (100) 3.5 = 24.3% 5–46 Rxn C+O2→CO2 H2+1/2O2→H2O reqd O2 2.0 1.5 3.5 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.3 Steps 1,2 3 and 4: H2 O 100 % mol % W P mol frac F (mol) = ? CH 4 x N2 y A 1.00 O2 N2 CO 1.0 C O2 8.7 O2 3.8 N2 86.5 air 100.0 mol frac 0.21 0.79 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 100 mol P Step 6: Unknowns: x, y, A, W, F Total 5 Step 7: Element Balances: Equations: C, H, N, O a) If x and y are moles, not mole fractions, add: x + y = F b) If x, y are mole fr., add x + y = 1.00 Steps 8 and 9: Use x and y as mol: C balance: x = 8.7 + 1.0 = 9.7 2N balance: y + .79A = 86.5 2H balance: 2x = W = 2(9.7) = 19.4 2O balance: 0.21A = (1/2) (W + 8.7) + 1.0 + 3.8 Use 2O bal: A= A and P will be mol 9.7 + 8.7 + 0.5 + 3.8 = 108 0.21 5–47 Total 5 Solutions Chapter 5 Use 2N bal: y = 1.10 required O2: CH4 +2O2→ CO2+2H2O (1) (9.7)(2) = 19.4 mol total O2 in: (0.21) (108) = 22.7 % xs air = % xs O2 = 3.3 (100) 19.4 = 17% (a) (b) excess O2= 22.7 - 19.4 = 3.3 mol Percentage of CH4, N2: CH4 = 10.2% 9.7 (100) = 89.8% 9.7 + 1.1 N2 = Alternate solution: Use extent of reaction and species balances. Another equation needed for CO: (2) CH 4 + 1.5O2 → CO + 2H 2 O Species balances to get ξ1 and ξ 2 : F CH 4 : O = n CH + ( −1)+ξ1 − ( 1)ξ 2 4 CO2 : 8.7 = 0 + (1)ξ1 CO: 1.0 = 0 + (1)ξ 2 ξ1 = 8.7 reacting moles ξ 2 = 1.0 reacting moles F Thus n CH = 8.7 + 1.0 = 9.7 mol and other compounds follow. 4 5–48 1.1 (100)= 9.7+1.1 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.4 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: H2 O 100% W CH4 100% P F A CO2 20.2 O2 4.1 N2 75.7 100.0 enriched O2 40 N2 60 air 100 Step 5: Basis 100 mol P Step 6: Unknowns: F, A, W (all compositions known) Step 7: Element balances: C, H, O, N (1 extra balance) Steps 8 and 9: C balance: 20.2 = F 2N balance: 75.7 = 0.6A, A = 126.2 2H balance: 2F = W, W = 40.4 2O balance: 0.4A = 1/2 W + 20.2 + 4.1, 50.5 ≠ 20.2 + 20.2 + 4.1 = 44.5 Analysis isnot correct. 5–49 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.5 Steps 2, 3, and 4: H2 O 100% W F mass frac C 0.90 H 0.06 inert 0.04 P Furnace A 1.00 O2 N2 mole % R mol frac 0.21 0.79 mass frac 0.10 C inert 0.90 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol P CO2 13.9 C 13.9 CO 0.8 0.8 O2 4.3 N2 81.0 100.0 14.7 1.00 Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: F, R, A, W 4 Probably ok but check for redundancy Balances: C, H, O, inert, N2 5 Steps 8 and 9: Balances (in moles): C: F(0.90) R(0.10) = P(0.139+0.008) + + W(0) 12 12 H: F (0.06) = P (0) + R(0) + W (2) 1.005 2N: A (0.79) = P(0.81) + R (0) + W (0) 2O: A (0.21) = P (0.139 + 0.008 W + 0.043) + 2 2 Inert (mass): F (0.04) = R (0.90) 5–50 Solutions Chapter 5 From 2O, 100(.81) = 102.53kgmol 0.79 W = 5.863 kg mol From H, F = 196.98 kg From inert, R = 8.7548 kg A= From 2N, 196.98(0.06) = 5.94 2 5.94 O2 in: = 2.96 2 196.98(0.90) C in = = 14.77 12 H in: Step 10: Check via C: 196.98 (0.90) /12 = 100 (0.147) + (8.7548 (0.10)/12) ok Required O2: 14.7 + (5.863/2) = 17.63 kg mol Total O2in = 102.53 (0.21) = 21.53 Excess (21.53 - 17.63)/17.63 = 0.221 or 22% Alternate solution using extent of reaction: C+O2 → CO2 1 C+ O2 → CO (1) (2) 2 1 2H+ O 2 → H 2 O (3) 2 CO 2 : P F n CO =13.9 = n CO +(1) ξ1 2 2 ξ1 = 13.9 CO: P F nCO =0.8 = nCO +(1) ξ2 ξ 2 = 0.8 N2 : n PN2 = 81.0 = n AN2 A = 102.5 mol A O2 n = 0.21(102.5) = 21.5 mol O2: 1 1 2 2 4.3 = 21.5 + (-1) ( ξ1 ) + (- )( ξ 2 ) + (- ) ( ξ 3 ) C: 0 = nCF + (-1)(13.9) + (-1)(0.8) H: 0 = nFH + (-2) (2.90) nCF = 14.7 mol nHF = 5.80 mol (some round off) 5–51 ξ 3 = 2.90 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.6 Basis: 100 mol F P F = 100 mol Moles = % CH4 : 60 C 2 H6 : 20 CO: O2 : A 5 0.21 O2 0.79 N 1.00 2 5 10 N 2: 100 50% xs air: CH4 + 2O2 n CO2 Moles 281.25 1058 or x CO2 n H 2O x H 2O n O2 xO2 nN2 x n2 ∑ =P ∑ =1.00 Calculate O2 and N2 in with the air in reqd O2 (mols) 60 (2) = 120 → CO2 + 2H2 O C 2 H6 + 312 O2 → 2CO2 + 3H 2O 20(3.5) = 70 2.5 ⎛1 5⎝ ⎞⎠ = 192.5 2 1 CO + O 2 → CO 2 2 Less O2 in gas 5.00 Net required O2 xs O2: 187.5 (.5) = Total N2 in with O2 187.5 93.75 281.25 281.25 0.79 = 1058 0.21 Material balances (elemental): in (F) + in (A) = out (P) C: 60 + 2 (20) +5 + 0 = n CO2 H: 60 (4) + 20 (6) + 0 = n H 2 O (2) 5 +5 2 + 281.25 = n CO2 + O as O2: 5–52 n H 2O 2 + nO 2 Solutions Chapter 5 N as N2: 10 + n O 2 = 288.75 - 105 - 1058 nN2 = 180 = 93.75 2 moles composition of stack in % moles n CO2 = 105 7.26 12.44 73.82 6.48 n H 2 O = 180 n N 2 = 1068 n O 2 = 93.75 Total moles = out 1446.75 100.00 5.5.7 Steps 1, 2, 3, 4: F = 100 (basis) mol = % CO 13.54 CO2 15.22 H2 15.01 CH4 3.20 N2 53.03 100.00 O2 reqd 6.77 -7.505 6.40 --20.675 A P mol fr. mol fr. CO2 O2 N2 H2O x y z 1-x-y-z 1.00 0.143 0.037 0.724 0.096 1.00 0.21 O2 0.79 N2 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 100 mol F Step 6: Unknowns: P, x, y, z Step 7: Balances C, H, O, N ok Steps 8 and 9: Air in is based on complete combustion CO + 1 2 O2 → CO2 and CH 4 + 2O2 → CO2 +2H 2 O 5–53 mol calculated 31.96 8.27 161.92 21.41 Solutions Chapter 5 xs O2 = 0.40 (20.675) = 8.27 reqd O2 = 20.675 total O2 28.945 N2 in with air 28.945 28.945 ⎛ .79 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ = 108.89 mol ⎝ .21 ⎠ Air = 137.84 mol Balance 2N C 2H N2 out = 108.89 + 53.03 = 161.92 mol CO2 out = 13.54 + 15.22 + 3.20 = 31.96 mol H2O out = 15.01 + 2(3.20) = 21.41 mol 2O O2 out = 28.945 + (as O2) 13.54 21.41 + 15.22 − 31.96 − = 8.27 mol 2 2 Alternate solution: Use the extent of reaction and species balances 5.5.8 Steps 2, 3, and 4: 7.9%N2 21%O2 Step 5: Step 4: A F = 100 mol P CS2 40.0 SO2 10.0 H2O 50.0 xCO 2 xSO 2 xO 2 xN W 100% H2O Basis: 100 mols feed; assume complete combustion Equations: CS2 + 3O2 → CO2 + 2SO2 O2 required: % excess: 40 mol CS2 3 mol O2 = 120.0 mol O2 1 1 mol CS2 O 2 excess × 100 =% excess O 2 required Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9: 5 unknowns and 5 equations → unique solution 5–54 2 Solutions Chapter 5 Element balances Component C Mol in 40.0 Mol out Px CO 2S 1 1 2O 10.0 + (50.0) + .21A 2 2 (10.0) + 40.0 1 2N 2H .79A 50.0 (0.02)P 2 1 (x C O2 + 0.02 + x O2 )P+ W 2 2 (1-x O2 − 0.02 − x CO2 )P W 2(45.0) = 4500 .02 x CO2 = 0.0089 P= % Excess = 0.1829(4500 molO2 ) (100) = 686% 120 mol Alternate solution: Use extent of reaction and species balances. 5.5.9 Steps 2, 3 and 4: W Fuel F mass fr. C 0.74 H 0.14 ash 0.12 1.00 Flue gas A air O2 0.21 N2 0.79 1.00 Step 5: H2O 1.00 R ash 1.00 Basis: P = 100 mol Step 6: Unknowns: F,A,R,W ⎫⎪ a discrepancy unless one ⎬ Step 7: Balances: C,H,O,N,ash ⎪⎭ balance is not independent Steps 8 and 9: all balances in moles 5–55 P CO2 CO O2 N2 mol 12.4 1.2 5.7 80.7 100. Solutions Chapter 5 C balance: F(0.74) = 12.4 + 1.2 = 13.6 12 F= (13.6)(12) = 220.5 lb 0.74 2N balance: A(0.79) = 80.7 A = 102.2 mol 2H balance: F(0.14) = W; 2 W = 15.44 mol 2O balance: A (.21) = W (1.00) 1.2 + 12.4 + + 5.7 2 2 21.46 = 26.42 not equal hence Some discrepancy exists A total balance can be used, but must be in mass, and the mass of P calculated. 5.5.10 Basis: 100 moles exhaust gas Comp CO2 O2 N2 Total exhaust gas mol 16.2 tie element exit gas % 13.1 4.8 ⎫ ⎬ 79.0⎭ 83.8 100.0 16.2 mol CO2 100.0 mol exit gas = 123.6mol exit gas 100.0 mol exhaust gas 13.1mol CO2 exhaust gas = 100.0 mol air leaked in = 23.6 mol 23.6 = 0.236 mol air / mol exhaust gas 100.0 5–56 mol 16. 2 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.11 Steps 2, 3, and 4: H2 O 100% W mol Sludge S mass mass frac C S H2 O2 0.40 0.32 0.04 0.24 mol 1.00 O2 N2 mole % P mol Furnace A F mass mol frac Fuel oil lb 0.21 0.79 mC mH 1.00 ∑ F (lb) Step 5: Basis: 100 mol P CO 2.02 CO2 10.14 O2 4.65 N2 81.67 SO 2 1.52 100.00 Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: S, W, F (or mH),A, mC 5 Element Balances: S, C, H, O, N Element Balances (moles) S: 0.32S = 32 2N: A(.79) = 81.67 C: S(0.40) m C + =10.14+2.02 12 12 2O: W 2.02 0.24(152) + A (0.21) = + 1.52 + 10.14 + 4.65 + 2 2 32 1.52 S = 152 lb A= 103.38 lb mol (2998.01 lb) mC = 85.12 lb W = 11.04 lb mol (198.71 lb) 5–57 Solutions Chapter 5 0.04(152) m H + =W 2.03 2.03 2H: mH = 16.32 lb Check via a total mass balance 152 + 16.32 + 85.12 + 2998.01 3251.45 ? = ? = 198.71 + 3035.56 3234.27 close enough lb 85.12 16.32 101.44 C H 152 lb S = =1.50 F 101.44 lb 5.5.12 mass fr 0.84 0.16 1.00 B Basis: 1 min [CaO] = theor. ft 3 1000 gal min 1.05×62.4 lb soln. 0.02lb H 2SO4 mol H 2SO4 7.48 gal 56.1 lb CaO mol CaO ft 3 lb soln. mol CaO 98 lb H 2SO4 mol H 2SO4 =100.3 lb CaO/min Feed rate of CaO = 1.2 [CaO ]theor . = 120.4 lb CaO/min CaSO4 production rate = × 100.3 lb CaO min 60 min 24 hr 365 d hr d yr mol CaO mol CaSO4 136.1 lb CaSO4 56.1 lb CaO mol CaO = 63,947 ton/yr 5–58 mol CaSO4 ton 2000 lb Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.13 Basis: 100 mol of product gas NH3 + 2O2 → HNO3 + H2O The product gas from such a reactor has the following composition (water free basis): 0.8% NH3 9.5% HNO3 3.8% O2 85.9% N2 Determine the percent conversion of NH3 and the percent excess air used. in n out NH3 = n NH3 + NH3 (9.5) υ 0.8 = n inNH3 + ( 1)(9.5) − F = ninNH3 = 0.8 + 9.5 = 10.3 mol n out − n in =ξ υ For HNO3 : 9.5 − 0 = 9.5 = 1 ξ Percent conversion f = (100%) ξ /F = 92.2% Calculate the entering oxygen using a N2 balance: N2: 0.79A = 85.9; therefore, A = 108.73 mol Calculate the theoretical O2 needed for the reaction (O2)theor = 2 × 10.3 = 20.6 mol Feed rate of O2 = 0.21A = 22.83 mol % Excess O2 = [(22.83-20.6)/20.6](100) = 10.84% 5–59 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.14 Basis: 100 mol of product gas (20.5%, C2H4O; 72.7 N2; 2.3 O2; and 4.5%CO2 C2 H 4 + 1 O2 → C2 H 4O 2 C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O Calculate ξ1 : n iout − n ini ξ1 = υi Use C2H4O: Calculate ξ2 : Use CO2: ξ2 = ξ1 = 20.5 − 0 = 20.5 1 4.5 − 0 = 2.25 2 Calculate the entering air using a N2 balance: N2: 0.79A = 72.7; therefore, A = 92.03 mol Calculate the moles of C2H4 entering (F) in n out CH4 − n CH4 = υ1ξ1 + υ2 ξ2 0 − F = −ξ1 − ξ2 hence F = 22.75 O2 feed rate = 0.21A = 19.33 mol (O2)theor = F/2 = 11.375 mol % Excess O2 = [(19.33-11.375)/11.375](100) = 70.0% To get the ethylene feed: 22.75 C2 H4 100,000 ton C2 H4O 2000 lb C2 H4O mol C2 H 4O 20.5 mol C2 H4O yr ton C2 H4O 44 lb C2 H 4O × yr d 28 lb C2 H 4 = 16,123 lb C2 H 4 /h 365 d 24 h mol C2 H 4 5–60 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.15 mole fr mol fr CH4 0.70 C3 H8 0.05 CO 0.15 O2 0.05 N2 0.05 Air 1.00 mol frs 0.21 0.79 Fuel Flare CO2 0.0773 Flue gas H2 O 0.1235 P mol O2 xO2 F mol O2 N2 N2 A mol xN2 1.00 1.00 Unknowns A, F, P, x O 2 , x N 2 , Pick F = 100 as basis 4 Balances: C, H, O, N (is one redundant ?) plus 0.0773+0.1235+ x O 2 + x N 2 = 1 Balances: C: 100 (0.70) + 100 (0.05) (3) + 100 (0.15) = P (0.0773) N2: 100 (0.05) + 0.79A = P xN2 H2: 100 (0.70) (2) + 100 (0.05) 4 O2: 100 (0.15) 12 + 100 (.05) + A (0.21) Σxi Solve C (or H2) balance for P; Solve N2, O2 and Σxi = 1 = P (0.1235) (redundant with C) 0.7992 P = 1294 0.1235 ⎡ ⎤ = P ⎢(0.0773) + + x O2 ⎥ 2 ⎣ ⎦ = xO2 + xN2 simultaneously for A, x O 2 , x N 2 A = 1203 moles 5 x O 2 = 0.0648 and x N 2 = 0.7344 (not needed) Calculation of the required O2 Required O2 C H4 + 2O 2 → CO2 + 2H2 O 70(2) 5–61 = 140 Solutions Chapter 5 C3 H8 + 5O2 → CO 2 + 4H 2 O CO+ 12 O2 →CO2 5(5) = 25 1 ) = 7.5 15( 2 O2 present in F A(0.21) = less -5.0 167.5 reqd 252.54 O2 in 167.5 reqd O2 85.04 xs O2 85.04 (100) = 51 % 167.5 5.5.16 F = 100 kg mol CO2 N2 C 1.00 O2 0.21 N2 0.79 C + O2 → CO2 Basis: 100 kg mol coke Step 5: a. O2 in = 100 kg mol 100 kg mol C 1 mol O 2 79 mol N 2 = 376 kg mol N 2 1 mol C 21 mol O2 Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: moles (ni) CO2, O2, and N2 in P, and P Balances: elements C, O, N Equations: ∑n = P P i or add ξ and have C, CO2, N2, O2 species balances 5–62 in Solutions Chapter 5 Steps 8 and 9: Element balances C: 2O: 2N: in 100 100 376 out n CO n CO +n O nN = = = 2 2 n O2 = 0 2 2 Component in P N2 O2 CO2 kg mol 376 0 100 476 mol % 79 0 21 100 With 50% xs air, xsO2, is 50 mol The total O2 in is 150 kg mol The N2 in is 150 0.79 = 564 0.21 The N and C balance are the same but the 2O balance is In 150 out − n O2 reacts = 100 Component in P N2 O2 CO2 n O2 = 50 kg mol 564 50 100 714 mol % 79 7 14 100 c. Same 150 mol O2 enter and 564 mol N2 exit but O2 is different in Oxygen balance: 150 mol CO2 used – 90 5–63 – Used CO 5 = 55 kg mol O2 lb fg Solutions Chapter 5 Component CO2 CO O2 N2 Total kg mol 90 mol% 12.51 10 1.39 55 564 719 7.65 78.45 100.00 5.5.17 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: B CH3CHO 1.00 P = 100 mol (Basis) F CH3CH2OH 1.00 CO2 O2 CO H2 CH4 N2 A mol. wt. CH3CHO 44 CH3CH2OH 46 W H2O 1.00 Air .21 O2 .79 N2 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 100 mol P Step 6: Unknowns: F, A, B, W Step 7: Balances: C, O, H, N ok Steps 8 and 9: Via algebra 2N balance: A(.79) = 85.2 A = 107.85 mol C balance: F(2) = B(2) + 5.6 2H balance: F(3) = B(2) + W(1) + 12.3 2O balance: 1 1 1 2 2 2 F( ) + (.21)A = B ( ) + W ( ) + 3.95 5–64 % 0.7 2.1 2.3 7.1 2.6 85.2 100.0 C 0.7 2.3 O2 0.7 2.1 2.3/2 7.1 5.2 2.6 5.6 H2 3.95 12.3 Solutions Chapter 5 Solution: B = 44.1 mol F = 46.9 mol W = 40.2 mol 44.1 mol acet. 44 kg acet. 100 mol P 1 kg mol EtOH = 0.899 100 mol P 1 kg mol acet. 46.9 mol EtOH 46 kg kg acetaldehyde kg ethanol Alternate solution: Use extent of reaction and species balances, but it is more complicated. 5.5.18 Basis: F = 100 lb given in Example 10.9 This basis gives P = 50 lb moles. Note: If the problem calculations were redone because of the stated additional reactions, the value of P = 50 for two significant figures would not change. Similarly, the other values of the moles in P would not change. Thus, the SO2 + CO2 is 0.154 (50) = 7.7 lb mol. The values of the pertinent components (for NOx use NO1.5) for this problem are lb mol MW kg ELU/kg ELU NOx: (0.0024) (80.6) = 0.193 2.2 4.25 0.22 0.93 CO: (0.0018) (7.7) = 0.090 28 2.52 0.27 0.68 SO2: (0.014) (7.7) = 0.002 64 0.128 0.09 0.012 CO2: (0.986) (7.7) = 7.59 48 364 0.10 36.4 Total the total lb mol of nitrogen (N) entering is 2(50) (0.806) + 0.001 = 80.6 5–65 38.0 Solutions Chapter 5 5.5.19 Assume ammonia and glucose (MW = 180.1) are fed in stoichiometric proportions. The reaction equation has to be set up and balanced to use the value given of 60% (mole assumed) conversion of glucose. a C6 H12O6 + b NH3 → c CH1.8O0.5 N0.2 + d C2 H6O + e CO2 + f H2O Pick a basis of 4.6 kg of EtOH (C2H6O, MW = 46.07) 4600 g EtOH 1 g mol EtOH = 100 g mol EtOH produced 46.07 g EtOH To balance the chemical reaction equation use element balances. Take a basis of a = 1. Assume 60% conversion of the glucose means that 1 mole of glucose produces 0.6 mol of ethanol, not that one mole of glucose produces 3 mol of ethanol. C: H: O: N: 6 = c + 2d + e 12 + 3b = 1.8c + 6d + 2f 6 = 0.5c + d + 2e + f b = 0.2c Specifications 0.60 = d Results a = 1 (the basis) b = 0.8 c=4 d = 0.6 e = 0.8 f = 1.8 167 g mol C6 H12O .08 g mol NH 3 = 133.6 g mol NH 3 1 g mol C6 H12O 167 g mol C6 H12O6 180.1 g mol C6 H12O6 = 30,076 g or 30.1 kg C6 H12O6 1 g mol C6 H12O6 133.6 g mol NH 3 17.03 g NH 3 = 2,275 g or 2.28 kg NH 3 1 g mol NH 3 5–66 Solutions Chapter 6 6.1.1 6.1.2 2 (The two overall balances on A and B sum up to the overall balance on the system) 4 (such as 2 component balances for each unit) 6.1.3 Unit I involves A, B, C Unit II involves D, E Unit III involves A, B, C, D Components 3 2 4 Number of independent balances 9 If A and B are always combined in the same ratio, then you have to reduce the independent balances by 1 for Unit I and 1 for Unit III, a total of 2. 6.1.4 Six independent eqautions if all compositions are known. The sum of the components (in moles) would equal the total flow, hence not all of the equations that could be written would be independent, only 2 per subsystem. Total balances: Condenser F2 = F 4 + F5 (F3 does not mix, hence cancels out or can be omitted) Column F1 + F5 + F9 = F 2 + F8 Reboiler F8 =F9 + F7 (F6 does not mix, hence cancels out or can be omitted) Component balances: In addition, (2) component balances could be written for each component for each subsystem cited above. Multiply Fi by the composition xij. 6–1 Solutions Chapter 6 6.1.5 Unknowns: stream flows including F: Mass fractions (7 plus 3 in F) 10 Independent material balances: Species in 1 : 3 2:2 3:3 6 16 8 Other independent equations: ∑ ω i = 1 in each stream including F 8 6.1.6 Basis: F = 100 kg mass fr. A 0.60 B 0.20 C 0.20 1.00 m = mass fraction mass fr. A 0.10 B 0.85 P2 C 0.05 1.00 P1 (1) % = kg A 15 B 30 C 55 100 (2) F = 100 kg (a) SEPARATE ANALYSIS 16 W2=20 kg W1 mass fr. A m1A B m1B C m1C 1.00 Column (1) balances ⎤ = W1 (m1A ) + P1 (0.60) ⎤ ⎥ any 3 ⎥ 1 (2) B: 0.30(100) = W1 (m B ) + P1 (0.20) ⎥ ⎥ 4 indept. eqns. are indept.⎥ ⎥ 1 (3) C: 0.55(100) = W1 (m C ) + P1 (0.20) ⎥ eqns. ⎥ ⎥ ⎥⎦ 100 = W1 + P1 ⎥ (4) m1A + m1B + m1C = 1 ⎥ ⎦ (1) A: 015(100) Unknowns: W1 ,P1 ,m1A ,m1B ,m1C 5 – 4 = 1 degree of freedom 5 unknowns 6–2 A 0.002 B m2B C m2C 1.00 Solutions Chapter 6 Column (2) balances (5) A: m1A W1 ⎤ = 0.10 P2 + 0.002 (20) ⎤ ⎥ any 3 ⎥ 2 (6) B: m W1 = 0.85P2 + m B (20) ⎥ are indept.⎥ 5 indept. eqns. ⎥ ⎥ 1 2 (7) C: m C W1 = 0.05P2 + m C (20) ⎥ eqns. ⎥ ⎥ ⎥⎦ W1 = P2 + 20 ⎥ m1A + m1B + m1C = 1 ⎥ ⎦ 2 2 0.002 + m B + mC = 1 1 B Unknowns: W1 , P2 , m1A , m1B , m1C , m 2B , m C2 > unknowns 7 – 5 = 2 degrees of freedom JOINT ANALYSIS Adding the 2 units to make a joint system No. of Unknowns • From the separate calculations start with: • Delete the 4 common variables W1 , m1A , m1B , m1C that are treated as unknowns in both subsystems leaving: • Delete the equation m1A + m1B + m1C that will no longer be independent in the joint system (it appears in both subsystems) once leaving: No. of Degrees indept. Eqns. of freedom 12 9 3 8 9 -1 8 8 0 ANALYSIS OF OVERALL SYSTEM System overall balances (1) A: 100 (0.15) = P1 (0.60) + P2 (0.10) + 20 (0.002) ⎤ ⎥ (2) B: 100 (0.30) = P1 (0.20) + P2 (0.85) + 20 (m 2B ) ⎥ 4 indept. (3) C: 100 (0.55) = P1 (0.20) + P2 (0.05) + 20 (mC2 ) ⎥ ⎥ eqns. ⎥ ⎥ 0.002 + m2B + mC2 = 1 ⎥⎦ 2 2 Unknowns: 4 unknowns P1 , P2 , m B , m C 4 - 4 = 0 degrees of freedom as expected 6–3 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.1 The results show that the system of equations is very sensitive to small perturbations in the coefficients (measurements). 6–4 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.2 Basis: 1 hr (1000 kg) a. Overall balances: Total: 1000 = W + D Salt: 1000 (0.0345) = 0 + 0.069D W= 500 kg D = 500 kg b. Salt balance on the freezer: 1000 (0.0345) = 0 + 0.048B B = 718.75 kg Total balance on the freezer: 1000 = A + B A = 281.25 kg Total balance around filter: B = 718.75 = C + D 6.2.3 C =218.75 kg Basis: 220g IgG from the reactor Fraction recovered = 140 = 0.64 220 6–5 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.4 Two subsystems exist, hence 4 component balances can be written. No reaction occurs and the process is assumed to be in the steady state. Steps are omitted here. The balances are System : Splitter System : Stock Chest Total: R = E + P Fiber : 2.34 = xE+xP Water: 7452 = 4161+3291 Total: P +N = L Fiber: xP+xN =103.26 Water: 3291 + 18 = 3309 (a) Also N(0.15) = 18 N = 120 0.85 (N) =xN = 0.85 (120) Overall balances Total: R+ N = E + L Fiber: 2.34 + xN = xE + 103.26 Water: 7452 + 18 = 4161 + 3309 (b) (c) Substitute (b) into (c), solve (c) for xE , and then solve (a) for xP. x N =102 x P =1.26 x E =1.08 all in kg 6.2.5 Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol = F Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: H2 O 100% W F (kg mol) E (kg mol) P (kg mol) Furnace CH4 H2 C2 H 6 mol frac 0.70 0.20 0.10 1.00 A (kg mol) O2 N2 mol frac 0.21 0.79 Duct mole frac. mol CO 2 - n ECO O2 0.02 n H2 O N2 - n HE O - nN 1.00 E mole frac. Air ? 2 E O2 B (kg mol) 2 E 1.00 2 O2 N2 mol frac 0.21 0.79 mol CO 2 - n PCO O2 0.06 n N2 - nPN 1.00 P 2 P O2 2 1.00 Assume an air leak occurs first and use material balances to calculate the amount. This is a steady state flow process without reaction. 6–6 Solutions Chapter 6 Overall system Step 6: Unknowns are: A, B, W, P, x N 2 (or n N2 ), x CO2 (or n CO2 ) Step 7: Balances are: C,H, O, N, Σ x Pi = 1 (o r ∑ n Pi = P) Steps 8 and 9: In Out = n CO2 = W (2) 2O (kg mol): 0.21A + 0.21B = 190(1.00) + 90 + 0.06P 2 2N (kg mol): 0.79A + 0.79B = n PN 2 = P C(kg mol): 0.70(100) + 0.10 (100) 2 n CO2 = 90 kg mol H (kg mol): 0.70 (100)(4) + 0.20 (100)(2) + 0.10 (100)(6) W = 190 kg mol 90 + 0.06 P + n PN 2 A balance about the furnace or about the duct is needed; or these two alone would have been sufficient, omitting the overall balance. System: Furnace (or Duct) E Step 6: Unknowns: A, n ECO2 ,n EO 2 , nH 2 O , n EN2 Step 7: Balances: C, H, O, N2, ∑ nEi = E Steps 8 and 9: C (kg mol): H (kg mol): 0.70 (100) + 0.10 (100)(2) n ECO2 = 90 kg mol =n ECO2 E 0.70 (100)(4) + 0.20 (100)(2) + 0.10 (100)(6) = n H 2 O E n H 2 O = 190 190 2O (kg mol): 0.21A = n EO 2 + 90 + 2 6–7 Solutions Chapter 6 E = nN2 2N (kg mol): 0.79A 0.02 = n EO 2 / E 90 + 190 + n EO 2 + n EN 2 = E Solution: kg mol in E kg mol n ECO2 90 A 982 n H 2O E 190 E 1077 n EO 2 21.5 n EN 2 776 1077.5 From the overall N2 balance: O2 balance: 0.79 (982) + 0.79B = n PN 2 (1) 0.21 (982) + 0.21B = 185 + 0.06P (2) (1) 22.2 + 0.21B = 0.06P B = 207 kg mol (3) 90 + (0.79)(982) + 0.79B = 0.94P P = 1095 kg mol It is an air leak. 207 kgmol / 100 kgmol F 6–8 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.6 Steps: 1,2,3, and 4: This is a steady state process with no reaction taking place. All the compositions are known except for stream C. We can pick the overall system first to get D, and then make balances on the first (or second) units to get C and its composition. Step 5: Basis: F = 290 kg (equivalent to 1 second) Step 6: Unknowns: A, B, C, D and E and the composition of C Step 7: Balances: NaCl, HCl, H2SO4, H2O, inert solid Step 8: For the overall system there are 4 unknowns (C is excluded) and 5 species balances: Overall balances (kg) In Out NaCl: HCl: H2SO4: H2O: A(0.040) A(0.050) A(0.040) A(0.870)+B(0.910) = = = = 290(0.0138) 290(0.0255)+D(0.020)+E(0.015) 290(0.0221)+D(0.020)+E(0.015) 290(0.9232)+D(0.960)+E(0.970) Inerts: Totals: B(0.09) A+B = = 290(0.0155) D + E +290 Steps 6 and 7: Two of the equations are not independent: HC1 and H2SO4. HC1: D(0.020) + E (0.015) = 7.40 – 5.00 = 2.40 H2SO4: D(0.020) + E (0.015) = 6.41 – 4.00 = 2.41 Thus, overall the degrees of freedom are 0. Steps 8 and 9: The solution of the equations is (in kg/s) A = 100 , B = 50 , D = 60 and E = 80 from which C = 150 via a total balance about the first unit. 6–9 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.7 Notation: Subscripts Benzene = bz, Xylene = xy, Solids = s W = mass fraction, Fi = liquid stream, Si = solids stream 0 ωS bz = 1.0 0 ωS xy = 0 2 1 ωS xy 1 ωS xy 0 2 2 ωS bz = (1-ωSxy) 1 1 ωS bz = (1-ωSxy) 2 ωS s = 0 1.0 ωS s = 0 1.0 ωS s = 0 1.0 S0 S1 S2 1 2 F1 F2 2 2 1 1 ωF bz = (1-ωFxy) F0 ωF bz = (1-ωFxy) 2 1 ωF xy ωF xy 2 ωF s = 0.9 1.0 0 ωF bz = 0 0 ωF xy=0.1 1 ωF s = 0.9 1.0 0 ωF s = 0.9 1.0 Step 5: Basis is 1 hr (F0 = 2000 kg and S0 = 1000 kg) Steps 6 and 7: 2 1 1 Unknowns: Unit 1: ωFxy , ωSxy , ωFxy , S1 , F1 , F2 ⎫⎪ ⎬ Net = 8 S1 F1 S2 1 1 2 Unit 2: ωxy , xy ω, xy ω, S , F , S ⎪⎭ Material Balances: Unit 1: bz, xy, s Unit 2: bz, xy, s Additional Equations: ωFxy = ωSxy and ωFxy = Sxy ω (the related equations for benzene are redundant). Total equations = 8. 2 1 1 2 The solution is simplified if two balances are made first (not an essential step): All material balances are in kg. Solids balance on Unit 2 and also Unit 1: 2000 (0.9) = F1 (0.9) 2000 (0.9) = F2 (0.9) F1 = 2000 F2 = 2000 6–10 Solutions Chapter 6 Total balance on Unit 1 and also Unit 2: 2000 + S1 = 2000 + S2 1000 + 2000 = 2000 + S1 S1 = S 2 S1 = 1000 S2 = 1000 The other balances are Unit 2: 1 1 2 Benzene: 1000(1 − ωSxy ) = 2000(1 − ω Fxy ) + 1000(1 − ωSxy ) Xylene: 2000(0.1) + 1000ωSxy = 2000 Fxy ω + 1000 Sxy ω 1 1 1 2 2 10ωFxy = Sxy ω Unit 1: Benzene: 1.0(1000) + 2000(1 − ωF ) = 2000(1 − ωFxy ) + 1000(1 −ωSxy ) Xylene: 0 + 2000ωFxy = 2000ωFxy + 1000(ωSxy 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 ) 1 10ωFxy = Sxy ω Solve the equations to get the compositions of the streams: b) Stream Component wt fr Stream Component wt fr S0 Bz 1.0 Xy 0.0 F0 Bz 0.9 Xy 0.1 S1 Bz 0.97 Xy 0.03 F1 Bz 0.082 Xy 0.018 S2 Bz 0.82 Xy 0.18 F2 Bz 0.097 Xy 0.003 Xylene in Feed = 2000 × 0.1 = 200 kg Xylene in Product = 1000 × 0.18 = 180 kg % Recovery = 180 ×100 = 90% 200 6–11 Solutions Chapter 6 6.2.8 Step 5: Basis: F = 100 kg and D3 = 10 kg Steps 2, 3, and 4: A 0.50 B D1 C 0.23 D2 0.27 A 0.17 B 0.10 C 0.73 D 3 1.00 1.00 D3 A mA B mB C 0 D3 10 kg F = 100 kg P1 1 A 0.50 B 0.20 C 0.30 P2 2 3 P3 A A B C B 0 C A 0.70 B 0.30 C 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 E A B C 0 1.00 Additional information: P3 = 3D3 = 30 kg P2 = D 2 m PA2 = 4m PB2 Begin with overall balances. Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns 4: D1 , D 2 , m AD3 , m BD3 Balances (3) : A, B, C (plus total) Implicit equation (1): m DA3 + m DB3 = 10 kg ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ Degrees of freedom = 0 ⎪ ⎭ Steps 8 and 9: Overall balances Total : 100 = D1 + D2 + 10 + 30 6–12 or 60 =D1 + D2 Solutions Chapter 6 C: 100 (.30) = 0.27D1 + 0.73 D2 +0 Solve these two equations to get D1 = 30 and D2 = 30 Get m DA 3 and m DB3 from A balance and m DA 3 + m DB 3 = 1 A: 100(.50) = 30(.50) + 30(.17) + 10 m DA 3 + 30 (.70) so, m DA 3 = 0.89 m DA 3 + m DB 3 = 1 so D m B 3 = 0.11 Step10: Note - Can check using the B balance (not independent) Balances on Unit No. 3 P A m A2 B m PB2 C 0 1.00 A m E A B m E B C 0 D 3 A 0.89 B 0.11 C 0 1.00 P2 = 30 E 1.00 P3 3 A 0.70 B 0.30 C 0 1.00 (D3 = 10; P3 = 30) Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns (5): E, mPA2 , mPB2 , mAE , mBE Balances (2): A, B Implicit equations (2): mPA2 + mPB2 = 30, mAE + mBE = E Other equations: mPA2 = 4mBP2 Steps 8 and 9: Total:30 + E = D3 + P3 = 10 + 30 = 40 so One component balance: 6–13 E = 10 kg Solutions Chapter 6 A: 30 m PA2 + 10 m EA = 10 (.89 ) + 30 (. 70) = 29. 9⎫ ⎬ not independent equations P E B: 30 m B2 + 10 m B = 10 (.11) + 30 (. 30) = 10.1 ⎭ ∑ m i 2 = m A2 + m B2 =1⎫ m PA2 = 0.80 P ⎬ m B2 = 0.20 m PA2 = 4m PB2 ⎭ 30 (.80) + 10 m EA = 29.9 so that m EA = 0.59 P P P E E so that or 59% E m A + m B =1 or 41% m B = 0.41 _____ 1.00 6.2.9 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: mol % 64.29H2 14.29SiCl 4 21.42 H2 SiCl 2 HCl (g) A 100% Si B Step 5: Basis: C Reactor D Separator H 2 ,SiCl 4 ,HSiCl 3 H 2 SiCl 2 100% E HSiCl 3 100 kg B 100 kg Si 1kg mol Si = 3.560 kg mol Si 28.09 kgSi Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: A, D, E Balances: Steps 8 and 9: Balances to be solved: System: overall process Si overall mole balance kg mol Si = 3.560 6–14 H, Cl, Si Solutions Chapter 6 = D kg mol gas ⎡ 0.1429 kg mol SiCl 4 1 kg mol Si 0. 2142 kg mol H 2 SiCl2 1 kg mol Si ⎤ + ⎢⎣ kg mol gas kg mol SiCl kg mol gas kg mol H Si Cl ⎥⎦ 4 + E kg mol HSiCl3 2 1 kg mol Si = 0. 3571D + E kg mol HSiCl3 Cl overall mol balance ⎡ 0.1429kg mol SiCl 4 4 kg mol Cl A kgmol HCl 1kg mol Cl = D kg mol gas ⎢⎣ kgmol SiCl 4 kg mol gas kg mol HCl + 0.2142 kgmol H2 SiCl 2 2 kgmol Cl ⎤ E kg mol HSiCl3 3kg mol Cl + kg mol gas kgmol H2 SiCl2 ⎥⎦ kg mol HSiCl 3 A= D + 3E H overall mol balance ⎡ 0.6429kg mol H2 2 kgmol H A kgmol HCl 1kgmol H = D kg mol gas ⎢⎣ kg mol H2 kgmol gas kg mol HCl + 0.2142 kgmol H2 SiCl 2 2 kgmol H ⎤ E kg mol HSiCl3 1kg mol H + kg mol gas kgmol H2 SiCl2 ⎥⎦ kg mol HSiCl 3 A= Solution: 2 1 3 1.71421D + E 3.560 = 0.3571 1D + E 1 A = D + 3E 2 A = 1.7142D + E 3 2E = 0.7142 1D E = 0.3571 1D 4 → 3.56 4 = 0.3571D + 0.3571 D 6–15 2 Solutions Chapter 6 H Si Cl3 D = 4.98 E = 1.78 A = 10.32 MW 1.01 28.09 106.35 135.45 kg/mol 135.45 kg HSiCl 3 1.78 kg mol = 241 kg HSiC13 kg mol HSiCl 3 6.2.10 Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol = F Steps 1, 2, 3, 4: W F (kg mol) E (kg mol) Furnace mol fr. CH4 0.70 H2 0.20 C2H6 0.10 1.00 A (kg mol) mol fr. 0.21 O2 0.79 N2 1.00 100% H2O Duct mol fr. mol CO2 nECO2 O2 0.02 nEO2 H2O nEH 2O N2 nN2 1.00 E P (kg mol) mol fr. mol B (kg mol) Air ? mol fr. 0.21 O2 0.79 H2 1.00 nPCO2 CO2 O2 0.06 nPO 2 nPN2 N2 1.00 P Assume first an air leak occurs and use material balances to calculate the amount. This is a steady state flow process without reaction. Overall system Step 6: Unknowns are: A, B, W, P, x N2 (or n N2 ), x CO2 (or n CO2 ) 6–16 Solutions Chapter 6 Step 7: Balances are: Step 8: C, H, O, N, ∑ x iP =1 (or ∑ n iP = P) In 0.70(100) + 0.10(100)2 C (kg mol): Out = n CO2 n CO2 = 90 kg mol 0.70(100)(4) + 0.20(100)(2) + 0.10(100)(6) = W(2) W = 190 kg mol 190(1.00) 0.21A + 0.21 B = + 90 + 0.06P 2 0.79A + 0.79 B = n PN2 H (kg mol): 2O (kg mol): 2N (kg mol): 90 + 0.06P + n PN2 =P A balance about the furnace or about the duct is needed, or those two alone would have been sufficient, omitting the overall balance. System: Duct E Step 6: Unknowns: A, E, n CO , n OE 2 , n EH2O 2 Step 7: Balances: C, H, O, N2 , ∑ niE = E Steps 8 and 9: C (kg mol): 0.70(100) + 0.10(100) (2) = E n CO 2 E = 90 kg mol n CO 2 H (kg mol): 0.70(100)(4) + 0.20 (100) (2) + 0.10(100) (6) = n EH2O n EH2O = 190 2O (kg mol): 0.21A = n OE 2 + 90 + 2N (kg mol): 0.79A = n EN2 190 2 90 + 190 + n OE 2 + n EN2 = E 0.02 = Solution n O2 E kg mol in E 90 A kg mol 982 n EH2O 190 E 1077 n OE 2 21.5 n EN2 776 n E CO2 6–17 Solutions Chapter 6 1077.5 From the overall 2N balance (1) 0.79(982) + 0.79B = n PN2 2O balance (1') 22.2 + 0.21B = 0.06P 0.21(982) + 0.21B = 185 + 0.06P (2) ⎫ B = 207 kg mol ⎬ (3) 90 + (0.79)(982) + 0.79B = 0.94P ⎭ P = 1095 kg mol 207 kg mol / 100 kg mol F 6.2.11 Assume steady state process P = 100 mol 100% H2 O W gas F2 F 1 mol fr. C 0.357 H 0.643 1.00 oil Aair A1 A2 Basis: 100 mol natural gas Comp. mol=% atoms C atoms O atoms H CH4 C2H2 CO2 96 2 2 96 4 2 --4 384 4 -- Total 100 102 4 388 Basis: 100 mol oil Comp. atoms C atoms H (CH1.8)n 100 180 Basis: 100 mol flue gas (dry) 6–18 Solutions Chapter 6 Comp. mol% mol C mol O atoms H mol N2 CO2 CO O2 N2 Total 10.0 10.00 20.00 -0.63 0.63 0.63 -4.55 -9.10 84.82 --100.00 10.63 29.73 Note: If have separate air streams, we have 5 unknowns and can't solve. ---- 84.82 84.82 Basis: 100 mol natural gas (or use 100 mol dry gas product.) Let F2 = mol oil F1 or P = mol dry flue gas A = mol air to natural gas fed boiler plus oil fed boiler W = mol water associated with the dry flue gas Four balances: In = Out C balance 102 + F2 = 0.1063 P (1) = 0.8482 P (2) N2 balance 0.79A H balance 388 + 1.80 F2 = 2 W (3) O balance 4 + 0.42A = 0.2973P +W (4) P = 1729 mol dry flue gas W = 268 mol H2O F2 = 82 mol oil and 1 mol C = 1 mol oil so C in oil = F2 = 82 mol 6–19 Solutions Chapter 6 Total C = 102 + 82 = 184 mol % C burned from oil = (0.82)(100) = 44.5% 184 6.2.12 Steady-state, reaction take place mA=. 30 mB = .70 1.00 NaC1 A mANaC1 salt mAH2O H2O B C12 H2 H2O E G D F C 30% Overall balances Steps 6 and 7: 5 unknowns: A, B, D, E, G 4 balances: Na, C1, H, O other equations: A/B = 30/70 Steps 8 and 9: (a) Percent conversion of salt to sodium hydroxide. Basis: 1 lb product = H 1b mol of NaOH: 1 lb 0.5 lb NaOH lb mol NaOH = 1.25 ×10-2lb mol NaOH lb 40 lb NaOH lb mol NaC1: 1 lb 0.07 lb NaC1 lb mol NaC1 = 1.20 ×10-3 lb mol NaC1 lb 58.45 lb NaC1 1.25 ×10−2 Conversion = (100) = 91.2% 1.25 ×10−2 + 1.20 ×10−3 6–20 H 50 % NaOH 7% NaC1 43% H2O Solutions Chapter 6 (b) How much chlorine gas is produced per lb of product? 1.25×10-2 lb mol NaOH 0.5 lb mol C12 70.9 lb C12 = 0.44 lb C12 /lb product lb mol NaOH lb mol C12 (c) ⎛ 58.45 lb ⎞ A = (1.25×10-2 lb mol + 1.20 × 10-3 lb mol ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ lb mol ⎠ = 0.80 lb Using salt as a tie component: C= A 1 = 0.8 lb = 2.67 lb 0.30 0.30 B = C – A = 2.67 – 0.8 = 1.87 lb Balance on oxygen: ⎛ 1.87 lb mol 0.43 lb mol 0.50 lb mol ⎞ ⎛ 18 lb ⎞ G = ⎜ − − ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ = 1.22 lb ⎜ 18 lb 18 lb 40 lb mol ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 6.2.13 Step 5: Basis = 100 lb A Steps 2, 3, and 4: Fe added: 36(100) = 3600 lb MW TiO2 = 79.9 lb/lb mol MW Fe = 55.8 lb/lb mol MW H2SO4 = 98.1 lb/lb mol MW TiOSO4 = 159.7 lb/lb mol 6–21 Solutions Chapter 6 For Part (a), the system boundary has been drawn on a light solid line. Steps 6 and 7: F Unknowns (9): B, C, J, K, H, F, ξ1 , ξ 2 , m Fe Species balances (7): TiO2 , Fe, H2SO4 , H2O, TiOSO4 , O2 , inert Other equations (2): Reactions 1 and 2 are complete Degrees of freedom = 0 Steps 8 and 9 a. lb H2O removed in evaporator (J): Mol TiO2 in slag: Mol Fe in Slag: (0.70)(100 lb) lb mol = 0.876 lb mol 79.9 lb (0.80)(100 lb) lb mol = 0.143 lb mol 58.8 lb Amount of H2SO4 based on theoretical requirements of Equations (1) and (2) 0.876 + 0.143 = 1.02 lb mol H2SO4 6–22 Solutions Chapter 6 1.02 lb mol H 2SO 4 98.1 lb = 100 lb H 2SO 4 lb mol 100 lb B= = 149.2 lb Water in stream B = 49.2 lb 0.67 O2 in: 0.143 lb mol Fe 0.5 lb mol O2 32 lb O2 = 2.29 lb O2 =C (0.0715 lb mol) 1 lb mol Fe 1 lb mol O2 Using TiO2: ξ1 = 0 − 0.876 = 0.876 moles reacting ( − 1) Using O2: ξ2 = 0 − 0.0715 = 0.143 moles reacting (0.5) TiOSO4 in stream K K n TiOSO = 0 + (1) (0.876) = 0.876 lb mol TiOSO4 4 K= 0.876 lb mol 159.7 lb 1 = 170.6 lb 1 lb mol 0.82 H2O in K = 170.6 (0.18) = 30.7 lb Water formed in the reactions (use ξ1 and ξ2 ) : n out,rxn = (1)(0.876) + (1)(0.143) = 1.019 lb mol (or 8.36 lb H2O) H2 O Water exiting from the evaporator J (lb): 49.2 + 18.36 – 30.7 = 36.9 lb b. Exit H2O from dryer: inlet air = 18 lb mol 29 lb = 522 lb dry air lb mol inlet water = 0.036 mol H 2 O 18 mol air 18 lb = 11.7 lb H 2O mol air lb mol water added to air = (0.18) 170.9 lb – (0.876 lb mol) 6–23 18 lb = 15.0 lb lb mol Solutions Chapter 6 Humidity = (15.0 lb H2O + 11.7 lb H2O)/522 lb air = 0.051 lb H2O/lb air c. The pounds of TiO2 produced (P): By reaction (3), 0.876 lb mol of TiOSO4 goes to TiO2. (0.876) (79.9) = 70 lb TiO2 6.3.1 a. 1; b. 3; c. 0; d. 7 a. b. 6–24 Solutions Chapter 6 c. d. 6–25 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.2 Step 5: Basis: 60 kg W Pick the overall system Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: F, P Balances: A, B Steps 8 and 9: Total F= 60 + P ⎫ F = 380 kg ⎬ B: 0.80F = 0 + 0.95P ⎭ P = 320 kg Pick mixing point as the system Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: G, R Balances: A, B (or total as alternate) Steps 8 and 9: Total: 380 + R = G ⎫ ⎬ R = 126.7 B: 0.80(380) + R(0) = 0.60G ⎭ R 125.7 = = 0.33 kg R/kg F F 380 6.3.3 Basis: 100 kg of fresh feed Overall balance around junction 100 + R = F KC1 balance around mixing point 6–26 Solutions Chapter 6 20 + 0.6 R = 0.4 F = 0.4 (100 + R) 20 + 0.6 R = 40 + 0.4 R R = 100 kg R/100 kg fresh feed 6.3.4 Steps 2, 3, and 4: B1 0.75 B2 0.25 S 0.00 1.00 B1 = butene B2 = butadiene S = solvent A 5,000 lb/hr I C (lb) B1 B2 S E (lb) = 10,000 II B1 0.0 B2 0.01 S 0.99 B (lb) B1 1.00 B2 0 S 0 D (lb) B1 0.05 B2 0.95 S 0 Step 5: Basic: 1 hr (A = 5000 lb) Select whole process as the system. Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: B, D Balances: Total, B1, B2, S (not all independent) Steps 8 and 9: Total balance: 5000 = B + D B1 balance: 5000 (0.75) = B(1) + D(0.05) D = 1316 lb B = 3684 Apparently the calculated values are not correct. (The value for C can be obtained from balances on Unit I or II). 6–27 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.5 Basis: 1 hour An overall balance shows that Rout from the adsorber must equal Rin to the adsorber if a steady state exists. Let Ri = R. Adsorber balance of U (units are U): 600 mL 1.37U R mL 5.2U 600 mL 0.08U R mL 19.3U + = + 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 600 (1.37-0.08) = R(19.3-5.2) R = 55 mL/hr 6.3.6 Step 5: Basis: 1000 kg = W ≡ 1 hour Steps 1-4: Revised compositions are in mass fractions. Note: compositions identical W (mass) = 1000 kg E (kg) Wet cereal Exit air H2O air mass fr. H2O 0.200 cereal 0.800 1.00 mol fr. 0.263 0.737 1.000 Recycle R (kg) D (mass) Dried cereal mass fr. 0.050 H2O Cereal 0.950 1.00 G (kg) mol fr. H2O 0.066 air 0.934 1.00 mass fr. 0.042 0.958 1.000 mol fr. H2O 0.0132 0.9868 air 1.000 6–28 F (kg) mass fr. 0.0082 0.992 1.000 Fresh Air Solutions Chapter 6 Conversion of mole fractions to mass fractions is not required, but since both mass fractions and mol fractions are listed as data, convert all to mass fractions (can’t convert cereal to mol) to avoid confusion in making the balances. Fresh air, Basis 100 mol mol MW mass(kg) air 98.68 29 2861.7 H2 O 1.32 18 23.76 100.00 2885.48 Exit air, Basis 1.00 mol mol MW mass mass fr. 0.737 29 21.37 0.819 0.263 18 4.73 0.181 1.00 26.11 1.000 mass fr. 0.992 0.0082 1.000 Air entering drier, basis 1.00 mol mol MW mass mass fr. air 0.934 29 27.09 0.958 H2O 0.066 18 1.19 0.042 28.27 1.000 Overall balances (unknowns D, E, F; balances H2O, cereal, air) Total: can be made in mass: 1000 + F = E + D in cereal (dry): 1000 (0.80) + F (0) = E (0) + D (0.950) D = 842 kg 1000 (0.20) + F (0.0082) = E (0.181) + D (0.050) H2O: air: 1000 (0) + F (0.992) = E (0.819) + D (0) 3 are independent eqns. check by 4th eqn. a. D = 842 kg E = 906 kg F = 748 kg/hr Balance on mixing point (to get R) Total: R + F = G air : R (0.819) + F (0.992) = G (0.958) H2O: R (0.181) + F (0.0082) = G (0.042) 2 equations are independent, check via 3d equation b. R = 183 kg/hr 6–29 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.7 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: H 2 O 100% W KNO3 Solution P Evaporator mass frac. H2 O 0.50 KNO3 0.50 1.00 mass frac. 10,000 kg/hr 20% mH O m KNO F H2 O 0.80 KNO3 0.20 Feed 1.00 2 300°F M 50% KNO3 3 ∑P Crystallizer R Recycle 100 °F mass frac. Saturated Solution H2O 0.625 0.6 kg KNO 3 HNO3 0.375 kg H 2O 1.000 Boundary line for overall balance C mass frac. H2 O 0.04 KNO3 Boundary line for balance around crystallizer 0.96 1.00 Step 5: Basis: 1 hr = 10,000 kg KNO3 solution Step 4 cont’d: Compute the weight fraction composition of R. On the basis of 1 kg of water, the saturated recycle steam contains (1.0 kg of H2O + 0.6 kg of KNO3) = 1.6 kg total. The recycle steam composition is 0.6 kg KNO3 1 kg H2 O = 0.375 kg KNO3 / kg solution 1 kg H2 O 1.6 kg solution or 37.5% KNO3 and 62.5% H2O (which has been added to the figure). Analysis of complete process ( 6 streams): Unknowns: W, M, C, R, m PH 2 O m PKNO 3 =6 Balances: (2 units + 1 mix point) × 2 components =6 6–30 Solutions Chapter 6 Other compositions are (in %) M H2O 50 KNO3 50 F 80 20 W 100 0 C 4 96 R 62.5 37.5 Start with overall balances as substitute for unit balances Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: W, C, Balances: 2 components Overall balance to calculate C: Total: 10,000 =W+C KNO3: 10,000 (0.20) = W (0) + C (0.96) 10, 000 kgF 0.20 kgKNO3 1kgcrystals = 2083 kg / hr crystals = C 1kg F l hr 0.96 kgKNO3 W = 10,000 - 2083 = 7917 kg To determine the recycle stream R, we need to make a balance that involves the stream R. Either (a) a balance around the evaporator or (b) a balance around the crystallizer will do. The latter is easier since only three rather than four (unknown) streams are involved. Total balances on crystallizer: M=C+R a M = 2083 + R Component (KNO3) balance on crystallizer: M ω M = Cω C + Rω R 0.5M = 0.96C + R (0.375) Solving equations a and b b we obtain 0.5 (2083 + R) = 0.375R + 2000 R = 7670 kg/hr 6–31 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.8 Single pass conversion is: a. fsp = −υLR ξ feed n reactor LR Single pass conversion based on H2 as the limiting reactant: 1.979 − 3.96 = 0.99 −2 0 − 3.96 ξ max = = 1.98 −2 ξ= SP conversion = −(−2)(0.99) = 0.50 3.96 Use Eq. (12.1) and Eq. 12.2 with H2 the limiting reactant b. 0.99 = fsp = c. − υLR ξ −( − 2) ξ = ξ = 0.980 fresh feed n LR 1.98 −(−2)(0.98) = 0.986 1.989 Overall conversion of H2 f overall of H 2 = d. −(−2)(0.99) = 1.0 1.98 Overall conversion of CO f overall of CO = −(−1)(.99) = 0.99 1 6–32 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.9 Steps 2, 3, and 4: Recycle R(mol) CO, H2O F(mol) Reactor mol % 52 CO nCO 48 H2O nH2O L(mol) P(mol) H2: 3 mol % Step 5: CO2 H2 CO Basis: P = 100 mol Pick the overall process as the system. Step 6: F Unknowns: n CO , n FH O Step 7: Balances: 2 C, H, O Steps 8 and 9: Element balances C (mol): n CO = 48 + 4 = 52 Step 10: ⎫⎪ ⎬ total 100 H (mol): n H2O (2) = 48 (2) n H2O = 48⎪⎭ O (mol): n H2O (1) + n CO (1) = 48(2) + 4 check is ok. a. Composition of fresh feed 40% H 2 O and 52% CO Alternate solution: Use extent of reaction Based on Then 48 − 0 = 48 1 F nCO = 4 + ξ = 4 + 48 = 52 mol F n H2O = 0 + ξ = 48 mol CO2: ξ= To get the recycle, make a balance about the separator (no reaction occurs) 6–33 mol % = mol Separator 48 48 4 100 Solutions Chapter 6 H 2 balance (mol): Total (mol): L(0.03) = 48⎫ L=1600 mol ⎬ L=100 + R ⎭ R=1500 mol 1500 mol R = 31.3 48 mol H 2 b. 6.3.10 Steps 2, 3, and 4: MW Ca (Ac)2 = 158.1 MW HAc = 60 100 kg Ca(Ac)2 1 kg mol Ca(Ac)2 = 0.633 kg mol Ca(Ac)2 158.1 kg Ca(Ac)2 Step 5: Basis: 1000 kg of Ca(Ac)2 feed Inspection of the diagram shows that the overall conversion of Ca(Ac)2 is 100% (none leaves the process). Thus, fOA = 1. You are given fSP = 0.90. Then R = 0.703 kg mol a. fSP 0.90 6.33 = = f OA 1 6.33 + R b. The single pass conversion for Ca(AC)2 is 0.90. 0.90 = − υ LR ξ −( − 1)ξ = feed n LR 6.33 or 111 kg ξ = 5.697 Overall HAc balance: 6.33 kg mol Ca (Ac) 2 2 kg mol HAc = 12.66 kg mol HAc or 760kg 1 kg mol Ca(Ac) 2 6–34 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.11 Steps 2, 3, 4: MW C2 H2 = 26.02 MW Zn = 65.37 MW C2H2Br4 = 346 a. C2 H5 produced per hour Step 5: Basis: 1 hr ≡ 1000 kg C2 H 2 Br4 (2.890 kg mol) Make overall balances: Get the extent of reaction using C2 H 2 Br4 n out − n in = υξ 0 – 2.890 = (-1) ( ξ ) ξ = 2.890 reacting moles C2 H2 balance: n C2H2 = 0 + (1)(2.890) = 2.890 kg mol 2.890 (26.02) = 75.2 kg ZnBr2 balance: n ZnBr2 = 0 + 2(2.890) =5 .78 kg mol Alternate solution 100 kg C2 H2 Br4 1 kg mol C2 H2 Br4 1 kg mol C2 H2 26 kg C2 H2 = 75.2 1 346 kg C2 H2 Br4 1 kg mol C2 H2 Br4 1 kg mol C2 H2 b. Recycle Make balance on the mixing point. First, get the feed of C2H2Br4 to the reactor 0.80 = −υξ -(-1)(2.896) = n feed n feed LR LR C2 H 2 Br4 balance: n feed LR = 3.61 kg mol 2.890 + R = 3.61 R = 0.72 kg mol 0.72 (346) = 249 kg Alternate solution (in kg). Balance over separator. (1000 kg + R) (0.20) = R R = 250 kg 6–35 Solutions Chapter 6 c. Feed rate required for 20% excess Zn in reactor: 1000 kg C2 H 2 Br4 1 kg mol C2 H 2 Br4 2 kg mol Zn 65.37 kg Zn 1.2 kg Zn in feed = 454 kg 1 346 kg C2 H 2 Br4 1 mol C2 H 2 Br4 1 kg mol Zn 1 kg Zn required d. Mole ratio of ZnBr2 to C2H2 in final products: 5.78 = 2 2.89 2:1 (as per reaction) 6.3.12 Step 5: Basis: 100 kg F1 ≡ 1 hr Overall balance Step 6 and 7: Unknowns: F2, P1, P2 Element balances: Ca, Na, C1, CO3 (enough, not all independent) CO3 balance: 900 kg CaCO3 1 kg mol CaCO3 1 kg mol CO3 100 kg CaCO3 1 kg mol CaCO3 = 9.00 kg mol CO3 100 kg Na 2 CO3 1 kg mol Na 2 CO 3 1 kg mol CO 3 0.94 kg mol CO3 = 106 kg Na 2 CO3 1 kg mol Na 2 CO 3 9.94 kg mol CO3 a. 9.94 kg mol CO3 1 kg mol Na 2 CO3 106 kg Na 2 CO3 = 1054 kg Na 2 CO3 1 kg CO3 1 kg mol Na 2 CO3 6–36 Solutions Chapter 6 Species balance about the reactor plus the separator on CaCO3: IN OUT [1000(0.90) + R] (.24) = R UNREACTED R = 284 kg Alternate solution: Use the extent of reaction to get the same results. 6.3.13 This is steady state process with reaction and recycle. Pick the overall process as the system. Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol CH4 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: The system is as shown in the diagram with recycle added. 0.21 0.79 Air kgmol O2 230 N2 865.24 CH4 CO2 O2 100 kg mol H 2O NO N2 R Calculate the moles of each component entering. C H4 (g) + 2O2 (g)→C O2 (g)+ 2 H2 O (g) Calculation of the required O2 and accompanying N2 in moles req'd O2 100(2) = 200 xs 200 (0.15) Total O2 = 30 230 6–37 Solutions Chapter 6 ⎛ 230 .79 ⎞ ⎟ = N2 in ⎜ .21 ⎠ ⎝ 865.24 The exit concentrations (via stoichiometry) are CO2 O2 H2 O NO N2 Mol 100 30 200 415 × 10-6 865.24 1195.24 Next, consider adding recycle as shown in the diagram. Recycle is not involved in the overall balance, hence the concentration of NO will not be affected because the extent of reaction with and without recycle remains the same. The recycle does reduce the combustion temperature, which in turn will reduce the exit concentration of NO. 6.3.14 Basis: 1 hr ≡ 1L = F all concentrations are g/L. W F=1L D Zn 100 Ni 10.0 Zn 0.10 Ni 1.00 H2O P0 Zn 190.1 Ni 17.02 Figure P12.9 Pick the overall process as the system. Steps 6 and 7: Balances: 3 H2O, Zn, Ni Unknowns: 3 W, D, P 6–38 (all in L) Solutions Chapter 6 Steps 8 and 9: D(L) 0.10g + P 0 (190.1g / L) L Zn: 100 (1) + 0 = Ni: 10(1) +0 = D (1.00) + P0 (17.02) Solve to get P0 = 0.525L D = 1.056L Pick Unit 3 as the system: Steps 6 and 7: Steps 8 and 9: Balances: Unknowns: 2 2 Zn, Ni R32, P2 (all in L) Zn: P2 (3.50) + 0 = 0.10(1.056) + R32 (4.35) Ni: P2 (2.19) + 0 = 1.00(1.056) + R32 (2.36) Solve to get R 3 2 =2.75L/hr 6.3.15 H Mass frac. P oil + dirt ω o+d P H2 O ω HO mass fr. 0.229 ω H ω H O 0.771 H2 O 0.9927 0.771 1.000 Filter R G o+d ω ω HGO Mass frac. oil + dirt 0.229 H2 O 0.771 1.000 2 oil + dirt 0.0073 H2 O 1.000 2910 gal/day mass fr. oil + dirt 0.229 2 G 90 gal/day mass fr. H o+d 2 1.00 P D F 3000 gal/day 1.000 6–39 Solutions Chapter 6 Pick the total process as the system Step 5: Basis: 1 day (equivalent to D = 90 gal, F = 3000 gal, P = 2910 gal) Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: P ωo+d , Balances: oil + dirt, H2O Steps 8 and 9: Overall oil + dirt balance: ω P H2 O In Out P 3,000(0.0073) = 2,910(ωo+d ) + 90(0.229) P ωo+d = 21.9 − 20.61 = 4.43 10−4 × 2,910 (a) To solve for R, make balances on the mixing point, the filter, and the splitter. Not all of the balances are independent: Total oil + dirt Splitter: H = 90 + R 0.229H = 0.229(90) + 0.229(R) Filter: G = 2910 + H ωGo+d G = 2910 (4.43 × 10-4) + H(0.229) Mixing point: 3000 + R = G 0.0073 (3000) + 0.229R = ωGo+d G Unknowns: H, R, G, ω Go+d Balances: 6 (4 independent) Steps 8 and 9: The solution is R = 57.2 gal/day 6–40 ωGo+d = 0.01145 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.16 Start with the overall system mass fr. 0.95 rice mol fr. H2 O 0.0473 gas 0.9527 1.0000 0.05 H2 O 1.00 P (lb) S (lb mol) Rice Product Dryer mass fr. W (lb mol) F (lb) mol fr. rice 0.75 x H2 O 0.25 x w 0.0931 H2 O w 0.9069 gas 1.00 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: 1.0000 In the diagram use mol and mass percent for compositions and mol and mass for flow as specified. Step 5: Basis P = 100 lb Step 6: Unknowns: F, S, W Step 7: Can make total and 3 component balances: rice, H2O, dry gas (G) Steps 8 and 9: lb Rice: F(0.75) = P (0.95) = 100 (0.95) lb mol Dry gas: S (0.9527) = W (0.9069) lb mol H2O H2O: S (0.0473) + P (0.05) F (0.25) = W (0.0931) + 18.02 18.02 F = 126.67 lb S = 27.35 lb mol W = 28.75 lb mol 6–41 Solutions Chapter 6 R S Make balances on the mixing point (easiest) lb mol gas: Dryer F1 (27.35)(0.9527) + R (0.9069) = F1 x FDG1 F lb mol H2O: (27.35)(0.0473) + R (0.0931) = F1 x H12 O lb mol total: 27.35 + R = F1 x FH12O = 0.0520 1 x FDG + x HF12O =1 R = 3.12 lb mol / 100 lb P 0.0931 H 2O R or, make balances on separation point H2O: total (or G): P 1 0.0931 H 2O P1 (0.0931) = R (0.0931) + 30.768 (0.0931) (only 1 independent equation) 0.0473 S + 0.0931 R = F1 (0.052) 27.35 + R = F1 1.385 + 0.0931 R = 0.052 (27.35 + R) = 1.523 + 0.052R 0.041 R = 0.138 R = 3.37lb mol 6–42 30.78 lb mol 0.0931 H2 O Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.17 F° Organic Solvent 100% I Aqueous Phase FA = 10 L/min F° A C0 = 100 g/L FA = 10 L/min A O C1 = 0.01g / L Fermentation product balance: 100 g 10L / min 10 L / min 0.1g / L = F°(0.01) + L F° = 1000 − 1 = 99, 900 L min 0.01 B: F2 ° F1 ° 10L/min I II F3 ° 10L/min C1 A C2 C1 = 0.1C1 C 2 = 0.1C 2 FA = 10 L/min CA = 100 g/L o C1 = 0.1 g/L O A A Fermentation balance: O A III A C3 =0.1 g/L O A C3 = 0.1C 3 Assuming F1° = F2° = F3° = F°/3 I: 100 1 A II: g L L 10 min = C A ⋅10 L C1 g L L 10 min = C A ⋅10 L 2 6–43 F° A mn + 3 × 0.1C (1) F° A min + 3 × 0.1C (2) F =10L A Solutions Chapter 6 A III: C2 g L L 10 min = C A ⋅10 L 3 F° A min + 3 × 0.1C3 (3) Solving (1), (2) and (3) Simultaneously C 1 = 10.0 g L C 2 = 1.0 g L A C 3 = 0.1 g L A A F = 2702 L min C: Fermentation Product Balance: I: 100 g L 10 L min II: C1 ⋅10 + 0.1(0.1)F° = 0.1C 2 ⋅ F° + C2 ⋅10 III: C 2 ⋅10 + 0 = 0.1(0.1) ⋅ F° + 0.1 (10) A A A A A A Solving (1), (2) and (3) Simultaneously A C1 = 10.36g / L F = 960 L min A C 2 = 1.06 g / L A C3 = 0.10 g / L This one is the least 6.3.18 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: Mol. Wt: Na2S, 78; CaCO3, 100; Na2 CO3, 106; CaS, 72 Step 5: Basis 1 hr 6–44 A + 0.1 C 2 ⋅ F° = 0.1 C1 ⋅ F° + C1 ⋅ 10 Solutions Chapter 6 Steps 6, 7, 8, and 9: System: Overall (System A) Na Balance: = b. (1000)(0.45)lb Na 2S 1 lb mol Na 2S 2 lb mol Na 78 lb Na 2S 1 lb mol Na 2S m Na 2CO3 lb 1 lb mol Na 2CO3 106 lb Na 2CO3 2 lb mol Na 100 lb Na 2CO3 soln 1 lb mol Na 2CO3 80 lb Na 2CO3 mNa2CO3 = 764 lb/hr System: Reactor plus separator (System B) in out gen. Consumption accum Na 2S balance: ⎡100(0.45) R ⎤ R ⎡100(.45) R ⎤ + − + 0 − ⎢ + ⎥ 0.90=0 ⎢ ⎥ (lb mol) ⎣ 78 78 ⎦ 78 78 ⎦ ⎣ 78 [1000(0.45) + R] (0.10) = R a. R = 50 lb/hr Alternate solution reacts. Na2S is the limiting reactant (LR). Mole Na2S = (0.45)(1000)/78 = 5.77. All of it 1.00 = ( − 1)( − 1)ξ , 5.77 ξ = 5.77 Overall fraction conversion of Na2S is 100%; fOA = 1. fSP n freshfeed 0.90 5.77 LR = = freshfeed = recycle f OA 1.00 n LR +n LR 5.77+R 5.19 + 0.9R = 5.77 R = 0.64 lb mol (or 50 lb) 6–45 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.19 A basis of 1 hr requires the listing and solution of many simultaneous equations. A basis of 100 mol of toluene in G is more convenient Makeup M F Feed H2 mol 1 CH4 1 total 2 Mixer 100% toluene 100% H2 3450 lb/hr C7 H 8 Gas Recycle P Pure RG n wH only 2 n W w CH 4 One system Gross Feed G 4H 2 4CH 4 1toluene Reactor B Separator Benzene 100% <-- 4H2 to 1 toluene Liquid Recycle D Diphenyl 100% RL 100% toluene Basis: 100 mol toluene in stream G (gross feed) System: Reactor plus separator Species balances In Out Gen Cons. 100 -RL +0 -100 (.80 +.08) 100 (4) − nHW2 +0 ⎛1 -100 (4) (.80 +.08 ⎝ ⎞⎠ ) = 0 2 W − nCH 4 + 100(4)(.80 + .08) (1) toluene: (2) H2: (3) CH4: 100 (4) Solve above for RL = 12 mol n W H 2 = 64 mol ⎫ ⎬ Total = 816 mol nW = 752 mol CH 4 ⎭ 6–46 -0 =0 =0 Solutions Chapter 6 System : Mixer plus makeup point F (Species balances but no reaction so In = Out) RG M (1) Toluene: F (1.0) + 0 + (2) H2: 0 + M(1.0) + (3)CH4: 0 + 0 + 0 G R L + 12 = 100 ⎛ 64 ⎞ R G ⎜ ⎟ + ⎝ 816 ⎠ ⎛ 752 ⎞ R G ⎜ ⎟ + ⎝ 816 ⎠ 0 = 400 0 = 400 Solve (3) for RG = 434 mol Solve (1) for F = 88 mol M = 366 Change basis to 1 hour 3450 lb 1 lb mol = 37.5 lb mol of toluene in F 92 lb 100 lb mol tol inG 37.5 lb mol F 12 lb mol R L = 5.11 lb mol R L /hr 88 lb mol F 1 hr 100 lb mol tol in G 100 37.5 434 lb mol R G = 185 lb mol R G /hr 88 1 100 lb mol tol in G If F = 37.5 lb mol of toluene is selected as the basis, you have to make the same balances as above plus benzene and diphenyl balances on the reactor plus separator because F is a known but G becomes an unknown. The unknowns would be Alternate solution G, RL, RG, D, B, M n PH 2 ,n PCH4 Calculate the extent of reaction for each reaction, and use them as shown in the book to get the outputs of the reactor plus separator system instead of using generation and consumption terms. 6–47 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.20 Basis: 1 hr = 50 kg mol F5 Unknowns: F F F F F F1, F4, F6, n C23 H 8 , n C23 H 6 , n C33 H 8 ,n C33 H 6 ,n H32 8 Balances: Mixing Point: Reactor: Abs. /Distil.: ⎫⎪ C3 H8 ,C 3 H6 ,H 2 ⎬ C3 H8 ,C 3 H6 ,H 2 ⎪⎭ C3 H8 ,C 3 H6 8 Use overall balances as substitute for some of the above Overall balances (element balances because of the reaction) In Out C: F1 (3) = F 5 (3) H: F1 (8) = F 4 (2) + F5 (6)⎫ ⎬ 8(50) = 2F 4 + 50(6) ⎭ F1 = 50 kg mol F4 = 50 kg mol Mixing point balances (no rxn): In Out F C3 H8 : F1 (1.0) + F6 (0.8) = n C23 H 8 = 50 + 0.8F6 C3 H6 : F1 (0) + F6 (0.2) = n FC23 H 6 = 0.2F 6 6–48 Solutions Chapter 6 Reactor plus absorber/distillation balances: In n FC23 H 8 - C3 H8 : Out Generated F 6 (0.80) (recycle) +0 Consumed - 0.4n FC23 H 8 (50 + 0.8F6) - 0.80 F6 - 0.4 (50 + 0.8 F6) =0 n FC23 H 8 = 75 + 50 = 125 kgmol F6 (.20) - 50 + 0.40 (50+ 0.8F6) -0 F2 n C3 H 6 = 18.75 kg mol Recycle: F6 = 93.75 kg mol C3 H6 : n FC23 H 6 - =0 =0 Note: since F2 = F1 + F6 = 50 + 93.75 = 143.75 kg mol (easier calculated this way) n FC23 H 6 = 0 . 2, F 6 = 18 . 75 kg mol F2 = 18.75 + 125 = 143.75 kg mol Omit H2 balance (Use C3 H6 ) Absorption/distillation tower C3 H6 : n FC33 H 6 = F5 = 50 kgmol H 2: n FH32 = F4 = 50 kgmol total: F 3 = F4 + F5 + F 6 = 50 + 50 + 93.75 = 193.75kg mol n FC33 H 8 = 193.75 − 100 = 93.75 = F6 Summary (all kg mol): (a) F1 = 50 F 4 = 50 F 2 = 143.75 F 5 = 50 F 3 = 193.75 F6 = 93.75 (b) 100%(no.C3 H8 exists) Alternate solution using extent of reaction f OA = 1 = −1( − 1)ξ 50 ξ = 50 6–49 Solutions Chapter 6 fSP = 0.4 = −1( − 1)ξ feed n Creactor 3 H8 = 50 n CF23H8 n CF23H8 = 125 kg mol 0.40 50 = 1 50 + n CF63H8 Also n CF63H8 = 75 kg mol n CF63H6 = n CF23H8 = 125 = 50 + 0.8 F6 0.20 (75) =18.75 kg mol 0.80 F6 = 93.75 n CF23H6 = n CF63H6 + 0 = 18.75 F2 = 18.75 + 125 = 143.75 Similar calculations to these will yield the same results as in the original solution. 6.3.21 This is a steady state problem with reaction and recycle. Step 5: Basis: 100 mol F Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4: Make the overall balances first 1 SO2 + O2 ↔ SO3 2 SO2 O2 N2 kg mol 10.0 9.0 81.0 F (mol) Overall Process P(mol) Calcd.!!!!!!!Calcd. Use stochiometry mol mol fr SO3 0.95 (10) = 9.50 0.100 SO2 0.05 (10) = 0.50 0.00525 O2 9-4.75 = 4.25 0.0446 N2 81.0 0.850 ! 95.25 1.000 Step 6: The unknowns are the 4 exit compositions plus the extent of reaction if it is to be used. Steps 7, 8, and 9: We have 3 element balances plus the fraction conversion of the SO2 to SO3, or 4 species balances (SO3, SO2, N2,O2). We can use a mixture of element and species balances. 6–50 Solutions Chapter 6 Element S: 10 = 0.95 (10) + 0.05 (10) Compound N2: 81.0 = 81.0 check is ok Select unit 1 as the system mol SO 2 10.0 O2 9.0 N2 81.0 calcd. mol SO 3 7.5 fract. conv. 0.75 1 0.75 SO 2 2.5 O2 5.25 N2 81.00 SO 3 : 7.5 S : 10 SO 2 : 2.5 0.25 = 1.5 (7.5) + 2.5 + n O 2 = 11.25 + 2.5 + n O 2 Element 2O: 9.0 + 10.0 = 19 n O 2 = 5.25 Balance around converter 2 plus separator: Note we need H = P + R, and observe that the composition of H, P and R is the same. SO 3 mol 7.5 SO 2 2.5 fract. conv. O2 5.25 0.65 N2 81.00 2 P H R System kg mol mol fr. SO 3 9.50 0.100 SO 2 0.50 0.00525 O2 4.25 0.0446 N2 81.00 0.85 1.000 same composition as P R Make a species balance on SO2 In Out Consumption [2.5 + R(0.00525)] - [0.50 + R(0.00525)] +0 R = 111 kg mol 6–51 Generation -[2.5 + R(0.00525)]0.65 = 0 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.22 Steps 2, 3, and 4: (Non Bz is non-benzene) Step 5: Basis: 1 hr Process is steady state, no reaction Steps 2, 3 and 4: Compositions: at P SO2 Bz 0.15 kg SO2 = 0.130 1+ 0.15 1 − 0.130 = mWBz at W W NonBz m mWSO2 0.870 1.00 Pick the overall process as the system Steps 6 and 7: 6–52 ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ∑ =W ⎪ ⎭ Solutions Chapter 6 Unknowns: P, 3miW (4) Balances: Bz, SO2, non Bz, Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg Total 3000 + 1000 = P + W Bz: 1000 (0.70) = P ⎛⎜ 1.00 ⎞ W ⎟ + m Bz ⎝ 1.15 ⎠ Non Bz: 1000 (0.30) = P (0) + mW N-Bz SO2: W W mBz /mnonBz = 0.25 (4) 0.15 ⎞ W ⎟ + n SO2 ⎝ 1.15 ⎠ 3000 = P ⎛⎜ W mnonBz = 300 kg W mBz = 300 (0.25) =75 kg a. Solution: P = 719 kg W mSO = 2906 kg 2 W = 3281 kg System: Unit 1 Steps 6 and 7: D Unknowns: m DBz , m DnonBz , mSO Balances: 2 Bz, nonBz, SO2 Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg b. Bz + nonBz: Dʹ′ = A + 375 Dʹ′ = 1000 + 375 = 1375 kg System: Unit 2 6–53 Solutions Chapter 6 Steps 6 and 7: Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg Bz + nonBz: Cʹ′ = 749 + G ʹ′ System: mixing point D' = 1375 kg G' F = 1000 kg G ʹ′ = 1375 – 1000 = 375 kg c. Cʹ′ = 749 + 375 = 1124 kg 6.3.23 Steady state process with reaction Step 1, 2, 3, and 4: Get the amount of {reqd., excess} HNO3 in G. Step 5: Basis: 1 hr Step 4: 1 ×103 kg Glycerine 1 kg mol Gly = 10. 86 kg mol Gly 92.11 kg Gly Glycerine C3 H8 O3 + 3HNO3 →C3 H5 O3 (NO2 )3 + 3H2 O Required: HNO3 is 3 (10.86) 6–54 = 32.58 kg mol Solutions Chapter 6 Excess: Steps 6 and 7: HNO3 is 32.56 (.20) = 6.516 Total: 39.10 kg mol in G System is overall W Unknown are F, P,m W H 2 SO 4 ,and m H 2 O (Σmi=W) Equations are: C, H, S, O, N of reaction) C: (or you can use stoichiometry and make species balances, or use the extent 10.86 = 0.9650 P P = 11.25 kg mol or 11.25 (227.09) = 2556kg (a) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - System is the mixing point 5 Unknowns: F, m H 2 SO 4 , m H 2 O ,R, G Balances: H 2SO4 , H 2O , HNO3 and m H 2 O + m H 2 SO 4 + 39.10 =G (a) Glycerine Feed = Nitroglycerine Produced = 1000 = 10.86 kg mol 92.11 1086 kg mol 227.98 kg = 2466 kg lb mol 0.9650 P = 2465 (a) P = 2555 kg (b) Mol HNO3 req'd 10.86 mols Glyc. 3mol HNO3 mol Glyc = 32.58 mol = Actual HNO3 Req'd = 1.200 (32.58) = 39.10 mol HNO3 in R = 39.10 - 32.58 = 6.52 mol = 6.52 (63.01) = 411 kg HNO3 is 70.00% R, 0.7000R = 411 6–55 4 Solutions Chapter 6 R = 587lb (c) (b) HNO3 in G = 39.10 mol = 2464 kg HNO3 in R = 411 kg HNO3 Balance: F+R=G F + 411 = 2464 F = 2053 lb HNO3 F is 43.00% HNO3 so that 0.4300 F = 2053 F = 4774lb (d) H 2SO4 in F (c) = 0.5000 (4774) = 2387 kg = H 2SO4 in W H2O in F H2O Generated by reaction = 0.0700 (4774) = 334 kg = 10.86 Mole Glyc × 3 = (10.86) (3) (18.02) = 587 kg H2O in Stream P = 0.0350 (2555) = 89 kg H2O in W = H2O in F + H2O generated - H2O in P = 334 + 587 - 89 = 832 kg Component kg wt% H 2SO4 2387 74.15 H 2O 832 3219 25.85 100.00 Stream W = 3219 kg/ hr H2 SO 4 = 74.15 % H2 O = 25. 85% (d) Step 10: Do numbers check? Glycerine + F 1000 + 4774 5774 = = = P+W 2555 + 3219 5774 6–56 Solutions Chapter 6 6.3.24 a. No. They all contain AN and/or NH3. b. The bottom stream from the distillation column and the wastewater stream from the condenser are candidates. The bottoms stream from the distillation column contains no NH3 and has the highest mass fraction of AN of any waste stream so that the entire stream could be fed to the scrubber. c. The change in the scrubber feed will not affect any of the stream flows or compositions upstream of the scrubber that are connected to the scrubber, namely those associated with the reactor and the subsequent condenser, nor any downstream flows not connected to the scrubber. A sequential set of material balances can be used to get the flows and concentrations in the rest of the process. Basis: 1 second (1) The water flow rates will not change except for the stream going to treatment, which will be (10.1 – 0.7) = 9.4 kg/s. (2) The AN clues in the streams can be determined from the following balances. Let x be the kg of AN entering or leaving a particular unit. Scrubber balance In In x Scrubber + 4.6 = x Decanter Decanter balance In x InDecanter = x Distill + 5.5(0.073) Distillation column plus two condenser plus stream jet plus product stream balance Out In x InDistill + 0 = x Out Jet + x Pr oduct + x Scrubber Distribution of AN entering the distillation column x Out 0.2 Jet = In x Distill 4.2 x Out 3.9 Pr oduct = In x Distill 4.2 In x Scrub 0.1 = In x Distill 4.2 One of these relations is redundant with the distillation column balance. The solution of these equations is in kg (note the changes are quite small, hence the number of significant figures is exaggerated): 6–57 Solutions Chapter 6 In In Out x InDistill = 4.302 x Scrub = 0.102 x Decant = x Out Jet = 0.205 x Pr od = 3.995 Because the changes are so small, the NH3 concentration changes are negligible. 6.4.1 No purge stream exists out of the separator so that CO will build up. 6.4.2 By inspection you can see that the flow of C12 and H2 in the separator is going the wrong way, hence any calculations make no sense. 6.4.3 Step 1, 2, 3 and 4: CO2 Makeup 3 : 1 H2 /CO 2 6 O2 7 5 4 100% 9 12 Condenser 10 CO conv. 3 Methanol CH 4 feed 11 Reactor Reformer steam 13 8 CO 99 kg mol CH 4 217.8 kg mol Pure 5% N 2 3 : 1 H 2 /CO 2 Converter 1 kg mol N 2 Recycle 100% CH4 conversion 90% CO2 yield 55% conversion Methanol solution Chemical Reactions a) CH4 + 2H2 O → CO2 + 4H2 (main reformer rxn) b) CH4 + H2 → CO + 3H2 (reformer side rxn) c) 2CO + O2 → 2CO2 (CO converter rxn) d) CO2 + 3H 2 → CH 3 OH + H 2O (methanol rxn) CH4 feed is 1% N2 or 1 kg mol N2 steam feed is 10% excess based on reaction (a). 6–58 Solutions Chapter 6 ⎛ kgmol H 2O ⎞ ⎟ = 198kgmol steam 99 kg mol CH4 ⎜ 2 ⎝ kgmol CH4 ⎠ 1.1 (198) = 217.8 kg mol steam Step 5: Basis: 100 kg mol CH4 in feed Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: 6-CO2 makeup 10-reactor product 3-reformer product 7-3:1 H2/CO2 11-Methanol solution 4-O2 feed, stoichiometric 8-recycle, H2/CO2=3 12-condenser tops 5-CO conv. products 9-reactor feed, H2/CO2=3 13-purge, 5% N2 Balances: Reformer balance Condenser balance CO conv. balance purge/recycle balance CO2 makeup balance Feed/recycle balance Methanol reactor balance Steps 8 and 9: Solve balances serially. Reformer balance gives stream 3 CO2 = 99 kgmol CH4 conv. 0.9conv by(a) 1kgmol CO2 = 89.1kgmol CO2 1kgmol CH 4 1conv. CO = 99(0.1) = 9.9 kg mol CO H 2O reacted = + 2 kgmol H 2 O 89.1kg mol CO2 1kgmol CO2 1kg mol H2 O 9.9kg mol CO = 188.1kgmol H2 O 1kgmol CO H 2O remaining = 217.8 - 188.1 = 29.7 kg mol H 2O H2 = 4(89.1) + 3(9.9) = 386.1 kg mol H2 6–59 Solutions Chapter 6 N2 = 1 kg mol CO conv. balance gives streams 4 & 5: Stream 4: O2 = 9.9 kgmol CO (1 / 2) kgmol O2 = 4.95kgmol O 2 1kgmol CO Stream 5: CO2 = 89.1 + 9.9 = 99 kg mol CO2 H2O = 29.7 kg mol H2O H2 = 386.1 kg mol H2 N2 = 1 kg mol N2 CO2 makeup gives streams 6 and 7: stream 7 is 3:1 H2/CO2 CO2 = 386.1/3 = 128.7 kg mol CO2 needed Stream 6: CO2= 128.7 - 99 = 29.7kg mol CO2 b. purge/recycle gives stream 13: N2 is inert species: stream 13 = 1.0 kgmol N2 = 20 kgmol instream 13 0.05kg mol N2 / kg mol stream13 Stream 13: H2/CO2 = 3 Let x = mol frac. of CO2 in stream 13 1 = 0.05 + 3x + 1x 4x = 0.95, x= 0.2375 N2 = 1 kg mol N2 H2 = 20 (3) (0.2375) = 14.25kg mol H2 6–60 a. Solutions Chapter 6 CO2 = 20 (0.2375) = 4.75 kg mol CO2 Special balance gives stream 11: 128.7 CO2 29.7 H2O 386.1 H2 1.0 N 2 1 rxn occurs 13 7 11 4.75 CO2 14.25 H 2 1.00 N2 CO2 reacted = 128.7 - 4.75 = 123.95 kg mol CO2 reacted H2 reacted = 386.1 - 14.25 = 371.85 kg mol H2 reacted CH3OH produced = 123.95 kg mol CH3OH H2O produced = 123.95 kg mol H2O Stream 11: H2O = 29.7 + 123.95 = 153.65 kg mol H2O CH3OH = 123.95 kg mol CH3OH mass stream 11 = 153.65 (18) + 123.95 (32) = 6732.1kg 123.95 (32) wt. % CH3OH = = 58.9% CH3 OH wt. % 6732.1 d. Methanol reactor balance for 55% conversion From special balance, each pass uses 123.95 kg mol CO2 123.95 = 0.55 (CO2)in so (CO2)in = 225.36 kg mol CO2 Stream 8 = stream 9 - stream 7 Stream 8: CO2 = 225.36 - 128.7 = 95.66 So recycle 95.66 = = 20.35 purge 4.75 c. 6–61 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.1 14.7 psia 100 ft 3 psia ft 3 (296)(1.8)o R 10.73 o (lb mol) ( R) n= pV 15.5 mm Hg = RT 760 mm Hg n= (15.5)(14.7)(100) = 0.00524 lb mol (760)(10.73)(533) lb H 2 O = (0.00524)(18) = 0.0944 lb H 2O Basis: 1 L gas at 780 mm Hg and T 7.1.2 1L 780 mm Hg = 1.026 L 760 mm Hg 7.1.3 (pV)1 = (pV)2 1×1 = p×1.2 p= 7.1.4 1 = 0.83 atm 1.2 Specific volume: V̂ = MW = molecular weight (R)(T) (R/MW)T (1545.3/28.97) (78 + 460) = = = 13.56 ft 3 /lb m p p (14.7)(144) Molal specific volume: V̂m = (R)(T) (1545.3) (78 + 460) = = 392.8 ft 3 /lb mol p (14.7)(144) Note that V̂ = V̂m 392.8 = = 13.56 ft 3 /lbm MW 28.97 7–1 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.5 Assume ρH2O = 62.4 lb/ft3 , pbar = 14.696 psia p= 500 f tH 2O 14.696 psia + 14.696 psia = 231.387 psia 33.91 ft H2 O ft 3 359 ft3 14.696 45 + 460 Vˆ = = 23.4 lb mol lb mol 231.387 32 + 460 7.1.6 pV = nRT T= 3 pV 121 kPa 25 L 1 m (kg mol)(K) = 3 nR 0.0011kg mol 1000 L 8.314 (kPa)(m ) = 330.8 → 331K 7.1.7 You must first convert the temperatures and pressures into absolute units: 460 + 70 = 530°R 460 + 75 = 535°R atmospheric pressure = 29.99 in. Hg = 14.73 psia final pressure = 29.99 in. Hg + 4 in. H 2 O 29.92 in. Hg 12 in H 2 O 33.91 ft H 2 O ft H 2 O = 29.99 + 0.29 = 30.28 in. Hg absolute The simplest way to proceed, now that the data are in good order, is to apply the ideal gas law. Take as a basis, 16.01 ft3 (do not forget to include the volume of the O2 tank in your system) of O2 at 75°F and 30.28 in. Hg. Determine the initial pressure in the O2 tank alone. 7–2 Solutions Chapter 7 ⎛ V ⎞⎛ n ⎞⎛ T ⎞ p1 = p2 ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 ⎟⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎝ V1 ⎠⎝ n2 ⎠⎝ T2 ⎠ ⎛ 16.01 ft 3 ⎞ ⎛ 530°R ⎞ p1 = 30.28 in. Hg ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 480 in. Hg absolute 3 ⎝ 1 ft ⎠ ⎝ 535°R ⎠ In gauge pressure, p1 = (480 − 29.99) in. Hg 14.696 psia = 221 psig 29.92 in. Hg 7.1.8 Basis: 5 L at 1 atm and T Assume T is constant throughout the dive. At the end of the dive the pressure is p = ρgh , or easier let x = depth in m. x m 1 atm + 1 = p atm 10.34 The pressure for 1 L is obtained from p1V1 = p2 V2 ⎛ V ⎞ ⎛ 5 L ⎞ p2 = p1 ⎜ 1 ⎟ = 1 atm ⎜ ⎟ = 5 atm ⎝ 1 L ⎠ ⎝ V2 ⎠ x =4 10.34 hence x = 41.4 m 7.1.9 Basis: air at 30 psi and 75°F in volume of tire (1) Initial State (2) Final State p1 = 44.7 psia p2 = ? T1 = 535°R T2 = 600°R V1 = ? V2 = 7–3 Solutions Chapter 7 N1 = ? n2 = ? ⎛ n ⎞ R ⎛ T ⎞ p1V1 = ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟ p2 V2 ⎝ n 2 ⎠ R ⎝ T2 ⎠ Assume volume is the same ⎛ T2 ⎞ ⎫ ⎛ 600 ⎞ ⎬ p2 = p1 ⎜ ⎟ = (44.7) ⎜ ⎟ = 50.2 psia The number of mols are the same ⎭ ⎝ 535 ⎠ ⎝ T1 ⎠ 50.2 – 14.7 = 35.5 psia 7.1.10 a) just over the limit Basis: 1 hr Q= ν A 3 11.3 ft 3600 s (18.0 in)2 1 ft 2 5 ft Q= 2.875 × 10 π = hr s 1 hr (12 in)2 5 3 In 1.0 hr 2.875 × 10 ft b) m = ρν s m = 0.0796 In 1 day: lb m lbm 11.3 ft π (18.0 )2 in 2 1 ft 2 3 2 = 6.358 s ft s (12 in ) 6.358 lb m 3600s 24 hr 5 = 5.49 × 10 lb m s 1 hr 7–4 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.11 Apply pV = nRT twice or use it once with R V (0.7302)(560) = n 1.54 Basis: 1 pound mole fg (1) 100°F (560°R) and 1.54 atm (2) 32°F (492°R) and 1 atm (SC) ⎛ T ⎞⎛ p ⎞ p1V1 T = 1 so V1 = V2 ⎜ 1 ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟ p2 V2 T2 ⎝ T2 ⎠⎝ p1 ⎠ = 359 ft 3 560o R 1 atm 265 ft 3 = 1 lb mol 492o R 1.54 atm lb mol 7.1.12 (a) 1.987 cal/(g mol)(K); (b) 1.987 Btu/(lb mol)(°R); 14.7 psia 359 ft 3 3 (c ) = 10.73 ( psia ) ft / (°R )(lb mol ) 492°R 1 lb mol ( ) 5 2 1.013 × 10 N/m 22.4 m 3 1J 1 kg mol (d) 3 273 K 1 kg mol 1 (N) (m) 10 g mol = 8.314 J/(g mol) (K) (e) 1 atm 22,400 cm3 3 = 82.06 cm (atm) /( K)( g mol) 273 K 1 g mol ( ) 1 atm 359 ft 3 3 (f) = 0.7302 ft ( atm)/ (lb mol )(°R ) 492°R 1 lb mol ( ) 7–5 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.13 Basis: 1 ft3 O2 at 100°F, 740 mm Hg n= (740)(14.7)(1) = 0.00238 lb mol (760)(10.73)(560o R) Density at 100°F, 740 mm Hg ρ= (0.00238)(32) 0.0761 lb/ft 3 = 1 (1.22 g/liter) 7.1.14 Basis: 1 kg mol gas at 200 kPa and 40°C (a) R = 8.31 3 (kPa) (m ) (K) (kg mol) T = 40 + 273 = 313 K MW = 44 kg/kg mol p = 200 kPa Density = p (MW)/RT = 200 kPa 44 kg 313 K 1 kg mol (b) (kPa )(m ) ( kg mol)( K) 3 8.31 = 3.38 kg/m 3 Specific gravity here is assumed to be density of propane at SC/density of air at SC. Sp. gr. = ( pC3 H 8 n MWC3 H 8 RTC3 H 8 ) p air n(MW )air RTair = MWC 3 H 8 7–6 MWair = 44 = 1.52 29 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.15 Basis: 1 lb mol gas at 760 mm Hg and 60°F Sp. gr. = 7.1.16 ( p C3H8 MWC3H8 ) RTC3H8 p air (MW) air RTair = 800(44) 520 1 =1.483 560 760 29 Basis: 1 m3 H2 at 5°C and 110 kPa a. 1 m 3 273 110 kPa 1 kg mol 2 kg 3 = 0.0952 kg/m 3 278 101.3 kPa 22.4 m 1 kg mol b. 2 kg H 2 1 kg mol air = 0.069 = specific gravity 1 kg mol H 2 29 kg air 7.1.17 Basis: 2m3 at 200 kPa and 25°C pCO2 = 200(0.8) = 160 kPa 7.1.18 Basis: Gas at 30 psig and 20°C Assume the barometric pressure = 14.7 psia 14.7 + 30.0 = 44.7 psia pO2 = (44.7) (0.01) = 0.447 psia @ 20oC 7–7 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.19 Basis: 1 liter final volume Assumptions: (1) Temperature is constant (2) Ideal gas law applies pT = pO2 + p N2 = (760 + 760) = 1,520 mm Hg 7.1.20 a. F b. F c. T 7.1.21 V=? 