ANNEX"A" SWORN DE UON OF GROSS REJ.VllTl'ANCES (For Sellers/Merchants Engaged in Business within Electronic Marketploces) r. ,,,,.,....- ,., -,----,.,,...,,....,...,.-,--, ------------- oflegal age with business address (Nam•of IJ/RllcgutdredSe/lef'/Mqc/1an1) looatedat and Taxpayer Identification Number (ITN) ,, ----------- ' after having been duly sworn in.accordance with law hereby depose and state: 1. That I derive my inc0tne from sale of goods and services from Etectroaic Marketplace and/or Digital Financial Services Provider(indicate thenamesof electroniclllllJ'ketplace operators or d gital:financialservices providers). 2. Thatfor the period _,thegross remittances from thesale ofgoods andservices by Electronic Matketplace Operators and Digi1al Financial Services Providers □ Do not exceed Five Hundred Thousand Pesos{¥500,000.00). □ Exceed Five Hundred Thousand Pesos ('.P500,000.00). 3. That jf at any time during the taxable period, the gross remittances exceed P500,000.00, the Electronic Marketplace Operator and Digital Financial Services Provider/withholding agents shall automatically withh.old the rateof onepercent(1%) on the one-half$ of grossremittances for thegoods and servjces sold/paid ough their platform/facility. 4. That I duly execute this SWORN DECLARATION in compliance with the implementing guidetlnes of Revenue Regulations No. 16-2023. 5. That I declare, under the penalties of perjmy, thatthis declaration has been made in good faith, and to the best ofmy knowledge and beliefto be true and correct IN' WITNESS WHEn.EOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls _ clay of . 0_ 2 at ..,Philippines Sigmttun,over Printed Nama /11rllvldual 1"a:,payer ar Al11harlud Nltprcrtmtalivo SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me lhis day of 2 , 0_ fu .. Applicant exhibitMto me his/her at. r lloo.:No.: PageNo.t Book No.: criaor ! on . .. Affix1'30,00 I DocumclllllQ' StampTax L issued (Gararrrmmt l=•d II)mulNnJ I j ! , (To be fllled-cuJ by tllewltl1holtllng agent/lone payor) DateReceived: (MM-DD-YYYY:.0000I} R,eceived by: Sl,;rm,,m,-rl'rlmtdl{am,'If <l,o IF/0...W"l:J/pmll'ayor.,.J/111/1'1rl""1OjJ/ot,' Da/,:tlrJlla,tll'o,lllonof ,lulhorl;r:d QJT,- I{,,,..ofll'illt/.,/dl"l:Apn<!T,:x,c Pap,r