Uploaded by Kaan Sökmen

Game Ideas

Genre: (Open World , Action-Adventure)
Description: Boundless is a game set in a cyber apocalyptic era. The game is PvE and close quarters
combat focused with minor ranged weaponry. The game is also open world, interactive and npcs can
be meddled and communicated with. The main focus of the story is the classic take over the city by
defeating the kingpin trope. There are mobs, different gangs and rebelious sorts of groups you could
join and rise to the top, create your own or take over the city solo. The leveling system lets you
upgrade your skillset and advance in weaponry.
Genre:(Platformer, Puzzle)
Description: MaterPulation is a game where the main character has the ability to manipulate different
materials to complete puzzles of certain types. The game is not story focused and enemies are mostly
to be defeated by correct material manipulation they can also be used for the manipulation itself
because the enemies are basically elementals. The key objective is to succesfully complete the level
platform by completing the puzzle without dying and by your own method.