90°F 4 in. H 2O gauge 1 ft 3 70°F 215 psia 460 + 70 = 530°R 460 + 90 = 550°R atmospheric pressure = 29.92 in. Hg = std atm = 14.7 psia initial pressure = 200 psig + 14.7 psia 29.92 in. Hg = 437 in. Hg 14.7 psia 7–8 Solutions Chapter 7 final pressure = 29.92 in. Hg + 4 in. H2 O 29.92 in. Hg 12 in. H 2 O 33.91 ft H2 O ft H2 O = 29.92 + 0.29 = 30.21 in. Hg Basis: 1 ft3 of oxygen at 70°F and 200 psig final volume = 3 1.00 ft 550°R 437 in. Hg 530°R 30.21 in. Hg 3 = 15.0 ft at 90°F and 4in. H2 O gauge Formally, the same calculation can be made using p T V2 = V1 1 2 since n 1 = n 2 p 2 T1 7.1.22 ? 20 ft 3 10 lb CO2 30°C 10 lb CO2 known vol. at S.C. Solution We can write (the subscript 1 stands for standard conditions, 2 for the conditions in the tank) V T p2 = p1 1 2 V2 T 1 14.7 psia 10 lb CO 2 1 lb mol CO2 359 ft 3 303K = p2 = 66.6 3 44 lb CO 2 1 lb mol 20 ft 273K psia V2 V1 T2 T1 Hence the gauge on the tank will read (assuming that it reads gauge pressure and that the barometer reads 14.7 psia) 66.6 – 14.7 = 51.9 psig 7–9 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.23 Basis: Data in the diagram State 1 is before corking; state 2 is after equilibrium is reached after filling. Assume pA = pZ1 = 29.92 in. Hg abs. pZ2 = pA + ρ Hg gh = 29.92 + h where pZ2 is in inches Hg. Use the ideal gas law: pZ2 VZ2 = pZ1VZ1 pZ2 = 29.92 (8/6) = 39.89 in. Hg 39.89 = 29.92 + h or h = 9.97 in. Hg 9.97 + 14 = 24 in. Hg 7.1.24 Basis: fixed amount of air in manometer h A = area of manometer L 736 h = height of air, mm L = length of manometer, mm ? 748 p1 = 755 p2 = 740 p3 = 760 Vair = (h)(A) p 1 V2 h 2 = = p 2 V1 h 1 p1 = 755 – 748 = 7 mm Hg L = 748 + h1 (1) p2 = 740 – 736 = 4 mm Hg (2) 7Ah1 = 4Ah2 p3 = 760 – (L – h3) L = 736 + h2 __________ 12 + h1 = h2 (3) (h2/h1) = 7/4 (4) Solving (3) and (4): h1 = 16 mm L = 764 mm 7(A)(h1) = [760 – (L h3)] (A) (h3) (5) 7–10 Solutions Chapter 7 Substituting values of h1, L in (5), one obtains: h3 = 18 mm The height of barometer = L – h3 = 751 mm Hg 7.1.25 1. Basis: Flue gas at 1800°F, constant pressure, and given volume Calculate the inlet cross-sectional area A: Ai = π[(Di )2 ]/4 = π(42 )/4 = 12.57 ft 2 2. Calculate the inlet volumetric flow rate Q: Q = (velocity)×(cross-sectional area) = 25(12.57) = 314.16 ft 3/s 3. Calculate the outlet volumetric flow rate using the ideal gas law: Qo = Qi (To /Ti ) = 314.16(460 + 550)/(460 + 1800) = 140.40 ft 3/s 4. Calculate the outlet cross-sectional area: Ao = Qo /νo = 140.40/20 = 7.02 ft 2 5. Calculate the outlet duct diameter: (Do )2 = 4(A0 )/π = 4(7.02)/π Do = (4(7.02)/π)0.5 = 2.99 ft 7.1.26 Basis: 10 kg FeS (MW = 87.9) FeS + 2HC1 → H2S + FeC13 10 kg FeS 1 kg mol FeS = 0.114 kg mol FeS 87.9 kg FeS Assume pressure most likely is gage. Absolute pressure = 15.71 + 76.0 = 91.71 cm Hg = 122.2 kPa V= nRT 0.114 kg mol FeS 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) (30 + 273)K = p (kg mol)(K) 122.2 kPa = 2.35 m3 @ 30o C and 15.71 cm Hg gauge 7–11 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.27 Basis: 1 hr = 500 lb waste (W) Get μg/ft3 at SC 1 μg/mL = 0.001g/L; ignore HC in totaling W 500 lb W 454 g 0.01 g HC = 5.32×10-3g HC/ft 3SC 3 1 lb 1 g W 427,000 ft SC The minimum volume of flue gas is 1 ft 3SC 1 g 10 µg 25 mL = 0.047 ft 3SC -3 6 5.32 × 10 g HC 10 µg mL a. 0.047 ft 3SC b. 7.1.28 1 hr = 1.1 × 10-7 hr 3 427,000 ft SC Basis: 1 min = 10 g VC air F T = 25°C p = 101.3 kPa P air T = 25°C VC = 1 ρρm p = 101.3 kPa 10g VC Apply pV = nRT to get the volume of VC at SC and then use the mole fraction information to get the volume of air (the addition of VC to air has negligible effect on the volume) MW VC = 78 ( 3) n RT 0.0101 kg VC 1 kg mol VC 8.314 (kPa ) m VVC = VC = (kg mol)(K) p 78 kg VC –3 298K 101.3 kPa 3 = 3.01 × 10 m VC at SC Volume fraction is the same as mole fraction here. 3.01 × 10–3 m3 VC at SC 106 m 3 air 3 3 = 3.01 × 10 m /min an absurd number! 3 1 m VC (1.06 × 106 ) ft 3/min 7–12 Solutions Chapter 7 If a hood is used: area = (30)(25) in 2 1 ft 2 100 ft ⎛ 0.3048 m ⎞ 3 144 in 2 s ⎝ 60s ⎠ × min 1 ft 3 = 882 m /min a smaller amount of air. Besides inconvenience, the discharge concentration from the hood vent may be unacceptable. 7.1.29 Basis: 100 ppm of TCE (MW 131.5) in air ρ= p MW where MW is the average MW. At 100 ppm, MW = RT (100 ×10−6 )(131.5) + (1 − 100 ×10−6 )(29) 29.013 = The density is essentially the same as that of air. 7.1.30 Basis: 1 min T = (68 + 460) / 1.8 = 293K MW = benzene = 78.11 g/g mol ρ Bz liq = 0.879 g/cm 3 pV = nRT R = 0.08206 (L)(atm)/(g mol)(K) n= 2.5 cm3 liq 0.879 g Bz liq 1 g mol Bz g mol = 0.281 3 min min 1 cm 78.11 g Bz V= 0.0281 g mol 0.0206 (L )(atm ) L 293K = 0.694 min (g mol)(K) (740/760 ) atm min To dilute to 1.0 ppm, mulitiply by 106 or use 6.94 ×105 L/min (695 m 3 /min or 24,500 ft 3 /min ). 7–13 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.31 Basis: 1 m3 gas passing at 10°F and 1 atm. vs 60°F and 1 atm. (assume p1 = p2), T1 = 520°R; T2 = 470°R 1 m3 520o R =1.106 m3 o 470 R Since the moles, and mass, are directly proportional to volume at constant pressure, % increase = 10.6% 7.1.32 Basis: CO2 in cylinder Volume of cylinder 2 ⎛ 0.75 ⎞ 3 ∏ r h = ∏ ⎜ ⎟ (4.33) = 1.91 ft ⎝ 4 ⎠ 2 Assume 100% CO2 in cylinder at 0°C 1.91 ft 3 82.6 psia 530o R = 11.55 ft 3 at 14.7 psia, 70o F o 14.7 psia 492 R If the machine has a 4 gal capacity 4 gal 1 ft 3 = 0.535 ft 3 at 14.7 psia and 70oF 7.48 gal You have more than enough CO2 to fill the machine, if it operates under atmospheric pressure. 7–14 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.33 Basis: 100 kg mol gas. a) Total b) Mol 87 12 1 100 CH4 C2 H6 C3H8 MW 16 30 44 kg 1392 360 44 1796 composition in vol. percent = mol percent CH4 87% C2H6 12% C3H8 1% c) MW of gas = kg 1796 kg = 17.96 kg mol 100 kg mol R = 8.314 (kPa)(m3)/(kg mol)(K) no. of moles of gas = T = 9°C = 282.15K 80 kg = 4.45 kg mol 17.96 kg kg mol ( 3 ) 282.15 K nRT 4.45 kg mol 8.314(kPa) m V= = p (kg mol )(K) d) e) 600 kPa = 17.4m3 17.96 kg 1 kg mol density = = 0.801 kg/m3 3 1 kg mol 22.415 m at SC Specific gravity = density of gas at 9°C and 600kPa density of gas at SC 600 1 17.96 8.314 282 _______________ 101.3 29 8.314 273 = 3.55 kg/m3gas at 9oC, 600 kPa kg/m3 gas at SC 7–15 wt% 77.5 20.0 2.5 100.0 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.34 Basis: 100 mol mixture a. Comp Mol Mol. Wt. lb Wt % Air 99 29 2870 94.72 Br2 1 159.8 160 5.28 3030 100.00 100 3030 lb = 30.3 100 lb mol b. Avg. Mol. Wt. = c. at SC = d. = e. (30.3) (492) (114.7) (359) (560) (14.7) = = 7.54 (29) 492 30 (359) 520 29.92 30.30 = 1.045 29 30.30 = 0.1895 159.8 7–16 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.35 Basis: 1 lb mol of gas mixture At 20°C pCO2 = pT yCO2 = 0.20(740) = 148 mm Hg pO2 = pT yO2 = 0.60(740) = 444 mm Hg p N2 = pT y N2 = 0.20(740) = 148 mm Hg At 40°C the pressure is 740 mm Hg 313 K = 790.5 mm Hg 293 K (pT )yCO2 = pCO2 = (0.20)(790.5) = 158.1 mm Hg (pT )yO2 = pO2 = (0.60)(790.5) = 474.3 mm Hg (pT )yN2 = pN2 = (0.20)(790.5) = 158.1 mm Hg 7.1.36 Steps 1, 2, 3: CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O Step 4: Unknowns: Step 5: Balances: CH4 + 3/2 O2 → CO + 2 H2O P and all the compositions of P (5 unknowns) C, H, O, N + fact that 30% of C → CO 7–17 Solutions Chapter 7 Step 6: Basis: 100 mol F Steps 7, 8: C balance: 100 mol in CO = 30 mol ⎫ ⎪ CO 2 = 70 mol ⎬ out 100 mol ⎪⎭ 2N balance: Reqd. O2: 200 mol XS O2: 0.20 (200) = 40 Total O2 in 240 mol total N2 in = 240 O2 0.79 N2 = 903 mol = n N2 out 0.21 O2 2H balance: mol H 2O out = mol H 2 in = 400 = 200 mol 2 2O balance: O2 in – O2 in CO, CO2, H2O = O2 out 240 – 30 200 + 70 + = 55 mol 2 2 alternate: XS O2 + O2 not used for CO = 40 + pCO = pTyCO = (740) 30 1258 = 17.7 mm Hg 7–18 30 = 55 mol 2 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.37 Steps 2, 3, 4: Step 5: Basis: Gas listed in the figure Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns p (final), V (final); Equations: ideal gas laws Vfinal = 1m3 n1 + n2 = nfinal Steps 8 and 9: n1 = p1V1 pV pV n2 = 2 2 nf = f f RT1 RT2 RTf (600 kPa)(0.5m3 ) (150 kPa)(0.5m3 ) pf (kPa)(1.0m3 ) + = 293K 303K 288K pfinal = 366 kPa 7–19 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.38 Steps 2, 3, and 4: p1 = 55 + 14.7 = 69.7 psia Step 5: Basis: Gas with given data Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: T1 , T2 , Tf , pf (Vf = 400 + 50 = 450 ft 3 ) Equations: p1V1 = n1 RT1 T1 = T2 = Tf p2V2 = n 2 RT2 n1 + n 2 = nf pf Vf = nf RTf n1 = p1V1 400(69.7) = RT RT n2 = (50)(14.7) RT ⎛ 50(14.7) + 400(69.7) ⎞ pf Vf = ⎜ ⎟ RT RT ⎝ ⎠ pf = 50(14.7) + 400(69.7) 28635 = = 63.8 psia = 48.9 psig 450 450 7.1.39 Steps 2, 3, and 4: 100 psig = 114.7 psia MW = 28 lb 1 lb mole 60°F = 520°R Step 5: Basis: 100 ft3 N2 @ 100 psig and 60°F final moles Final Moles: 7–20 Solutions Chapter 7 100 ft 3 114.7 psia 492°R 1 lb mol = 2.056 lb mol 14.7 psia 520°R 359 ft 3 Initial moles: 2.056 + Initial pressure: 1 = 2.092 lb mol 28 p= nRT 2.092 lb mol (80 + 460)o R 0.7302(ft 3 )(atm) = V 100 ft 3 (lb mol)(o R) = 8.24 atm abs (121.2 psia) (106.5 psig) 7.1.40 Step 5: Basis: 1 min Steps 2, 3, and 4: 28.8 m3 at SC 1 kg mol = 1.29 kg mol 22.4 m3 at SC Step 6: Unknowns: P, F Step 7: Indept. balances: air, SF6 Steps 8-9: Balances are in moles SF6 : F(0) + 1.29 = P(4.15×10-6 ) hence P = 3.098 × 105 kg mol 3.098 × 105 kg mol 22.4 m3 at SC 60 + 273 = 8.46×106 m3 /min 1 kg mol 273 7–21 Solutions Chapter 7 Alternate solution: 28.8 m3 at SC 333K 1 = 8.46 ×106 6 273K 4.15 ×10 7.1.41 Step 5: Basis: 15 lb CO2 added ≡ 30 min Steps 2, 3, and 4: Step 6: Unknowns: F, P Step 7: Balances: Gas, CO2 Steps 8 and 9: Balance overall on process in moles Gas: 0.988 (F) = P(0.966) CO2: 0.012 (F) + 0.341 = P(0.034) Total: F + 0.341 = P F = 14.79 lb mol F= P = 15.13 lb mol 14.79 lb mol 21.9(in Hg)(ft 3 ) (60 + 460)o R = 182 ft 3 /min o 30 min 31.2 in Hg (lb mol)( R) at 60oF and 31.2 in Hg 7–22 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.42 Steps 2, 3, and 4: Step 5: Basis: 2 min Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9: mol of gas out = 30,000ft 3 720 mm Hg 492o R 1 mole = 75 mol 760 mm Hg 520o R 359 ft 3 60 mol gas 0.162 mol CO2 = 9.7 mol CO2 in 1 mol gas 75 mol gas 0.131 mol CO2 = 9.7 mol CO2 out 1 mol gas mol of gas in = 47,800ft 3 740 mm Hg 492o R 1 mole = 60 mol 760 mm Hg 1060o R 359 ft 3 Thus since there are more moles out than in, one may assume the system does contain a leak. Also, assuming a leak would bring no additional CO2 into the system, the above CO2 balance calculations indicate the given analysis is probably correct. 7–23 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.43 Steps 2, 3 and 4: Step 5: Basis: 1 day Step 4: mol in pV = nRT n= pV 689 kPa 3,000 m 3 (kg mol)(K) = = 845.635 kg mol/day RT 8.314(kPa ) m 3 294K y= p pT ( ) yB = mol C 4H 1 0 586 kPa = 0.8505 mol feed 689 kPa Steps 6-9: mol C 4 H10 out L= 845.635 kg mol F 0.8505 mol C 4 H10 0.8 mol C4 H10 = mol feed mol C4 H10 feed day 575.35 overall mol balance (no reaction) F=L+V 7–24 mol C4 H10 day Solutions Chapter 7 V = F – L = 845.635 – 575.35 = 270.26 kg mol pV = nRT ( 3 ) 311K nRT 270.26 kg mol 8.314 ( kPa ) m V= = (kg mol) (K) p 550 kPa = 1,270.57 m 3 7.1.44 Steps 1, 2, 3, 4: Steady state problem with a reaction. Step 5: Basis: 1 kg mol n-butane Step 6: Unknowns are the moles in P (4) plus P. Step 7: The element balances are C, H, O, N, and we can use Σni = P so we can get a unique solution. You can use element balances or compound balances. The former is easier. Step 4: Calculate A given the 40.0% excess air. C 4 H10 + 6 1 2 O2 → 4 CO2 + 5 H2 O 1.00 kg mol C4 H10 6 1 2 kg mol O 2 1 kg mol C4 H10 7–25 In = 6.5 kg mol O 2 Solutions Chapter 7 6.5(0.40) = 2.60 kg mol O2 xs = 9.10 kg mol O2 total 9.10 (0.79 0.21) = 34.23 kg mol N2 Steps 7, 8, and 9: Balances (kg mol) In C: 1(4) H: Out = n CO2 n CO2 = 4 1(10) = n H 2 O (2) n H2O = 5 O2: 9.10 n CO2 +n O2 + N2 34.23 = = n H2O n O2 = 2.6 2 n N2 = 34.23 n N2 P = 4 + 5 + 2.6 + 34.23 = 45.83 kg mol ( 3) 533.1K nRT 45.83 kg mol 8.314(kPa) m V= = p 100.0 kPa (kg mol)(K ) = 2.03x103m3 a. flue gas analysis kg mol mol% CO 2 4 9 H 2O 5 O2 2.6 34.23 11 6 N2 Total 45.83 7–26 75 100 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.45 H2 100% F1 F2 Reactor 1000°C HSiC3 100% HC 100% W P Si 100% P = (D)(V) = D π 2 2 L (Do – DI ) = 4 2 2. 33 g π 100 cm (10 cm) – (1 cm) cm 3 644.95 mol 4 2 g mol = 644. 95 g mol Si product 28. 086 g Si balance F 2 g mol HSiCl 3 1 g mol Si = P g mol Si, hence F 2 = P 1 g mol HSiCl 3 H g mol balance F1 g mol H 2 2 g mol H F2 g mol HSiCl 3 1 g mol H W g mol HCl 1 g mol H + = 1 g mol H 2 1 g mol HSiCl3 1 g mol HCl Cl mol balance F 1(0) + F 2 g mol HSiCl 3 Solution: 3 g mol Cl W g mol HCl 1 g mol Cl = 1 g mol HSiCl 3 1 g mol HCl F2 = P = 1 g mol HSiCl3 3F2 = W = 3 g mol HCl 2F1 + F2 = W F1 = 3 g mol – 1 g mol = 1 g mol H 2 2 7–27 Solutions Chapter 7 1 g mol H 2 644.95 g mol Si = 644.95 g mol H 2 g mol Si pV = nRT V= nRT p ( 3) 644.95 g mol 82.06 cm ( atm) 1273 K 1L = ( g mol)( K) 1 atm 1000 cm3 = 67,373 L 7.1.46 Basis: 1 hr a. 2.5×10-7 g mol O2 2.9×106 cells 104 mL 103 mg mol 725 mg mol = 3 (10 cells)(hr) mL 1 g mol hr b. 45 L gas 0.40 L O2 110 kPa 1 m3 (kg mol)(K) 3 h 1 L gas 10 L 298 K 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) = 7.99 × 10-4 kg mol/hr c. or 799 mg mol/hr Increase 7.1.47 Basis: 106m3 at SC of CH4 burned completely Ignore the oxidation of S, N, and C going to CO in the material balance to simplify the calculations. Including those products will have negligible effect on the N2 and CO2 produced. CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H 2O(g) Calculate the kg mol of CH4 burned: 106 m3at SC kg mol = 44,613 kg mol 22.415 m3 7–28 Solutions Chapter 7 Assume 10% excess air is used. Base the CO2 on the emission factor value. Required O2 entering: 44,613(2) = Excess O2 (0.1)(89,226) Total O2: N2 entering: 98,149(79/21) = Exit gas CO2 produced: N2 exiting: H2O exiting: (2)(44,613) = O2 exiting: (0.10)(89,226) = SO2: (9.6)/64 = kg mol 89,226 8,923 98,149 369,227 (kg mol) Emission factor 44,613 369,227 89,226 8,923 43,812 0.15 0.086 0.722 0.174 0.017 2.9 × 10-7 ⎧3040 / 46 = ⎪ NO 2 : ⎨1600 / 46 = ⎪1500 / 46 = ⎩ 66 1.3 ×10−7 35 6.8 × 10−5 33 6.4 ×10−5 ⎧1344 / 28 = CO ⎨ ⎩640 / 28 = 48 23 9.3 ×10−5 511,200 1.00 ⎯⎯ → ⎯⎯ → ⎯⎯ → Total (about) On a dry basis: 4.5 ×10−5 mol fr. SO2 NO2 CO 3.5 ×10−7 1.6×10-4 , 8.2×10-5 , and 7.8×10-5 respectively 1.1×10-4 and 5.5×10-5 , respectively 7.1.48 Basis: 103 L of No. 6 fuel oil 103L oil 0.86 g 1000 cm3 = 8.6×105 g or 8.6×102 kg of oil 3 1 cm 1L To get the moles of pollution components alone in the gas produced, the kg have to be converted using MW (ignore the particulate matter) SO2 SO3 NO2 kg MW g mol m3 at SC on the basis of 103/kg 19 (0.84) = 15.96 0.69 (0.84) = 0.580 8 64 80 46 249 7.3 174 6.5 0.18 4.5 7–29 Solutions Chapter 7 CO CO2 0.6 3025 28 44 21 6.875 × 104 0.55 1,790 Example of calculating the m3 at SC on the basis of 1 metric ton (103 kg) of No. 6 fuel oil burned: SO2: 0.249 kg mol 22.415 m3 at SC 103 kg oil = 6.5 m3 at SC 2 8.6×10 kg oil 1 kg mol 7.1.49 Basis: 103 L of No. 6 fuel oil 103 L oil 0.86 g 1000 cm3 = 8.6×105 g or 8.6×102 kg oil 1 cm3 1L Calculate the kg mol of each compound in the oil: C H O N S ash Mass fraction 0.8726 0.1049 0.64 ×10−2 0.28 ×10−2 0.84 ×10−2 0.04 ×10−2 kg 750.4 90.21 5.5 2.4 7.2 0.3 MW 12 1.008 16 14 32 - kg mol 62.53 89.49 0.34 0.17 0.23 - MW 44 kg 2751 46 7.8 Calculate the moles of product gas CO2: C + O2 → CO2 kg mol 62.53 N: N + O2 → NO2 0.17 S: The SO2 and SO3 are from the EPA data and Problem 13.55 kg 0.58 15.96 SO3: SO2 kg mol 0.0073 0.249 If the S + O2 → SO2 is used as the product from the S in the oil, the value of 0.23 can be compared with 0.25 (ignoring the SO3). 7–30 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.50 7–31 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.51 Basis: 1 mol of NH3 fed NH3 balance: (1 + R) (0.2) = R 0.8 R = 0.2 ⎛ mol NH3 recycled ⎞ R = 0.25 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ mol NH3 fed ⎠ 1 m3 (100o C, 150 kPa)NH3 fed 0.25 mol recycled (150 + 273)K 1 mol NH3 fed (100 + 273)K ⎛ m3 recycled at 150o C, 150 kPa ⎞ = 0.284 ⎜ 3 ⎟ o ⎝ m NH3 fed at 100 C, 150 kPa ⎠ 7.1.52 Process: Steady state with reaction and recycle Step 5: Basis: 1 min Steps 2, 3, and 4: 260L C6H6 950L H2 C6 H 6 + 3 H 2 → C6 H12 Covert L → mol 7–32 Solutions Chapter 7 pV RT n= feed p = 150 kPa n H 2 = 45.96 g mol T = 100°C + 273 = 373K (kPa ) m3 R = 8.314 (kg mol)(K) ( ) n C 6 H 6 = 12.58 g mol Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9: Select the overall system for the first balances. H2 : In – 45.96 – C 6 H6 : 12.58 – C6H12: 0 – Out n °H 2 n °C 6 H 6 n °C 6 H12 + generation + 0 – Consumption = 0 – 0.75(45.96) = 0 + – 0 + 0.75(45.96) 13 – 0.75(45.96) 13 = 0 0 = 0 from 1: n °H 2 = 11.5 g mol from 2: n °C 6 H 6 = 1.09 g mol from 3: n °C 6 H12 = 11.5 g mol b. Volumetric flow rates: T = 200°C = 473K P = 100 kPa = 0.987 atm ( n ) (RT) = 452 liters/min V = o H2 H2 p VC6H6 = 42.8 liters/min C6 H12 = 452 liters/min c. H2 balance on Reactor + Separator H2: (45.95 + 0.90R) – (0.90R +11.5 ) + 0 – 0.48 (45.95 + 0.90R) = 0 Substitute for n °H 2 and solve to get R = 28.7 kg mol Volumetric flow rate (R) = 890 liters/min 7–33 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.53 Basis: 1 day = 104 kg C2H2O If the overall system is chosen, the unknowns are F1 and ni, and three independent equations can be written from C, H, and O balances plus nCO2 = nH2O. Pick the system of the reactor plus separator, and use the data for the conversion. Step 5: Basis 10, 000 kg 1.00 kg mol = 227.3 kg mol C 2H 4O/day day 44 kg Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9: Mixing point: F1 + R = F2 ⇒ 0.40F1 + R = n FC22 H 4 , 0.60F1 = nFO22 . Unknowns: F F F1 ,F2 ,R,n O 2 , nC 2 H 4 Reactor plus separator: C2H4 balance: consumed ⎡ in ⎤ out ⎢⎣0.4(F1 )+ R ⎥⎦ – R – [0.4(F1 ) + R]0.5 = 0 generation ( ) ( ) ( )=0 F 0 . 4 + R 0 . 50 0 . 70 ] C H O balance: 0–227.3+[ 1 2 4 F1 = 811.79 kg mol/day R = 324.7 kg mol/day 7–34 Solutions Chapter 7 F1 + R = F2 = 1136.49 1136.5 kg mol 22.40 m3 at SC 1 day 3 (a) = 1059 m at SC/hr day 1 kg mol 24 hr adjust recycle 324.71 kg mol of C2 H4 in R 22.40 m at SC 283K 101.3 kPa 3 ( )( ) (b) 811.79 0.40 kg mol of C 2 H 4 in F1 22.40 m at SC 273K 100 kPa = 1.05 3 Overall balances (kg mol): unknowns n1 tr 3 F1 C: 811.79 (.40) (2) = 227.3 (2) + nCO2 Balances 3 nCO2 = 194.83 H: 811.79 (.40) (4) = 227.3 (4) + nW (2) nW O: 811.79 (.60) (2) = 227.3 (1) + 194.83 (2) + 194.83 (1) + nO2 (2) nO2 = 81.18 G = 194.83 + 194.83 + 81.18 = 470.84 470.84 kg mol P 2 22.4 m 3 at SC 353 101.3 day 273 100 kg mol (c) 4 3 = 1.38 × 10 m gases/day at 80°C and 100 kPa 7–35 = 194.83 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.54 Y H2 O (100%) From incineration @ 60°F and 30 in Hg abs P=? CO2 12.2% CO 0.7% O2 2.4% 3 N 84.7% 2 W = 1200 ft @ 60°F and 30 in Hg abs. 80.5% CH4 17.8% C 2 H6 1.7% N 2 4.0% CO2 2.60% CO 2.0% CH4 16.0% H2 52.0% N 2 Step 1, 2, 3, and 4: Steady state process with reaction. Step 5: Basis: 1 min. Step 6, 7, 8, 9: Element balance: have C, H, O, N, and have 4 unknowns P, Y, F, A. 3 Basis: 1200 ft of W at 60°F and 20 in. Hg C: N2: H2: O: Fin (0.04 + 0.26 + 0.02) F (0.52) F (0.04+0.16) F (0.08+0.26)F Ain + 0 + 0.79A + 0 + 0.42A Win Yout Pout + (0.805 + 2×0.178)W – 0 – (0.122 + 0.007)P + 0.017W – 0 – (0.847) P + (1.61+0.534)W – Y – 0 + 0 – Y – (0.244+0.007+0.048)P Introduce W = 1200 ft3 C: N2: H2: O: 0.32F 0.52F 0.20F 0.34F + + + + 0 0.79A 0 0.42A + + + + 1393.2 ft3 20.4 ft3 2572.8 ft3 0 – – – – 0 0 – Y – Y – 0.129P 0.847P 0 0.299P =0 =0 =0 =0 3 Solve: F = 3,975 ft 3 A = 19,510 ft 3 Y = 3,370 ft 3 P = 20,660 ft Air in = 19,510 ft 3 @ 60°F & 30 inches Hg 540°R 30 inches Hg 3 = 20,535 ft 520°R 29.6 inches Hg 7–36 =0 =0 =0 =0 Solutions Chapter 7 7.1.55 Basis: 1 lb mol of 50% H2 and 50% C2H4O p1V1 = n1RT1 p1 n1 = p2 n2 p2V2 = n2RT2 T1 = T 2 760 mm Hg 1 hence n 2 = 0.922 lb mol = 700 mm Hg n 2 Let y = mol of C2H6O formed (0.5 – y) + (0.5 – y) + y = 0.922 from which y = 0.079 lb mol Degree of completion = C2H6O formed 0.079 ×100 = 15.8% 0.50 7.1.56 C6 H12O6 is glucose and C3H8O3 is glycerol The reaction equation is a CH1.8O0.5N 0.5 + b NH 3 + c C6 H12O6 → d C3H8O3 + e CO2 + f N2 + g H2 O The amount of CO2 measured (52.4L at 95 kPa and 300 K) is 52.4 L CO2 1 m3 95 kPa (kg mol)(K) = 2 ×10−3 kg mol or 2.00 g mol 3 1000 L 300 K 8.314 (kPa)(m ) Use element balances and specifications to get the coefficients in the reaction equation. Let c = 1 (divide both sides by c) be the basis for obtaining the coefficients: then there are 6 unknowns, 4 equations, and two specifications: C: a + 6c = 3d + e H: 1.8a + 3b + 12 = 8d + 2g 7–37 Solutions Chapter 7 O: 0.5a + 6 = 3d + 2.00(2) + g N: 0.5a + b = 2b Specifications: f =1 b and e =2 c The solution of the equations is: a = 7.27, b = 3.64, d = 1.09, f = 3.64, g = 1.64 The glycerol produced was 1.09 g mol , and The biomass reacted was 7.27 g mol 7.2.1 1.a Immediate but approximate 2.e Exact but requires access to a handbook 3.b Good accuracy, needs calculation of z 4.c Good accuracy, more complicated calculation than b even in a program with a data base 5.e May require a long search to filter out a good value For other answers, look at the answer to P15.1. 7.2.2 Will get the most accurate value, and be quick, assuming you have the handbook that contains the required data. For other answers, look at the answer to P15.1. 7–38 Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.3 Some valid answers are (1) continuous analytical functions, and these functions can be differentiated and integrated (2) higher accuracy (with complex equations) 7.2.4 B C D + 2 + 3 V V V ˆ pV The results for = z are shown in the Excel table below. You can decide how much RT z=1+ accuracy is needed. p(atm) 4 terms 2 terms 1 term % difference 2 from 4 1 from 4 0 10 50 100 200 500 1000 5000 1.00 0.95 0.88 0.77 0.80 0.90 0.95 0.99 1.00 0.95 0.88 0.76 0.79 0.90 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 -0.8 1.6 0 0 0 7.2.5 ⎛ L ⎞ a ⇒ (atm)⎜ ⎝ g mol⎠ 2 b ⇒ L/g mol α ⇒ dimensionless 7–39 0 -4.9 -13.3 -29.8 -25.1 -10.7 -3.6 -1.1 Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.6 Redlich-Kwong p= RT a − 1/ 2 ˆ ˆ ˆ + b) (V − b) T V(V 1 2 ( 3 a = 86,870 psia (°R) ft /lb mol ) 2 b = 0.3536 ft 3 /lb mol n= 63.9 = 1.997 lb mol 32 V 6.7 3 Vˆ = = = 3.355 ft /lb mol n 1.997 Solving, p = 1335 psia Therefore, the reading on the pressure gauge is incorrect. 7.2.7 Basis: 1 min (1) CO2 (2) CO2 2000 m3/min 20oC 500 kPa 110oC 4800 kPa Calculate the moles entering the compressor: 500 atm p r1 = 101.3 = 0.068 72.9 atm 4800 atm p r2 = 101.3 = 0.650 72.9 atm Tr1 = (20 + 273)K = 0.96 304.2 K Tr2 = (110 + 273)K = 1.26 304.2 K 2 ⎛ cm3 ⎞ ⎛ m3 ⎞ a = 3.6 × 106 atm ⎜ = 364.68 kPa ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ g mol ⎠ ⎝ kg mol ⎠ 7–40 2 Solutions Chapter 7 b = 42.8 cm3 m3 (kPa)(m3 ) = 0.0428 , R = 8.314 g mol kg mol (kg mol)(K) Use Van der Waals’ equation: ⎛ n 2 a ⎞ p + ⎜ ⎟ (V − nb) = nRT V2 ⎠ ⎝ As the initial guess for the number of moles in State 1 use the ideal gas law n1 = p1V1 (500)(2000) = = 410.5 kg mol RT1 (8.314)(293) The number of moles at condition (1) is obtained from ⎛ n12 (364.68) ⎞ = ⎜ 500 + ⎟ (2000 − 0.0428 n1 ) (8.314)(293)n 1 20002 ⎠ ⎝ From Polymath (on the CD) n1 = 420 kg mol Calculate the m3 exiting the compressor: Insert into Vander Waals’ equation new parameters: p = 4800 kPa T = 383 K n = 420 kg mol Solve for V V = 246 m3 at 383K and 4800 kPa 7–41 Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.8 Basis: 460 kg CO2 a. RK Equation: 460 kg CO2 1 kg mol = 10.455 kg mol CO2 44 kg Tc = 304.2K, pc = 7385 kPa a = 6458 (kPa) (m6) (K0.5)/(kg mol)2 b = 0.0297 m3/kg mol (kPa )( m3 ) R = 8.314 (kg mol)(K) V 10.4 m3 m3 V̂ = = = 0.995 n 10.455 kg mol kg mol p= (8.314)(290) 6458 − 0.995 − 0.0297 0.995(0.995 + 0.0297)(290)1/ 2 = 2.126 ×103 kPa b. SRK Equation: T/Tc = 290/304.2 = 0.953 Data as above: aʹ′ = 0.42748(8.314)2 (304.2)2 = 379.2(kPa)(m6 )/(kg mol)2 7358 b= 0.08664(8.314)(304.2) = 0.0297 m3 /kg mol 7358 × 103 p= (8.314)(290) (379.2)(1.040) − 0.995 − 0.0297 0.995(0.995 + 0.0297) 2 κ = 0.480 + (1.574)(0.225) − 0.176(0.225) = 0.843 1 2 λ = [1 + 0.843(1 − 0.953 = )]2 1.040 No significant difference. p = 2.111×103 kPa 7–42 Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.9 Basis: 100 ft3 of NH3 at 20 atm and 400ºF Part I. Calculate the moles of NH3: Data: Tc = 405.3 K → 729.5º R Pc = 111.3 atm → 1636 psia = 0.250 400º F → 860º R R = 10.73 (psia) (ft3) / (lb mol) (ºR) 20 atm = 293.9 psia Tr = T/Tc = 860/729.5 = 1.179 p= RT aα − ˆ − b V(V ˆ ˆ + b) + b(V ˆ b) − V α = [1 + κ(1 − T =r1/ 2 )]2 0.9890 κ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ω − 0.26992 ω2= 0.1276 ⎛ R 2Tc2 ⎞ a = 0.45724 ⎜ ⎟ = 17,124 p ⎝ c ⎠ ⎛ RT ⎞ b = 0.07780 ⎜ c ⎟ = 0.3722 ⎝ pc ⎠ From Polymath: V̂ = 29.9 ft 3 / lb mol 100 = 3.34 lb mol NH3 → 56.8 lb NH3 29.9 7–43 Solutions Chapter 7 Part II: Calculate the final pressure 5 ft 3 Final V̂ = = 1.497 ft 3 /lb mol 3.34 lb mol 350ºF 810ºR Introduce V̂ into the PR equation. From Polymath p= (10.73)(810) 17,124(0.984) − 1.497 − 0.3722 1.497(1.497 + 0.3722) + 0.3722(1.497 0.3722) − = 2462 psia 7.2.10 Basis: CO2 at 81 psig and 25oC Pressure in can (81.0 psig + 14.7 psia) (1 atm/14.7 psia) = 6.51 atm Temperature 25°C ⇒ 298.15K Tc = 304.2 K V = π (4.05 cm )2 (17.0 cm) = 876 cm 3 pc = 72.9 atm n = ? CO2 ω = 0.225 MW= 84.00 C6 H8 O7 + NaHCO 3 → MW =44.01 CO2 + H2 O + NaC 6 H7O 7 Using Peng-Robinson equation ( ) ( ) ( ) n 3 baα – b 2 RT – b3 p – n2 (V) aα – 2bRT – 3b 2 p – n V2 (bp – RT) – V3 p = 0 Equations ⇒ ( ) f ( n) = n3 q – n2 (V)(z ) – n V2 ( bp – RT ) – V3 p = 0 q = baα – b 2 RT – b3 p z = aα – 2bRT – 2b2 p ⎛ R 2Tc 2 ⎞ 6 a = 0.45724 ⎜ ⎟ = 3.908 10 ⎝ pc ⎠ × 7–44 Solutions Chapter 7 b = 0.07780(RTc / pc ) = 26.64 1/ 2 α = ⎡1 + κ (1 − (T = / Tc ) ⎤ ⎣ ⎦ Tr = 298.15/304.2 = 0.980 (Tr)1/2 = 0.990 2 1.007 2 κ = 0.37464 + 1.54226ϖ – 0.26992ϖ = 0.7080 The ideal gas law gives 0.233 mol CO2 R = 82.06 (cm3)(atm)(g mol)(K) T = 298.18K p = 6.51 atm Introduce the values into the PR equation to get n = 0.2420 mol CO2 0.2420 mol CO2 1 mol NaHCO3 84.00 g NaHCO3 = 20.3 g NaHCO 3 1 mol CO2 1 mol Na HCO3 For propane: Tc = 369.9K, pc = 42.0 atm, ω = 0.152 7.2.11 2 κ = 0.37464 + 1.5422(0.152) − 0.26992(0.152) = 2 α = [1 + 0.60283(1 − 1.00686)] = Propane Coefficients RK PR 0.60283 0.992 a b 180.5 ×106 (atm)(K1/2 )(cm6 )/(g mol)2 10.04 ×106 (atm)(cm6 ) /(g mol)2 Computer results: Redlich-Kwong: 1193.14 cm3 /g mol Peng-Robinson: 1168.91 cm3 /g mol Determine the volume at condition of state 2 (383 K, 4800 kPa) ⎛ (419.9)2 (364.68) ⎞ = ⎜ 4800 + ⎟ (V2 − (0.0428)(419.9)) (419.9)(8.314)(383) V22 ⎝ ⎠ V = 246 m3 at state 2 7–45 62.7 cm3 /g mol 56.3 cm3/g mol Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.12 For CO2, ω = 0.225 and Tc = 304.K, pc = 72.9 atm or 7385 kPa R = 8.314 (kPa) (m3)/(kg mol) (K) a = 6458 (kPa) (m6) (K0.5)/(kg mol)2 b = 0.0297 m3/(kg mol) 1200 = (8.314)(290) 6458 − − 2 ˆ − 2.97 ×10 ) V(V ˆ ˆ + 2.97 × 10−2 )(290)1/ 2 (V V̂ = 1.876 m3 /kg mol from Polymath n CO2 = V 10.4 = = 5.54 kg mol ˆ 1.876 V n CO2 = 5.54 kg mol 48 kg = 266 kg CO2 1 kg mol 7.2.13 nRT n2 a p= – V − nb V2 T = 492.0°R nRT ⎞ ⎛ V2 ⎞ ⎛ ⎜– ⎟ a = ⎝p – V – nb ⎠ ⎝ n2 ⎠ ft 3 )(atm) ( R = 0.7302 (lb mol )(°R ) Basis: 1.0 lb mol ft 3 )(atm ) ( 492.0°R 1.0 lb mol 0.7302 ( lb mol)(°R) 200 atm = 200 = (1.806 ft3 – (1.0 lb mol) b) ( ) 359.3 ft 3 ( atm) (1.860 ft 3 – b) – 0.2891 a similarly 7–46 – (1.0 1b mol)2 a (1.86ft 3 ) 2 Solutions Chapter 7 1000 = ( ) 359.3 ft 3 (atm) ( 0.741 ft 3 – b ) ⎛ a = ⎝ 1000 – –1.82a 359.3 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ – 0.741 – b ⎠ ⎝ 1.82 ⎠ 200 = 359.3 ⎞ 359.3 ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ 1000 – – (0.289)⎝ – ⎠ ⎝ 0.741 – b ⎠ (1.860 – b ) 1.82 200 = 57.07 359.3 + 158.8 – (1.860 – b) (0.741 – b ) 41.20 = 57.07 359.3 – (1.860 – b) (0.741 – b) b = 0.4808 ft 3 lb mol ⎛ ft 3 ⎞ a = 209.3(atm) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ lb mol ⎠ 2 7.2.14 a. Solution by compressibility factor method: Basis: 80 lb water at 900°K V̂ = 10 ft 3 18 lb 1cm3 /g mol = 140.8 cm3 /g mol 3 80 lb 1 lb mol 0.016 ft /lb mol Tc = 647.4K; pc = 218.3 atm from Appendix D1 (217.6 atm for the CD) RTc 82.06(cm3 )(atm) 647.4 K Vci = = = 243 cm3 /g mol o pc ( K)(g mol) 218.3 atm Vrʹ′ = V̂ 140.8 T 900 = = 0.579; Tr = = = 1.39 Vci 243 Tc 647.4 From the compressibility charts, pr = 1.9 7–47 Solutions Chapter 7 p = pr pc = (1.9)(218.3) = 415 atm b. solution using the Redlich-Kwong equation of state: p= R 2 Tc RT a where a = 0.4278 − 1/2 ˆ ˆ ˆ pc (V-b) T V(V+b) RTc b = 0.0867 pc 2.5 2 ⎡ (cm3 )(atm) ⎤ 0.4278 ⎢82.06 (647.4 K)2.5 ⎥ (K)(g mol) ⎦ (cm3 ) 2 (atm)(K)1/2 ⎣ a= = 1.407 × 108 218.3 atm (g mol) 0.0867 82.06(cm3 )(atm) 647.4 K cm3 b= = 21.1 (K)(g mol) 218.3 atm g mol p= (82.06)(900) 1.407 × 108 − = (617 206) atm − (140.8 − 21.1) (900)1/ 2 (140.8)(140.8 + 21.1) = 411 atm 7.2.15 For ethane: Tc = 516.3 and pc = 63.0 atm a. Use Van der Waals’ equation. Basis: Ethane at 100oF and 2000 psig (MW = 30) p = 2014.7 psia V = 1.0 ft3 T = 560ºR 2 2 ⎛ ⎛ cm3 ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ ft 3 ⎞ 6 -3 4 a = ⎜ 5.50 × 10 atm ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ (3.776 × 10 ) = 2.07 ×10 psia ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ g mol ⎠ ⎟ ⎝ ⎝ lb mol ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ cm3 ⎞ ft 3 -2 b = ⎜ 65.1 1.60 10 =1.04 × ) ⎟ ( g mol ⎠ lb mol ⎝ ⎛ an 2 ⎞ ⎛ V ⎞ p + − b ⎟ = RT ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ V ⎠ ⎝ n ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ ba ⎞ ⎛ a ⎞ n 3 ⎜ 2 ⎟ − n 2 ⎜ ⎟ + n(pb + RT) − pV= 0 ⎝ V ⎠ ⎝ V ⎠ 7–48 Solutions Chapter 7 n3 − 0.962n 2 + 0.376n − 0.0936 = 0 Iterate to find value of n. Use Excel to solve this cubic equation to obtain a positive, real answer. n = 0.594 lb mol or 17.8 lb ethane b. Use the compressibility factor method. pc Tc pr Tr 709 psia 549ºR 2.84 1.02 mass = 1(ft)3 2014.7 psia (oR)(lb mol) 30 lb = 23.4 lb ethane 560oR 0.43 10.73(psia)(ft)3 mol 7.2.16 a. Van der Waals equation 2 ⎛ 27 ⎞ R Tc a = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 64 ⎠ pc ⎛ 1 ⎞ RT b = ⎜ ⎟ c ⎝ 8 ⎠ pc Methane Propane Tc = 190.7K Tc = 369.9K pc = 45.8 atm pc = 42.0 atm Methane: 190.7 = 4.16 45.8 Propane: 369.9 = 8.81 42.0 Propane will be higher for both coefficients b. z from the compressibility charts SRK equation: a ʹ′ = 0.42748 R 2 Tc pc b= 0.08664 RTc pc Answer is same as for (a); propane will be higher for both coefficients 7–49 0.43 Solutions Chapter 7 7.2.17 pabs = pg + barometric pressure T = 273 – 50 = 223 K pabs = 39 + 1 = 40 atm Basis: 1 g mol H2 H2 Coefficients a Van der Waals 0.246 ×106 (atm)(cm)6 /(g mol)2 26.6(cm)3 /g mol Redlich-Kwong 1.439 ×106 (atm)(K1/2 )(cm)6 /(g mol)2 18.5(cm)3 /g mol b Computer results Van der Waals: Redlich-Kwong 471.78 cm3 /g mol 471.26 cm3 /g mol 5L 1000 cm3 1 g mol = 10.60 g mol(van der Waals) L 471.78 cm 5 (1000)/471.26 = 10.61 g mol (Redlich − Kwong) 7.2.18 For CO2, ω = 0.225 and Tc = 304.2 K, pc = 72.9 atm a = 62.75 ×106 (atm)(K1/2 )(cm6 )/(g mol)2 b = 29.9 cm3 /g mol Computer results: 3 Redlich-Kwong = 1559.6 cm /g mol 6250 cm3 3 = 1562.5 cm /g mol The experimental molar volume = 4 g mol 7–50 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.1 a. b. Basis: 7 lb N2 or 7/28 = 0.25 lb mol N2 nRT 0.25 lb mol (120 + 460)o R 0.732(atm)(ft 3 ) = V 0.75 ft 3 (lb mol)(o R) = 141 atm p= Tc = 126.3K pc = 33.54 atm 580 = 2.55 (126.3)(1.8) Tr = 0.75 ft 3 V̂ 0.25 lb mol Vrʹ′ = = = 0.607 RTc (atm)(ft 3 ) (1.314) (126.3K) pc (lb mol)(K) 33.54 atm From the compressibility charts pr = 4.3 so that p = pr pc = (4.3) (33.54) = 144 atm Note: You calculate z from Tr and Vrʹ′ , and then use p = znRT V 7.3.2 Basis: 2 g mol C2H4 pC = 50.5 atm TC = 283.1K; p = ? T = 95 + 273.1 = 368.1 K RTc 82.06(cm3 )(atm) 283.1 K V̂Ci = = = 460 cm3 /g mol pc (g mol)(K) 50.5 atm 418 cm3 V̂= = 209 cm3 /g mol 2 V̂ ˆ =Vri = 0.45 V̂ci Tr = 368.1 = 1.30 283.1 From chart, pr = 2, hence p = 101 atm. Use of the Pitzer ascentric factor would require a trial and error solution. 7–51 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.3 Basis: 3 lb mol of gas at 252°C and 463 psia. Volume = 50 ft3 R= (1 atm)(359 ft 3 ) (atm)(ft 3 ) = 1.315 (1 lb mol) (273 K) (lb mol)(K) ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 463 psia ⎟ 50 ft 3 ) ⎜ psia ⎟ ( ⎜ 14.7 ⎟ atm ⎝ ⎠ z= = 0.76 ⎛ (atm)(ft 3 ) ⎞ o (3 lb mol) ⎜1.315 ⎟ (273 + 252 C) (lb mol)(K) ⎠ ⎝ The Pitzer ascentric factor is not as convenient to use as the compressibility charts. From compressibility charts (see the CD for better precision) z = 0.76 Tr = 525 = 1.05 500 pr = 0.7 Thus 463 psia = 0.7 pc pc ≅ 661 psia (45.0 atm) 7–52 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.4 Basis: 1 lb n-octane Tc = 1025°R pr = pc = 24.6 atm MW = 114 27 = 1.10 24.6 To get the temperature of the gas 1 lb 1 lb mol 359 ft 3SC 1 atm T K z 114 lb 27 atm 273 K Tz = 845 = 0.20 ft 3 zTR = 845/1025 = 0.825 From the compressibility Chart Fig. 14.4b (expanded in the CD) read Tr = 1.16, so that T = (1.16)(1025) = 1189o R (729°F) Alternate solution: Calculate z = 0.71 and use pV = znRT. 7.3.5 Basis: 50 lb CO2 (50/44) = 1.138 lb mol CO2 V = 5.0 ft3 p = 1600 + 14.7 = 1614.7 psia Pc = 1070 psia Tc = 547.5°R pr = 1614.7 = 1.51 1070 V̂ = 5.0 = 4.40 ft 3 /lb mol 1.138 Vci = 5.50 ft 3 /lb mol so that Vri = 4.40 = 0.800 5.50 Tr from Figure 14.4b is (expanded in the CD) is 1.44 T = (1.44) (547.5) = 788o R (328°F) The Pitzer ascentric factor is less convenient to use for this problem. 7–53 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.6 Basis: 10 kg CH4 MW CH4 = 16.03 10 kg 1 kg mol = 0.624 kg mol 16.03 kg Tc = 305.4K and pc = 4883 kPa V = 0.0250 m3 p = 14,000 kPa gauge = 14,015 kPa absolute pr = 14, 015 = 2.87 4883 V̂ci = RTc (8.314)(305.4) = = 0.520 m3 /kg mol pc 4883 Vr = 0.0250 = 0.048 0.520 From the compressibility chart, Tr ≅ 1.05 hence T = (1.05)(305.4) = 321 K 7.3.7 Basis: 1ft3 CH4 pV = nRTz R= p = 214.7 psia 10.73(psia)(ft 3 ) (lb mol)(oR) Tc = 191°K → 344°R pc = 45.79 atm → 672.9 psia Tr = 540/344 = 1.57 pr = 214.3 = 1.0 214.7 z = 0.975 n= (214.3)(1) = 0.038 lb mol (10.73)(540)(0.975) weight (mass) = (0.038) (16.03) = 0.608 lb By use of the Pitzer ascentric factor (ω = 0.008 for CH4) z = z0 + z1ω = 0.976 + 0.024 (0.008) = 0.976 7–54 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.8 Basis: 25L of CO2 at 25°C and 200 kPa For CO2: pc = 7385 kPa Tc = 304.2 K pr = p 200 kPa = = 0.0271 pc 7385 kPa Tr = T (25 + 273) K = = 0.98 Tc 304.2o K From the compressibility chart, at these coordinates, z ≅ 0.99 pV = nzRT n= 200 kPa 1 atm 25L (g mol)(K) 101.3 kPa 0.08206(L)(atm) 298 K 0.99 = 2.04 g mol m = (2.04) (44) = 87.9 g or 0.0879 kg 7.3.9 Basis: 106 ft3 at 60°F and 14.7 psia pr Vr = zr n r R r Tr at the reservoir pV = znRT at SC Tr = T 120 + 460 580 = = = 1.69 Tc 191(1.8) 344 pr = p 1000 1000 = = = 1.48 pc (45.79)(14.7) 674 zr = 0.95 ⎛ p ⎞ ⎛ T ⎞⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ 14.7 ⎞⎛ 120 + 460 ⎞⎛ 0.95 ⎞ 3 Vr = V ⎜ ⎟⎜ r ⎟⎜ r ⎟ =106 ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 15,600 ft ⎝ 1000 ⎠⎝ 60 + 460 ⎠⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ pr ⎠ ⎝ T ⎠⎝ z ⎠ 7–55 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.10 Basis: 1 kg propane For propane: Tc = 370 K pc = 4255 kPa and R = 0.18855 (kPa)(m3 )/(kg)(K) Reduced temperature = Tr = T 230 + 273.2 = = 1.36 Tc 370 Reduced pressure p 6000 = = 1.408 pc 4255 = pr = From a generalized compressibility chart at pr = 1.408 and Tr = 1.36, z ≈ 0.80 Since pV = znRT, V̂= V̂ = zRT p (0.80)(0.18855)(503.2) = 0.0127 m3/kg (6000) 7.3.11 a) Yes g) No b) No h) No c) Yes d) No e) Yes f) No 7–56 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.12 Basis: 1 g mol C6H5C1 pc = 4518 kPa pr = 230 = 0.051 4518 (MW = 112.56) Tc = 632.4 K Tr = 380 = 0.601 632.4 These values fall below the gaseous region in the compressibility chart here C6H5C1 is not a gas. It is a liquid ( = 1.107), so that the volume is (1)(112.56)/1.107 = 102 cm3 7.3.13 The answer is it depends on the gas temperature and the pressure. If pV = znRT applies, the ideal gas law is represented by z = 1, and for a non-ideal gas, z can be greater or less znRT than 1. The pressure is p = . So preal = pideal z, for fixed V and for a fixed number V of moles and temperature (the volume of cylinder is fixed). The pressure prediction by the ideal gas law will be conservative (higher than the true pressure) for z < 1, and lower than the true pressure for z > 1. 7.3.14 Basis: Data on gases cited in problem. a. The cubic feet associated with “165 ft3” and “240 ft3” probably means that the values are the respective volumes of an ideal gas at standard conditions, because the volumes calculated for the gases in part b. below are quite different than the stated values. b. To find the amount of gas in the cylinder, first find the approximate volume in the cylinder. Vcyl = π d2h 4 (3.14)(9)2 (52) = = 1.914 ft 3 (4)(1728) Use the gas law as ratios: p 2 V2 z RT = 2 2 p1V1 z1RT1 7–57 Solutions Chapter 7 ⎛ p ⎞⎛ z T ⎞ V2 = V1 ⎜ 1 ⎟⎜ 2 2 ⎟ ⎝ p2 ⎠⎝ z1T1 ⎠ For C2H4: Tc = 283 K, pc = 50.5 atm Assume T1 = 80°F = 540°R = 300°K 300 ⎫ = 1.06 ⎪⎪ 283 ⎬ z1 = 0.35 1515 p r1 = = 2.05⎪ (14.7)(50.5) ⎪⎭ Tr = (At standard conditions: z2 = 1.00) ⎛ 1515 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ 492 ⎞ 3 V2 = (1.914) ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 514 ft 14.7 0.35 540 ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ For CH4: Tc = 191 K, pc = 45.8 atm Tr = 300 = 1.57 191 pr2 = 2015 = 2.98 (14.7)(45.8) z2 = 0.84 ⎛ 2015 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ 492 ⎞ 3 V2 = (1914) ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 285 ft 14.7 0.84 540 ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ MW of C2H4 = 28 MW of CH4 = 16 wt of C2H4 = (514) wt of CH4 = (285) (359) 16 (359) Therefore c. 28 = 40.1 = 12.7 wt C2 H4 > wt CH 4 For C2H4: pV = znRT = z m RT MW 7–58 Solutions Chapter 7 m= (1515)(1.91)(28) pV(MW) = (0.35)(10.73)(590) zRT = 40 lb C2 H4 For CH4: m= (2015)(1.91)(16) = 12.7 lb CH 4 (0.84)(10.73)(540) Check with cylinder: 163 – 90 = 123 lb cylinder 105 – 9.5 = 135 lb cylinder 7.3.15 a) p1V1 = z,n,RT R = constant pa V1 = z 2 n 2 RT1 V1 = constant, the vol. of cylinder zn p1 = 1 1 p2 z 2 n 2 Tc = 133.0 K Tr = T T = 24.44 + 273 = 2.24 133 c pr1 = pc = 34.5 atm 2000 psig + 14.7 = 3.97 14.7 psig/atm 34.5 atm pr2 = 3.80 z1 = 1.0 ⎫ ⎬ Ideal gas behavior z 2 = 1.0 ⎭ p1 ⎛ n1 ⎞ ⎛ 1.0 ⎞ n1 = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = p2 ⎝ n 2 ⎠ ⎝ 1.0 ⎠ n 2 7–59 Solutions Chapter 7 n CO = pV 14.7 psia = RT 536°R Vcylinder = 10.73 175 ft 3 (psia ) ft 3 ( ) = 0.447 lb mol ( lb mol)(°R) nCO RT1 p1 ( 3) 0.447 lb mol 10.73(psia ) ft 536°R Vc = = 1.276 ft 3 2014.7psia (lb mol)(°R) n final,CO = p2 Vc = RT 1924.7 psia 1.276 ft 3 = 0.427 lb mol ( psia ) ft 3 536°R 10.73 (lb mol )(°R ) ( ) n CO, lost = (0.447 – 0.427)lb mol ≅ 0.020 lb mol rate of loss = b) 0.020 lb mol 48 hr pV 14.7 psia n air = = RT 536.0°R = 4.167 ×10−4 lb mol hr 1600 ft 3 = 4.09 lb mol air ( psia ) ft 3 10.73 (lb mol)(°R) ( ) ( –6 )(4.09 lb mol) = 4.09 × 10 –4 lb mol 100 ppm = 100 10 4.09 × 10-4 t= = 0.982 hr -4 lb mol 4.167 × 10 hr c) t = 67 hr CCO = d) n CO = 4.167 × 10-4 67 = 0.0279 lb mol 0.0279 lb mol lb mol = 1.75×10-5 3 1600 ft ft 3 The CO alarms would go on to alert people in the building. 7–60 Solutions Chapter 7 7.3.16 3 The density of the gas must be 2.0 g/ m . MW is Si is 28.086 so = (2/28.086) = 0.0712 g mol/cm3. Let T - 298K. Also z = 1 at Tr = 1.98 V̂ and Vri very large. a) 3 zRT 1 8.314(Pa)(m3 ) ⎛ 100 cm ⎞ 298 K = = 2.48 ×109 Pa p= ⎜ ⎟ ˆ (g mol)(K) ⎝ 1 m ⎠ V b) For a lower pressure, use a less dense gas (lower MW). c) At too high a temperature, you cannot get adequate density. 7.3.17 3 Basis: 240 ft methane at 80°F and 1964.7 psia. Assume the number of moles does not change. p1V1 nRT1z1 = p2 V2 nRT2 z 2 p1 T1 z1 = p2 T2 z2 T2 = T1z1 p2 z 2 p1 Calculation of z1 Methane ⇒ Tc = 190.7K pc = 45.8 atm T1 = 80°F => 299.82K Tr1 = 299.82K = 1.572 190.7K pr1 = 133.7 atm = 2.919 45.8 atm ∴z1 = 0.83 7–61 Solutions Chapter 7 Calculation of z 2 ( ) p = (3000 psig + 14.7 psia )(1 atm 14.7 psia ) = 205.08 atm p1 = (1950 psig + 14.7 psia ) 1 atm 14.7 psia = 133.7 atm 2 pr = 205.08 atm = 4.478 45.8 atm ( )( V = 240 ft 3 2.832 × 10–2 m 3 /1 ft3 100 cm3 /1 m3 6 = 6.797 × 10 cm RTc Vˆ c i = = pc = 341.68 3 ) ( ) 82.06 cm 3 (atm) /( g mol)( K) (190.7K ) 45.8 atm cm3 g mol ( (45.8 atm) 6.797 × 10 cm pV n= 1 1 = (299.82K)(82.06)(0.83) z1 RT1 6 3 ) = 15244.5 g mol V 6.797 × 10 6 cm3 cm 3 ˆ ∴V = = = 445.87 n 15244.5 g mol g mol ˆ V 445.87 ∴Vri = ˆ = = 1.305 Vc i 341.68 ∴z 2 = 1.06 T2 = T1z1 p2 540°R( 0.83)(3014.7 psia ) = z 2 p1 1.06(1964.7 psia) T2 = 649o R ) (189°F) 7–62 Solutions Chapter 7 7.4.1 T = 180°F (640°R)P = 2400 + 14.7 = 2415 psia Basis: 33.6 lb gas pV = znRT Basis: 100 mol gas mol mol.wt. CO2 10 44 440 CH4 40 16 640 C 2 H4 100 50 28 2560 1400 n= lb avg. mol wt. = 2480 = 24.8 100 33.6 = 1.35 lb mol 24.8 Tcʹ′ = 0.10 (304.2) + 0.40 (190.7) + 0.50 (283.1) = 248.25 K pcʹ′ = 0.10 (72.9) + 0.40 (45.8) + 0.50 (50.5) = 50.86 atm p′r = p 2415 = 3.23 ′ = p c (50.86 )(14.7) Tr′ = T 640 = 1.43 ′ = Tc (248.25)(1.8) From Fig. in text, z ≅ .75 ( 3) znRT 0.75 1.35 lb mol 10.73(psia ) ft 640°R V= = (lb mol)(°R) p 2415 psia 3 = 2.88 ft at 180 ° F, 2415 psia of gas is cylinder volume 7–63 Solutions Chapter 7 7.4.2 0.20 EtOH 0.80 CO2 1.00 T = 500K V = 180 cm3 /g mol p=? Basis: gas as above pcʹ′ = (0.20) (63.0) + (0.80) (72.9) = 70.92 atm Tcʹ′ = (0.20) (516.3) + (0.80) (304.2) = 346.6 K p r′ = ? = T r′ = 500 = 1.44 346.6 Vci′ = ′ Vri = p p = p c 70.92 RTc′ p′c = (1 atm )( 22.4 L) 1000 cm3 346.6 K = 401 cm3 /g mol (273 K )(1 g mol) 1 L 70.92 atm 180 = 0.45 401 From the compressibility chart, pr ≅ 2.5 , p ≅ 177 atm 7–64 Solutions Chapter 7 7.4.3 Basis: 540 kg gas @ 393 K, 3500 kPa absolute Component kg kg mol mole fraction pc, atm Tc , K CH4 C2 H6 C3H8 N2 100 240 150 50 6.25 8.00 3.41 1.79 0.321 0.412 0.175 0.092 45.8 48.2 42.1 33.5 191 305 370 126 Total 540 19.45 1.000 Tcʹ′ = (0.32l) (191) + (0.412) (305) + (0.175) (370) + (0.092) (126) = 262.8 K pcʹ′ = (0.321) (45.8)+(0.412) (48.2)+(0.175) (42.1)+(0.092) (33.5) = 44.96 atm T r′ = 3.93 = 1.50 262.8 p r′ = 3500 1 atm = 0.77 44.96 101.3 From Nelson and Obert Chart, zʹ′ = 0.935 MW (average) = 540/19.45 = 27.8 kg/kg mol ρ= = 3500 kPa 27.8 kg 393 K 0.935 (K) (kg mol) 3 kg mol 8.31 (kPa) (m ) 31.9 kg m at 393K and 3500 kPa 3 7–65 Solutions Chapter 7 7.4.4 Use Kay’s Method pcʹ′ = Σnipci ; Tcʹ′ = ΣniTci Component n pc npc Tc nTc C2H4 A He 0.57 0.40 0.03 50.5 48.0 10.26 28.8 19.2 0.308 283 150.7 13.19 61.2 60.2 0.395 ∑ n i Tci = 221.8 Σnipci= 48.31 p r′ = 120 = 2.49 48.3 298 = 1.342 222 V= ( 0.70)(82.05)(298) 3 = 142.8 cm /g mol (120) T r′ = ∴ z = 0.70 ⎛ 142.8 –140 ⎞ 2.00% % diff = ⎝ ⎠ 100 = 140 7.4.5 Basis: 30ft3 mixture of 100 atm and 300°F Comp Mol. frac Tc pc Tcʹ′ pʹ′c C2H4 0.60 283 50.5 170 30.3 A 0.40 150.7 48 60.2 19.2 230.2 49.5 Trʹ′ = T/Tcʹ′ = pʹ′r = 760 = 1.835 (230.2)(1.8) p 100 = = 2.02 pʹ′c 49.5 z = 0.95 7–66 Solutions Chapter 7 Avg. Mol. wt. = (0.60)(28) + (0.40)(40) = 32.8 lb/lb mol pV = znRT n= pv (100)(14.7)(300) = = 57.0 lb mol zRT (0.95)(10.71)(760) Assume capacities are given at storage conditions. Then type IA is selected because it is the cheapest. Number of tanks required = (57.0)(32.8) = 30 62 7.4.6 Steps 2, 3, and 4: Assume a continuous process although a batch process would be acceptable and give the same results. F=? mol fr. 0.20 C2H4 0.80 N2 1.00 Step 5: Basis: P=? Mixer G 100% C2H4 @ 1450 psig and 70oF G at given conditions Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: Balances: F, P ⎫ ⎪ C2 H 4 , N 2 , (or total) ⎬ degrees of freedom = 0 ⎪ ⎭ Steps 8 and 9: Calculate G: Tr = mol fr. C2H4 0.50 N2 0.50 1.00 70 + 460 = 1.044 508.3 7–67 MW 28 28 Solutions Chapter 7 1450 + 14.7 = 1.992 735 pr = z = 0.34 V= (359)(n)(14.7)(530)(0.34) (2640) = (1465)(492) (1728) n= (2640)(1465)(492) = 1.157 lb mol (1728)(359)(14.7)(530)(0.34) Balances: C2H4 F(0.20) + 1.157 = P(0.50) Total F + 1.157 = P F = 1.928 lb mol 7.4.7 P = 3.085 lb mol Basis: Gas at 50 atm and 600°R From the compressibility charts: pr = 50 = 3.5 14.3 Tr = 600 = 1.2 40.0 + 460 z = 0.58 100,000 std ft 3 1 lb mol 359(0.58) act ft 3 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 600 3 Q= = 1415 actual ft /hr 3 ⎝ ⎠ hr 1 lb mol 359 std ft 50 492 or use pV = znRT twice p2 V2 z 2 n2 RT2 = p1V1 z1n1 RT1 V2 ⎛ T ⎞⎛ p ⎞⎛ z ⎞ = V1 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ p 2 ⎠ ⎝ z1 ⎠ 7–68 Solutions Chapter 7 ⎛ 600 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 0.58⎞ = 100,000⎝ 492 ⎠ ⎝ 50 ⎠ ⎝ 1.00 ⎠ = 1415 actual ft 3 /hr 7.4.8 Basis: initial gas at 200 psig and final gas at 1000 psig MW C2H4 = 28 initial 214.7/14.7 pr1= = 0.290 50.5 final 1015/14.7 pr2= = 1.37 50.5 Tr1 = 1.05 Tr2 = 1.05 z1 = 0.90 z2 = 0.35 Use pV = znRT n 2 p 2 z2 = n 1 p 1 z1 –1 1015 0.35 = 215 0.90 –1 = 12.14 Alternate way to get z is to use the Pitzer ascentric factor. z = z0 + z1 ω z1 = 0.910 + (-0.023)(0.085) = 0.91 z2 = 0.37 + (0.1059)(0.085) = 0.38 Material balance W1 + Wc = 222 W2 + Wc = 250 W2 – W1 = 28 lb Solve (I) and (II) to yield n1 = 0.089 and n2 = 1.089 7–69 n2 – n1 = 28/28 = 1 (II) Solutions Chapter 7 a. Mass of gas initially = (0.089) (28) = 2.49 lb (28 lb) ($0.41/lb) = $11.48 billing b. Wt. of cylinder = (222 – 2.49) lb = 219.5 lb c. V= n1z1 RT 0.089 0.9 10.73 298(1.8) 3 = = 2.17 ft p1 214.7 7.4.9 Step 5: Basis: 1 hr. Steps 2, 3, and 4: Steady state, open system liquid 30,000 = F(kg) mass fr. Bz 0.50 Tol 0.30 Xy 0.20 1.00 mole fr. Bz 0.912 Tol 0.072 Xy 0.016 1.000 Separator vapor P1(kg) MW 78.11 92.13 106.16 kg 71.24 6.63 1.70 79.57 liquid P3(kg) mass fr. Bz 0.06 Tol 0.09 Xy 0.85 1.00 liquid P2 = 9,800 (kg) mass fr. 0.895 0.084 0.021 1.00 mBz mTol mXy Σ = 9,800 mass fr. Convert F to moles and then to mass: Basis: 100 kg = F Component kg MW kg mol mol fr. Tc(K) pc(atm) Bz 50 78.11 0.640 0.592 562.6 48.6 Tol 30 92.13 0.324 0.299 593.9 40.3 Xy 20 106.16 0.118 0.109 619 34.6 1.082 1.000 100 7–70 Solutions Chapter 7 Calculate the kg of F; get z: Tcʹ′ = 562.6 (0.592) + 593.9 (0.299) + 619 (0.109) = 578.1 pʹ′c = 48.6 (0.592) + 40.3 (0.299) + 34.6 (0.109) = 44.6 Tr = 607K =1.05 578.1K pr = 26.8 atm = 0.60 44.6 atm z = 0.80 Together mass of feed: pV 26.8 atm 483 m3 101.3 kPa (kg mol) (K) n= = zRT 0.80 1 atm 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) 607 K = 324.7 kg mol F = (324.7) (100)/(1.082) = 30,017 kg, say 30,000 kg The material balances are in kg. Step 6: Unknowns: P1 , P3 , m Bz , m Tol , m Xy Step 7: Balances: Bz Tol mBz 3 = = 1.5 mxy 2 Xy ∑ mi = 9,800 Step 8: The balances in kg are (only 3 are independent mass balances) (1) Bz 30,000 (0.50) = P1 (0.895) + m Bz + P3 (0.06) (2) Tol: 30,000 (0.30) = P1 (0.084) + mTol + P3 (0.09) (3) Xy: 30,000 (0.20) = P1 (0.021) + mXy + P3 (0.85) (4) Total 30,000 = P1 + 9,800 + P3 7–71 Solutions Chapter 7 (5) m Bz + mTol + m Xy = 9800 (6) m Bz = 1.5m Xy Step 9: Solution: Using (1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) via Polymath kg mass fr. P3 = 5500 kg/hr mBz = 1518 0.156 P1 = 14,700 kg/hr mtol = 7270 0.745 0.103 mXy = 1012 9800 7–72 1.00 Solutions Chapter 8 8.2.1 a. (1); b. (2); c. (3); d. (4); e. (3); f. (1) 8.2.2 8.2.3 F=2–P+C=2–2+2= 2 8.2.4 F=2–P+C (a) (b) F=2–2+1= 1 F=2–3+2= 1 8.2.5 C=1 P=2 F=2–2+1=1 8.2.6 C = 3 (O2, N2, H2O) P=2 F=2–2+3= 3 8–1 Solutions Chapter 8 8.2.7 The number of components is 3, but one independent reaction exists among them so that C=2 NH 4 C1(s) Ä NH3 (g) + HCl(g) P=2 F=2–2+2= 2 8.2.8 (1) F = 2 – P + C The rank of Ca C O CaCO3(s) 1 1 3 CaO(s) 1 0 1 ⎡1 0 9 ⎤ ⎢1 1 0⎥ is only 2 so C = 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎣3 2 0 ⎥⎦ P = 3 hence F = 2 – 3 + 2 = 1 8.2.9 (a) 40ºC; (b) 190ºC; (c) 60ºC; (d) Compound B 8.2.10 (e) 8–2 CO2(g) 0 1 2 Solutions Chapter 8 8.2.11 a. F=2–P+C C=3 P = 2 (assume that p is not unreasonably high) F=2–2+3= 3 b. Possible variables are: pressure mol or mass fraction of H2O ⎫ ⎪ acetic acid ⎬ only 2 are independent ethyl alcohol⎪⎭ 8.2.12 (a) F = 2 –P + C = 2 – P + 2 if F = 0 P=4–F Max P = 4 (b) F=2–P+C 3 = 2 – 2 + C C=3 8.3.1 All true 8.3.2 (a) higher; (b) lower; (c) higher; (d) lower; (e) no change; (f) lower; (g) higher; (h) lower; (i) higher; (j) lower; (k) lower; (l) higher 8.3.3 From the p-T diagram for water you can see that raising the pressure by a large amount on ice at constant temperature causes the water to go from the solid phase to the liquid phase. 8–3 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.4 The vapor pressure of methanol is less than that of gasoline so that at lower temperatures the fuel-to-air mixture is insufficient for combustion. Automotive parts can be made of alcohol tolerant materials such as stainless steel or other corrosion resistant materials and additives to the methanol, such as 15% gasoline, can help solve the problem of difficult cold-weather engine starts. 8.3.5 Appendix G (T is in K) (a) CD (T is in ºC) Acetone at 0ºC ln (p*) = 16.6513 − 2940.46 T − 35.93 log10 (p*) = 7.2316 − p* = 70.51 mm Hg (b) p* = 70.55 mm Hg Benzene at 80ºF ln (p*) = 15.9008 − 2788.51 T − 52.36 log10 (p*) = 6.90565 − p* = 102.73 mm Hg (c) 1277.03 T + 237.23 1211.033 T + 220.79 p* = 102.74 mm Hg Carbon tetrachloride at 300 K ln (p*) = 15.8742 − 2808.19 T − 45.99 log10 (p*) = 6.8941 − p* = 123.81 1219.58 T + 227.17 p* = 122.89 mm Hg 8–4 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.6 Fit the Antoine Equation using the three data points to get A, B, and C. In mm Hg kPa 2.53 15.0 58.9 1n(18.98) = A − mm Hg 18.98 112.54 441.90 B = 2.9434 C + (−40+ 273) 1n(112.54) = A − B = 4.7233 C + (−10+ 273) 1n(441.90) = A − B = 6.0911 C + (−20+ 273) The solution from Polymath is A = 16.5386 B = 2707.43 At 40ºC, ln (p*) = 16.538 − C = -33.8541 2707.43 −33.85 + (40 + 273) p* = 939 mm Hg (125 kPa) 8.3.7 At the triple point, all the phases (solid, liquid and vapor) exist in equilibrium. Therefore, the vapor pressure of liquid ammonia = the vapor pressure of solid ammonia 15.16 – 3063/T = 18.7 – 3754/T T = 195 K 8.3.8 No. It is a typo. Probably the number was 98.8ºC because if you equate the pressures from the two equations, T = 371.75K, or 98.7oC. 8–5 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.9 For benzene (p* is in mm Hg and T in K) 1n(p*) = 15.9008 − 2788.51 T − 52.36 p* = 760 mm Hg ln(p*) = 6.6331 T = 353K agrees with data base on CD For toluene 1n(p*) = 16.0137 − 3096.52 T − 53.67 p* = 760 mm Hg T = 383.7 agrees with data base on CD 8.3.10 Merge the two equations (A1 MW = 27) 1/2 W = 10-4 = 5.83 × 10-2 (p v )(27) T1/2 where p v = [10 1.594×104 ) T (8.79 − ] 1/ 2 T The solution from Polymath is T = 1492K 8.3.11 ˆ =x V ˆ ˆ All of the values of specific volume are obtained using V with vapor vapor + (1-x vapor )Vliquid V̂ data from the steam tables. (a) V̂ = 0.5 (1.673) + 0.5 (0.001043) = 0.837 m3/kg (b) V̂ = 0.5 (0.6058) + 0.5 (0.001073) = 0.303 m3/kg (c) V̂ = 0.3 (350.8) + 0.7 (0.01613) = 105.25 ft3/lb (d) V̂ = 0.7 (1.8431) + 0.3 (0.0187) = 1.296 ft3/lb 8–6 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.12 (a) T; (b) F; (c) T; (d) T; (e) F; (f) T 8.3.13 Basis: 2.10 lb water Specific volume: ˆ = (1 − x) V ˆ +xV ˆ V l g Specific volume of water = Vˆl = 0.35 = 0.175m3 /kg 2 From the steam tables: Specific volume of saturated liquid, Vˆl = 0.001 088 m3 /kg specific volume of saturated vapor = Vˆg = 0.414 m3 /kg Then, 0.175 = (1 – x) 0.001 088 + x (0.414) The quality = x = 0.42 8.3.14 Since the two phases coexist in equilibrium, we have a saturated mixture, and the pressure must be the saturation pressure at the given temperature: p = p* @ 90ºC = 70.14 kPa ˆ and V ˆ values are V = 0.001036 m3 /kg and V ˆ = 2.361 m3 /kg At 90ºC, V l l g g Add the volume occupied by each phase: ˆ +m V ˆ V= Vl + Vg = mV l g g = (8 kg)(0.001 m3/kg) + (2 kg)(2.361 m3/kg) = 4.73 m3 8–7 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.15 v= ˆ Q mV = A A where v = velocity, ft/s V̂ = specific volume of the fluid, ft3/lb A = pipe cross sectional area, ft2 V̂ can be obtained from the steam tables: V̂ = 0.9633 ft3/lb The area is A = ∏ d / 4 = 2 v= ∏ ⎛ 2.9 ⎞ 2 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.046 ft 4 ⎝ 12 ⎠ 2 25,000 lb 0.9633 ft 3 ft = 5.24 ×105 or 145 ft/s 2 hr lb 0.046 ft hr 8.3.16 The hot oil vaporized the water, and the increase in volume in the system caused the damage. 8.3.17 Use data from the steam tables at the initial condition of p = 101.33 kPa and saturated water (i.e. two phases): V̂liq = 1.044 cm3/g and V̂vap = 1673.0 cm3/g. Then the mass of both phases in the container can be calculated: m liq = (0.03 m3) (100 cm/m)3 / 1.044 cm3/g = 28,376g m vap = 2.97 m3 (100 cm/m)3 / 1673.0 cm3/g = 1,775 g mt otal = 30,511 g 8–8 Solutions Chapter 8 At the final conditions all of the liquid has been evaporated, and only saturated vapor will exist having a specific volume of: Vv ap = (3.00 m3) (100 cm/m)3 / 30,511 g = 98.3 cm3/g Interpolating in the steam tables (212-T) ºC/(212-214) ºC = (99.09-98.3) cm3/g/(99.09-95.28) cm3/g T = 212oC (1985.2-p) kPa/(1985.2-2065.1) kPa = (99.09-98.3) cm3/g/(99.09-95.28) cm3/g p = 2002 kPa 8.3.18 Basis: 10 lb of water Specific volume: V̂ = 10.0 = 4.975 ft 3 /lb 2.01 From the paper steam tables (in ft3/lb) at 80 psia: V̂liq = 0.0176 V̂vapor = 5.476 Mass balance: m L + m V = 2.01 Volume balance: 10.0 = m L (0.0176) + m V (5.476) Mass of liquid is 0.184 lb Mass of vapor is 1.826 lb The volume of liquid is Vliq = m liq V̂liq = (0.184)(0.0176) = 3.28 × 10−3 ft 3 The volume of vapor is 8–9 Solutions Chapter 8 Vvapor = m vap V̂vapor = (10.0 − 3.28 × 10−3 ) = 9.997 ft 3 Quality is 1.826 / 2.01 = 0.908 8.3.19 Log (T) (log (T)) 5.6101 5.7038 5.7991 5.8861 5.9402 5.9915 6.0403 6.0868 6.1527 6.2146 31.4727 32.5331 33.6295 34.6462 35.2856 35.8976 36.4847 37.0488 37.8561 38.6214 DATA: (log (T))3 2 vp 176.5329 185.5619 195.0204 203.9313 209.6027 215.0795 220.3767 225.5079 232.9186 240.0166 0.61130 3.53600 17.21000 62.15000 128.80000 245.60000 437.00000 733.20000 1454.00000 2637.00000 1n p* = a+b ln T + c(ln T)2 + d(ln T)3 THE COEFFICIENTS ARE -1199.2548 532.2715 a b -79.0261 3.9638 c d 8.3.20 Based on data from the steam tables: State 1: liquid State 3: solid State 5: liquid (saturated) State 2: superheated vapor State 4: saturated vapor State 6: vapor (saturated) You can calculate the properties of a mixture of vapor and liquid in equilibrium (for a single component) from the individual properties of the saturated vapor and saturated liquid by averaging the properties of the two saturated phases. The weights are the respective amounts of each phase. 8–10 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.21 Based on data from the steam tables: State 1: saturated vapor State 3: two phase (saturated liquid and vapor) State 2: saturated liquid State 4: superheated vapor 8.3.22 Prepare a Cox chart as described in the text. Use semi-log paper with the horizontal axis log10. Obtain vertical scale rules by use of steam properties at even integers for the temperature. Or you can use Antoine Equation, Appendix G, to get 2 points and draw a line between them. (a) Acetone (b) Heptane (c) Ammonia (d) Ethane Tcritical (o F) p critical cox chart (psia) pcritical (psia) 454 512 270 89.7 670 700 1500 750 691 397 1636 708 8–11 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.23 Steps for preparing a Cox Chart (using water as the reference substance): 1. On logarithmic paper, set up the pressure scale on one axis. The other axis will be a nonlinear temperature scale, which will be set up by the following method. 2. Draw a diagonal line from the origin to the opposite corner of the graph. 3. From the steam tables, obtain values for the vapor pressure of water at evenly spaced temperature increments. 4. Plot these vapor pressures along the diagonal line. 5. Now, beginning with the first point on the diagonal, draw a line extending from that point to the temperature axis and label the intersection as the corresponding temperature for that vapor pressure. 6. Repeat step five for every point on the diagonal line. This process will establish the temperature scale. 7. Using the established temperature scale, plot the data for benzene and draw a line through the points. 8. From this line, obtain the vapor pressure for benzene at 125ºF. The vapor pressure for benzene at 125ºC (257oF) is estimated to be 3.3 atm. 8–12 Solutions Chapter 8 8.3.24 The procedure is the same as outlined for P16.28. The result from the Cox chart is that the vapor pressure for aniline at 350o is 22 atm . 8.3.25 From the CD that accompanies the text the respective vapor pressures at 300K are in increasing value Ethanol Methanol MTBE p* in mm Hg PEL (ppm) 65.8 139.7 294 1000 200 100 The relative values of p* are about the same as the inverse of the relative values of the PEL. 8.4.1 (a) Volume increases (b) Pressure increases 8–13 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.2 Basis: Data given in problem statement dry N2 H 2O 27 C p* = 3.536kPa p = 101.3kPa 27 C (a) pT = p N 2 + pH 2 O = (101.3 + 3.536) kPa = 104.8kPa (b) n H 2O n N2 = p H 2O p N2 = 3.536 kPa = 0.0349 101.3 kPa 8.4.3 T= − 20oC p* =14.1 mm Hg O2 p t =760 mm Hg N2 C 6 H1 4 pair =760 − 14.1= 745.9 mm Hg pC6H14 = pC6H14 =14.1 mm Hg Basis: 760 mol saturated gas (or use 100 mol) p ⇒ moles O2 N2 C6H14 mol = 156.6 = 589.3 = 14.1 760 .21 (745.9) .79 (745.9) For complete combustion C6H14 + 9 1/2 O2 → 6 CO2 + 7 H2O 14.1 mol C6H14 required 14.1 (9.5) = 134 mol O2 required 156.6 – 134 = 22.60 mol O2 excess 22.60 × 100 = 17 % 134 8–14 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.4 mol. wt. CCl3NO2 = 164.5 Basis: 1 mol saurated gas mol fr. 0.02 0.98 1.00 CCl3NO2 air 100 kPa 0.02 mol CCl 3NO3 760 mm Hg = 15.0 mm Hg 1 mol gas 101.3 kPa (a) Using linear interpolation, which may introduce a slight error, 15.0 mm Hg corresponds to ⎛ 15.0 − 13.8 ⎞ o ⎜ ⎟ (5) = 1.3 + 15 = 16 C ⎝ 18.3 − 13.8 ⎠ (289.5K) Basis: 100 m3 at 100 kPa and 16.5°C (a) 3 100 m air 100 kPa 273 K 101.3 kPa 289.5 K 1 kg mol air 3 22.4 m air at SC 0.02 mol CCl3 NO2 164.5kgCCl 3 NO2 = 13.95 kg 0.98mol air 1kgmol CCl 3 NO2 8.4.5 Basis: 1 mol air y = 0.12 pH2O = pT (0.12) =101.3 kPa (0.12) = 12.2 kPa The dewpoint is the temperature at which p*H O =12.2 kPa , or from the steam tables 323K 2 or 50 C o 8–15 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.6 Assume the tank with air fills with the hazardous liquid vapor at 80ºF. The pressure in the tank with air will become after the transfer (10 + 14.7) + 13 = 37.7 psia hence the seal will possibly rupture during the transfer 8.4.7 At 60ºF, p*H O =0.52 in Hg; at 75ºF, p* = 0.87 in Hg 2 Basis: 12,000 ft3 air at 75ºF and 29.7 in Hg absolute 12,000 ft 3 0.52 in Hg H 2 O 492oR 18 lb H 2 O 1 lb mol = 9.62 lb H 2 O 359 ft 3 at SC 29.92 in Hg total 535oR lb mol 8.4.8 Basis: 1 gal benzene (sp. gr. 0.879, MW 78.1) at 750 mm Hg, 70ºF Moles of air = (3600 ft 3 ) (750) (14.7) = 9.18 lb mol (10.73) (760) (530) Moles of benzene = (1) (1ft 3 )(0.879)(62.4) = 0.094 mol (7.48)(78) nTotal = 9.18+0.094 = 9.274 mol yBz = 0.094 = 0.0101 9.274 mol % = 1.01% therefore beneath explosive limit 8–16 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.9 Basis: 350 ft3 C2H2 – O2 mixture at 25ºC, 745 mm Hg n1 = pV (745)(14.7)(350) = = 0.874 lb mol RT (760)(10.73)(298)(1.8) ⎛ 745 ⎞⎛ 14.7 ⎞⎛ 300 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞ n 2 = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 0.671 lb mol ⎝ 760 ⎠⎝ 10.73 ⎠⎝ 333 ⎠⎝ 1.8 ⎠ p*H2O at 60ºC = 149.4 mm Hg 149.4 y H2O at2 = = 0.201 745 n H2O = (0.201)(0.671) = 0.135 lb mol C2 H 2 + 5 O 2 → 2CO 2 + H 2 O 2 You get 1 mol H2O/mol C2H2 on reaction Therefore moles C2H2 = 0.135 mol O2 = 0.874 – 0.135 = 0.739 lb mol y O2 at 1 = 0.739 = 0.845 0.874 VO2 =(0.845)(350) = 296 ft 3 at 745 mm and 25ºC VC2H2 = 350 − 276 = 54 ft 3 at 745 mm and 25ºC 8.4.10 Elephant seals have an average body temperature several degrees higher than ours. That means their breath can hold a bit more moisture than ours, and on that day, that extra moisture could have been just enough for condensation to occur. But there are other reasons the elephant seals’ breath may have been easier to see. It could be that it was a few degrees colder on the beach than where the observer was sited. And, as you know if you have ever experimented with seeing your breath, the bigger the volume of air, the more moisture available to condense out and so the condensed moisture was more visible. 8–17 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.11 (a) p*Bz exists if saturation occurs. Then, with ptot = 100 kPa pBz = 100 (0.014) = 1.4 kPa, which corresponds to −11oC from Perry or use Antoine Eqn. and solve for T ( p*Bz = 10.5 mm Hg) ln (10.5) = 15.9008 - b) (-15oC from the CD) 2788.51 T − 52.36 Repeat for p*Bz = 8.0 kPa (60 mm Hg) corresponding to 15.4oC 8.4.12 Assume equilibrium. At 75˚F, from the Antoine equation, the vapor pressure of benzene is 90 mmHg. Assume the barometer is 760 mm Hg abs. p∗B 90 mol Bz mol Bz = = = 0.13 ∗ mol air mol air pt − pB 760 − 90 a) The OSHA limit is 1 ppm over 8 hours. The above greatly exceeds this limit. b) No, because the garage is probably not well ventilated, and also if a water heater is in the garage, the LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) may be exceeded. 8.4.13 Basis: 50 ft3 air at 29.92 in. Hg and 70ºF p*H2O at 50ºF = 0.36 in Hg The amount of water per hour is 1.68 lb H 2O 50 ft 3 60 min 1 lb mol 429oR 0.36 in. Hg of H 2O 18 lb = 3 o min 1 hr 359 ft 530 R 29.92 in. Hg total lb mol hr Alternate solution: make air and water balances. 8–18 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.14 Basis: 1 lb air If the air is saturated, p*C8 = 2.36 in Hg and pair = 29.66 - 2.36 = 27.30 in Hg. p*C8 pair = 2.36 mol C8 = 0.0864 27.30 mol air (a) lb air lb air 27.30 mol Air 29 lb air 1 lb mol C 8 = 2.94 = l bC 8 lb C8 2.36 mol C 8 1 lb mol air 114.2 lbC 8 (b) nc 2.36 mol C 8 = 8 = 0.080 which is also the fraction of the volume. (27.30 + 2.36) mol total n tot 2.94lb air 1 lb mol air 359 ft 3 at SC 580 R 29.92in Hg lb C8 29 lb air 1lb mol air 492 R 29.66in Hg (c) = 43.3 ft 3 at 120 ˚F and 29.6 in. Hg/lb octane 8.4.15 At equilibrium, the pressure of Hg is its vapor pressure −4 p* H g 1.729× x10 g mol Hg = = = pt nt pair 99.5g mol air pHg nHg Note: pt = pair + pHg = pair for all purposes so 1.729×10 −4 gmol Hg 99.5gmol total gas Basis: 1.729 × 10-4 g mol Hg −4 1.729×10 gmol Hg 200.59g 1000mg = 38.14 mgHg 1gmol Hg 1g nRT = p 3 99.5gmol air 293.15K 8.314(kPa)(m ) 1kg 3 = 2.44m at 20 C and 99.5kPa 99.5 kPa (kg mol)(K) 1000g V= 8–19 Solutions Chapter 8 15.65 mg at 20˚C and 99.5 kPa. m3 Level is not acceptable. A mercury spill can be cleaned up reasonably effectively by dusting with sulfur, then vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner specifically designed for mercury pick-up, which prevents the escape of mercury vapor. The instructor should point out to the student that the assumption of the “no ventilation” is not a very good approximation unless the surface of the mercury is rather large or there is truly no ventilation in the storeroom. 8.4.16 Step 5: Basis: 1 min Steps 2, 3, and 4: System is loading plus water seal, steady state, open C4 300cm3 20oC 100 kPa Comp. P Water seal Loading Air = ? 0.015 H2O(sat) Total p*H2O at 20oC = 2.34 kPa 3 pV 100.0 kPa 300 cm3 ⎛ 1 m ⎞ (kg mol)(K) n c4 = = ⎜ ⎟ RT 293.15 K ⎝ 100 cm ⎠ 8.314(kPa)m3 ) = 1.231 × 10-5 kg mol = 1.231 × 10-2 g mol C4 Steps 6, 7, 8, and 9: At P, the mole fraction of water is 2.34/120 = x H O = 0.0195 2 The moles of P come from a C4 balance (C4 is a tie element) P = 0.821 g mol 8–20 kPa air C4 1.231 × 10-2 = 0.015P mol fr. 2.34 1.00 120 Solutions Chapter 8 Then the air in is 0.821 (1-0.0195 – 0.015) = 0.793 g mol V= nRT 0.793×10-3 kg mol 293.15 K 8.314 (kPa)(m3 ) = p 100 kPa (kg mol)(K) V= 1.93 ×10-2 m3 at 100.0 kPa and 20ºC per min 8.4.17 Basis: 1 hr The question really is: does the Hg condense at 150ºF, or is it still a vapor (and thus not collected). The moles of Hg are: 40,000 (0.023 × 10-2) lb Hg 1 lb mol Hg = 0.046 lb mol 200 lb Hg The moles of gas are (ignoring the Hg): 40,000 lb gas 1 lb mol gas = 1250 lb mol 32 lb gas y Hg = 0.046 = 3.68 10−5 0.046 + 1250 × The partial pressure of the Hg in the gas is yp total (3.68 × 10-5)(14.7) = 5.4 × 10-4 psia The Hg will remain a vapor and not condense. 8–21 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.18 Basis: 20,000 ft3 moist air at entering conditions in 1 day 20,000 ft 3 273 800 1 lb mol = 57.18 lb mol total 280 760 359 ft 3 at SC (0.532 lb mol H2O) System: Refrigerator is system Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: W2 and P; balance: H2O and air Steps 8 and 9: ⎫ ⎛ 0.99.12 ⎞ ⎛ 0.13 ⎞ H 2 O: 57.18 ⎜ ⎟ = W2 (1) + P ⎜ ⎟ ⎪ lb mol ⎝ 106.63 ⎠ ⎝ 106.63 ⎠ ⎪ ⎬ P = 56.72 ⎛ 105.64 ⎞ ⎛ 106.5 ⎞ ⎪ Air: 57.18 ⎜ ⎟ = W2 (0) + P ⎜ ⎟ not accurate ⎪ W2 = 0.4613 ⎝ 106.63 ⎠ ⎝ 106.63 ⎠ ⎭ Total: 57.18 = W2 +P Basis: 30 days 30 (0.4613) (18) = 249 lb H 2O/30 days 8–22 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.19 Steps 1-4: air F(mol) H2O 25oC 100 kPa remove 50% H2O (saturated) air H2O P 100 kPa W (mol) 100% H2O dew point = 16oC mol fr. 100-p*P/100 p*P/100 1.00 at exit p* = ? At 16ºC 0.57 in Hg 0.28 psia * From steam tables p* = 1.92 kPa p H2O ≅ 13.6 mm Hg =1.81 kPa pair = 100 – 1.92 = 98.08 Thus pair = 100 – 1.81 = 98.18 kPa Step 5: Basis is 100 Mol F Step 6: Unknowns: W, P Step 7: Balances: H2O, air Steps 8 & 9: Balances around process in mol Air ⎛ 100 − p*H2O ⎞ ⎛ 98.08 ⎞ 100 ⎜ = W(0) + P ⎜ ⎟ in P ⎟ 100 ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ H2O ⎛ p*H2O in P ⎞ ⎛ 1.92 ⎞ 100 ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ = W(1) + P ⎜ ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠ Total 100 Also, p* = f(T) =W+P vapor pressure relation • The exit gas has one-half the entering H2O, or ½ (1.92) = 0.96 mol thus W = ½ (1.92) = 0.96 mol H2O. • The exit air has 98.08 mol dry air. • At the exit p H O = p*H O = y H O (100) = 2 2 2 0.96 100 ≅ 0.97 kPa 0.96 + 98.08 8–23 Solutions Chapter 8 • From the steam tables, this corresponds to about 280 K (7oC) , or use Antoine Eq. Note: Taking ½ of (1.92) = 0.96 and dividing by 100 instead of (pH O +pair ) is wrong. The answer is close to correct because of the very small amount of water. 2 8.4.20 Basis: 1000m3 sat. air at 99 kPa and 30ºC p*H2O at 30ºC = 0.6155 psia = 31.8 mm Hg = 4.24 kPa 1000 m3 or 1 kg mol 99 kPa 273 K = 39.3 kg mol 3 22.415 m a tSC 101.3 kPa 303 K n= 99 kPa 1000 m3 (kg mol)(K) =39.3 kg mol 303 K 8.314 (kPa)(m3 ) Initial: 4.24 ⎞ ⎟ = 1.68 kg mol H 2 O ⎝ 99 ⎠ Initial mol H2O = 39.3 ⎛⎜ 99 − 4.24 ⎞ ⎟ = 39.3 − 1.68 = 37.62 kg mol air 99 ⎝ ⎠ Initial mol air = 39.3 ⎛⎜ Final: At 14ºC and 133 kPa, the air is still saturated, and nair = 37.62 kg mol p*14oC H2O = 0.2302 psia = 11.9 mm Hg = 1.59 kPa = p H 2O @14oC p H2 O pair = n H2 O n air so n H O ⎫ There is the same as 1.59 = 2 ⎬ (133 − 1.59) 37.62 ⎭ an H2O material balance n H2O = 0.46 kg mol 1.68 – 0.46 = 1.22 kg mol or 22 kg 8–24 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.21 Steps 2, 3, and 4: C2H6 CO2 H2O O2 N2 Combustion chamber AIR 100 kPa (20% excess) Assume combustion is complete and the gases are ideal. The process is open, steady state with reaction. The first objective is to make material balances. C2 H6 +3.5O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2 O Step 5: Basis: 100 mol C2H6 Step 4: The entering O2 is The excess O2 is (0.20) (3.50) = Total O2 is 350 mol 70 mol 420 mol 0.79 ⎞ ⎟ = ⎝ 0.21 ⎠ The N2 is 420 ⎛⎜ 1580 mol Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: 4 (The components of the flue gas) Balances: C, H, O, N, total of 4 Degrees of freedom = 0 Steps 8 and 9 (balances in moles, in = out): C: 2N: H: O: 2(100) = n CO 1580 = n N 6 (100) = 2n H O 420(2) = 2n CO +n H O +2n O Total n CO 2 = 200 mol 2 n N2 = 1580 mol 2 n H2O = 300 mol 2 2 2 n O2 = 700 mol 2150 mol 2 The dewpoint is the temperature at which the flue gas is saturated p*H2O = y H2O pTotal = 300 (100 kPa) = 14.0 kPa 2150 This pressure of H2O corresponds (from the steam tables) to 325.7 K (52.6o C) 8–25 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.22 mol % 4.5 CO2 26.0 CO 13.0 H2O 0.5 CH4 56.0 N2 100.0 F P Pt = 98 kPa nCO 2 nH O 2 nN 2 nO 2 Air 10% excess O2 22.55 mol N2 84.83 } Step 4: Calculate the xs air and add total air to the diagram Step 5: Basis: 100 mol synthesis gas Step 6: Unknowns: n O ,NCO ,n H O ,n N ,P (5 total) Step7: Balances (5 independent equations) Steps 8, 9: Use element balances 2 2 2 2 C, O, H, N, ∑ n i = P In out C: 4.5 + 26.0 + 0.5 = n CO 2 n CO 2 = 31.0 H: 0.5 (4) + 13 (2) = n H2O (2) n H2O = O2: 4.5 + 26.0 + 22.55 = 2 n CO2 + N2: 56.0 + 84.83 y H2O = = n N2 n H2O 2 28 2 n O2 = 2.05 n N2 = 140.8 187.9 28 / 2 14 = 187.9 187.9 ⎛ 14 ⎞ p*H2 O = p H2 O = 98 ⎜ ⎟ =7.3 kPa (or 1.06 psia) ⎝ 187.9 ⎠ This is equivalent to a temperature of 104oF from the steam tables (40ºC) 8–26 Solutions Chapter 8 8.4.23 Basis: 100 mol gases leaving absorber CH4 + 2O2 →CO2 + 2 H2 O 0.8335mol N2 0.21mol O 2 1mol CO2 = 0.1108 mol CO2 0.79 mol N2 2 mol O2 1 - 0.8335 - 0.1108 = 0.0557 mol H2O; 0.00557 (20) = 1.114 psia Dew point ≈ 105 F at 1.114 psia b) At constant temperature of 130 ˚F, the gas must be compressed until the partial pressure increases and becomes equal to the vapor pressure in order to reach the point of condensation. From Steam tables, the vapor pressure of water at 130 ˚F is 2.223 psia. The total pressure at which the partial pressure of water (mol fraction = 0.0557) will be 2.223 psia is pH 2 O = p t y H 2 O 2.223 = 40.1psia 0.0557 8.4.24 Basis: 1 lb mol of benzene free air Barometric Pressure = mm Hg 742 p* benzene at 40ºC = 181 Partial pressure of air = 561 Partial pressure of benzene = 181 At 25 psig total pressure or p* benzene at 10ºC Partial pressure of air ⇒ 0.323 lb mol benzene 2052 = 45.4 2006.6 Final partial pressure of benzene in air = 45.4 ⇒ 0.023 lb mol benzene 8–27 Solutions Chapter 8 0.323 – 0.023 = 0.3 lb mol C6H6 recovered a. (0.3)(100) = 92.9% recovery (0.323) b. 2 psig is 103 + 742 = 845 mm Hg (0.023)(845) = 18.9 mm Hg partial pressure of benzene in the recycled air. (1.023) 8.4.25 Steps 2, 3, and 4: The dewpoint of 140ºF gives p*H2O = 149.3 mm Hg Step 5: Basis: 100 lb wet solids in (BDS is bone dry solids) Steps 8 and 9: BDS balance: 60 lb BDS = 0.90 (wet solids out) wet solids out = 66.7 lb From a total balance 100 – 66.7 = 33.3 lb H2O evaporated = 1.85 lb mol H2O evaporated For the air, Assume the air exits at 1.0 atm Composition in: H2O is 10 (100) 800 8–28 = 1.25% Solutions Chapter 8 790 (100) 800 149.3 H2O is (100) 800 = Air = Air is Composition out: 98.75% = 18.7% 81.3% Overall balance (mol) on the gas phase Ain + 1.85 = Aout Air balance (mol) on the gas phase 0.9875 Ain = 0.813 Aout Ain = 8.619 lb moles wet air in 8.619 lb mol 359 ft 3 660o R 760 = 3940 ft 3 of wet air @ 800 mm Hg and 200ºF lb mol 492o R 800 8.4.26 Basis: 1 hr Calculate the amounts of the various components in the gas phase: Water H 2O in = 0 (by specification) H 2O out (saturated): p* at 300 K = 3.51 kPa = p H 2O y H2O = 3.51 kPa = 0.0319 110 kPa CO2 CO2 in: y CO2 = 0.00055 CO2 out: y CO2 = 0.125 O2 O2 in: yO2 = 0.21 8–29 Solutions Chapter 8 O2 out: yO2 = 0.0804 Assume the other gas in and out is N2. The entering gas is 600 m3 120 kPa (kg mol)(K) = 28.87 kg mol 300 K 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) The exit gas can be obtained from a N2 balance 28.87(1 − 0 − 0.00055 − 0.21) = n out (1 − 0.0319 − 0.125 − 0.0804) n out = 29.89 kg mol In one hour in the steady state the moles of CO2 produced were 29.89(0.125) − 28.87(0.00055) = 3.72 kg mol The mole of O2 consumed were 28.87(0.21) − 30.14(0.0804) = 3.64 kg mol RQ = 3.72 = 1.02 3.64 8.4.27 Step 5: Basis: 100 lb mol flue gas Steps 2, 3, and 4: 2.5 lb 97.5 lbF W H2O Coal (dry) F % C 80 H 6 O 8 Ash 6 100 P (flue gas) Air H2O CO2 CO N2 O2 mols fr. 0.140 0.004 0.800 0.056 1.000 N2 0.79 O2 0.21 1.00 H2O, dew point 50oF; p*H2O = 0.3624 in Hg 8–30 Solutions Chapter 8 Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: F, A, W Equations: Material balances: C, H, O (the ash is ignored) Steps 8 and 9 (balances are in moles; in = out) To get F: C: (0.80F)(1/12) = (0.140 + 0.004) 100 To get A: N2: 80 = A(0.79) F = 216 lb or 18.0 lb mol A = 101.27 lb mol H: Hydrogen from the dry coal plus the water in the coal is (MW H = 1.008): ⎡ 216(0.06) 2.5 216 1 2 ⎤ 1 + ⎢ ⎥ = 1 97.5 18.016 ⎦ 2 ⎣ 1.008 6.74 lb mol H2O In A: p*H2O = 0.3624 = yAH2O ptotal = yAH2O (29.90) yAH2O = 0.0121 The water in A is (0.0121) (101.27) = 1.23 lb mol Total H2O in P: W = 7.97 lb mol The dew point is 7.97 (29.92) = 2.21 in. Hg equivalent to 105oF 107.97 8.5.1 (a) F; (b) F;(c) F; (d) T; (e) T; (f) T 8.5.2 For multiple components, the vapor pressure varies with composition as well as with temperature, and to be precise the composition should be stated. 8–31 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.3 Henry’s Law is p = Hx, a straight line with no intercept. A plot of the data indicates Henry’s law fits the data well. 8.5.4 Use Henry’s law p = Hx. The MW of CHC13 is 119.4. The total pressure is 1 atm. x= p 0.024(1) = = 1.41 × 10−4 mol fraction H 170 The concentration in mg/L is Water: 1000 = 55.6 g mol/L 18 The number of moles of CHC13 is (55.6)(1.41× 10−4 ) = 7.84 ×10−3 g mol/L −4 1 − 1.41×10 Concentration = 119.4 g 7.84×10-3g mol 1000 mg = 940 mg/L g mol 1L 1g 8–32 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.5 p = Hx where p is in kPa and x is mol fraction The mole fraction of O2 in the gas phase is y O p O2 y O2 = pTotal = 2 Hx O2 pTotal The moles of O2 and H2O are: 6 mg 1g 103 L 1 g mol O 2 = 0.1875 g mol/m3 in water L 1000 mg 1 m3 32 g O 2 O2 : H 2 O: x O2 = 3 3 10×10 = 55.6 × 103g mol/m 3 18 0.1875 = 3.37 10−6 55.6 × 103 + 0.1875 pTotal = 1 atm y O2 = × 4.02×106 kPa 1 3.37×10-6 mol fr. = 0.134 mol fr. 101.3 kPa Basis: 1 L gas nO = 2 pO 2 RT V= (101.3 kPa)(0.134) 1 atm 101.3 kPa 1L (g mol)(K) 18 g 0.08206(L)(atm) 290 K 1 g mol 8–33 1000 mg 1g = 0.101 mg per L Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.6 Steps 2, 3, and 4 pTotal = 1 atm and at 60ºF the vapor pressures are: p*Toluene = 16 mm Hg p*Benzene = 60 mm Hg Assume the mixture to be ideal so that Raoult’s Law applies Step 5: Basis: 1 mol liquid Steps 6-9: yi = pi p Total = p*i x i p Total For toluene: yTol = For benzene: (16)(0.60) = 0.0126 760 y Bz = (60)(0.40) = 0.0316 760 The balance is air. 0.0126 0.0316 0.0442 Toluene Benzene Total The vapor is flamable. 8.5.7 Use Raoult’s Law. p Total = p*P (1 − x B ) +p*B x B From Perry the vapor pressures are: p*Propane = 16.8 atm p*Butane = 4.8 atm pTotal = (100/14.7) atm = 6.80 atm 6.80 = 16.8(1 − x B ) + 4.8x B x Butane = 0.83 assuming the liquid phase is essentially all of the mixture. 8–34 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.8 Mole fraction in the liquid phase is given by solving the following equations for x Bz : and yTol =p*Tol xTol /pTotal to get xBz = (pTotal − p*Tol )/(p*Bz − p*Tol ) yBz = p*Bz x Bz /pTotal The corresponding equilibrium mole fraction in vapor phase (y) is, yi = p*i x i /pTotal Using these equations for the various temperatures given, the following data for x and y are obtained for the total pressure of 1 atm T(ºC) 80 92 100 110.4 xBz 1.000 0.508 0.256 0.000 yBz 1.000 0.720 0.453 0.000 From the above-calculated data, the following T-x diagram can be drawn. 8–35 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.9 8.5.10 The mole fractions of each component are needed to apply Raoult’s law. Assuming a basis of 100 g of solution, we can construct the following: Water Methanol g Molecular weight 25 75 18 32 Mol Mol fraction 1.39 2.34 3.73 0.37 0.63 1.00 Raoult’s law is used to compute the vapor pressure (p*) of pure methanol based on the partial pressure required to flash: p = xp* p* = p/x = 62/0.63 = 98.4 mm Hg. Use the Antoine equation to get T ln(p* ) = 18.5875 − 3626.55 -34.29 + T T = 293 K (20o C) 8–36 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.11 * p Nap @ 180 ˚F = 460 mm Hg Basis: p* H2 O @ 180 ˚F = 388 mm Hg = 460 + 388 = 848mm Hg pMax = pH 2 O + pNaptha (a) p* Naptha @ 160 ˚F = 318 mm Hg p* H2 O @ 160 ˚F = 245 mm Hg Basis: 6000 lb feed (5000) (0.928) = 4640 lb pure Naptha lb mol H 2 O 245 = lb mol Nap 318 W1 n1 M1 = ; W1 W 2 n 2 M2 1000 - 600 = 0.77 ⎛ 18 ⎞ = 4640 ⎝ (0.77) = 600 lb H2O Distilled 107 ⎠ = 400 lb H2 O left (b) 8.5.12 Steps 2, 3, and 4: LH O = ? 2 100% H2O SO2 Air y1 = 0.03 G = 84.9 m3 293 K pTotal = 1 atm y2 = 0.003 SO 2 Air 290K pTotal = 1 atm LH O 2 nH O=? 2 nSO2= ? saturated Step 5: Basis: 1 min (85 m3 entering gas) 8–37 Solutions Chapter 8 Steps 6 and 7: L n LH2O , n SO , Air 2 Unknowns: Equations. Material balances: H2O, SO2, Air yi > Hxi Steps 8 and 9: The liquid and vapor are assumed to be in equilibrium at the exit, and the water is saturated with SO2 so that y1 = Hx1 0.03 = (43) x SO = so that x SO2 = 0.00070 mol fraction 2 Material balance SO2 (moles): G (0.03 – 0.003) = L (0.00070 – 0) b. g mol H 2 O L = 38.6 G g mol air The respective flow rates are G= 85 m3 1 g mol gas = 3540 g mol gas 0.024 m3 L = (3540) (38.4) = 137 ×103 g mol water In terms of kg a. L = (136) (18) = 2450 kg/min 8–38 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.13 Use the Antoine equation or the physical property package on the CD to get the vapor pressure of pentane (P) and heptane (H). Assume ideal liquid and vapor. Basis: Data given in problem statement ln p*P (mm) = 15.8333 − 2477.07 T-39.94 p*P = 283.6 mm Hg (5.48 psia) ln p*H (mm) = 15.8737 − 2911.32 T − 56.51 p*H = 20.6 mm Hg (0.40 psia) Convert mass fractions to mole fractions: Basis: 100 g liquid P H g 20 80 100 MW 72.15 86.17 g mol 0.28 0.93 1.21 mol. fr. 0.23 0.77 1.00 Equations to use, i = P and H ∑ yi = 1 a. yi = p*i x i pTotal p*P p*H xP + xH = 1 pTotal pTotal pTotal = (283.6)(0.23) + 20.6(0.77) = 80.95 mm Hg 3.19 in Hg 10.8 kPa 1.57 psia 16 (0.23) = 0.90 4.07 0.5 yH = (0.77) = 0.10 4.07 1.00 yP = b. yi = p*i x i pTotal 8–39 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.14 Data: MW Benzene (B) 78.1 Toluene (T) 92.1 p* at 60ºC 51.3kPa 18.5 kPa Assume ideal gas and liquid. Apply Raoult’s Law. Calculate mole fractions in the liquid. b. xB = 1 78.1 = 0.541 1 1 + 78.1 92.1 xT = 1 92.1 = 0.459 1 1 + 78.1 92.1 a. The equations to use are x B p tot = x B p*B yT p tot = x T p*T yB + yT = 1 yB + x T = 1 (1 − y B )p tot = x T p*T ⎛ x B p*B ⎞ * ⎜1 − ⎟ p tot = x T p T p tot ⎠ ⎝ tot p tot = x B p*B + x T p*T = (0.541)(51.3) + (0.459)(18.5) = 36.2 kPa (b) What will be the composition of this first bubble? yB = x B p* B (0.541)(51.3) = = 0.766 p tot 36.2 y T = 1 − y=B 0.234 8–40 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.15 Data: p* at –31.2ºC (kPa) Propane (P) 160.0 n-butane (B) 27.6 Assume ideal solution and vapor. Use Raoult’s law (a) yP ptotal = x P p*P yP +yB = 1 yBptotal = x Bp*B yP +yB = 1 x p p*p yP = (1 − y P )p total = (1 − x P )p*B p total More manipulations give xP = p total − p*B 101.3 − 26.7 = = 0.56 p*P − p*B 160.0 − 26.7 x B = 1 − 0.56 = 0.44 (0.56)(160.0) = 0.884 101.3 (b) yP = (c) For propane TºC -0.5 -16.3 -31.2 -42.1 x 0.0 0.196 0.560 1.0 yB = 1 − 0.884 = y 0.0 0.577 0.884 1.0 8–41 0.116 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.16 Basis: 1.0 lb mol of mixture @ 200ºC Data: p*C7 @ 200o F = 14.7 psia p*C8 @ 200o F = 5.5 psia Mole fraction C7 Partial Press C7 Partial Press C8 0 0 5.5 5.5 0.2 2.94 4.40 7.34 0.4 5.88 3.30 9.18 0.6 0.8 8.82 11.75 2.20 1.10 11.02 12.75 8–42 1.0 14.7 0 14.7 Solutions Chapter 8 C7 = 0.47: pTot = 11.7 psia For pC7 = 10.0 psia pC8 = 1.7 psia 8.5.17 Assume ideal solution. For the bubblepoint pTotal = p*1 (T)x1 + p*2 (T)x 2 (1) pTotal = 200 psia or 10,342 mm Hg xi (mol fr.) 0.20 n-pentane ⎡ 2477.07 ⎤ p*1 = exp ⎢15.8333 − (−39.94 + T) ⎥⎦ ⎣ (2) 0.80 n-hexane ⎡ 2697.55 ⎤ p*2 = exp ⎢15.8366 − (−48.78 + T) ⎥⎦ ⎣ (3) p*i is mm Hg and T is in K Solve Equation (1) to get from Polymath T = 447 K 8–43 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.18 Assume ideal solution For the dewpoint 1 p Total = y1 y 2 + p*1 p*2 (1) p Total = 100 psia or 5, 171 mm Hg yi (mol fr.) 0.20 n-pentane ⎡ 2477.07 ⎤ p*1 = exp ⎢15.8333 − (−39.94 + T) ⎥⎦ ⎣ (2) 0.80 n-hexane ⎡ 2697.55 ⎤ p*2 = exp ⎢15.8366 − (−48.78 + T) ⎥⎦ ⎣ (3) p*i is mm Hg and T is in K Solve Equation (1) to get from Polymath T = 413 K 8.5.19 Calculate the bubble point and dew point temperatures at 39.36 in. Hg = 1000 mm Hg. Use the Antoine equations to get p* based on the assumption the solution is ideal. ln p* = A − B C+T 1 = Benzene 2 = Toluene K1 = p*1 pt ln(K1 ) = 1n(p*1 ) − 1n(pt ) = 1n(p*1 )− 6.9078 Calculate 1nK1 and lnK2. Solve the bubble point equation and the dew point equation by a computer code (or Newton’s method) starting with T = 365K (slightly above p* for benzene). a. Bubble point temperature ∑ yi = 1 = K ∑i x i 8–44 Solutions Chapter 8 If solution is ideal Ki xi = p*i x i p* p* and 0.5 1 + 0.5 2 − 1 = 0 pt pt pt (1) Use the Antoine equation to get p*i Benzene p*1 = 15.9008 − 2788.51 −52.36 + T Toluene p*2 = 16.0137 − 3096.52 −53.67 + T Solution of Equation (1) using Polymath: Bubble point temperature is 375 K b. Dew point temperature ∑ xi = 1 = y 0.5 0.5 ∑i = + Ki Ki K2 (2) Solution of Equation (2): Dewpoint temperature is 381.5 K 8–45 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.20 V V F L p = 80 psia (5.45 atm) T = 250oF (121.1oC) L Assume ideal liquid and vapor exist. Vapor pressure data at 121ºC from the Antoine equation (refer to problem P19.23 for the equations) p* (atm) 9.07 4.03 Pentane (P) Hexane (H) p P = p*P x P = 9.07x P pH = p*H (1 − x P ) = 4.03(1 − x P ) pTotal = 5.45 = pP + pH = 9.07x P + 4.03(1 − x P ) b. x P = 0.282 yP = a. (0.718 hexane) pP p* x (9.07)(0.282) = P P = = 0.469 (0.531 hexane) pTotal pTotal 5.45 Basis: F = 1 mol F=L+V L=1–V F (xF) = Lx + Vy 1(0.40) = (1-V) (0.282) + V(0.469) L = 0.37 mol V = 0.63 mol 8–46 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.21 Assume pentane is the major contributor to the gas-phase composition. yi = pi p tot For Raoult's law, * pi = p i x i * pi = so yi p tot (0.018)(100) = = 36kPa xi 0.05 Using the Antoine equation, ln (36) =15.8333− 2477.07 −39.94 + T T = 242 K 8.5.22 Assume that the pressure at the bottom of the lake = pCO2 p = pgh varies with height Avg. depth = 225 m pCO2 = 1000 kg 9.8 m 225 m = 2.21 × 103 kPa + 1.01 × 102 kPa m3 s2 = 23 Atm pCO2 = HxCO 2 ⇒ x CO2 = 23atm = 0.0134 1.7×10 3 atm mol fr If the entire 200,000 tons were saturated at pCO but not supersaturated 200, 000 ton H2 O 1000 kg 1kgmol = 1.11 × 107 kg mol ton 18kg 0.0134 = n CO2 nCO 2 is mol of CO2 1.11×107 + nCO 2 8–47 Solutions Chapter 8 n CO2 = 1.51 × 105 kg mol (1.5×10 5 )(8.314)(273) nRT 6 3 = VCO2 = = 3.39×10 m p 101.3kPa Above would be the worst case. The CO2 would be less; p CO2 average might be a better choice to use in which case VCO 2 would be, say ½ the calculated amount. 8.5.23 a. Apply Henry’s law to solve the problem. p = Hx or x = p H From the internet, H = 43,600 where x is the mole fraction in the liquid and p is in bars. Enriched gas (110)(0.397) kPa 1 bar 100 kPa x o2 = = 1.00×10-5 mol fr. 43,600 bar mol fr. b. To compare enriched gas with nonenriched gas ⎛ p ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ x enriched ⎝ H ⎠enriched = x nonenriched ⎛ p ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ H ⎠ nonenriched percent excess is: = (110)(0.397) = 1.89 (110)(0.21) 1.89 − 1 (100) = 89% 1 8–48 Solutions Chapter 8 8.5.24 VI y1I FI z1I VII yII 2 I II LI x1I = z1II LII x1II 1 designates component A 2 designates component B For each of the separation units we can write a mass balance and an equilibrium relationship, e.g., Raoult’s Law. Material balance on Comp. 1 V y1 F z1 Fz1 = Vy1 + Lx1 (1) Raoult’s Law Sep. Unit L x1 y1pTotal = x1p*1 (2) (1-y1 )pTotal = (1-x1 )p*2 (3) Solve for y1 in (1): ⎛ Fz ⎞ ⎛ L ⎞ y1 = ⎜ 1 ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟ x1 ⎝ V ⎠ ⎝ V ⎠ (4) Introduce in (2): ⎡⎛ Fz1 ⎞ ⎛ L ⎞ ⎤ * ⎢⎜ V ⎟ − ⎜ V ⎟ x1 ⎥ pTotal = x1p 1 ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ ⎣⎝ ⎦ Basis: 1 minute Introduce the given values p*1 = 10 kPa p*2 = 100 kPa FI = 100 mol LI = 50 mol 8–49 Solutions Chapter 8 V I = 50 mol VII= 25 mol LII = 25 mol z1 = 0.50 The solution is p*1 = 10kPa p*1 = 10kPa p*2 = 100kPa p*2 = 100kPa Unit I FI = LI = VI = z1I = Unit II 100 mol/s 50 mol/s 50 mol/s 0.5 I x1 = I x2 = FII = LII = VII = z1II = 50 mol/s 25 mol/s 25 mol/s 0.75975 II x1 = II 0.93391 II II x2 = 0.06609 II 1 0.75975 = z1 0.24025 = z 2 I 1 y = 0.24025 y = 0.58559 I 0.75975 y2 = 0.41441 y2 = II I II p Total = 31.62 kPa pTotal = 15.95 kPa 8.6.1 Apply K values to solve the problem. Get the mole fraction of the compound in the liquid phase. Basis: 100 g water (5.555 g mol) liquid g MW g mol g mol x (mol fr.) vapor K y (mol fr.) H 2O Glycerol 5.5 92.08 0.0597 5.555 0.0106 1.2 × 10-7 1.27 × 10-9 MEK 1.1 72.10 0.0153 5.555 0.00275 3.065 0.00843 Phenol 2.1 94.11 0.0223 5.555 0.00400 0.00485 1.94 × 10-5 The mole fractions in the gas phase are in the far right hand column. Glycerol and phenol have the lowest concentrations. If volatization is proportional to the vapor phase concentration, only MEK might be a problem. 8–50 Solutions Chapter 9 9.1.1 Basis: 1 lbm 252 cal 1 lb m 4 = 2.5 × 10 cal / kg a. 45.0 Btu 1 Btu 0.454 kg lb m 3 1.055 × 10 J 1 lb m 5 45.0 Btu = 1.048 × 10 J / kg b. 1 Btu 0.454 kg lb m –4 2.930 × 10 (kW)(hr) 1 lb m – 2 ( kW)(hr ) 45.0 Btu = 2.91× 10 c. 1 Btu 0.454 kg lb m kg 2 7.7816 × 10 (ft) (lb f) 4 d. 45.0 Btu = 3.5 × 10 ( ft )(lb f ) / lb m 1 Btu lb m 9.1.2 9.484 × 10 a. 4.184 J J (g) (°C) –4 –41.6 J 9.484 × 10 b. J kg –4 c. 0.59 (kg (m) 3 (s ) (K) = 0.341 = 1.00 (lb m )(° F ) kg 1g 1000 g 2.20 × 10 – 3 lb = –0.0179 Btu 2.2 × 10 Btu 1°C 1g –3 lb m 1.8°F m –1 1N –2 (kg) (m) (s ) (J) (m ) 9.484 × 10 J 1N –4 Btu Btu (ft )(hr )(° F) 9.1.3 2 cal 252 cal hr ft a. 6000 Btu = 0.4521 2 2 2 (s) cm 2 (hr) (ft ) Btu 3600 s 30.48 cm ( ) cal (Δ) 1.8°F b. 2.3 Btu 252 cal lb = 2.3 ( g)(°C ) (lb) (°F) Btu 453.6 g (Δ) ° C 9–1 Btu lb m 1 m 3600 s 1 K 3.2808 ft hr 1.8°F Solutions Chapter 9 c. J 200 Btu 1, 055 J hr (Δ )1.8°F ft = 3.46 (s)(cm )(° C) (hr )( ft )(°F ) Btu 3600 30.45 cm ( Δ )°C 3 d. 10.73 (lb f) (ft ) 144 in. 2 (in. 2 ) (lb mol) (°R) = 8.31 ft 2 3 Btu lb mol 1.055×10 J (Δ) 1.8°R Btu 778 (ft) (lb f) 453.6 g mol (Δ) ° K J (g mol )(° K) 9.1.4 Basis: 1011 watts 108 W 8.6057 ×105 cal 1 hr 1 (min)(cm2 ) 1 m2 103 (W)(hr) 60 min 0.10 32.0 cal (100 cm) 2 = 4.5 × 104 m2 larg e 9.1.5 (a) T; (b) T; (c) F; (d) F; (e) T 9.1.6 (a) T; (b) T; (c) T; (d) T; (e) T; (f) F; (g) F 9.1.7 partial pressure volume specific gravity potential energy relative saturation specific volume surface tension refractive index intensive extensive intensive extensive intensive intensive intensive intensive 9–2 Solutions Chapter 9 9.1.8 a. Intensive b. Intensive c. Intensive d. Extensive 9.1.9 To convert to J/(min) (cm2) (°C), we set up the dimensional equation as follows 2 h= 2 0.026 G 0.6 Btu 1055 J 1 hr ⎛ 1 ft ⎞ ⎛ 1 in. ⎞ 1.8o F ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ D0.4 (hr) (ft 2 ) (o F) 1 Btu 60 min ⎝ 12 in. ⎠ ⎝ 2.54 cm ⎠ 1o C = 8.86 × 10-4 G 0.6 J D0.4 (min)(cm2 )(o C) 9.1.10 a. 1 lb fat 1 kg 7,700 k cal day = 7 days 2.2 lb kg 500 k cal b. 1 lb fat 1 kg 7,700 k cal 4.184 k J km 0.6214 mi = 22.75 mi 1 k cal 400 k J 1 km 2.2 lb kg c. Total energy consumed is the same. The higher power consumption is compensated for in the shorter travel time. 9–3 Solutions Chapter 9 9.1.11 975 W A m 2 320 days 24 hr 5 0.21 3.6 × 106 J m2 1 day 25 1( kW)( hr ) a. 20 = 3 × 10 J A = 2.5 × 101 1m 2 ( 2.5×10 km ) 5 2 The capital cost is probably too great and the maintenance too high relative to other power sources. Also, the location would have to be in the far western united so power would have to be transmitted over long distances. b. 3×1020 J = 10,000 Btu 2,000 lb T tons 1055 J 0.70 lb ton 1 Btu T = 2.0 ×1010 tons 2.0 ×1010 = 0.012 1.7 ×1012 9.1.12 First substitute for T F o ToF = To C (1.8) + 32 Next change units k= {a + b ⎡⎣T (1.8) + 32⎤⎦} Btu 1055 J 1 ft o C (hr)(ft)(o F) = 1.05 ⎡⎣a + b(To C (1.8) + 32 ⎤⎦ 1 in 1 hr 1.80o F 1 Btu 12 in 2.54 cm 60 min 10 K J (min)(cm)(K) or k = 1.05 a + 1.8 bT C + 33.2 o 9–4 Solutions Chapter 9 9.1.13 900,000 J (s)(10-3 ) kW = 105 kW or 100 MW -3 9×10 s 1J The answer is yes . 9.1.14 (a) Some examples are: How far would you have to run to lose 1 kg of fat? 32,000 kJ 1 km = 80 km 400 kJ about the distance of 2 marathons! (b) How many days would you have to reduce your diet from 2400 calories to 1400 calories to lose one kg of fat? 7700 k cal 1 day = 8 days 1 kg fat 1000 k cal 9.1.15 A main meal is equivalent to about 4000 kJ. A ¼ hour is 900 seconds, so that (700 J/s) (900 s) / 1000 = 630 kJ, an insufficient amount of time. 9.1.16 A closed system because no mass exchange occurs with the surroundings. 9.1.17 Yes. Watts are power, and if the energy is transferred for a very short period to time, the power can be quite large. For example, 1J (a very small amount of energy) transferred in 10–6s is 1 MW! 9–5 Solutions Chapter 9 9.1.18 The trend is to advertise in a way that makes people select a product. And sometimes that just creates confusion. What the manufacturer is doing is basing the advertisement on the weight of the hot dog. A hot dog weights about 43 grams and has 8 grams of fat in it. They divided 8 by 43 and get 19 percent fat. They can round it off to 20 and say it’s 80 percent fat free. But you are concerned with the percentage of fat in the calories. You want 30 percent or less to come from fat. Your figures are right. 9.2.1 Basis: 40.0 Newtons × 6.00 m = 240(N)(m) (a) (b) (c) (d) 240(N)(m) 1J = 240 J 1(N)(m) 240(N)(m) 0.738(ft)(lb f ) = 177.0(ft)(lb f ) 1(N)(m) 240(N)(m) 1 J 0.239 cal = 57.4 cal 1(N)(m) 1J 240(N)(m) 1 J 9.478 ×10-4 Btu = 0.226 Btu 1(N)(m) 1J 9.2.2 The work done by the cylinder-piston system is W = -p(V2-V1) =− 350 kPa 0.15 − 0.02 m3 1 kJ = 45.5 kJ (1 kPa)(1 m3 ) 9–6 − Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.3 No work is done because the boundary of the system remains fixed. 9.2.4 Basis: 2 kg mass PE = mgh = 12 kg 9.80 m 25 m 1(J)(s2 ) = 2940 J s2 1(kg)(m2 ) 9.2.5 Any correct examples will be satisfactory for (b), (c), and (d). But for (a), liquid to solid, there are probably no examples. If any, they would be pathological cases. 9.2.6 (1) Solid melting. 9.2.7 Basis: 10 lb water (5 lb vaporized) The work done by the piston is caused by the water vapor expanding at constant temperature and pressure. Ignore the volume of the liquid water at the initial conditions, and assume the initial amount of vapor is also negligible. From state to state 2 ΔV̂vapor = 4.897 ft 3 / lb from the steam tables. For the 5 lb V2 = (5 lb)(4.897 ft 3 /lb) = 24.49 ft 3 W=− 89.65 lbf 144 in 2 (24.49 ft 3 ) = −3.16 × 105 (lbf )(ft) 2 2 in 1 ft 9.2.8 (a) T; (b) F; (c) T; (d) F; (e) F; (f) F; (g) T 9–7 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.9 The comment is not a correct use of the term heat, which is a transfer of energy. 9.2.10 Conservation is confused with balancing. Heat is energy transferred from one system to another, and from the viewpoint of either system (for which an energy balance is made), heat is not conserved. Thus (a) is wrong, heat is part of a balance; (b) same as (a); (c) heat is not conserved—it is transferred and is part of the energy balance; (d) the answer should be no with the explanation offered. 9.2.11 (a) Wrong. Heat is energy, not material. (b) Wrong. Heat is energy by definition. (c) Wrong. Heat is energy; cold is related to temperature. (d) Wrong. See (c). (e) Wrong. Heat is a transfer of energy. (f) Heat can be measured, but indirectly via temperature, mass, etc. (g) Wrong. See (a). (h) OK except for “or can be stored,” which is wrong. (i) Burning produces a change in the state of the reactants and products, but the change is not heat. Heat transfer can result from the change in state. (j) Heat cannot be stored and hence destroyed. Heat transfer can be terminated. 9.2.12 A better use of words than “absorbing heat” would be “to transfer heat.” Heat is really not “concentrated.” The internal energy of the medium increases. 9–8 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.13 (a) F; (b) F; (c) T; (d) F; (e) T; (f) T but debatable; (g) F; (h) F 9.2.14 Heat transfer rate is Q=hAΔT=h( π DL)ΔT = Q 9.2.15 5J 5 cm 1 m 100π m (120 − 20)oC 7854J/s 100 cm (s)(m 2 )( oC) Basis: 1 minute KE = (1/2 ) mv2 v= 500,000 g 1 cm3 4 = 22,143 cm/min min 1.15g π(5)2cm2 2 2 2 1 500 kg ⎛ 22,143 cm ⎞ 1(J)(s 2 ) ⎛ 1 min ⎞ ⎛ 1 m ⎞ KE = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 6810 J 2 min ⎝ min ⎠ 1(kg)(m2 ) ⎝ 60s ⎠ ⎝ 100 cm ⎠ 9.2.16 Basis: 1 lbm H2O KE = 1/2 mv2 2 1 1 lbm ⎛ 10 ft ⎞ (lbf )(s2 ) KE = = 1.55 (ft) (lbf ) ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎝ s ⎠ 32.2 (lbm )(ft) 9–9 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.17 Relative to the reference values in the steam tables and the CD: (a) U = 3528 kJ/kg (from the steam tables) (b) The quality is 0.13% and U = 1213 kJ/kg from the steam tables (c) At 100oC and 1000 kPa, U of the liquid is about U ≅ 532 kJ/kg from the steam table 9.2.18 Basis: 1 kg steam 1 2 250.5°C 4000 kPa 650°C 10,000 kPa ΔU = ΔH – ΔpV or use U values directly from SI tables or computer code. Data here taken from the steam tables. State 1 (assumed saturated) State 2 (superheated) 250.5°C (523.5 K) 650°C (923 K) 482°F 1202°F 4000 kPa abs. 10,000 kPa abs. p 580 psia 1450 psia Vˆ 0.498 m3/kg 0.04117 m3/kg ΔU 2602 kJ/kg 3338 kJ/kg ΔH (ref. satd liquid at 0°C) 2801 kJ/kg 3742 kJ/kg T 9–10 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.19 Internal energy is the energy contained in the material of a system because of its molecular arrangement. Heat is energy that flows between the system and the surroundings because of a temperature gradient. Therefore they are not the same class of energy. 9.2.20 ΔH = ΔU + Δ (pV) When a liquid vaporizes Δ (pV) adds to ΔU. 9.2.21 ∆H and ∆U are zero because ∆H and ∆U are point (state) functions (variables). 9.2.22 None. The initial and final states for U and H are the same. 9.2.23 The energy balance is ΔΕ = ΔU + ΔPE + ΔKE = Q + W Q >0 0 0 0 (a) (b1) (b2) (c) ΔE >0 >0 >0 >0 W 0 >0 >0 >0 9.2.24 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) T F F T F (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) F F F T T 9–11 ΔU >0 >0 >0 >0 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.25 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) F F F T T (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) T F T F F (k) (l) (m) (n) T F T T 9.2.26 (a) 1; (b) 3; (c) 5; (d) 2; (e) 4 The boiling temperature is at 4 reading to the left scale (100ºC) The freezing temperature is at 1 reading to the left scale (0ºC) 9.2.27 Tc = 540.2 K pc = 27 atm ⎛ T ⎞ 0.0331⎜ b ⎟ − 0.0327 + 0.0297 log (p c ) kJ ⎝ Tc ⎠ ΔH v = Tb (g mol) (K) ⎛ T ⎞ 1.07 − ⎜ b ⎟ ⎝ Tc ⎠ ΔH v = 31.679 kJ g mol The percent error is negligible in view of the precision of the data. 9.2.28 Below log is log10 . The critical temperature = 408.1 K C p = A + Blog Tr Basis: 1 g mol B= Cp1 − Cp2 log Tr1 − log Tr2 ; A = Cp1 Blog Tr1 9–12 − Solutions Chapter 9 Cp1 = 97.3 Tr1 = 300 / 408.1 = 0.735 log Tr1 = 0.134 C p2 = 149.0 Tr2 = 500 / 408.1 = 1.225 log Tr2 = 0.088 A = 128.5 B = 232.6 at 1000 K: Tr1000 = 1000 / 408.1 = 2.45 − log Tr1000 = 0.389 Cp = 128.5 + 232.6(0.389) = 219.0 J /(g mol)(K) (100) 227.6 − 219.0 = 3.8% 227.6 9.2.29 ΔH = 2∫ 250 + 273 50 + 273 (27.32 + 0.6226 ×10−2 T − 0.0950 ×10−5 T 2 )dT ΔH = 11,980 J (The CD gives 11,784 J) 9.2.30 Integrate the heat capacity equation, use Table D3 in the Appendix, or use CD From the CD ΔH = 2580 J/g mol 9.2.31 2 ⎛ πD 2 ⎞ ⎟ 5.5 = π (0.25) ( 5.5) = 0.27 cm 3 . The density of Al is The volume of the wire is ⎜ ⎝ 4 ⎠ 4 3 19.35 g/cm , so 19.35(0.27) = 5.22g or 0.194 g mol Al. From Perry, Cp = 20.0 + 0.0135T (T in K, Cp in J/(g mol)(°C) and ∆Hfusion = 10,670 J/g mol at 660°C. ⎡660 +273 ⎤ ΔH = 0.194 ⎢ ∫ (20.0 + 0.0135T)dT + 10,670 ⎥ = 5560 J ⎣ 25+ 273 ⎦ ( ) 5560 2.773 × 10 –7 = 1.54 × 10 –3 kWh 9–13 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.32 Basis: 5 ft3 vessel Vapor = 4 ft3, Liquid = 1 ft3 Steam tables: Sat'd steam at 1000 psia 3 3 ft Vv = 0.44596 lb ml = mv = 1 ft 3 lb 0.02159 ft 4 ft ft Vl = 0.02159 lb 3 3 lb 0.44596 ft 3 lb mass fr. 46.32 0.838 8.97 0.162 55.29 1.000 = = mt = Quality = 0.162 9.2.33 We will use the steam tables for this problem. Basis: 1 lb of H2O at 60°F From steam tables (ref. temp. = 32°F): Ĥ = 28.07 Btu/lb at 60°F Ĥ = 1604.5 Btu/lb at 1150°F and 240 psig (254.7 psia) Δ Ĥ = (1604.5 – 28.07) = 1576.4 Btu/lb ΔH = 1576(8.345) = 13.150 Btu/gal Note: The enthalpy value that has been used for liquid was taken from the steam tables for the saturated liquid under its own vapor pressure. Since the enthalpy of liquid water changes negligibly with pressure, no loss of accuracy is encountered for engineering purposes if the initial pressure on the water is not stated. 9–14 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.34 Basis: 3 kg H2O The initial conditions are obtained from the SI steam tables for saturated liquid. Enthalpy is a function of the temperature and pressure, but the effect of pressure on liquid water under these conditions is negligible. Therefore the enthalpy of water at 300K and 101.3 kPa can be approximated by the enthalpy of saturated water at the same temperature but at the vapor pressure of 3.536 kPa. The final conditions are presumably a state in which water is all vapor. A check of the steam tables shows this assumption to be true. At T(K) p(kPa) 300 800 3.536 1500 ˆ ΔH(kJ/kg) 111.7 3384.3 The enthalpy change is ΔH = 3 kg (3384.3-111.7) kJ = 9817.8 kJ kg 9.2.35 The amount of energy that the water gives up in cooling to 0ºC is not enough to melt all the ice, since each gram of water will give up 209 J in cooling, while heating 1 g of ice to 0º and melting it requires that 2 × 40 + 335 = 415 J be expended (the heat capacity of ice is 2 J/(g) (ºC)). 9.2.36 Yes. 40ºF and saturated liquid is an arbitrary reference state for enthalpy that can be assigned a value of zero. Only enthalpy changes can be computed using the chart; the enthalpy itself cannot be determined. 9–15 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.37 Basis: 1.2 ft3 gas at 7.3 atm p of 1 atm = 15,450 lbf/ft2 pV1.3 = const. V1 = (1.2)1.3 = 1.27 1.3 p1V1 = (15450)(1.27) = 19,620 1.3 19,620 W = − ∫=pdV − ∫= − 1.3 dV V 19,620 ∫ dV ⎡ 19,620 ⎤ V2 = − ⎢ 1.3 0.3 ⎥ V ⎣ −0.3V ⎦ V1 1.3 1.3 2 V (V )(p1 ) (1.27)(7.3) = 1 = = 9.27 p2 (1.0) V2 = 5.54 ft 3 V1 = (1.2)0.3 = 1.06 0.3 V2 0.3 W= = (5.54)0.3 = 1.67 19,620 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ (19,620)(0.344) − =− = −22,500(ft)(lbf ) ⎢ ⎥ 0.3 ⎣1.67 1.06 ⎦ 0.3 9.2.38 The density of air at 27ºC and 1 atm is ρ = ρ= 101.3 kPa Power = (p)(MW) (RT) 29 kg air (kg mol)(K) = 1.18 kg / m3 1 kg mol air 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) 300 K 1 1 1 2 = (ρAv) v 2 = ρAv 3 mv 2 2 2 9–16 Solutions Chapter 9 Assume air flow through the windmill is equivalent to the average flow in a pipe of diameter 15m. v= 20 mi 1.61×103m 1 hr = 8.94 m/s hr 1 mi 3600 s 2 ⎛ 15 ⎞ π ⎜ m ⎟ 3 2 1 1.18 kg ⎛ ⎞ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎛ 8.94 m ⎞ 1(s )J (s)(W) 1 kW = 74.46 kW Power = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ 3 2 ⎝ s ⎠ 1(kg)(m ) 1 J 1000W ⎝ 2 ⎠ m Electrical energy = (74.46)(0.30) = 22.3 kW 9.2.39 a. Basis: 1 lbm of vehicle 25, 000 mi 1 hr 5280 ft = 36, 600 ft/s hr 3600 s 1 mi 9 2 1 1.34 × 10 ft 1 lb m 1 7 (ft) (lb f) K.E. = = 2.08 × 10 lb m 2 2 gc s 7 2.08 × 10 (ft) (lb f) 1 Btu = K.E. = 778 (ft) (lb f) 2.68 × 10 4 Btu / lb lb m b. m Heat capacity of, say, 1 Btu/(lb) (°F) gives 1 Btu 20°F = 20 Btu/lb m . (lb) (°F) Essentially all the energy must be transferred to the surroundings 9–17 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.40 Assume 7 meters is a constant level difference hence h = 7m Filled reservoir 7m For one-half of the complete cycle (6 hours): m = ρAh = Δ(PE) = 3 2 10 kg 23 km 7 m m 3 3 10 m 1 km 2 = 1.61 × 10 11 kg 1.61×1011 kg 9.80 m 7 m 1J = 1.10×1013 J 2 (1 kg)(m 2 ) s s2 For a complete cycle: 2 1.10×1013J 0.85 1 min = 4.23×108 J/s 370 min 60s 8 or 5.06 × 10 W 9–18 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.41 The heat capacity of a monoatomic ideal gas is volume is: 5 R , and the heat capacity at constant 2 5 3 R −R = R 2 2 You can show that C p = C Vˆ + R ˆ ⎞ ⎡ ∂U ˆ + ∂ (pV) ˆ ⎤ ⎛ ∂U ⎞ ⎛ ∂H ⎛ ∂V ⎞ Cp = ⎜ ⎟ = ⎢ ⎥ = ⎜ ⎟ + p ⎜ ⎟ ∂T ⎝ ∂T ⎠p ⎝ ∂T ⎠p ⎣ ⎦ p ⎝ ∂T ⎠p For the ideal gas Û is a function of T only (not of p or V̂ ) so that ⎛ ∂U ⎞ ⎛ ∂U ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ = Cv ⎝ ∂T ⎠p ⎝ ∂T ⎠Vˆ ⎛ ∂V̂ ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ p ⎜ ⎟ = p ⎜ ⎟ = R ⎝ p ⎠ ⎝ ∂T ⎠ p ΔU = ∫ Cv̂dT = (3/2 R)(50) = 624 J 9.2.42 Use the same reference state, so that ΔH = ΔU + Δ (pV) For one mole of an ideal gas: pV = RT ΔU = ΔH – ΔRT = 6.05 ×105 J 8.314 J 103g mol [(100 + 273) − (273)]K – kg mol ( g mol )( K ) 1 kg mol = 6.05 × 105 – 8.314 × 105 = −2.26 ×105 J/kg mol 9–19 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.43 Basis: 100 mol gas Comp. CO H2 CO2 mol 68 30 2 100 ΔĤ (J/g mol) relative to 0°C and 1 atm CO H2 CO2 25°C = 1400°C = 298 K 1500 K 1673 K 1750 K 728 39,576 45,723 48,459 718 36,994 42,724 45,275 912 62,676 72,896 77,445 Basis: 1000 m3 at 101 kPa and 1673 K 1000 m3 273 K 1 kg mol = 7.28 kg mol 1673 K 22.4 m3 Calculation of ΔH: CO H2 CO2 kg mol ΔĤ (kJ/kg mol) 7.28 (.68) 7.28 (.30) 7.28 (.02) -44,995 -42,010 -71,984 9–20 ΔH(kJ) -222,743 -91,750 -10,481 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.44 K 423 °C 150.0 °F 302 353.3 80.1 176 278.7 5.5 42 253.0 -20.0 -4 vapor ↓ → satd satd vapor liquid ↓ Satd liquid → satd solid ↓ solid Basis: 1 g mol From Table D.1 in the Appendix. Benzene properties: Mol. wt. 78.11 Boiling point 353.26 K Melting point 278.69 K ΔHvaporization 30.76 kJ/g mol ΔH fusion 984 kJ/g mol K 423 353.26 278.69 253 °C 150 80.11 5.54 -20 Heat Capacity Equation Coefficients: Benzene(g) Benzene(1) a 74.06 62.55 b 32.95 × 10-2 23.9 × 10-2 c -25.20 × 10-5 - d 77.57 × 10-9 - The Cp equation is in °C hence the limits on integration should be in °C. ΔH1 = 353 ∫ (74.06 + 32.95 ×10 T − 25.20 ×10 T + 77.57 × 10 T ) dT = -11,790 J/g mol −2 −5 −9 2 423 9–21 3 T °C K Solutions Chapter 9 Condensation ΔH2 = −3.076 ×104 J/g mol Liquid ΔH3 = ∫ 278.69 353.26 (62.55 + 23.4 ×10−2 T)dT = 10,180J/g − mol Fusion ΔH4 = −9.84 ×103 J/g mol Solid From Perry, 5th edition: Cp (cal)/(g)(oC) 0oC -50oC 0.375 0.299 12.3 97.7 If a linear relationship exists between Cp and T, -11,790 Cp,av = 119 J/(g mol) (o C) ΔHs = ∫ −20.0 5.5 (119)dT = 3034 − J/g mol -30,760 -10,180 5 Overall, ΔH = ∑ ΔHi = 65, − 604 J/g mol i =1 -9,840 -3,034 -65,604 −65,604 g mol 1000 g = −8.40×105 J/kg g mol 78.11 kg 9–22 Cp (J/(g mol)(oC)) Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.45 Basis: liquid water at 32°F and 1 atm ΔH = 3 ΔH 300°F,1 atm – ΔH 32°F,1 atm = 3 (1192 – 0) = 3576 Btu a. b. Basis: liquid water at 40°F and 60 psia Δ H 32 ° F,60 psia = 0 c. Δ H = 3 (11192 – 0) = 3576 Btu Basis: liquid water 40°F and 60 psia ΔH = ΔH 300°F,60 psia – ΔH 40°F,60 psia = (1181.4 – 8.05) = 1173.4 Btu d. Basis: water-steam mixture of 60% quality ΔH, Btu/lb State 1 60% steam - 40% water at 300°F; sat'd steam 1179.7 2 80% steam - 20% water at 300°F; water ΔH = ΔH 2 – ΔH 1 ΔH 2 = (0.80) (1179.7) + (0.20) (269.6) = 998 Btu/lb ΔH 1 = (0.60) (1179.7) + (0.40) (269.6) = 816 Btu/lb Enthalpy change needed = ΔH ΔH = ΔH 2 – ΔH 1 = 182 Btu / lb e. Basis: steam at 500°F and 120 psia ΔH = ΔH 2 – ΔH 1 = 312.5 – 1276.7 = –964.2 Btu / lb f. ΔH = ΔH 2 – ΔH 1 = 487.8 – 1276.7 = 788.9 Btu / lb 9–23 269.6 Solutions Chapter 9 Data from text ΔHA = 1205.0 ΔHB use tables in pocket 210o F 5 psia 200°F 1148.3 250°F 1171.1 7 psia 1146.7 1170.2 78.17 84.24 38.88 41.96 40 psia and 267.24°F sat steam/sat liquid 70 psia/302°F liquid a. Enthalpy decrease V̂A =1.0451 ft3 /lb VB (h) b. volume goes up 70 psia/304°F superheated steam depending on heat supply (i) 2.5 ft3 tank of water @ 160 psia and 363.5°F. @ 160 psia 6363.5 total volume is occupied by sat steam 2.5 Vˆ steam = 2.834 ft 3 / lb ⇒ m steam = = 0.88 lb 2.834 ( water = 1-m steam Vˆ Liq/ water = 0.0182 ft 3 / lb ⇒ m V water = ) 2.5 3 × 0.0182 = 0.016 ft 2.834 9–24 Solutions Chapter 9 Vsteam = 2.5 – 0.016 = 2.49 ft 3 Of 5 lb H2 O assume x lb is sat steam (5 – x )lb is sat. water x( 2.834) + ( 5 – x)(0.0182) = 2.5 ⇒ x(2.834 – 0.0182) = 2.5 – 5(0.0182) ⇒ x = 2.5 − .0910 = 0.86 lb 2.816 Yes, it is possible (k) Enthalpy of 10 lb steam @ 100 psia = 9000 Btu Enthalpy/lb steam @ 100 psia = 900 Btu ˆ ΔH steam @ 100 psia = 1187.3 Btu ˆ ΔH water @ 100 psia = 298.43 Btu Let x be fraction of steam (1–x) is fraction of water (1187.3)x + (1–x) 298.43 = 900 x(1187.3–298.43) = 900 – 298.43 x= or 68% 601.57 = 0.68 888.87 9.2.46 a. State 1 State 2 T = 400 K T = 900 K p = 100 kPa p = 100 kPa From the steam tables in SI units (interpolation required): (1) ΔH 1 = 2729.8 kJ/kg (2) ΔH 2 = 3763.6 kJ/kg 9–25 Solutions Chapter 9 ΔH = 3763.6 – 2729.8 = 1033.8 kJ/kg 1033.8 kJ 18 kg 2 kg mol 4 = 3.7217 × 10 kJ/2kg mol kg kg mol b. Using the table for the enthalpies of combustion gases: (1) ΔH = 4284 J/g mol (2) ΔH = 22, 760 J/g mol ΔH = 22760 – 4284 = 1.848 ∞ 104 J/g mol = 1.848 ∞ 104 J/kg mol 1.1848 kJ 2 kg mol 4 = 3.695 × 10 kJ/2 kg mol kg mol c. Using the heat capacity equation for steam: 627°C + 273 ΔH = 900 (33.46 + 0.6880 × 10 C p dT = 127° + 273 –2 T + 0.7604 × 10 –5 T 2 400 - 3.593 ∞10–9 T3) dT = 33.46 (900 – 400) + + 0.7604 × 10 3 0.6880 × 10 2 –5 (900 3 – 400 3 ) – –2 2 2 ( 900 – 400 ) 3.593 × 10 4 –9 4 4 (900 – 400 ) = 20,085 J/g mol = 20,085 kJ/kg mol 4 20,085 × 10 kJ 2 kg mol = kg mol 4.017 ×104 kJ/2 kg mol The steam tables are the most accurate value. 9–26 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.47 a-1: V̂ ≅ 0.23 ft 3/lb a-2: gas b-1: 42°F b-2: mixture of liquid and vapor 9.2.48 Basis: 1 g mol CO2 100o C ΔH = m∫ o 50 C (a + bT + cT + dT )dT 2 3 b c d ⎡ ⎤ ΔH = m ⎢a(100 − 50) + (1002 − 502 ) + (1003 − 503 ) + (100 − 4 50 4 ) ⎥ 2 3 4 ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ ⎤ 4.233 ×10−2 2.887 ×10−5 2 2 (100 − 50 ) − (1003 − 503 )+ ⎥ ⎢36.11(100 − 50) + 2 3 ⎥ ΔH = 1 g mol ⎢ −9 ⎢ 7.464 ×10 ⎥ (1004 − 504 ) ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 4 ΔH = 1956 J From the CO2 chart ΔH ≅ 198-178 = 20 Btu/lb or 2040 J/g mol. From the enthalpy tables (interpolating) ΔH = 1957 J/g mol. The CD gives 2038 J/g mol. 9–27 Solutions Chapter 9 9.2.49 ˆ − ΔH ˆ ) = 10(86 − 288) = − ΔH = 10(ΔH 2020 Btu . The CD gives –1962 J. 2 1 9.2.50 Assume the temperature is 80ºF, and the propane is saturated liquid and vapor. The corresponding pressure is the saturation pressure, namely about 2.3 atm. Another temperature would correspond to another pressure. After 80% of the propane is used, the conditions are still saturated liquid-vapor mixture at 80ºF and 2.3 atm. 9.2.51 Basis: 10 lb mol ideal gas (a) Use pV = nRT ˆ = Δ(RT) Δ(pV) 3 359 (ft) 1 atm 500°R 3 (1) 10 lb mol = 36.5( ft ) @ 100 atm, 40°F lb mol 100 atm 492°R (2) 100 atm 900°R 500°R = 180 atm (3) ΔH = ( Hˆ 2 – Hˆ 1) 10 = 10 [300 + 8.0 (440) – (300 + 8.0 (40))] = 32, 000 Btu (b) The equation for H is based on the reference conditions where Ĥ = 0. Ĥ = 0 when 300 = -8T or Tref = -37.5 ºF = -38.5ºC. U should have the same reference temperature. Δ Uˆ = Δ Hˆ – Δ(p Vˆ ) = Δ Hˆ – ΔRT for an ideal gas Change units for Ĥ: First term: 300 Btu 1 lb mol 1055 J 697 J = lb mol 454 g mol Btu g mol 9–28 To F =1.8To C + 32 Solutions Chapter 9 o Second term: 8.0 Btu 1055 J lb mol (1.8To C + 32) F J = (33.5To C +595) o (lb mol)( F) Btu 454 g mol g mol Ĥ ref T = 0 ΔH = H T − H ref T = H T ΔRT = (RT)T − (RT)refT ΔU = 697 + 595 + 33.5 To C − R(TABS − TABS (T is absolute) ) REF T TABS =To C + 273 TASS1REF.T = − 38.5 + 273 ΔU = 1292 + 33.5 To C − 1.987 (To C + 38.5) = 1215 + 31.5 To C 9.2.52 Steady state flow process, no reaction 700 kPa Dry steam, 100 kPa and 125°C ˆ = 2725.5 kJ / kg ΔH wet steam ˆ =? ΔH The energy balances reduces to ∆H=0 for this process. At 700 kPa saturated (438.1K) ˆ = 696.7 kJ / kg ΔH L ˆ = 2763.1 kJ / kg ΔH v Let x = vapor fraction (1 – x)(696.7) + x( 2763.1) = 2725.4 x = 0.98 9.3.1 All of them. 9–29 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.2 Closed unsteady state system Q + W = ΔU 60 + W = 220 W = 160 Btu (work done on the system) 9.3.3 (a) pump pump system is the pump. Open, steady state. Q Very little W Yes ΔU No ΔH Yes(flow) ΔPE No ΔKE No (b) system is the pump and motor. Open, steady state A little Yes No Yes No No (c) System is the ice. Closed, unsteady state. Yes No Yes 9–30 Yes No No Solutions Chapter 9 (d) ∞ system is the mixer and solution. The process is closed, unsteady state. Possibly Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 9.3.4 a. System: can and liquid Q = 0, W ≠ 0 b. System: motor Q = 0, W ≠ 0 But motor may get hot. c. System: pipe and water Q = 0, W ≠ 0 9.3.5 a. boundary Steam out Energy out Water in Energy in Q 9–31 Solutions Chapter 9 b. Q=0 Steam in Energy in Turbine Steam out Energy out Work c. Work Battery Q=0 W ≠0 9.3.6 No. The energy balance is Q + W = ΔU, and for Q = 0 and since ΔU = 0 for an isothermal process W = 0 . 9.3.7 Closed unsteady state system Q + W = ΔU In kJ: (30-5) + 0.5 = Uf – 10 Uf = 35.5 kJ 9–32 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.8 Closed unsteady state system Q + W = ΔU Q=0 W = ΔU = CvΔT W= (100 W)(5 hr) 1 kW 3.6 × 103 kJ = 1.8 ×103 kJ 1000 W 1 kW mols of air = n = pV (100 kPa)(100 m3 ) (kg mol)(K) = = 3.97 kg mol RT 303 K (8.314)(kPa)(m3 ) 1.8 ×103 = 30(3.97)(T − 30) T = 45o C 9.3.9 Closed unsteady state process Q + W = ΔU + Δ(PE) Ignore change in center of mass of the air Q = 0 assumed ΔU = 0 assumed (to get maximum elevation) W = 100 J 100 = Δ(PE) = mgΔh = (0.990 kg) (9.80 m/s2) Δh (m) Δh = 10.3 m 9–33 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.10 Closed, unsteady state process Initial conditions Final conditions V = 1ft saturated dry satd. steam (the basis) V = 1ft (know) + V2 Look up At p = 1 psia T = 200ºF. The water is vapor V̂ = 33.610 ft3/lb Ĥ = 1145.72 Btu/lb Û = 1073.96 Btu/lb From the steam tables: Ĥ = 1150.15 Btu/lb Û = 1077.48 Btu/lb V̂ = 392.713 ft3/lb p = 11.548 psia Calculate the lb of steam m= 1 lb 1 ft 3 = 0.02975 lb 33.610 ft 3 Q + W = ΔU W = 0 (fixed boundary) a. Q = ΔU b&c. d. ΔU = U2 – U1 = (1077.48) (0.02975) – (1073.96) (0.02975) = 0.105 Btu = Q The volume of the second tank is Vfinal = (392.713) (0.02975) = 11.68 V2 = 11.68 − 1 10.68 = ft 3 9.3.11 No. For each path Q + W = ΔU, and for the cycle 1 to 2 and back ΔU = 0. Addition gives (QA + WA ) + (QB + WB ) = ΔU1−2 + ΔU 2−1 =0 (QA + QB ) = − (WA + WB ) Note: The equations in the problem used a different sign for W. A similar analysis applies to the second equation in the problem. 9–34 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.12 A closed steady-state system. The cooling at the maximum efficiency is 0.695 kW 0.948 Btu 3600s = 2372 Btu/hr (1 kW)(s) 1 hr not 5500 Btu/hr. The main question with the advertisement is: where does the energy go that is removed from the room if the unit does not require outside venting? 9.3.13 A closed steady-state system +W = ΔU =0 Q =−W Q is negative (heat loss) Q 3 -3 = − 2050 × 10 J 1 hr 10 kW = − 0.57 kW Q hr 3600 s 1(J)(s) = 0.57 kW W 9.3.14 A closed steady-state system +W = ΔU =0 Q =−W Q = 0.25 hp 0.7068 ⎛ Btu ⎞ 60 s = 10.6 Btu/min W 1 hp ⎜⎝ s ⎟⎠ 1 min = − 10.6 Btu/min Q 9–35 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.15 Open system, unsteady-state. The system is the volume containing 1 lb of H2O at 27ºC (liquid). At the end of the process the system contains nothing. The water leaving is at 100ºC because the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. Q + W = ΔH W=0 ˆ (1) − H ˆ (0) Q = ΔH = H out in The reference temperature for enthalpy is 0ºC but the water is at ˆ =H ˆ ˆ 27ºC, H −H out 100 C 27 C o o Q = (1 kg) (2675.6 – 111.7) kJ/kg = 2558 kJ 9.3.16 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: Figure P22.27 shows the known quantities. No reaction occurs. The process is clearly a flow process (open system). Assume that the entering velocity of the air is zero. Step 5: Basis: 100 kg of air = 1 hr Steps 6 and 7: Simplify the energy balance (only one component exists): ˆ + KE ˆ + PE)m] ˆ ΔE = Q + W − Δ[(H (1) The process is in the steady state, hence ΔE = 0. 9–36 Solutions Chapter 9 (2) m1 = m2 = m. ˆ (3) Δ(PE)(m) = 0. (4) Q = 0 by assumption (Q would be small even if the system were not insulated). (5) v1 = 0 (value is not known but would be small). The result is )m] = ΔH + ΔKE W = Δ[(Ĥ + KE We have one equation and one unknown, W. ΔKE and ΔH can be calculated, hence the problem has a unique solution. Steps 7, 8, and 9 ΔH = (509 − 489)kJ 100 kg = 2000 kJ kg ΔKE = 1 2 m(v22 − v12 ) 3 1 kJ ⎛ 1 ⎞ 100 kg (60 m ) = ⎜ ⎟ = 180 kJ 2 1000(kg)(m 2 ) s ⎝ 2 ⎠ (s) 2 W = (2000 + 180) = 2180 kJ (Note: The positive sign indicates work is done on the air.) To convert to power (work/time), kW= 2180 kJ 1 kW 1 hr = 0.61 kW 1 hr 1 kJ 3600 s s 9–37 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.17 (a) Steady state process assumed. + PE )m ⎤ + Q + W ΔE = − Δ ⎡(Ĥ + KE ⎣ ⎦ ; ΔPE =0 1. Ignore PE is small so ΔKE =0 2. ΔKE 3. No reaction 4. W = 0 5. (E2 − E1 ) = 0, steady state ΔH = Q (b) + PE )m] + Q + W ΔE = − [(Ĥ + KE ; ΔPE =0 1. Ignore PE 2. No reaction 3. (E2 − E1 ) = 0; steady state 4. Q = 0 – assumed 5. W = 0 =0 6. ΔKE ΔH = 0 9.3.18 System: gas ( ) + PE m⎤+ Q + W E t − E t = − Δ ⎡ Ĥ + KE 2 1 ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ a. no reaction + PE )m ⎤ = 0, no flow -Δ ⎡(Ĥ + KE ⎣ ⎦ ΔKE and ΔPE of gas = 0 Ut 2 − Ut1 = Q + W 9–38 Solutions Chapter 9 b. Here W = 0 Ut 2 − Ut1 = Q c. Here Q = 0, Ut 2 − Ut1 = W d. Ut 2 − Ut1 = Q + W e. Here, the system is the gas Q = 0, W = 0 Ut 2 − Ut1 = 0 9.3.19 (a) System is the tank (b) Closed, unsteady state process (c) 2 ft3 8 lb H2O 100oF W The 8 lb H 2O occupy ! # 0.129 ft 3 hence the rest # ## of space is vapor. " (d1) We will ignore the # initial vapor (see note # # #$ at end of solution) Basis: 8 lb H2O " Initial data for H O are (satd liquid) 2 $ o (d) # V̂ = 0.01613 ft 3 /lb T = 100 F $ p = 0.9487 psia ΔĤ =67.97 Btu/lb if neglect vapor % Basis: 1 hr #The energy balance is % (e) $ ΔE = [ΔU + ΔPE + ΔKE]inside = Q + W − ΔH − ΔPE − ΔKE % no change in PE or KE inside no mass transfer & ΔU = W = ΔH − Δ(pV) = ΔH − VΔp (f) W = 0.25 hp 0.7068 Btu 3600s = + 636 Btu 1(hp) (s) 1 hr 9–39 Solutions Chapter 9 This proves to be negligible quantity ↓ (g1) 636 = ΔĤ final (8) − # % % (h) $ % % & (g2) 2 ft 3 (pfinal − 0.9487) lbf 144 in 2 1 Btu 2 2 in 1 ft 748(ft)(lbf ) Since pfinal ,V̂final , and ΔĤ final are in the tables, you have to get a ΔĤ final , and V̂final vapor given an assumed pfinal that satisfy the equation. ΔĤ final will be composed of saturated liquid and vapor. ΔĤ L (8 − m) + ΔĤ v (m) = ΔĤ final . m = lb vapor. (g3) ˆ (8 − m) V 2 ft 3 = V +ˆ V (m). L ˆ ,V ˆ , ΔH ˆ , ΔH ˆ , and p final are all related in the steam tables. V L v L v _________________ * V̂ of saturated vapor = 350.8 ft3/lb so that 1.87 ft3 represents 0.0053 lb, a negligible amount relative to 2 lb. 9.3.20 (a) The system is the mixing point of the 1000°F “air” and water at 70°F (b) Open system (c) and (d) H2O at 70oF H = 38.05 Btu/lb Air at 1000oF H = 6984 Btu/lb mol Products (100 lb) System H2O @ 400oF, H = 1201.2 Btu/lb air @ 400oF, H = 2576 Btu/lb mol The enthalpies of water come from the steam tables. The properties of air come from the tables in Appendix D7 (with interpolation). The reference temperature for the enthalpy is 32°F. 9–40 Solutions Chapter 9 ΔE = [ΔU + ΔPE + ΔKE]inside = Q + W − ΔH − ΔPE − ΔKE (e) • • • • Thus 0 because steady state Q is assumed to be 0 because time is short in transit W = 0 (none specified) ΔKE = ΔPE = 0 none with mass flow ΔH = 0 or ΔHout = ΔHin (f) The units in the balance will be Btu and lb ( n air ) ΔHˆ air + ( n H O ) ΔHˆ H O (g) = ( n air ) ΔHˆ air + ( n H O ) ΔHˆ H2O 2 @ 400o F 2 @ 400o F 2 @ 1000o F (e) (a) 70o F (100)(2576) (6984) + (mH2O )(1238.9) = (100) + m H2O (38.05) 29 29 9.3.21 + PE )m] + Q + W for all parts of this problem a. (E 2 − E1 )= − Δ[Ĥ + KE ; ΔPE =0 1. Ignore PE is small so ΔKE = 0 (or it can be included) 2. ΔKE 3. No reaction 4. W=0 5. (E2 – E1) = 0; steady state ΔH = Q b. ; ΔPE =0 1. Ignore PE 2. No reaction 3. W=0 4. (E2 – E1) = 0; steady state 5. Q=0 9–41 Solutions Chapter 9 )m] = 0 -Δ[Ĥ + KE c. ; ΔPE =0 1. Ignore PE =0 2. ΔKE 3. No reaction 4. (E2 – E1) = 0; steady state 5. Q = 0 (assume) ΔH = W d. 1. ΔPE =0 Ignore PE; 2. No reaction 3. ) (E2 – E1) = 0; steady state (may be not the KE 4. Q = 0 (assumed) )m] = W Δ[Ĥ + KE 9–42 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.22 General balance is + PE )m] + Q + W ΔE = [ΔU + ΔKE + ΔPE]inside = − Δ[(Ĥ + KE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Assume all reactants are in bomb at start of reaction. a. Q 1 2 3 ΔU retain because changes ΔKE delete - no change ΔPE delete - no change 4 ⎫ ΔH ⎪ ⎬ ΔKE delete as no mass flow in or out ⎪ ΔPE ⎭ Result: ΔU = Q 5 6 7 8 Q retain W delete (fixed boundary) b. Gases Fuel W Q ΔH = Q - W 1 ⎫⎪ 2 ⎬ΔE = 0 because steady state 3 ⎪⎭ 4 ΔH keep 5 delete as negligible 6 delete not a factor 7 Q keep 8 W keep (electric work) Result: ΔH = Q + W 9–43 Solutions Chapter 9 c. 1 ⎫⎪ 2 ⎬ΔU = 0 3 ⎪⎭ 4 steady state ΔH is kept Result: ΔH = 0 5 ΔKE delete negligible 6 ΔPE delete not applicable 7 Q = 0 insulated applicable 8 W=0 no work done 9.3.23 Unsteady state, closed, isothermal process at 25oC Basis: 1 kg CO2 p1 = 550 kPa T1 = 25°C p2 = 3500 kPa T2 = 25°C From CO 2 ⎧⎪V̂1 = 0.10 m 3 /kg ⎨ ˆ = 205 kJ/kg chart ⎪⎩ΔH V̂2 = 0.0125 m3 /kg ˆ =170 kJ/kg ΔH 2 (converted to SI units) Energy balance ΔE = Δ[(U + PE + KE)]inside = Q + W − Δ(H + PE + KE) ΔU = Q + W = ΔH − Δ(pV) so Q = ΔH − Δ(pV) − W ΔH = (170 − 205)(1) = 35kJ − W = 4.106 kJ ⎡ 3500 kPa 0.0125 m 3 Δ(pV) = ⎢ − kg ⎣⎢ Q = (−35) − (−11.25) − 4.106 = ⎡ 3 N ⎤ ⎤ 550 kPa 0.10 m ⎢10 m 2 1J ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ = −11.25 kJ kg ⎦⎥ ⎢ 1 kPa 1(N)(m) ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ −27.86 kJ / kg CO2 3 (removed) 9–44 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.24 Pick the room as the system. The simplified form of the energy balance is (for no mass flow): ΔE = ΔU = Q + W = ΔU where Q = 0 (room is insulated) W = the electrical energy provided freezer through the system boundary and is positive. (No volume change occurs). Hence ΔU = CvΔT is positive and ΔT is positive; i.e. the temperature increases. 9.3.25 This is an unsteady state closed process Basis: 1 lb water Data from the CD Initial Conditions Final Conditions T = 327.8ºF T = 327.8ºF p = 100 psia V̂ = 0.018 ft 3 /lb for liquid and 4.435 for vapor 9–45 V̂ = 4.435 Solutions Chapter 9 Ĥ = 298.475 Btu/lb Û = 298.146 Btu/lb V = 4.435 ft3 V = 4.435 ft3 At the final conditions the water is saturated vapor H = 1187.48 Btu/lb U = 1105.46 Btu/lb T = 327.75 ºF p = 100 psia still ΔH = 1187.48 – 298.475 = 889.0 Btu/lb ΔU = 1105.46 – 298.146 = 807.3 Btu/lb The energy balance is ΔU = Q + W W = 0 (fixed container) Q = ΔU = 807.3 Btu/lb 9.3.26 Closed unsteady state system Use the CD to get data Basis: 4 kg steam Initial Conditions Final Conditions Given: T = 500K p = 700 kPa Given: Known: Look up: V̂ = 0.320m3/kg Ĥ = 2903.94 kJ/kg Û = 2680.51 kJ/kg Look up (2 phase system) the quality (trial and error on the CD): x = 0.437 T = 400K V̂ = 0.320m3/kg Ĥ = 1486.81 kJ/kg 9–46 Solutions Chapter 9 Calculate V = 0.320(4) = 1.280 m3/kg ˆ +W ˆ = ΔU ˆ Q Û = 1408.23 kJ/kg p = 245.77 kPa ˆ =0 W Q = (1408.23 – 2680.51)(4) = (-1272.3)(4) = −5,089 kJ ˆ = ΔH ˆ − (ΔpV) ˆ . If you do not use the CD, ΔU 9.3.27 A closed, unsteady state system comprised of 2 tanks. Get the steam properties from the CD. Basis: 1 lb steam. State 1 State 2 m = 1 lb p = 600 psia V̂ = 0.795 ft3/lb T = 500oF (960oR) Û = 1128.19 Btu/lb Ĥ = 1215.97 Btu/lb V1 = 0.795 ft3 m = 1 lb* p = 330.45 psia V̂ = 1.590 ft3/lb T = 500oF (960oR)* Û = 1157.03 Btu/lb Ĥ = 1253.98 Btu/lb V2 = 2V1 = 1590 ft3* * used to get state 2 properties The closed system is Q + W = ΔU ΔU = 1157.03 – 1128.19 = 28.84 Btu/lb W = 0 (fixed boundary) Q = ΔU = 28.84 Btu/lb ΔH = 1253.98 – 1215.97 = 38.01 Btu/lb 9–47 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.28 Basis: 1 lb H2O at 212ºF, 1 atm Data from the CD Û Ĥ V̂ Initial (liquid) 180.182 Btu/lb 180.226 Btu/lb 0.017 ft3/lb Final (vapor) 1077.40 Btu/lb 1150.29 Btu/lb 26.773 ft3/lb p = 1.00 atm Non-flow process (unsteady-state) Q + W = ΔU ΔU = (1 lb)(1077.40 – 180.182) Btu/lb = 897.22 Btu W = − ∫ pdV = (1 atm)(26.773 – 0.017) ft3/lb (2.72) Btu/(atm)(ft3) − = -72.78 Btu Q = 897.22 – (-72.78) = 970.0 Btu ΔH = 1150.29 − 180.226 = 970.0 Btu Flow process (unsteady-state) ΔU = Q + W –ΔH Assume the volume of the system is fixed at V = 0.017 ft3 and that W = 0. Also assume that nothing is left in the system after the water evaporates. ˆ (0) − U ˆ ΔU = U final initial (1) = − 180.182 Btu ˆ ˆ (0) = 1150.29 Btu ΔH = H (1) − H in out 1212o F Q = ΔU + ΔH = − 180.182 + 1150.29 = 970.1 Btu 9–48 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.29 Treat the system (the cylinder) as an unsteady state flow system. ΔU = Q + W - ΔH W=0 Q=0 U t − U t = −(Hout − Hin ) 2 1 n f = final moles in cylinder ˆ =U ˆ U t2 T 1 , 40 atm ˆ =U ˆ U t1 n i = initial moles in cylinder 298K,1 atm Ĥ out = 0 ˆ =H ˆ H in 298 K, 50 atm Let the reference temperature be TR that makes Ĥ R = 0 . Ignore the effect of pressure on ˆ and H. ˆ the values of U ˆ =H ˆ + C (T − T ) H in R p in R ˆ =0 H R in out ΔU ˆ −n U ˆ ˆ Ut 2 − Ut1 = n f U t2 i t1 = (n f − n i )Hin − 0 n f [Cv (T − TR ) − RTR ] − n i [Cv (Tin − TR ) − RTR ] = (n f − n i ) ⎣⎡Cp (Tin − TR ) ⎦⎤ = (n f − n i ) [(Cv + R)(Tin − TR )] Multiply all of the terms out to get (note terms with TR cancel): CV = C P – R R 2 = for diatomic gas CV 5 n f Cv T = n f Cv Tin + n f RTin − n i RTin Insert pV = nRT to get ni and nf The equations reduce to n f Cv T = n f Cv Tin + n f RTin − n i RTin T ⎡ R p T R ⎤ = ⎢1 + − i ⎥ Tin ⎣ Cv pf Ti Cv ⎦ 9–49 Solutions Chapter 9 ⎡ 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ T ⎞⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎤ T = ⎢1 + − ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ 298 ⎣ 5 ⎝ 40 ⎠⎝ 298 ⎠⎝ 5 ⎠ ⎥⎦ T = 417 K 9.3.30 The tank is an open unsteady state system. f stands for final, i for initial, in for in, m for mass in lb. Data: at 291°F and 50 psia 1179.39 1099.60 8.653 ΔU = Q + W – ΔH at 14.7 psia saturated (212°F) Ĥ Btu/lb Û Btu/lb V̂ ft3/lb W=0 1150.26 1077.37 26.818 Q=0 ΔU = -ΔH ˆ −m U ˆ ˆ nf U f i i = (m f − m i )H in − 0 V = 50 ft 3 so mf = 50 = 5.78 lb 8.653 mi = 50 = 1.86 lb 26.818 ˆ ) − 1.86(1077.37) = (5.78 − 1.86) 1179.39 5.78(U f Û f = 1146.56 Btu/lb at 50 psia Tf = 411o F (superheated) 9–50 Hout = 0 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.31 The general energy balance is ˆ + KE ˆ + PE) ˆ m] ΔE = Q + W − Δ[(H (1) (a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) ΔE = 0 steady state flow process, one overall system (You can also pick two system, one the H2O and one the benzene). (2) Q is the net overall heat transfer to and from the heat exchanger with the surroundings. It is essentially 0 if exchanger is well insulated. If you pick 2 systems, Q is the heat transfer between the benzene and the H2O, and is not 0. (b) (3) W=0 no mechanical work in the process (4) ΔH ≠ 0 for all streams (5) ΔKE = 0 negligible KE change (6) (1) ΔPE = 0 ΔE = 0 level exchanger assumed. steady state process (2) Q not zero as isothermal 9–51 Q = ΔH Solutions Chapter 9 (3) (4) W ΔH ≠ 0 retain the pressure changes even if T is constant (5) ΔKE = 0 pipe diameter remains the same, and the flow rate is the same (6) ΔPE = 0 level pump lines Q + W = ΔH 9.3.32 Unknowns Relationships (R) F P (1) F = P + V (2) 0.05F = xPP ˆ + SΔH = VH + PH ˆ (3) FH F S V P (4) SΔH = Q V S Q S = UA(T − T ) (5) Q S V TV XP Yes, two measurements must be made to balance the unknowns and the relationships. If x P and TV are measured: solve (R5) for Q . (R4) for S substitute (R2) and (R1) in (R3) . Note that measuring and solve for F. Use (R2) to calculate P and (R1) to calculate V TV and S is not satisfactory because this combination eliminates either (R4) or (R5) as an independent relationship. Also note that if you neglect the vapor pressure of the organic, you can set Tv = 212ºF. 9–52 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.33 Basis: 1 hour Input conditions: 500o F ⎫ ⎬ h1 = 1264.7 Btu/lb 250 psi ⎭ Exit conditions: ⎫ h SV = 1150.4 Btu/lb ⎬ 15% liquid ⎭ h SL =180.07 Btu/lb 14.7 psi Ĥ2 = 0.15(180.07) + 0.85(1150.4) = 1004 Btu/lb The simplified energy balance is: ˆ =Q+W mΔH ΔĤ = 1004 − 1265 = − 261 Btu/lb ˆ = −261,000 Btu mΔH W=− 86.5 hp 1 hr 1 Btu = −2.20 × 105 Btu 2.93×10-4 (hp)(hr) Thus, Q = mΔHˆ − W = − 2.61×105 + 2.2×105 = − 4.1×104 Btu hence, not adiabatic. 9–53 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.34 Basis: 1 lb air The energy balance is in the steady state. The system is the value. + PE )m ⎤ = Q + W Δ ⎡(Ĥ + KE ⎣ ⎦ if ΔKE ≅ 0 W=0 ΔPE = 0 Q ; 0 Hence ΔH = 0 ΔH = ∫ CpdT = 0 (a) ΔT = 0 or T2 = 250 K Since ΔH = 0 (the kinetic energy term was negligible), the steady-state constraint requires that the mass flow rate be constant: = ΔvS = Constant m where: ρ = density v = velocity of the gas S = cross-sectional area of pipe Since the diameter of the pipe does not change and density is a function of temperature and pressure, the gas velocity is also a function temperature and pressure. vSTP = 100 lb Air 1 lb mol 359 ft 3 1 hr 1 = 7.0 ft/s 1 hr 29 lb Air 1 lb mol 3600 s π(1.5/12 ft)2 Therefore, the velocity downstream of the valve is: v Outlet = 7.0 ft 250 K 1 atm = 3.2 ft/s s 273 K 2 atm 9–54 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.35 Steady-state process. Basis: 1 second +W (Ĥ out − Ĥ in ) = Q m To get Ĥ in use the steam tables or a Cp equation. Using constant Cp is not the most accurate method, but for liquids for small temperature changes, it is a good approximation. +W )(Tout − Tin ) = Q (m)(C p Because the tank is well-mixed, the outlet water temperature is the same as the temperature inside the tank T. T = Tout (C p ) (T − Tin ) = 100 (20 − T) + 300 m = m 1 kg 1 min 1 kg = min 60 s 60 s Cp = 4180 J/(kg)(K) 4180 (T − 40) = 100 (20 − T) + 300 60 T = 30.0o C 9–55 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.36 Assumptions 1. This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time at any point, hence ΔE = 0. 2. Air is an ideal gas since it is at a high temperature and low pressure relative to its critical point. 3. The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible ΔKE ≅ ΔPE ≅ 0. 4. Constant specific heats at room temperature can be used for air. The simplified energy balance is +W = ΔH = m(Ĥ − Ĥ ) Q out in = − 200W Q = 15 kW W Assume that with little error ΔH = CpΔT with Cp = 1.00 kJ/(kg)(ºC) Otherwise you will need tables or a data base for the properties of air. The ideal gas law gives the specific volume of air at the inlet of the duct V̂1 = RTm [(0.287 kPa)(m 3 )/(kg)(K)](290 K) = = 0.832 m 3 /kg pin 100 kPa 9–56 Solutions Chapter 9 The mass flow rate of the air through the duct is determined from = m V 150 m 3 /min ⎛ 1 min ⎞ 1 = = 3.0 kg/s 0.832 m 3 /kg ⎜⎝ 60 s ⎟⎠ V̂1 Substituting the known quantities, the exit temperature of the air is determined to be (15 kJ/s) − (0.2 kJ/s) = (3 kg/s)[1.00 kJ/(kg)(oC)](Tout − 17)oC Tout = 21.9o C 9.3.37 The procedure is correct only for an open, steady state system. (a) If the evaporation occurs from an open, unsteady-state system of fixed volume: ΔU = Q + W –ΔH W=0 ΔU = Q – ΔH Data: Ûliquid = 419.5 kJ/kg Û vapor = 2506.0 kJ/kg Ĥliquid = 419.5 kJ/kg Ĥ vapor = 2675.6 kJ/kg Assume only 1 kg of water is in the system at t = initial. At t = final, 0 kg of water are in the system. U final = 0 Uinitial = (1 kg) (419.5 kJ/kg) = 419.5 kJ Hout = (1 kg)(2675.6 kJ/kg) = 2675.6 kJ H in = 0 -419.5 = Q – (2675.6-0) Q = 2256.1 kJ (b) If the evaporation occurs in a steady-state open system, m in is in kg and min − 1 = mout . The process is isothermal. 9–57 Solutions Chapter 9 ΔU = 0 W=0 OUT IN ˆ ˆ ˆ ⎤ Q = ΔH = ⎡⎣(m1 − 1)H liquid + (1)H vapor ⎦ − m1Hin ˆ =H ˆ H in liquid Q = (1)(2675.6 − 419.5) 2256.1 = kJ The answer in the solution is ok, but note that the equation ΔU = Q − pΔV refers to a closed system, not an open one, in which the vessel expands against the atmosphere. This viewpoint is ok, but an unlikely procedure. 9.3.38 Open, unsteady state system – the adiabatic turbine =0 Q =0 ΔU =0 ΔPE = ΔH + ΔKE W Data from interpolating in the SI steam tables At 600ºC and 100 kPa 3697.9 0.4011 At 400ºC and 100 kPa 3278.2 3.103 Ĥ(kJ/kg) 3 V̂(m /kg) The velocities at the inlet and outlet to the turbine are calculated from the volumetric flow rate = m V̂= v1 = d2 v where d is the pipe diameter. Therefore, 4 1V̂1 4m = d 2in ⎛ kg ⎞ ⎛ m3 ⎞ (4) ⎜ 2.5 ⎟ ⎜ 0.4011 s ⎠⎝ kg ⎟⎠ ⎝ (3.14159)(0.1 m) 2 = 127.7 9–58 m , s Solutions Chapter 9 and v2 = 2 V̂2 4m m = 158.0 2 s d out ⎡ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤ ΔKE = ⎜ ⎟ (2.5) ⎢158.02 − 127.7 2 ) ⎜ ⎥ kJ/s = 10.82 kJ/s ⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎟⎠ ⎦ ⎣ = (2.5)(3278.2 − 3697.9) kJ/s = − 1049.25 kJ/s ΔH = − 1049.25 + 10.82 = 1038.4 kJ/s W (1038.4 kW) 9.3.39 This is an unsteady-state closed process. The energy balance reduces to ΔE = ΔU + ΔPE + ΔKE = Q + W Q = ΔU = U2 − U =1 ΔPE = ΔKE = 0 ΔH − Δ(pV) = ΔH − (p2V2 − p1V2 ) where 2 (327.8ºF) is the final state and 1 (406ºF) is the initial state Get the data from the CD in the back of the book. The final state is saturated ˆ and H ˆ are in Btu/lb and V ˆ is ft3/lb. conditions. U Ĥ1,L = 381.65 Ĥ1,V = 1202.2 Ĥ 2,L = 298.5 Ĥ 2,V = 1187.5 Û1,L = 380.72 Û1,V = 1116.7 Û 2,L = 298.2 Û 2,V = 1105.5 V̂1,L = 0.019 V̂1,V = 1.743 V̂2,L = 0.0177 V̂2,V = 4.433 From the steam tables, get the initial amount of steam and use as the basis: ⎛ 1 ⎞ 100 ⎜ ⎟ = 57.4 lb ignoring the liquid volume. (If you do not, you have to get the ⎝ 1.743 ⎠ average volume) and get the final state. Let y = the fraction of liquid at 100 psia 3 3 ˆ ˆ V liquid = 0.0177 ft / lb, Vvapor = 4.433 ft / lb Basis: 1 lb water y(0.0177) + (1 − y)(4.433) = 1.74 y = 0.6095 lb (liquid) x = 0.3905 lb(vapor) 9–59 Solutions Chapter 9 Use values of Û from the CD to calculate Q. Otherwise you have to calculate Δ(pV). Q = [(0.6095)(298.2) + (0.3905)(1187.5)]− [(1116.7)(1)] Q = −471 = Btu or Q −2.71×104 Btu lb 9.3.40 This is an unsteady state process in a closed system, or a closed system with air and surroundings with water. From the latter viewpoint the system is the air, and ΔU = Q + W where Q is the heat transfer to the water from the air. Q 5 lb H2 O air W (positive) For the system of the air Q + W = ΔE = ΔU + ΔP + ΔK = ΔHΔ − (pV) For the water: Q = ΔH – Δ( pV ) but Δ ( pV ) is negligible for liquid water so that T +2.3 Q = ΔH = 5 ∫ C pdT = 5 Cp (T + 2.3 – T ) for constant C p . T (or use the steam tables) C p = 8.0 Btu (lb mol )(° F) Btu 2.3°F 1 lb mol H2 O 5 lb H2 O = 5.11 Btu (lb mol ) 18 lb H2 O Q is removed from the air, so for the system comprised of the air, Q = –5.11 Btu. Q = 8.0 9–60 Solutions Chapter 9 For the system of the air W= 12, 500(ft )(lb f ) 0.0012854 Btu = 16.07 Btu 1(ft )(lb f ) W is positive when the surroundings do work on the system of the air. 3 Basis: 3 ft air (not essential) ∆U = –5.11 Btu + 16.07 Btu = 10.96 Btu 9.3.41 Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 Get the needed properties from the CO2 chart or tables (Be sure to use the same reference value). Let m CO2 be the mass of CO2 in the cylinder at the final state, V̂ is the specific volume, Ûfinal is the specific internal energy of the CO2 at the end of the filling, and Ĥm is the specific enthalpy of the CO2 in the pipeline. At 200 psia, 40°F, Ĥ ≅ 153 Btu / lb and V ≅ 0.57 ft 3 / lb Step 5 Basis: 3 ft3 of CO2 @ 200 psia (final conditions) System: The cylinder (open system, unsteady state) Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns: V̂CO2 , mCO2 , TCO2 Equations: energy balance, enthalpy chart ˆ chart to fix the conditions in the cylinder. The energy We need two points on the p − H balance reduces to (W = 0, Q assumed to be 0) ΔU = −ΔH which gives one point: 9–61 Solutions Chapter 9 ˆ ) − m (U ˆ ˆ ˆ ) mCO2 (U −(H final in itial initial ) = min (Hin ) mout out minitial = 0 mout = 0 m CO2 = m in ˆ ˆ U final = Hin = 153 Btu / lb ˆ and The other point is the pressure p = 200 psia. Unfortunately the CO2 chart is p − H ˆ , thus requiring a trial and error solution. Assume a T, lookup V̂ , and calculate not p − U ˆ =H ˆ − pV ˆ (ignore pV ˆ at the reference sate of –40oF). U When Û = 153Btu / lb , then you have determined T. If you used tables of p vs Û in a handbook, the calculations would be easier. Ĥ p V̂ Û Assume T = 160oF. T = 140 F. o ˆ − pV ˆ = Then H ˆ − pV ˆ = Then H The calculates are quite approximate but T = 140 F o 3 ft 3 mCO2 = = 4.3 lb 0.70 ft 3 / lb 9–62 182-(200)(0.68)(0.185) = 157 178-(200)(0.70)(0.185) = 153 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.42 Basis: 1 lb steam Closed system; hence Q + W = ∆E = ΔU A expand 130 psia, 600°F 75 psia, 600°F const. T B cool, const. V adiabatic compression 60 psia Q=0 C Basis: 1 lb steam Note: The CD will result in slightly different values for ΔĤ . A B : ΔĤ = 1329.6 – 1326.1 = 3.5 Btu / lb Use the steam tables or the CD directly for U, or calculate ˆ = ΔHΔ ˆ − (pV)= ˆ ΔU = 3.5 – B 75 lb f 8.319 ft 3 130 lb f 4.760 ft 3 – 2 lb 2 in in lb 144 in = 3.5 – .95 = 2.5 Btu / lb Ŵ = ? C : Q̂ = ? ft 2 2 1 Btu 778 (ft) (lb f) Ŵ= – ∫ pdV but pV relation is not known. W = 0 (at constant volume) Δ Ĥ = 1232.7 – 1329.6 = –96.9 Btu / lb 2 1 Btu 60 8.319 – 75 8.319 144 in = –73.8 Btu/lb Δ Û = – 96.9 – 2 778 (ft) (lb ) f ft ˆ = –73.8 Btu / lb Q̂ = Δ U 9–63 Solutions Chapter 9 C A : ( ) ˆ = 0 so W ˆ = ΔU=ΔH–Δ ˆ ˆ ˆ Q pV ΔĤ = 1326.1 – 1232.7 = 93.4 Btu/lb Δ pV = 130 4.760 – 60 8.319 144 Ŵ = 93.4 – 22.15 = 71.3 Btu/lb 778 = 22.15 Btu/lb ΔU = 93.4 – 22.15 = 71.3 Btu/lb 9.3.43 To make the process a steady state open process from (1) to (3) assume the system is the coil plus the compressor. Then 0 0 0 ˆ )m + Q + W] ΔE = –Δ[(Hˆ + Pˆ + K or W = ∆H – Q Basis: 1 lb water evaporated ˆ @ (1): (0.98) (1143.3) + (0.02) (161.17) = 1123.6 Btu/lb Calculate Δ H From (1) to (2): Balance on the compressor ˆ – ΔH ˆ = 1235.2 – 1126.6 = 111.6 Btu/lb ΔH 2 1 9–64 Qˆ = –6 Btu / lb Solutions Chapter 9 W = 111.6 –(–6) = 117.6 Btu/lb From (2) to (3): Balance on the coil ˆ – ΔH ˆ = 168 – 1235.2 = – 1067.2 Btu/lb ΔH 3 2 a. Q = 1067.2 = 9.1 W 117.6 ˆ = 0 so Q ˆ = ΔH ˆ = -1067.2 Btu/lb W (Note: the problem asks for the heat transfer out as a + value) ⎡ 38.46 ft 3 0.98 (0.016)ft 3 0.02 ⎤ lb steam V1 = ⎢ + = 37.69 ft 3/lb ⎥ lb lb 1067.2 Btu ⎣ ⎦ Basis: 1,000,000 Btu/hr b. 106 Btu 1hr 1 lb steam 37.69 ft 3 = 589 ft 3 / min hr 60 min 1067.2 Btu lb steam 9–65 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.44 Basis: 25 kg exit fluid Q + W = ΔH W=0 Q = ΔH = ΔH25 –ΔH15 –ΔH10 =ΔH25 – ( 2784.4 )(15) – (82.2 )(10 ) –50 J 25 × 103 g = –1250 kJ g exit ⎧ ΔHˆ L = 798.5 kJ / kg For the exit fluid ⎨ ˆ ⎩ ΔH = 2784.4 kJ / kg ˆ ~ 10 J ) ( note ΔKE Q= –4 V Let x = kg vapor, 25 – x = kg liquid –1250 = x kg 2784.4 kJ (25-x) kg 798.5 kJ 15 kg 2784.4 kJ 10 kg 82.2 kJ – – + kg kg kg kg – 1250 = 2784.4 x + 19,963 – 798.5 x – 41,766 – 822 x = 10.76 fraction vapor = 10.76 = 0.43 25.0 9–66 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.45 Closed unsteady state process for each stage. Q + W = ΔU overall Calculate the moles of gas: a. n= pV (1 atm)(0.387 ft 3 )(lb mol)(o R) = = 1×10-3 lb mol RT (530o R)(0.7302)(ft 3 )(atm) Known values p (atm) T (ºF) n (lb mol) V A 1 170 (630ºR) 1 × 10-3 ? B C 1 70 (530ºR) 1 × 10-3 0.387 10 70 (530ºR) 1 × 10-3 ? (Basis) D 10 823 (1283ºR) 1 × 10-3 ? For an ideal gas, C v = 5/2 R (has to be looked up or calculated) and U and H are functions of T only Also, Δ(pV) = Δ (nRT) Calculate some of the missing values b. VA = (1×10−3 )(0.7302)(630) = 0.460 ft 3 1 VC = (1×10−3 )(0.7302)(530) = 0.0387 ft 3 10 VD = (1×10−3 )(0.7302)(1283) = 0.0937ft 3 10 The work for each stage will be assumed to be ∫ pdV (ideal process) WAB (constant pressure process) c. W = − ∫ pdV = − p AB (VB − VA ) =− 1 atm (0.387 − 0.460)ft 3 2.72 Btu = 0.199 Btu (atm)(ft 3 ) 9–67 Solutions Chapter 9 WBC (isothermal process) d. 0.0387 dV nRT dV −nRT =− ∫ 0.387 0.387 V V 0.0387 W = − ∫=pdV − ∫= = −(1×10 = −3 )(1.987(530)(ln 0.1) nRT [ln V ]0.387 0.0387 2.42 Btu WCD (constant pressure process) e. W = − ∫ pdV = − pCD (VD − V = c ) −(10)(0.0937 − 0.0387) = − 0.550 Btu WDA (ideal adiabatic process) W = − ∫ pdV = − ∫ nRT dV However, both T and V vary. V Instead use Q + W = ΔU Q=O R = 1.987 Btu/(lb mol) (ºR) f. ⎛ 5R ⎞ W = ΔU = nC v ΔT = (10−3 ) ⎜ ⎟ ( 630 − 1283) = − 3.243 Btu ⎝ 2 ⎠ g. Woverall = 0.199 + 0.891 – 0.550 – 3.243 = – 1.74 Btu h. ΔH = 0 (a cycle) i. For the overall process Q + W = ΔU. Because of the cycle, ΔU = 0, and thus Q = -W = 1.74 Btu 9–68 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.46 exit stock T2 = ? Cooling water out 60oC W1 C 27.5 kg vapor 100 kg C 9.1% H2O 90.9% Toluene 150oC Condenser F F liquid 90oC Cooler C 50,000 kg/day 20oC Cp = 2.1 kJ/(kg)(oC) P W Cooling water in 20oC Basis: 1 day 27.5 kg F 50,000 kg C 1 day = 13,750 kg F 100.0 kg C day 13,750 kg F 9.1 kg H 2O = 1,251.25 kg H 2O 100 kg F 13,750 kg F – 1251.25 kg H2O = 12,498.75 kg toluene. Energy balance at condenser: The energy balance reduces to ΔH = 0 ΔHC + ΔHF = 0 T2 100 90 m C ∫ C p dT + m H 2 O ⎡ ∫ C p dT – ΔHvap at 100°C + ∫ Cp dT ⎤ 20 ⎣ 150 100 ⎦ 111 90 + m tol ⎡ ∫ C p dT – ΔH vap at 111°C + ∫ C p dT⎤ = 0 ⎣ 150 111 ⎦ 50, 000 kg 2. 1 kJ T 2 – 20°C (kg) (°C) 9–69 liquid 40oC Solutions Chapter 9 + 1, 251.25 kg H 2O + 12, 498.75 kg tol 2.1 kJ (100 – 150)°C (kg) (°C) 1.3 kJ (111 – 150) °C (kg)(°C) – – 2260 kJ 4.2 kJ (90 – 100) °C + kg (kg) (°C) 230 kJ 1.7 kJ (90 – 111)°C =0 + kg (kg) (°C) 105,000 T2 – 2,100,000 – 3,011,758.75 – 3,954,604.5 = 0 (a) T2 = 9,066,363.25 = 86.3o C 105,000 Enthalpy balance at cooler: ΔH = 0 out in (ΔHΔ W − H W ) − (ΔHΔ p − HF ) = 0 60 40 40 m W ∫ C p dT – ⎡ m H 2 O ∫ C pdT – m td ∫ C dT⎤ = 0 ⎣ 20 86.34 86.34 p ⎦ m W 4.2 kJ (60 – 20 )°C 1,251.25 kg H2 O 4.2 kJ (40 – 90)°C = (kg)(°C) (kg)(°C) + 12498.75 kg tol 1.7 kJ ( 40 – 90 )°C ( kg)(°C) m W 168 kJ – 262,762 kJ – 1,062,394 kJ kg mW = 1,325,156 kJ = 7,887 kg H 2O 168 kJ/kg 9–70 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.47 Basis: 1 lb water/steam Steady-state, open system for each unit The data: ˆ H ˆ and quality or superheats at the numbered points: Tabulation of p, T, V, p (psia) T (oF) V̂(ft 3 / lb) qual./sup.heat 1 14.7 65 0.026 0% 2 250 65 0.016 0% 3 250 401 1.844 100% 4 250 550 2.202 149º 5 40 268 10.14 96.5% 6 0.306 65 0.016 0% Ĥ(Btu / lb) 33.09 33.79 1201.1 1291 1137 33.05 Calculate the specific volume at point 5: V̂ = 0.965(10.506) + 0.035(0.01715) = 10.14 (a) Heat to boiler: Q = ΔH = H3 − H2 = 1201.1 − 33.8 = 1167.3 Btu / lb (b) Heat to superheater: Q = ΔH = H4 − H3 = 1291 − 1201.1 = 90 Btu / lb (c) Heat removed in condenser = H6 − H5 = 33 −1137 = -1104 Btu/lb (d) Work delivered by turbine: Q + W = ΔH W = ΔH = H5 − H4 = 1137 − 1291 =− Q=0 (e) 154Btu / lb Work required by the pump between 1 and 2: Q + W = ΔH Q=0 hence W = ΔH Because we do not have values of ΔH for compressed water at 65ºF, we will use W = ΔU + Δ(pV) 65o F ΔU = ∫ o Cv dT = 0 65 F 9–71 Solutions Chapter 9 Δ(pV) = p 2 V2 − p1V1 = (p 2 − p1 )V = Efficiency = (250 − 14.7) 0.016 144 = 0.70 Btu / lb 778 Net work delivered 154 − 0.70 = Total heat Supplied 1167.3 + 90 = 0.121 For a water rate of 2000 lb/hr: hp = 154 Btu 2000 lb steam 1 hr 1.415 hp = 121 lb hr 3600s 1 Btu/s You can improve the efficiency by: (a) Exhausting the turbine at a lower pressure. (b) Use higher boiler pressure. (c) Use higher superheat. 9.3.48 Basis: 100 lb/day liquid C12 feed at 8ºF Assume (1) Adiabatic operation of all units (2) Flow process, steady-state R 2.5 T/day, 0oF R' ) P D ) 100 T/day, -30oF F 100 T/day, 8oF First find the enthalpy lost or gained by the C12 in the heat exchanger from which we can get the work done by compressor A on the Freon. Overall C12 balance through the heat exchanger F+R=P 100 + 2.5 = 102.5 9–72 Solutions Chapter 9 Energy balance for C12 through the heat exchanger For a flow process: Q + W = ΔH W=0 Q = ΔH Choose as the reference state liquid C12 at -30ºF ΔH = H Pout − H Fin − H R in = 8.1 Btu lb mol 102.5 lb ⎡⎣ −30 − (−30)o F⎤⎦ o (lb mol)( F) 71 lb 100 lb F − 8.1 Btu lb mol 100 lb ⎡⎣8 − (−30)o F⎤⎦ o (lb mol)( F) 71 lb 100 lb F − 8.1 Btu lb mol 2.5 lb Btu ⎡0 − (−30)o F⎤⎦ = 0 − 433.5 − 8.55 = −442.1 o ⎣ (lb mol)( F) 71 lb 100 lb F 100 lb F Consequently Q = −442.1 Btu /100 lb F This means heat is lost by the C12 and gained by the Freon Energy balance for the Freon flowing through compressor A: Q + W = ΔH But since the flow of Freon is cyclical ΔH = 0 Q Freon = −Q =C12 −(−442.1) = 442.1 Btu /100 lb F WA = QFreon = 442.1 Btu 100 lb F Energy balance for the C12 flowing through the compressor B: 2.5 lb/day @ -30ºF → 2.5 lb/day at 0ºF Q + W = ΔH Q = 0 9–73 Solutions Chapter 9 ΔH = Enthalpy change across compressor = H R − H R ' Other units W = 539 Btu/mole = 1,520,000 Btu/day ΔH = + H R = CpΔT + HΔvap 2.5 lb 8.1 [0 − (−30)] 100 lb F 71 4878 cal 1.8 Btu / lb 1 lb mol 2.5 lb g mol cal / g mol 71 lb 100 lb F = 8.55 + 309 = 317.5 Btu 100 lb F Total work input needed to make the process operational: hp = 317.5 + 442.1 Btu 2000 lb 100 ton F 778(ft)(lbf ) 100 lb F ton day Btu 1 day (hp)(min) (24) × (60) min 33,000(ft)(lb f ) 0.30 = 82.9 horsepower (actual power input) 9–74 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.49 Basis: 1 day; Reference temp = 80ºF a. Material and Energy Balances: Overall Material: In = 1,000,000 lb Out : residue: 500,000 lb naptha: 200,000 lb gasoline: 300,000 lb Total out 1,000,000 lb Tower 1: Material feed reflux total In 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 Out 2,000,000 500,000 2,500,000 vapor residue total Energy: In: feed: ( 1×106 )(0.53)(480 − 90) 106 (100) + +(106 )(0.45)(500 − 480) = 6 reflux: (1.5 ×10 )(0.59)(180 − 90) = steam: (by difference) total: 315,000,000 Btu 79,700,000 Btu 114,500,000 Btu 509,700,000 Btu Out: residue: (5 ×105 )(0.51)(480 − 90) vapor: (2 ×106 )(111) liquid: (2 ×106 )(0.59)(250 − 90) total (Btu): 99,200,000 222,000,000 188,500,000 509,700,000 = = = = Furnace: Material In 1,000,000 lb Energy In 6 feed: (10 )(0.53)(200 − 90) = 58,300,000 furnace ht: 257,200,000 total: (Btu) 315,500,000 Condenser I: Material In: vapor H2O: 304,500,000/(1)(120-70) 9–75 Out 1,000,000 lb Out 315,500,000 = = 2.0 ×106 lb 6.1×106 lb Solutions Chapter 9 Out: liquid: 2.0 ×106 lb Energy H2 O In: vapor: 222 ×106 + 188.5 × 106 Out: liquid: (2 ×106 )(0.59)(180 − 90) Removed by water Total out: Preheater I: Material In: liquid = 500 ×106 lb ; Out: vapor Energy In: liquid: (5 ×105 )(0.59)(180 − 90) steam: Total Out: vapor: (5 ×105 )(0.59)(250 − 90) +(5 ×105 )(111) + (5 ×105 )(0.51)(200 − 250) Tower II Material In: feed = 500,000 lb Out: reflux = 600,000 lb Total = 1,100,000 lb = = = = 6.1×106 lb 410.5 ×106 Btu 106 ×106 Btu 304.5 ×106 Btu = 410.5 ×106 Btu = 500 ×106 lb = = 26.5 ×106 Btu 78.65 ×106 Btu = 105.15 ×106 Btu = 105.15 ×106 Btu vapor = residue = total = Energy In: feed: reflux: (6 ×105 )(0.63)(120 − 90) steam: (by difference) Total: (Btu): = = = = 900,000 200,000 1,100,000 105,150,000 11,300,000 42,700,000 159,150,000 Out: vapor: (9 ×105 )(0.63)(150 − 90) + 9 105 (118) =×140.05 ×106 residue: (2 ×105 )(0.58)(255 − 90) = 19.1× 106 Total (Btu): Condenser II Material In: vapor: H2O: Out: liquid = 159.15 ×106 = 0.9 ×106 lb 123.0.5 ×106 (1)(110 − 70) = 3.08 ×106 lb = 0.9 ×106 lb 9–76 Solutions Chapter 9 H2 O = 3.08 ×106 lb Energy In: (Btu) Out: liquid: (9 ×105 )(0.63)(120 − 90) removed by H2O: Total (Btu): = = = = 140.05 ×106 17 ×106 123.05 ×106 140.05 ×106 Heat Exchanger II (Assume Tout = 90ºF) Material In liquid: 300,000 lb H2O: 5,670,000/(1)(80-70) = 567,000 lb Energy In: (300,000)(0.63)(120-90) Out: liquid: removed by H2O liquid: H2O: = 5.67 ×106 Btu = 0.00 = 5.67 ×106 Btu Heat Exchanger III Material In = Out: Bottoms 200,000 lb Charge 1,000,000 lb Energy In: (200,000)(0.58)(255-90) (1 × 106)(0.53)(90-90) = = 19.15 ×106 0.0 Total (Btu): Out: (2 × 105)(0.58)(26.3-90) (1 × 106)(0.53)(140-90) Total (Btu): = = = = 19.15 ×106 −7.35 ×106 26.5 ×106 19.15 × 106 Tout of 26.3ºF does not seem reasonable Heat Exchanger IV Material In = Out Bottoms 0.5 ×106 lb Charge 1.0 ×106 lb 9–77 Out 300,000 567,000 Solutions Chapter 9 Energy In: (5 × 105)(0.51)(480-90) (1 × 106)(0.53)(140-90) = = 99.3 ×106 26.5 ×106 Total (Btu): = 125.8 ×106 Out: (5 × 105)(0.51)(257-90) (1 × 106)(0.53)(200-90) Total (Btu): = = = 67.5 ×106 58.3 ×106 125.8 × 106 Heat load of furnace = 315.5 × 106 - 58.3 × 106 = 257.2 ×106 Btu b. Additional heat if charge to furnace is at 90ºF Total heat load = 315.5 × 106 Btu Additional heat = 315.5 × 106 – 257.2 × 106 = 58.3 ×106 Btu 9.3.50 Basis: 1 hour Open steady-state process Deaerator Balance Material Balance F1 + F2 + 50,000 = 105,000 F2 = 105,000 − 50,000 − F1 Energy Balance F1 (1164.1) + F2 (48.0) + 50,000(218.9) = 105,000(218.9) F1 (1164.1) + (55,000 − F1 )(48.0)= 55,000(218.9) a. F2 = 8, 422 lb / hr steam b. F2 = 46,578 lb / hr make-up feedwater Boiler Feedwater Pump lb ⎞ ⎛ 144 in.2 ⎞ ⎛ (hp)(s) ⎞ ⎛ hr ⎞ ⎛ lb ⎞ ⎛ ft 3 ⎞ ⎛ V̂Δp = ⎜ 105,000 ⎟ ⎜ 0.017 ⎟ ⎜ 800 − 30 f2 ⎟ ⎜ m lb ⎠ ⎝ hr ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ in ⎠ ⎝ ft 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 550(ft)(lb ) ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3600s ⎟⎠ f = 100 hp 9–78 Solutions Chapter 9 c. For 55% efficiency: 181.7 hp d. ⎛ kW ⎞ (181.7 hp) ⎜ 0.7457 ⎟ = 135.5 kW hp ⎝ ⎠ e. (135.5kW)(8760 f. ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ 0.7457 ⎞ Savings = (105, 000)(0.017)(200)(144) ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (8760 )( (0.05) ) ⎝ 550 ⎠⎝ 3600 ⎠⎝ 0.55 ⎠ hr )($0.05 / kWhr) = $59,360 / year yr = $15, 420 / year Steam Drum (100,000)(1230.7) + (5000)(471.7) − 105,000(218.9) = 102.4 106 Btu×/ hr g. Steam Drum Heat Input = 102.4 ×106 Btu / hr h. Superheater = (100,000)(1351.8-1230.7) = 12.1×106 Btu / hr Flash Drum x = vapor flowrate (100,000 − x)(218.93) + x(1164.1) = 100,000(330.65) x= 11,820 lb/hr = vapor flowrate and 88,180 lb/hr = liquid flowrate i. Steam Lost =11,820 – 8,422 = 3,398 lb / hr j. Condensate Lost = 88,180 – 50,000 = 38,180 lb / hr 9–79 Solutions Chapter 9 9.3.51 Basis: one hour operation open, steady-state process. A material balance initially is necessary to determine amounts and compositions of streams. A. Feed Component C2H6 C2H4 B. Wt.% 65 35 lb 650 350 Product Have 97% recovery of ethylene lb C2H4 = (0.97) (350) = 340 Now, since the product is 98% C2H4 340 lb C2 H 4 2 lb C2 H6 = 6.95 lb C2 H6 98 lb C2 H 4 Component C2H6 Wt.% 2 lb 6.95 9–80 Solutions Chapter 9 C2H4 C. 98 340 Bottoms lb lb C2H4 = 350 – 340 = 10 C2H6 = 650 – 6.95 = 643.05 Component Wt.% lb C2H6 C2H4 98.47 1.53 643.05 10 We are now ready to determine, by a series of energy balances, the quantities desired. Energy Balance on System “A” (see Fig.) ⎧Energy out with Product + ⎪ Energy in with Feed + energy in with steam = ⎨Energy out with bottoms + ⎪Energy out with refrigerant ⎩ We will assign an arbitrary enthalpy of zero to the liquid feed as it enters the Pre-heater at –100ºF. Actually, any reference condition could be chosen since we are only concerned with enthalpy changes in the balances. ------------------------------------------------------------The feed undergoes at 20ºF rise before it enters the still. T = -80ºF and Cp feed = (0.65) (0.65) + (0.35) (0.55) = 0.62 Btu/(lb) (ºF) Enthalpy in with feed = (lb feed) (CpΔT) = (1000) (0.62) (-80-(-100)) = 12,400 Btu/hr ------------------------------------------------------------Enthalpy in with steam = (lb steam) (ΔHv) at 30 psig, ΔHv = 945 Btu/lb Enthalpy in with steam = (S) (945) btu/hr ------------------------------------------------------------From the data given, the temperature of the saturated liquid product is =30ºF since it is essentially pure ethylene. Cp = 0.55 Btu/(lb) (ºF) 9–81 Solutions Chapter 9 Enthalpy out with product = (346.95) (0.55) [-30-(-100)] = 13,360 Btu/hr The bottoms are practically pure ethane so, T = 10ºF, Cp = 0.65 Btu/(lb) (ºF) Enthalpy out with bottoms = (653.05) (0.65) [10-(-100)] = 46,700 Btu/hr ------------------------------------------------------------The refrigerant experiences a temperature rise of 25°F as it passes through the condenser. The heat capacity may be assumed to be 1.0 Btu/(lb) (°F) Enthalpy out with refrigerant = (lb refrig.) (1.0) (25) m Btu/hr Now, rewriting the energy balance “A” with a substitution of known terms: 12,400 + 945S = 13,360 + 46,700 + 25m (1) It is evident from this first balance that a second balance will be necessary to determine the unknown quantities. Energy Balance “B” Energy in with Overhead = Energy out with refrigerant + Energy out with Product + Energy out with Reflux Since we are using a reflux ration of 6.1 lb reflux = (6.1) (346.95) = 2,120 lb/hr. Now, the specific enthalpy of the reflux = the specific enthalpy of the product, since they are from the same stream, and the differences in enthalpy between the overhead and the product, or overhead and reflux, is merely the heat of vaporization of ethylene (neglecting the small amount of C2H6 present), therefore, we can rewrite Energy Balance “B” as: (lb Overhead) (ΔHv) = 25 m (2,120 + 346.95) (135) = 25 m or m = 13,320 lb/hr. Now substituting this value into equation (1) we have 12,400 + 945 S = 13,360 + 46,700 + (25) (13,320) 9–82 Solutions Chapter 9 so that S = 403 lb / hr a. 403 lb steam hr = 0.403 lb steam / lb feed hr 1000 lb feed b. 13,320 lb refrigerant 1 ft 3 refrig. 7.48 gallons = 1,993 gallons of refrigerant/hr hr 50 lb refrig. ft 3 The bottoms leave the still and enter the Pre-heater at approximately 10ºF, the saturation temperature of pure C2H6. The final temperature of the bottoms as it leaves the Preheater can be calculated from a simple energy balance around the Pre-heater. c. Enthalpy Balance “C” (lb bottoms) [0.65 Btu/(lb) (°F)] (10 – Tf) = (lb feed) ×[0.62 Btu /(lb)(o F)][−80 − (−100)] (653.05) (0.54) (10 – Tf) = (1000) (0.62) (20) Tf = 19.2o F 9–83 Solutions Chapter 10 10.1.1 (b), (d), (f) 10.1.2 (a) 10.1.3 (c) 10.1.4 The ΔH o f is 0 by definition. 10.1.5 ˆ ° of Fe O is calculated as follows. ΔH f 2 3 (1) ˆ ° – Σn ΔH ˆ° ΔHRxn = Σni ΔH fi i fi products reactants ° ˆ ° (2 ) – ΔHˆ ° ( 3 ) –822.200 kJ = ΔHˆ fFe O – Δ H fFe fO 2 2 3 2 ˆ° = ΔH fFe O – 0 – 0 2 3 (2) ΔHRxn = –284.100 kJ ˆ° ˆ° ˆ° 1 = ΔH fFe O – Δ H fFeO (2) – ΔH f O ( 2 ) 2 3 2 ˆ ° (2) – 0( 1 ) –284.100 = –822.200 – Δ H fFeO 2 ˆ ΔH fFeO = ° –538.10 kJ = –269.05 kJ 2 vs – 267 in Appendix F 10–1 Solutions Chapter 10 10.1.6 ΔH°(kJ) +123.8 +2220.0 C3H8 (g) → C3H6 (g) + H 2 (g) 3CO2 (g) + 4H2O(1) → C3H8 (g) + 5O2 (g) 4 × (−285.8) 4[H 2 (g) + 1/ 2O2 (g) → H 2O(1)] 3 × (−393.4) 3[C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g)] ________________________________________________ +20.1 kJ/g mol 3C(s) + 3H2 (g) → C3H6 (g) ΔHof of C3H6 = 20.1 kJ/g mol 10.1.7 Basis: 1 g mol C5H2 ΔH (kJ/g mol) 5 CO2 (g) + H 2O(l ) → add : 5[C(s) + O 2 (g)] → 1 1 C5 H 2 (s)+ 5 O 2 (g) 2110.5 5[CO 2 (g)] 5[-394.1] 2 add: H 2 (g)+ O 2 (g) → H 2O(g) -241.826 add: H 2O(g) → H 2 O(l ) -43.911 net: 5C(s)+H 2 (g) → C5 H 2 (s) ΔH o f = -143.737 kJ/g mol 2 10.1.8 (a) (b) (c) NH4 (l ) : -67.20 kJ/g mol from Appendix F Formaldehyde gas (H2CO): -115.89 kJ/g mol from Appendix F Acetaldehyde liquid (CH3CHO): For gas ΔH o f = 166.4 − kJ / g mol from Appendix F The heat of vaporization at 293.2 K is 25.732 kJ/g mol from the CD. The value is close enough to ΔHvap (298 K) to use. ΔHof = -166.4 + 25.732 = -140.7 kJ/g mol 10–2 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.1 a. Basis: 1 g mol NH3 ( g) NH3 ( g) ˆ ° (kJ / g mol ) : ΔH f ° ΔHrxn = b. HCl( g) + –46.191 ˆ – ∑ ni ΔH i products → –92.311 –315.4 ˆ ∑ ni ΔH i reac tants = (1)( –315.4) – [(1)( –46.191) + (1)( –92.311)] = –176.9 kJ / g mol NH3 ( g) Basis: 1 g mol CH4 (g ) CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) → CO2 (g) ˆ (kJ / g mol ) : ΔH f ° ΔHrxn = c. NH4 Cl (s) –74.84 ˆ – ∑ ni ΔH i products 0 + 2 H 2 O ( ) –393.51 –285.840 ˆ ∑ ni ΔH i reac tants = ⎣⎡( 2)( –285.840) + (1)( –393.51)⎦⎤ – ⎣⎡(1)( –74.84) + 0⎤⎦ = –890.4 kJ / g mol CH4 ( g ) Basis: 1 g mol C6 H 2 (g ) C6 H1 2(g ) ˆ ° (kJ / g mol ) : ΔH f –123.1 → C6 H 6 ( ) +48.66 + 3H2 (g) 0 ΔH°rxn = [ 0 + (1)(+48.66)] – [(1)(–123.1)] = 171.76 kJ / g mol C 6 H12 (g) 10–3 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.2 a. Basis: 1 g mol CO2 (g) CO2 (g) + H2 (g) → CO (g) + H2O (1) ΔH°rxn = (– 110.52 – 285.84) – (– 393.51) = –2.849 kJ b. Basis: 1 g mol CaO (s) ΔH°rxn = (–986.59 – 924.66) = [(–635.55 – 601.83) - 2 (285.84)] = −102.19 kJ per mol CaO(s) Multiply by 2 for the reaction listed −204.38 kJ c. Basis: 1 g mol Na2SO4 (s) ΔH°rxn = (–1090.35 – 110.54) – (–1384.49) = 183.59 kJ d. Basis: 1 g mol NaCl (s) ΔH°rxn = (–92.31 – 1126.33) – (–811.32 – 411.01) = 3.67 kJ e. Basis: 1 g mol O2 ΔH°rxn = [2 (–1384.5) + 4 (–92.31)] – [(–411.00) + 2 (–296.90) + 2 (–285.84)] = –1561.76 f. Basis: 1 g mol SO2 (g) ΔH°rxn = (–811.32) – (–285.84 – 296.90) = –228.58 kJ g. Basis: 1 g mol N2 ΔHºrxn = 2 (90.374) = 180.75 kJ h. Basis: 1 g mol Na2CO3 (s) ΔH°rxn = [3 (–1117.13) + (–393.51)] – [–1130.94 + 2 (–373.21) + 4 (–296.90)] = –1867.54 kJ 10–4 Solutions Chapter 10 i. Basis: 1 g mol CS2 (1) ΔH°rxn = (–1394.69 – 60.25) – (+87.86) = –287.61 kJ j. Basis: 1 g mol C2H2 (g) ΔH°rxn = (+105.02) – (52.28 – 92.31) = –145.05 kJ k. Basis: 1 g mol CH3OH (g) ΔH°rxn = (–115.90 – 241.82) – (–201.25) = –156.48 kJ l. Basis: 1 g mol C2H2 (g) ΔH°rxn = (–140.7) – (226.75 – 285.84) = −81.61 kJ m. Basis: 1 g mol C4H10 (g) ΔH°rxn = (52.28 – 84.67) – (–124.73) = 92.34 kJ 10.2.3 You want to get ΔH for 1 1 2 2 C3H8 (g) + Br2 (g) → C3H 7 Br(g) + ΔH H 2 (g) (J) (–b) C3 H8 ( g) → C3 H6 ( g) + H2 (g ) +126,000 (+a) HBr( g) + C3 H6 (g) → C3 H7 Br –84,441 (+c) H2 (g ) + Br( g) → 2HBr( g) –36,233 (–d) Br (g) → Br (l ) –15,355 Total 10–5 −10, 029 J / g mol C3H8 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.4 Basis: 1 g mol Fe S2 ΔH o rxn = 567.4 − kJ / g mol FeS2 ( − 567.4) kJ 1 g mol FeS2 1000 g kJ = −4728.3 g mol FeS2 120 g FeS2 1 kg kg FeS2 Note: The information about conversion does not affect the value of the standard heat of reaction. It will affect the values in the energy balance. 10.2.5 G+E → ← E+F ˆ ΔH Rxn is at 25°C, 1 atm ° ( ) ˆ ° = ΣΔ H ˆ ° – ΣΔH ˆ ° = 1.040 × 10 9 – 0.990 × 109 J / g mol G ΔH Rxn f f prod. react. 6 = 50 × 10 J / g mol G converted Since 0.48 reacts, ΔH°Rxn = 0.48( 50) × 10 6 J / g mol G = 24 × 106 J / g mol G fed (not asked for) 10.2.6 No. The value reported is the heat transfer for constant volume, Qv. The heating value at constant pressure should be reported for the standard heat of reaction (an enthalpy change). Assume the reaction is at 25ºC. CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2O(l ) Basis: 1 g mol CH4 Q = ΔU = ΔH – Δ(pV) If the gases can be treated as ideal Δ(pV) = Δ(nRT) = Δn (RT). Δn = 1 – 2 – 1 = -2 10–6 Solutions Chapter 10 The correction is ΔnRΤ = -2 (8.314) (298) = -4958 J/g mol In SI units of 273.15 K and 101.3 kPa, the volume is 22.415 m3 g mol. The correction is (ignoring the pressure change from 1000 kPa to p2) −4958 = 221.2J / m3 or 0.22 kJ / m3 22.415 Otherwise you have to calculate p2 V − p1V where p2 = 1000 kPa and p1 = p*H2O + pCO2 . The value to be reported should be 39.97 – 0.22 = 39.75 kJ / m3 10.2.7 Yes. Calculate the sensible heats using the tables and using a common reference temperature. 10.2.8 C63H132O15 tristearin 3 C18 H36O2 + stearic and 3 C3H8O3 glycerol ˆ o = −[(3)(−964.3) + (3)(−159.16)] − (−3820)(1) = − 449.6 kJ/g mol ΔH rxn 10.2.9 a. If the exit temperature is > 25oC, and the dilutent is at the entering temperature of the reactants, then less heat has to be removed from the process. b. Remains the same as the presumption is in calculating ΔHºrxn that stoichiometric quantities react to completion. c. ˆ o = ΔH ˆ o with H O(g) = 241.826 At 25ºC, ΔH − kJ / g mol H2O. rxn f 2 At 500 K, the sensible heats have to be considered, and ½ O2 and H2 together have a larger ΔH than does H2O so that ΔHrxn at 500 K is less than ΔHrxn at 25ºC. 10–7 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.10 S (s) + O2 (g) SO2 (g) ΔHRxn 600K (327oC) ΔHReact. ΔHProd. 298K (25oC) ΔHoRxn Basis: 1 g mol S(s) =1 g mol SO2 (g) ΔHrxn, 600 K = ΔHorxn + ∑ ΔHprod, 600 K − ∑ ΔHreact, 600 K ΔHo rxn, 298 = ∑ ΔHo f − ∑ ΔHo f prod react = [−296.90) − [0 + 0] = −296.90 kJ / g mol S = − 296,900 J/g mol S ∑ ΔH prod,600 K ΔHSO2 ,600 K = ∫ 327 25 (38.91 + 3.904 ×10−2 T − 3.104 ×10−5 T 2 + 8.606 10×−9 T3 )dT = 13,490 J/g mol ∑ ΔH (13,530 from Enthalpy Tables) react,600 K This assumes s is really a liquid at 600ºC, not a solid as in the equation ΔHS,600K = ΔH 298−386 + ΔH fusion + H 386−600 Δ solid =∫ 386 298 liquid (15.2 + 2.68 ×10−2 T)dT + 10, 000 + 1/ 2∫ 600 386 (35.90 + 1.26 10−3×T)dT ½ (S from Perry) 2 = 2144 + 10,000 + 3975 10–8 Solutions Chapter 10 = 16,119 J/g mol ΔHO2 ,600K = ∫ 327 25 (29.10 + 1.158 ×10−2 T − 0.6076 ×10−5 T 2 + 1.311 10 × −9 T3 )dT = 9,340 J/g mol (8899 from the enthalpy tables) ΔH rxn,600K = −296,900 + (13, 490 − 25, 429) = 308,840 J / g mol S 10.2.11 C3H8 (g) → C2 H2 (g) + CH4 (g) + H 2 (g) Basis: 1 g mol C3H8 ΔH500 = ΔH25 + ∑ ΔHprod − ∑ ΔHreact ΔH o 25 = 226.75 + (−74.84) + 0 − (−103.85) = 255.76 kJ / g mol ΔH = ∫ CpdT = aT + b / 2 T2 + c / 3 T3 + d / 4 T4 ΔHC3H8 = 68.032T + 1.130 ×10−1 T2 − 4.37 ×10−5 T3 + 7.928× 10−9 T4 500 25 = 55.53 kJ / g mol ΔHC2H2 = 42.43 T + 3.027 ×10−2 T2 − 1.678 ×10−5 T3 + 4.55 ×10−9 T4 500 25 = 25.89 kJ / g mol ΔHCH4 = 34.31 T + 2.735 ×10−2 T2 + 1.220 ×10−6 T3 + 2.75 ×10−9 T4 500 25 = 23.10 kJ / g mol ΔHH2 = 28.84 T + 3.825 ×10−5 T2 + 1.096 ×10−6 T3 + 2.175 × 10−10 T4 500 25 = 13.83 kJ / g mol ΔH500 = (255.76 + 25.89 + 23.10 + 13.83) − 55.53= 10–9 263.05 kJ / g mol Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.12 All data is from Tables E.1 and F.1 of the Appendix. a. o CH 3OH(g) + 1/ 2O 2 (g) 200 C H 2CO(g) + H 2O(g) Basis: 1 g mol CH3OH Comp. Cp (J /(g mol)(K or oC)) T ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) CH3OH(g) 42.39 + 8.301× 10−2 T − 1.87 × 10−5 T 2 − 8.03 × 10−9 T 3 ºC -201.25 O2(g) 29.10 + 1.158 × 10−2 T − 0.6076 × 10−5 T 2 + 1.311 ×10−9 T 3 ºC H2CO(g) 34.28 + 4.268 × 10−2 T − 8.694 ×10−9 T 3 ºC -115.89 H2O(g) 33.46 + 0.6880 × 10−2 T +0.7604 × 10−5 T 2 − 3.593 × 10−9 T 3 ºC -241.826 0 25ºC = 298 K 200ºC = 473 K ΔHo rxn ,25o C = [−115.89 + (−241.826)] − (−201.25) = 156.47 −kJ / g mol = −156, 470 J / g mol Products Add the Cp equations for the two products and integrate (each involves 1 mole). ∑ ΔH prod,200o C = ∫ 200 25 (67.74 + 4.95 ×10−2 T + 0.7604 ×10−5 T 2 − 1.228 ×10−8 T 3 )dT = 12,850 J/g mol Reactants ΔHCH3OH = ∫ 200 25 (42.39 + 8.301×10−2 T − 1.87 ×10−5 T 2 − 8.03 ×10−9 T3 )dT = 9000 J/g mol 10–10 Solutions Chapter 10 ΔHO2 = 1 200 (29.10 + 1.158 ×10−2 T − 0.6076 ×10 −5 T 2 + 1.311× 10 −9 T 3 )dT ∫ 25 2 = 2,650 ΔHrxn,200o C = −156, 470 + 12,850 − 2,650 146, = 270 J / g mol o SO 2 (g) + 1/ 2 O 2 (g)300 C SO3 (g) b. Basis: 1 g mol SO2 DATA: Comp. Cp (J /(g mol)(K or oC)) O2(g) 29.10 + 1.158 × 10−2 T − 0.6076 × 10−5 T 2 + 1.311 ×10−9 T 3 ºC 0 SO2(g) 38.91 + 3.904 × 10−2 T − 3.104 × 10−5 T 2 + 8.606 × 10−9 T 3 ºC -296.90 SO3 48.50 + 9.188 × 10−2 T − 8.540 ×10 −5 T 2 + 32.40 ×10 −9 T 3 ºC -395.18 T ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) ΔHo rxn ,25o C = −395.18 + 296.90 = −98.28 kJ / g mol = 98, 280 −J / g mol Products ∑ ΔH prod,300o C = ∫ 300 25 (48.50 + 9.188 ×10−2 T − 8.540 ×10−5 T 2 + × 32.40 10−9 T3 )dT = 16, 740 J/g mol Reactants ΔHSO2 = ∫ 300 25 (38.91 + 3.904 ×10−2 T − 3.104 ×10−5 T 2 + 8.606× 10−9 T3 )dT = 12, 180 J/g mol ΔH O2 = 8, 470 J / g mol 1 ΔH rxn,300o C = −98, 280 + 16, 740 − 12,180 − (8, 470) = 97,960J − / g mol SO2 2 10–11 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.13 Basis: 1 g mol SnO SnO + 1/ 2O2 → SnO2 ΔHrxn25 = −577.8 − (−283.3 + 0) = 294.5 − kJ / g mol ΔH90 = ΔH rxn, 25 + ∑ ΔH prod − ∑ ΔH react C ΔH = ∫ 90 C dT 25o C p o ΔHSnO = 39.33T + 7.575 ×10−3 T=2 298 363 ΔHSnO2 = 73.89 T + 5.02 ×10−3 T 2 + 2.88 kJ 2.16 ×104 363 = 2.89 kJ 298 T ΔHO2 = 29.1 T + 5.79 ×10−3 T 2 − 2.025 ×10−6 T3 + 3.278 ×10−10=T 4 25 90 1.93 kJ ΔH90 = −294.5 + 2.89 − (2.88 + 0.5(1.93)) = 295.46 − kJ / g mol 10.2.14 Basis: 100 g mol CO Assume pressure is 1 atm, and an open, steady state process. CO + 1 2 O 2 → CO 2 The energy balance reduces to Q = ΔH. The reference temperature is 25°C. 100 g mol CO CO2 400oC 300oC 100 g mol O2 100oC 10–12 Solutions Chapter 10 Data: Sensible heats ˆ from CD : ΔH(kJ / g mol)* ΔH(kJ) mol o T( C) ΔĤ (kJ / g mol) O2 CO 100 100 100 300 -110.541 2.235 8.294 223.5 -10,225 Out O2 CO2 50 100 400 400 -393.505 11.715 16.245 585.8 -37,726 Comp. o f In *You can calculate ΔĤsensible using the tables in the appendix, but the process requires interpolation. Q = ΔH = (−37,726 + 585.8) − (−10, 225 + 223.5) = − 27,139 kJ 10.2.15 Basis: 1 g mol yeast The heat of formation is 3.92 C + 6.5 H + 1.94 O2 → C3.92 H6.5 O1.94 The heat of combustion is for the reaction C3.92 H6.5 O1.94 + 5.60 O2 → 3.92 CO2 (g) + 3.25 H2 O(l ) ˆ 0 − ∑ n ΔH ˆ 0 ⎤ −1,518 kJ = − ⎡⎣ ∑ n i ΔH f ,i i f ,i ⎦ product reactants ˆ0 ⎤ −1,518 = − ⎣⎡(3.92)(−393.51) + (3.25)(−285.840) − 5.60(0) − (1)ΔH f ,yeast ⎦ ΔĤ 0f,yeast = 963.54 − kJ/g mol The molecular weight of C3.92 H 6.5O1.94 is 84.63. Per 100 g yeast ΔĤ0f,yeast = 1139−kJ/100 g yeast 10–13 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.16 The problem requires more information to solve. To make the solution easier but approximate, assume the reaction takes place at 25°C and 1 atm. Assume that the energy balance reduces to Q = ∆H, and that Q represents the desired kJ. Data: ° ˆ° ΔH f , H 2 O = –285.840 ΔĤ f, CO2 = –393.51 , both in kJ/g mol. Ref. temp. = 25°C. Basis: 1 g mol glucose. MW of glucose = 180. (C6 H12O6 )glucose + 6O2 (g) → 6H 2O(l ) + 6CO2 (g) ΔH° =ΔH°products –ΔH°reactants = [6( –285.840) + 6(–393.51)] – [1( –1260) + 6( 0)] = –2816 kJ 0.90 ( –2816 ) = 14.0 kJ/g glucose 180 At 37°C (body temperature), assume only the O2 is used in a reaction 6 g mol O2 22.4L at SC 310K 1 g mol suc. = 0.85 L/g at 37o C and 1 atm 1 g mol suc. g mol O2 273K 180g suc. 10.2.17 The reaction is C3H8 (l ) + 5O2 (g) → 3CO2 (g)+ 4H 2O(l ) Need to calculate the heat of formation of C3H8 (l ) and H2O (l ) first C3H8 (l ) ˆ of ,C3H8 ( l ) = ΔH ˆ ofC H8(g) − ΔH ˆ o vap(25o C) ΔH 3 = −24.820 − 3.820 =− 28.643 k cal / g mol H2O(l ) ˆ o f ,H2O( l ) = ΔH ˆ o f ,H 2O(g) − ΔH ˆ o vap(25o C) ΔH 10–14 Solutions Chapter 10 = −57.798 − 10.519 = 68.317 − k cal / g mol Basis: 1 g mol C3H8 (l ) ΔHRxn,C3H8 ( l ) = 4(−68.317) + 3(−94.052) − (−28.643) -526.781 = k cal/g mol 10.2.18 a. Presumably H2, O2, C1, HC1, and H2 are gases. (1) 6 g mol FeC13(-403.34 kJ/g mol FeC13) + 9 g mol H2O (-241.826 kJ/g mol H2O) -3 g mol Fe2O3 (-822.156 kJ/g mol Fe2O3)-18 g mol HC1(-92.312 kJ/g mol HC1) = −468.39 kJ (2) 6 g mol FeC12(-342.67 kJ/g mol FeC12) + 3 g mol C12 (0.0 kJ/g mol C12) -6 g mol FeC13 (-403.34 kJ/g mol FeC13) = 364.02 kJ (3) 2 g mol Fe3O4 (-1116.7 kJ/g mol Fe3O4) + 12 g mol HC1 (-92.312 kJ/g mol HC1) + 2 g mol H2 (0.0 kJ/g mol H2) – 6 g mol FeC12 (-342.67 kJ/g mol FeC12) -8 g mol H2O (-241.826 kJ/g mol H2O) = 649.48 kJ (4) 3 g mol Fe2O3 (-822.156 kJ/g mol Fe2O3) – 2 g mol Fe3O4 (-1116.7 kJ/g mol Fe3O4) – ½ g mol O2 (0.0 kJ/g mol O2) = −233.07 kJ (5) 6 g mol HC1 (-92.312 kJ/g mol HC1) + 3/2 g mol O2 (0.0 kJ/g mol O2) -3 g mol H2O (-241.826 kJ/g mol H2O) – 3 C12 (0.0 kJ/g mol C12) = 171.61 kJ b. 2H2O 2H2 + O2 ∑ ΔH o n,i = 483.65 kJ 10–15 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.19 Basis: 1 g gasoline ΔH = 40 kJ 0.84 = 33.6 kJ / cm3 g cm3 Methanol: Assume the reaction is: ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) 1 CH3OH(l ) + 1 2 O2 (g) → CO2 (g) 2H + 2O(g) 0 − 238.64 -393.51 -241.826 ΔHRxn = 638.52 − kJ / g mol 638.52 kJ 1 g mol 0.792 g = 15.79 kJ / cm3 3 g mol 32.04 g cm 33.6 kJ cm3 methanol cm3 methanol = 2.13 cm3 gas 15.79 kJ cm3 gas a. (2.13-1) 100 = 113% larg er tan k Ethanol: C2 H5OH(l ) + O2 (g) → 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O(g) ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) − 277.63 0 -393.51 -241.828 ΔHRxn = 1235 − kJ / g mol 1235 1 g mol 0.789 g = 21.15 kJ / cm3 3 g mol EtOH 46.07 g cm 33.6 kJ cm3 EtOH = 1.59 cm3 gas 21.15 kJ b. (1.59) 100 -100 = 59% larg er 10–16 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.20 Basis: 1 g mol C2H4(g) C2 H4 (g) ⎛ kJ ⎞ ΔĤ of ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ g mol ⎠ + 52.283 2H 2 (g) → 2CH 4 (g) 0 25o C -74.84 ΔH o rxn = 2(−74.84) − 52.283 = 202.0 − kJ / g mol The reaction gives Q = ΔU = ΔH – Δ(pV). Assume ideal gases so that Δ(pV) = Δ(nRT) = Δn(RT) Q = -202.0 – (-1) (8.31 × 10-3) (298) Q = −199.5 kJ / g mol 10.2.21 Basis: 1 g mol Cu and 1 g mol H2SO4 Data from Perry Cu(s) + H2SO4 (l ) → H2 (g) CuSO + 4 (s) ΔH o rxn = (0 − 772.78) − (0 − 810.40) = 37.61 kJ For a constant volume process: Q = ΔU = ΔH – Δ(pV) = ΔH –Δn(RT) Δn = 1 Q = 37.61 – (1) (8.314 × 10-3) (298) = 35.13 kJ/g mol Basis: 1 lb mol of each reactant (37.13)(1000)J 454 g 1 Btu = 15,978 Btu / lb mol g mol 1 lb 1055 J 10–17 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.22 Assume steady state flow process with reaction. N2(g) H2(g) C6H12(g) C6H6(g) Q Ref. temp. = 25°C C6 H12 (g) → C6 H6 (g) + 3H2 (g) The standard heat of reactions is ΔĤoRxn = [1(82,927) + 3(0)] − [1(−123,100)] = 2.06 ×105 J / g mol C6 H12 Material balance: Basis: 1 g mol C6H12 (g) in Step 5: Steps 6 to 9: Make balances for each species so that the unknowns H2 and C6H6 can be calculated. Results: n H2 out = 0.70(1)(3) = n C6 H 6 out = 0.70(1)(1) = 0.70 n C6H12 out = 0.30(1) = 0.30 out = 0.50 n N2 Energy balance Component ˆ o f (J/gmol) ΔH In: H2(g) C6H6(g) C6H12(g) N2(g) 0 + 82.927 × 103 - 123.1 × 103 0 C6H12(g) N2 (g) -123.1 × 103 0 (a) n C6H12 in = 1.0 T ni ΔH 300 (kJ) 25 0 0 0 0 2.10 0.70 0.30 0.50 0 0 1.00 0.50 16.865 71.226 -47.552 4.016 44.556 -123.1 0 -123.1 Q = 1.44 × 105 J / gmol p 8031 18,824 35,408 8,031 or 0 0 or (b) = 0.50 n N2 in ∫ C dT(or use tables)*; T = 300°C 25 Out: 2.10 Q = + 1.68 × 105 J / gmol *at 25°C exit temp. and entrance temp. these terms are 0. 10–18 Solutions Chapter 10 10.2.23 Basis: 1 gal of each fuel MW density (g/cm3) (1) Ethanol : C2 H5OH(l ) + 3O2 (g) → 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O(l ) (2) Benzene : C6 H6 (l ) + 7.5O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 3H 2O(l ) (3) Isooctane : C8 H18 (l ) + 12.5O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) +9H2O(l ) 46 78 114 0.789 0.879 0.692 Example calculation 1 gal Bz 0.879 g Bz 3.785 L 1000cm3 1 g mol Bz 6 g mol CO2 Benzene : cm3Bz 1 gal 1L 78 g Bz 1 g mol Bz × 44 g CO2 1 lb = 24.8 lb CO2 / gal Bz 1 g mol CO2 454 g Other results: Ethanol: 12.5 lb CO2 / gal EtOH Isooctane: 17.8 lb CO2 / gal iso Carry out the standard combustion material balance for stoichiometric air. The ratios are at SC or the same temperature and pressure. Example of the calculation for benzene (Reaction 2) Use data from the CD, heat capacity equations, or tables to get the sensible heats. The data below are from the CD. Reference T = 25ºC. ΔĤsensible (kJ / g mol) ΔH(kJ) T(ºC) mol ΔĤ o f (kJ / g mol) C6 H 6 ( l ) O2 (g) N 2 (g) 25 100 100 1 7.5 28.21 + 44.66 - 2.235 2.183 46.66 16.763 61.553 CO 2 (g) H 2O(l ) N 2 (g) 25 25 25 6 3 28.21 -393.505 -285.840 - - 2361.030 857.520 - IN: ΔH(kJ) OUT: 10–19 Solutions Chapter 10 ΔHRxn = (−2361.030 − 857.520) − (46.66 + 16.763 + 61.553) = 3093.6 − kJ / g mol Bz −3093.6 kJ 1 gal Bz 0.879 g Bz 3.785 L 1000 cm3 1 g mol Bz 1 Btu g mol Bz cm3 Bz 1 gal 1L 78 g Bz 1.055 kJ = −1.251× 105 Btu per gal Bz (exothermic) Ethanol: −7.55 ×104 Btu per gal EtOH Isooctane: −1.21×105 Btu per gal isooctane Ethanol Benzene Isooctane lb CO2 /106 Btu 166 198 147 10.2.24 At 25°C and 1 atm H2O is a liquid. 1 H 2 (g) + O2 (g) → H 2 O(l ) 2 o ΔH c (kJ/g mol): − 285.84 0 0 ΔHRxn25oC ΔHReact ΔHProd ΔHRxn0oC Basis: 1 g mol H2 (g) ΔHo rxn = −[∑ ΔHo c,Prod − ∑ ΔHo c,React ] 1 = −[(1)(0) − (1)(−285.84) − (= − )(0)] 2 285.84 kJ / g mol H 2 H2O at 25ºC is a liquid 10–20 Solutions Chapter 10 4.184 J 18 g (−25o C) ΔH Pr od = ∫ o Cp dT = = 1.883 − kJ 25 C (g)(o C) 1 g mol 0o C ΔH React = (1) ∫ 0o C 1 0o C 2 25 CpH2 (g) dT + ( ) ∫ o 25 C 1 CpO2 (g) dT = −(718)(1) − (727)( ) = 1.081 − kJ 2 ΔHrxn (0o C) = (−1.883) − (−1.081) + (−285.84) = 286.64 kJ − / g mol H2 10.2.25 Basis: 1 g mol dry cells The heat of reaction is ˆ 0 − ∑ n ΔH ˆ 0 ⎤ ΔH orxn = − ⎣⎡ ∑ n i ΔH i,c i i,c ⎦ products reactants = −[(1)(−1,517) + 2.75(−393.51) + 3.42( − 285.840) −6.67(−2,817) − 2.10(0)] = 15, − 213 kJ/g mol cells For 100 g dry cells -15,213 kJ 1g mol 100 g dry cells = -1.800×104 kJ g mol dry cells 84.58 g dry cells 10.3.1 Steady State, open process. Ref T = 25ºC Basis: 100 g mol feed The moles out come from the material balance, and the other data from the CD. Q = ΔH ΔH data from the CD. Comp. % = g mol T(ºC) ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) IN with gas 10–21 ΔĤsensible (kJ) ΔH(kJ) Solutions Chapter 10 CO2 6.4 500 -393.505 20.996 -2384.06 O2 0.2 500 - 15.034 3.04 CO 40.0 500 -110.541 14.690 -3834.04 H2 50.8 500 - 13.834 702.77 N2 2.6 500 - 14.242 37.03 100.0 -5,475.29 In with air O2 63.28 25 - 0 0 N2 240.65 25 - 0 0 303.93 Out with fg CO2 46.4 720 -393.505 32.006 -16,773.55 H2O(g) 50.8 720 -241.835 26.133 -10,957.66 N2 240.65 720 - 21.242 5,111.89 O2 18.1 720 - 22.555 408.25 356.0 -22,211.08 Q = ΔH = (−22, 211.08) − (−5, 475.29) = − 16,736 kJ (Heat leaving) 10–22 Solutions Chapter 10 10.3.2 Steady state, open process. Ref T = 25°C Basis: 100 g mol P W H2O coke F 40oC Furnace P 1100oC CO2 CO O2 N2 mol % 16.1 0.8 4.3 78.8 1000 R Refuse 200oC mass fr. C 0.90 H 0.06 inert 0.04 1.00 A Air 40oC mol fr. O2 0.21 N2 0.79 1.00 C inert mass fr. 0.10 0.90 1.00 Data come from the material balances and the CD. C p (J / g mol)( o C) H 20.8 C 14.3 Comp. Percent (g) g mol T(ºC) ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) ΔĤsensible (kJ / gmol) ΔH(kJ) In F (214.8 g) solid C 90.0 16.11 40 - 0.214 3.456 H 6.0 12.79 40 - 0.312 3.991 Inert 4.0 - 40 - ignore - 100.0 28.90 7.447 In air (99.7 g mol) O2 20.94 40 - 0.442 9.255 N2 78.76 40 - 0.436 34.339 99.70 43.595 10–23 Solutions Chapter 10 Out in P (g) CO2 16.1 1100 -393.505 24.744 -5937.05 CO 0.8 1100 -110.541 25.032 -68.41 O2 4.3 1100 - 26.209 112.70 N2 78.8 1100 - 38.891 3064.59 Water out (g) 100.0 6.80 1100 -241.826 30.174 –2828.17 205.18 Refuse 10 g 200 - 1.488 per g 14.88 Q = ΔH = (−2828.17 + 205.18 + 14.88) − (7.447 + 43.595) = − 2659.2 kJ (heat exiting) 10.3.3 Basis: 1 g mol CaC12 ⋅ 6H 2O(s) Unsteady state, open process. Reference T = 25ºC. 68o F → 20o C and 86o F → 30o C ΔU = Q − ΔH H2Oexiting Assume ΔU ; ΔH inside the system ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) Cp (J /(g)(o C)) MW CaC12 ⋅ 6H 2O(s) -2607.89 1.34 219 CaC12 ⋅ 2H 2O(s) -1402.90 0.97 147 Data Calculate ΔÛ Comp. Initial CaC12 ⋅ 6H 2O(s) g mol T(ºC) 1 20 MW ΔĤof (kJ / g mol) 219.1 -2607.89 (1)(1.34)(219.1)(25-20) -2606.422 10–24 ΔHsensible (J) ΔH(kJ) Solutions Chapter 10 Final CaC12 ⋅ 2H 2O(s) Out H2O(g) 965.798 1 30 129.0 -1402.90 (1)(0.97)(129.0)(30-25) -1402.274 4 30 18.0 -241.826 (1)(4.18)(18)(30-25) - CaC12 ⋅ 6H2O(s) → CaC12 ⋅ 2H2O 4H + 2O(g) Per g mol CaC12 ⋅ 6H2O(s) : Q = ΔU + ΔH exiting = [(−1402.274) − (−2606.422)] + (− 965.798) = 238 kJ or 226 Btu/g mol CaC12 ⋅ 6H 2O(s) 200, 000 Btu 1 g mol CaC12 ⋅ 6H 2O(s) 219 g 1 kg = 194 kg 226 Btu 1 g mol 1000 g (427 lb) 10.4.1 (a) 0.005⎞ ⎛ + 4050(0.006) HHV = 14,544 (.80) + 62,028 ⎝ 0.0003 – 8 ⎠ = 11,640 Btu/lb LHV = 11,800 – 91.23(0.3) = 11,770 Btu/lb (b) HHV = 17,887 + 57.5(30) – 102.2 (0.5) = 19,560 Btu/lb LHV = 19,560 – 91.23 (12.05) = 18,460 Btu/lb 10.4.2 If the fuel cannot produce H 2O as a product, HHV = LHV, but the concept really refers to cases in which water is produced so that HHV ≠ LHV. 10–25 Solutions Chapter 10 10.4.3 Both H2 and O2 enter at 0°C, and the products leave at 0°C. The reference temperature is 25°C. Stoichiometric quantities react according to the reaction equation. H2 (g) + 1/2 O2 (g) → H2O (l ) ° ΔHf (kJ/g mol): 0 0 –285.83 Basis: 1 g mol H2 (g) ΔHRxn( 0°C) = ΣΔHPr oducts ΣProducts ( –285.83) + ∫20°C 5°C = – ΣΔHRe ac tan ts 4.184 J 18g H2 O dT = –287.71 kJ ( g)(°C ) g mol Alternately you can use the steam tables or the CD to get the value. The reactants are gases, hence ΔH can be obtained from tables. ΣReactants = 28.84 + 0.00765 × 10 –2 T )dT ( 25°C (0 + 0) + (1)∫ + ( 12 )∫ 0°C 25° 0°C (29.10 + 1.158 × 10 –2 T )dT = –1.45 kJ ΔHRxn( 0°C) = –287.71 – ( –1.45) = –286.26 kJ 10–26 Solutions Chapter 10 10.4.4 Basis: 100 lb mol gas The reaction for each compound is the stoichiometric amount of O2 going to CO2 gas and H2 O ( l ) Comp. lb mol CO2 C2 H4 CO H2 CH4 N2 9.2 0.4 20.9 15.6 1.9 52.0 100.0 ΔĤ(Btu/lb mol) ΔH (Btu) 0 598,000 122,000 123,000 383,000 0 0 239,000 2,544,000 1,918,000 728,000 0 5,429,000 Note: NGI standard state is 60°F Btu 5,429,000 Btu 1 lb mol 520°R 3 = 100 lb mol 359 ft 3 492°R ft 3 = 143 Btu / ft at std. conditions of NGI 10.4.5 Basis: 1 m3 gas at 25ºC and 1 atm with 40% relative saturation Calculate the moles of C9H12 gas. Its pressure at 25ºC is calculated as follows: ( p*H2O = 3.2 kPa) (3.2) (0.40) = 1.28 kPa, and thus the pressure of the C9H12 (g) is (101.3-1.28) = 100 kPa. n= pV 100 kPa 1 m3 1(kg mol)(K) = = 0.0404 kg mol RT 1 atm 298 K 8.314(kPa)(m3 ) Basis: 1 g mol n-propyl benzene (C6H5 ⋅ CH2 ⋅ C2H5) The higher heating value is with H2O as a liquid. Also, at 25°C, C9H16 is a liquid; its normal boiling point is 432 K. C9H12 (l ) + 12 O2 (g) → 9 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l ) 10–27 Solutions Chapter 10 ΔH° f kJ : g mol –38.40 0 –393.51 –285.840 ΔH° rxn = [6 (–285.840 + 9 (–393.51)] – [(1) (–38.40)] = −5218.2 kJ/g mol C9 H12 HHV= − −5218.2 kJ 40.4 g mol C9 H12 = 2.11×105 kJ/m3 3 g mol C9 H12 1 m gas 10.4.6 Basis: 100 mol of gas (a1) Comp. mol.wt. CH4 C2 H6 C3H8 C4H10 Total 16 30 44 58 Mol%= Vol.% lb 88 6 4 2 100 1408 180 176 116 1880 –ΔH°c1 kJ/g mol –ΔH°c2 kJ/g mol 890.35 1559.88 2220.05 2878.52 802.32 1427.84 2044.00 2658.45 mol. wt. mixture = 18.80 lb/lb mol −ΔHo c1 =H2O(1) to CO2 (g) products; − ΔHo c2 = H 2O (g) + CO2 (g) products ΔHº1 rxn = – [ΔHc prod – ΔHºc react] = 1022.90 kJ/g mol (a1) ΔH o rxn = −1022.90 454 g mol Btu lb mol Btu = − 23,600 g mol lb mol 1.055 kJ 18.80 lb lb HHV = 23,600 Btu/lb (a2) ΔHºrxn = (–23,600) (18.80) = -439,000 Btu / lb mol HHV = 439,000 Btu/lb mol (a3) ΔHo rxn = −439,000 Btu 1 lb mol = − 1160 3 lb mol 379.2 ft at 60o F, 760 mm Hg 10–28 Solutions Chapter 10 HHV 3 = 1160 Btu / ft at 60°F, 760 mm Hg (b1) ΔH°2 rxn = –925.71 kJ/g mol ΔH° 2 rxn = –925.71 454 = –21,200 Btu/lb 1.055 18.80 LHV = 21,200 Btu/lb (b2) ΔH°2 rxn = (–21,200) (18.80) = -398,000 Btu/lb mol LHV = 398, 000 Btu / lb mol (b3) ΔH°2 rxn = (–398,000)/(379.2) = -1051 LHV = 1051 Btu/ft 3 at 60°F and 760 mm Hg 10.4.7 Write the equation for the combustion for 1 gram as: 1 g of Fuel or food + Oxygen → CO2 (g) + H2O(1) + N2 (g) Both the reactants and the products are at 25ºC and 1 atm. The chemical energy released by the complete combustion of 1 g of a food or fuel according to the above equation at standard conditions is the heat of combustion. Assume the ΔHc are additive. Then ΔHC = (17.1)(28) + (39.5)(10) + (14)(4) = 930 kJ The High Energy bar has (capital C for calorie) 220 Calories 1000 calories 4.184 J 1 kJ = 921 kJ 1 Calorie 1 calorie 1000 J The values are close enough. 10–29 Solutions Chapter 10 10.4.8 When the combustion results in a single component. 10.4.9 Basis: 1 lb mixture Get the data for the ΔHc in Btu/lb, not Btu/mol. Component Mass fr., ωi ΔHc (Btu / lb) ΔH(Btu) Basis 1200 lb Hexachloroethane, C2C16 Tetrachloroethene, C2C14 Chlorobenzene, C6H5C1 Toluene, C7H8 0.0487 0.0503 0.2952 0.6058 828 2141 11,876 18,246 40 108 3,506 11,053 58.44 60.36 354,24 726.96 Total 1.000 14,707 1200.00 _______________________________________________________________________ The Btu/lb are 14, 707 from the heat of combustion data, a deviation of 3.2% from 15,200. For DuLong’s equation, the component elements are needed. Basis: 1200 lb _______________________________________________________________________ C H C1 O MW Total (lb) _______________________________________________________________________ C2C16 24 0 213 0 237.00 ωi 0.10 0.00 0.90 0.00 lb 5.84 0.00 52.60 0.00 C2C14 24 0 142 0 ωi 0.14 0.00 0.86 0.00 lb 8.45 0.00 51.91 0.00 C6H5C1 72 5 35.5 0 10–30 58.44 166.00 60.36 112.50 Solutions Chapter 10 ωi 0.64 0.04 0.32 0.00 lb 226.71 14.17 113.36 0.00 C7H8 84 8 0 0 ωi 0.91 0.09 0.00 0.00 lb 661.53 65.43 0.00 0.00 726.91 Total 902.53 79.60 217.87 0 1200 ωi 0.75 0.07 0.18 0 1.00 354.24 9200 HHV = 14,455 C + 62,028 H – 7753.5O2 + 4050 S = (14,455)(0.75) + (62,028)(0.07) = 15,183 Btu/lb (the higher heating value) a deviation of 0.11% 10.4.10 The reactions are: C2 H5OH(1) + 3 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 3 H 2O(1) (1) C8H18 (1) + 12.5 O2 (g) → 8 CO2 (g) +9 H2O(1) (2) ⎡ ˆ o − ∑ n ΔH ˆ o ⎤⎥ ΔH rxn = − ⎢ ∑ n i ΔH c,i i c,i reac tan ts ⎣ products ⎦ For (1): −[(2)(0) + (3)(0) − (3)(0) − (1)(−1366.91) = 1366.91 − kJ / g mol C2 H5OH For (2): −[(8)(0) + (9)(0) − (12.5)(0) − (−1307.53)(4.184)] = 5470.71 − kJ / g mol C8H18 Note: the ΔĤc = 1307.53 k cal / g mol for n-octane liquid is from Perry. 10–31 Solutions Chapter 10 Basis: 1 kg gasahol Component = kg MW g mol ΔĤ(kJ) C2H5OH 0.10 46.05 2.17 -2,966 C8H18 0.90 114.14 7.89 -43,137 Total 1.00 −46,103 If the fuel were all octane 1 kg oc tan e 1 kg mol octane 1000 g −5470.71 kJ = −47,930 kJ 114.14 kg octane 1 kg g mol octane −47,930 − (−46,103) (100) = 3.8% −47,930 10–32 Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.1 Basis: gas as given in problem statement (a) 0.030 = p H2O pTot − pH2O = p H 2O 101.6 − p H2O p* H2 O at 60 °C % humidity so, pH 2 O = 2.96 kPa = 19.9 kPa ⎛ 2.96 ⎞ ⎡ 101.6 −19.9 ⎤ = 100 ⎝ = 12.2% 19.9 ⎠ ⎢⎣ 101.6 − 2.96 ⎥⎦ (b) Relative humidity (100) 2.96 19.9 14.9% = * (c) Dewpoint occurs where pH 2 O = 2.96 kPa, or T = 24oC from the steam tables. 11.1.2 * At 27 °C, pH 2 O = 3.52 kPa. The actual pressure of the water vapor is obtained from p= nRT ⎛ 0.636 ⎞ ⎛⎜ 8.314 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 300 K ⎞⎟ ⎛ ⎞ = 3.15 kPa =⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ 28.0 ⎠ V 18.01 ⎝ ⎛ 3.15 ⎞ 100 ⎝ 3.52 ⎠ = 89%RH 11–1 Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.3 .5067 ---------p .1217 ----- Initial state 40 80 T °F * At 80 °F, pH 2 O = 0.5067 psia from the steam tables * At 40 °F, pH 2 O = 0.1217 psia * At 58 °F, pH 2 O = 0.2384 psia (a) 100 0.1217 psia = 0.5067psia 24% (b) The mol fraction of H2O vapor is constant on compression unless saturation is reached. At the initial conditions y H 2O = 0.1217 −3 = 8.28 × 10 14.696 ⎛ 0.1217⎞ = 0.2437 psia At 2 atm, pH 2 O = p Tot y H2 O = (14.692)(2) ⎝ 14.696 ⎠ 0.2437 > 1 hence water condenses and the relative humidity is 100% 0.2384 11–2 Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.4 * P H 2 O = 5.878 in Hg T = 140°F p = 30 in Hg H = 0.03 mol H2O/mol BDA ⇒ Basis: 1 mol BDA mol H 2O 0.03 = = 0.0291 = y H 2O mol H 2O + BDA 1 + .03 p H 2O = 30 (.0291) = 0.874 in Hg pair = 30 (1 – 0.0291) = 29.13 in Hg (a) % rel. humidity = 100 p H2O ⎛ 0.874 ⎞ = 100 ⎜ ⎟ = 14.9% p*H2O ⎝ 5.878 ⎠ (b) Dew point is the temperature at which vapor first condenses on cooling at constant humidity, hence p* = 0.874 in Hg ~ 75°F. 11–3 Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.5 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: ptot = 275 kPa Air 30oC F (mol) 100 kPa RH = 75.0% 275 kPa Compressor Cooler P(mol) Air Saturated 20oC RH = 100% 0.341 kg H2O * pH 2 O * = 0.6153 psia = 4.241 kPa pH 2 O pH 2 O = 4.241 (.75) = 3.18 kPa System: overall Step 5: Basis: 0.341 kg H2O Step 6 and 7: Unknowns: (0.341/18) kg mol F, P Balances: air, H 2O Steps 8 and 9: Balances are in kg mol ⎫ 0.341 ⎪ 18 Solve anytwo toget ⎛ 100 − 3.18 ⎞ ⎛ 275− 2.34 ⎞ ⎪ =P ⎝ Air: F ⎝ ⎬ 275 ⎠ 100 ⎠ ⎪ F = 0.804 kg mol 3.18 ⎞ 0.341 ⎛ 2.34 ⎞ ⎪ ⎛ H 2O: F = +P ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 275 ⎠ ⎭ 18 Total: F V= = P+ 0.804 kgmol 8.314 303 3 = 20.3 m at 30°C and 100 kPa 100 11–4 = 0.3388 psia = 2.34 kPa Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.6 Basis: Air at T = 66 °F and 21.2 psia; assume V is constant. (a) Initial pair ,i V = n air RT 6 6 F Final Assume all of the water evaporates, and check later on to see if the assumption is true. pair , f + pH 2 O = p t so pair , f = pt − p H 2 O pair , f V = n air RT 1 8 0 F The material balance is simple: all the initial air = final air. pair , i pt − p H 2 O = 66 + 460 526 21.2 = = 180+ 460 640 33.0− pH 2 O pH 2 O = 7.20 psia Since p* = 7.51 psia, all of the water can evaporate and the air will not be saturated. (b) Basis: 1 lb H 2O (0.0555 lb mol H 2O ) At the final condition pH 2 O pt = 7.20 n H 2 O 0.0555 = = 33.0 nt nt so n = 0.254 lb mol nRT ⎛⎜ 0.254 ⎞⎟ ⎛ 10.73 ⎞ ⎛⎜ 640 ⎞⎟ 3 = 53.0 ft = ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 33.0 ⎝ ⎠ p 0.17 lb H2 O 1lbH 2O (c) n air = 0.254 - 0.0555 = 0.1985 lb mol = lb air 0.1985(29) V= 11–5 Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.7 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4: pt = 103.0 kPa F (kg mol) P (kg mol) Air: 22oC RH = 50% Air: 72oC RH = 80% W = 200 kg mol H2O 18 Data for p* from the steam tables: T (°C) p* (kPa) 22°C (295K) 72°C (345K) 2.622 33.77 These calculations provide the composition of F and P. In kPa Out kPa pH 2 O = 0.50 (2.60) = 1.31 pH 2 O pair = 103.0 - 1.31 = 101.69 pair = 102.0 - 27.0 = 103.0 pt Step 5: Basis: = 0.80 (33.77) = 27.02 = 76.0 pt =103.0 W = 200 kg H 2O (1 hour) Steps 6 and 7: Unknowns are: F, P Balances are: H2O, air Steps 8 and 9: This is a steady state process without a reaction Balances In Out H 2O F (1.311 0 3) + 2 0 01 8(1.00) = P ( 2 7. 01 0 3) air: F (1 0 1. 71 0 3) F = 32.86 kg mol Bone dry air: Step 10: = P( 7 61 0 3) P = 43.95 kg mol F (1.071 0 3) = 32.45 kg mol Check using total balance Weight in kg of dry air used = 32.45 (29 = 941 kg 11–6 P ( 7 61 0 3) = 32.43kgmol Solutions Chapter 11 11.1.8 (a) Entering Leaving 80°F = 26.8°C 70°F = 21.0°C p* at 26.8°C = 26 mm Hg p* at 21.0°C = 19 mm Hg Rel. Humidity = (b) p 5 mm Hg 100 = p* 26 mm Hg (c) = 94.8% Entering Leaving V p = Vtot p tot Vol fr. = 5 mm Hg 100 = 0.676% 740 mm Hg H 2O: p p tot 18 mm Hg 100 = 2.43% 740 mm Hg Air:100 - 0.0676 = 99.324% Air: 100 - 2.43 = 97.57% Entering Leaving Basis: 1 lb mol at 80°F, 740 mm Hg Vol % = mol % lb wt % H 2O: (0.00676)(18) 0.12 0.4 Air: (99.324)(29) 28.80 28.92 99.6 100.0 (d) p 18 mm Hg 100 = p* 19 mm Hg = 19.2% Vol fr. = H 2O: Rel. Humidity = Basis: 1 lb mol at 70°F, 740 mm Hg lb wt % H 2O: (0.0243)(18) 0.44 1.53 Air: (0.9757)(29) 28.30 28.74 98.47 100.00 Entering Leaving Basis: 1 lb mol at 80°F, 740 mm Hg Basis: 1 lb mol at 70°F, 740 mm Hg Actual: pvap = 5 mm Hg Actual: pvap = 18 mm Hg pvapor-free gas = 740 – 5 = 735 mm Hg pvapor-free air = 740 – 18 = 722 mm Hg 11–7 Solutions Chapter 11 Humidity = n H 2O n dry air = g mol H 2O 18 g 1 g mol dry air g mol dry air 1 g mol H 2O 29 g p H 2O p dry air Entering Humidity = (e) Leaving 5 18 g H 2O = 4.22×10-3 735 29 g dry air 18 18 g H 2O = 0.0155 722 29 g dry air Basis: 1000 ft3 of mixture at 740 mm Hg and T Entering Leaving Vol % H2O = 0.676 % Vol % H2O = 2.43 % Vol H2O = (0.00676)(1000 ft3) = 6.76 ft3 Vol H2O = (0.0243)(1000 ft3) = 24.3 ft3 @ 26.8 °C and 740 mm Hg @ 21.0°C and 740 mm HG 3 3 6.76 ft 1 lb mol 492°R 740 mm Hg 18 lb 3 540°R 760 mm Hg lb mol 359 ft 24.3 ft 1 lb mol 740 mm Hg 492°R 18 lb 3 760 mm Hg 530°R lb mol 359 ft = 0.30 lbH 2 O / 1000 ft 3 (f) at 80 F and 740 mm Hg = 1.10 lb H2 O / 1000 ft 3 at 70°F and 740 mm Hg Entering Leaving 0.30 0.99324 1.10 0.9757 3 3 = 0.302 lbH 2 O / 1000 ft vapor free air (g) = 1.127lb H2 O / 1000 ft vapor freeair Basis: 800,000 ft3/day at 80°F, 740 mm Hg Entering Leaving Vol dry air = 794, 600 ( Vol % air = 99.324 % 530 ) 540 = 779,900 ft3 at 70°F Vol dry air = (800,000)(0.99324) 11–9 Solutions Chapter 11 = 794,600 ft3 Vol % = 97.57 % Total vol = Vol H2O vapor = (800,000)(0.00676) = 5400 ft3 at 80°F, 740 mm Hg 5400 ft 779, 900 3 = 799, 300 ft 0.9757 Vol H2O vap = 799,300 – 779,900 3 740 492 760 540 = 19,400 ft3 at 70°F, 740 mm Hg = 4790 ft3 at SC 19, 400 492 740 = 17, 535 at SC 530 760 Water evaporated = 17,535 – 4,790 = 12,745 ft3 at SC 3 12, 745 ft 1 lb mol 18 lb = 639 lb H 2O/day 3 lb mol 359 ft Part g could also be worked using part f and the volume of dry air: Entering Leaving 794,600 ft3 dry air 779,900 ft3 dry air 0.302 lb H2O/1000 ft3 dry air (see f) 1.127 lb H2O/1000 ft3 dry air (see f) 794, 600 0.302 = 240 lb H 2O 1000 779, 900 1.127 = 879 lb H 2O 1000 Water evaporated = 879 – 240 = 639lb H2 O / day 11.2.1 a. Dew point = 10ºC b. %RH = c. H = p H2O p H2O pair psat = 100 = p10o C p27o C 100 = 1.27 kPa 100 = 38% 3.356 kPa 1.27 18 = 0.79 kg H 2O / kg air 101.3 − 1.27 29 11–10 Solutions Chapter 11 11.2.2 When the air is saturated. 11.2.3 Draw a horizontal line until it intersects with the saturation curve. The temperature at the intersection is the dew-point temperature. 11.2.4 When the air is saturated (100% relative humidity). 11.2.5 The two temperatures are approximately equal at atmospheric temperatures and pressure. 11.2.6 If by “air” is meant wet air, H = 0.02 lb H 2O = 0.204 0.98 lb dry air From the SI humidity chart a. Dew point = 25.2ºC b. %RH ≅ 59% 11.2.7 From the SI chart at the intersection of TDB = 30o C and RH = 65% H = 0.0174 kg H2O / kg dry air 11–11 Solutions Chapter 11 11.2.8 Let A = alcohol and C = CO2. MW of A = 46; MW of C = 44. At 40ºC, pA* = 134.26 mm Hg or 17.90 kPa a. pA = 0.10 (100) = 10 kPa H = (46)(10) = 0.116 g A/g C (44)(100 − 10) p 10 (100) = (100) = 55.9% p* 17.90 b. %RS = c. Cs = 1.00 + 1.88(H) = 1.00 + 1.88 (0.116) = 1.22 J/(K) (g C) d. V̂' = 2.83 ×10−3 TK + 4.56 ×10−3 (H ) = (2.80)(10-3)(313.15) + (4.56)(10-3)(0.116) = 0.877 m3 / kg C c. At saturation at 40ºC H = (46)(17.90) = 0.228 g A / g C (44)(100 − 17.90) V̂' = (2.80)(10-3) (313.15) + 4.56 × 10-3 (0.228) = 0.878 m 3 / kg C 11.2.9 They are almost parallel to each other. 11–12 Solutions Chapter 11 11.2.10 Condenses water from the air in humid climates. 11.2.11 a. From Humidity Chart, where tDB = 90ºC (194ºF) and tWB = 46ºC (115ºF) H = 0.049 kg H2O/kg air. Upon cooling to 43ºC (109ºF), no condensation occurs, therefore H is constant. 0.049 kg H 2O 29 kg air 1 kg mol H 2O kg mol H 2O = 0.079 1 kg air 1 kg mol air 18 kg H 2O kg mol air b. c. ⎛ 273 + 43 ⎞ Final pressure = 100 ⎝ = 87.1 kPa 273 + 90 ⎠ At saturation: 0.079 = p*H2O * 87.1 − p H2O ; solving p*H2O = 6.38 kPa At the dew point, the vapor pressure of pure water is equal to 6.38 kPa. Dew point = 37°C (99°F) The same answer can be obtained by proceeding to the dew point at constant H on a humidity chart for the correct pressure. 11–13 Solutions Chapter 11 11.2.12 Basis: 1 lb dry air Data from the humidity chart. Initial state: H = 0.0637 lb H2O/lb dry air TDB = 180o F and TWB = 120o F Hsaturated ≅ 120 Btu / lb dry air δHdeviation ≅ −1.5 Btu / lb dry air H = 118.5 Btu/lb dry air Final state TDB = 115o F, TWB = ?, H = 0.0657 lb H 2O / lb dry air Hsaturated ≅ 101 Btu / lb dry air ΔH = 101 – 118.5 = −17.5 Btu / lb dry air 11.2.13 From the SI psychometric chart at 29ºC and 40% relative humidity read TWB = 19.3ºC Assuming the liquid water is supplied at a temperature not much different than the exit temperature of the air stream, the evaporative cooling process follows a line of constant wet-bulb temperature, which is the lowest temperature that can be obtained on an evaporative cooler. That is, Tmin = TWB = 19.3o C 11–14 Solutions Chapter 11 11.2.14 Basis: 1 lb bone dry air (BDA) Basis: 100 m3 Data from psychometric chart (BDA = bone dry air). a. @ 1, Dew point = 23°C b. @ 1, humidity = 0.018 kg H 2O / kg dry air @1, Relative humidity = c. d. ΔH = Q + W H 0.018 = (100 = ) 54.5% H 2 0.033 W=0 Q = ΔH 2 – ΔH 1 = (141.5 – 3.6) kJ kJ kJ – (79.0 – 0.3) = 59.2 kg BDA kg BDA kg BDA V 100 m 3 entering air kg BDA m= ˆ = = 112.36 kg BDA V 0.89 m3 Q= e. 59.2 kJ 112.36 kg BDA = 6, 651.7 kJ kg BDA Adiabatic cooling by evaporation yields a saturated humidity of 0.041 kg H2O/kg BDA: (0.041 − 0.018) kg H 2O 112.36 kg BDA 2.58 kg H2 O = 3 100 m kg BDA 110 m3 air f. Texit = 37°C 11–15 Solutions Chapter 11 11.3.1 a. The humidity of the entering air at 225ºF DB and 110ºF WB is obtained from the humidity chart. Humidity = 0.031 lb H 2O lb dry air Assume the exit air to be saturated at 125ºF. Humidity = 0.0955 b. lb H 2 O lb dry air Basis: 1 hr 10 tons 1 day 2000 lb = 835 lb/hr day 24 hr ton Water in = (0.1) (835) = 83.5 lb/hr Water out = (0.9) (835) lb dry grain 1 lb H 2O = 7.59 lb/hr 99 lb dry grain lb H2O removed/hr = water in – water out = 83.5 – 7.59 = 75.9 lb H 2 O / hr c. Product output = (0.9) (835) d. lb H 2 O lb dry grain + 7.59 hr hr 24 hr = 18, 200 lb / day 1 day 7.59 lb H 2O/hr lb BDA = 1175 lb BDA/hr = (0.0955 – 0.0310) lb H 2O/lb BDA hr Q = ΔH = Enthalpy out – Enthalpy in = ΔHair + ΔHdry grain + ΔHwater = 1175 + lb BDA Btu Btu 136.5 – (92.25 – 2.25) hr lb BDA lb BDA (0.9) (835) lb dry grain 0.18 Btu (110 – 70) °F hr (lb) (°F) 11–16 Solutions Chapter 11 + – 7.59 lb H 2O 1.0 Btu (110 – 32) °F hr (lb) (°F) 83.5 lb H 2O 1.0 Btu 2 (70 – 32) °F hr (lb) (°F) 4 = 5.46 × 104 + 0.54 × 104 + 0.059 × 104 – 0.32 × 104 = 5.74 × 10 Btu / hr 11.3.2 Assume in this problem 1. 2. 3. 4. Steady operating conditions Dry air and water vapor are ideal gases ΔKE = ΔPE = W = 0 The mixing is adiabatic (Q = 0) Data from the humidity chart: Stream 1: H1 = 110.3 kJ/kg dry air H = 0.0272 kg H2O/kg dry air Stream 2: H2 = 50.9 kJ/kg dry air H 2 = 0.0130 kg H2O/kg dry air The specific humidity and the enthalpy of the mixture can be determined from mass and energy balances for the adiabatic mixing of the two streams: Basis: 1 kg dry air Total Mass balance: 8 + 6 = 14 kg total Water mass balance: 8(0.0272) + 6(0.0130) = 14 (Hmixture) b. H = 0.0211 kg H2O/kg dry air 11–17 Solutions Chapter 11 Energy balance (ΔH = 0) 8(110.3) + 6(50.9) = 14 (Hmixture) H = 84.8 kJ/kg dry air These two properties fix the state of the mixture. Other properties of the mixture are determined from the psychometric chart. a. T = 30.7o C c. RH = 75.1% 11.3.3 Data from Humidity Chart a. Hair in = 0.01813 lb H 2 O / lb air b. Hair out = 0.031 lb H2 O / lb air H2O picked up = 0.031 – 0.01813 = 0.0129 lb H2O/lb air Energy Balance: ΔHair out – ΔHair in = ΔHwater in – ΔHwater out Basis: 1 lb dry air Ref. temp = 85ºF ΔHH 2 O out ΔHair out 90–85 ) + 0.45 Btu 0.031 lb (90–85) 0.24 Btu 1 lb ( ( lb)(°F) ( lb)(°F) 11–18 Solutions Chapter 11 ΔHH2O out ΔHair + H2O in ΔHH2O in – ΔHH2O out +1040 Btu 0.0129 lb lb –0 1 Btu m lb (102–89 ) = ( lb)(°F) m = 1.136 lb H2O/lb air or 0.915 lb air / lb H2 O c. % H 2 O vaporized = 0.0129 100 = 1.14% 1.136 11.3.4 Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 The process will be assumed to be a steady state, open, continuous one with 5L flowing in (in the material balance the air is invariant). All of the data for the stream flows and compositions have been placed on the figure. The lungs will be the system. P L air, 37oC 5 L air, 25oC p H2O pair ttot Lungs 0.95 kPa 96.05 kPa 97.0 kPa p H2O pair ttot = p* H2O 6.27 kPa 90.73 kPa 97.0 kPa p*25o C = 3.17 kPa p H2O = 3.17(0.3) = 0.95 kPa Step 5: Basis: 5 L air → 1 min Steps 6, 7, 8, and 9: Material balances In: n air = 96.05 kPa 1 atm 5L 1(g mol)(K) = 0.194 g mol 101.3 kPa 298 K 0.08206(L)(atm) 11–19 Solutions Chapter 11 ⎛ 0.95 ⎞ −3 n H2O ⎜ ⎟ (0.194) = 1.92 ×10 g mol 95.05 ⎝ ⎠ Out: n air = 0.194 g mol ⎛ 6.27 ⎞ n H2O = 0.194 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.0134 g mol ⎝ 90.73 ⎠ Energy balance The energy balance reduces to Q = ΔH. The reference temperature will be 25ºC. Assume the increase in water vapor comes from water vaporized at 37ºC ˆ = 2414.3 kJ / kg). (ΔH vap ΔHin: Both the air and water enter at 25ºC so ΔH = 0 for both the input streams. ΔHout: ΔHair = 0.194∫ 310 298 (27.2 + 0.0041 TK )dT = 66.2 J 310 ΔH H2O = 1.92 ×10−3 ∫+ (34.4 0.0063 TK )dT 298 + (0.0134 – 1.92 × 10-3) (2414.3)(18) = 499 J Q = ΔH = 499 + 66.2 = 565 J/min or 33.9 kJ / hr 11–20 Solutions Chapter 11 11.3.5 Basis: 180 kg/hr of product Material Balance Dry product = a. 92 kg dry P 180 kg P = 166 kg dry P/hr 100 kg P 1 hr Water removed from solid: In = 1.25 kg H 2O 166 kg/hr dry P – (0.08) (180) kg/hr 1.00 kg dry P = 207.5 – 14.4 = 193 kg H 2 O / hr Basis: 1 BDA Water picked up in dryer out in 0.0571 kg H 2O 0.0083 kg H 2O kg H 2O – = 0.0488 kg BDA kg BDA kg BDA out, 53° in, 21° 193 kg H 2 O kg BDA = = 3955 kg BDA / hr hr 0.0488 kg H 2O / kg BDA b. Energy balance Air: ΔH (kJ/kg BDA) air in (21ºC, 52% RH ): 58.2 air out (53ºC, 60% RH): 219.7 ΔH = 161.5 kJ/kg BDA Basis: 1 hr ΔH = (161.6) (3955) = 6.387 × 105 kJ Solid (ref. 21ºC) 11–21 Solutions Chapter 11 3 0.18 cal 4.184 J 10 (43 – 21) °C solid out: ΔH = C pdT = = = 16.57 kJ/kg P 21 (g) (°C) cal 10 3 43 solid in: ΔH = 0 (because of reference temperature) Basis: 1 hr ΔH = (16.57) (180) = 2983 kJ If the dryer and reheater are insulated, then for the system Q – W = ΔH and W=0 5 Qreheater = 2983 + 6.387 × 105 = 6.42 × 10 kJ / hr 11.3.6 Initial air: TDB = 38ºC, TWB = 27ºC, H1 = 0.0175 kg/kg dry air Air from scrubber: T = 24ºC, RH = 100%, RH2 = 0.0188 kg/kg dry air Heated to 93ºC: H3 = 0.0188 From drier: TDB = 49ºC, H4 = 0.0377 (1000 kg/hr) (0.05) = 50.0 kg H2O to be evaporated 50.0/(0.0377 – 0.0188) = 2650 kg dry air/hr 2650 (0.0377) = 100 kg H2O/hr ⎛ 2650 100 ⎞ 22.4 273 + 49 V4 ⎜ + = 2560 m3 at 49ºC and 1 atm ⎟ 18 ⎠ 273 ⎝ 29 Heat supplied: Q = [(2650) (1.00) + 100 (0.200] (93 – 24) = 1.84 × 105 kJ/hr Water at 93ºC has p* = 79.4 kPa 11–22 Solutions Chapter 11 H3 = (18) ( 79.4) = 2.25 kg H O/kg dry air 2 ( 29) (101.3–79.4 ) [(0.0188/2.25)] (100) = 0.83% RH air from heater Answers: a. 1. H = 0.0175 2. H = 0.0188 3. H = 0.0188 4. H = 0.0377 b. 1. 42% 2. 100% 3. 0.83% 4. 47% c. 2650 kg dry air/hr d. 2560 m3/hr e. 1.84 × 105 kJ/hr 11.3.7 Step 5: Basis: 1 hr Assume: 1. 2. 3. 4. ΔPE = ΔKE = W = 0, No reaction occurs, open, steady state process, ideal gas behavior Data: Entrance air (in) Ĥ (kJ/kg dry air) H (kg H2O/kg dry air) V̂(m3 / kg dry air) 50.5 0.00587 0.88 Assume the properties of the wet penicillin are the same as those of water. ΔHvap at 34ºC = 2420.25 kJ/kg water. Let P = kg dry penicillin per hour, and F = kg dry air/hr. Steps 3 and 4 11–23 Solutions Chapter 11 Moist air TDB= 34oC TWB = ? Penicillin Penicillin Dryer 34oC 34oC P in ω = 0.80 ωPout = 0.50 Moist air 3300 m3/hr TDB=34oC TWB = 17oC air in = 4500 m3 1 kg dry air = 5114 kg dry air 0.88 m3 Steps 6 and 7: The exit conditions for the air are not known, but the H and H are related on the humidity chart hence only one is unknown. P (dry penicillin is unknown). The balances are water, dry air, and dry penicillin. Steps 8 and 9 TWB ( o C) Assume: 20 21 22 ⎛ kg H 2O ⎞ H ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ kg dry air ⎠ 0.009 0.010 0.0115 Ĥ(kJ / kg dry air) 57.0 60.6 64.0 Water balance: 5114 (0.009 – 0.00587) = water evaporated = 16.0 kg 5114 (0.010 – 0.00587) = 21.1 kg 5114 (0.0115 – 0.00587) = 28.8 kg Energy balance: 5114 (57.0 – 50.5) / (2420.25) = 13.73 kg 5114 (60.5 – 50.5) / (2420.25) = 21.1 kg 5114 (64.0 – 50.5) / (2420.25) = 28.5 kg The solution is very sensitive to the values read from the psychometric chart. Assume the final TWB ; 21 or 22o C . a. Water evaporated = 28.5 kg 11–24 Solutions Chapter 11 b. c. ΔH (21ºC) = 51,140 kJ/kg dry air ⇒ 51,140 kJ / hr Steps 6 and 7 Unknowns P, exit TWB Equations air, water Steps 8 and 9 Water balance on air gives water evaporated (5114) (0.010-0.00587) = 21.1 kg H2O Energy balance: (60.5 – 50.5) (5114) + 21.1 (2420.25) = 0 0.80 → 0.60 Use 21ºC ⎛ 0.80 0.50 ⎞ 21.1 kg H2O evap = P ⎜ − 3P ⎟ = ⎝ 0.20 0.50 ⎠ P= 21.1 = 7 kg / hr 3 11.3.8 R 80oF 120oF Hin=0.0031 lb H2O/lb DA Hout=0.0292 lb H2O/lb DA H = 0.0075 lb H2O/lb DA Basis = 2000 lb dry waste (DW) Comp. in % out waste in = H2 O 63.4 22.7 2000 0.773 100 = 4, 220 lb 36.6 DW 36.6 77.3 DW out = 2,000 lb → 11–25 Solutions Chapter 11 100.0 100.0 H2O evap. = 2,220 lb Basis: 1 lb dry air Air in, 80ºF, 29.92 in. Hg, and a wet bulb temperature = 54ºF: Hin = 0.0031 lb H2O/lb dry air Ĥ'in = 22.62 − 0.18 =22.54 Btu / lb dry air Air out, 120ºF, 29.92 Hg, and a wet bulb temperature = 94ºF: Hout = 0.0292 lb H2O/lb dry air Ĥ ' = 61.77-0.4 = 61.37 Btu/lb dry air Overall b. Hout = 0.0292 Hin = 0.0031 H2O evaporated = 0.0261 air used per ton dust = lb H2O/lb dry air lb H2O/lb dry air (1 + 0.0031) 2220 0.0261 = 85, 400 lb moist inlet air per ton DW Air out = 1.00 2220 0.0261 0.0292 (29) = 2,930 lb mol dry air out 2220 0.0261 (18) = 138 mol H2O out 3068 total mol out c. 3068 359 580 = 1,300, 000 ft3 wet air exiting/ton DW 492 Air Recirculated R = lb air added at mixing point before kiln Water balance: (0.0031) (1) + (0.0292) (W) = (0.0075) (1+W) 0.0292 W R= a. = 0.0075 -0.0075 W -0.0031 0.0217 W 0.0044 0.0044 = 0.203 lb 0.0217 Recirculation = 0.203 100 = 16.8% of gas out is recirculated 1.203 11–26 Solutions Chapter 11 11.3.9 Adiabatic operation removes 425,000 Btu/hr from the process. Basis: 1 hr The energy balance is ΔH = 0 overall. a. For the process: TWB = 100o F⎫⎪ ⎬ RH = 1.3% TDB = 234o F ⎪⎭ b. c. Temperature leaving the cooler is 61ºF (dew point constant H) d. ΔH = (72 − 27)Btu = / lb BDA 45 425, 000 Btu 1 lb BDA = 9450 BDA / hr hr 45 Btu 11–27